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"corporate-financial-management" - 31 õppematerjali


Presentatsioon Corporate Financial Management

Corporate Financial Management Glen Arnold Book Review Introduction Reading this book you will receive a brief overview of the financial world and its components. This review considers the most fundamental question facing anyone trying to make decisions within an organization ­ what is the objective of the business? Without clarity on this point it is very difficult to run a business in a purposeful and effective manner. In addition, a brief rundown is given of both primitive and modern economies and the role of the financial manager within an organization. The objective of the firm When people have to make choices in the harsh environment in which modern businesses have to operate, it is necessary to be clear about the purpose of the organization; to be clear about what objective is set for management to achieve. It is imperative that the management teams are aware ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


Interbrand, a division of Omnicom, is a brand consultancy, specializing in areas such as brand strategy, brand analytics, brand valuation, corporate design, digital brand management, packaging design and naming. Interbrand method of the brand's assesment is based on a summation of the three groups of indicators: financial performance, achieved through the sale of branded products or services; the role of brand in the purchase decision; the contribution of the brand in the future profits of the company, namely the loyalty of customers. In order to qualify for a place in the ranking of the top 100 global brands of Interbrand, the company must meet certain requirements. In particular, the company's brand must be recognizable outside of its base of consumer audience, the financial and market documentation for each brand must be in the public domain. In addition, Interbrand emphasizes on global brands - to get into the rating, the company ...

Keeled → Business english
2 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

Starteegiline juhtimine, eksamiks valmistumine Strateegilise üldjuhtimise tsükkel: kavandamine, korraldamine, kontroll Strateegiline plaanimine - on organisatsiooni sise- ja väliskeskkonna analüüsiprotsess, määramaks põhilised eesmärgid, mis aitavad äriühingul täita oma missiooni ja liikuda oma visiooni suunas. Starteegilise juhtimise tsükkel: visioon/mission, väärtused; teadmised, oskused; tegevused, tulemused-tagasiside. Strateegia on eesmärgistatud kavand, mis sobitab omavahel organisatsiooni ressursid, struktuuri ja kultuuri (tugevused, nõrkused) väliskeskkonna muutustega (võimalused, ohud). Strateegiline juhtimine on otsuste ja tegevuste kogum, mis kindlustab pikas perspektiivis äriühingu jätkusuutliku tulemuslikkuse. • Organisatsiooni seire, formuleerimise, elluviimise, hindamise ja kontrolli protsess. Strateegilist juhtimist iseloomustab: • Interdistsiplinaarsus  Organisatsioon kui tervik • Fookus väliskeskkonnale  Majan...

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist

Esitlus krediidipanga struktuurist ja väärtustest

What is Eesti Krediidipank History Organisation Mission&Values Core Values Krediidipank has mainly focused its business activities on the domestic market, offering banking services to both private individuals and companies, maintaining a total of 21 branch offices and service locations all over Estonia. The Krediidipank office network covers 11 Estonian towns: Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, Narva, Viljandi, Võru, Jõhvi, Rakvere, Kuressaare, Maardu, Paldiski. Rein Otsason founded Krediidipank in 1992 Capital was the 6 000 000 rubl. 25 workers Profit 2.5 000 000 Council: Pavel Gorbatsevich Chairman of the Council Alexei Sytnikov Member of the Council Nikita Monakhov Member of the Council Jazeps Paplavskis Member of the Council Ain Soidla Member of the Council Andrus Kluge ­ Chairman of the board Valmar Moritz ­ Vice chairman of the bo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING GUIDELINES Report Composers: Meelika Koitjärv EABM03 000502 Sandra Oisalu EABM03 000484 Tallinn 2004 2 PREFACE The Board of Directors of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is pleased to release the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. From an institutional perspective, it marks the beginning of the cycle of release, testing, review, and revision under GRIs new governance structure. The GRI was launched in 1997 as a joint initiative of the U.S. non-governmental organisation Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) and United ...

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Unit 1 -15

Shareholders ­ aktsionärid Management ­ juhtkond workforce ­ tööjõud organisation chart ­ organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors ­ juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President ­ esimees Managing Director ­ majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer ­ tegevdirektor Senior managers ­ tippjuht Company officers ­ aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing ­ turundus Public relations ­ avalikud suhted Information technology IT ­ infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources ­ inimressursid Finance ­ rahandus Production ­ tootmine Research and Development ­ uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit ­ värbama tööjõudud position ­ ametikoht apply for ­ kandideerima letter of application ­ avaldus covering letter ­ avaldus curriculum vitae ­ elulookirjeldus application form ­ avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants ­ taotlejad interview ­ intervjuu hire ­ palkama recruitment agency/search firm ­ värbamisfirma retailing ­ jaemüük retailers ­ jaemüüjad shops/...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Industry of television and video technics

THE INDUSTRY OF TELEVISION AND VIDEO TECHINCS Report Table of Contents 1. Video Technics Inc.................................................................................3 1.1 About Video Technics........................................................................................... 3 1.2 Apella ­ Proven IT-Centric Technology................................................................3 1.3 Corporate Mission..................................................................................................4 2. Panasonic................................................................................................5 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................5 2.2 Company Information............................................................................................5 2.3 Business Segments..................

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Eesti Vabariigi rahaasutused ja nende poolt pakutavad põhiteenused

Kodune ülesanne Eesti Vabariigi rahaasutused ja nende poolt pakutavad põhiteenused Hendrik Uuli RP089 2009 LHV lõid 1999. aastal kaks Hansapanga asutajat Andres Viisemann ja Rain Lõhmus. Täna on ettevõte esindatud Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. LHV Groupi ettevõtetes töötab kokku üle 50 inimese. 1999 LHV asutamine 2000 Finantsportaali (tänane finantsportaal aadressil ja esimese investeerimiskonto avamine. Algab esimene aktsiamäng (tänane "Börsihai") 2001 Alustab investeerimistoode "Kasvukonto", toimuvad esimesed LHV investeerimisseminarid 2003 Alustab kauplemiskeskkond "Traderkonto" 2004 LHV peakontor kolib City Plaza büroohoonesse aadressil Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn. LHV ärinime muutmine: LHV Directist...

Majandus → Finantsvahendus
85 allalaadimist


INVESTBULGARIA AGENCY WHO ARE WE InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) is a Government institution providing information, contacts and project management support to potential investors. IBA services: Macroeconomic data on Bulgaria Data on operational costs Regional information Personalized administrative servicing Legal advice Liaison with central and local governments Liaison with branch chambers and NGOs GENERAL INFORMATION Official name: Republic of Bulgaria Area: 110 994 sq.m. Population: 7.4 million Capital: Sofia Time zone: EET (UTC+2) Official language: Bulgarian Currency: Lev (BGN) Fixed exchange rate: 1 = BGN 1.95583 Type of government: Parliamentary Member of: EU, NAT...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Ukrainas ja Valgenenes Created by Andres Assor Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 1. UKRAINE ...................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and servic...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

1. Kes järgnevatest ei tohi kuuluda aktsiaseltsi nõukogusse? (aktsionär, riigiametnik, finantsjuht, juhataja) Aktsiaseltsi nõukogu liige ei pea olema aktsionär. Nõukogu liikmeks ei või olla aktsiaseltsi juhatuse liige, prokurist ega audiitor, samuti aktsiaseltsi tütarettevõtja juhatuse liige. Põhikirjas võib näha ette muid isikuid, kes ei või olla nõukogu liikmeks. 2. Kes tegeleb suures äriühingus strateegia elluviimisega? Strateegiline juhtimine ei ole ainult äriühingu tippjuhtide vastutus. Inimesed kõikidelt ettevõtte tasanditelt mängivad strateegi arendamises, elluviimises ja muutmises rolli. Tippjuht peab juhtima ja suunama ettevõtte strateegia arengut ­ selle loomist ja muutmist vastavalt vajadusele. Juhi ülesanne on formuleerida firma erinevaid ärivaldkondi ühendavad strateegiad, mis tagavad ettevõttele konkurentsieelise ning olla ühtlasi eestvedajaks strateegiast tulenevate taktikate ja tegevuste elluviimisel. Ideaalsel juhul ...

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

GLOSSARY Bankruptcy ­ pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind ­ keskmine hind Break even point ­ tasuvuslävi A Budget ­ eelarve Account ­ aruanne Accounting equation ­ aruande C võrdsustamine Capital ­ kapital Accounting period ­ aruandeperiood Capital allowances ­ rahalised annetused Accounting policies ­ majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Majandus alused konspekt

MAJANDUSEALUSED 27.01.2010. Mis on iga ühiskonna suurim majandusprobleem? Iga ühiskonna suurim majandusprobleem seinseb selles. · Et inimeste tahtmised ja soovid on piiramatud · Ressursid nende rahuldamiseks aga piiratud. Seda, kuidas jaotada piiratud ressursse hüviste tootmiseks, vahetamiseks ja tarbimiseks, et inimeste piiramatuid vajadusi kõige ratsionaalsemalt rahuldada, uurib mikro- ja makroökonoomika (MMÖ) Mikroökonoomika uurib spetsiifiliste majandusüksuste (kodumajapidamine. Firma . reatav turg või tootmisharu) majanduskäitumist mitmesuguste valikute tegemisel. Makroökonoomika analüüsib majanduse kui terviku käitumist ningi majanduspoliitilisi valikuid Makroökonoomika uurib majanudse kui tevikut. Tema uurimisobjektideks on üldised rahvamajanduslikud nähtused nagu koguväljund, tööhõive, töötus, üldine hinnatase jne. Rahvamajanduse ringkäik Sissetulek (raha) ...

Majandus → Majanduse alused
75 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Arengu uuringud 1.Sissejuhatus. Areng kui konstrukt Areng kui vaatepunkt ja mõõdupuu Areng – tänase maailma keskne vaatepunkt elule + mõõdupuu toimuva hindamiseks -Erinevad kontekstid - arengueesmärgid, arengumaad, arenguabi, firma arengu kavandamine, arenenud isiksus, alaarenenud, arengupeetusega, arengu mõõdikud, arengufond ... -Areng - vaatepunkt, mis tähtsustab muutust, annab sellele suuna ning väärtustab selles “suunas” liikumist. Kasutusel nii argielus (alaarenenud naaber), poliitikas (arenguabi, arengufond), äris (strateegiline arengukavandamine), uurimistöös (arengumõõdikud) -Interdistsiplinaarsus - arengut uuritakse sotsioloogias (social change), psühholoogias (arengupsühholoogia), ajaloos (ideede ajalugu), poliitikateadustes (global development), välja on kujunenud omaette uurimisvaldkond “arengu-uuringud” (development studies) -“Arengu” alusel kujunevad hoiakud ja otsused – arenguhindamise tööstus! Lähenemine – sotsiaalteadu...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

The bodyshop

Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium Liis Viljak 10b Bodyshop Company The Body Shop International plc is a global manufacturer and retailer of naturally inspired, ethically produced beauty and cosmetics products. Founded in the UK in 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick, we now have over 2,100 stores in 55 countries, with a range of over 1,200 products, all animal cruelty free, and many with fairly traded natural ingredients. We were the first international cosmetics brand to be awarded the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. And we have our own fair trade programme called Community Trade, making us the only cosmetics company with such an extensive commitment to trading fairly. Community Trade now works with 31 suppliers in 24 countries, providing over 15,000 people across the globe with essential income to build their futures. The Body Shop is a leader in the trend towards greater corporate transp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist


AUDENTESE ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Finantsjuhtimise õppetool Silja Voitka ETTEVÕTTE MAKSEVÕIME PARENDAMINE AKTSIASELTSI EVEN NÄITEL Bakalaureusetöö Juhendaja: Sander Karu, MBA Tartu 2006 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ...................................................................................................................3 1. MAKSEVÕIME ANALÜÜSI TEOREETILISED ALUSED...........................................5 1.1. Maksevõime analüüsi meetodid...........................................................................12 1.1.1. Horisontaal-ja vertikaalanalüüs....................................................................12 1.1.2. Suhtarvude analüüs.......................................................................................15 1.2. Pankrotiohu hindamine ....................................................

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
415 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Investor's Handbook A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia · Start Up · Privatization · Labor Legislation February 2011 1st Edition 1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 1 This brochure is a publication by the Georgian National Investment Agency (GNIA) and was prepared by Georgian law firm Mgaloblishvili, Kipiani, Dzidziguri (MKD). The Brochure is intended to be a general guidance on start up, privatization and labor relations. It is thus not expected to be a substitute for detailed research or exercise of professional judgment on above mentioned topics. Companies and individuals operating in Georgia or planning to operate, are strongly advised to obtain current and detailed information from experienced professionals. None of the organizations mentioned above, nor their members, employees o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

IT Strateegia IT Ettevõttele

Table of Contents 1. Background ..............................................................................................................................2 2. Business Plan............................................................................................................................2 2.1. Mission..............................................................................................................................2 2.2. Values ...............................................................................................................................2 2.3. SWOT Analysis of the Organization ................................................................................2 2.4. Opportunities ....................................................................................................................3 2.5. Primary Processes .........................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
57 allalaadimist


Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as . . . " and then name their pet peeve or passion. My view is not of an education specialist, but of one who loves sharing what I learn, and owes much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to addr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Russia Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Venemaal Created by Sergei Proskura Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1. LEGALIZATION OF A COMPANY WITH A FOREIGN OWNER IN RUSSIA ....................................... 4 1.1. Laws ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1. RAHANDUSE AINE JA FINANTSKESKKOND 1.1. Rahandusteadus ja finantsjuhtimine Rahandus (finance) kui õppeaine on väga paljutahuline ja koosneb mitmest erikursusest: ettevõtte rahandus, pangandus, investeeringud, finantsturud, rahateooria, kinnisvara rahandus jms. Peaaegu kõikidel nendel erikursustel on oma baas-, kesk- ja süvatasemel õpikud. Käesolev õpik pretendeerib baastaseme esitusele ja selles käsitletakse põhjalikumalt ettevõtetega seotud rahandust ning investeeringuid, mida on hakatud kutsuma hoopiski finantsjuhtimiseks (financial management). Oluline koht on ka panganduse temaatikal ettevõtja seisukohalt ehk sisuliselt pangateenustel. Ettevõtte rahandustöö on tihedalt seotud bilansi juhtimisega. Bilansiga seotud otsused võib jagada üldjuhul kaheks: investeerimisotsused ja finantseerimisotsused. Investeerimisotsused on ressursside paigutamisega seotud otsused (ettevõtte varade portfelli koostamine) ning finantseerimisotsused on s...

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine ja...
316 allalaadimist

Projektipersonali juhtimine konspekt

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMINE 3EAP Loengukonspekt Gerda Mihhailova Pärnu 2012 SISUKORD 1. PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMISE ERIPÄRAD ORGANISATSIOONIDES. .......... 3 1.1 Projektid ja projektipersonal organisatsioonikeskkonnas. ........................................... 3 1.2 Projektijuhi töö ning pädevused. ................................................................................ 13 1.3 Personalitöö korraldamise eripärad projektimeeskonnas. .......................................... 28 1.4 Stress ja stressijuhtimine ............................................................................................ 46 2. MEESKONNATÖÖ KASUTAMINE ORGANISATSIOONI PROJEKTIDES. ........... 50 2.1. Grupid ja meeskonnad organisatsioonis ning nende eelised. .................................... 50 2.2. Projektimeeskonna loomine, motiv...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
111 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Rahvamajanduse instituut Tiina Niin KUURORDIKONTSEPTSIOONI DISAINIMINE PÄRNU LINNA NÄITEL Magistritöö ärijuhtimise magistri kraadi taotlemiseks (Teenuste disain ja juhtimine) Juhendaja 1: lektor/teadur Diana Eerma Juhendaja 2: lektor Heli Müristaja Tartu 2011 2 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus......................................................................................................................3 1. Kuurordikontseptsiooni disainimise teoreetilised alused........................................6 1.1. Kuurortide ja spaade ajalooline kujunemine, liigitamine ja arengutrendid. .6 1.2. Turismisihtkoha arenduse ja turunduse põhimõtted......................................13 1.3. Teenuste disainimise alused ja trendid......................................

Majandus → Turundus
54 allalaadimist


THE CAPITALIST NIGER Chika Onyeani ………………………Every African must internalise this book - period….DAA INTRODUCTION In October 1960, Nigeria received its independence from Britain. By then, Ghana the former Gold Coast had been independent for three years under the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkumah. It was a time for celebrating Africa’s coming of age, as more and more African countries received their independence either from Britain or France. It was especially a poignant time for Africa, as then British Prime Minister Harold McMillan articulated his now famous “winds of change” sweeping Africa. We had high hopes for Africa, for the Black race, that the insidious imposition of foreign rule on us, the looting of Africa’s natural resources by our colonial masters accorded us would be things of history. That is more than forty years ago. Unfortunately, the promise of independence has not been fulfilled. Today, Africa has become more desolate; th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


tutvu lausearvutuse keskkonnaga: Millistel muutuja väärtustel on lause (Av(B&A))v(-A&(Cv(B&-C))) väär? Panna tuleb results only, 0 on väär 1 on õige Tutvu ajalooga saidis kuni II maailmasõda: Loe läbi jutt ja proovi andmetega mängida: Kahend süsteemi arvu(101101001) ->kümnend süsteemiks. Nr sisse ja bianarile punkt, ja vaatan base ten integeri kümnendarvudest annab Ecki appletis juuresoleva graafilise kujutise, teen kujundi ja vaatan base integeri mis vastab kahendsüsteemi arvule 1110001 ASCII tabelis? Nr sisse ja punkt bianari, vaatan ...teksti Kümnendsüsteemi arv 33 on kahendsüsteemis? 33 kirjutan ja Base-ten integer, vaatan bianary Loe läbi jutud Atbashi ja Caesari šifri (Caesar cipher) kohta: 2 Tutvu ajalooga kuni 1970ndad:

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist


ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iii CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement B R I A N T R AC Y JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page i CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page ii ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iii CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement B R I A N T R AC Y JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. ccc_tracy_fm_i-xviii.qxd 7/7/03 3:22 PM Page iv ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY M Y T H I C STRUCTURE FOR W R I T E R S THIRD EDITION CHRISTOPHER VOGLER S C R E E N W R I T I N G / W R I T I N G Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. Discover a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms like "The Hero's Journey," and step-by-step guidelines to plot and • character development. Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, The Writers Jour...

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun