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"farm" - 287 õppematerjali

farm on osaliselt rekonstrueeritud tänapäeva nõuetele vastavaks.


Farmakoloogia -Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool
Farmokogenoomika -Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool
Farmakoteraapia -Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool
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Kasutaja: farm

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Loomade farm

Kuressaare Ametikool Hotelli ja restorani teeninduse osakond Kokk Raina Jüris Kp-24 Loomade Farm Juhendaja: Sirje Paakspuu Kuressaare 2007 GEORGE ORWELL 1903-1950 Georg Orwelli nimi ilmus esimest korda 1933aastal raamatul pealkirjaga "Pariisi ja Londoni heidikud". Varjunime valik oli pigem juhuslik, see lähtus Orwelli jõest Suffolkis, kus autor oli ajutiselt elanud. George Orwell alias Erich Arthur Blair sündis 25. jaanuaril 1903. aastal Motiharis Indias. Tema isa oli Briti koloniaalametnik. Orwell kasvas üles Inglismaal

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
477 allalaadimist

Loomade farm

Kuressaare Ametikool Karl Org KP 23 George Orwell LOOMADE FARM 1984 "Loomade farm ja 1984" ( sarjast PUNANE RAAMAT ) on Orwelli kõige tuntumad teosed. Ehkki kirjutatud enam kui 50 aasta eest, pole need kaotanud aktuaalsust ja teravust ka 21. sajandi alguses. Totalitaarsed riigid pole tänaseks kuhugi kadunud, meedia abil korraldatav ajupesu on hoopis suuremad mõõtmed omandanud ning Orwelli poliitikloomi või loompoliitikuid võib kohata igal sammul. " Loomade farm" jutustab loomadest, kes ajavad minema farmi omaniku Jonesi ja hakkavad ise oma elu korraldama

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
246 allalaadimist

Loomade Farm

Loomade farm 1. Tsitaadid ,,Härrased,"lõpetas Napoleon ,"ma panen ette juua sellesama terviseks mis ennegi,kuid teissuguses vormis-seda ütles Napoleon kui muutis ,,Loomade farmi"nime tagasi ,,Karjafamiks" "Neli jalga hea,kaks jalga parem!-neljal jalal kõndivad loomad on head,aga kes konnivad kahel jalal on veel paremad. ,,Toeline onn on kõvas toos ja vahenoudlikus elus".-onne saab katte kõvasti tootates mitte luksulist elu elades. ,,Kõik loomad on seltsimehed"-selle tahtis vana Major selgeks teha,et ka metsloomad on nende sobrad. ,,Inimene ei teeni uhegi muu olendi huve peale iseenda"-inimene on vaenlane ja ,et kõik loomad on seltsimehed.Inimestelt pole midagi loota ja nad kohtlevad loomi orjadena. 2. Lühikokkuvõte Teos on jutu selles kui loomad hakkavad peremehele Jonesile vastu ning ajavad ta Karjafarmist minema.Lumepall ja Napoleon on kaks siga kes 3. Probleem: ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
124 allalaadimist

Loomade Farm

Kuressaare Ametikool Hotelli ja restorani teeninduse osakond Kokk Raina Jüris Kp-24 Loomade Farm Juhendaja: Sirje Paakspuu Kuressaare 2007 GEORGE ORWELL 1903-1950 Georg Orwelli nimi ilmus esimest korda 1933aastal raamatul pealkirjaga “Pariisi ja Londoni heidikud”. Varjunime valik oli pigem juhuslik, see lähtus Orwelli jõest Suffolkis, kus autor oli ajutiselt elanud. George Orwell alias Erich Arthur Blair sündis 25. jaanuaril 1903. aastal Motiharis Indias. Tema isa oli Briti koloniaalametnik. Orwell

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
105 allalaadimist

"Loomade Farm" Georg Orwell

Mõtteid George Orwell raamatutest "Loomade Farm", "1984" George Orwell on öelnud, et kirjutab antiutoopiaid, et panna inimesi tähele panema elu koledusi. Et pöörata rohkem tähelepanu sellele, mis maailmas tegelikult toimub. Kui käsitleda sotsialismi idee tasandil, siis Karl Marx töötas välja ülima valitsemiskorra. Ent idee ja pärismaailm lähevad lahku. Võimatu on panna kirjanduslikke aksioome kehtima päriselus. Võimatu oleks reaalse elu ja filosoofia vahele võrdusmärke asetada. Ükskõik kui väga me üritaksime, keti tugevuse määrab tema nõrgim lüli. Kuid nõrkus on vabaduse tunnuseks. Nõrkus olla see, kes sa oled, ihaleda oma unistusi, ükskõik kui irreaalsed nad ka ei oleks. Kui Karl Marx "Kapitalis" kirjutas, et baas määrab ära pealisehitise, siis ta ei uskunud, et baas võib Parteile iseloomulikult olla valmis kasvõi maailma hävitama ­ kõike võimu pärast. Võim oli see, mis luges. Kuid ometi ei eksisteeri võimu, kui pole neid, k...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
304 allalaadimist

Orwell"Loomade farm"

5. Keda võiks sotsialistlikus praktikas näha Tümpsa tegelaskuju taga? Põhjenda. Hästi töökat, ustavat, omaette olevat, aktiivset, vastutustundlikut ja ennast ohverdavat isikut. 6. Vaenlase kuju loomine on üks sotsiaalpsühholoogilisi mõjureid. Mida niisugune manipulatsioon annab? Kirjelda märksõnadega farmi ja välismaailma vahelisi suhteid. · Pingelised · Kahtlustavd · Vaenulised farm Selline manipulatsioon võib muuta hea halvaks. Oleneb milline see on, kui on inimene endakasupüüdlik siis ta võidab sellega poolhääli. 7. a) Kirjelda MÄLU kujutamist Orwelli loos. Mälu on seal kujutatud kui kõrbe. Nimelt kõrbetuuled tekitavad alati uusi liivaluiteid, mistõttu see ei jää kunagi samaks ja ajapikku kustutab kõik. Sama oli ka "Loomade farmis", kus loomade mälust pühiti kõik õpitu,kuid ainult mõnel üksikul,kes oli isepäine, oli raske seda mälust pühkida.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
158 allalaadimist

Animal farm by George Orwell

Animal farm by George Orwell About One night, all the animals at Mr. Jones Manor Farm assemble in a barn to hear old Major describe a dream he had about a world where all animals live free from the tyranny of their human masters. old Major dies soon after the meeting, but the animals got inspired by his philosophy of Animalism. They plot a rebellion against Jones. Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, prove themselves important figures and planners of this dangerous enterprise. When Jones forgets to feed the animals, the revolution occurs, and Jones and his men are chased off the farm

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


GEORG ORWELL - LOOMADE FARM ARVUSTUS Teost lugema hakates jäi mulje nagu oleks tegu lastekirjandusega, kuid teades Orwelli teist, väga kuulsat teost, ,,1984", on raamat vägagi poliitiline. Lõbusa farmiloo taga on peidus 30-te aastate lõpu Nõukogudemaa ja stalinism. Tänu lihtsale tegevustikule oli selle juures kerge mõista ka loo teist, sügavamat poolt. Tollele ajale kohane, võis tunda ka teoses, loomade ja inimeste vahelist võimuvõitlust, kus vana siga, Major algatas ülestõusu inimeste vastu. Samuti mängis sellel ajal tähtsat rolli ka vabadus, nii ka selles loos oli ülestõusu eesmärgiks loomade vabadus, kus inimene ei saaks farmi loomade elus enam mingit rolli mängida ja loomad saaksid elada vaid iseenda jaoks. Loomad vallutasid farmi ning panid paika omad reeglid, kuid nagu ka ajaloos, ei kestnud see väga kaua. Loomad hakkasid muutuma ja tekkis erimeelsusi, kuni Napoleon oma ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
113 allalaadimist

Farm land rationalisation and land management

andis palju juurde just maakorralduse alaste arengute mõistmise osas arvestades, et senini on mu teadmised selles vallas võrdlemisi kesised. Julgen väita, et käsitletud artikkel on hästi ja põhjalikult koostatud ning selles käsitletud teemad on mõneti üleval ka tänapäevases Eestis vaatamata sellele, et meie maareform on praktiliselt lõppenud. Viidatud kirjanduse loetelu J. Ridell, F. Rembold. 2002. Farm Land Rationalisation and Land Consolidation: Strategies for Improved Land Management In Eastern and Central Europe. Munich. February 25-28. [http://www.landentwicklung-] (18.11.2012)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Loomade farm analüüs

Gümnaasium George Orwell ,,Loomade farm" Kirjandusteose analüüs 12. a klass Juhendaja Jõhvi 2009 Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................3 2.Teose ajalooline skeem...............................................................................................3 3.Teose tegelaskond.......................................................................................................3 4.Tegelaskujude analüüs................................................................................................5 1. Tegelase koht üldises tegelastesüsteemis.........................................................5 2. Tegelase iseloomustus......................................................................................5 3. Tegelase kunstiline teostu...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
890 allalaadimist

“Loomade farm” George Orwell

Me sünnime, meile antakse just nii palju süüa, et meil hing sees püsiks, ja need meist, kes seda suudavad, peavad töötama viimase jõuraasuni, ning sedamaid, kui meist enam kasu pole, notitakse meid julmalt maha. Ükski Inglismaa loom, kes on üle aasta vana, ei tea, mida tähendab õnn või jõudeaeg. Ükski Inglismaa loom ei ole vaba. Loomade elu on üksainumas viletsus ja orjus - see on sulatõde (lk 14)." Halva elu põhjuseks peab vana Major inimest: "Ainuüksi meie farm võiks elatada mõnikümmend hobust, paarkümmend lehma, sadu lambaid - ja kõik nad võiksid elada nii hästi ja jõukalt, et seda on praegu võimatu ettegi kujutada. Miks me siis üha viletsuses vireleme? Aga selle pärast, et inimesed meilt peaaegu kogu meie töövilja ära röövivad. Kukutage inimene ja nälja ning üle jõu käiva töö peamine põhjus on igaveseks ajaks kõrvaldatud (lk 14-15)." Teose alguses valitseb inimese türannia. "Inimene on ainus olend, kes tarbib, ise tootmata

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
84 allalaadimist

George Orwell "Animal Farm" essay - "Human nature exposed in the novel"

It could be control over some group, over a person and his mind, actions and thoughts or just over a certain situation where we want to gain a higher role so everything could be under their command. People are willing to do everything to get others under their control. In "Animal Farm" Napoleon's first act to gain his leadership was the betrayal of his fellow leader and friend Snowball. Napoleon and Snowball did not agree on their views of leading the farm and Napoleon, who could not deal with divided power, drove Snowball away. So do humans nowadays. The moment they feel threatened by others' support for someone else's ideas, views and power, a certain protective reflex pushes them to defend and fight for their position. Humans are too selfish, self-centered and egoistic to share their desired position with someone else. Besides the thirst for individual power, the methods people use to gain it are even more absurd

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Do live in the countryside or in the city? essay

Essay Do live in the countryside or in the city? At the time I am living with my mother in the countryside. I am eighteen years old and when I finish school I want to be independent and live on my own. People say that when you live in the countryside you are living the easy life. I agree but physically it is very exhausting. You have to work hard to keep the house and yard clean. When you have a farm there is no lack of work and you always have your hands in the soil. At least there is always some action. Although living in the countryside has few bad sides, I am sure rural life stays always in my heart. To me country life has more pros than cons. If you are a maverick which I am then living in the countryside has the privacy what you need. Also you can grow your own vegetables and fruits when you live in the countryside. I think any fruit or vegetable which is

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Inglise keele aruanne Lahemaa majutuskohtadest

Accommodation in Lahemaa region Introduction Lahemaa region consists of tree rural municipalities ­ Kuusalu, Vihula, Kadrina and one small town ­ Loksa, in North-Estonia. Accommodation in Lahemaa represents almost all allowed types according to Estonian tourism law. There are some differences between accommodation types in Estonia and Great Britain. Comparison of the accommodation ways in Lahemaa and Great Britain The types of accommodation in Lahemaa are: villa, guesthouse, hotel, tourist farm, bed and breakfast, manor hotel, hostel, motel, cottage, campsite, caravan and lodge. Officially in Estonia there are no accommodation types like lodges and caravans, caravans belong under the accommodation type campsite. Lodges in Estonia, also in Lahemaa are managed by State Forest Board (RMK) and are meant to be independently used free of charge by any tourists. If there is a lodge in a tourism farm, it is considered to be an alternative accommodation type.

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Power Destroys Ideals

Throughout the centuries people have fought for power. Leadership has been a reason for many wars and fights. For some people one of the most important things in life is to have power over everybody else. Very often those who become leaders destroy or forget about the ideals they had before and about the promises they made. G. Orwell's book "Animal Farm" is an excellent example of how easy it is to forget about the ideals. In his novel George Orwell pictures a human society through the animal farm. He uses exagerations which help to feel the atmosphere of spoiled society. Society ruined by dictators, false ideas and corruption. In the novel the animals are shown as the exagerated copies of human beings with all their characters, habits and feelings. The story took place on the farm where the animals led a rebellion against the human beings. The revolution was started by the pigs who were considered the most intelligent animals

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tekstülesanded matemaatikas

Tekstülesanded Koostaja: Kristin Laas 10B klass Ülesanne 1 Liis läks reedel poodi, et osta türukute õhtuks midagi süüa. Ta ostis 2 pakki ’’Väike Väänik ’’kaeraküpsiseid hainnaga 0,89€ pakk, ta ostis veel 1 paki ’’Farm Frites Oven Crincle’’ friikaltuleid ja 2 1L ’’Super Viva’’ jäätist hinnaga 1,99. Liis maksis kogu toidu eest 7,15€. Kui palju maksis 1 pakk ’’Farm Frites Oven Crincle’’ friikaltulid? Lahenduskäik: x= friikartulite hind 2*0,89+2*1,99=5,76 5,76+x=7,15 x=7,15-5,76 x=1,39 Kontroll: ........ Vastus: 1 pakk ’’Farm Frites Oven Crincle’’ friikaltuleid maksis 1,39€ Ülesanne2 Tuuli ostis endale koju 3kg õunu ja 2 kg mandariine. Tuuli kogusummaks läks 9,23 eurot. Maali ostis samal ajal 2kg õunu ja 2kg mandariine. Maali kogusummaks läks 6,95 eurot. Kui palju maksis 1kg õunu ja 1kg mandariine. Lahenduskäik: x- Õunade kilohind y- Mandariinide kilohind 3x+2y=9,23 2x+2y=6,95 9,23-6,95=2,28 x=2,28 3*2,28+2y=9,23 2y= 6,95 /2 y=3,48 ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne intervjuu

When a man and a woman decide on being partners in private life as well as at work, they are bound to run into problems ­ or such often seems to be the public perception. If that is a rule, however, there certainly are exceptions. Marc (45) and Catherine (37) Brown have had to cope with that situation for many years now, with Marc being a cow farm manager and Catherine a milkmaid at the same institution. The exact name and location of the farm shall be left undisclosed, but it is certainly one of the most prestigious in England, meaning that stresses and strains are many ­ meeting high expectations demands intense work. Marc and Catherine kindly ask me to join them in their cozy little house near the farm. We sit down by the fireplace and Catherine serves her special and at least locally very famous tea ­ the exact recipe is a well-kept secret, of course. Was working in a farm something you planned already long ago?

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Conditions of the productive animals in farms.

Conditions of the productive animals in farms. The inescapable fact is that the conditions in big farms, especially in factory farms, are unacceptably bad. Recent proof of that was the Põima farm case in Estonia were 260 cows are starving. Animals are wet because of their own excrements, some spots on their body are furless, their bones poke out from their skin and they can hardly stand up. What is more, they do not have food or litter, so they lie on cold cemented floor that is covered with dung. This problem is not actual only in Estonia.Also the reality of Finnish factory farming was recently revealed. Producers arguments as there are severe problems related to intensive

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Loomade farmi analoogiad

Peremees Jones-Tsaar Nikolai II Karjafarm-Venemaa Loomade farm-NSVL Vana Major-Vladimir Lenin Majori pealuu tähistas Lenini mälestust, mis oli kommunistlikul Venemaal väga hinnatud ning oluline Sead-Bolševikud, kommunistlik režiim Kellukas, Jessie ja Pitsu Tümpsa-ideaalne töölisklassi tööline Mollie-rumal valge mära, kes tahtis tagasi elu enne revolutsiooni Benjamin-eesel, peegeldas autorit ennast Kass-oportunist, kes nägi võimalust süsteemist kasu lõigata Lumepall-Trotsky Kiunats-tsenseeritud meedia, kes väljastas inimestele ainult neid uudiseid, mida Napoleon lubas Valvekoerad-KGB salapolitsei Mooses-usk Kristallsuhkrumäed, millest Mooses rääkis-taevas, kuhu minnakse peale surma Ülestõus-Märtsi revolutsioon (1904-1905) Valge sõrg ja sarv Loomade Farmi lipul-Sirp ja vasar NSVLi liidu lipul Lambad-rumalad, kes poliitikast midagi ei teadnud, massid, kes ei suutnud enda eest mõelda Pilkington-Winston Churchill Rebasemets-Inglismaa Frederi...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
35 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Mehaanikateaduskond Praktikaaruanne Tallinn 2012 · -.....................................................................................................3 · .............................................................................................................................5 · ...........................................................................................................................9 · ..............................................................................................................13 2 - E.W.T.C. -- , 10 . E.W.T.C. : · · · · · / 100% E.W.T.C. ­ . . : E.W.T.C., , ; ; ; ; ; -...

Keeled → Vene keel
47 allalaadimist


....................................................... 8.1 SWOT ANALÜÜS................................................................................................................. 9 TUNDLIKKUSE ANALÜÜS....................................................................................................... 2 1 SISSEJUHATUS OÜ Phat Farm Eesti esindus on edasimüümisega tegelev firma, mille kauba artikliks on enamjaolt noorte vabaaja rõivad- ja jalanõud ning nende juurde kuuluvad aksessuaarid. Hetkel on firma asutamisel. Ettevõte tegeleb konkreetsemalt rõivaste, jalanõude ja aksessuaaride sisse toomisega Ameerikast ning kaubamärgi esindamisega Eestis. Meie klientuur on lai, hetkel oleme arvestanud sihtgrupiks 10-34 aastased, keda Eestis on 489 756. Kuna ta on üha laienev turg, on

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
1585 allalaadimist

The wounderful wizard of Oz

The wounderful wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum Lyam Frank Baum · Lyam Frank Baum was born in 1856. He was an american author. He wrotelots of childrens books. His most famous book is " The wounderful wizard of Oz." He also wrote many poems and some fantasy novels. Summary · Main character was Dorothy, who lived with her unckle Henry and aunt Em. They lived in a farm in Kansas. They were wery hardworking. One day there was a powerful storm and Dorothy was afraid and hid under the bed with her dog. Storm carried a farm away and Dorothy woke up in a strange place where tiny people greet her. She started looking or wizard OZ to get baks home with his help.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
6 allalaadimist

Kalade jäätmed : Kas hinnalised resursid või vajavad kõrvaldamist?

On kahtlusi ,kui sobilikud kalajäänused on biogaasi tootmiseks, kuna nendes on kõrge soodiumi tase, mis võib pärssida metaani teket. · Kõrge kvaliteediline kompost. Kui kalajäätmeid õnnestub paksendada edukalt nt 25% tahkeid osi ,siis on õige arvata ,et seda võiks kasutada kompostina, kuid naatrium on vaja stabiliseerida ja patogeenid on vaja saada ohutule tasemele. 11. Hinna analüüs 1.Maribrini farm Heitveesüsteem Mehaaniline filtreerimine Projekti jaoks otsutati töödelda vaid osa farmi heitveest. Farmi heitvee vool on 300 l/s. Paigaldati filter koos hoiustamistangiga ilma farmi tööd segamata. See filter on ehitatud töötlema 80 l/s. Edasine tegevus · Kala jäätmed hoiustatakse tangis,enne järgmist töötlust, mis hõlmab koagulatsiooni ja flokuleerimist. · Koagulatsioon on metallsool nagu nt raudkloriid. Seda pumbatakse otse hoiustamistanki

Merendus → Kalakasvatus ja varude...
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee

Only recently small demand for portion size trout has occurred in Estonia. Trout was reared in flow through ponds on river or spring water or in net cages in effluent channel of an electric power station. The most important enterprises were Viru Salmo and Saare Kalakasvatus, which owned several different production units. Three enterprises cultivated common carp in stillwater ponds, the most important among them being Ilmatsalu Kala and Haaslava carp farm of R.Kalda. In 1998 285 t of large rainbow trout. 598 kg of trout caviar and 23 t of common carp were produced. There were 328 ha of ponds, 17 th m3 of fish tanks and basins and 1600 m3 of net cages. The total value of farmed fish production was roughly 13 mln. Estonian kroons (approximately 0.9 mln USD). There were five hatcheries producing only fish juveniles for stocking into the natural waters. For stocking into the natural waters 142 thousand juveniles of salmon, 58 th

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Vilsandi National Park

Today, the preserve provides protection not only for sea birds, but for all the landscape, plants and animals present in the islands.Hunting is absolutely prohibited. This park is a popular tourist destination for both Estonians and foreign visitors, particularly from Finland. Before World War II, Vilsandi had 33 farms, with a population of around 200 people. Today, the population numbers around 30 individuals. To date, several wooden windmills have been rebuilt as well as the Tolli farm. The Tolli farm was a favorite vacation spot for several Estonian writers. Of interest to geologists, the islands of Vilsandi and Vaika consist of 400 million year old dolomite outcrops. These outcrops can be viewed on the northern coast, opposite of Vesiloo island, and close to the lighthouse. The lighthouse was first built in 1809. So it's an old lighthouse.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele CV ja cv kiri.

Address: Võidu Street 10-23, Tallinn Education and Qualifications Secondary School: Kiviõli First Secondary School Experience 2009 summer: assistant in Erra gardening and babysitter for three months Other Skills First Aid Certificate Interests sport, cars, cooking,reading,fishing 10 February 2010-02-10 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of farm worker in France which I saw advertised in The Guardian last week. I would be interested in picking grapes. I enclose a copy of my CV. I would like to work for you because I am very interested in farm work. I would also like to learn about a different culture as I feel that intercultural understanding is very important. I am a hard-working and very loyal person. I am also very reliable, determined and enthusiastic

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Michael Morpurgo

First on wasreleased in 1999 called “Interview with Michael Morpurgo”, written by JoannaCarey. In 2004 there was released “Dear mr Morpingo: Inside the world of Michael Morpurgo”, written by Geoff Fox. In 2005 was released “Michael Morpurgo”,written by Shaun McCarthy. Favorites among his own books are The Butterfly Lion, Kensuke´s Kingdom, WarHorse and Private Peaceful. The book talks about a horse who lives on a farm and moves into the battles of World War I. It is a story of friendship lasting through the toughest tests. Michael Morpurgo tells the story trough the eyes of a horse. It is a moving and a powerful story of survival. Right now he is 71 years old. He has a wife called Clare and three children and six grandchildren. He lives in Devon. Michael hopes to continiue writing fresh stories, as well staying healthy, keeping his family happy and developing

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Alan Alexander Milne

illness, the Royal Corps of Signals. After the war, he wrote a denunciation of war titled Peace with Honour (1934). During World War II, Milne was one of the most prominent critics of English writer P. G. Wodehouse. Milne accused Wodehouse of committing an act of near treason by cooperating with his country's enemy. He married Dorothy "Daphne" de Sélincourt in 1913, and their only son, Christopher Robin Milne, was born in 1920. In 1925, A. A. Milne bought a country home, Cotchford Farm, in Hartfield, East Sussex. He retired to the farm after a stroke and brain surgery in 1952 left him an invalid, and by August 1953 "he seemed very old and disenchanted". Milne died in January 1956, aged 74. Alan Alexander Milne

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

George Orwell „Loomade farm“

George Orwell ,,Loomade farm" 1946 Muinaslugu, mis räägib Nõukogudemaast 30-te aastate lõpul, s.t. stalinismi kõige brutaalsem ja lihtsakoelisem avaldumisvorm. Nagu muinaslood ikka, kajastab ka ,,Loomade farm" läbi aegade ilmnevat elutõde. Just lihtsakoelise võimu-usupreerimise mehhanismi paljastamine võimaldas ja võimaldab lugejal ka tänapäeval läbi näha võitlust võimu pärast ka neil puhkudel, kui see on maskeeritud objektiivsete seaduspärasuste ja õilsate eesmärkidega. Näited, kus võimulepürgija koondab vajaliku jõu (muinasloos koerakutsikad) ja rajab oma poliitilise tegevuse intriigidele, on ajaloolehekülgedel klassikalised. Nii toimis vailedamatult ka J.Stalin, kes ilmutas täielikku oportunismi tegevusprogrammide omaksvõtmisel ja oli meister revolutsiooni liidreid üksteise vastu välja mängima. Paar päeva enne surma, siga Vana Major, nagu teda kutsuti, algatas ülestõusu, mille eesmrgiks oli loomade vabadus, enam ei pidanud loomad a...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

Book review "Seven Brothers"

Author: Aleksis Kivi Publisher: "Eesti Raamat" Year: 1983 Original: Helsinki 1926-1927 The book "Seven Brothers" was written by Aleksis kivi. It tells the story of seven brothers and their adventures. The story takes place in Finland about eighty years ago, 20th century. The characters in the book are villagers, enforcer, seven brothers and their enemies from other region. It is a novel story and I know that, there is a film based on book. The story is set in Jukola farm, there were some issues with family life and then the brothers decided to go live in forest and finally they built a big farm, which is named "Impivaara". In the first chapter the boys are very young and they messed up everything. As the story develops, brothers have grown into big mans. They are having troubles with enforcer and his oxen. But brothers settled the problem and enforcer is no longer angry at brothers. The book contains lots of metaphors, which make the novel more vivid

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist


• Sugukari (broodstock) - suguküpsed veeorganismid, keda kasvatatakse paljundamiseks e nendelt järglaste saamise eesmärgil. • Ilukalad (ornamental fish) - tiikides ja basseinides ilu pärast peetavad kalad, kelle välimus on selektsiooni teel omapäraseks muudetud - nad on värvilised või on nende kehakuju moonutatud, näit. kuldkala, kuldsäinas, “koi” karpkala jt. VESIVILJELUS VESIVILJELUS VESIVILJELUS MAAILMAS An alligator farm or crocodile farm is an establishment for breeding and raising of crocodilians in order to produce meat, leather, and other goods. KREVETI- JA VÄHIKASVATUS LIMUSTE KASVATAMINE Limused • Limused ehk molluskid (Mollusca) on rühm pehme, segmenteerumata, enamasti bilateraalsümmeetrilise kehaga selgrootuid. • Limuste hõimkonda kuulub kaheksa klassi: • Karbid (Bivalvia) • Kõhtjalgsed ehk teod (Gastropoda) • Peajalgsed (Cephalopoda) • Lasnjalgsed (Scaphopoda)

Merendus → Kalakasvatus ja varude...
53 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 18

Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements. Tweety Tweety´s mother, Fiona, was rescued from a rabbit breeder who kept her animals in dirty cages in her back yard. As they were not regularly given food and water, the rabbits were hungry and thirsty most of the time. A worried neighbour saw how the rabbits were threated and was able to talk theid owner into giving them to the Farm Sanctuary. Just hours after they arrived, Fiona gave birth to Tweety and four other beautiful bunnies. Tweety´s life was difficult for him from the very beginning. He was the weakest of the litter, and his mother refused to nurse him. Seeing how small and sickly he was, the caregivers started feeding him special baby food. Soon Tweety began to grow strong, and his motehr accepted him as her own. When

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30 allalaadimist

Food and environment

, Wassenaar T., Castel V., Rosales M., Haan C. 2006. Livestock's long shadow environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. USA. 390 pp 2. Goodland R., Anhang J. Livestock and Climate change: What if the key actors in climate change are... cows, pigs and chickens? http://www. (15.11.2015) 3. Mekonnen M, Hoekstra A. Y. 2012. A Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products. Netherlands. pp 20. 4. Schwarzen S. 2009. Growing greenhouse gas emissions due to meat production. Elsevier. Switzerland. pp 8 5. Mekonnen M, Hoekstra A. Y. 2012. A Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products. Netherlands. pp 20. 6. Matthews C. Livestock a major threat to environment. (15.11.2015) 7. FY-2005 Annual ReportManure and Byproduct Utilization National Program 206.http://www.ars.usda

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Michael Morpurgo

In his late twenties, while he was teaching, he discovered his talent for storytelling, of which he later said "I could see there was magic in it for them, and realized there was magic in it for me." He writes his books from home and helps Clare to run Farms for City Children, a project that takes children from inner-city schools to the countryside where they are given hands-on experience of what happens on a farm. Michael has written over 50 books - all different, all exciting - and he draws on a lot of his own experiences. He was sent away to boarding school, which he hated because he was homesick and because there was no privacy, and these are experiences that he draws on in The Butterfly Lion and The War of Jenkin's Ear. He didn't work especially hard at school but he was very good at games, and this helped him to keep out of trouble! When Michael left school he went into the army, which he also hated

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1 allalaadimist

Tess - Guilty or not ?

that she has to do something good for her family. In order to compensate her mistake she goes to work for a rich relative in a bird farm. There happens another awful thing ­ she gets pregnant from her so called cousin Alec D' Urberville. Yet again it is not Tess' fault because her mother has not taught to Tess essential things about life and men. What makes it even worse is that Tess does not agree to marry Alec. When her baby dies Tess decides to escape her homevillage. She starts working in a farm as a milkmaid. There she meets her love of the life ­ Angel Clare. Next mistake she makes is when she does not tell to Angel about Alec and the baby. She does not tell anything because her mother asks not do. This leads to Angel leaving Tess after they had just married. So, I think that this was again her mother's fault. All these three misadventures lead to the ultimate mistake that Tess does ­ killing Alec D'Urberville. She kills him because Alec has pushed her so far with

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist


1. Mis on kommunism See on ühiskonnavorm, mille puhul tootmisvahendid kuuluvad rahvale ning kehtib põhimõte Igaühelt tema võimete järgi, igaühele vastavalt tema vajadustele, erinevalt sotsialismist, mis juhindub põhimõttest Igaühelt tema võimete järgi, igaühele vastavalt tema tööle. See on teooria, ühiskondlik liikumine või poliitiline süsteem, mis taotleb kommunistliku ühiskonna ülesehitamist. Kommunistlikuks on nimetatud Nõukogude Liitu 1917 aastast kuni 1990. aastate alguseni. 2. Kuidas on see tekkinud? See on siis üks marksismi suunadest, ning selle loojateks on Karl Marx ja Friedrich engels. Nende teoses the communisto manifesto on kirjas et kõige pealt peab olema kapitalism, kus majanduse arengus olulisim osa vabalturumajandusel ja konkurentsil, riigi osa majanduse reguleerimisel on piiratud seejärel asendub see sotsialismiga, kus riigil on suurem roll majanduse reguleerimisel ning see kõik viib kommunismi, kus kõik on v...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
20 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

Many of the plants of Australia aren't found anywhere else. Agriculture. Australia's farms are highly mechanized and therefore require the minimum of human labour. Only about 5 per cent of the country's workers are farmers. Farmland covers about 65 per cent of Australia. However, most of this land is dry grazing land. Crops are grown on only 5 per cent of the farmland. About 10 per cent of the cropland is irrigated. Australia's leading farm products are cattle, calves, wheat and wool. Also fruit and sugar cane. Australia is a leading producer and exporter of beef, sugar and wheat. Other major farm products include barley, chicken and eggs, cotton, oats, rice, potatoes, sheep and vegetables. Sheep and cattle are raised in all the Australian states. Victoria is the leading producer of dairy products. Wheat is grown in all areas that have medium rainfall and moderate temperatures. Such fruits as apples and pears are grown in

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier (slaidid)

The Road to WiganGeorge PierOrwell Compiled by Priit J oasoo 12D 2009 Author George Orwell =Eric Arthur Blair Born on J une 25, 1903 in India Brought to England at the age of one Indian Imperial Police in Burma 1922-1928 1936 fought in Spanish Civil War II World War wrote a political commentary Died of tuberculosis on J anuary 21, 1950 Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Road to Wigan Pier Setting Location: Indrustrial towns of North England - Lancashire and Yorkshire Time: Before the World War II (1936) Main Character · George Orwell - an English author and journalist, who describes the living conditions of poor miners in northern England. He also talks about socialism and his life. The Plot Book is in two parts I part ­ indrustrial towns & unemploiment

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

The Eagle of the Ninth summary

The Eagle of the Ninth The hero of the book is Marcus, he decides to take back the his father's lost legion. Marcus had a family farm in Clusium. Marcus's mother and father are dead, because that, he leaved at Clusium. He went to his uncle, who lives in nearby Calleva. He purchases a gladiator as his personal slave. The slave name is Esca. Their realationship quickly becomes very friendly. Marcus sent the slave to the forest to catch a wolf. Esca got the wolf and carried it to Marcus. Marcus named her Cub. Marcus also met with Cottia. Cottia was pretty young girl who lived with her aunt and his uncle.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS · Adamson, A., Ant, J., Mihkelson, M., Valdmaa, S., Värä, E. 2000. Lähiajalugu. Tallinn: Argo. 213 lk. · Hagopian, M. 1993. Reziimid, liikumised, ideoloogiad. Tallinn: Olion. 414 lk. · Kindersley, D. 1994. Maailma ajalugu. Tallinn: Varrak. 400 lk. · Lee, S. 2002. Euroopa diktatuurid 1918-1945. Tallinn: Kunst. 462 lk. · Orwell, G. 2003. Loomade farm. Tallinn: Tõlkijad ja Tänapäev. 98 lk. 9

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
53 allalaadimist

G.Orwell "1984"

totalitarismi vastu ja demokraatliku sotsialismi poolt, nagu mina seda mõistan." (1946). Raamatud ( eesti keeles ilmunud ): · "Loomade farm" (1988; "Perioodika"; tõlkija Mati Sirkel) · "1984" (1990; "Perioodika"; tõlkija Elias Treeman) · "Pariisi ja Londoni heidikud" (1995; "Ühiselu"; tõlkija Sirje Veski) · "Valaskala kõhus" (1995; "Vagabund"; tõlkija Udo Uibo) · "Kummardus Katalooniale" (2000; "Kupar"; tõlkija Rein Saluri) · "Loomade farm. 1984" (2002; tõlkijad Tõnis Arro, Tõnis Kusnets, Mati Sirkel, Rünno Vissak) Inglise keeles ilmunud: · "Down and Out in Paris and London" (1933) · "Burmese Days" (1934) · "A Clergyman's Daughter" (1935) · "Keep the Aspidistra Flying" (1936) · "The Road to Wigan Pier" (1937) · "Homage to Catalonia" (1938) · "Coming Up for Air" (1939) · "Animal Farm" (1945) · "Nineteen Eighty-Four" (1949) Esseed · "A Hanging" (1931)

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
644 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

Problem is the resistance of Moraxella bovis in bovine herds and the establishment of biofilms in the nasal cavity and eyes of ruminants without any sings of infection (Ely et al., 2017). Pathogenesis Moraxella bovis is a gram-negative bacillus causes IBK in cattle. The occurrence and clinical signs depend on environment, season concurrent pathogens, host immune system and Moraxella bovis strain. The disease is highly contagious and can easily spread in the farm. Moraxella bovis is not capable to move but can cause the destruction of red blood cells (M.H. Brown et al. 1998). All Moraxella isolates of veterinary importance, including Moraxella ovis, Moraxella bovis, and Moraxella bovoculi, have the ability to form biofilms. Researches have shown that biofilms are related to the chronicity because of the increased antimicrobial resistance and it is considerable defence mechanism for being washed away or destroyed by bovine tear secretions

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Walt Disney

in Chicago. Walt Disney was an American film producer, animator, voice actor and much more. A very important thing about him is that he's a co-founder of The Walt Disney Company, which is propably the greatest and the most well-known film company based on animated cartoons. His parents were Elias Disney and Flora Call Disney. His father was a strict man, who wasn't afraid to use force and abuse his children. Disney lived on a farm, where he started loving animals, which was propably the reason for his animal cartoons. After the farm failed, he and his family moved to Missouri, where he started drawing. Disney left school (McKinley high school) at 17, because he wanted to go to war and he participated in World War l. He came home in 1919 and started working as illustrator for commercials. In 1923 he and his brother Roy went to Hollywood with just 40 dollars and there

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Ants Laikmaa PechaKucha


Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Black Beauty

to sleep in and lots of kind words. Black Beauty learned many things from his new owner, such as the advantages of not being greedy and of being fair and kind to all creatures. Black Beauty spent a couple of very happy years there. After spending years on London's streets, Black Beauty's next home was a pleasant farm, with a caring master. After nursing him back to good health, the farmer decided that Black Beauty needed to be in a place more appropriate than a farm. He sold Black Beauty to two kind young sisters, who lived on a pleasant country estate with a large, green meadow. Here the weary but content horse finally found the rest and peace of mind that he so desired and deserved.

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2 allalaadimist

Born to be King

fast food. He shops for clothes himself and likes modern casual styles. He is very keen on sports, preferring rugby, football, swimming, water polo and tennis. He hunts (with his black Labrador Retriever Widgeon), skis, rows and paints. 14. Which university did he attend as his first choice? the University of St Andrews 15. Where did he spend his first gap year? on a Raleigh International expedition in southern Chile 16. What kind of workexperience did he gain? as a farm hand on a dairy farm 17. He bein his studies at St Andrews University in 2003, didn't he? No, in 2001 18. What do you know about St Andrews University? St Andrews has its own myth, students claim that it is an 'established fact' that more of its graduates end up marrying one another than from any other university. St Andrews University was established in 1412, and it is the oldest in Scotland. The university has a high international representation: many American students come for a year. 19

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10 allalaadimist

„Agroecological Economics“ by Paul Wojtkow

economic interest. Since agriculture is growing really convivially, the emphasis is on changing from conventional agriculture to more efficient systems and practise. This book is very educational because it explains how is the best way to analyze the experimental results from intercropping and multiple cropping trials. Also offers a means for risk assessments. I chose this book because my family also is engaged to farm business and agriculture. This book has 293 pages which includes 16 chapters, it was first published in 2008, so it is quite new book. It was very interesting to read about because there were lots of themes and tips about how to cultivate our soil. I think that a lots of farmers could get help from this book. I want to emphasize this book topic about non-polluting agricultural alternatives to chemicals, because it is a big problem nowadays. About the author Birth Date: 1947

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13 allalaadimist

Tõde ja õigus - noor Andres

Tõde ja õigus- noor Andres Andrese pere Andres oli Andrese ja Krõõda ainuke poeg, ühtlasi ka viimane laps. Andrese ema krõõt suri pärast sünnitust. Andresel oli kolm õde: Liisi, Maret, Anna. Andresel oli veel poolvennad Indrek ja Juku ning poolõde Kata. “Talus sibas nüüd seitsmehingeline lapsekari: Krõõdalt kolm tütart- Liisi, Maret, Anna- ja poeg Andres; Marilt poeg Indrek ja peale selle veel Jussi lapsed- Juku ja Kata” Andrese lapsepõlv Kui noor Andres imik oli, siis toitis teda Mari, kes pidi vaid ajutiselt Andrese ja Krõõda laste eest hoolt kandma kuniks Andres endale uue naise leiab. Noor Andrese käis karjas kuni 14. aastaseni. Andresel olid noorema venna Indrekuga palju tülisid. Sulane Matu oli talle oma tegude ja õpetustega eeskujuks. Tema järgi mindi proovima puu ladva otsast alla laskma. Matu õpetas poistele kuidas usse sipelgapessa viia. “Matu oli poistele näidanud, mis võib ussiga teha: ta oli ussile näpitsa sappa pannud ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

I love English book 5 unit 18 test

Test 18 Vastused 1 Complete the sentences Piglets rooster horn calf prick up poultry farm prey 2. Write sentences using the infromation in the table 1 Mary likes isce crem ,singing and tsavelling Tom likes ice crem ,stories about animals and travelling Mary dosent like stories about animals and watching cartoons They both ice crem ang travelling Neither of them watching cartoons 3. Write in the plural calf-calves ox- oxes sheep- sheep deer-deer mouse-mice knife-knives tooth-teeth child ­children wolf-wolves 4.Reed the story .Write T or F to the statements F T F T F T T F

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelsed fraasid

1a fraasid Feared natural predators- kardetud looduslikud kiskjad Beyond the limits- piire ületades/piiridest kaugemale Developed such a special bond- loonud (sellise) erilise sideme Brought up on a farm- farmis üles kasvatatud How to interpret- kuidas tõlgendada/selgitada Dedicated to- pühendunud (millesegi) A unique and unforgettable- eriline ja unustamatu The negative perception- negatiivne mulje He aims to sh savagely fierce ow people- ta soovib näidata inimestele The ferocious and mindless- metsik ja tundetu Are portrayed in the media- kujutatakse meedias Have personalities- omavad iseloomu Interacting with people- inimestega suhelda To swim alongside them- ujuda nende kõrval Occasionally- mõnikord Dorsal fin- seljauim Marvel at- imetlema (midagi/kedagi) An endangered- ohustatud (kasutatakse ohustatud liikide puhul)

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1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun