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"lancaster" - 34 õppematerjali


Keskaeg ajalugu - Inglismaa

algas taas sõda, seekord olid prantslased edukad. Elu lõpul muutus ta seniilseks ja oli oma armukese mõju all. Lollardid ja 1381 ülestõus Lollardid olid kirikut arvustav usuliikumine 14. saj. Pidasid Piiblit ainukeseks ususeaduseks. Nõudsid sotsiaalset võrdsust. 1381 valmistasid ette suure talupoegade ülestõusu Inglismaal. Ülestõusnud ründasid Londonit, kuid suruti seejärel maha. 15. sajandil algas lollardite tagakiusamine. Lancasteride võimuletulek 1387 sai Henry of Lancaster Richard II vastase partei juhiks. 1399 tagandas parlament despootliku Richard II. Troonile valiti Henry IV Lancasteride suguvõsast. Rooside sõjad(1455-1485) Inglismaa kodusõda Lancasteri dünastia ja Yorki dünastia vahel. Yorki dünastia pärines Edward III viiendast pojast ja nõudis 1455 Inglismaa krooni. Verine kodusõda, kus kasutati prantsuse palgasõdureid. Troon käis Yorki ja Lancasteri dünastia vahel käest kätte. Sõda lõppes Lancasteri pärija Henry Tudori võiduga

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Keskaegne Inglismaa (1066-1485)

rebellion of peasants, in 1381 while only 14 years old - The massive threat of their disobedience made the King wary and this lead to the strive for absolutism While the King was in Ireland, plotters were gathering forces against him Richard II was taken to the Tower where he alledgedly resigned the crown to his cousin who became Henry IV in 1399 By descendance, Henry IV was the first King from the Lancaster branch - During his reign, he had to face many rebellions, most notably the Rebellion of the Welsh (1400- 1410) but was successful because of his son's military abilities Henry IV was succeeded by his son Henry V in 1413 - Notable victories in the Hundred Years' War, for example, the Battle of Agincourt and the conquest of Rouen - Treaty of Troyes. Married Catherine of Valois, the daughter of the French King

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

London - inglise keeles kokkuvõte

He built a mighty fortess, now known as the white tower. The 14th century was a messy period. In 1337 the Hundred years war against France began. The black death in 1348 took many many lives. Almost half of the city's population. In 1381 the grievances [griivensis] of the lower class exploded into the ,,Peasant's [pesents] revolt". The Hundred Years War was almost immediately followed by the war of roses. It was between two branches of the Royal house ­ York and Lancaster. It was ended by Henry Tudor in 1485. (lancaster) Henry Tudor started with a great act of piety: The building of a beautiful fan roofed chapel in Westminster Abbey. It was completed by his son. His son Henry the VIII made the crown the spiritual head of nation. A huge amount of property which had previously been owned by Roman Catholic Church was sold or given away and the houses stood empty. The Elizabethan period is often considered to be the golden age. Elizabeth was succeeded by

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline ärikorraldus

Äriõigusele spetsialiseerumine võimaldab tööle asuda ka ettevõtte juriidilise nõustajana, maksunõustajana, spetsialistina notari või kohtutäituri büroos, saneerijana jne. Eestis on hea võimalus seda eriala õppima minna näiteks EBS-i, kuna kõikidel EBSi tudengitel, kes asuvad bakalaureuseõppes õppima turundust ja suhtekorraldust, majandusarvestust ja rahandust või võõrkeeli ja ärikorraldust on võimalik edaspidi omandada topeltdiplom Inglismaa tipp-ülikoolis Lancaster University ManagementSchool (LUMS). Topeltdiplomi süsteem tähendab 100%-st ainepunktide tunnustamist kahe ülikooli vahel. Tudengid õpivad 2 esimest aastat EBSis vastavalt meie akrediteeritud õppekavadele ning järgmised kaks aastat tuleb veeta Lancaster University's Inglismaal. Lõpetamise eelduseks on lõputöö kaitsmine. Välisülikooli diplom kehtib koos EBSi diplomiga. 7

Majandus → Majandus
35 allalaadimist

Curriculum Vitae - CV

Sally Marrell 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 5LM Scotland Phone: +0131 449 0237 E-mail: [email protected] Education: 1998-2000 Lancaster University Degree in French 1994-1998 Manchester University Degree in Management Studies 1990-1994 Manchester University BA (Honours) in Management Studies 1882-1990 Broadfield School

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Cover Letter

After working as an office manager in RRT Ltd. For the past four years, I find that I can be a suitable candidate for your available position of office manager, which was advertised in CTEL web site. According to the advertisment, your position requires me to manage up to 30 staff, operate under stress, to be resourceful, sociable, well-organized, love to have my own office. Also I must be competent in French. To encourage that I am competent in all of these fields, I can show you that I have a Lancaster University Diploma in French, a Degree in Management Studies from Manchester University and I have been managing 35 staff for the past four years. Of course I consider myself as calm person who loves working under pressure and who has everything under control all the time. CTEL Communications is a fast growing company and I really would have something to offer to your company from what I have obtained from the past four years in working as an Office Manager in RRT Ltd.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Red hot chili peppers

The Ohio Playersi kaver ning "Search and Destroy", "Say Anything" soundtrackil Mother's Milki lugu "Taste the Pain"; "Wayne's Worldi" soundtrackil "Sikamikanico"; "Death Note" filmis on kasutatud "Dani Californiat" ning Death Note teises filmis lugu "Snow"; filmides "Center Stage ja "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger: The Movie" ning "The Longest Yard" on kasutatud "Higher Groundi". Bänd mängis iseennast filmis "Tough Guys" aastal 1986, kus mängisid veel Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster ja Dana Carvey. Lugusid "Dani California" ja "Snow ((Hey Oh))" kasutatakse jaapani filmi "Death Note" tunnusmeloodiana. Minu tekst: RHCP lugusid kasutati paljudel soundtrackidel näiteks filmi "Pretty Woman" soundtrackil on nende lugu "Show Me Your Soul"; "Coneheadsi" soundtrackil "Soul to Squeeze"; "Beavis and Butthead Do America" soundtrackil "Love Rollercoaster", The Ohio Playersi kaver ning "Search and Destroy", "Say Anything" soundtrackil

Muusika → Muusika
15 allalaadimist

Wars involving the UK

Conqueror · Battle of Hastings · Last succesful conquest of the UK Hundred Years' War · 1337 ­ 1453 · England France · Edward III · Joan of Arc · French victory English and Welsh longbow; the most Painting of Jeanne d'Arc at famous and efficient weapon during the war the Siege of Orléans The Wars of the Roses · 1455 ­ 1485 · Henry VI · Edward IV · Henry Tudor Red Rose of Lancaster The Tudor Rose of England White Rose of York The English Civil War · 1642 ­ 1651 · Parlamentarians and Royalists · 1st, 2nd and 3rd civil war · King Charles I · Commonwealth of England Crimean War · 1853 ­ 1856 · Imperial Russia ­ 2.204.000 soldiers · British and French forces ­ 660.000 soldiers · Crimean Peninsula · Allied victory Second World War · 1939 ­ 1945

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Rod Stewart

Rod Stewart Roderick David Stewart ehk esinejanimega Rod Stewart 10. jaanuaril 1945. Ta on inglise laulja ja laulude kirjutaja. Sündinud ja kasvanud on ta Põhja-Londonis. Rod Stewart on kokku seitsme lapse isa ning on oma kolmandas abielus modell Penny Lancaster-Stewartiga. Nad abiellusid kolm aastat tagasi Itaalias. Temaga on Rodil 4- aastane poeg Alastair. Neil on tulemas veel ka teine laps, kelle sugu pole veel teada. Tuntud kasanoova Stewart on pidevalt tekitanud kõmu oma armuafääridega ning tema meelisobjektiks naisterindel on ikka olnud modellid ja näitlejad . Rod Stewart kuulub maailma pop-ja rokkartistide eliiti. 65-aastase Rod Stewarti kirev isiklik elu ja vapustava tähelennuga karjäär on üks huvitavamaid rock'n'rolli ajaloos. Inglise ja shoti juurtega viielapselises peres sündinud Stewart oleks võinud vabalt saada jalgpallitäheks, sest ...

Muusika → Muusika
13 allalaadimist

“Süü on tähtedel”

"Süü on tähtedel" John Green Tegelased: Peategelane:Hazel Grace Lancaster, väga hooliv ja julge tütarlaps Tema armastus:Augustus Waters, väga kangekaelne ja sihikindel poiss Kokkuvõte: Kilpnäärme vähki põdev Grace oli 16-aastane tüdruk, kes oli ka väga õnnelik talle juurde ostetud aja eest, kuigi ta ei teadnud millal see aeg otsa lõppeb.Ta ema tahtis, et ta toetusgrupis osaleks, sest Hazel oli depressiooni langemas. Ta arvab, et toetusgrupis osalemine võib olla tema elu kõige hullem osa, ning seda kutsuti Jeesuse südameks, mis oli Hazeli arust väga

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
50 allalaadimist

Westminster Today

The guards are soldiers who protect the monarch. The Mall is a road in London running from Buckingham Palace at its western end to Admiralty Arch and on to Trafalgar Square at its eastern end. The monarch rides along the Mall in the Gold State Coach, with more than a hundred soldiers on horses, when she/he leaves Buckingham Palace in autumn. On one side of the street you can see beautiful buildings and houses, such as St James's Palace, Clarence House and Lancaster House. St James's park is located on the other side of the Mall.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

George Gordon Noel Byron

George Byron kasvas üles Aberdeenis, kus teda kasvatas soti Gighti aadlisuguvõsast pärit ema Catherine Gordon. Inglise viitseadmiralist isa John "Mad Jack" Byron oli surnud juba 1791. aastal. Byronil olid kompjalad ja ta kannatas selle puude pärast, mis takistas tal seltskonnaelus osalemast, sest ta ei saanud näiteks tantsida.Kümneaastaselt päris ta pärast oma vanaonu surma mõisa Nottinghamshire'is ja aadlitiitli Baron Byron of Rochdale in the County Palatine of Lancaster ja pärast täisikka jõudmist ka koha Lordidekojas. Kuna mõis oli halvas seisukorras ja tõi vähe sisse, kolis ta koos emaga Nottinghami. Ta õppis Cambridge'i ülikooli Trinity College'is. 1809. aastal asus ta reisile Vahemeremaadesse, sest Napoleoni sõdade tõttu oli suures osas Euroopast reisimine raskendatud. Läbi Lissaboni sõitis ta Hispaaniasse, külastas seejärel Maltat, Albaaniat, Kreekat ja Väike-Aasia rannikut. 1812

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
68 allalaadimist


Bütsantsi e Ida-Rooma keisririigi püsimajäämise põhjused: *Sõjaväe ülesehitus ­ rohkesti vabu talupoegi, kes koos käsitöölistega maksid makse sõdurite palkamiseks, riigil polnud vaja varvata sõjaväkke germaanlasi *kaubanduselu jätkus ­ kaubateede ristumiskoht Vahemerelt Mustale merele meretee, maismaatee Väike-Aasiast Euroopasse. *Bütsantsi kuldmünt oli rahvusvaheline valuuta, pikka aega kasutatavaim raha Vahemere ääres *Vabade talupoegade maavaldus säilis ja isegi suurenes ­ pidurdas põllumajanduse langust. Riigkorraldus: *Riigipea oli keiser e Basileus ­ seadusandlik ja kohtuvõim tema valduses, sõjaväe kõrgeim juht, piiramatu võimuga *piiratud volitustega riiginõukogu ja senat *keisrile allusid kõrgemat usujuhid, hiljem ei pidanud Rooma paavst ennast alluvaks, Konst patriarh jäi siiski truuks *eksisteerisid keiser Justinianuse ajal Tsirkusepartei e deemosed e Hipodroomiparteid, vankri juhte pooldavatest linnaelanikud moodustasid erine...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
23 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

It was a struggle between England and France for the dominance of Wester Europe. In Medieval England, the Black Death was to kill 1.5 million people out of an estimated total of 4 million people between 1348 and1350. No medical knowledge existed in Medieval England to cope with the disease. The Black Death is the name given to a disease called the bubonic plague. In 1377. Edward III's reign ended and it marks the end to the Plantagenet Kings. From 1377 - 1485 the Royal Houses of Lancaster and York became Kings of England in the Middle Ages and ruled the English. In 1377 Edward III was succeeded by his grandson Richard II. The Black Death of 1348 - 1350 decimated the population of England, so in 1349 King Richard II attempted to limit the wages paid to labourers to their pre-plague levels. That caused the Peasants Revolt in 1381. Richard II gave promises to the peasants to calm them down. The final outcome was that the King's

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
24 allalaadimist


became the language of the ruling class, Latin was the written language. By the 14th century, however, English began to replace both French and Latin, but the English language still contains numerous French and Latin borrowings. The Hundred Years War between England and France and the Black Death had a great negative influence on Britain. Over 1/3 of the population died. During the fifteenth century the throne of England was claimed by two rival groups - the House of York and the House of Lancaster. As the symbol of the House of York was a white rose and the symbol of the House of Lancaster was a red rose, the war between the groups was called the War of the Roses. It lasted from 1455 to 1485 and ended with the establishment of the powerful Tudor monarchy. Civil War broke out in 1642 and it lasted until1649. It ended with complete victory for the parliamentary forces. The king was captured and executed after a trial for crimes against his people. The leader of the parliamentary

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Inglismaa Keskajal

algas taas sõda, seekord olid prantslased edukad. Elu lõpul muutus ta seniilseks ja oli oma armukese mõju all. Lollardid ja 1381 ülestõus Lollardid olid kirikut arvustav usuliikumine 14. saj. Pidasid Piiblit ainukeseks ususeaduseks. Nõudsid sotsiaalset võrdsust. 1381 valmistasid ette suure talupoegade ülestõusu Inglismaal. Ülestõusnud ründasid Londonit, kuid suruti seejärel maha. 15. sajandil algas lollardite tagakiusamine. Lancasteride võimuletulek 1387 sai Henry of Lancaster Richard II vastase partei juhiks. 1399 tagandas parlament despootliku Richard II. Troonile valiti Henry IV Lancasteride suguvõsast. Rooside sõjad(1455-1485) Inglismaa kodusõda Lancasteri dünastia ja Yorki dünastia vahel. Yorki dünastia pärines Edward III viiendast pojast ja nõudis 1455 Inglismaa krooni. Verine kodusõda, kus kasutati prantsuse palgasõdureid. Troon käis Yorki ja Lancasteri dünastia vahel käest kätte. Sõda lõppes Lancasteri pärija Henry Tudori võiduga

Ajalugu → Keskaeg
22 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ajalugu ingl. k

History of Great Britain Prehistory (55BC) no written records 6th 3rd c. BC the Celts came to British isles hill figures, hill forts, stone circles ( Stonehenge ) RomanBritain (55BC 400AD) Julius Caesar, named the country Albion Hadrian's Wall, villas, roads, the town of Bath The AngloSaxon, Danish and Norman invasions Germanic tribes settled and stayed Anglia Christianity was brought, religion became important, churches were built 8th century = raids by the Vikings and the Danes 1016 1042 : Under Danish rule ( York was the capital ) 1042 : local AngloSaxons regain their rule 1066 : Normans arrive ( the Norman conquest ) Medieval Britain (106615th c.) the Battle of Hastings William the Conqueror a new AngloNorman state the feudal system introduced the rule of the king and church strengthened centralised country, military rule Scotland, Wales and Ire...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
30 allalaadimist

Loomadel testitud toodete nimekiri ! Clorox (ArmorAll, Formula 409, Fresh Step, Glad, Liquid Plumber, Pine-Sol, Soft Scrub, S.O.S., Tilex), 1221 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612; 510-271-7000; 800-227- 1860; Colgate-Palmolive Co. (Ajax, Fab, Hills Pet Nutrition, Mennen, Palmolive, SoftSoap, Speed Stick), 300 Park Ave., New York, NY 10022; 212-310-2000; 800-221-4607; Coty (Adidas, Calvin Klein, Davidoff, Glow, The Healing Garden, JOOP!, Jovan, Kenneth Cole, Lancaster, Marc Jacob, Rimmel, Stetson), 1325 Ave. of the Americas, 324th Fl., New York, NY 10019; 212-389-7000; Cover Girl (Procter & Gamble), One Procter & Gamble Plz., Cincinnati, OH 45202; 513-983-1100; 800-543-1745; Del Laboratories (CornSilk, LaCross, Naturistics, New York Color, Sally Hansen), 178 EAB Plz., Uniondale, NY 11556; 516-844-2020; 800-952-5080; Dial Corporation (Purex, Renuzit), 15101 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 5028, Scottsdale, AZ

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
37 allalaadimist

Prehistory, Saxon invasion and Celtic Kingdoms

409AD the last roman legions left the island. Roman Life ­ There were 3 types of towns in Roman Britain. Two of them were established by Roman charter, the third type were the old capitals of the Celtic tribes. By 300AD all the towns had thick walls. The Romans left about 20 large towns and a hundred of small ones. Many of the towns were at first army camps and the Latin word for it ­ castra ­ has still remained in the names of these towns: Leicester, Chester, Doncaster, Lancaster etc. The Towns were well built and connected with roads. In the countryside there were many large farms called villas. The life expectancy was short ­ 2040 years. The Saxon invasion The Invaders ­ At first the Germanic tribes only raided Britain but after 430 AD they began to settle. The invaders came from three powerful Germanic tribes ­ the Saxons, Angles and Jutes. The Jutes settled in Kent and south coast, angles settled in east and north midlands and the Saxons settled

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
9 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

· GC was a forerunner of the Renaissance. Literature of the 15th century · The barren century · Ethnic groups in England had become a more or less unified nation · Beginning of the English nation, no longer Saxon or French Norman, or Celtic · An earlier consciousness of nationality than elsewhere in Europe · The Hundred Years War 1337-1453 · When the external war was lost, there was the internal war: War of the Roses ­ 1455- 1485; York (white) vs Lancaster (red). 1485, Henry Tudor united both families and ended the civil war, he became Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch. The end of the Middle Ages. · Chivalry was changing. Major technological advancement ­ gunpowder. Knights and their armour became useless. No need for enormous castles. · The previously rigid set of classes were not so rigid anymore. E.g. a poor man with a gun was a match for a knight with a sword. · Thomas Mallory "Morte D'Arthur"

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years. They left behind very little. Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and Wales. 4. Latin influence on English *The influence of Latin is noticeable also in the names of European cities: the Latin noun colonia (settlement, colony) may be found in numerous place-names: Lincoln, Colchester, Cologne ; from Latin word castrum (military camp) were derived English affixes -chester and -castle: Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle; Latin word portus (seaport) in Portsmouth *-tor - person, doer, masculine form. The suffix is attached to the stem: victor (`winner', from the verb vincere `to win'), spectator (spectare). *-orium - place, where the activity marked with the verb occurs: dormitorium (dormire `to sleep'). In English the suffix is -ory: dormitory. *tas - it denotes an abstract notion, derives from the adjective: celebritas (celeber), libertas

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

The Domesday Book Historical record, based on the great survey of England which was drwan up on the orders of King William I Describes landholdings, resources of late 11 C Was written in latin, consisted of two books- Great Domesday, Little Domesday The House of Anjou Henry II 12 C Richard I Lionheart 12 C John I 12-13 C Henry III 13 C Edward I 13-14 C Edward II 14 C Edward III 14 C Richard II 14 C House of Lancaster House of York Henry IV 14-15 C Edward IV 15C Henry V 15 C Edward V 15 C Henry VI 15 C Edward VI 15 C Henry II and Thomas a Becket Henry II was the king of England, duke of Normandy, Aquitaine and count of Anjou Potentially the most powerful ruler in Europe The founder of the English Common Law Died bc of the revolt of his sons. His dubtious part in the murder of Thomas Becket- the cancellor 1162 the arcbishop of Canterbury

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Topic - Great Britain

effect on the English economy. The high taxation necessary to finance the war and the Black Death led to extreme hardships for the peasant class that there was a revolt. Although the peasants' revolt was soon put down, it lead to improved conditions for the peasant class and was the first step towards the ending of the feudal system in England. No sooner was the Hundred Year's War over than a long power struggle began for the English crown between two families the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The War of The Roses ended when Henry VII united the two rival houses, giving origin to the Tudor dynasty. The state began to take its present shape with the Acts of Union in 1707, which united the crowns and Parliaments of England and Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain. A further Act of Union joined the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In the

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Roman Britain

Near the end of the 10th century, there was renewed Scandinavian interest in England, with the conquests of Sweyn of Denmark and his son Canute. By 1066 there were three lords with claims to the English throne, resulting in two invasions and the battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings, the results of which established Anglo-Norman rule in England. Tudor England Tudor period was between 1485-1603. First King of Tudor period was Henry VII. He won the House of Lancaster in the War of Roses. On his reign Britain started to improve financially. Also people started to live in the cities, mostly middle class people.Renaissance was revived and education improved, because of the printing press. In 1509 Henry VIII became king. He is of course one of the most famous rulers in Britain. Most people know him because he had many wievs, from who he killed most. But actually he did many other things worth remembering. He made the Reformation what made him

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Countrystudy Summary

Becket. 1215 ­ The Magna Carta ­ King John was forced to sign a document which limited his power and extended the rights of his subjects. 1337 ­ The Hundred Years´ War ­ a war with France which lasted 100 years, England tried to maintain control over the properties in France. France won. 1348 ­ The Black Death ­ an illness which killed a lot of people 1455 ­ 1485 ­ the Wars of the Roses ­ a war between the House of York (white rose) and the House of Lancaster (red rose). Henry Tudor of the House of York became the King. The Tudors 1485 ­ 1603 Lively / 'lavl / pulbitsev, elav Armada / :'m:d / sõjalaevastik Invincible / n'vnsbl / võitmatu Unfazed / nfeizd / külma kõhuga, häirimatu Bowls / blz / keegel

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
10 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia referaat

8Henry III 1207-1272 1216-1272 69 57 9Edward I Longshanks 1239-1307 1272-1307 69 36 10Edward II 1284-1327 1307-1327 44 21 11Edward III Plantagenet 1312-1377 1327-1377 66 51 12Richard II 1367-1400 1377-1399 34 23 13Henry IV Bolingbroke 1366-1413 1399-1413 48 15 14Henry V of Lancaster 1387-1422 1413-1422 36 10 15Henry VI of Lancaster 1421-1471 1422-1471 51 50 16Edward IV of York 1442-1483 1471-1483 42 13 17Edwrad V of York 1470-1483 1483-1483 14 1 18Richard III of York 1452-1485 1483-1485 34 3 19Henry VII Tudor 1457-1509 1485-1509 53 25 20Henry VIII 1491-1547 1509-1547 57 39

Geograafia → Geograafia
59 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia üldkokkuvõte

1) General facts The UK: * the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed in 1801 * it covers 243,610 sq km * everybody from the UK is called British * the capital city is London * is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which in turn are divided into counties * the flag is called the Union Jack which is a combination of the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland * the population is about 60,000,000 people, the population density is 242 people/sq km * its coasts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, Saint George's Channel, and the Irish Sea. It is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel * the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Queen and Head of State of fifteen other Commonwealth Realms, such as Can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Britain history.

on the English economy. The high taxation necessary to finance the war and the Black Death (1348) led to such extreme hardship for the peasant class that there was a revolt in 1381. Although the Peasant's Revolt was soon put down, it led to greatly improved conditions for the peasant class and was the first step towards the ending of the feudal system in England. The Tudors Tudor Period began when Henry VII (Henry of Tudor) of the House of York defeated Richard III of the House of Lancaster in the Wars of Roses and he was crowned as the King of England. Henry VII united the two rival houses and started the Tudor dynasty. During Henry's reign the medieval period came to a close. There was a revival, or Renaissance, of learning, partly as a result of the printing press, which ended the Church's monopoly of learning. Henry's son and heir, Henry VIII created the Royal Navy, which culminated with the sinking of the Spanish Armada in 1588

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

He had neither diplomatic skills nor popularity. He had bad advisers (a tax for every person over the age of 15). Landlords tried to force peasants back to serfdom. People revolted, their leader was Wat Tyler. R II managed to put it down, but the revolt was a warning to the king & nobles. R II was the 2nd king to be killed by ambitious lords. He had no children. There were 2 possible successors: 1) the earl of March, the 7-year- old grandson of Ed III's second son; 2) Henry on Lancaster, son of John of Gaunt. It was difficult to say who had better claim to the throne, but Henry was stronger. He took the crown by force. Became Henry IV. Henry died in 1413 and passed on to his son Henry V a kingdom that was peaceful & united. Henry V was a brave & intelligent man and like Richard I he became one of England's favourite kings. Since the situation was peaceful at home, he began fighting with France again in 1415. His war was as popular as Ed III's had been

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu

1 EKSAMIKONSPEKT: INGLISMAA AJALUGU I Sissejuhatus Suurbritannia ajalukku Inglismaa ajaloo periodiseerimine. Eelajalooline Britannia ( - 43 pkr). Rooma Britannia (50 eKr-450 pKr). Anglosaksi Inglismaa (450 pKr – 1066 pKr) Normanni Inglismaa (1066-1290): Anjou dünastia. Hiliskeskaeg (1290-1450). Varauusaeg (1450-1750): Tudorid, Stuartid. Uusaeg (1750-20.sajand). Viktoriaanlik sajand (1837-1901). Rooma Britannia: Julius Caesari ekspeditsioonid 55-54 e.Kr; Esimesed katsed vallutada tegi juba Julius Caesar. Kaks katset aastatel 55 – 54 eKr, millega jäädavalt püsima Inglismaale ei jäädud. Invasioon algusega 43 p.Kr. ja selle raskused; Keiser Claudiuse ajal üritati uuesti vallutada. Rooma oli ülekaalus, aga tegemist oli paljude hõimudega, kellega tuli pidevalt võidel...

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
31 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

the 17th century, the document was seen as a statement of basic civil rights. Four copies have survived. 13. The Wars of the Roses. During the 15th century, the power of the greatest nobles, who had their own private armies, meant that constant challenges to the position of the monarch were possible. These power struggles came to a head in the Wars of the Roses, in which the nobles were divided into two groups, one supporting the house of Lancaster, whose symbol was a red rose, the other the House of York, whose symbol was a white rose. Three decades of almost continual war ended in 1485, when Henry Tudor (Lancastrian) defeated and killed Richard III (Yorkist) at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Henry Tudor was later crowned King Henry VII of England. 14. Henry VIII. 1491-1547. He is famous for his six wives and his ambitions. He was a natural

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Keskaeg - Poliitiline ajalugu

Algselt kutsuti Parlament kokku, kui alamad ei olnud seadustega rahul või kui kuningas tahtsi kehtestada uusi makse. Koosneb (alates 14. sajandist) kahest kojast: Lordide koda ja alamkoda (linnade esindajad). 14. sajandil hakkas Parlament saama suuremat võimu. Edward II (1307-1327) Sõdis Sotimaaga. 1315-1319 Iirimaa mässas. Ebakompetentne valitseja. 1311 parunid sundisid teda moodustama 21 aadlikust koosneva nõuandva kogu. 1314 sai tegeliku võimu riigis Thomas Lancaster. 1322 võitis kuningas Thomas Lancasteri väed. 1326 kuninganna Isabella korraldas mässu, võitis kuninga väed ja sundis Parlamendi kuninga tagandama. Samal aastal Edward mõrvati 21-aadlikut-Lancasteritvõitis-Isabellamäss-parlament-mõrvati Edward III (1327-1377) 1333 ründas Sotimaad. Omas sanssi saada Prantsuse kuningaks. 1337 algas Sajaaastane sõda Prantsusmaaga. Kuigi ta on sõjas edukas ei ole riik kõige paremas olukorras. 1349-1350 piinab Inglismaad must surm, mis põhjustab

Ajalugu → Keskaeg
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Unlike Gaul or Spain, they left here neither their system of law and administration nor their language. Latin completely disappeared both in its spoken and written forms when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain in the fifth century AD. Moreover, most of the Roman villas, baths and temples, the cities they had founded were soon destroyed or fell into disrepair. Almost the only lasting reminders of their presence are place names like Chester, Lancaster and Gloucester which include variants of the Roman word castra (a military camp). 23 Notes 1. In the 1st с. BC – the 4th c. AD Rome founded the greatest ancient empire whose provinces extended from the Caucasus in the east and Egypt in the south to Spain and Gaul in the west and Britain in the north-west. In 395 the empire was divided into two parts – the Western (Rome) and the Eastern (Constantinople, Byzantium) empires

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
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Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

Henry invaded England while Richard was on campaign in Ireland, usurping the throne from the king. Richard lacked support and was quickly captured by Henry IV. Richard was murdered while in prison. There were constant rebellions along Henrys reign by Richards' supporters. Henry died in Westminster Abbey as an extremely unpopular king. *The Wars of the Roses 1455-1485 ­ Series of civil wars in England fought between supporters of the Houses of Lancaster (King Henry VI, red rose) and York (Richard, white rose). They were marked by brutality that is practically unknown in the history of English wars before and since. The question was which dynasty should be given royal power. The most obvious effect was the collapse of the Plantagenet dynasty and its replacement with the new Tudor rulers who changed England dramatically over the following years. Henry Tudor

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