build warm houses. Local indians teached to use a plant that saved their life, maize. How to grow it. Got a good crop. In order to thank indians they organized a event thanksgiving. Started with the first settelers. Traditional dish turkey. Indians brought along wild turkey. Traditional sauce was cranberry. James VII died it finished Tudor dynasty. A new king comes. In 15th and 16th century England entered period of capitalism. Wool made england rich english understood that it's much more useful to make up smll factories to produce wool. Needed more sheep, more pastures for them. Took way common lands, surrounded them with fences. This process is called the enclosure (tarastamine). Peasants lost grass land, couldn't grow animals, had to move to big towns. Science and learning 1492 America was discovered by Columbus. Vasco da Gama found searoute to India (Suessi kanal 1950). Magalhaesi väin between South America and Tulemaa saar. He circumnavigated the Earth.
marks the extended rebirth of intellectual arriosity. * There are many versatile men with... * England was at the time not yet Great Britain: Scotland was until 1603 an independent kingdom * England itself was not homogeneous and unified * The North was remote, unruly border country, poor and feudal * Wales, to the west, was at the beginning of this period still thoroughly Celtic * At the beginning of this period the literary model was Chaucer´s verse, there was none in prose Sir Thomas More * Born in London * known to Catholics as Saint Thomas More since 1935 * was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. * He was an important councillor to Henry VIII of England and was Lord Chancellor from October 1529 to 16 May 1532 * He was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1935 * He was an opponent of the Protestant Reformation and in particular of Martin Luther and William Tyndale. ´´Utopia´´
The Renaissance Between 14th and 16th century in Europe From French word rebirth It was an age of growth in Europe. New, powerful city states emerged. A new middle class had more and more money to spend. Great artists, writers and thinkers lived during this time. During the Middle Ages many people who lived in the countryside worked on the land that they got from the noblemen. In return, they were protected by them Between the middle and the end of the 14th century, the plague, also called "Black Death" killed almost half of Europe's population. It spread most rapidly in the larger cities where many people lived. This led to economic depression.
pregnant very soon thereafter. Her health declined rapidly during this time, and according to Gaskell, her earliest biographer, she was attacked by "sensations of perpetual nausea and ever-recurring faintness." Charlotte and her unborn child died March 31, 1855. Jane Eyre, published 1847 Shirley, published 1849 Villette, published 1853 The Professor, written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, was published posthumously in 1857. Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy was an English novelist, short story writer, and poet of the naturalist movement, though he saw himself as a poet and wrote novels mainly for financial gain only. The bulk of his work, set mainly in the semi-imaginary county of Wessex, delineates characters struggling against their passions and circumstances. Hardy's poetry, first published in his fifties, has come to be as well regarded as his novels, especially after The Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
woodland, pasture, weapons, iron objects, langugae, culture Caesar in Britain The great Roman Emperor Firts came 55 BC to gather information, celts were doing agriculturally well,so romans wanted to get some food too In 54BC Caesar defeated Cassivelaunus Actual reasons why he made expeditions are unknown or wheteher he wanted to intend conquest The Roman Occupation 43-410 43 AD Emperor Claudius conquered Britain, it was easy, romans were more skilled and betetr equipped. Romans faced assaults of Picts, Scots, barbarians. 406-7 barbarians begin invasion Legacy- new types of animals, plants; miles, feet, inches-roman measurements;christianity; Roman basilica in curches; reading, writing; buildings, roads Christianity in Roman Britain Until 4th C christians were persecuted 313 AD Emperor Constantine legalised christianity 380 AD Emperor Theodosius I made it the
When and where did the renaissance start? Compare how man was depicted during the Renaissance and Medieval Times. When did the Renaissance reach England? 2. The historical background of the Renaissance. The War of Roses, the monarchs of this period. 3. Cultural background. Discoveries, grammar schools, the first playwrites. 4. Emigration to America. Why, when, how + Thanksgiving. 5. Thomas Moore and utopia. 6. The development of drama. Mysteries and mirscles, morality plays, etc. Who were the actors? Where were thet performed? Subject? 7. Shakespeare and his three periods. Sonnets, R/J etc. 8. Hamlet's soliloqui. Civil War and Restoration (1642-1702) James I died in 1625 and his successor was Charles I, a king even more foolish and arrogant
literature and in particular with the works of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio. The French period (up to 1370). early works were based mostly on French models. The Italian period (up to c. 1387). Was influenced by Italian literature, especially Dante and Bocaccio. The English period. Wrote Canterbury tales. CANTERBURY TALES This unfinished poem of about 17,000 lines was written mostly after 1387. The poem introduces a group of pilgrims who are journeying from London to the shrine of Thomas à Becket at Canterbury. Chaucer originally planned that the work should contain 120 tales, four for each pilgrim, but at the time of his death he had only written twenty-four and some of them were not complete. The Prologue. The pilgrims are described in the General Prologue; together, they represent a wide cross-section of fourteenth-cent. English life, although the nobility and the poor are missing as they would not have taken part in this type of group pilgrimage
1. Ancient Britain: the Celtic tribes. 2000 years ago there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the Br Isles. It seems that the Celts, who had been arriving from Europe from the 8th cent BC onward, intermingled with the peoples who were already there. The Celts were extremely talented people, creative and artistic. More than 1 Celtic tribe invaded Br. The descendants of ancient Celts live in Wales, Scotland, Cornwall and Ireland. They lived in primitive society. Druids priests, more powerful than chiefs. Acted like prophets. 2. Stonehenge From prehistoric period. Was built on Salisbury plain between 2500 and 1500 bc. One of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites in the world. One of the mysteries is how it was built at all with the technology of the time. Another is its purpose. It appears to function as a kind on astronomical clock and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonies marking the passing of the seasons. It appears in number of novels
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