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"translation" - 137 õppematerjali

translation – tõlkija, tõlgib kirjalikult Simultaneous interpretation – sünkroontõlge (klapid peas, aparatuuriga tõlge) Consecutive in – järeltõlge (suuline tõlge ilma aparaadiga) Whispering intre – sosistades tõlkimine Under which law was he punished? /What law he was punished under? – milled seaduse järgi teda karistati?

Kasutaja: Translation

Faile: 0

Article translation

A Palestinian bulldozer driver rammed a police car in Jerusalem, injuring two police officers, and then hit a bus before he was shot, officials said today. Israeli police said they regarded the incident as a terrorist attack. The driver of the bulldozer was shot several times and taken by ambulance to hospital with severe injuries. There were conflicting reports about whether he had been killed. The two policemen suffered slight injuries. Uzi Mahatabi, 32, a taxi driver who witnessed the incident said: "When I saw the bulldozer throw the squad car up and down in the air with an officer inside, I realised it was a terror attack." Mahatabi said he got out of his cab, and fired two or three bullets, hitting the attacker in the stomach after police had already shot the man. The incident appears similar to at least two other attacks in Jerusalem last year in which bulldozers were used against cars and buses. The police car was badly d...

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Translation history

Summary • Early history of translation studies – Cicero and St. Jerome (what did they do/how/why are they relevant to translation studies?) St. Jerome – Greek scholar, did some translation work. Lived during the 4th century. Jerome is best known as the translator of the Bible into Latin. A previous version (now called the Old Latin) existed, but Jerome's version far surpassed it in scholarship and in literary quality. Jerome was well versed in classical Latin (as well as Greek and Hebrew), but deliberately translated the Bible into the style of Latin that was actually spoken and written by the majority of persons in his own time. This kind

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Technical translation

Technical translation Technical translation  Forms a part of specialised translation  The other part is comprised by institutional translation (politics, commerce, finance, government, etc.)  Can be considered somewhat culture-free (not really true?)  Universal: not confines to one speech community Characteristic features:  Terminology (5-10%), only that much, but it makes the text hard to translate  Format: technical report, but also instructions, manuals, notices, publicity  Grammatical features in English: passives, third persons, empty verbs, present tenses.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Network Address Translation Network Address Translation ehk NAT on võrguaadressi ümbernimetamine.. NAT on ruuteri lisafunksioon mis muudab privaatse või registreerimata IP aadressi ja asendab ametliku IP aadressiga. NAT on tekkinud ajaloolistel põhjustel, kus IPv4 interneti aadressid hakkasid otsa saama ning eelistatult hakati kasutama NAT'i, mis siis osaliselt leevendab aadresside puudust. Nimelt asub ühe avaliku IP aadressi taga kahest või enamast arvutist koosnev lokaalvõrk, milledel ei ole tingimata vaja omada avalikku IP aadressi. Lisafunktsioonina on NATil ka lokaalvõrku kaitsev tähendus. NAT kasutatakse tänapäeval suurtes organisatsioonides, sest NAT annab suurema paindlikkuse aadresside kasutamiseks oma kohtvõrkudes ja lubab kasutajatel vastavalt vajadusele ühiselt kasutada piiratud arvu registreeritud IP aadresse. NAT'i kasutamine teeb ka raskemaks võrgu ründamise väljastpoolt, sest sisemisi IP aadress...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
33 allalaadimist

Translation studies questions

1. Faithful and false friends a. How do you understand literal translation (based on this short text)? Literal translation is translating directly from source language into target language b. Which types of words are more/less literal? More literal: objects and movements Less literal: qualities and ways of moving c. What are the two views of translation that the author brings out? Explain. 1) A process of explanation, interpretation, reformulating ideas and words. 2) Impossible due to other definitions 2. Expressive function a. Name the three expressive text types. - Serious imaginative literature; Authoritative statements; Autobiographies, essays, personal correspondence. b. Why is it difficult to translate an expressive text? - Because of the used dialect may get lost in the translation. c

Keeled → Tõlketeooria
4 allalaadimist

Resümee: Antoine Berman

Antoine Berman ,,Translation and the Trial of the foreign" Resümee Läbiv teema Antoine Berman´i essees on "tõlkimine kui võõra proovilepanek" (comme épreuve de l´étranger), kuid mõlema, nii lähte- kui sihtkultuuri proovilepanek tõlkimisprotsessi käigus. Räägitakse sellest, kuidas tõlkimine on üha enam võõrapärase edasiandmiselt liikumas teksti ,,kodustamise" suunas. Bermani väitel peab iga tõlge tähendama küll teksti mingil määral kodustamist, ent peaks seejuures siiski säilitama oma võõrapärasuse ja sellest tulenevalt ka teatava komplekssuse. Bermani hinnangul kaasneb teksti liigse kodustamisega ka soovimatu lihtsustamine, mis paratamatult kulmineerub sellega, et originaal kaotab oma isikupära. Ta arvab, et tänapäeva tõlge, ennekõike proosatõlge, võib olla algtekstile sageli kahjustavaks ­ tõlkimine on ennekõike tähenduse säilitamine; vaadeldes teksti moonutamise suundumusi, toob välja selle 12 erinevat viisi: 1. Ratsionaliseerim...

Keeled → Tõlketeooria
22 allalaadimist

Sõnaseletus unit 3

ACRE(aaker)- a unit of area used in certain English-speaking countries. ADVENTURE(seiklus) - an exciting or very unusual experience. ALIKE(ühtviisi) - in the same manner or form. APPRECIATE(tänulik) - to feel thankful or grateful for: to appreciate a favour. ARCHERY(vibulaskmine) - sport of shooting with bows and arrows ASPECT(aspekt) - appearance to the eye; visual effect ASPIRING( ambitsioon)- to rise to a great height ASSIGN(loovutada) - give out or allot AWARD-WINNING(auhinnatud) - BARGAIN - an agreement or contract establishing what each party will give. BOILING HOT (keev) -to an extreme extent BOTHERED ( tüütama) to give trouble to; annoy; pester; worry BREAK - to separate or become separated into two or more pieces BROADEN - to make or become broad or broader; widen BROCHURE -a pamphlet or leaflet. CABLE - a strong thick rope CANCEL - to revoke or annul CHALK (kriit) -white,soft... CHANGEABLE able to change or be changed; fickle ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Prepositions and phrases

1. Prepositions: of course there are no all expressions what you can use in that document, only some of them but I hope I'll help somebody for sharing that document :). 2. Phrases: some phrases are in English (+ Estonian translation, of course), some in Estonian (+ English translation)

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

of the travel experiences and entail the blend of several cultural identities: the authors' complex ones, that of their audiences, as well as that of the characters in their narratives. The second section suggests interlingual translation scenarios sketched out for the purpose of undertaking the real translations of these books. One of the strategies that are pleaded for is that of `further foreignization'. By using it, translators may create effects of strangeness and defamiliarization for

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

King james bible

1.The Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version, King James Bible or KJV. English translation of Christian Bible. Translation began by the church of england in 1604 and completed in 1611. It was the third official translation into english. The first was the great bible which was made during the reign of kind henry VIII and the second was bishops bible. They started making the new version in 1604 because the puritans(a factino within the church of england) perceived (detected)problems with earlier translations. 2.The translation was done by 47 scholars, all of who were members of the Church of England. The New Testament was translated from Greek, the Old Testament was translated

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Proyecto Final: Transducción Entre Idiomas

arriba, sólo que los veinte capítulos que son después fueron (probablemente) escrito por Rojas. Lo que hace un punto interesante: esperaría que los estilos de escritura a ser dramáticamente diferente. Sin embargo, creo que gran parte del estilo, muy sexual, alusiones a través del libro. Por ejemplo, cuando Celestina es alentador de preliminares (foreplay) de Sempronio y Pármepno con sus mujeres en la casa durante la cena (Finch 128). The first translation of the tragicomedia that is interesting for me is by James Mabbe and Dorothy Severin. It is one of the most well-known translations of La Celestina. Mabbe translated the work while Severin edited it and added the introduction and notes. The original translation by Mabbe was in 1631 in London, and uses English from that period. This is actually his second translation of the same work; the first was completed in 1598. In 1972 the Tamesis Press

Keeled → Hispaania keel
4 allalaadimist

La Celestina Ejercicio de Traducción

Y no lo juzgues por eso por flaco, que el amor impervio todas las cosas vence. Y sabe, si no sabes, que dos conclusiones son verdaderas. La primera, que es forzoso el hombre amar a la mujer y la mujer al hombre. La segunda, que el que verdaderamente ama es necesario que `se turbe con la dulzura del soberano deleite, que por el Hacedor de las cosas fue puesto, porque el linaje de los hombres `se perpetuase, sin lo cual perescería. (Finch p 36) Literal Translation You know, Pármeno, that Calisto is lovesick°. And you shouldn't judge him for being weaker than it; undaunted° love conquers all things. And know that, if you don't know already, that two conclusions are true. The first, that a man is forced to love a woman and the woman love a man. The second, that he that truly loves must be bothered by the sweetness of natural delight, which the Maker of things put onto us, for the lineage of men to

Keeled → Hispaania keel
5 allalaadimist

Timetable Dec 2013

1.dec Composing Nov work timetable 1 1-2.dec Narva stock balance comparison with Kaubamaja forecast (task given by Pernilla) 7,5 12-13.dec SEB Baltics tender documents' arrangement and dissemination 9 16.dec Eesti Post summer uniform new tender analysis and info dissemination 3,5 17-18.dec Kaubamaja Dressat subsite texts translation (task given by Pernilla) 8,5 19-20.dec Communication with Police and submitting confirmation letter reg Police shirt tend 4,5 Week 50-51 Communication with Tallinna Kaubamaja 5,5 20. and 25.dec Composition of Eesti Post summer uniform infosheet 9,5 25-26.dec Translation of Kaubamaja products for webshop (task given by Pernilla) 9

Majandus → Ettevõtemajandus
4 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

other. It is very important for them to understand foreigners and be understood by them. Goal of my research work Ø Goal of my research work is to prove that idioms in the English language are integral part of it, which make our speech more colorful and authentically native. Tasks I like to achieve the following tasks: 1. To classify idioms; 2. To study the problem of the translation of idioms; 3. To understand the aim of the modern usage of idioms; 4. To distinguish different kinds of idioms; 5. To analyze the frequency of idioms' usage referring to English. Hypothesis Ø My suggestions is the Second World War was the turning point in many areas in life, because after the war new interactive medium have changed the English language more to the American English direction. The object of the work Ø

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

NAT ja PAT referaat

............................................................................ 3 Näide NAT tööst....................................................................................................... 3 Mis on PAT?.............................................................................................................. 4 Kasutatud kirjandus.................................................................................................... 5 NAT ja PAT Mis on NAT? NAT ehk Network Address Translation ehk võrguaadresside teisendamine/transleerimine on võrguliikluses ja ruuterites kasutatav tehnika, mis seisneb IP pakettide päiste muutmises, nii et paistaks nagu võrguliiklus tuleneks NAT ruuterist, kuigi ühenduse looja oli mingi seade NAT ruuteri "taga". Selle abil saab terveid arvutivõrke ühe ruuteri taha peita ja kogu liiklus paistab tulevat ruuteri välise IP pealt. Eravõrgu sisemiste IP aadresside asendamine avalike IP aadressidega. NAT annab organisatsioonidele

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
10 allalaadimist

Polügonomeetriavõrgu tasandamine programmiga GEO

programmiga GEO Ülesanne. Teostada Tartu linna 2. järgu geodeetilise põhivõrgu osa tasandamine programmiga „Geo“. Vastavalt lähteandmetele koostame horisontaalse geodeetilise võrgu taasandusfaili. Sinna paneme mõõdetud nurgad ja joonepikkused. Lisaks nende standardhälbed. Samuti tuleb faili panna ka lähtepunktide koordinaadid ning tundmatute punktide esialgsed ligikaudsed koordinaadid. Esmalt teostame vaba tasanduse (DataAdjustFree adjustment with translation and rotation) ning seejärel lisaks seotud tasanduse (DataAdjustStrict adjustment). Saadud tasandusaruannete abil teostame F-testi. Koostame hüpoteesid: S 21 =1 või S 21 = S 22 H0: S 22 S 21 ≠1 või S 21 ≠ S 22 HA: S2 2 suurem dispersioon F- statistiku leiame F= väiksem dispersioon kaudu. Kuna tasandusaruannetes olevad dispersioonid on vaba tasanduse puhul 0,0841 ja seotud tasanduse puhul 0,09. F-

Geograafia → Geodeesia
5 allalaadimist

Tüdruk perekonnast

Translation into English (Background Information: this is an excerpt from science fiction story for children set in the future.) ( ) «» - , . , . , , , , . , , , . , , . , . , , . , , . , . . . «» , , . , . . , -, . , , . , - , . «» - . , . . - - . - , , - , . - . , «» . «»? *. , , - , . , , . , , - , . - . * here the meaning is: "oh, absolutely everything" The "" is here used only for emphasis Vocabulary - young nature lovers' society +instr. - to look after - crew - hard - brave ­ resolution ­ luxuriant, splendid, bushy (of hair, beard etc) ­ to rummage in the engine / - to mend / ­ ...

Keeled → Vene keel
4 allalaadimist

Progress Test 1 11 klass (kõik vastused )

1. Ülesanne 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 2. Ülesanne 1. AT 2. TOO 3. ENOUGH 4. FROM 5. BOTH 6. PIECE 7. HOLD 8. BY 9. ASK 10. HURRY 3. Ülesanne 1. ... THERE WAS ANYONE ELSE ... 2. ... WAS TOO SMALL FOR HIM ... 3. ... NOT EXPERIENCED ENOUGH TO GO ... 4. ... NOWHERE WE COULD PUT ... 5. ... A FEW PEOPLE HE KNEW ... 4. Ülesanne 1. INTELLIGENCE 2. TRANSLATION 3. APPEARANCE 4. FOUNDATION 5. ASSISTANT 5. Ülesanne 1. THE 2. OF 3. THERE 4. IT 5. BEING 6. ÜLESANNE 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A

Keeled → Inglise keel
75 allalaadimist

Mullastiku hävinemine

Mullastiku hävinemine Karoliine Haidak Põlva 2009 Looduslikud põhjused Erosioon vee tõttu Erosioon tuule tõttu Hapestumine Üleujutused Maalihked ds1.jpg Inimtegevuse tagajärjed Erosioon vee Raskemetallid tõttu Füüsiline Erosioon tuule hävinemine Bioloogiline tõttu Sooldumine vaesumine Kõrbestumine Hapestumine Kaevandamine Kõrghooned Muldade erosioon vee tõttu Erosioon ehk ärakanne Põhjused: 1. Vesi- paduvihmad, vooluveed 2. Inimtegevus- taimkatte hävitamine (nt. põldude harimine, lageraie nõlvadel) Erosioon t...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

publishers or through the Copyright Clearance Center (for USA: Please contact [email protected] or consult our website: Tables of Contents, abstracts and guidelines are available at Subtitle reading speed A new tool for its estimation José Luis Martí Ferriol Universitat Jaume I 1.Introduction Subtitling, together with dubbing, is the audiovisual translation mode most widely used worldwide. The number of publications devoted to assess which one of both is better when viewing audiovisual material is large, and have been thoroughly summarized for example by Chaume (2004). The conclusion, however, is that this discussion is somewhat useless, in the sense that both cover different needs and are preferred in certain countries or regions depending on a number of econom- ical, historical and sociological reasons. Bearing this is mind, we can state that

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist


nature What is nature? Nature, in broadest sense, is material world- all the universum. In smaller sense, nature is part of world, which is not influenced by humen activity. Where come from word nature? The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth". Natura was a Latin translation of the Greek word physis which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord. Most Beautiful Places Of The World We quite often see and read about manmade wonders of the world but have we ever thought about natural wonders surrounding us. Top ten natural wonders of the world is very hard to get 100% consensus on because there are so many wonderful places on Earth. Grand Canyon

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

King Alfred the Great

s Born: 849 at Wantage, Oxfordshire Parents: Aethelwulf, King of Wessex, and Osburh Relation to Elizabeth II: 32nd great-grandfather House of: Wessex Crowned: 871 Married: Ealhswith of Mercia Children: 5 children Died: 899 Buried at: Winchester ·Only King to have epithet"the Great" ·Defended England against Danish invasion and founded the first English navy ·He encouraged the translation of scholarly works from Latin and promoted the development of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. ·A new legal code came into force during his reign. ·At the age of 19 in 868 he is recorded as fighting beside his brother in Mercia against the Danes In 878, the Danes under their leader, Guthrum overran Wessex. Alfred and his remnants went into hiding. At Easter time in 879, Alfred set up a base in the region of Athelney. The great Saxon kingdoms of England had been reduced to one man who ruled a small area of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Toodan, produtseerin või sünnitan?

feministliku allkeele taandada ka koomiksile. 10 Kasutatud kirjandus Andermahr, S., Lovell, T., Wolkowitz, C. A GLOSSARY of Feminist Theory, London, A Hodder Arnold Publication, 2000 Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., Tiffin, H., Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. New York, Routlegde, 2007 Chamberlain, L., "The Metaphorics of Translation", Translation Studies Reader: 2nd edition, USA and Canada, Routledge, 2004 Cobely, P., Jansz, L. Juhatus semiootikasse, Tallinn, Koge ja Balti Raamat, 2002 Deely, J. Semiootika alused, Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus, 2009 Humm, M., The Dictionary of feminist theory, Hertfordshire, Prentice Hall, 1995 Kõnno, A., Randviir, A., ,,Mis on semiootika, tõepoolest?" Acta Semiotica Estica I, Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2001 Lepik, P. Universaalidest Juri Lotmani semiootika kontekstis, Tartu, Tartu Ülikooli

Semiootika → Semiootika
16 allalaadimist


in New York City, it actually runs 21 km through Manhattan and 3.2 km through the Bronx, exiting north from the city to run an additional 29 km through the municipalities of Yonkers, Hasting- On-Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington and Tarrytown and terminating north of Sleepy Hollow in Westchester County. It is the oldest north–south main thoroughfare in New York City, dating to the first New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is the English literal translation of the Dutch name, Breede weg. Broadway is known widely as the heart of the American theatre industry. Broadway was originally the Wickquasgeck Trail, carved into the brush of Manhattan by its Native American inhabitants. This trail originally snaked through swamps and rocks along the length of Manhattan Island. In the 18th century, Broadway ended at the town commons north of Wall Street, where traffic continued up the East Side of the island via Eastern Post Road and the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Lomonosovi lapsepõlv - Childhood of Lomonosov

Russian 2nd year translation. Prose. The Childhood of Mikhail Lomonosov The great Russian scholar Mikhail Vasil'evich Lomonosov was born in the beginning of the eighteenth century in a little village near the White Sea. His father was a fisherman and he often took his son with him when he went fishing. When Lomonosov was a little boy he wanted to study. This was difficult because books were rare and expensive and because there was no school in the village. However, the village priest taught Lomonosov to read and write. After that, Mikhail Lomonosov began to look for books. One man in the village had an arithmetic book. When Lomonosov saw this book, he ased the man to give it to him. He read it so often that soon he knew it by heart. He managed to get more books from his friends and spent many days reading them. Lomonosov was already nineteen years old when he decided to go to school. Though he already knew much, he needed the help of e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Unit 16 tõlkimine

Form 7 Unit 16 Translation 1. Mida me võiksime teha sel nädalavahetusel? Lähme kunstinäitusele! What shall we do this weekend? Let's go to an art exhibition! 2. Millist vaba aja tegevust sa eelistad ­ uisutamist või pikniku pidamist? Which leisure activity do you prefer ­ ice-skating or having a picnic? 3. Ma pigem läheksin vaatamisväärsustega tutvuma kui teatrisse. I would rather go sightseeing than to the theatre. 4. Mina sooviksin minna rokk-kontserdile Guns N' Roses esituses.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonian Drama theatre

7) At the beginning the theatre was called the Dramastudio but in 1937 theatre was renamed - the new title was Estonian Drama Theatre. 8) Estonian drama theatre has a big auditorium with 426-seats. Then a small stage with 159-seats and it was was opened in 1967. 9) And finally 70-seat Paintshop stage which was opened in 2004. 10) The Estonian Drama Theatre mainly plays classics. 11) The performances are given in Estonian language but sometimes translation into Russian is also available. 12) Estonian drama theatre with 34-member actors troupe and 4 directors is the biggest drama company in the country. 13) Throughout the years the theatre has been led by many outstanding directors. 14) At now it works under the artistic director Priit Pedajas and general director Rein Oja. 15)During a season more than 500 performances for more than 100,000 spectators are given.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


TRANSLATION Hea käitumise musternäidis- model of good behaviour Lastetoetus- child benefit Töötu abiraha- unemployment benefit Maksimaalselt kasu saama- maximum benefit Valikuid piirama- restrict choices Kaalutletud valik- deliberate choice Ettenägematud asjaolud- unforeseen circumstances Meist sõltumatud asjaolud- circumstances beyond our control Halvustatud märkused- nasty/derogatory comments Pöörane/absurdne kaebus- preposterous comment Halvad ilmastikuolud- adverse weather conditions Ta seisukord halvenes- His condition deteriorated Vältimatu tagajärg- inevitable consequence Nende kontrolli alt väljas- beyond their control Rasestumisvastased vahendid- birth control Ekspluatatsioonikulud- running costs Omast käest teadma- know to one's cost Terav kriitika- harsh criticism Täismaja (nt. teatris)- capacity crowd WORD FORMATION 1. Explain-explanation 2. Shake-unshakeable 3. Deep-depth 4. Lie-underlying 5. Success-unsuccessful 6. Go-u...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

The Bahamas

believe in Average price for a house is 14,000,000$ Junkanoo music and street carnival National flower ­ the yellow elder The yellow elder Districts Junkanoo festival The Bahamas Atlantis Mayan temple water slide Shipwreck in the Bahamas The Bahamas was first visited by who and when? What is its ammount of population? What does the translation of Bahamas mean? How many districts are there? Name the Bahamian musical style When did it join the Commonwealth realm? How many different religions are there? What is the national flower? For how many days per year is sunny there? The main ethnic group was?

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Stalini lapselaps

Russian Language 2. Translation. "Stalin's Grandson" Theatre director Alexandr Burdonsky only rarely gives interviews about his family history and about what happened to him after Stalin's death: "I was fifteen years old when the 20 th Congress took place and Khrushchev gave his secret speech about the cult of personality and its consequences and about all the people who had suffered under Stalin. The speech was no revelation for me. Many of my mother's friends had spent time in prison camps. She herself was constantly under threat of arrest. I knew about all this and I had the same attitude as any other normal person to it. But after Khrushchev's speech many people abandoned us. For them we were only Stalin's relatives. Nobody came to visit us. The headmistress of our school began to pick on my sister and me. We had to move to another school. Later, thank goodness, I met somebody who behaved differently towards me. I was studying drama...

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Navajo people

Diné bizaad: Ashiiké tóó diigis léi tólikaní la ádiilnííl dóó nihaa nahidoonih níigo yee hodeez jiní. Áko táá al chil naatloii kiidiilá dóó hááhgóósh yinaalnishgo táá álah ch il na atl o ii néineest jiní. Áádóó tólikaní áyiilaago táá bíhígíí t áá al tl ízíkágí yii haidéélbd jiní. "Háadida díí tólikaní yígíí doo la ahadiidzil da," níigo ahadeet jiní. Áádóó baa nahidoonih biniiyé kintahgóó dah yidiiljid jiní... Free English translation: Some crazy boys decided to make some wine to sell, so they each planted grapevines and, working hard on them, they raised them to maturity. Then, having made wine, they each filled a goatskin with it. They agreed that at no time would they give each other a drink of it, and they then set out for town lugging the goatskins on their backs... Examples THANK YOU FOR LISTENING ! :)

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Broadway Broadway is a street in the U.S. state of New York. It is the oldest north­south main thoroughfare in New York City, dating to the first New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is the English literal translation of the Dutch name, Breede weg. Broadway is known worldwide as the heart of the American theatre industry. One famous stretch near Times Square, where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue in midtown Manhattan, is the home of many Broadway theatres, housing an ever-changing array of commercial, large- scale plays, particularly musicals. Canyon of Heroes is occasionally used to refer to the section of lower Broadway in the Financial District that is the location of the city's ticker-tape parades

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Jaapani viski

Jaapani viski Ajalugu Tootmine algas umbes aastal 1870. Kaubanduslikult hakati tootma 1924 (peale riigi esimese piiritustehase avamist). Kaks kõige mõjukamat tegelast Jaapani viski ajaloos Shinjiro Torii ja Masataka Taketsuru. Shinjiro Torii Torii oli Kotobukiya asutaja (Suntory). AkadamaPort Wine tegi temast eduka kaupmehe. Otsustas ehitada esimese Jaapani viski piiritustehase Yamazakisse. Torii soovis viskit, mis sobiks kokku traditsiooniliste jaapani toitudega, et selle maitse harmoneeruks nii vee kui teega. Torii palkas Masataka Taketsuru juhatajaks. 1934 lahkus Taketsuru oma enda ettevõttesse Dainipponkajusse (Nikka). Tuntuimad ettevõtted Suntory ja Nikka. Sarnaneb rohkem Soti viskile kui Iiri, Ameerika või Kanada viskile. Jaapani viski tootmine algas kui Soti viski taastamine. Pinoeerid nagu Taketsuru õppisid hoolikalt Soti viski valmistamist ja üritasid seda Jaapanis toota. Maailma parim viski Jaapani viski tunnustati maailma...

Toit → Joogiõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Different cultures

needs some changes. Only by meeting the different cultures you may think that some things that you had before were worse or better than they need to be. Effective communication with people of different cultures is especially challenging. Cultures provide people with ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. The same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases. Second are "behavior constraints." Each culture has its own rules about proper behavior which affect verbal and nonverbal communication. Whether one looks the other person in the eye-or not; whether one says what one means overtly or talks around the issue; how close the people stand to each other when they are talking--all of these and many more are rules of politeness which differ from culture to culture.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

Mari-Liis Eha Chemical and Environmental Technology in Tallinn University of Technology 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL 1. Barbiturates 2. Sodium thiopental 3. Uses 4. Dosage in anesthetic use 5. Recovery 6. Side effects 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL VERB DEFINITION TRANSLATION Barbiturate Drugs that act as depressants Sedatiivse toimega uinuti Anesthetic Drug that causes reversible loss of tuimesti sensation Intravenous Within a vein Veenisisene (IV) To redistribute Chemical reaction involving ligand Ümberjaotus exchange To dissolve To pass into solution Lahustuma

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Estinian Drama Theatre

literature, modern repertoire, more intimate plays requiring a small cast and less space, selected scripts from the contemporary Estonian authors and the producers' debut dramas. In these days the repertoire of Estonian Drama Theatre consists of the plays written by Shakespeare, Moliere, Calderon and also Friel, Bergman etc. The theatre is constantly searching for new plays written by Estonian authors. The performances are given in Estonian but the simultaneous translation into Russian is also available. In the Main Hall are mostly played full-blooded staging of the classics. In the Little Hall mostly plays of more intimate kind regarding smaller cast and space, selected scripts from the contemporary Estonian authors, and the producers' debut dramas are staged. With its 34-member actors troupe and 4 directors it is the biggest drama company in the country. During a season more than 500 performances for more than 100,000 spectators are given.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Aminohapped ja valgud

Aminohapete lühiiseloomustus Aminohapped (aminokarboksüülhapped) on keemilised ühendid, mis sisaldavad funktsionaalsete rühmadena nii aminorühmi(NH2) kui ka karboksüülrühmi(C+). Aminohapped on karboksüülhapped, mille alküülradikaalis on üks või mitu vesiniku(H) aatomit asendunud aminorühmaga. Kahekümmend peamist (standardset) aminohapet moodustavad enamiku elusorganismide valgud. ( · Alfa-aminohapped ­ valkude koosseisukuuluvad monomeerid · Valkude struktuurne ja funktsionaalne mitmekesisus baseerub 20 erineva aminohappe kombinatsioonidel) Valkude lühiiseloomustus Valgud (proteiinid)- on polümeerid, mille monomeerideks on aminohapped. On 20 erinevaid aminohapet (neist 8 asendamatud ja 12 , mida rakud saavad ise sünteesida), mis võivad kuuluda valkude koostisesse. Amonihappeid iseloomustab amino- ja karboksüülrühmad. V...

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
29 allalaadimist

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping Translate: 1. raamatupidaja-assistent teeb kandeid päevaraamatusse (3 pts)- bookkeeper records purchase and sale in journals 2. kandma edasi pearaamatusse (2 pts) ­ transfer to ledger 3. raamatupidamisperioodi lõpus (2 pts) ­ at the end of an accounting period 4. vastavad lõppsummad (2 pts) ­ relevant totals 5. 2-kordne kirjendamine (2 pts) ­ double-entry 6. tegema proovibilanssi (2 pts) ­ do a trial balance 7. tõendab kannet/kirjet kontol (3 pts) ­ support or prove an item in an account 8. saatma arvet (2 pts) ­ send invoice 9. säilitama algdokumente (2 pts) ­ retain the documents 10. kviitung kinnitab makset (3 pts) ­ receipt acknowledging payment 11. tegema neid kättesaadavaks (2 pts) ­ make them available? 12. sooritatud ja saadud makse (3 pts) ­ payment made and received 13. analüüsivad finantsk...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Women writer's influence on our society

more for themselves. Also being a woman and a writer wasn't considered as a decent job for a woman at that time. The stories that we have from that time were given to one another by talking and mostly we don't know who were the authors. Education was also very expensive so only rich people could get it and Estonians, who were just farmers, mostly didn't have money for that. First I am going to talk about Marie Heiberg. She lived 1890-1942. Her first poem collection was ,,Mure-lapse laulud" in translation ,,Problem child's songs". Her talent was noticed, but she didn't have a change to really become famous. She was in a great penury that made her life really though and she had a gentle soul. Thanks to all that in 1919 she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She isn't really famous poet in Estonia, but I chose her because when you read her poems you can really feel the pain she has been through. Her poems influenced lots of people with their fresh style and deep and painful content

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


at the Estonian National Opera. Half of them belong to the artistic staff and perform or take part in the performances. The other half support the creation process and give their best to help the artists on the stage as well as the audience in the theatre hall. Recommendation of a play  Play Genre: Childrens  Author: Mihkel Ulman  Original title: Peeglimeister  Written: 2002  Acts: 2  Roles: 4f, 11m (but it’s possible to perform the play with 9 actors)  Translation: English  Awards: First award for the Youth and Children’s Play Competition in 2002 A plot of the play  Sandra is very sad since her family has been so absorbed in computer games and television series that they forgot her birthday. Used literature   100 /  http:// ama-theatre  Theatre The end Thanks for watching

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Marijuana Facts For Teens artikkel

Marijuana Facts For Teens Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs among teenagers because most teens don't consider it to be harmful. This idea that marijuana is harmless is a very common misconception among teens. Teens use marijuana because it is a great way to relax and just chill out with friends, but most teens aren't aware of the risks associated with marijuana use. Teens may think that marijuana isn't dangerous because it's not a "hard" drug like cocaine or heroin, but what they don't know is that marijuana has its own set of dangers. Everyone has heard that marijuana is a "gateway drug" and this idea has been a point of debate for many years. However, even if marijuana does not lead to the use of other drugs, there are still negative consequences that result from the use of marijuana on its own. These include short term and long term consequences that include anxiety, drop in IQ, cancer, and asthma. Marijuana is not as harmle...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kirikulaul Veni creator, nimisõnad ja deklinatsioonid

(hymn written by Rabanus Maurus in the 9th century) Latin text English version (Nota bene! this is a poem and not a precise literal translation of the Latin) Veni, creator Spiritus Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, mentes tuorum visita, and in our hearts take up Thy rest; imple superna gratia, come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid, quae tu creasti pectora. To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O Comforter, to Thee we cry,

Keeled → Ladina keel
2 allalaadimist

Kristiina Ehin - esitlus

Kristiina Ehin Frank Rajangu Markus Boikov 9.a Isiklikust elust Sündis 18. juulil 1977 aastal Andres Ehini ja Ly Seppeli tütar Abiellus 13. septembril 2010. aastal muusiku Silver Sepaga Õpingud Õppis Tartu Ülikoolis eesti filoloogiat ja spetsialiseerus rahvaluulele Aastal 2004 omandas ta Tartu Ülikoolis magistrikraadi eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule alal. Magistritöö teemaks oli "Eesti vanema ja uuema rahvalaulu tõlgendusvõimalusi naisuurimuslikust aspektist" Veel natuke tema elust Töötas Vodja kooli õpetajana Kuulus kirjandusrühmitusse Erakkond Laulis ansamblis Sinimaniseele Luulekogud "Kevad Astrahanis: luuletusi 1992­1999" (Tallinn 2000) "Simunapäev" (Tallinn 2003) "Luigeluulinn" (Tallinn 2004) "Kaitseala" (Huma 2005) "Emapuhkus" (Pandekt 2009) "Viimane monogaamlane. Luuletused ja jutud" (Pegasus 2011) Kevad Simunapäev Luigeluulinn ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
55 allalaadimist

Mitmekeelne oskussuhtlus

preskriptiivne, st see ei ütle (otseselt), kuidas peab või peaks tõlkima, vaid pigem, kuidas tõlgitakse. Sellise kirjelduse praktilisus seisneb tõlkija võimaluses enda ja teiste tõlkijate tegevuse mõtestamisega ning uurimustest on abi ka tõlkimise õpetamisel (nt kui on võrreldud algajate ja kogenud tõlkijate tööd). Lisaks käegakatsutavale seosele reaalse tõlketegevusega panustavad tõlkealaste uurimuste tulemused ka tõlketeooriasse. Ingliskeelne termin translation studies hõlmab kõige üldistatumalt nii teooriaid kui ka uurimusi.Mõnikord öeldakse just tekstiga seotud kaasaegse uurimise kohta ka descriptive translation studies (DTS, 160 Tõlkimine kirjeldav tõlketeadus), kuigi James Holmesi 1973. aastal koostatud, tõlketeadusele aluse pannud kaardil kuulub siia alla ka näiteks tõlkimis- protsessi uurimine (Holmes 1994). Kirjeldava tõlketeaduse peamiste

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
36 allalaadimist

English Literature: 14th to 18th Century

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) ­ playwright, actor, poet 37 plays, over 400 screen adaptions Lord Chamberlain's Men, King's Men, The Globe Early life: John Shakespeare, Mary Arden, 2 sis', 3 bros; married Anne Hathaway 3 children Life in London: 1599 built Globe, 1623 first compilation Forms: classical & history plays, comedies+tragedies, poetry Style: metaphors, rhetorical phrases, free flow of words, unrhymed iambic pentameter; deviations Renaissance (end of 14th century) ­ Italy, reaches rest of Europe Elizabethan era (16th II h - 17th I h) Theatre: combined medieval theatre, morality plays & Roman drama to create Elizabethan tragedy Poetry: Italian influences, sonnet (English: cddc ee) Rulers of England: Henry VII (brings prosperity, repairs economic situation; made alliances); Henry VIII (beginning of English reformation; killed "traitors"; 6 marriages); Mary I (Catholic); Elizabeth I (The Virgin Queen restores order; Religiou...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist


their own language.It has been predicted that by 2003 only one third of the internet users will be speakers of english. As a result, companies wanting to reach world markets are beginning to realise that they will have to translate their websites for their various customers.However,creating a multilingual website is not an easy task. Companies wishing to translate their sites for different markets basically face both tehnical and linguistic problems. They are unable to use automated translation system, which already exist in the market, simply because the quality is not good enough for proffesional use.Businesses all over the world are now faced with this huge challenge.Moreover, translating websites is only the beginning.Customers with questions or problem will need to discuss matters in their own language, for example, while prices will need to bei n the local currency. Dates will also need to be in the right format to avoid confusion.Companies will need to adapt their advertising

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Kutsealane oskussõnastik

· Registration table ­ registreerimis laud · Stacking chairs ­ virnastatavad (konverentsi) toolid · Stationary ( including a stapler and puncher ) ­ bürootarbed ( klammerdaja ja auguraud ) · Flip chart + stand / easel ­ pabertahvel + alus · Special requests ­ erisoovid · Catering / food & beverage ­ toitlustamine · Evening reception ­ õhtune vastuvõtt · Hospitality room ­ vastuvõtu ruum · Syndicate room ( for group works ) ­ lisaruum · Synchonised translation ­ sünkroon tõlge · Room set-up ­ ruumi paigutus · Theatre style ­ teatristiil · Classroom style ­ klassiruumi stiil · Conference style ­ konverentsi stiil · U-shape ­ u-kujuline · Hollow square ­ neli nurkne sees tühi stiil · Round tables ­ ümmargused lauad · Socket- pistikupesa · Switch- lüliti · Plug-lüliti · Extension (cord)-pikendusjuhe · Event-üritus · Extra fee-lisatasu 3. Hotel Booking form- Broneeringuleht

Turism → Hotellimajandus
36 allalaadimist

New York

The New York 1. The Empire State Building. The Empire State Building is a 102-story landmark Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York, The Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trad Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. 2. Central Park. Central Park is an urban park that occupies about 1.2 square miles (341 hectares, or 843 acres) in the heart of Manhattan in New York City. It is host to approximately twenty-five million visitors each year. Central Park was opened in 1859, completed in 1873 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1963. 3. The statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty officially titled Liberty Enlightening the World, dedicated on October 28, 18...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Are the pledge of happiness; |: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, |: Flourish in the glow of this happiness, Blühe, deutsches Vaterland! :| Flourish, German fatherland! :| SHVEITSI HÜMN English German (original) French Italian Romansh translation 1. Trittst im Morgenrot 1. Sur nos 1. Quando 1. En l'aurora la 1. When the daher, monts, quand le bionda aurora damaun morning skies Seh ich dich im soleil il mattin ta salida il grow red Strahlenmeer, Annonce un c'indora carstgaun, And o'er their Dich, du Hocherhabener, brillant réveil, l'alma mia spiert etern radiance shed, Herrlicher

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
1 allalaadimist


1. A- 2. B- 3. C- · Subneti arvutamise koht · Materjal Switch · Ülesandeks on suhtlevate osapoolte kokku lülitamine · HUB- Saadab siseneva signaali automaatselt kõigisse hubi portidesse · Switch suudab õpida milliste mäk - aadressidega seadmed on switchi portidega ühendatud NAT · Network Address Translation DNS · Do Main Name Service · Eesti DNS serverid ( , 194. 126.115.18) 6

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun