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Introduction and history of the European Union - sarnased materjalid

courtember, council, parliamentission, states, direct, action, president, treaty, adopt, effect, these, courts, case, acts, bank, decision, rulingonth, between, power, approve, actions, able, exercise, ensure, there, part, other, share, legislation, force, institutionsembers, represent, first, tfeu, field, provision, legal, them, body, current

The European Union Law , The EU institutions

It must be considered not only whether law making powers are granted to elected persons, but also whether the balance of power between institutions within the European Union promotes the ideals of democracy. Firstly,the democratic nature of the European Union must be measured by the extent to which its institutions (particularly those with executive and legislative power) are elected bodies of persons. The European Union is governed by seven institutions; the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of the European Union (the Council), the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the Court of Auditors.The first four of these hold the executive and legislative power of the European Union. Of these four institutions, the only one directly elected is the European Parliament whose 736 members are elected every 5 years; each citizen in each member state having the right to vote

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

The parliament of Member State A ordered an additional scientific study, which largely confirmed the statistics. It also noticed, “Children are normally at greatest risk from dog bite because they play with dogs more often, have less experience in reading dog behavior, are more likely to engage in activity that alarms or stimulates a dog, and are less able to defend themselves when a dog becomes aggressive”. Scientific studies in dog psychology were not conclusive on direct causation between a dog breed and aggressiveness. They pointed out other influential factors such as individual character and disposition of an animal, resulted, among other things, from its training, living surroundings etc. In those circumstances and following the precautionary principle, the parliament adopted the prohibitive law of the scope suggested by the NGOs stating that “the State cannot idly wait until

Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade

Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

ensures the most efficient use of world-wide resources. 4 Economic Union D Approach to attaining a common market underpinned by the principles of non-discrimination, market access and concept of comparative federalism. States retain power to regulate as long as national regulation does not interfere with `federal` law. 5 Free trade E Common foreign and security policies first appear at the stage of integration called ...

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

EU internal Market. Dog case

goods within the EU Member States” (Articles 26 and 37). 2. Is there a restriction of trade in goods? a. Can we name an animal, or to be more exact a dog as a “good” – yes, in accordance of Article 13 TFEU: “In formulating and implementing the Union's agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals, while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of the Member States relating in particular to religious rites, cultural traditions and regional heritage”. b. Can dogs be a subject of a commercial trading? - Pursuant to Articles 4 and 10(2) of the The Directive on veterinary and zootechnical checks, dogs

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- Eesistuja!!! - Asutati 1958 ECSC raames Council of Europe – Euroopa Nõukogu - Rahvusvaheline organisatsioon; 47 riiki Euroopast ja Aasiast - Tegevusvaldkonnad: inimõigused, sotsiaalõigused, keelelised õigused, haridus ja kultuur - Ei ole EL institutsioon - Asutas inimõiguste kohtu pärast EHCR 1950. aastal - Juhtorganiks parlamentaarne assamblee ja ministrite komitee European Council – Euroopa ülemkogu - Liikmeteks riigipead või valitsusjuhid, Euroopa Ülemkogu eesistuja ja Euroopa Komisjoni president (Donald Tusk) - Määrab üldise poliitilise suuna ja prioriteedid, ei pea läbirääkimis õigusaktide üle ega võta neid vastu - Kohtub 2x poole aasta jooksul - Konsensus - Pesident 2,5 a - Loodi 1973 - ELi eesmärkide ja prioriteetide seadmise eest vastutav organ - 1992 Maastrichti leping – EC ametlik staatus

Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Comparative law

1.Common law A common law legal system is a system of law characterized by case law which is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals a common law system is based on legal precedents. The roots of the common law legal systems can be traced back to the first common law system created in England during the Middle Ages. Today, most countries that once had ties to England, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, to name a few, operate under common law. Aside from Great Britain, the majority of the countries in Europe operate under a version of civil law modeled after the Roman legal system created centuries ago In a common law system, the law is created by precedents set after judges decide actual cases. When a judge hears a case that has a new issue in it, the judge makes a decision regarding the issue in the case.

Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

(IPP) to NATO. It contains priority areas of cooperation with NATO and future cooperation events, altogether in 23 subject fields. · March 1997 ­ beginning of involvement of Estonia in peacekeeping mission in SFOR (Stabilisation Force) in Bosnia Herzegovina (ESTPLA) · April 1999 Washington summit. Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO. Estonia is recognised as a potential member state and MAP (Membership Action Plan) is presented. · November 1999 ­ beginning of participation of Estonia in KFOR (Kosovo Force) in Kosovo (ESTPLA). · 29.03.2004 ­ Estonia becomes a full member of NATO. · March 2005 ­ Istanbul summit. Estonia takes part as a full member for the first time. The goals are set up for the use of forces (8% of forces of member states participate in international operations and 40% of forces are rapidly deployable). · 17.09

5 allalaadimist

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union where are 27 member states drom European continent. The EU operates through a system of independent institutions and decisions are made by the member countries. EUs population is of over 500 million inhabitants which is 7.3% of the world population, there are 23 different languages and for now 17 countries are using EUs common currency Euro. EU was founded after World War II, when Europe was struggeling in social and political devastations. In 1948 a congress in Hague was held to discuss ideas about the development of

Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parliament readings(amendments made to the law (seadusemuudatused)pass/ adopt the lawpass on to the presidentproclame (väljakuulutama) or veto or sent to supreme court (riigikohus) (may declare it un-constitutional)it has to be published in the state gazette (riigiteataja) Vald ­ rural municipality Kihelkond - parish Come/enter into force - jõustuma Legislative bodys ­ seadusandlikud organid c-200/02 Zhu Chen 12.02.09

Inglise õiguskeel 1
265 allalaadimist

European Union

.........................................3 The main aurthorities....................................................................4 Information...............................................................................5 What does European Union? European integratsion process began in 1951, when concluded European Coal and Steel Community founding agreement between Belgium, Netherland, Luxenbourg, Italy, France and West Germany. It was to prevent armed conflicts between the Member States. EU is economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) . Its aims are peace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens -- in a fairer, safer world

Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

European Union

were put under one organisation, so war was almost impossible between these six country. Cooperation in different areas improved, when in 25. March 1957 Treaties of Rom , European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Community memorandum of association were signed. These were sundry organisations. But they had one name- European Community. As the authorisations broaden, it become European Union in 1993. The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force. In 1985, the Schengen Agreement led the way toward the creation of open borders without passport controls between most member states and some non-member states. 1957 ­ Belgium , Netherlands, Luksembourg, Italy, Federal Republic of Germany and France 1973 ­ Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark 1981 ­ Greece 1986 ­ Spain and Portugal 1990 ­ Rest of Germany

Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services

Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Liberty Security (JLS) and Human Rights and Democracy which was established in 2010. Its first meeting was held on 30 November-1 December 2010. With Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, human rights discussions in the framework of the respective JLS subcommittee meetings have gained new momentum. As regards Ukraine, human rights issues are extensively reflected in the new EU-Ukraine Association Agenda, which replaces the former EU-Ukraine Action Plan. A dedicated and regular EU- Republic of Moldova Human Rights Dialogue was launched in March 2010. The EU and Armenia launched a dedicated and regular Human Rights Dialogue in December 2009. The EU and Georgia further consolidated their exchange on human rights, with three dedicated meetings held so far. The EU welcomed Azerbaijan's readiness to engage in a regular dialogue on human rights issues and democratization.

Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

1. Social Policy aspects in EU Treaties Social and employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of employment - Improved living and working conditions - Proper social protection - Dialogue between management and labour - The development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. Treaty of Rome: belief that improved working and living conditions would arise from the functioning of the common market – cooperation in the areas of employment, labour law and working conditions, vocational training, social security, occupational health and safety, and social dialogue. Improved mobility and professional opportunities of employees and introduced the equal pay for men and women – directly applicable.

24 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

With a population of 74 million today, it is projected that it could be the largest member state at the time of accession. As a Moslem secular country, Turkey will also add a new demographic and religious dimension to the EU. Also, the presence of a large number of Turkish immigrants in European countries raises the issue of possible additional migration, as a natural consequence of accession, which may affect the labor market and demography of small member states. The social repercussions of such a development raise sensitivities and pose challenges with political ramifications (Joseph, J.S., 2006). TURKEY'S LOCATION The strategic location of Turkey presents a unique challenge to the EU's external role and policies as "it lies at the epicenter of a series of conflicts, real and potential" in the region. Turkish accession will bring closer to the EU the instability and tensions of

Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

higher – assessed internally and by external assessment from the SQA (= Scottish Qualifications Authority) Higher education Universities are the main providers of higher education in the UK. They vary greatly in the kind of courses they teach and in the way they organise their work, but they are all self-governing and independent and award degrees. An institution is granted university status by a royal charter granted by the Privy Council. Read Privy Council: Guide to its origins, powers and members on the BBC website to find out what the Privy Council is, what it does and who can be its member. 165 higher education institutions including universities, university colleges, specialist higher education institutions and other higher education colleges UCAS The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is a UK-based organisation whose main role is to operate the application process for British universities. It

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Common law – the legal system in England and most of the US that has developed from old customs and court decisions, rather than laws made by politicians Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Legislation – a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament Solicitor – a lawyer who prepares cases and gives legal advice Barrister – a lawyer who can represent people in court Tort – an action that is wrong but can be dealt with in a civil court rather than a criminal court Common law is a law system which developed in England and has been adopted by most of the United States and other countries colonized by England. Common law consists of rules created by the judicial decisions and statutes. Essential to common law are the hierarchy of courts and the principle of binding precedent. This means,

21 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

lays down common standards. The second sections provides information about what does the European Union exactly means and when did 28 countries come all together. The third section gives a brief, simple explanation of how the most important EU institutions work. The European Union is a grouping of countries and their citizens. Both of these have a say in European matters. This happens through the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Council of the European Union is the body representing the goverments of the EU countries. The funfamental decisions on European policy are taken by the European Council. This is made up of the Heads of State or Goverment of the EU, who meet regulary at least every 3 months. Another important institutions in the EU are European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Court on Auditors.

Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

1. UN as a world organization The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the UN Charter had been ratified by a majority of the original 51 Member States. The day is now celebrated each year around the world as United Nations Day. The purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well-being of all people. It affords the opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems. There are currently 192 Members of the United Nations.

Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

forms that eliminated 756 licenses and permits and streamlined procedures. Currently, licenses and permits are only used in the production of highly risky goods and services, also usage of natural resources and specific activities. The procedures of issuing licenses and permits were significantly simplified to the "one-stop shop" and "silence is consent" principles. Customs Reform - From January 1, 2011 the new Tax Code of Georgia took effect which also includes the provisions regulating customs. Tax Code established business friendly customs pro- cedures. Customs Tariffs Reform significantly eased and sharply reduced the costs connected to the foreign trade. Number of import tariffs were abolished on approximetaly 90% of products and only 3 tariff rates (0%, 5%, 12%) exist instead of previous 16. Georgia sets import taxes on only several kinds of agricultural goods and constructing materials. In addition, there are no quantita-

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

established, itself being superseded by the "Estado Novo" authoritarian regime. Democracy was restored after the Portuguese Colonia l War and the Carnation Revolution in 1974. POPULATION As of 2011, the population of Portugal was 10,562,178, of which 547,733 live in Lisbon, the country's capital and largest city, located in the South, and 237,591 in Porto, also known as Oporto, the second-largest city, located in the North. The country is a democratic republic with a president (currently Aníbal Cavaco Silva) and prime minister (currently Pedro Passos Coelho). Since the 1990s, Portugal's economic development model has been slowly changing from one based on public consumption to one focused on exports, private investment, and development of the high-tech sector. The Portuguese currency is the euro () and the country's economy is in the eurozone. DEVELOPMENT Portugal is a developed country with a very high Human Development Index, the world's

22 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

.................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1. Country Profile ..................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2. Post-Independent Ukraine. Economy and politics ............................................... 6 1.1.3. Key Macroeconomic indicators ......................................................................... 14 1.1.4. Foreign Direct Investments ................................................................................ 16 1.1.5. Demographics and labor force .......................................................................... 17 1.1.6. New emerging industry....................................................................................... 19 1.2. The Business Environment ........................................................................................ 23 1.3. Banking system....

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


and left Edinburgh for London. With the exception of a short period under the Protectorate, Scotland remained a separate state, but there was considerable conflict between the crown and the Covenanters over the form of church government. After the Glorious Revolution, the abolition of episcopacy and the overthrow of the Roman Catholic James VII by William and Mary, Scotland briefly threatened to select a different Protestant monarch from England. On 22 July 1706 the Treaty of Union was agreed between representatives of the Scots Parliament and the Parliament of England and the following year twin Acts of Union were passed by both parliaments to create the united Kingdom of Great Britain with effect from 1 May 1707. The deposed Jacobite Stuart claimants had remained popular in the Highlands and north-east, particularly amongst non- Presbyterians. However, two major Jacobite risings launched in 1715 and 1745 failed to remove the House of Hanover

17 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

nation (riik) - country with its own goverment citizen (kodanik) - person native of a country; realationship between country and a person stranger (välismaalne) - person who is unfamiliar, from another country penalty (karistus) - punishment fixed by law, as for a crime or from any soical groups goverment (valitsus) - organization which controlls a stre or community System of Courts (kohtusüsteem) - organization applying law in the name of states to commit a crime (kuritegu läbi viima) - breaking a law, usually given out by the goverment fine (trahv) - certain sum of money person pays for breaking a law corruption (korruptsioon) - dishonest or unethincal conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority suspension (kõrvaldamine) - form of punisment that people recieve for violating rules and regulations Civil Action (tsiviilhagi) - lawsuit between two private parties

Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

lowest court within the judicial system 11. Respondent (kostja/vastaja/respondent) vs appellant - a person who answers a request for information 12. Matrimonial matters – relating to the state of being married 13. Guardianship - the state or duty of being a person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care of someone who cannot take care of himself or herself 14. Adoption – your legal duty to take care of the children a. the action or fact of adopting or being adopted (adoptive parents - lapsendajad) 15. Affiliation (liitumine/ kuuluvus) - the process officially attaching or connecting sb to an organization; connection to political party, religional group or something else; the man is legally related to the child a. Paternity cases – isaduse tõestamine 16. Illegitimate child (vallaslaps) - a child who is born to parents who are not married to each other a. Bastard, love child 17

Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

used on the coat of arms of the Province of Estonia under Swedish rule. Estonia changed hands but the three lions remained, in 1925 they were adopted officially. The present coat of arms is a golden shield charged with three blue lions with golden oak branch on each side. Ministers: * Andrus Ansip ­ Peaminister ­ represents the government to approve the state budget, represents Estonia in the European Council, directs the activity of the government *Tõnis Lukas - Haridus- ja teadusminister ­ sets aims for the development of vocational education and training in Estonia, guarantees the expedient and effective development and education *Rein Lang ­ Justiitsminister ­ decreases and prevents corruption in private and public sector, plans to carry out a legal and criminal policy of the state *Jaak Aaviksoo ­ Kaitseminister ­ drafts subsequent legislation, developes the defence,

Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the east by Russia, on the south by Latvia and on the west by the Baltic Sea. In the north it borders on Finland. The coastline of the Baltic Sea in Estonia is characterized by numerous gulfs and bays, the biggest of them being the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Pärnu. Bays include the

Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. 2. The Queen’s working day. Starts after breakfast. Reads the newspapers which are prepared by the Press Secretary, and a report on the previous day’s proceedings in the Parliament and the letters she receives. Also phone calls. Once a month she attends the Privy Council in order to give Royal Assent to various items of government legislation. Discusses domestic matters with the Master of the Household. Towards the end of the day, there is always another pile of official papers and reports waiting to be read or acted upon. The business on constitutional monarchy never ends. 3. Who is the present heir to the throne? Speak about his education. Who are the 2nd and 3rd in line? Present heir is Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

economics, NPM also shows that such major paradigm shifts in theory and policy may actually happen. In addition, it occasionally appears that pae-oriented scholars have overlooked the fact that some features in public management reform, state organization, and the economic interpretation of state functions that they advocate ­ from "Good Governance" to "efficiency" as a goal in itself ­ actually belong into the "other camp" and by and large have a disastrous effect on "industrial" and "developing" countries alike, although the consequences for the latter are much more severe. NPM is the transfer of business and market principles and management techniques from the private into the public sector, symbiotic with and based on a neo-liberal understanding of state and economy. The goal, therefore, is a slim, reduced, minimal state in which any public activity is decreased and, if at all, exercised according to business principles of efficiency

Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Space Business

Launching of a Communication Satellite Luxembourg France The facts: · Luxtra, a Luxembourgian broadcasting company, intends to launch a communication satellite · Type : Medium-power satellite using the Ku band · Purpose : To broadcast Luxembourgian TV channels throughout the EU · Engages help from France: Ø Launching of satellite with Ariane V Ø Launch pad in Kourou, French Guiana I) Responsibilities for outer space activities 1) Outer Space Treaty (Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies) Who are the launching states? Luxembourg ­ state who is funding the launch - state to which the satellite belongs France - state who is launching the satellite - state whose territory is used to launch (French Guiana) - state whose facilities are used to

30 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

brand-new oil tanker off-loading capabilities. The railroad serves as a conduit between the West, Russia, and other points to the East. After a long period of very high growth of GDP, the GDP of Estonia decreased by a little over 3% on a yearly basis in the 3rd quarter of 2008. In the 4th quarter of 2008 the negative growth was already -9,4%. Some international experts and journalists, who like to view the three Baltic States as a single economic identity, have failed to notice that Estonia has constantly performed better than Lithuania and Latvia on many fundamental indicators. The current account deficit and inflation is lower than in Latvia, the GDP higher than in Latvia and Lithuania, Estonia's public debt is a very low 3.8% of GDP and government reserves are close to 10% of GDP. The difference is exemplified by the fact that in December 2008 Estonia became one of the donor

Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist


system has been installed. There are downsides, of course. Rumours of corruption in City Hall are rife, affordable 6 housing remains in short supply, the health system is under strain, and traffic congestion and crime rates are up. Despite this, the mood of the city remains buoyant. Václav Havel's 13 years as president came to an end in February 2003, when his place was taken by hard-nosed, right-wing economist Václav Klaus. More change was to come: the decision on whether the Czech Republic should join the European Union was settled by a referendum - with 77% voting in favour - and on 1 May 2004 the Czech Republic became a member of the EU. However, the parliamentary elections of June 2006 ended in stalemate - it looks like a rocky road ahead for Czech politics in the next few years. From the beginning

Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun