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"-happening" - 228 õppematerjali


Happening and performance

Performance & Happening Happening on tegevuskunsti liik, milles kunstnik loob sündmuse, etenduse, milles tihti osaleb publik. Tegevuskunstiks nimetatakse 1960ndatel tekkinud etenduslikke kunstivorme nagu näiteks happening ja performance, eesti keeles sündmused ja etendused. Teatrietendustest eristab häppeningu tavaliselt süzee puudumine, mingid sündmused, mis kunstniku juhtimisel lihtsalt juhtuvad, mõjutades sellega publiku reaktsioone, mis omakorda mõjutavad häppeningu kulgu. Häppening (ing k to happen - toimuma, aset leidma) on popkunstile lähedane aktsioonikunsti vorm, mis kujunes 1960. aastatel eesmärgiga likvideerida piir kunsti ja argielu, kunstniku ja publiku vahel. Üldiselt toimuvad häppeningid vabas õhus kunstniku esitatud aktsioonidena (tegevusakt, ettevõtmine), kusjuures tegevuse rõhk on improvisatsioonil, juhusel ja publiku kaasatõmbamisel. Üldjuhul häppeninge ei proovita enne läbi ja taval...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
72 allalaadimist

Happening and performance

Sündmused ja etendused happening'id ja performance'id Häppening ing k to happen - toimuma, aset leidma on popkunstile lähedane aktsioonikunsti vorm kujunes 1960. aastatel eesmärgiks likvideerida piir kunsti ja argielu, kunstniku ja publiku vahel tegevuse rõhk on improvisatsioonil, juhusel ja publiku kaasatõmbamisel olulised tunnused on mängulisus ja keskkondlikkus üldjuhul ei proovita enne läbi ja tavaliselt toimub mingiteemaline häppening vaid ühe korra toimuvad vabas õhus kunstniku esitatud aktsioonidena Etendus ing k performance - etendus happening'iga võrreldes plaanipärasem esineja, esinejad ja publik on rohkem eraldatud performance'i ja happening'i vahel pole teravat piiri etendustekunst on jätkunud tänaseni ühe võimalusena publikut mõjutada selle leviku ühe põhjusena võib nimetada kunstnike soovi saavutada vahetut side ja tag...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
76 allalaadimist


AVANGARDISM 19.saj Kunstis Vassili Kandinski Eksperimenteeriv ja rhutatult uut taotlev suund - stiililt erinev. Avangardistid eksperimenteerisid: ebatavaliste pillikoosseisudega uute kompositsioonitehnikatega elektrooniliste vahenditega Eesmrgiks - vabastada klassikalistest normidest Ratsionaalne, lakooniline, klaefekte rhutav. John Cage 1912-1992 USA helilooja, pianist ja publistsist Avangardismi thtsamaid esindajaid 4`33`` 27 sounds manufactured in a kitche Ettevalmistatud klaver - klavimaluste muutmine klaveri keeltele vi keelte vahele asetatud esemetega Aleatoorika (alea - lad k juhus, tring) kompositsioonisuund, kus mrav on juhuslikkus. Happening improviseeritud etendus, mis hendab kujutava kunsti, muusika, snakunsti ja liikumise Performance sarnane happening`ga, kuid pikemalt etteplaneerit Karlheinz Stockhausen 1928 Saksa helilooja Oluline panus elektronmuusika arengusse Aparaatide abil snteesitud helidest ja muundatud n...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Pildi kirjelduse märksõnad(Inglise keel)

1) Describe the photo!! · Describe what you can see and what is happening in the photos. · Say where it's happening: ie on the left/right, at the bottom/top, in the middle,behind, in front · Use Present Continuous. What are they doing? · What clothes are they wearing? · What's the weather like? · Are they inside or outside? · Use adjectives. Do they look happy, sad, angry bored, tired? · How does the photo make you feel? · Would you like to be there? Why/Why not? 2)Comparing and contrasting photos!! · Similarities; all, most, some, both..also, as well, too · Differences; ..but/however/whereas/while/on the other hand.. Although.. 3)Speculate about the situation!! Use may/might/must/could/can't be... He seems to/appears to be.. 4)Give your reaction!! I'd love/hate do to that! It looks great/dangerous/awful! It makes me want to try/ go there.. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kunsti mõisted

Mõisted Maakunst ­ kunstilise kujundamise materjaliks on maastik. Maakunsti vormideks on näiteks pinnase ümberpaigutamine, kraavide kaevamine ja kivide kuhjamine. Mitmed maakunsti viljelejad on saanud loomingulist inspiratsiooni eelajalooliste tsivilisatsioonide maapinnajoonistustest. Fotokunst- Fotokunst (ka kunstfotograafia ja fine art fotograafia) on kujutava kunsti liik, mis on loodud peamiselt kunstniku nägemuse väljendamiseks ja mis saavutab oma kunstilise mõjuvuse fotograafia vahenditega. Videokunst- Videokunst on kunstiliik , mis tugineb liikuvatel piltidel ja hõlmab video-ja audio andmeid . Performans-Performance on tegevuskunsti liik, milles kunstniku juhatusel (vahel ka publiku osalusel) luuakse (improvisatsiooniline) etendus. Tootedisain ­ Disain on kunst luua ja arendada tooteid, teenuseid ja lahendusi, mis on senistest lihtsamad, huvitavamad, turvalisemad, loodussäästliku...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
24 allalaadimist

Kunstiajaloo arvetstustöö

Kunstiajaloo Arvestustöö 1. Abstraktne kunst ­ Kunstivool, mis on loobunud nähtava maailma jäljendamisest. Vormikõne ei järgi looduses esinevaid vorme, see on esemete kunst. Tekkis 1910. aastal Münchenis. Hoogsam levik algas 30-ndate lõpu poole. Võiduteed sammus kuni 1960-ndate aastateni, mis taandus uuemate kunstide ees. Ehk nonfiguraalne kunst ehk esemetu kunst. Abstraktne kunst jaguneb kaheks: 1) ekspressiivne ehk emotsionaalne suund: väljendab kunstniku lõhestatud hingeelu sisemaailma, tema subjektiivseid meeleolusid, ajastgu traagilisi vastuolusid, rahutute rütmide, värvi akordide ja faktuuri järgi. Esindaja V. Kandinsky. Äärmuslik vorm- Taism- tekkis pärast II Maailmasõda Pariisis, kunstnik kannab lõuendile värvid juhuslike plekkidena, mõtlematult nagu automaatselt pritsides. Tegevusmaal- J.Pollock 2) konstruktiivne suund: rajaneb intellektile, rõhk geomeetrilistel võrm...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
41 allalaadimist

Funkist minimalismini

Funkist minimalismini 1. Kuidas nimetatakse 1919.a Saksamaal asutatud tööstuskunsti kooli? Bauhaus (ametlikult Staatliches Bauhaus) 2. Mille poolest vastandus 1925 esilekerkinud uus art deco stiil funktsionalistlikule stiilile? Kuigi mõlemad stiilid rõhusid tehnilisusele, oli siiski art deco stiil elegantsuse ja ilu stiil võrreldes funktsionalistliku stiiliga, kus ei olnud need omadused väga tähtsad. Dekoratiivkunst tähistas endas helgema tuleviku saabumise ootusärevust ja optimismi, vabaaegset energilist jõudeolekut ja eksootilisi riisimisvõimalusi, kõrgusse pürgivaid hooneid, ekstravagantne elevus kui ka luksuslik glamuur. Hoonete tipuosad tornikujulised, ukseavad kaunistatud ja ümbritsetud kumer-nõgusate ehisviiludega ja ?. Kohati oli tähtis ka kuldselt või metalselt läikiva kroomse kuma demonstreerimine. 3. Mis on assamblaaz, kirjelda. Assamblaaz on kolmemõõtmeline kollaaz. Mit...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

20 sajandi II poole kunstivoolud

20. saj II poole kunstivoolud VAIKO VAHER Minimalism  Kunst, mis püüab kõige napimate vahenditega teoseid luua.  Minimalism kui kunstistiil levis 1960-70. aastatel eelkõige USAs. Minimalismi tunnused  Iseloomulikuks tunnuseks on võimalikult vähene kaunistuste, ilustuste ja detailide kasutamine ning keskendumine ainult hädavajalikule.  Sageli kasutati geomeetrilisi vorme, kuid erinevalt varasemast geomeetriliste kunstnike loomingust.  Minimalistlikest teostest ei tule otsida mõnda sinna peidetud allegoorilist tähendust vaid objekt ongi teos -  teos, mis väljendab iseennast.  Lihtsa ja suure vormi kasutamisega suunati tähelepanu ümbritsevale ruumile ja objektile enesele. Tuntumad minimalistid Donald Judd(1928-1994) Kineetiline kunst  Kineetiline kunst ehk kinetism on kunstisuund, mis taotleb esteetilist elamust mehaanilise liikumise ja valgusefektidega, ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
13 allalaadimist

The Present Continuous

The Present Continuous What is Present Continuous The present continuous tense is formed from the present tense of the verb be and the present participle (-ing form) of a verb. Form am/is/are + verb + “ing” Examples: I am watching TV. He/she/it is watching TV. They/we/you are watching TV. How to use Present Countinuous When we use Present Continuous Use We use the present continuous tense to talk about the present: ● for something that is happening at the moment ● for something which is happening before and after a given time NB! Words what ends with -e: Make Making Invite Inviting

Keeled → Itaalia keel
1 allalaadimist

Weather and climate

The Weather and Climate 'Funny weather we are having' is a statement of the obvious we have used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lasts long and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers we replace "funny" with something stronger, such as "terrible", "ghastly". At times like these people ask what is happening to the weather. So we go to the experts, who tell us in language appropriate to the subject, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what might happen in the next few years. Weather and climate specialists all over the world have collected a vast quantity of information. They can describe what is happening around us. With satellites they can forecast more accurately what might happen in the immediate future. Their research has produced evidence of why past climatic changes took place. There have been many climate fluctua...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


Tense Form Use Hints Example + I pv ((e)+s) Present Simple 1. daily routines, habits or repeated actions Every hour/day/week etc , I always play football in -? do/does not+I pv 2. permanent states usually, always, in the the evenings morning/evening/night, at night Present Am/is/are+Iing 1. actions happening now, at the moment of speaking Now, at the moment, these I am writing a lettesat Continuous 2.actions happening around th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Past and Present tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE (lihtolevik) Form: 1st form (+s) Use: 1. Things in general. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Things that happen all the time or repeatedly. She usually goes away at weekends. 3. Laws of nature (things that are true in general). The sun rises in the east. 4. Timetable events. The train leaves at 6.50 p.m. Negative form: I don't (do not) normally eat my lunch here. He doesn't (does not) like this film at all. Question form: Do you live here? How often does it rain around here? Signal words: always, every day/month, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually etc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (kestev olevik) Form: am/is/are + ing Use: 1. Unfinished actions happening at or around the time of speaking. Listen! Somebody is crying. They are building a new bridge in our town....

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Fair Trade Tourism

Fair Trade Tourism Local people have often been the last to benefit financially from international tourism. But this is slowly changing. It's happening in Vietnam. The first tourists can see many famous war sites, towns and vibrant green paddy fields. But if they go up into the hills they find a region inhabited by hill tribe people, who live basic, subsistence life. Local people are looking at tourists with fear and disdain. In the villages children are playing and mothers with elaborate headdresses are getting on their daily lives, but if tourists come, they run indoors and villages become silent. In Thailand hill tribe treks have become infamous ,,human zoos". Tourists from all over the world traipse through the villages and this causes cultural and economic disaster. Also the benefits of toursim are often skimmed off by businessmen from outside the community. It ruins and changes the local people...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Table of tenses

Get/ Have something TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE WHEN? done Present Simple Am/is/are + Every day, year, often, I pv + do/does Have/ get + sth+ III pv Lihtolevik III pv usually, always Past Simple Yesterday, last year, II pv(-ed)+ did Was/ were + III pv Had/got + sth + III pv Lihtminevik ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


Hilisromantism. Saksamaa, Austria. 19-saj lõpp-20 saj algus. Suur orkestrikooseis, ajaliselt pikad teosed, programmilisus. Anton Bruckner, Gestav Mahler. Impressionism. Pratsusmaa, 19.saj lõpp. Impressioon- mulje. Orestri kõlavärvide peened nüansid, värvilaigud, vaade harmooniliste järgnevuste kasutamine. Muusikalise vormi vaba käsitlemine. Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel. Neoklassitsism. Euroopa, 1920 aastad. Tekib vastukaaluks impressionismi laialivalguvusele ja hilisromantismi emotsionaalsusele. Objektiivsust ja antiromantilisust taotlev suund. Suured orkestrikooseisud asenduvad väiksemate ansamblitega. Tagasi kaalukuse ja selguse juurde. Lühikesed meloodiad. Klassika ja barokiajastu vormide, kujundite ja stiilivõtete kasutamine. Igor Stravinski, Benjamin Britten, Carl Orff. Ekspressionism. 20 saj alguse modernseim suund. Antonaalsus(loobumine helistikest). Dodekafoonia- intellektuaalne 12-tooni tehnika, Dissoneerivad, kooskõlad. Inimh...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Muusika KT

MÕISTED 1. Polütonaalsus- mitme toonika üheaegne olemasolu. 2. Sümfoonia- harilikult 3-4-osaline teos suurele orkestrile 3. Atonaalsus- selge põhihelistiku e tonaalsuse puudumine helitöös, mille puhul üksikud helid ja akordid ei sõltu kesksest põhihelist 4. Kromatism- diatoonilise heli ja teda täiendava altereeritud heli järgnevus. Täielik kromaatiline helirida sisaldab 12 helikõrgust. 5. Homofoonia- mitmehäälsus, kus üks (harilikult ülemine) hääl kannab iseseisvat meloodiat ja teised hääled moodustavad talle harmoonilise saate 6. Polüfoonia- mitmehäälsus, mis koosneb võrdse tähtsusega häältest 7. Multimeedia- heli, graafika, animatsiooni, video ja teksti arvuti abil seostatud esitus 8. Traktaat- uurimus.Selle rütmikäsitlus toetub suures osas India traditsioonilisele muusikale. 9. Postmodernism- globaalne kunstiline hoiak, mis järgneb modernismlikule hoiakule. 10. Prepareeritud ...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
27 allalaadimist

English Grammar - The most common tenses in English

English Grammar - The most common tenses in English Signal Example Tense Use Form words s something happens repeatedly how often something happens every one action day follows sometim another es I work always infinitive Present things in he/she/it he works often Simple general + s I go usually he goes seldom ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
205 allalaadimist

Eesti kunst 1970 kuni tänapäev

Eesti kunst 1970-ndatest tänapäevani 1. Rühmituste aeg.Kes kuulusid ANK-64, Visaritesse ja Soup-69?Iseloomusta! 1964. aastal algab kunstirühmituste periood - ANK '64, veidi hiljem Visarid ja SOUP 69. Varem lihtsalt ei olnud võimalik end sarnaste tõekspidamiste, karmi stiili vastase ja radikaalsete vaadetega rühmitusena klassifitseerida, sest siis oleks seda tõlgendatud vaenulikkusena nõukogude korra suhtes. ANK- 64 tõuseb esile oma rõhutatult positiivse ja eetilise maailmasuhtumisega. Rühmitus. ANK '64 viis 1960. aastate lõpul paljud kunstiotsingud radikaalse äärmuseni, tuues eesti kunsti teadliku eemalehoidmise, enesesse kapseldumise ja jaheda privaatsuse. Sellese rühmitusse kuulusid näiteks Jüri Arrak, Kristiina Kaasik, Malle Leisi, Andrest Tolts ja Jaan Elken. Visarid( Simuna kihelkonna murrakus "rahulolematud")- Visareid iseloomustab eksperiment kõiges - nii kujutavas kunstis, kirjanduse vallas, tõlketegevuses kui ka seltsie...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
74 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjanduse, Realism ja naturalism

REALISM AND NATURALISM Lecture 6 Post Civil-War America • United States fully settled from the East Coast to West Coast • Profound changes: technological changes = US becomes modern industrial state • US became more confident in itself • Immigration – large population of immigrants no longer spread to west, become the labour force to the factories, also dramatic growth in cities • New tension in society, what it really means to be an American • Income disparities – big gap between people who are rich and people who are poor • Westward expansion – people can think about optimistic things happening when they think about the positive things happening in the country • United States as an urban nature: skyscrapers, full of people etc Intellectual and literary trends • Darwinism • Social Darwinism • ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Present Continuous

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Klaarika Kaljula 9a Use 1.Present actions 2.Temporary actions 3.Longer actions in progress 4.Future (personal) arrangements and plans 5.Trends 6.Irritation 1.Present Actions Happening at the moment of speaking Most often, we use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. Ex. He is eating a dinner. Mary is talking with her friends. They are swimming in the pool. Stative Verbs There is a certain group of verbs that usually does not appear in the Continuous form. They are called Stative Verbs, and if used in the Continuous form, they have a different meaning. Ex. I think you look pretty today. Meaning: Opinion I'm thinking of moving to San Francisco. Meaning: Act of thinking 2.Temporary Actions Activities continuing only for a limited period of time This tense is also used fo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


SÜNDMUSED JA ETENDUSED 1. Millised ühiskonnakriitilised meeleolud kerkisid noorte hulgas esile 1960. aastail? Hipiliikumine, sukeldumine rokikultuuri ja alternatiivsete ideoloogiate otsing. Osa noori muutus mässumeelseteks. Põhjuseks oli sõda Vietnamis ja rassidevahelised pinged. 2. Kuidas reageerisid vasakpoolsete seisukohtadega kunstnikud avangardismi riiklikule tunnustamisele ja müügiedule? Millist toimimisviisi pidasid nad endale õigeimaks? Nad ei tahtnud enam luua kunsti, mida saaks müüa-osta ja koguda nagu luksuskaupa. Neile kunstnikele oli üheks võimaluseks taaselaustada dadaistlik traditsioon ja provokatiivsed etendused. 3. Mis vahe on performanc’il ja happening’il? Happening´ideks nimetatakse improviseeritud etendusi, mille puhul puudub kindel plaan ja tekst ning mis püüavad kaasara publikut, et kustutada piir kunsti ja elu vahel. Performance on võrreldes happeninng’ga ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
14 allalaadimist

World peace essee

·World peace An essay Every leader within the world aims to seek out an enduring answer to the issues that beset our planethowever to date, peace on earth has continuing to be associate elusive dream. There ar several movements, conferences, brotherhoods and fraternities everywhere the planet that promotes the thought of world peace. Philosophers, theologians, politicians, and different nice thinkers from the past up to this have offered numerousformulas and concepts for achieving peace however nobody has nevertheless came up with a solid answer to the question. Why is world peace thus troublesome to achieve? maybe the solution lies inside our self. What have we have a tendency to done to create the planet a higher place to measure in? however have we have a tendency totreated our brothers and our neighbors? If we glance at the philosophies and t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

“Pop kunst nagu modernismi nähtus. Pop art tehnoloogiad. Pop Arti peamised esindajad "

"Pop kunst nagu modernismi nähtus. Pop art tehnoloogiad. Pop Arti peamised esindajad " Sisukord: Sissejuhatus Peatükk 1 : Pop Art 1.1 Ülevaade 1.2 Põhijooned 1.3 Disaini kontseptsioonid ja teooria Peatükk 2 : Pop arti esindajad 2.1 Roy Lihtenshteyn 2.2. Järeldus 2.3. Kokkuvõte 2.4. Järelsõna Kasutatud materjalide nimekiri -1- Sissejuhatus. Kui minult küsida, millises suunas on kunst kõige vastuolulisem ja sokeeriv, mis suudab panna igapäevaelu ja ülevat kookku, nii massi ja indiviidi, ma vastan kõhklematult - pop art. Ta imponeerib mulle oma julgust, otsekohesust ja stiilsust. Ta on massiivne, geniaalne, ainulaadne ja ei pekstud. Tema lihtne eristada teistest piirkondadest ja ka lihtne meeles pidada. Seega, mina tahaks oma tööd täielikult pühendada selle erakordse stiili, millist ma väga armastan! Meedia ja reklaam - on pop-kunsti peamised teemad , nad on kättesa...

Muusika → Popkultuur ja popmuusika
18 allalaadimist

Kunsti KT 2 - kusntistiilid

Kontrolltöö 1. Mida tähendab irratsionaalne stiil arhitektuuris? Milliseid hooneid rajati? kirjelda väljanägemist. boheemlus ­ isikupära rõhitav ja tavalist elu trotsiv stiil. Samuti omane nägemuslikkus ja viirastuslikkus, mõistust alandav suund. Ratsionalismi vastand- mõistuse jaoks kättesaamatu. Hooned- Teemajake Sanssouci lossipargis, Cheopsi ja Cheaphaeni püramiid, Sfinks 2. Informalism on abstraktsionismi alamlliik. Sellega tähistati abstraktse ekspressionismi kunsti. 3. neorealism- tuntud filosoofia vool. Tuntumad neorealistid on George Edward Moore ja Ralph Barton Perry, kes peale välismaailma ka üldmõistete ja ideaalsete objektide objektiivset eksistentsi, tunnetusteoorias absolutiseerisid tunnetuse sisu sõltumatust tunnetusprotsessist. Neorealistid käsitlesid vastupanuliikumist ja proletariaadi elu, kasutasid dokumentaalset kujutlusviisi ja rahvalikku kõnekeelt...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist


Tense Tense Signal words Use Form Examples Present Every day, Sometimes, Infinitive, I work simple sometimes, happens The workes always, often, repeatly, He/she/it I go usually, seldom, how often + -s She goes never, first...then. something (1.pv.) happens. Present Now Something To be Iam working progressive At the moment is (am/is/are) He's working Look! happening infinitive + I'm going Listen! (- ing) He's going Past simple Last Action Impulsive + I worked Yesterday took ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Car vs horse.

I talking about that, why horse would be better than car. With horse you can run on everywhere, without damaging the ground. A horse dont need any fuel like cars, only food, water,and some vitamins. Horse does not emit toxic lead or carbon monoxide which can cause diseases on people and animals. But with horse you cant drive so fast and long distances like with car. Horse causes no traffic jam, he does not need to be managed traffic light since it travels with much slower speed and can stop faster than car. But of horse you must take more care than car. Car may stay in garage a long time, nothing happening with that, but horse often needs food and takeing more care.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


That book tells story about gang wars, those are happening in England's capital, in London. Story's main characters are the police commissioner Frederick Harvey and one of the nether world's leaders Frank Harrison. Frank is gang ruler and he have had leader of streets about two year. At the story time Harrison's life is getting heavier and heavier. Things in the city are getting more out of control. There are a lot of blood, people are killing and shooting each other up. Gangsters can't stand that Harrison is on the lead and want to eliminate him from this position and get it their own and this causes many people's death and a lots of illegal deals. In these street games are involved many assassins, who are killing rich and powerful leaders.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Internetiga töö

Töö InternetigaArto Marfin E-16 Roman Reek Tootedisain – on toodete tootmine, mis on ennekõike tarbijale meelt mööda. - tootedisaineri disainitud voodi. Graafiline disain – graafika alaliik, mis hõlmab ümbritseva materiaalse keskkonna graafilist kujundamist. Nt: ajakirjad, plakatid jne - t-särk läheb ka graafilise disaini alla. Maakunst - 1960. aastate lõpus tekkinud kunstivorm, milles kunstilise kujundamise materjaliks on maastik. - Spiral Jetty, selle autor on Robert Smithson Kehakunst – moodsa kunsti vorm, mille korral kunstnik kasutab ideede väljendamiseks keha. Nt henna maalingud ja tatoveeringud. - henna Fotokunst - on kujutava kunsti liik, mis on loodud peamiselt kunstniku nägemuse väljendamiseks ja mis saavutab oma kunstilise mõjuvuse fotograafia vahenditega. - Videokunst - videotehnika v...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
1 allalaadimist

Body art

Body art Üldiselt Body art ( kehakunst)- kehakaunistuskunst, kunstnik kasutab kunstimenetluse- ja materjalina inimkeha. Kunst koosneb inimkeha peal, koos või sellest tehtud asjadest Kõige levinumad on tatoveeringud ja keha augustamine Ajalugu Sai alguse ürgajal erinevatest hõimukultuuridest Body arti kasutati enamasti rituaalidel (lapsest saab täiskasvanu, abiellumine, sõjaks või jahiks valmistumine, lapse sõnd jne) Tähendusel ei ole piire Modernne kunst 1960-ndatel otsisid kunstnikud uusi mooduseid eneseväljenduseks Uus kunstistiil (voog)- keha värvimine (happening, performance) Põhilised osavõtjad: Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, Hermann Nitsch and Rudolf Schwarzkogler Sai peamise alguse Austrias (sealt levis edasi) Kunstnikke kutsuti selles valdkonnas actionists-ideks ehk tegijateks Hiline body ...

Sport → Sport
7 allalaadimist

The present continuous

The present continuous We use the present continuous to talk about: 1. Something which is happening at the moment of speaking. I'm reading the Grammar referance page. 2. Something which is happening around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking. I'm reading a lot of detective novels these days. 3. A changing situation. Computers are getting faster and faster. 4. Something which happens often and annoys us. My boss is always asking me to stay late. The present simple We use the present simple to talk about: 1. A routine or a habit. Jim always sets the alarm for 7.30. 2. Facts which stay the same for a long time. I have a friend who lives in London. She works in a museum. 3. Something which is always true. Ice melts when you heat it. Verbs not normally used in the continuous form 1. Some verbs are not normally used in the coniuous. These...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

John Cage

John Cage (1912-1992) John on USA helilooja, pianist, publitsist. Ta on üks 20. sajandi tähtsamaid esindajaid. Mees, kes tuli välja teosega 4.13. Teose alguses tuli John lavale ja istus klaveri taha ning istus 4.13 minutut vaikuses ja siis saigi lugu läbi. Cage on radikaalne uuendaja ning ta on sellega mõjutanud üleüldist kunsti ja selle ajastu muusikat . Pärit on ta Los Angelasest ja õppis kompositsiooni Richard Bühligi, Adolph Weissi ja Henry Cowelli all, kes olid talle teerajajaks. Määravaimaks õpetajaks oli Cowell. Samuti on ta õppinud Arnolt Schönbergi käe all ning tema õpingutee möödus New Yorkis. Sonaat sooloklaverile ja Kompositsioon kolmele häälele. MK: Süit mänguklaverile Varased loomeaastad Schönbergi dodekafoonia süsteem valmistas Cagele pettumuse. Ta siirdus 1937. Seattlesse tantsugruppide klaverisaatjaks.Aasta hiljem organiseeris ta I löökpillide orkestri, mille tarbeks kirjutas ta teoseid First construction (in meta...

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

12. klass kunst KT 3

12. KLASS. KUNST. KONTROLLTÖÖ NR. 3 VASTAMINE - APRILLI TEINE NÄDAL. Kasutatav õppematerjal. Õpik 12. klassile. Jaak Kangilaski ,, Kunstikultuuri ajalugu." Postimpressionismist uue meediani. Jaak Kangilaski ,, Üldine kunstiajalugu". Internet. Kordamisküsimused. 1.Kuhu põgenesid paljud Euroopa kunstnikud II maailmasõja eest? USA-sse eriti New Yorki. 2.Mida tähendab tegevusmaal? Kes oli tuntud tegevusmaalija? Kuidas tööd valmisid ja välja nägid? Abstraktse ekspressionismi tähtsaim töötamisviis. Püüeldi automaatset eneseväljendust ja juhuste kasutamist. Värvi pritsiti või tilgutati lõuendile. Maalimisprotsess muutus kohati vaatemänguks. Tuntuim oli Jackson Pollock, tema tööd valmisid kõval pinnal(nt põrand), talle meeldis töötada kõigist neljast küljest ja maalimiseks kasutas ta keppe, kellusid, nuge, tilkuvat vedelat värvi või rasket pastoosset värvi segatuna liiva, klaasipuru või teiste lisanditega. 3.Mida tähendab internatsionaalne sti...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
39 allalaadimist

Past Progressive (Past Continuous)

Past Progressive (Past Continuous) The past progressive puts emphasis on the course of an action in the past. Form Positive Negative Question I / he / she / it I was speaking. I was not speaking. Was I speaking? you / we / they You were speaking. You were not speaking. Were you speaking? Exceptions in Spelling Exceptions in spelling when adding ing Example come ­ coming final e is dropped (but: ee is not changed) (but: agree ­ agreeing ) after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled sit ­ sitting l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled (in British English) travel ­ travelling final ie becomes y lie ­ lying Use of Past Prog...

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Due Date review

Due Date review Due Date is set in America, the film was shot in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Atlanta, Georgia, Tuscaloosa and in Alabama. This film was directed by Todd Phillips. Robert Downey Jr. Zach Galifianakis, Michelle Monaghan, Juliette Lewis, Jamie Foxx are the stars in the film. They all give excellent performances. The story is about for this road movie concerning a soon-to-be father and his cross- country trip to make it back in time for his baby's birth. The heroes of the film are Robert Downey, Jr. as Peter Highman, Zach Galifianakis as Ethan Tremblay / Ethan Chase, Michelle Monaghan as Sarah Highman, Juliette Lewis as Heidi, Jamie Foxx as Darryl Johnson, RZA as Airline Screener Marshall, Danny McBride as Western Union Employee Lonnie, Todd Phillips as Barry, Mimi Kennedy as Sarah's Mom, Keegan-Michael Key as New Father, Aaron Lustig as Dr. Greene, Marco Rodrí...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

My family

One day, about 11 years ago I was home with my family. My mother was cooking a delicious fish for me and for my brother . We were hungry. I went to the kitchen and I saw a cooked fish, and I just wanted to eat it all. But then a fishbone got stuck inside of my throat. I was crying because it hurt me very badly. Then my mother asked me: "Oh my god! What is it, dear son?" then she saw a fish on the ground. My mother called ambulance and we went to the car right after. When we arrived to the hospital, then some nurses came to me and put me on a wheeled bed. They rolled me to the room where they took the bone out of my throat. I was so shocked that they had to give me a tranquilizer. Doctors kept my family informed what was happening with me. I was in hospital for 2 days before I got back home. That is a small story about my childhood, when I was about 3 year's old kid.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonian food

Brita ESTONIAN FOOD Rasmus Roger Kregor EVERYDAY MEALS Breakfast Lunch Dinner HOLIDAY FOOD New Year's Eve Midsummer Day September 1 Christmas Birthdays NATIONAL DISHES Rye bread Baltic herring Kama DIFFERENT INFLUENCES ON ESTONIAN CUISINE Geographic location and climate Food preparation methods History and external influences Six step historical development OLD ESTONIAN CUISINE AKA PEASANT CUISINE Simple One sided With few spices Made of bread and starch Fish and meat that's high in salt and fat Coarseflour rye bread Butter and nuts GERMAN AKA MANOR CUISINE Quality and availability International connections St. Petersburg and Stockholm 1781 ­ the first cookbook RUSSIAN CUISINE Dumplings Solyanka Rassolnik Borscht Beef stroganof Chicken Kiev Cottage cheese patty/donut Pasha THE BIRTH OF ESTONIAN CUISINE 1918 ­ Republi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tenses tabel ­ LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE Examples Examples Examples Tense Signal words Use Form affirmative negative interrogative every day something happens repeatedly sometimes how often something happens always I work. I don't work. Do I work? one action follows another often Infinitive He works. He doesn't work. Does he work? Sim...

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Informal letter

Õie 67A-4 Pärnu, Estonia 80032 April 14, 2008 Dear Jaanika, It's been a while since we last wrote, so I thought I'd drop you a line to bring you up to date with what's been happening here. Actually, right now I'm laying under the palm tree and having a nice vacation at Bahama Island. I've been here for a week already and the time is just flowing by. I'm planning to relax and enjoy my vacation for another 2 weeks. Then I have to fly back home and start to work hard. But as a matter of fact I'm already thinking about my summer plans. I'm kind a sure that it wont be that relaxing at all, because I've thought about some money collecting. So my plans are that the first 2 months I'll mostly spend working. And for the last mont...

Keeled → Inglise keel
393 allalaadimist


INTERNATIONAL DAY Introduction The aim of this report is to advance coming events and give some suggestions for that kind of enterprises. It is based on stundents reactions and notes taken on International day. General Students told that it was informative and interesting. They added that food and dancing was excelent. Most of them were pleased with that kind of event and many are looking forward to next. All in all the students were satisfied. Planning and Organisation It was found that it was planned rather last-minute and few people ended up doing all the work. It seems that people did not know, what was happening. One presentation tended to be boring and last too long. Equipment and Rooms There were some problems with equipment also: slide projector got stuck, music was not loud enough, rice cooker was not available and there was too little room for dancing. Everything else was working properly. Suggestions Fi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Eesti muusikaajalugu 1950-1990

1950 · Raimond Valgre(1913-1949) · Ans Rütmikud (A.Oit, U.Naissoo, V.Ojakäär, G.Podelski, E.Kõlar, V.Järvi)Esimene ansambel Eestis kes alustas elektrikitarride kasutamist. · Ans Metronoom(U.Naissoo,H.Lääts,K.Tennosaar) · E.Laansoo kitarriansambel(mitmekordne pealemäng) · Jazzimuusikat ei mängitud · Orkestris ei olnud saksofoni 1960 · Jazz,biit,estraad · Hakati korraldama TLN jazzifestivale · Ans Juuniorid,mille juhatajaks oli T.Kõrvits ja lauljaks T.Mägi · Ans Omega,solistiks A.Veski · Ans Virmalised(T.Urmet,Ü.Urmet,solist-J.Joala) · Ans Optimistid(T.T.H Kõrvits) · Ans Rütmikud (T.Mägi,P.Kõlar) · Ans Peoleo(T.Linna) · Ans Andromeda · Ans Mikronid(G.Kraps) · Ans Toomapojad(P.Tooma) · Ans Kristallid(blues)(M.Kuut) · Georg Ots 1920-1975 · ER meeskvartett · Horoskoop · Aarne Oit'i lauluvõistlus 1970 · Ans Justament(T.Lunge,J Elgule) · Ans Palderjan(T Pihlap) · ...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
57 allalaadimist

Computer is man's best friend.

Computer is Man's Best Friend Nowadays computers have a big part in our everyday life. It is difficult to imagine our lives without them. Unfortunately the development of technology has changed people's priorities too much. Instead of being with their loved ones, people spend more and more time in front of the computer. Has computer really become man's new best friend? On the one hand, computer can be really useful in many circumstances. For example, thanks to computers people can do their job more easily and faster, search information they need or just find out what is happening in the world in general. On the other hand, by spending too much time in front of the computer people tend to waist a lot of time. Because of the fact that Internet is full of various entertainments, people lose sense of time. It may also seem that virtual life is more interesting than the real one. Although com...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Unit 4 HEALTH AND CARE 17.conventional medicine n - the usual form of medicine Language Leader Advanced practised in most European and North American countries [= western medicine] tavameditsiin 1. alternative medicine ['meds()n] n - medical 18.cough v - [kf] to suddenly push air out of your throat treatment that is not based on the usual western with a short sound, often repeatedly: Matthew methods: Acupuncture is widely used by practitioners coughed and cleared his throat. köhima of alternative medicine. 19.discharge v - to officially allow someone to leave 2. anonymous ['nnims] adj - unknown by name: Our somewhere, especially the hospital or the army, navy client prefers to remain anonymous. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Present Tenses.

The Present Simple is the most basic tense in the English language. It is an interesting tense because it can be used Present Simple to express the future. Generally, though, we use it to Basic form describe the present activities or to talk about routines or Subject + Verb + -s (present form)  John lives in New York.  We play football every day.  You are really kind.  The meeting starts at 3 PM. Use the Present Simple:  with state verbs.  to talk about situations in life that last a relatively long time.  when an event is certain to happen in the future.  to talk about events that we can't change (for example, an official meeting or a train departure). The Present Simple is also used in narration...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Television Television is the most common way to spend free time. Although everyone watch TV, they still have different opinions about it. I think TV helps people to be closer to news or other important incidents. Especially now when there's a economic crisis everywhere and people wants to know what's happening around them. TV also helps you to relax easily. It is a lot of fun to watch TV and have a beer with your friends. TV also helps to take up a new topic to talk about. Some TV programmes are very educating and help students with their school work. My favorite TV programmes are political talkshows. They help me to be more critical to provocations. But watching TV all day long is not healthy. It can really affect your eyes. The most annoying thing about television is that the TV companies show more commercials than programmes. Also there is too much violence and sex...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Ways of expressing the Future

Ways of expressing the Future Table of Contents Future Simple ...................................................................... 2 Be going to ........................................................................... 3 Present Continuous .............................................................. 3 Present Simple ..................................................................... 4 Future Continuous ............................................................... 4 Future Perfect....................................................................... 6 Other ways of referring to the future ..................................... 7 Other future references......................................................... 8 Future Simple In Future Simple we use the modal verb will + the verb. It is the same in all persons. I will work I’ll work ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Present simple, present continious - reeglistik

Present Simple. Present Simple is used for... Example Permanent situations or states Jim lives in the south of England Permanent truths or laws of nature The sun sets around 5 o'clock in the afternoon in the winter Repeated/habitual actions especially with George always plays football on always, usually etc. Saturday afternoons. (= He does that every Saturday Afternoon.) Timetables/programmes with a future The train leaves at 10.05 on Tuesday meaning. Reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic The basketball player shoots and the ball narrative goes in the basket. Time expressions used with present simple: Every day/week/month/year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, on Monday, in the morning, evening, etc. Present Continuous (to be + verb -ing)...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

TMT0050 Working Environment and Ergonomics: November 2016 ASSIGNMENT 2 ASSIGNMENT 2 ­ RISK ASSESSMENT NB ­ Group work! Delivery time: 14 November 2016 Maximum Participants: 5 points! TASK 1 ­ DISCUSSION ON HAZARDS AND RISKS Bad stuff happens, right? a. Make a list of all of the events which could affect your success in your studies at the university. What are the probable reasons for you to fail in your studies, to fail in exams and not getting the certificate? This is a brainstorming activity. There are no wrong or right answers. 1. Laziness 2. Health 3. Young love 4. Financial problems ...

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

Simple Present Present Progressive/Continious (99%) infinitive form of 'be' and verb + ing (3rd person singular: infinitive + 's') I speak I am speaking you speak you are speaking he / she / it speaks he / she / it is speaking we speak we are speaking they speak they are speaking Signal words: always, every, often, normally, usually, Signal words: at the moment, at this moment, today, sometimes, seldom, never, first, then now, right now, Listen!, Look! Rules · in general (regularly, often, never) · right now e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Future Tenses

FUTURE TENSES FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL/SHALL) Form: will/shall + algvorm USE: 1)Predicting a future happening or situations 2)Shalll can be used with i and we 3)Descisions to do smthing at the time of speakin (offering to o / agreeing to do smthing/ promising to do smth) Negative: I can see you' re busy, so I WON't BE GOING TO Form: am/is/are going to + algvorm Use: 1) Descisions to do smthing, intentions. I'm going to buy a new car 2) Predictions about the future, which are based on the situation now. PRESENT SIMPLE ( I do) WITH A FUTURE MEANING Use: 1)Talking about timetables, programmes: My train leaves at 11.30. 2) Talking about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (I am doing) WITH A FUTURE MEANING Use: 1)Talking about descisions and arrangements (sbdy has decied and arranged to do smthing). He is playing squash on Monday afternoon 2) You can use present contiuous for an action just before you b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Grand torino

Gran Torino Gran Torino is an American drama film, which was completed in 2008 and was released on December 9th in California. It was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, who also starred in it. The film tells a story about an old widowed former Ford factory worker Kowalski, who has a troubled relationship with his family members and who is angry at the world. It is quite interesting that Clint Eastwood wanted to star in a movie where he plays a racist character. He also said that it was his last film as an actor. The main issue in this film is gang violence on the streets involving different cultures and races. Grand Torino is not a typical American film at all; it even reminds me of a 1992 Australian film Romper Stomper which talks about the same problem- intolerance. The film also shows that if only people from different cultures want to live together in a friendly atmosphere and in harmon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun