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"war" - 1031 õppematerjali

war on niiskusesisaldus tarbimiskütuses, st märjas kütuses (%), m1 on tarbimiskütuse proovi mass (g), m2 on kuivatatud kütuseproovi mass (g). Kütuse niiskusesisalduse määramine on oluline protseduur kütuse vastuvõtul katlamajja, eriti kui kütuse kogus määratakse kaalumise teel.

Kasutaja: war

Faile: 12

A weekend in London

zoo. Constructed over 900 years ago by William the Conqueror, the Tower of London has a rich history. This fortress was expanded by many medieval kings and is a grand structure used by Royals through the years as a refuge and powerbase. Sunday On sunday we will go at first to St. James's Park. St. James's Park is both the oldest and smallest of London's parks, built by Henry VIII in 1536. The righthand side will be the Cabinet War Rooms. The Churchill War Rooms played host to Winston Churchill and his wartime government during the dark days of World War II. Safe in their underground rooms beneath London's Whitehall, they met and slept in bunkers to plan Hitler's defeat. If we would go to the southside of the lake we will cross the bridge in the middle. This will give as one of the most celebrated views of Buckingham Palace. We will walk down the Mall and past St. James's Palace and make some photos of the guards.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Saksa keele grammatika

- Kui tihti? Wie lange?- Kui kaua? Wie viel?-Kui palju? (Kui saab kokku lugeda) Wann?-Millal? SEIN-OLEMA SEIN-OLEMA HABEN- HABEN- Präsens-olevik Präteritum- OMAMA OMAMA minevik Pärsens-olevik Präteritum- minevik ICH mina BIN WAR HABE HATTE DU sina BIST WARST HAST HATTEST ER,SIE,ES IST WAR HAT HATTET tema(MS,NS,KS ) WIR meie SIND WAREN HABEN HATTEN IHR teie SEID WART HABT HATTET

Keeled → Saksa keel
16 allalaadimist


Lena Lena Johanna Therese Meyer-Landrut ist eine deutsche Sängerin. Ihre Geburtstag ist am 23. Mai und sie ist 23 Jahre alt. Meyer-Landrut hat im 1991 Jahre geboren. Lena ist in Hannover geboren und gelebt. Sie hat nur mit ihre Mutter gewohnt, denn ihr Vater verließ die Familie, als sie zwei Jahre alt war. Sie ist väterlicherseits eine Enkelin des deutschen Diplomaten Andreas Meyer-Landrut und Nichte zweiten Grades des EU- Koordinators im Bundeskanzleramt Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut. Im Juni 2010 beendete Meyer-Landrut ihre Schulzeit an der IGS Roderbruch mit dem Abitur. Wenn Lena ein kleines Kind war, möchtet sie eine Sängerin bekommen. Ihre Musikrichtung ist Pop Musik. Vom 13. bis zum 29. April 2011 hat Meyer-Landrut ihre erste Tournee beendet

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Carl Benz

Die Marke wurde im Jahr 1926 durch die Fusion der Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft von Gottlieb Daimler und Benz & Cie von Carl Benz geschaffen. Im Jahre 1885 machte Karl Benz eine der größten Erfindungen in der Welt, der Benziner Auto Die Benzin-Auto hatte 0,8 PS (Pferdestärke) und die Reifen waren aus Gummi Carl Friedrich Benz (Karl Friedrich Michael Benz) (* 25. November 1844 in Mühlburg (Karlsruhe); 4. April 1929 in Ladenburg) war ein deutscher Ingenieur und Automobilpionier. Sein Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1 von 1885 gilt als erstes modernes Automobil. Carl Benz wurde am 25. November 1844 als Karl Friedrich Michael Wailend (phonetisch notiert), uneheliches Kind der Karlsruher Dienstmagd[1] Josephine Vaillant und des 1809 in Pfaffenrot geborenen Lokomotivführers Johann Georg Benz, in der Rheinstraße 22 im heutigen Karlsruher Stadtteil Mühlburg geboren. Ab 1853 besuchte er das naturwissenschaftlich

Ajalugu → Saksa ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele presentatsioon Tartumaast

The designer of statue was Mati Karmini. This was opened on 1 September, 1998. Town Hall Theatre "Vanemuine" In this theatre where took place first Estonian performances. June 24, 1870, the fifth anniversary of the society, was represented by the play of Lydia Koidula «Saaremaa onupoeg» At first the theatre was on the Jaama street. This building was burned in 1903. In 1906 was built a new building on the street Aia. In 1944, during World War II, the building was completely burned. The theater moved into the building of the former German Theatre Tartu, which is now part of the theater Vanemuine and is known as "small house ". At the old place was built and in 1967 opened a new building with room for 682 people, now known as the "big house". Concert hall (842 seats) was opened in 1970. "Small House" was destroyed by fire in 1978 and renovated in 1991. "Vanemuine" "Big house" "Vanemuine"

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Referaat Berliinist

1999 wurde der neue Reichstag einweihen feierlich. Das Glaskuppel da ist über dem Plenarsaal. 4 Das Brandenburger Tor Das Brandenburger Tor ist 62 Meter breit und 20 Meter hoch. Es ist Symbols Berlins. In die Nacht 5 Die Quadriga Die Quadriga war ein offner. Die Quadriga ist Wagen mit vier Pferden. Zur Berliner Quadriga gehörte auch die römische Siegesgöttin Viktoria. 6 Der Fernsehsturm Der Fernsehsturm am Alexanderplatz ist 365 Meter hoch und damit das höchste Gebäude in der Stadt. Oben in der Kugel gibt es ein Drehrestaurant. Von dort hat man einen schönen Blick über die Stadt. 7

Keeled → Saksa keel
19 allalaadimist

The United States of America

As it grew, it became the greatest industrial power in the world. It wanted to stay out of European problems, but in the two World Wars, it decided that it could not afford to let Germany win. In the 1940s it became the leader of the West and organized an alliance of the democracies. Today it is the only superpower left in the world. Tensions between American colonials and the British during the revolutionary period of the 1760s and early 1770s led to the American Revolutionary War. On June 14, 1775, the Continental Congress, convening in Philadelphia, established a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. Proclaiming that "all men are created equal" and endowed with "certain unalienable Rights," the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, drafted largely by Thomas Jefferson, on July 4, 1776. This meant war. Britain lost the war and lost America. It recognized the United States as a separate country in 1783.

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

The link between religion and politics became intense Charles I was executed Stuart monarcgs raised money without getting the agreement fromm the House of Commons first and that grew anger in the country. Parliament established its supermacy over the monarchy The ideological Protestantism had grown in England. They regarded the luxorious lifestyle of the KInga and his followers as immoral The civil war, which ended with complete victory for the parliamentary forces The Glorious Revolution-because it was bloodless, in which Prince William of Orange, ruler of the Netherlands, and his Stuart wife Mary accepted the Parliaments invitation to become king and queen. The Bill of rights, which limited some of the monrarchs powers The Prebyterian Church was granted its legality The 18th Century

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

The Queens of England

Although Philip was never crowned in England, important documents bore his signature and were issued in the name of the "King and Queen". There was opposition to his involvement in English affairs. One expression of this was the serious rebellion under the leadership of Sir Thomas Wyatt (the Younger) to depose Mary and put her half-sister, Elizabeth, later Elizabeth I, on the throne. Philip was an uncompromising Roman Catholic and unpopular in England. At his order, Mary joined in a war against France, with the result that Calais, the last relic of the English conquests won during the Hundred Years' War with France, was lost in 1558. Its loss upset her deeply: "When I am dead and opened, you shall find Calais lying in my heart", she is reported to have said. Mary is characterized as "Bloody Mary" because of the large number of religious persecutions that took place during her reign; almost 300 people were condemned to death as a result of trials for heresy

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The Seaplane Harbour of Tallinn

basic principles and plans of Tallinn's fortifications as approved by Nikolai II in 1911; the plan foresaw the construction of two identical and adjacent hangar complexes. At the beginning of March in 1916, Colonel Aleksandr Jaron, who was responsible for the construction works, sent 11 local and foreign companies calls for proposals for designing these hangars, which were then modestly referred to as reinforced concrete sheds. The deadlines were quite short due to the ongoing World War and bids were already expected by the end of March. Construction was set to start during the period of April 15th and June 1st, 1916. However, things did not go so smoothly and the successful project was chosen in the course of negotiations held on April 29th. The winning project was submitted by a Danish company, Christiani & Nielsen (project manager Herluf Trolle Forchhammer and constructor Sven Schulz) and it comprised of three shell concrete domes with a general plan of 50x100 meters

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Winston Churchill - elulugu

Aastatel 1948-1949 ilmus temalt Teise maailmasõja ajalugu. Konservatiivid naasesid võimule 1951. aastal. 77aastasest Churchillist sai uuesti peaminister. Nagu tavaliselt, kontsentreeris ta oma energia välissuhetele. Ta töötas eriti Briti-USA suhete nimel, selleks külastas ta kolme järgneva aasta jooksul Washingtoni. 1953. a aprillis lõi kuninganna Elizabeth Churchilli rüütliks, samal aastal võitis sir Churchill Nobeli kirjanduspreemia, seda just eriti 6. osa The Second World War kohta. 1955. a aprillis astus Churchill tagasi (tema parlamendikarjäär kestis ümmarguselt kuuskümmend aastat, vaid väikese vahega aastatel 1923/24.), arvatavasti mängis siinkohas rolli läbi elatud rabandus. Ta pühendas end taas maalimisele ja kirjutamisele. Churchill töötas oma neljaköitelise ,,Inglise keelt kõnelevate rahvaste ajaloo" kallal. 1956. a koges uut väikest südame attaki. 1956

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
19 allalaadimist

Dialoog töö kohta

Aber verdienst du gut? Ja, ganz gut. Ich habe viel Freizeit. Ich bekomme Krankengeld, Urlaubsgeld, kindergeld.auch prämie und pension. mein Urlaub ist 50 Tage lang. Aber wie ist in deiner Firma? Ich verdiene auch gut, aber ich habe nicht so viel Freizeit. Aber bist du zufrieden mit deiner Arbeit? Ja, ich bin zufrieden. Meine Arbeit macht mir Spass. Aber du? Ich möchte meine Arbeitsstelle wechseln. Ich muss zu gehen jetzt. Es war gut zu sehen dich. Viel Erfolg! Danke, es war gut zu sehen dich auch. Auf Wiedersehen! Auf Wiedersehen! Wie lange dauert der Arbeitstag.? Ich habe ungeregelte arbeitszeit.manchmal ich hast du arbeit am wochenende. Hast du eine gute Stelle? - On sul hea töökoht?ja, ich habe eine gute stelle Wie gross ist deinGehalt/Lohn? - Kui suur on sinu palk?Mein arbeit ist wird gut bezahlt. Hast du einen interessanten Arbeitsplatz? - On sul huvitav töökoht? Viel lang ist dein Urlaub? - Kui pikk on sinu puhkus? Verdienst du genügend

Keeled → Saksa keel
33 allalaadimist

Karl Ernst von Baer

Karl Ernst von Baer Karl Ernst von Baer war am 28. Februar 1792 auf Gut Piep geboren. Er starb am 28. November 1876 in Dorpat. Der Sohn eines deutschbaltischen Gutsbesitzers besuchte von 1808 bis 1810 die Domschule in Reval. Anschließend studierte er bis 1814 Medizin an der Universität Dorpat. Seine Medizin-Studien setzte er dann für jeweils ein Jahr in Wien und Würzburg fort. 1816 nahm er eine Stelle als Prosektor bei Friedrich Burdach an der Universität Königsberg an und wurde dort auch habilitiert

Keeled → Saksa keel
8 allalaadimist


In the 16th century William Shakespeare and his contemporaries lived in London at a time of hostility to the development of the theatre. London was plagued by disease in the early 17th century, culminating in the Great Plague of 1665­1666, which killed up to 100,000 people or a fifth of the population. The Great Fire of London broke out in City and quickly swept through the wooden buildings. London was the world's largest city from about 1831 to 1925. Immediately after the World War II , the 1948 Summer Olympics were held at the original Wembley Stadium, at a time when the city had barely recovered from the war. The Thames Barrier was completed in the 1980s to protect London against tidal surges from the North Sea. In 2000, Londonwide government was restored, with the creation of the Greater London Authority. Geography: Greater London covers an area of 607 square miles. Its primary geographical feature is the Thames, a navigable river which crosses the

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Broshüür inglise keeles tartust

Facts about Tartu · 1030 ­ Tartu was first mentioned · 1280 - Tartu became a member of the Hanseatic League · In 1558 the Livonian War started and the Russian army occupied Tartu University of Tartu Stone Bridge · 1600-1603 Tartu was in the hands The University of Tartu was founded in of the Swedish king 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Tartu was hit by a great fire in 1775, Adolphus

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Nirgendwo in Afrika

Film ausgezeichnet. Die Oscarverleihung konnte Caroline Link wegen ihrer schwer erkrankten Tochter nur im Schlafanzug vor dem Fernseher in München verfolgen. 23 Jahre nachdem der letzte deutsche Film als Bester fremdsprachiger Film mit dem Oscar bedacht wurde (Die Blechtrommel), erhielt sie für Nirgendwo in Afrika eben diesen Preis, für den 1998 auch schon ihr Debutfilm "Jenseits der Stille" (welches wir auch in der Schule angeschaut haben) nominiert war. Er wurde ihr später per Post zugeschickt. ,,Nirgendwo in Afrika" hat mehrere Filmpreise gewonnen, darunter Oscar in der Kategorie Bester fremdsprachiger Film. Die Hauptdarsteller sind alle schon erfahren. Sie haben alle in ausgezeichneten Filmen gespielt und gute Leistungen gebracht. So zum Beispiel Juliane Köhler, die die Frau von Walter Redlich, Jettel Redlich spielt. Sie hat schon in grossen Filmen, wie in dem Film ,,Der Untergang", der über Hitler und das Ende des 3. Reichs spricht

Keeled → Saksa keel
8 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

Pessimism vs. Optimism Different approaches to the ‘population-resources’ debate Malthus Task: View figure 13.57 (page 378 of Waugh). Draw the graph and discuss. Malthus believed that there was a finite optimum population in relation to food supply and that an increase beyond that point would lead to a decline in living standards and to war, famine and disease.  An increase in the population above the optimum limit would therefore lead to war, famine and disease. A PESSIMISTIC approach  Thomas Malthus (1798) proposed his work during the early stages of the industrial revolution when inadequate food and clothing were common features in England.  His argument was that population increases (geometrically) or at an exponential rate if unchecked i.e. 1-2-4-8- 16-32 etc  Food supply at best increases at an arithmetic rate i.e.1-2-3-4-5-6 etc A PESSIMISTIC approach

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

USA tuumaajastu diplomaatia ja Kuuba kriis

ei teadnud, kuidas seda saavutada. Nad ei saanud olla maailmale eeskujuks, kui nad jäävad muust maailmast eraldatuks. Senise ajaloo vältel oli USA just pigem isolatsionismi pooldanud.6 Külm sõda tähendas nende jaoks diplomaatia ja välissuhete täielikku ümbermõtlemist – saadi aru, et enda julgeoleku huvides on demokraatlike väärtusi vaja ka 2 Autor on külma sõja alguspunktiks võtnud Winston Churchilli kõne 5. märtsil Fultonis 1946. aastal. 3 Gordon Alexander Craig. War, politics and diplomacy: selected essays. Afterword: new dimensions of war and diplomacy. New York ; Washington: Praegar, 1966, lk. 282. 4 Walter L. Hixson. The myth of American diplomacy: national identity and U.S foreign policy. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press, 2008, lk. 165-166. 5 Ibid., lk. 167. 6 John Lewis Gaddis. Külm sõda. Tallinn: Tänapäev, c2007, lk. 25-26. 4 mujal juurutada

Ajalugu → Õiguse kujunemine
5 allalaadimist

Külma sõja kriisid

(2012) Korea sõda 1950-1953. Kättesaadav: %C3%B5jad-p%C3%A4rast-Teist-maailmas%C3%B5da.pptx (11.01.2015) 7 VII. RAHVUSVAHELISED SUHTED II MAAILMASÕJA JÄREL. (2011) Korea sõda (1950-1953) Kättesaadav: Rahvusvahelised-suhted-II-maailmas%C3%B5ja-j%C3%A4rel.-K%C3%BClm-s %C3%B5da..doc (12.01.2015) 8 History. Korean war. Kättesaadav: (12.01.2015) 4 keskkonnas kommunismi suhtes leebeks.9 Korea Rahvademokraatlikku Vabariiki toetasid Hiina “vabatahtlikud” ning suurt sõjalist ja majanduslikku abi saadi ka NSV Liidult. Korea Vabariiki toetasid sõjaliselt ÜRO väed (milles lõviosa moodustasid USA üksused). 10 September 1950 saabusid USA väeosad Lõuna-Koreasse, koos Lõuna-Korea vägedega

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
17 allalaadimist

Washington D.C

States · it is situated within the District of Columbia · is located on the banks of the Potomac River · bordered by the states of Virginia and Maryland Something about History · 1791--George Washington chooses the site for the new permanent capital · Pierre-Charles L'Enfant designes the basic plan for Washington · 1800--The nation's government moves to Washington D.C. · 1814--English troops burn the capitol and other federal buildings during the War of 1812 · 1862--Slavery is abolished in Washington D.C. during the Civil War · 1888--Washington Monument opens to the public · 1943--The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated · 1961--The 23rd Amendment to the Constitution gives citizens of the District of Columbia the right to vote in presidential elections · 1992--The House of Rep. approves statehood for Washington D.C., but the Senate does not · 2001--Terrorist attack destroys part of the Pentagon Building

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

The romantic movement in American literature

intellectual movement · Influenced by : - Enlightenment - elevated medievalism · In America ­ 1820 Characteristic features · Intuition, instincts, imagination, feelings · Folk art, nature, heroism · Protest against reality · Emphasis on women and children · Dreams · Symbolism and myths Events & Dates · The American Revolution (1776 -1783) · The French Revolution (1789 ­ 1799) · The Industrial Revolution · Civil war (1861 ­ 1865) · Colonies, communes · Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 ­ 1882) · Henry David Thoreau (1817 ­ 1862) Famous writers · Small literary world, writers knew each other · Washington Irving (1783 -1859) · James Fenimore Cooper (1789 -1851) · Nathaniel Hawthorne (1819 ­ 1891) · Herman Melville (1819 -1891) · Edgar Allan Poe (1809 -1840) · Walt Whitman (1819 -1892) · Emily Dickinson (1830 -1886) Washington Irving &

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

· Brought a strong Socialist contingent to the United States; led to the formation of many Estonian American Socialist and Communist organizations. * The 1920s­30s: · Establishment of independent Estonia · Tightening of American immigration laws · Estonian immigration to the United States slowed down dramatically 1924 ­ The Estonian quota fixed at 116; even this small annual quota was not used up *After World War II = In the post World War II years, all three Baltic nations maintained consulates in the United States · About 15,000 Estonians came to the United States · This group was strongly anti-Communist and nationalistic 3. Russian colonization of America. What has preserved from this period to the present? The Russian colonization of the Americas covers the period, from 1732 to 1867, when the Tsarist Imperial Russian Empire laid claim to northern Pacific Coast territories in the Americas

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Topic USA

over a period of several thousand years by crossing Beringa into Alaska. Research has revealed much about the early Native American settlers of North America who are also called Indians. Columbus' men were the first documented Old Worlders to land in the territory of what is now the United States. In its beginnings, the United States of America consisted only of the Thirteen Colonies. American colonists fought off the British army in the American Revolutionary War of the 1770s and issued a Declaration of Independence in 1776. Seven years later, the signing of the Treaty of Paris officially recognized independence from Britain. In the nineteenth century, westward expansion of United States territory began, in which the United States would occupy all the North American land east to west. Ratified in 1788, the Constitution serves as the supreme American law in organizing the government; the Supreme Court is responsible for upholding Constitutional law

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


elders. Until the beginning of the 13th century Estonia was politically independent. Then began a long chain of occupation and control by foreign powers. In the 1200s the German crusaders converted Estonia into a Christianity by force and took control over South Estonia. In 1219 Denmark conquered Northern Estonia. About a century later, in 1346 Denmark sold its territory to Germany. By the 1500s German nobles owned much of Estonia's land. After the Livonian War (1558-1583) the northern part of Estonia went under Swedish control, the southern part belonged to Poland and the islands to Denmark. Only in1629 the whole mainland Estonia became subject to Sweden. Under Swedish rule the University of Tartu was founded in 1632 and also the oldest school working on the same premises was founded in Tallinn (GAG).After the Northern War (1700-1721) Estonia became a province of Russia. During that period

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

USA topic

They had to fight for their lives over there because America was still unknown for them, but they survived and started establishing even more colonies. The Thirteen British colonies started a rebellion against their motherland in 1775 and proclaimed their independence in 1776 and formed a nation in 1781 called United States of America. The United States defeated British army with help of Spain and France in The American Revolutionary War (1775­1783). Thirteen colonies formally declared their independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776 when they declared it in the Declaration of Independence. In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the United States. White House was built in 1792-1800 and it became the official president residence. The Civil War 1861­1865 was between the Union (Abraham Lincoln) and the Confederacy (Robert E

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Analüüs Swifti kirjandusest inglise keeles

badly can lead to death. Having Gulliver stand with his legs apart so that the Lilliputian armies can walk through is also a ridiculous idea. It is a comment on the pomp and circumstance of English armies. To Swift it seems that armies are often more concerned with looking impressive than with being impressive. This scene might also be an allusion to the Colossus of Rhodes, described in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare as a largerthanlife figure that men could walk through the legs of. The war between the English and the French is parodied in the conflict between the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians. Their conflict over which end of the egg to break reflects the centuriesold conflict over how to practice religionas Protestants or Catholics. While the wars over religion certainly were very serious, Swift suggests that what was being fought over (at least on the religious rather than the political side) really was not very important

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
3 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

englang and puritans regarded the luxorious lifestyle of the king as immoral o people were angry at the way Stuart monarchs raised money without getting the agreement of the house of commons o conflicts between the king and the parliament, which led to the civil war(1642) and the execution of Charles I(1649) o during the period after the civil war Britain became a republic and Oliver Cromwell established his military government. Theatres and other forms of amusement were banned because of his puritan ethics 1660 monarchy restored, Charles II asked to reign B. The Great Plague in 1665 C. The Great Fire of London in 1666 In my opinion it was a negative century for the people because so many awful events took place. However, there was also

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

House of Winsdor

the other Commonwealth realms. The dynasty is of German paternal descent and was originally a branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, itself derived from the House of Wettin, which succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy following the death of Queen Victoria, wife of Albert, Prince Consort. The name was changed from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor (from "Windsor Castle"[1]) in 1917 because of anti-German sentiment in the British Empire during World War I.[2] There have been four British monarchs of the house of Windsor to date: three kings and the present queen, Elizabeth II. During the reign of the Windsors, major changes took place in British society. The British Empire participated in the First and Second World Wars, ending up on the winning side both times, but subsequently lost its status as a superpower during decolonisation. Much of Ireland broke with the United Kingdom and the remnants of the Empire became the Commonwealth of Nations.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


FIRST PRINTING, FEBRUARY, 1973 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To my Parents and my Grandmother Contents A Note on the Abridged Version Preface A Few Words 1. One Day of Magic: I 2. One Day of Magic: II 3. The First 3,000 Years 4. The Rise of the West 5. On the Origin of a Species 6. The Era of the Black Chambers 7. The Contribution of the Dilettantes 8. Room 40 9. A War of Intercepts 10. Two Americans 11. Secrecy for Sale 12. Duel in the Ether: I 13. Duel in the Ether: II 14. Censors, Scramblers, and Spies 15. The Scrutable Orientals 16. PYCCKAJI Kranrojioras 17. N.S.A. 18. Heterogeneous Impulses 19. Ciphers in the Past Tense 20. The Anatomy of Cryptology Suggestions for Further Reading Index A Note on the Abridged Version MANY PEOPLE have urged me to put out a paperback edition of The Codebreakers. Here it is.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

His mother, Ida, brought him to England at the age of one. Orwell was educated in England at Eton College. After service with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1928, he returned to Europe to become a writer. He lived in Paris for the next two years, and then came to England as a school-teacher. He lived for several years in poverty. By 1936, Orwell had joined the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. He was wounded in the fighting. Late in the war, Orwell fought the Communists and eventually had to flee Spain for his life. During the Second World War, Orwell wrote a weekly radio political commentary, designed to counter German and Japanese propaganda in India. His wartime work for the BBC gave him a solid taste of bureaucratic hypocrisy. Orwell, who was prone to illness, had his career and his life cut short when he died of tuberculosis on January 21, 1950. He left behind a substantial body of work and a reputation for greatness

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

The Republic of South Africa

The Republic of South Africa History The Republic of South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of Africa, with a 2,798 kilometres coastline on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Modern humans have inhabited Southern Africa for more than 100,000 years. In 1652 the Dutch East India Company founded a refreshment station at what would become Cape Town. The discovery of diamonds and later gold triggered the conflict known as the Anglo-Boer War, as the Boers and the British fought for the control of the South African mineral wealth. Although the Boers were defeated, the British gave limited independence to South Africa in 1910 as a British dominion. South Africa contains some of the oldest archaeological sites in the world. Flag I flag After the Anglo-Boer War the English people desided to make British Union Flag a national flag of South Africa II flag

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The A-team

The A-team Story The A-Team is an American action adventure television series about a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel who work as soldiers of fortune, while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn`t commit". A-Team was created by writers and producers Frank Lupo and Stephen J. Cannell (who also collaborated on Wiseguy, Riptide, and Hunter) at the behest of Brandon Tartikoff, NBC's Entertainment president. Despite being thought of as mercenaries by the other characters in the show, the A-Team always acted on the side of good and helped the oppressed. The show ran for five seasons on the NBC

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

Kleiner. Einstein's "miracle year". By 1908, he was recognized as a leading scientist. In 1911, he had calculated that, based on his new theory of general relativity, light from another star would be bent by the Sun's gravity. In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Noble Prize in Physics. Emigration from Germany, World War II and the Manhattan Project In 1933, Einstein decided to emigrate to the United States due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler. He took up a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, an affiliation that lasted until his death in 1955.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Victory Day, when it is left out for the shortest night of the year, followed by another public holiday, Midsummer Day. The Estonian national anthem - entitled My Native Land, My Pride and Joy, was composed in 1848 by Friedrich Pacius, a Finn of German descent. The Estonian- language words were written by Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In 1869 it was performed at the first all-Estonian Song Festival in Tartu and gained popularity during the period of the national movement. After World War I the melody became the national anthem of Estonia and Finland. It was officially adopted in Estonia after the War of Independence in 1920. The anthem was banned during Soviet occupation and another song, My Native Land, My Dearest Love by Gustav Ernesaks (words by Lydia Koidula), became an unofficial anthem at that time and enabled the people to express their feelings of national identity. The Estonian coat of arms - originates from Denmark, which was ruling Northern Estonia at the time

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Hemingway A Farewell to Arms (main characters)

Analysis of Major Characters Frederic Henry - In the sections of the novel in which he describes his experience in the war, Henry portrays himself as a man of duty. He attaches to this understanding of himself no sense of honor, nor does he expect any praise for his service. Even after he has been severely wounded, he discourages Rinaldi from pursuing medals of distinction for him. Time and again, through conversations with men like the priest, Ettore Moretti, and Gino, Henry distances himself from such abstract notions as faith, honor, and patriotism

Keeled → Tekstistruktuur (inglise)
38 allalaadimist

The most interesting historical events in Estonia

· 1860 marks the beginning of the period of the National Awakening. A singing society led by Johann Voldemar Jannsen started and carried through the nationwide idea of Song Festival. · During 1879 1910 six Song Festivals were held that played an important part in the nation's cultural and economical awakening and growth. In the independent Estonian Republic the Song Festivals were held in every five years (1923 1938). After World War II, the Song Festival tradition began again in 1947. Since 1950 General Song Festivals were held in every five years again. 1969 was an exception though when 100th anniversary of the Song Festival was celebrated. · The foreign authorities have tried to use the Song Festivals in their own interests. During the reign of the Russian czar the Estonians were forced to hold Song Festivals in order to thank the czar, and the Soviet

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Irish history

The first settlements in Ireland date from 8000 BC. By 200 BC Celtic migration and influence had come to dominate the island. Relatively small scale settlement by both the Vikings and Normans in the Middle Ages gave way to complete English domination by the 1600s. Protestant English rule resulted in the marginalisation of the Catholic majority, although in the north-east, Protestants were in the majority. A famine in the mid-1800s caused deaths and emigration. Following a war of independence, Ireland was split into: the independent Irish Free State and Northern Ireland, which remains a part of the United Kingdom. The Free State left the Commonwealth to become a Republic in 1949. In 1973 both parts of Ireland joined the European Economic Community. The Troubles in Northern Ireland led to much unrest from the late 1960s until the 1990s, which subsided following a peace deal in 1998. The population of the island is slightly under 6 million (2006), with 4.2

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15 allalaadimist

USA kultuur 1940-85

70'ndatel tekkis Elekronmuusika. Tuntuks said ka muusikalid ( Väiksem variand ooperist ja operetist ). 80'ndateks võib öelda tehakse kõike ja kõik on sama tähtsusega... Alates jazzist, lõpetades elektronmuusikaga. Hipid · Tegutsesid 1960 ­ 1970 aastatel. · Enamused olid teismelised , kes moodustasid omaette protesti liikumise vietnami sõja vastu. · Hipide hüüdlause oli : " Make love not war. " · Nad on pikemate juustega , tarbivad narkootikume , kannavad omapäraseid riideid , kuulavad rocki. · Kõige menukam hipide liikumine oli Woodstocki muusikafestival (1969a.) . Sajad tuhanded noored elasid kolm päev laagris. · Vanematel inimestele tekitasid nad hirmu ja narkootikumide tõttu tegid huvi politseile. See tõttu nad kadusid 70'ndatel. Make love, not war! 1960. 2008. Leiutised 1960 ­ Corvette, USAs

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
19 allalaadimist

Saksamaa lauljast powerpointi esitlus koos põhjalikuma tekstiga.

wobei der Nachname auf ihren Großvater zurückgeht. 1997 trat ihr Idol Michael Jackson während seiner HistoryTour zweimal in Bremen auf. Beim ersten Konzert sang sie dort im Kinderchor zu den Titeln Earthsong und Heal the World.[5] Am 24. Januar 2003 wurde im ,,Alten Kesselhaus" in Düsseldorf die LiveDVD Sarah Connor Live in Concert ­ A Night to Remember: Pop Meets Classic zusammen mit dem VisionSymphonieOrchester aufgenommen. Veröffentlicht wurde sie im Oktober 2003, als Bonustrack war eine Coverversion des BeatlesHits Yesterday enthalten. Connors Album Key To My Soul erschien am 17. November 2003 und enthielt die beiden veröffentlichten Singles Music Is the Key (feat. Naturally 7) und Just One Last Dance (feat. Natural). Die AcappellaGruppe Naturally 7 begleitete sie auf einer Werbetour während ihrer ersten Schwangerschaft. Sarah Connor wurde von 2002 bis Ende 2008 von der Band Groovin Affairs begleitet, die unter anderem auch für La Bouche und deren ehemalige

Keeled → Saksa keel
13 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelne presentatsioon "Coco Chanel"

· First signature fragrance, Chanel No. 5 Classical CHANEL jacket Ad for the fragrance CHANEL no 5 Personal life · Always surrounded by controversy · Affairs with some of the most influential men at the time · Never got married · Affairs with women Coco Chanel with Dmitri Romanov Coco Chanel and The Duke of Westminster On their yacht in 1928 Muse · Muse for all of the leading edge artists · Her popularity faded during the World War II · People could never forgive her for being a Nazi supporter Salvador Dalí with her muse Coco Chanel Later years · Chanel's muse, Vera Bate Lombardi · World War II- closing of the shops · Affair with Hans Gunther von Dincklage, a Nazi spy · Chanel was arrested and charged as a collaborator · Intervention by the British Royal family · Returning to Paris ­ returning to the fashion world · Karl Lagerfeld Coco Chanel's Ritz suite in Paris

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San Francisco

the mission system gradually ended and its lands began to be privatized. In 1835, Englishman William Richardson erected the first independent homestead, near a boat anchorage around what is today Portsmouth Square. Together with Alcalde Francisco de Haro, he laid out a street plan for the expanded settlement, and the town, named Yerba Buena, began to attract American settlers. Commodore John D. Sloat claimed California for the United States on July 7, 1846, during the Mexican-American War, and Captain John B. Montgomery arrived to claim Yerba Buena two days later. Yerba Buena was renamed San Francisco on January 30 of the next year, and Mexico officially ceded the territory to the United States at the end of the war. The population of San Francisco was over 800 thousand people in 2010. Almost the half of its population are non-hispanic whites and a third are Asians. There's 15% of latinos and 6% of black people there.

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3 allalaadimist


Staatsoberhaupt und Großherzog von Luxemburg ist seit Oktober 2000 Henri von Nassau. Er ist verheiratet mit Maria Teresa. Der Großherzog verfügt formal über weit reichende exekutive und legislative Befugnisse; er ernennt und entlässt die Regierung, vollzieht alle Gesetze, nimmt aber faktisch nahezu ausschließlich repräsentative Aufgaben wahr. Großherzog Henri von Nassau Nationalhymne "Ons Hemecht" auf Luksemburg Humn. Sein Verfasser war ein Dichter namens Michael Lentz in Luxemburg Sprachen Luxemburg hat drei Staatssprachen : Letzeburgisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Die Hauptstadt des Landes und die Residenz des Großherzogs ist die Stadt Luxemburg. Hier ist auch Sitz der Regierung und des Parlaments. Das Wort ,,Luxemburg" selbst bedeutet ,,kleine Burg". 12 10 8 Column 1

Keeled → Saksa keel
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Inglise keele vormid

· People have not traveled to Mars. · When does the train usually leave? · Have you read the book yet? · She always forgets her purse. · Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. · He never forgets his wallet. · A: Has there ever been a war in the United States? · Every twelve months, the Earth circles the B: Yes, there has been a war in the United Sun. States · Does the Sun circle the Earth · They are not watching television. · What are you doing?

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36 allalaadimist

Sandrigham house

married Princess May of Teck, the fiancée of the late Duke of Clarence. They moved into a house on the estate which came to be known as York Cottage. One of Prince George's innovations at Sandringham was the founding of the first Royal pigeon loft in 1886. Almost annually several were entered in international contests; pigeons from the Royal lofts also saw active service with the Royal Air Force in the Second World War. Despite being able to spend less time at Sandringham after his accession in 1901, King Edward VII's interest in the estate never waned, and he continued to make improvements all his life. Following his death in 1910, Sandringham was left to Queen Alexandra, who continued to live in the 'Big House' in her widowhood until her death in 1925. The new King George V and Queen Mary continued to live in the much smaller York Cottage whenever they visited the estate.

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7 allalaadimist

1(8) Das Renaissance-Epitaph in der St. Benedikt Kirche in Herbern

Gnedig sei.“ Die Buchstaben sind in deutscher Schrift. Im Jahre 1594, 3 Jahre nach dem Tod von Ursula Deipenbrock, hat der Graf wieder geheiratet; der Ehevertrag ist vom 24. August und nennt Hermann vom Merveldt zu Westerwinkel als Bräutigam und die Jungfer Marie von der Recke als Braut. Das Epitaph steht nicht mehr an seinem ursprünglichen Platz. Der Chor der heutigen Kirche, in deren Nordwand es sich befindet, wurde 1698/99 gebaut. Wo das Epitaph vorher war, ist nicht bekannt. Nach Ende des 30jährigen Krieges war das alte Kir- chengebäude stark beschädigt und wurde durch das bestehende ersetzt. Es ist bis- her noch nicht untersucht worden, woher der Stein stammt. Das Material ist ein Sandstein. Von dem Künstler, der dieses Werk geschaffen hat, gibt es weder Dokumente noch Überlieferungen. Im Adelsarchiv des Hauses Merveldt ist das Epitaph nicht erwähnt. (untersucht wurden die Jahre 1580…1595) So bleibt nur eine vergleichende Analyse

Keeled → Rootsi keel
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Jaaniõhtu, also called Jaanilaupäev and Jaanipäev are the most important days in the Estonian calendar, apart from Christmas. The short summer seasons with long days and brief nights hold special significance for the people of Estonia. Jaanipäev is celebrated in the night between 23rd and 24th of June, a few days after the summer solstice, when night seems to be non-existent. For Estonians, Jaanipäev celebrations were merged with the celebration of Võidupüha during the War of Independence when Estonian forces defeated the German troops on 23 June 1919. After this battle against Estonia's traditional oppressors, Jaaniõhtu and the lighting of the traditional bonfires became linked with the ideals of independence and freedom. Jaanipäev marks a change in the farming year, specifically the break between the completion of spring sowing and the hard work of summer hay-making. Understandably, some of the rituals of Jaanipäev have very strong folkloric roots

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Inglise keele sõnad

Claim - to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: Coast guard - a military service which in peacetime enforces maritime laws, saves lives and property at sea, and maintains aids to navigation Commerce - an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries Compose - to make or form by combining things, parts, or elements Conquer - to acquire by force of arms; win in war Death-defying - very dangerous Deliberately - carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: Disarmament - the reduction or limitation of the size, equipment, armament, etc., of the army, navy, or air force of a country Draft - a first or preliminary form of any writing, subject to revision, copying, etc. Era - the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned: Feat - a noteworthy or extraordinary act or achievement, usually displaying boldness, skill, etc.

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3 allalaadimist

Walt Disney

propably the greatest and the most well-known film company based on animated cartoons. His parents were Elias Disney and Flora Call Disney. His father was a strict man, who wasn't afraid to use force and abuse his children. Disney lived on a farm, where he started loving animals, which was propably the reason for his animal cartoons. After the farm failed, he and his family moved to Missouri, where he started drawing. Disney left school (McKinley high school) at 17, because he wanted to go to war and he participated in World War l. He came home in 1919 and started working as illustrator for commercials. In 1923 he and his brother Roy went to Hollywood with just 40 dollars and there his life changed totally, where he had success after success. He is most known for his animated cartoons, most popular of which is Mickey Mouse, whom he gave the voice himself. Mickey Mouse was his first great success. Mickey Mouse first appeared

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Paiute people

Paiute people Meaning of name Unknown Northern:Numa Southern:nuwuvi language Northern Paiute language Owens Valley Paiute Southern Paiute language English Lived near water Fish Roots Seeds Meat Nuts beliefs Wolf Coyote Ghost dance Wowoka chores Fishing Weawing Hunting Roots and berries hearding children 1840 Euro Americans Pah Ute war 1860 Pony Express Thank you for listening!

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
5 allalaadimist

Sigmund Freud

Loo Oberschule SIGMUND FREUD Referat Janar P. XII Klasse Loo, 2008 Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud ist in Tschechien am 6. Mai 1856 geboren. Er ist am 23. September 1939 in London gestorben. S. Freud war ein bedeutender Österreichiser Artzt und Tiefenpsychologe, der als Begründer der Psychoanalyse und als Religionskritiker Bekanntheit erlangte. Seine Theorien und Methoden werden noch heute kontrovers diskutiert. Freud gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Denker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Freud wird als Sohn jüdischer Eltern geboren. Sein Vater, der Wollhändler Kallamon Jacob Freud, ist bei Sigmunds Geburt schon fast vierzig Jahre alt und in dritter Ehe mit Amilia Freud verheiratet

Keeled → Saksa keel
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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun