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program, first, programme, java, develop, work, rate, steem, arch, transistor, language, internet, soft, found, corp, javascript, loogika, asutaja, developed, apple, user, microsoft, prolog, lambda, disk, digital, circuit, based, matemaatik, computers, chip, server, filosoof, inch, tarkvara, shockley, network, integr, arvutuse, semiconductor, windows

Exami spikker

Aristoteles (470-399 e.m.a) : väidete struktuur kui iseseisev uurimisobjekt 1967- IBM builds the first floppy disk Süllogism (Aristoteles): 1967 - Seymour Papert designed LOGO as a computer language for children. 1. eeldus: iga x on y. 1968 - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation 2. eeldus: mõni z on x. 1968 - Douglas C. Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates

199 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse 1. Loeng Algoritm on täpne samm-sammuline, kuid mitte tingimata formaalne juhend millegi tegemiseks. Näited: a. Toiduretsept. b. Juhend ruutvõrrandi lahendamiseks Algoritmiline probleem - probleem, mille lahenduse saab kirja panna täidetavate juhendite loeteluna. Programm on formaalses, üheselt mõistetavas keeles kirja pandud algoritm. Arvutid suudavad täita ainult programme. Analoogsüsteem  andmeid salvestatakse (peegeldatakse) proportsionaalselt  Näit: termomeeter, vinüülplaat, foto Digitaalsüsteem  (pidevad) andmed lõhutakse üksikuteks tükkideks, mis salvestatakse eraldi  Näit: CD, arvutiprogramm, kiri tähtede ja bittidena Ühelt teisele: digitaliseerimine  The three major comparisons of computers are:  Electronic computers versus Mechanical computers

241 allalaadimist


Mõtestatud tekst koosneb kas (a) loogika ja matemaatika formaalsetest väidetest või (b) konkreetsete teadusharude fakte esitavatest lausetest. Igasugusel fakti esitaval väitel on sisu ainult siis, kui on võimalik öelda, kuidas selle väite kehtivust kontrollida. Metafüüsilised väited, mis ei lange punktide 1 ja 2 alla, on sisutud. Kõik moraali, esteetikat ja religiooni käsitlevad väited on mittekontrollitavad ja mõttetud. 1945 Konrad Zuse began work on Plankalkul (plan Calculus). The first algorithmic programming language, with an aim of creating the theoretical preconditions for the formulation of problems of a general nature. John von Neumann wrote "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC." Grace Hopper recorded the first actual computer "bug." 1946 In February, the public got its first glimpse of the ENIAC, a machine built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert that improved by 1,000 times on the speed of its contemporaries.

148 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse spikker

1616-11 I6 Leibniz Lcibnizi anlrli(167 l)liiris. lrhuras. kormtas_ .jagas nUgaVaID: Usp, Ada, ML, Java, Python I VSimaldada kasutajal aryutis ohtmoodi ja harjumusparasell tegutseda, s6ltumatuli 6ellest. mis Kompilerimirer masinkoodis programm nimega kompilaator programmid lal arvutis on. I 7 1.1 Kir.itrtusnilsin. Hcnn, Mill.

198 allalaadimist

Arvuti ehitus

ARVUTI EHITUS AJALUGU XX sajand enne II maailmasõda II maailmasõda Ja edasi .... Elektroonika ja arvuti Elektroonika areng peale sõda Releearvuti Mark I XX sajand elektronarvuti sünd ARVUTITE KOLM PÕLVKANDA II. Põlvkond transistor arvutid I. põlvkond lamparvutid III. Põlvkond integraalskeemidel põhinevad arvutid Tarkvara areng koos põlvkondadega I Jäiga ühe programmi täitmisega II multitöö ja katkestused, programmeerimiskeeled III OS keerukad programmeerimiskeeled ja andmebaasid IBM 701 1952 1958 Invention of the IC by Jack Kilbyat Texas Instruments IBM 360-40 1964 First microprocessor: Intel 4004 1971 The first commercial 4-bit microprocessor 4004:

55 allalaadimist

Emaplaadi terminite sõnastik inglise keeles

Most modern PCs also come with external cache memory, called Level 2 (L2) caches. These caches sit between the CPU and the DRAM. Like L1 caches, L2 caches are composed of SRAM but they are much larger. Disk caching works under the same principle as memory caching, but instead of using high- speed SRAM, a disk cache uses conventional main memory. The most recently accessed data from the disk (as well as adjacent sectors) is stored in a memory buffer. When a program needs to access data from the disk, it first checks the disk cache to see if the data is there. Disk caching can dramatically improve the performance of applications, because accessing a byte of data in RAM can be thousands of times faster than accessing a byte on a hard disk. When data is found in the cache, it is called a cache hit, and the effectiveness of a cache is judged by its hit rate. Many cache systems use a technique known as smart caching, in which

1 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse eksami sooritamiseks

programm, mille tehnoloogia põhines vaakumtorudel 1950 ­ ERA ­ esimene avalikult esitletud arvuti 1951 ­ UNIVAC I ­ esimene arvuti, mis võitis avalikkuse tähelepanu 1962 võidab esimest korda programm inimest kabemängus. 1952 ­ Heinz Nixdorf asutas Nixdorf Computer corp. Saksamaal hiljem 1990 ühines Siemensiga 1953 ­ esimene elektrooniline arvuti 701 1954 ­ Texas Instruments teatab silikoon transistorite tootmisest Logic Theorist is a computer program written in 1955 and 1956 by Allen Newell, Herbert Simon and J. C. Shaw.Newell, Simon and Shaw went on to construct the General Problem Solver, or GPS. The first version of GPS ran in 1957 1955 ­ William Shockley leiutab Shockley pooljuhi 1956 ­ IBM leiutab esimese kõvaketta RAMAC 305 5 MB 1956 valmib esimene transistorpõhine arvuti 1957 ­ Fortran (Formula Translator) 1960 ­ IBM avab masstootmishoone; AT&T esimene avalikult müüdav modem; COBOL ­üks vanimatest

421 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt 2020

Bit Eksam/ EksamBitt 1 or 0 Byte Eksam/ EksamBait 8 Bits Kilobait Eksam(KB) 1 024 Bytes Megabait Eksam(MB) 1 024 KB  kuidas Eksamtähti Eksamkodeeritakse:  ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchain) 8bit = 16 * 8 = 128 märki  EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) 8bit, IBM  UNICODE (Extended ASCII) (utf-8), 1Byte for first 128, up to 4B for the rest~143 859 märki  algoritm Eksam- Eksamtäpne samm-sammuline juhend millegi tegemiseks  programm Eksam- Eksamformaalses üheselt mõistetavas keeles kirja pandud algoritm  Ajaloost:  Kreeka Eksamloogikud  Parmenides (5 sajand e.m.a.) : kasutas pikki loogilisi põhjendusi.  Zenon EksamEleast (5 sajand e.m.a.) -apooriad/paradoksid  Sofistid -Sokrates (470-399 e.m.a) -Platon (428/427 -348/347 e.m.a)

96 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABR Available Bit Rate

117 allalaadimist


Herman Hollerith perfokaartidega masin USA rahvaloenduse andmete töötlemiseks ­ 1890, sellest firmast tekkis IBM Vaakumtoru - 1906, Lee Deforest Artikkel Turingi masinast: universaalsus, mittelahenduvus ­ 1935-1937 Churchi lambda-arvutus, Churchi tees. - 1936,universaalsus, mittelahenduvus Z1 ­ 1936 , Konrad Zuse mehhaaniline arvuti MARK I ­ 1939-1944, Harvardi elektriline(releedega) digitaalne arvuti ABC computer ­ 1939-1942 , Atanasoff-Berry esimene elektronarvuti Esimene transistor - 1947 EDSAC ­ 1949, esimene praktiline stored-program arvuti, programmid olid aukudega peberiribadel ERA 1101 ­ 1950 ESIMENE KOMMERTS-TOOTMISES ARVUTI, hoidis bitte magneetilises trumlis, lõpuks suutsid kuni 4000 sõna hoida UNIVAC I ­ 1951 Esimene kommerts-tootmises arvutis, mis äratas suurt tähelepanu, 46 masinat müüdi, 1 million dollarit tükk, Remington Rand tootis Prinz´s chess program -1951 Stratchey checkers program ­ 1952

Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
56 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Fax: 781-904-2620 For information on all Newnes publications available, contact our World Wide Web home page at: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America Contents Preface ix Introduction xi 1 System Design 1 Dynamic Range 1 Calibration 2 Bandwidth 5 Processor Throughput 6 Avoiding Excess Speed 7 Other System Considerations 8 Sample Rate and Aliasing 11 2 Digital-to-Analog Converters 13 Analog-to-Digital Converters 15 Types of ADCs 17 Sample and Hold 26 Real Parts 29 Microprocessor Interfacing 30 Serial Interfaces 36 Multichannel ADCs 41 Internal Microcontroller ADCs 41 Codecs 42 Interrupt Rate 43 Dual-Function Pins on Microcontrollers 43 Design Checklist 45

10 allalaadimist

Mictrocontroller Week 03

otherwise. == 7. (A and B) or ((not A) and (not B)) == 8. You have two strings stored in variables S1 and S2. Both strings are stored in ASCII format and contain 8 bits per character and 20 characters per string. Write pseudocode that will compare the strings without case sensitivity and return a Boolean result in variable Y indicating whether the strings match or not. == 8. Y = true for i from 1 to 20 for j from 1 to 8, excluding 3 // first bit is spared (omitted) and the second (third) bit for upper bitindex = j + (i-1)*8 if S1[bitindex] ≠ S2[bitindex] Y = false Exit loop end end end == CPU architecture 9. Suppose a microprocessor adds the numbers shown below respectively. In each instance explain the influence of the computation on the flag register in terms of each of the flag bits Z, N, C, and V. Assume the processor can handle 8-bit binary values using a two’s compliment representation. a) 60 + 80 b) 60 – 80 ==

5 allalaadimist

ODT vorming ja tarkvara

autoritasu. Kuigi tehniliselt kasutavad kõik Office'i rakendused nüüd sama ISO- standardi vormi, uute kasutajate mugavuse jaoks otsustati kasutada eraldi nimesid erinevates rakendustes - just nagu neid kasutatakse. Neid on näha faililaienduses: Odt (text) .ods (for spreadsheets), .odp (for presentations) ja nii edasi. (Umbes OpenDocument Format. OpenDocument Format 2014) With ODF the way you store documents does not determine the software you work with. Files in the OpenDocument Format (ODF) are platform independent and do not rely on any specific piece of software whatsoever. Every software maker can implement without having to pay royalties. Although technically behind the scenes all Office applications now use the same ISOstandardized format, for the convenience of new users is was chosen to use separate names for the different applications just like they are used to. You recognize these by their "extensions": .odt (text)

3 allalaadimist

Eksami spikker

1889-1951Ludwig Wittgenstein. 1938, Shannon'i magistritöö sidus: Boole algebra. Elektrilülitid ja -skeemid. Bitid ja info kodeerimise. Info otsimise algoritmid.1939-1942 Atanasoff. esimene elektronarvuti?1939-44 Mark I (Aiken)­ IBMi elektriline(releed)digitaalne arvuti(5t).1941-1944:Konrad Zuse. Z3, Z4. Releedega digitaalarvuti.1948 ­ I transistor(Shockley)- müüma hakkas Bell Corp.1949 - Maurice Wilkes koostas EDSAC, the first practical stored-program computer, at Cambridge University.1950 ­ ERA 1101(I kommerts comp);ALGOL 58/60: Hoare, Perlis, Dijkstra, Kurtz, ..., Kotli;BCPL derivative of ALGOL (Strachey);B simplified derivative of BCPL (Ken Thompson);C derivative of B (Dennis & Ritchie).1952 - Nixdorf Computer Corp, liitus 1990 Siemensiga. 1953 - IBMi first electronic computer, the 701, Speedcoding: John Backus. 1956 - IBM develops the first hard disk, the RAMAC 305(math 5mb).

69 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse itv0010 (eksami spikker)

3.Seostab kõik protsessid, pandud algoritm. Arvutid suudavad täita ainult failid jm omanikuga ja piirab protsesside 1837 Morse elektritelegraaf. 1990 ­ TBL browser NeXTil,HTML ja www, programme..Analoogsüsteem - andmeid pöördumise failide/ressursside poole vastavalt salvestatakse (peegeldatakse) proportsionaalselt pääsu- ja kasutusõigustele. (berners-lee) ­ avalikuks 1991, Windows 3

368 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

.....................................................................................................8-9 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................10 2 Introduction This chapter documents the advent and rise of automated essay scoring (AES) as a means of both assessment and instruction. The first section discusses what AES is, how it works, and who the major purveyors of the technology are. The second section describes outgrowths of the technology as it applies to on-going projects in measurement and education. In 1973, the late Ellis Page and colleagues at the University of Connecticut programmed the first successful automated essay scoring engine, "Project Essay Grade (PEG)" (1973). The technology was foretold some six years earlier in a landmark Phi

18 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

social activities. The National Union of Students was founded in 1922. It operates through local branches in colleges and universities. It promotes the educational, social and general interests of students. But certainly the most numerous is the Scout Association, founded in 1908 for boys and in 1910 for girls by Lord Baden-Powel. The Scout movement is to encourage a sense of adventure and of responsibility for others among young people. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills, to promote health and a sense of service. Scout training is complementary to the ordinary education. Scouts train in mapping, signalling, first aid and all the skills that arise from camping and similar outdoor activities. British scouts take part in international scout meetings, which are held approximately every four years. The membership in this or that youth organization is not compulsory in Great Britain.

Inglise keel
179 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse eksamimaterjal 2015

1625 - Schickard väitis,et tegi I liitev, lahutav, korrutav, 1978 – VAX11/780 , inteli 8086 mikropr;Raamat ”C 4.sumto ja c näited:1. eeldus: iga koer on imetaja.2. eeldus: jagav masin. programming language”. C (ja C++ ja Java ja C#) mõned neljajalgsed on koerad.järeldus: mõned neljajalgsed on imetajad. 1. eeldus: iga anarhist on

95 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 1

Mictrocontroller Week 03 Numbering systems 1. Convert the decimal number 123.456 to the following formats, taking whole numbers and fractions into account. Show calculations. a) Binary Fractional part : Reading direction Integral part: Reading direction 0,456 x 2 = 0,912 0 123 / 2 = 61 1 0,912 x 2 = 1,812 1 61 / 2 = 30 1 0,812 x2 = 1,624 1 30 / 2 = 15 0 0,624 x 2 = 1,248 1 15 / 2 = 7 1 0,248 x 2 = 0,496 0 7/2=3 1 0,496 x 2 = 0,992 1 3/2=1 1 0 1 1 0 0 So 123.45610 = 0111 1011.0111 01002 b) Hexadecimal Fractional part :

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
6 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

There are two manuals describing the setup and operation of the CPM1A: the CPM1A Operation Manual (this manual) and the CPM1/CPM1A/CPM2A/ CPM2C/SRM1(-V2) Programming Manual (W353). This manual describes the system configuration and installation of the CPM1A and provides a basic explanation of operating procedures for the Programming Consoles. It also introduces the capabilities of the SYSMAC Support Software (SSS). Read this manual first to acquaint yourself with the CPM1A. The CPM1/CPM1A/CPM2A/CPM2C/SRM1(-V2) Programming Manual (W353) provides detailed descriptions of the CPM1A’s programming functions. The SYSMAC Support Software Operation Manu- als: Basics and C-series PCs (W247 and W248) provide descriptions of SSS operations for the CPM1A and other SYSMAC C-series PCs. The SYSMAC-CPT Support Software Quick Start Guide (W332) and

9 allalaadimist

Photographic camera

at the other)  Photography is The art or practice of taking and processing photographs. 3 Context of the creation of the camera (CARLA)  The camera has been used since before Christ. The impact in society the emergence of the camera was important and shocking because it helped us capture important moments in time that can no longer be repeated and helped a lot in the field of communication. The first models of cameras were used in the years before Christ where they were used to see closely objects. After its emergence was marked a before and after in history because thanks to this artefact can capture exact moments in which a event happened. Advancing in history have improved the types of cameras, passing cameras that took several minutes to take a photograph so far in which the process of taking a photograph or several is instantaneous. In addition, the cameras allow us to keep

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

A time when peasants were slowly rising against their feudal lords. Descriptions of different social classes. Religious mysticism. Two great principles: 1) all men are equal before God; 2) honest labour is dignified. It is a dream allegory. A young maiden named Youth, Greed is an old witch. The greatest writer of this period and the whole of medieval times ­ Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400): · The father of English poetry · The creator of English versification · The first poet to use various metres · Laid the foundation of the new literary English language · Wrote in Middle English · An active man of affairs, who belonged to the middle class · Spoke Latin, French, Italian ­ the important languages of the time · Worked as a diplomat for a time · Translated works into English (from Latin, French, Italian) · Favourite of the royal court · At the time of his death was regarded as a great poet and was buried in Westminster

Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

English literatutre - Authors, history

THE ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD ­English literature came when the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes and the Frisians invaded Britain. During this time English was called Anglo- Saxon or Old English. In the chronicles of Roman history (composed in Latin) is said that Britain makes its first appearance in written language when Romans invade the England. BEOWULF ­ most important poem, surviving in a 10th-cent manuscript. The historical period of the poem's events can be dated in the 6th to 8th century. Much of the material of the poem is legendary and paralleled in other Germanic historical-mythological literature in Norse, Old English, and German. GEOFFREY CHAUCER (1340-1400) ­ Politician and writer, fought in France during the 100 years war

British literature
12 allalaadimist

Silicon Valley

I grew up in Pittsburgh and went to college at Cornell, so I can answer for both. The weather is terrible, particularly in winter, and there's no interesting old city to make up for it, as there is in Boston. Rich people don't want to live in Pittsburgh or Ithaca. So while there are plenty of hackers who could start startups, there's no one to invest in them. Not Bureaucrats Do you really need the rich people? Wouldn't it work to have the government invest in the nerds? No, it would not. Startup investors are a distinct type of rich people. They tend to have a lot of experience themselves in the technology business. This helps them pick the right startups, and means they can supply advice and connections as well as money. And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention. Bureaucrats by their nature are the exact opposite sort of people from startup investors.

Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajalugu, essee "My languages"

My languages I love different languages. I mean, I really, really love different languages. I also believe and have been told that I pick them up rather easily. That might be true, although I did not pick any Greek up in Greece but that might have been because they spoke so damn fast that I could not tell if it was a word or an entire sentence. The first foreign language I learned was Russian. Considering I was ten when Estonia became a Republic, it makes sense. We began studying Russian in first grade, though it was simplified – "koška" instead of "kot", "medvešonok" instead of "medved", "saichik" etc. Did not make much sense and we mostly played some games in Russian (Tare-tareke etc). Learned as much playing outside, since we had Estonian-Russian kids around as well. Not that we played with them. It's sad

Inglise keele ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Might the Welsh language face a bright future?

The language is being used about half a million people in Wales and possibly another few hundred thousand people within England and even Australia and United States of America. The normal language of every day life is still English but in some regions such as Gwynedd and Dyfed, the use of Welsh is very wide and well spread. The tendency nowadays is towards the development and introduction of Welsh. This could not have been said at the first part of the 20th century. Welsh have been under the reign or a part of Great Britain for a long time. During the 16 th century, particularly at the time of Henry the VIII, they tried to force the Welsh language out by an Act which declared that the language to be used in courts and administrative offices would have to be English. And of course the most natural process started as people were forced to talk English, they taught their children English and the Welsh language was to be forgotten

Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The mysterious affair at styles

............ 8 7. SETTING................................................................ 9 8. LANGUAGE AND STYLE................................... 9 9. WHOM DO I RECCOMEND THIS NOVEL........ 9 10. SUMMARY........................................................... 10 11. SOURCES.............................................................. 11 INTRODUCTION The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel by Agatha Christie. It was written in 1916 and was first published by John Lane in the USA in October 1920 and in the UK by The Bodley Head (John Lane's UK company) on January 21 1921. In her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles(1920), she created the now-famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, the most popular sleuth in fiction since Sherlock Holmes. Poirot and Marple have also been portrayed in the many films, radio programmes and stage plays based on her books

Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

The Picture of Dorian Gray / Dorian Gray portree

"Kui ta läks männipuust maalimislaua juurde, mis asetses kõrge kardinatega kaetud akna all, tõstis Dorian Gray kuldse pea patjadelt ning vaatas teda kahvatu näoga ja pisarais silmadega." (Chapter 2, p. 25) I think this book is worth recommending to everybody. Every person can find something amusive and learn from Dorian's mistakes. Conclusion Overall, I think this book was quite an enjoyable reading. Altough, at first it was a little bit dull and too Dorian-centered, the plot developed nicely and became more interesting.

Inglise kirjandus
32 allalaadimist

Fight Club - Book review

BOOK REPORT Title of the book: Fight Club Author (name and some general information): Chuck Palahniuk is an American novelist born February 21, 1962 in Washington, USA. He is best known as the author for the novel Fight Club (1996), which was made into a movie in 1999. Palahniuk began writing fiction in his mid-thirties. When he attempted to publish his novel, Invisible Monsters, publishers rejected it for its disturbing content. This led him to work on Fight Club which he wrote as an attempt to disturb the publisher even more for rejecting him. After initially publishing it as a short story in the 1995 compilation, Pursuit of Happiness, Palahniuk expanded it into a full novel, which --contrary to his expectations--the publisher was willing to publish. Some other well-known novels: Rant, Choke, Diary. Analysis of the book 1. Setting The story takes place in somewhere between 1980s and 1990s in the United States. 2

Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitargümnaasium Valeria Jefremenkova ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE INGLISE KEEL KUI ÜLEMAAILMNE KEEL Research work Supervisor: Jevgenija Kozlova Tallinn 2016 1 Table of Contents СONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………...2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………………….....5

Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Linguistics lexicon handout

Law (see Crystal 1987). In languages with widespread literacy, other means of forming new words are based on the writing system. In English both abbreviations (e.g. BBC, MP, PC, etc.) and acronyms (e.g. radar) are common. (Radar stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging.) Other languages use other devices (for example, in languages that use the Chinese writing system, it is common for long compounds to be reduced to the first elements of the subcompounds they contain, so that Japanese too-kyo dai-gakku `Tokyo University', literally `east-capital big-school' is usually referred to as too-dai literally `east-big' but more idiomatically translated as something like `TU'). German abbreviations/acronyms are often based not on the first letter of the component words, but on the letters for the onset and nucleus of the first syllable of the component words, e.g. Gestapo from GEheimSTAatsPOlizei `secret state police'.

3 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

How to Write a Design Report Summary A design report is the written record of the project and generally is the only record that lives once the design team disbands at the end of the project. The report has three sections. The first section describes the problem that was being solved and provides the background to the design. The second section describes the design and the third section evaluates how well the design worked by comparing its performance to the design requirements. The report starts with a short executive summary that contains a synopsis of the three sections. The body of the report is relatively short. Appendices to the

6 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. History of the Internet 1957:The United States Department of Defense formed a small agency called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology. 1961-1965:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to research sharing information in small, phone-linked networks. ARPA is one of their main sponsors. 1966: The first ARPANET plan is unveiled by Larry Roberts of MIT. Packet switching technology is getting off the ground, and small university networks are beginning to be developed.

Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun