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"ecological" - 84 õppematerjali

ecological - relating to the environment and the way that plants, animals, and humans live together and affect each other

Keskkonna kunst (Environmental art)

Environment al art Marika Rodionova 11a What is that?  The term "environmental art" often encompasses "ecological" concerns but is not specific to them. It primarily celebrates an artist's connection with nature using natural materials. The concept is best understood in relationship to historic earth/Land art and the evolving field of ecological art. The field is interdisciplinary in the fact that environmental artists embrace ideas from science and philosophy. The types  Ephemeral - made to disappear or transform  Designed for a particular place - and can't be moved  Involves collaborations between artists and others, such as scientists, educators or community groups What is the point?  Informs and interprets nature and its processes, or educates us about

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Erilised püügiviisid

system and to what extent the aquatic ecosystem is maintaining that population. Depending on the type of stream visited and the field chemistry and habitat measurements taken, biologists have certain expectations of what type of species they should expect to find. When this ends up not being the case, as where warm water pollutant tolerant species are found in what would be considered cold water species habitat, then the biologists look closer into possible causes for the ecological imbalance. When combined with water chemistry, habitat, and stream invertebrate information, a clear picture of the ecological system is brought in to focus from which sound management decisions can be made. 8.1 Introduction · Electrofishing - use of electricity to: ­ capture fish ­ guide fish ­ block the movement of fish Elektripüük öösel http://www.fisheries

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
8 allalaadimist

Andmebaasiga Scopus teostatud otsingud

Sciences; Energy; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics. 3) Document type: valisin article 4) Source type: valisin journals 5) Language: valisin English Relevantsed artiklid: 1) Preliminary risk assessment of radon in groundwater: a case study from Eskisehir, Turkey 2) Prevention measures against radiation exposure to radon in well waters: Analysis of the present situation in Finland 3) Radon in drinking water and cancer mortality: An ecological study in Japan 4) Temporal changes in water quality at a childhood leukemia cluster 5) Health risk by radon in drinking and sanitary water: Assessment and control techniques 6) Kriging radon concentrations of groundwaters in western ardennes 7) Direct comparison of three methods for the determination of radon in well water 8) Childhood cancer mortality and radon concentration in drinking water in North Carolina

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
8 allalaadimist

Referaat "Toksiliste ainete kuhjumine toiduahelas"

Kuna inimene kuulub samuti viimase astme tarbijate hulka, siis kogunevad mürkained ka meie kehadesse, põhjustades näiteks vähki, viljatust või maksahaigusi (Kislenko et al. 2009). Toiduahela kontsentreerumise süsteem on iseenesest väga lihtne: pestitsiidid pritsitakse kahjurite tõrjeks põllumaale, kus nad satuvad maapinnale ning pääsevad mulda. Koos vee ja mineraalsooladega imenduvad pestitsiidid taimedesse (Introduction to ecological pyramids: biomagnification. Accumulation of harmful chemicals in food chains. 2010). Sellega on pestitsiidid toiduahela esimesse troofilisse tasemesse sisenenud ja pannud aluse biomagnifikatsioonile ehk bioloogilisele kuhjumisele (Miller & Spoolman 2008). Antud taimi tarbivad taimtoidulised organismid, mida tarbivad järgmise troofilise taseme organismid ja nii jätkub süsteem toiduahela viimase lülini. Igas troofilises tasemes on kogunenud organismi järjest

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

Ecological problems Situation Reason Consequenses Suggestions for solutions Ozone layer is damaged · Using different sprays · Increase of UV-rays · Ozone friendly products · Burning rubber and other (causes cancer) · Campaigns to make people

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Konspekt (Vene)

, . . « » M , , . « » - , . , , , , . , , Ecological . Footprint? Ecological : Footprint WWF International 10 « », . ! Footprint Quiz « » , , « » , «The Footprint of Nations» RIO+5. . 4 2006 eisuga Eesti 6,5 ha/a, 7. kohal Araabia , ­ Ühendemiraadid (11,9ha/a), Ameerika 0.8. Ühendriigid (9,6ha/a), Soome (7,6ha/a), Kanada

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
64 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

evidence for this view with a rotating hollow mask, where the mask can be seen hollow or normal. The assumption being selected is strongly influenced by past experience of faces. According to Gibson's view of optic flow where the perception is seen as a result from interaction with the environment and also within movement it is possible to perceive that the mask is hollow. Therefore a weakness of Gregory's´ theory is that it lacks ecological validity because it does not focus on everyday perception, but rare `abnormalities of perception'. Evidence for Gregory's view comes from demonstrations and visual illusions showing that conceptual knowledge affects the way in which simple visual phenomena can be perceived. Nevertheless, it does not explain how the knowledge for perception is acquired. In contrast Gibson has an alternative explanation with texture gradient and affordances.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist


30% lahusega. Peale keerukat kemikaalide töötlemist, keetmist ja proovi puhastamist sisaldavat protsessi valmistatakse proov. Heas proovis on ühes alas näha kaheksa diatomeed. Pealisklaas kinnitatakse alusklaasile ja proov on valmis analüüsimiseks (Martin, 2012). 3 Kasutatud allikad Martín, G., Fernández, M. de los R. 2012. Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality and Ecological Status: Sampling, Analysis and Some Ecological Remarks. In Ecological Water Quality – Water Treatment and Reuse (Voudouris, D. ed) pp. 183-204. InTech. Olli, K. 2014. Protistid. [WWW] (02.11.2014) Olli, K. 2010. Algoloogia. [WWW] (02.11.2014) EE. 2006. Ränivetikate analüüs [WWW] http://entsyklopeedia

Geograafia → Paleogeograafia
5 allalaadimist

„Agroecological Economics“ by Paul Wojtkow

They have also proposed a large tally of quintessentially nature-friendly, farming practices. As a trained economist with advanced degrees in both agricultural and forest economics, he is able to take the next step; that of presenting agroecology as a fully-fledged science complete with its own economic underpinnings. And so he wrote book called ,,Agroecological Economics", which I think is his life-work. Book review Agroecology is the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design, development, and management of sustainable agricultural systems. Agroecological economics, a subsection of agricultural economics, evaluates the ecological consequences of agricultural methods on the economic scale. Agroecological economics considers green engineering is the best way to produce products. Agroecological Economics analyzes the current topics that must be addressed in order to provide sustainable agricultural systems

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Madalsoo Alam-Pedjas

Madalsoo Alam-Pedjas Koostjad: Diana Dubrova Tatjana Turzina Lauri Piirisaar Alam-Pedja looduskaitseala Ø Kaitseala asub Võrtsjärve nõos Ø Alam-Pedja on suurte soode, märgade metsade ja lammide ning looklevate jõgedega piirkond Ø Kaitseala pindala on 34220 ha. See ulatuslik loodusala jääb Jõgeva, Tartu ja Viljandi maakonna piirialadele Mis on madalsoo? ØMadalsoo on soo arengu algetapiks, mille vesi pärineb peale sademete ka põhjaveest ØMadalsoo on võrreldes teiste soodega küllaltki liigirikas kuna liikuv põhjavesi rikastab turvast hapniku ja toitainetega. Turbakiht ei ole madalsoos veel kuigi paks ja taimed toituvad mineraalaineterikkast põhjaveest Taimed Rohttaimed: TarnKollane võhumõõk Ussilill Ubaleht Sookastik Taimed Rohttaimed: Sinihelmi Soopihl kas ...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
19 allalaadimist


Hüdrad Ehitus · Saleda keha ehitusega · Kotikujulised · U 1 cm pikkused · Kehasein on kahekihiline,koosneb lihaskiude sisaldavatest rakkudest · Läbipaistvad · Saab oma kehakuju muuta sirutada,painutada,kokku tõmmata Toitumine · Halvab saagi · Toitub kõrverakkudega sõudikutest,vesikirpu · Toidu topib suuava dest ja tesistest juures paiknevate väikestest kombitsatega suhu vähikestest. · Võib jagu saada ka kalamaimust Seedimine · Seedimine toimub kehaõõnes kuhu erituvad seedenõred. · Seedimata toiduosakesed heidab suu kaudu välja. Hingamine · Hingab vees lahustunud hapniku kogu kehaga Närvisüsteem ja vereringe · Pikkade jätketega seotud närvirakud · Vereringe puudub Paljunemine · Pungumise ja sugurakkude abil · Lahksuguline · Suguliselt sigib sügisel. · Pärast sugulist sigimist h...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
15 allalaadimist

Looduskaitse mõisted

koosluse struktuuris ning ahelreaktsioonina teiste liikide väljasuremise laine. Tugiressursid (keystone resources) – Liikide eluks hädatarvilikud elupaiga struktuurielemendid jt. koosluse liigilist koosseisu oma koguse või ulatuse kohta ebaproportsionaalselt tugevasti mõjutavad kriitilised ressursid (nt. joogikohad, surnud puude seisvad tüved, puuõõnsused). Ökosüsteemi terviklikkus (ecosstem integrity, ecological integrity) – Ökosüsteemi seisundi looduslikkus, vastavus piirkonnale iseloomulikele ja inimmõjust puutumata keskkonnatingimustele, funktsionaalsus ning ökoloogiliste suhete loomulikkus. Ökosüsteemi elurikkuse, struktuuri ja toimimise dünaamiline ajalis-ruumiline tasakaal. Keskkonnaökonoomika (environmental economics) – Keskkonnaprobleemidega tegelev majandusteaduse haru, mis uurib ökosüsteemide ja majandussüsteemide omavahelisi seoseid kõige laiemas mõttes

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Sustainable city planning

designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution. •  It should meet the needs A sustainable city should be able to... • feed itself with minimal reliance on the surrounding countryside, and power itself with renewable sources of energy. • create the smallest possible ecological footprint • produce the lowest quantity of pollution possible • efficiently use land • compost used materials - Practical Achievement • Different agricultural systems - agricultural plots within the city – reduces distance. • Renewable energy sources - wind turbines, solar panels, or bio-gas created from sewage. • Methods to reduce air conditioning - planting trees and lightening surface colors, etc Practical Achievement • Transportation

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What Is a Healthy Lifestyle?

What Is a Healthy Lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being. Nowadays our life is getting more and more tense. People live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others. We need to be healthy to cope with the demands of daily life. But what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle? To have a healthy lifestyle, we must eat a variety of healthy food most of the time, get regular exercise, have time to relax, give up all our bad habits, get adequate sleep. Food is a key element of our good health. Eating healthy, nutritious and vitamin-rich products can improve your health.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Eesti järved

Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium Eesti järved Referaat Tartu 2012/2013 Sisukord Sisukord 2 Sissejuhatus 3 Järvede teke 4 Peipsi järv 5 Võrtsjärv 6 Rõuge Suurjärv 7 Ülemiste järv 8 Kokkuvõte 9 Kasutatud allikad 11 Sissejuhatus Referaat koosneb viiest peatükist, millest esimene peatükk selgitab järvede tekkimist ning neli järgmist kirjeldavad eripalgelisi Eesti järvi. 2 Kirjeldatud järvede valikul on arvestatud nende eripära. Referaadis on esitatud üldine ülevaade nelja Eesti järve...

Loodus → Eesti veed
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

accessible ligipääsetav, kättesaadav admittedly omaks võtvalt, möönvalt affordable rahaliselt lubatav agricultural põllumajanduslik alcove seinanišš, (magamisaseme) seinasüvend ample rikkalik, rohkem kui piisav attic pööning bedsit ühetoaline korter brick pillars tellistest tugisambad bungalow ühekorruseline maja caravan haagis-autoelamu carpenter puusepp cellar kelder compatible kokkusobiv, ühendatav concrete betoon confession ülestunnistus conservationist looduskaitsja council house munitsipaalmaja descent laskumine detached eraldiseisev distinguished silmapaistev, kuulus district piirkond, rajoon draped curtains pikad paksud kardinad draught tuuletõmbus drill puurima ecological loodusega seotud energy usage energiakasutus excavation väljakaevamine flannel coat flanelljakk forgery võltsing fowl kodulind fully-equipped täisvarustustatud fully-furnished täielikult möbleeritud genuine ehtne glass front m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


The ecological footstep of mankind is getting bigger and bigger by the day. Although everybody seems to acknowledge the problem and also care about the wellbeing and preservation of our planet the situation is only getting worse. Firstly, the ever growing need for energy is taking its toll on the environment. Due to the fast growth of the economical and industrial sector in recent years the need for energy has grown dramatically. Global warming which is responsible for the melting of the ice cap which leads to the rise of sea level is mainly caused by the high use of fossil fuels. Secondly, over-consumption caused by population growth on Earth leads to pollution which is becoming highly dangerous to the environment. The decomposition of materials used nowadays is often hundreds of years long. Unfortunately the number of reusable products is getting smaller by the day. Often the reusable product is also less affordable to the consumer wh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


native largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the world's largest land carnivore and also the largest bear, together with the omnivorous Kodiak bear, which is approximately the same size. A boar (adult male) weighs around 350­ 700 kg (770­1,500 l while a sow (adult female) is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice, and open water, and for hunting the seals which make up most of its diet. Although most polar bears are born on land, they spend most of their time at sea. Their scientific name means "maritime bear, and derives from this fact. Polar bears can hunt their preferred food of seals from the edge of sea ice, often living off fat reserves when no sea ice is present.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


PALUMET S EMÜ 2014 ÜLDISELOOMUSTUS Palumetsad on kuivad ja valgusrikkad männikud Nimetus tuleneb paluka e. pohla nimest Levinud parasniisketel liivastel lubjavaesetel muldadel Levinud peamiselt Kagu ja LõunaEestis Ideaalsed metsad matkamiseks ja loodusturismiks TAIME D Puurinne: harilik mänd, harilik kuusk, arukask Põõsarinne: peaaegu et puudub. Võivad kasvada harilik kadakas, harilik vaarikas ja harilik pihlakas Puhmarinne: pohl, harilik mustikas, kanarbik Rohurinne: kidur ja liigivaene. Harilik jänesekapsas, palu härghein, leseleht, kilpjalg, mitmed kõrrelised Samblarinne: pidev ja tihe. Harilik palusammal, harilik laanik, lainjas kaksikhammas, harilik lehviksammal. LOOMA D Ilves Kodukakk Pruunkaru Valgejänes Kaelushiir Rebane Siil Käbilind Musträhn Orav Rästik PUTUKA D Männikärsakas Männivaablane Tigu Nälkjas Ämblikud ...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
40 allalaadimist

Water pollution

Different items take different lengths of time to degrade in water. Oceans are polluted by oil on a daily basis from oil spills, everyday shipping and dumping. Secondly, it is very significant to know about dangers of water pollution. Virtually all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and animals. Water pollution may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long term exposure. Such as the water pollution is global ecological problem we have to know what can we do to prevent this contamination and how to keep waters clean. There are many things we can do to help. We have to be careful about what we throw down our sink or toilet. We can't throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain. By having more plants in our garden we are preventing fertiliser, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources.

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside – a pleasant experience or a never-ending hardship?

Moving from city to country has been the traditional path for those in their 30s and 40s, particularly if children are involved. Nowadays flat rates in cities can be more expensive than living in a house in the countryside. Therefore, living in the countryside can be more affordable. In addition, the countryside is generally quiet and peaceful without the toxic polluted water and air. Some people prefer to live in the country for ecological reasons. For example, eating home- grown or locally grown food may easily become a part of lifestyle. Some people even raise their own animals. Accordingly, because cars are not idling in traffic there is less smog. However, there are some negative aspects of living in the rural area. For some, the lack of entertainment and smaller community is the biggest turn-off. Others are concerned about distances between two points, especially if an accident has happened and medical care is needed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Madalsoo referaat

Referaat Madalsoo Koostas: Tallinn 2008 Sisukord 1. Üldiseloomustus. 2. Asukoht 3. Abiootiliste tegurite iseloomustus. 4. Biootilised tegurid 5. Energia liikumine toitumistasemel. 6. Ökosüsteem kui tervik 7. Rästikute populatsioon 8. Ökoloogilised globaalprobleemid. 1, Üldiseloomustus. Madalsoo on põhjaveest toituv vähemalt 30 cm paksuse turbakihiga ala. Madalsood kujunevad veekogude kinnikasvamisel või mineraalmaade soostumisel ja on soode esimene arenguaste Liikuv põhjavesi rikastab turvast hapniku ja toitainetega ning seetõttu on madalsood kõige liigirikkamad. Toitaineid tuleb madalsoopinda pidevalt juurde nii põhjaveest kui ka kevadiste, sügiseste üleujutustega Madalsood jagunevad toitumuselt nelja rühma: õõtsiksood, luhasood, allikasood ja nõosood. Et soodes on enamasti liigniiske, siis suudavad seal kasvada vaid niiskuslembesed taimed. Rohurindes kasvab rohkesti tarnu jm lõikheinalisi ja valitsevad ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
89 allalaadimist

We Do Not Inherit the Earth From our Ancestors; We Borrow It From Our Children

If we look at the landfills we can see how full they are. I think it is that way because we produce too much and use too much packages. We should produce only as much we really need or in the future a really big part of earth would be covered with trash and air full of smog and acid rain. Also we should think some reusable way for packaging. Thirdly we are not thinking what we do with our everyday behaviour to the future. Almost a week ago we took a test, which showed how many planets is your ecological footprint. Mine was 3,22. It shocked me and after that I have started to think more about easy things we can do often. Like turning the water off while brushing your teeth, driving less with your car. Also before a trip I have never taught, what flying with an airplane does to the environment, next time I will. For conclusion I think we should think more about the future of our planet. We should waist less

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse vähenemine

maastike kaitse Viimastel aastakümnetel on üha enam hakatud tähelepanu pöörama elupaikade ja kasvukohtade kaitsele. Eestis võib metsade ja rabade pindala vähenemine kaasa tuua must toonekure ja kotkaste kui liikide kadumise. Ürgilmeliste metsade pindala vähenemine ohustab tugevasti lendorava püsimajäämist Eesti faunasse. Eestis on aktiivselt toetatud üle Euroopalise kompensatsioonialade võrgustiku kujundamise ideed European Ecological Network, EECONET. Liikide kiire väljasuremine ohustab inimkonna heaolu Bioloogilises mitmekesisuses toimunud muutused on viimase 50 aasta jooksul olnud suuremad kui kunagi varem inimajaloo jooksul. Liikide hävimine vähendab ökosüsteemide poolt inimeste heaolule ja keskkonnale kaudselt mõju avaldavaid positiivseid tegureid. Bioloogilise mitmekesisuse kahanemine jätkub või isegi kiireneb. Eesti teadlaste panus

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
49 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems

boundaries. A new concept ­ global environmental problems ­ has entered the public arena, especially in the area of foreign policy and economic matters. Global Environmental Problems: · Energy · Water · Global Climate Change · Land Use and Development · Ozone Depletion · Waste · Resource Depletion · Ecological Health (Biodiversity) · Human Health · Air Quality Sustainable Development The main principle of sustainable development is the following: improvement of the quality of human life through economic growth and increase of consumption should not distort the chances of future generations to meet their basic needs. Sustainable Development = Economy + Social Sphere + Environment There are many different definitions of sustainable development (www

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist

Genetic Engineering

distribution of new pathogenic bacteria and also to increase the number of people who are suffering from food allergies. Some grades of transgene plants perniciously affect wrecker organisms and, as a result, they affect helpful organisms too. The possibility of escaping of an alien gene in the wild nature is not excluded, and it is difficult to submit what consequences can be. But it is clear that genetic pollution is capable to break natural balance and to lead to the ecological disaster which consequences can be much more dangerous than chemical and radioactive pollution. All things concidered, I think, that genetic engineering can be very helpful, but it is needed to make more researchers to prevent mutagen changes, which can be harmfull for human. If genetic engineering becomes more safe, many problems of humanity will be solved.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon keskkonnast

It is also in underground and, naturally, in the air. Even clouds consist of water steam. People, animals and plants couldn´t live without water. Their bodys contain more than a half of water, they need water constantly. Thirdly soil, which is the surface of all continents. The soil on the Earth is not the same fertility. Some places are covered by different plants and some are not, imagine a desert, where isn't growing anything. I'm sure you know there are many ecological problems today. It is the pollution of seas and oceans, dissapearance of many species of animals and plants, acid rains, destruction of the ozone layer and etc. In spite of this, people are still harming the enviroment. The great number of cars contribute much to the air pollution. Many factories are built near rivers into which they put their chemical waste. Amounts of industrial and city waste are placed near the lakes and rivers.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
152 allalaadimist


Caribbean“ on juttu uuringust, mis iseloomustab integreeritud maastikku Ladina Ameerikas ja Kariibi mere saartel. Rõhutades sellele, kuidas erinevaid vahendeid, meetodeid, lähenemisi või strateegiaid rakendada. Räägitakse maastiku multifonktsionaalsusest ja kuidas seda tõhusalt kasutada. (Estrada-Carmona, Hart, DeClerck, Harvey, Milder 2014) Kolmas artikkel „Landscape as medium and method for synthesis in urban ecological design“ seletab, kuidas nähtav maastik võib tunduda nii tavaline, et nende tõelist potentsiaali on eiratud või pole lihtsalt tähele pandud. Leitakse, et õppides maastiku erinevaid funktsioone rakendades võib leida linnadele ökoloogilisemaid disaine. (Nassauer 2012) Neljandas artiklis „A network approach to assessing social capacity for landscape planning: The case of fire-prone forests in Oregon, USA“ käsitletakse põhiliselt metsaga maastikke.

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

European Union economic

European Union economic 9th May 1951, six Western-Europe countries (Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France and Germany) signed a treaty to run their heavy industries ­ coal and steel ­ under a common management. From this economic cooperation agreement, European Union has grown up. For today, the aim of this union has made 180º turn but the reason why more and more countries are joining it is still same ­ to rise the economy. So how does it work? European Union is functioning like an independent country. It collects taxes to reach its objectives. Taxes are collected mainly from member countries GDP (1,1% of countries budget) but as well the import duties on good bought into EU. Also, every member country is paying 0,1%-0,33% of their VAT (value added tax). It is the way how EU gets its budget which is about 120 billion per year. This money is spent mainly to improve agriculture (direct aid, export refunds, sto...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


Koostas: Anne Laius Valgusküllased palumetsad •kasvavad peamiselt kagu-eestis ja Põhja-eesti liivastel aladel kujunenud leedemuldadel • muld on perioodiliselt kuiv, põhjavesi on üle 2 m sügavusel • iseloomulik on hästi esindatud puhma- ja samblarinne • enamasti on tegu okas- ja segametsadega, harva ka haava- kasemetsadega Palumets Pihla-Kaibaldi looduskaitsealal. Foto T. Tuulik Pohla kasvukohatüüp esineb kõrgematel pinnavormidel, levinud Kagu- Eestis, rohkem leidub teda ka Põhja-Eestis ja saartel. • mulla lähtekivimiks on peeneteraline liiv • mulla reaktsioon on happeline • puurindes valitseb mänd, II rindes leidub harilikku kuuske Picea abies • põõsarindes esineb – harilik kadakas Juniperus communis – harilik vaarikas Rubus idaeus vaarikas.htm Pohla-palumännik Pikasilla lähistel. Foto A...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaprobleemid Euroopas

aafriklane 0,7t CO2 inimese kohta aastas. • Argielus aitab kaasa ökoloogilise jalajälje kujunemisele: - kodude ja koolide/tööpaikade kütmine - valgustamine - kasutatavate seadmete energiaga varustamine - kaupade ja teenuste tootmine, töötlemine, transport, käitlemine • Süsiniku ringlust on võimalik kontrolli alla saada, kui igaühe ökoloogilise jalajälje näitaja oleks maksimaalselt 1,5t. • Meil kõigil on võimalus jalajälge oluliselt vähendada. UAE ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT ANIMATION ÖKOLOOGILINE JALAJÄLG - FAKTID • Iga 2 minuti jooksul annab Päike Maale rohkem energiat kui me aasta jooksul tarbime. • Klaasuste paigaldamine kaminale võib vähendada korstna kaudu väljuvat soojuskadu 50%. • Lääneriikides moodustab keskküte 60% kodude CO2 emissioonist. • Iga temperatuurikraad, mille võrra soojus termostaadil väheneb, vähendab küttearvet ~10% ja keskmise kodu CO2 emissiooni 300kg.

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Environmental problems (Keskkonnaprobleemid)

variety of disasters. · And so, while we dominate this planet, we still need to preserve the diversity in wildlife. Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions · It is feared that human activity is causing massive extinctions. From various animal species, forests and the ecosystems that forests support, marine life. · The costs associated with deteriorating or vanishing ecosystems will be high. · However, sustainable development and consumption would help avert ecological problems. Nature and Animal Conservation · Preserving species and their habitats is important for ecosystems to self sustain themselves. · Yet, the pressures to destroy habitat for logging, illegal hunting, and other challenges are making conservation a struggle. Climate Change Affects Biodiversity · The World Resources Institute reports that there is a link between biodiversity and climate change. Rapid global warming can affect an ecosystems chances to adapt naturally

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

The Giant Eland

Gestation Period: 9 months Young per Birth: 1 Weaning: After 6 months. Sexual Maturity: Females at 15-36 months, males at 4-5 years. Life span: Up to 25 years. Primarily nocturnal, Giant Elands are highly nomadic, with large home ranges and seasonal migration patterns. During the day, herds often rest in sheltered areas. A gregarious species, Giant Eland herds usually consist of twenty or more animals and do not disband during the wet season, suggesting that social rather than ecological factors are responsible for herding. There is no evidence of territoriality, and males rarely display aggression, even during the breeding season. Giant Eland are alert and wary, making them difficult to approach and observe. They move quickly, running at over 70 km/h (42 mph), and despite their size are exceptional jumpers, easily clearing heights of 1.5 m (5 ft). Giant Eland live in open forest and savannah where they eat grass, leaves, and branches. Their

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


Palumetsad Elly-Liis Kurg EV112 Millised on palumetsad? ● Palumetsad on kuivad ja valgusrikkad männikud ● Neid leidub parasniisketel kuni ajutiselt liigniisketel liivastel lubjavaestel muldadel ● Palumetsade nimetus on tulnud iseloomuliku taime paluka ehk pohla leviku järgi ● Palumetsad moodustavad umbes 9,3 % riigi metsadest ja levivad peamiselt Kagu- ja Lõuna-Eestis ● Sügisel meelitab sinna inimesi seenerohkus Taimekoosluus Puhmarinne ● Lausaline ● Koosneb pohlast, harilikust mustikast Puurinne ● Kõige rohkem on harilikku mändi ● Kasvab ka harilikku kuuske ja arukaske Põõsarinne ● Puudub ja alustaimestik on liigivaene kui puurinne on tihe ● Põõsarindes kasvavad harilik kadakas, vaarikas ja harilik pihlakas Taimekooslus Samblarinne ● Pidev ja tihe ● Levinumad liigid on harilik palusammal, harilik laanik, lainjas kaksikhammas ja harilik lehviks Rohurinne ● Kidur ja liigivaene ● Ha...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Passive houses

Technology and I´m standing here in front of you to talk about the ,,passive houses ­ I will inform you about their magnitude and percentage nowadays and also talk about the potential difficulties that might appear when building a passive house". But I´ll start off by giving you an overview of the term. The definition of a passive house is based on its extremely low energy need. Passive houses consume less than a quarter of energy required for a standrard building, as a result reducing its ecological footprint. So it´s a ultra­low energy building which requires little energy for space heating or cooling. Sounds appealing right? Sustaining the earth for our future generations and also in the long run benefit from living there with paying lower taxes. However sadly, nowadays there is known to be only up to 20,000 passive houses world-wide out of 1,6 billion households. Which leaves us only 1 house out of 80,000. So why such shocking figures?

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
35 allalaadimist


(dipliitid). Another 52% is fully exploited, these are in imminent danger of overexploitation and collapse (kollaaps). Therefore a total of almost 80% of the world's fisheries are fully to over exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse. Worldwide about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish stocks are already gone.  In the real world all this comes down to two serious problems.  We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems. As a result the overall ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.  We are in risk of losing a valuable food source many depend upon for social, economical or dietary reasons. FISHING DOWN THE FOOD WEB: It's not only the fish that is affected by fishing. As we are fishing down the food web the increasing effort needed to catch something of commercial value marine mammals, sharks, sea birds, and non commercially viable (vajabl) fish species in the web of marine

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


PROBLEM?  The FAO scientists publish a report (SOFIA) on the state of the world's fisheries and aquaculture.  52% of fish stocks are fully exploited  20% are moderately exploited  17% are overexploited  7% are depleted  1% is recovering from depletion WHY IS OVERFISFING A PROBLEM  Serious problems:  We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems. As a result the overall ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.  We are in risk of losing a valuable food source many depend upon for social, economical or dietary reasons. FISHING DOWN THE FOOD WEB  As we are fishing down the food web the increasing effort needed to catch something of commercial value marine mammals (imetajad), sharks, sea birds, and non commercially viable fish species in the web of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Üldökoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

of disturbance. Some of these factors contribute to predictability of successional dynamics; others add more probabilistic elements. In general, communities in early succession will be dominated by fast- growing, well-dispersed species (opportunist, fugitive, or r-selected life-histories). As succession proceeds, these species will tend to be replaced by more competitive (k-selected) species. 39. Miks suktsessioon peatub? According to classical ecological theory, succession stops when the sere has arrived at an equilibrium or steady state with the physical and biotic environment. Barring major disturbances, it will persist indefinitely. This end point of succession is called climax. 40. Millised muutused toimuvad ökosüsteemide produktsioonis, hingamise intensiivsuses ja biomassi akumuleerumises suktsessiooni käigus? Suureneb biomass ja hingamine, väheneb produktiivsus. Suureneb liigiline mitmekesisus

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
126 allalaadimist

Raba - referaat

Raba Anna-Helena Purre Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasium 12.b Tallinn 2008 Sisukord RABA............................................................................................................................................. 1 SISUKORD......................................................................................................................................... 2 ÜLDISELOOMUSTUS.......................................................................................................................... 2 ABIOOTILISED TEGURID.................................................................................................................. 3 BIOOTILISED TEGURID RABADES.................................................................................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
180 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

Kuuppo, E. L.-Pastuszak, G. Martin, G. Nausch, A. Norkko, H. Pitkänen, T. R.-Airola, R. Sedin, N. Wasmund & A. Villnäs, 2009. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Enviroment Proceedings No 115B. An integrated thematic assessment of the effects of nutrient enrichment in the Baltic Sea region. Helsinki Commission. lk 7-148 Berglund et al., 2012 ­ Berglund, M., M. N. Jacobi, Per R. Jonsson, 2012. Optimal selection of marine protected areas based on connectivity and habitat quality. Ecological Modelling, 240, 105-112 BMKK, 1992 ­ U.N. Conference on Environment and Development: Convention on Biological Diversity. 31 I.L.M. 818 Internetist kättesaadav: Boedeker et al., 2010 ­ D. Boedeker, H. Paulomäki, S. Ranft, M. Pyhälä, R. Pesch, W. Schröder, 2010. Towards an ecologically coherent network of well-managed Marine

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

General 8. Wrong Particular Ex3. 1. Every 2. Each 3. All 4. One 5. Both Ex3. 1. Birth 2. General election 3. Wedding 4. Applications 5. Meeting 6. Manufacture DISASTER DAY Ex1. 1. Struck 2. Averted 3. Heading for 4. Spelt Ex1. 1. Other 2. Some/ one 3. These 4. A, one 5. 5. Courting 6. Ended in Any 6. All 7. Very 8. Every Ex2. 1. Natural 2. Utter 3. Ecological 4. Major 5. Ex2. 1. Hard 2. Long 3. Big 4. Nice 5. Dying 6. Impending 6. Nuclear Lazy 7. Lucky 8. 8-hour Ex3. 1. Of 2. Into 3. For 4. Of 5. Of 6. For 7. Of 8. Ex3. 1. During 2. For 3. During 4. After 5. By 6. For To DOUBT DECISION Ex1. 1. Raised 2. Removed 3. Casts 4. Having 5. Ex1. 1. Justify 2. Influence 3. Abide by 4. Reverse Confirmed 6. Have 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ettevõtlus ja majandus

milliste näitajate alusel ja positsiooni muudetakse ja tooteid täiustatakse. Selleks, et eesmärgid jääksid reaalsuse piiridesse ning oleksid juhtidele juhisteks, on kasulik silmas pidada nn SMART-reeglit, mille kohaselt peaksid eesmärgid olema: S (specific) ­ konkreetsed M (measurable) ­ mõõdetavad A (agreed) ­ kokkuleppelised R (realistic) ­ realistlikud T (timed) ­ ajastatud STEEPLE ehk social, tehcnology, economic, ethical, political, legal ja ecological. Analüüsis käsitletakse vastavalt haridusnäitajaid. SWOT analüüs on samuti väga tuntud, lihtne ja laialt levinud analüüs, mille kaudu kaardistatakse organisatsiooni tugevused, nõrkused, võimalused ja ohud. On veel olemas Ansoff matrix ja BCG matrix. Majandusetunnid on minu jaoks huvitavad, saan palju uusi teadmisi.

Majandus → Majandus
5 allalaadimist


heaolu kasv alkoholism tehnilise taseme prostitutsioon tõus narkomaania haidustase kuritegevus mobiilsus informatsiooni kät uued tõõkohad 26. Turismi mahtuvus Physical capasity- majutuskohtade arv ja teedevõrk määrab, parkimisvõimalused ja joogivesi mõjutavad evironmental capacity- keskkonna taluvusvõime enne, kui tekib ülerahvastatus ecological capacity- max majutatavaid külastajaid enne looduse hävimist, katastroofid. Looduslik taluvusvõime. 27. Turismi majanduslikud, sotsiaalsed ja kultuurilised mõjud Majanduslikud Sotsiaalne + - + - SKP suureneb kulud heaolu kasv kuritegevuse

Turism → Turismimajandus
176 allalaadimist


Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................................................. 1 Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................ 2 Üldiseloomustus...................................................................................................................... 3 Keskkonnaprobleemid............................................................................................................. 4 Miks on Läänemeri väga reostunud?................................................................................... 4 Kliima soojenemine.............................................................................................................. 4 HELCOM................................................................................................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
177 allalaadimist

Palm oil

palm oil production. Sustainable palm oil is an approach to oil palm agriculture that aims to produce palm oil without causing deforestation or harming people. RSPO is currently the largest sustainability-focused organisation within the palm oil sector, however its standards do not ban deforestation or destruction of peatlands for the development of oil palm plantations. Unlike many of the things we consume, which can have indirect ecological consequences, palm oil’s effects are direct. To stop the destruction we need to slow demand, in large part by making consumers aware of the clear link between the seemingly innocuous products we purchase and the environmental disaster they’re causing. As a consumer you have the right to say no and go the ohter way, more ethical, sustainable and healthful way. Cited materials: 1. 2. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Niitude referaat

PärnuJaagupi Gümnaasium Niidutüübid, nende ohustatus ja kaitse Referaat keskkonnaõpetusest veebruar 2008 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus.............................................................................................................................2 2. Mis on niidud?........................................................................................................................ 3 3. NIIDUTÜÜBID...................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 ALVARID.........................................................................................................................4 3.2 Iseloomustus......................................................................................................................4 3.3 Inimmõju..............................................................

Loodus → Keskkonnaökoloogia
30 allalaadimist


Tundra Tundra is the world's youngest biome. It was formed 10 000 years ago. Located at latitudes 55° to 70° North. Almost all tundras are located in the Northern Hemisphere, encircling arctic desert and extending south to the coniferous forests of the taiga. The ecotone (ecological boundary region) between the tundra and the forest is known as the tree line or timberline. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain. It is noted for its frost-moulded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Dead organic material functions as a nutrient pool. The two major nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is created by biological fixation, and phosphorus is created by precipitation. The most distinctive characteristic of tundra soil is its permafrost, a permanently frozen layer of ground. The average winter temperature is -28°C, but the average summe...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Koolipsühholoogi töö Mardiga eri perioodidel

D., Williamson, D.E. Brent, D.A., Kaufman, J., Dahl, R.E., Perel, J. & Nelson, B. (1996). Childhood and adolescent depression: A review of the past 10 years. Part I. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(11), 14271439. Polatajko, H., Kaiserman, E. (1986) House-Tree-Person Projective Technique: A Validation of its Use in Occupational Therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol 53, 4. Wilmhurst, L. (2012). Clinical and Educational Child Psychology: An Ecological - Transactional Approach to Understanding Child Problems and Interventions. Lk 192 - 195. Wiley.

Psühholoogia → Koolipsühholoogia
26 allalaadimist

Loodusturismi alused. Kordamisküsimused 2016.

Loodusturismi alused. Kordamisküsimused 2016. 1. Selgita loodusturismi mõistet laiemas ja kitsamas mõttes? Kitsam - Loodusturism on turismi vorm, mille peamiseks motivatsiooniks on looduse vaatlemine ja väärtustamine. Laiem - tootekeskne definitsioon: 'Loodusturism sisaldab kogu turismi, mis põhineb loodusel. 2. Selgita turismivorme: Maaturism: see on maapiirkondades aseteidev, kohalikul kultuuripärandil ja elulaadil baseeruv väikesemahuline, kohalike inimeste poolt juhitud turism. Loodusturism: on turismi vorm, mis keskendub looduselamuste pakkumisele ja kasutab selleks looduskeskkonda ärilistel eesmärkidel. Agroturism Ökoturism: on kvaliteetturism. arendamise heaks. on koondnimetus kvaliteetturismile, mille ambitsioonideks on tegutseda loodus- ja keskkonnakaitse, teadmiste levitamise, kultuurilise mõistmise ja kohaliku majanduse. säästev turism: on turismisektori vastavus säästva arengu põhimõtetele. seiklusturism, on maatu...

Turism → Loodusturismi alused
10 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

not even capable of making formal-looking curriculum vitae. Chapter two has ended ­ what then? Our favourites ­ the tests, of course! This time it'll be having listening part and grammar mostly, but a surprise attack is not out of the list, so everybody's got to be really careful and attentive in order to get a good mark (if that is possible at all). Chapter three concentrates more on a developing human himself; we're going to learn ourselves during the four units and make an ecological footprint ­ can't wait until the last one since I've never made one myself before. Such topics as making a home, my room etc. are included as well. Another big test follows, including not only grammar and reading, but listening and speaking (!) as well. Hopefully it's going to happen after March, so we'd be having it after we've overlived the nice practice of the language in England, the best place to learn true English. Chapter four plays around the consumer society topic

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun