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"sharing" - 152 õppematerjali


Siirdemetallide ühendid

Siirdemetallide ühendid Keijo Västrik TTG 10.c 1. Fe2O3 - Raud (III) oksiid Nimetused igapäevaelus - rooste Nimetused tööstuses - hematiit, rooste (hüdratiseeritud raua oksiid), punane raua oksiid, sünteetiline magnemiit Leidumine looduses - on maakmineraal hematiit, leidub inimese veres Omadused - ferromagnetiline (magneetub välise magnetvälja toimel ehk loob oma sisese magnetvälja), tumepunase värvusega, kergesti hapete poolt mõjutatav Kasutamine - rauatööstuses (raua, terase ja erinevate sulamite valmistamiseks), metalliliste ehete ja läätsete poleerimine, kasutatakse pigmendina (ka kosmeetikas) Tähtsus - on üks kolmest põhilisest raua koostisesse kuuluvast oksiidist Saamine 1) Raud(III) oksiid on raua oksüdeerumise saadusek...

Keemia → Analüütiline keemia
21 allalaadimist


People can't afford themselves that kind of entertainment that they did at the end of 20th century. Because of that there are a lot of piracy in that world and I think that it is one of the biggest crime of nowadays technological ear. Piracy is a form of theft. Morden technology has made wide-scale trading of music possible in the form of MP3 files available over the internet for free, all at the click of a mouse. We have to consider that not everything on the internet is legal. Sharing and downloading music and films is most of the time illegal, but everyone thinks that ,,if everyone is doing it and not getting in trouble, then it must be ok." Some of people thinks that illegal file sharing even helps the music industry. Before you are downloading or sharing some files that you don't own, you should firstly think about that if you would be happy, when you are giving yourself into something and you get nothing back, because of the others, who's giving it away for free

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

Erkko Liiv 11.a Internet piracy In recent years, internet piracy or "file sharing" of copyrighted material has gained much popularity. It is a topic that has incessantly sparked debate and has even received global attention. Although on the surface the act of file sharing may seem harmless, it is far from it. Each year, film and record production companies as well as software and video game companies suffer from billions of dollars in lost profits. This loss comes as a direct result of internet piracy. Many agree that file sharing is unethical and consider it to be no different than downright theft. On the other hand, there are those that support file sharing and claim that their actions are easily justified and ethical.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

New Media Economy Social media information and data collection and security In this brief essay, i would like to focus on the social media platforms in our moren society. How people use them, what kind of information we give away, what companies will do with this. Information sharing and data protection has become very popular theme in the recent few years. People care more about their privacy and avoid „big brother“ foreshadowing. It is important to know what social media platforms promise and are they really going to keep it. Users should think about what they share and what kind of information they generate. Because it is all recorded and some info can be traced back to real people. Privacy and data

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

11. klassi ajalookursuse konspekt kordamiseks.

Vana-Kreeka 1. Kreeta-Mükeene periood u 2000-1100 eKr a. Minoiline tsivilisatsioon b. Mükeene tsivilisatsioon 2. Tume ajajärk u 1100-800 eKr 3. Arhailine periood u 800-500 eKr 4. Klassikaline periood u 500-338 eKr 5. Hellenismiperiood u 338-30 eKr ● Saare asend Egeuse mere ja Lähis-Ida tsivilisatsioonide vahel soodustas kultuurikontakte ja võõrmõjude ühendamist ühtseks kultuuriks ● Kuningas Minos ● Lineaarkiri A (tänapäeval arusaamatu) ja lineaarkiri B ● 1500 eKr vallutasid kreeklased Kreeta ● Loss = suur majapidamiskeskus ● Vulkaanipurse u 1600 eKr hävitas Kreeta saare ● Enamik kreeklasi teenis elatist põlluharimisega (viinamarjad, oliivid) ● Vaeste põllumeeste ja karjuste võla tagatiseks maatükk ○ Muutusid rentnikeks ● Linnades ülekaalus käsitöölised (hinnati põlluharijatest madalamale) ● Ülemkihi moodustasid aristokraadid ○ Ka riigimehed j...

Ajalugu → 11.klassi ajalugu
5 allalaadimist

CARPOOLING/esitlus inglise keeles

Ladies and gentlemen, do you drive a car every day? Do some of you own a car? Have you ever thought about cost reducing? It seems you really want to know how to make your car costs smaller. It would be in your own interests. I think carpooling is a good solution for it. Let me to describe what does carpooling mean. You need to know that carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. The driver doesn’t try to earn money, but to share with several people the cost of a trip he would do anyway. The expenses to be divided basically include the fuel and possible tolls. Let me introduce to you good points of carpooling: Firstly. by having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person's travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving.

Logistika → logistikast inglise keeles
1 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia uurimustöö - bromley by bow centre

kasutades, on võimalik saavutada inimeste parem heaolu tase. Civic economy teooria põhjal on võimalik luua ärisid, tehes koostööd näiteks ettevõtjate, ühistute või võimuasutustega (linnavalitsus, vallavalitsus), kelle missiooniks on seista jätkusuutliku ja kontekstipõhise pakkumise abil vastu suurettevõtete võimule (Mazzuco, 2017). 1.2 Sarnased majandussüsteemid Civic Economy’l on mitmeid sarnaseid majandussüsteeme, näiteks sharing economy, collaborative economy või new economy. Võrreldes civic economy’ga on nendel süsteemidel nii sarnasusi kui ka erinevusi. Sharing economy võrreldes civic economy’ga keskendub rohkem jagamisele kui koostöö tegemisele. Süsteem keskendub peamiselt sellele, et inimesed jagavad oma oskusi/ressursse veebiplatvormide kaudu inimeselt inimesele, sealjuures omandiõigusest loobumata. Head näited sharing economy’st on AirBnb, Bolt ja Uber (Rõa, 2017).

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
0 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Student Check-In Helper, Pertemps, Sep 2018 Duties: Working for Unite Students, helping to park over 600 cars over 3 days at The Filbert Village (Student Accommodation) in Leicester. DMU Replay: Launch Support, Unitemps, Oct 2017 Duties: Helping and advising DMU lecturers to use DMU Replay (new audio-video recording software Panopto) Research Partner, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust, Sep 2017 Duties: Helping to design studies for students and sharing experiences as service user. Director, TOWELFY LIMITED, July 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Towelfy® 6 in 1 is an innovative, internationally patented multifunctional robe-towel invented in South Estonia. We are importing Towelfy from Estonia to the United Kingdom. Managing Director, MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED, June 2012 ­ Present Duties: We are importing canned food (meat products and ready meals) from Estonia to the United Kingdom

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Prepositions and phrases

Prepositions (at, on, from, in) and phrases (offer a service, hold hands, give orders, carry a flag, become official, compare with sth, have a sauna, climb a tower, gain popularity, treat with respect, exchange goods, move westward, share basic views, live on fish, smell juniper's and wool's aroma, watch the people go by, raise sheep). 1. Prepositions: of course there are no all expressions what you can use in that document, only some of them but I hope I'll help somebody for sharing that document :). 2. Phrases: some phrases are in English (+ Estonian translation, of course), some in Estonian (+ English translation)

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

11. klassi ajaloo kursuse arvestustöö küsimused ja vastused (2 poolt).

1 pool Miks tekkisid Ateenas ja Spartas eri mentaliteedid? Spartas oli väga palju mittekodanikke. Spartiaadid moodustasid elanikkonnast vähemuse ning heloodid olid spartiaatide vastu vaenulikud. Selleks, et heloode kuuletuma sundida, arendati ühiskonnas välja range kasvatusüsteem (seitsmeselt kolitakse välja, kahekümneselt said nendest sõjamehed, kolmekümneselt täieõiguslikud kodanikud). Ühiskonnas peeti riiklike huvisi tähtsamaks kui indiviidi huvisid. Ateenas peale türannia kukutamist kehtestati kõigile kodanikele võrdsed võimalused. Ka vaestel soodustati võimalust riigiasjades osaleda. Soloni reformidega pandi alus demokraatlikule riigile. Kuna Pärsia sõdade ajal arendasid ateenlased endale tugeva laevastiku, said nad ühineda ka mereliiduga ning kiirelt peale seda said ateenlased liitlased enda võimu alla. Kuna liitlastega tehti ühiskassa, kuhu kõik pidid maksma, arendas Ateena selle rahaga enda laevastikku. Katsed liidust lahkuda su...

Ajalugu → 11.klassi ajalugu
1 allalaadimist


Youtube ? YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can: upload share view comment videos (and much more) Beginning Created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. First video was uploaded on April 23, 2005 In November 2006 YouTube was bought by Google for $1.65 billion The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of usergenerated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos... Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Why to Sign up ? All users may watch videos, but only registered users may upload an unlimited number of videos. Also required for certain tasks such as viewing flagged videos and viewing flagged comments. Source: Thank yo u fo r yo ur time !

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Letter of application

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing in reference to the part-time vacancy in your Accounts Department as advertised in the Student News and I would very much like to consider to this vacancy. I am seventeen-year-old high school student and am very interested in this position. I have free time in evenings and I would like to use them to get some experience in working. Altough I have no formal experience, I have often helped out my father in his business, where I have been responsbile for duties such as sharing flyers. As far as my personaility is concerned, I would describe myself as motivated and honest. I am friendly and sociable person and I enjoy working with others as part of a team. I believe, that I would be good candidate for this position. I would be pleased to attend on interview at your convience to disguss my suitability for the position. Thank you for your considiration. Yours faithfully, Elisabeth Rüütel

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Easter Quiz

Easter Quiz 1.What day is Easter celebrated? Sunday 2.Where does the name Easter come from? An Anglo-Saxon goddess called Eastre 3.On Palm Sunday, Christians celebrate the day that .... Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted by cheering crowd 4.How long is Lent is western churches? 40 days 5.Why do we have eggs at Easter? They are a symbol of rebirth 6.The night before his death, Jesus finished the Passover meal with disciples by sharing bread and wine 7.What traditionally happened on Ash Wednesday? People put ash on their foreheads 8.What does Shrove Tuesday have to do with Easter? Shrove Tuesday is the last day to indulge before Lent. 9.Lent is the time of .... Abstinence (of giving things up) 10.Which of the following has nothing to do with Shrove Tuesday? Lean Tuesday 11.The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are made by burning palm crosses which have been saved from Palm Sunday last year. 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Thomas More

Sir Thomas More Born in London, his father became a judge and was knighted. Thomas was educated in the household of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In Christmas plays he improvised his parts. In 1492 he was sent to Oxford. He lived 4 years at the London Charterhouse sharing the life of monks. In 1504 he became a Member of Parliament, where he persuaded the members not to vote to the king the huge sum of money he demanded. In 1505 he married Jane Colt whom he had 4 children. His 3 daughters and 1 son were educated by the best scholars available. Jane died in 1511, and then Thomas married with a widow, Alice Middleton. Utopia It was written in 1515. The description of Utopia is put in the mouth of a traveller, Raphael Hythloday

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

Minu Island

Minu Island Tarvo Nõmm Kärt Kaasik-Aaslav ja Margaret Pullisaar 7.B GAG 2015 Tarvo Nõmm ● Muusik ja -õpetaja ● Kahe lapse isa ● Islandil 1994. aastast ● Myvatni maakond Lipp Sümboolikat Keeled Islandi keel Territooriumi suurus ja rahvastiku keskmine tihedus Pindala- 103 125ruutkilomeetrit Asustus- pool rahvastikust elab pealinnas Reykjavikis ja selle naabruses. Rahvaarv- 323 810 (2013) Keskmine eluiga ● Islandil sündinud naistel 81 ● Islandil sündinud meestel 76 ● Euroopa keskmine naistel 80 ● Euroopa keskmine meestel 72 ● Eesti keskmine naistel 82 ● Eesti keskmine meestel 72 Maastik Maavarad ja inimeste üldine jõukus Islandi põhiline maavara on kaalisool ning nendel on ka palju odavalt saadavat energiat, tänu maa seest alatasa tulevale ku...

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Jagamismajandus turismisektoris

com, Airbnb ja CouchSurfing. Need kõik sarnasesid oma vahel, kuna pakuvad majutusteenust, kuid CouchSurfing on kahest esimesest erinev, kuna võimaldab kõike seda tasuta. Jagamismajanduse arenguga tekkinud erinevad platvormid on mugavad ja head nende klientidele. Selline panus klientide mugavusele ei ole traditsioonilistele viisidele meeltmööda, kuid elu edasi arenemine muudab sellise asja paratamatuks. KASUTATUD ALLIKAD 1. Byers, J. Davide, P. Zervas, G. (2017). The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry. Retrieved from 2. Dhanuka, N. Khalil, T. Khalilov, M. Kovalev, F. Levin, P. (2017). Toward a full- scale neural machine translation in production: the use case. Retrieved from 3. Eljas-Taal, K. Rõa, K. Lauren, A. Vallistu, J. Müürisepp, K. (2016).

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Summary - the main principles of the internatinal meetings.

- to introduce new products; - increase a sales pitch. Now move on to the problems typical in international meetings.A classic mistake is that meeting`s material arrives after one meeting ended, ignorance of the cultural characteristics of the participants, inattention in relation to the physicalcondition of guests which came from far away. In conclusion I would like to say few words about the pitfalls that take place in international meetings, such as sharing personal information, which is common in North America is not appropriate in Europe or Asia. Lack of information about the participants can led to unfortunate results. For example, serving pork to Moslems.I suppose that diligence helps to make a success in any kind of work.

Keeled → Business english
12 allalaadimist


Britain forms the greater part of the British Isles, which lie off the north-west coast of mainland Europe.The geographical name for all the islands is the British Isles. They also include Eire, the Republic of Ireland, which has been politically independent of the British government since 1921. The largest of the islands is called Great Britain and it comprises England, Wales, snd Scotland. The full political name for the countries sharing a parliament in London is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Covering an area of some 242, 500 sq km. The longest river, the Severn flows for 354 km and the largest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland. Scotland is the most mountainous part of the country.Britain is a relatively densely populated country.The capital, London, has population of around 8 million. The majority of the population speak English.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Ideal School for my children

and emotional needs while reinforcing individual strengths, interests, and abilities. Differentiated, individualized instruction is based on the learning style of each child. Most science classes would take place outdoors. Children would be exposed to great literature, art, and music and encouraged to make their own relationships with these works. Children would have guidance in setting long-and short-term goals. Teachers would serve as mentors and facilitators, sharing their educational passions and helping children learn to help themselves. The children would be completely free to set up their own schedules. However, they would be held accountable for achieving their goals every week. There would be no grades until 7.class-there would be feedback from mentors and peers. Teachers would be in constant contact with one another. They would work together to implement cross curricular material and to provide continuity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Music can be a hobby.

It's best not to make up your decision on something like how cool a certain guitar looks on your favourite rock star.Everyone needs to develope their own musical styling with the instrument that is best for them. Writing music is one of the most profound ways to dig deep into yourself and see what you have to offer in a musically creative format.Don't expect the first thing you write to be an amazing piece of work.It takes time to build up to it.Don't feel as if what you write isn't worth sharing with other either.It's common to feel in secure when you develope your own original music but if your passion is in it, let it speak for itself. When you discover an artist or musician that you just can't get enough of, it's understandable that you want to collect all of their works.A music collection is a great hobby to have.Not only is listening to music and enjoying it the main focus but the collection itself is something that will continue to grow an thrive throughout the years.It

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. History of the Internet 1957:The United States Department of Defense formed a small agency called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology. 1961-1965:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to research sharing information in small, phone-linked networks. ARPA is one of their main sponsors. 1966: The first ARPANET plan is unveiled by Larry Roberts of MIT. Packet switching technology is getting off the ground, and small university networks are beginning to be developed. # 1969:The Department of Defense commissions the fledgling ARPAnet for network research. The first official network nodes were UCLA, Standford

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Different cultures

around the issue; how close the people stand to each other when they are talking--all of these and many more are rules of politeness which differ from culture to culture. Third factor is "emotional constraints." Different cultures regulate the display of emotion differently. Some cultures get very emotional when they are debating an issue. They yell, they cry, they exhibit their anger, fear, frustration, and other feelings openly. Other cultures try to keep their emotions hidden, exhibiting or sharing only the "rational" or factual aspects of the situation. All of these differences tend to lead to communication problems. If the people involved are not aware of the potential for such problems, they are even more likely to fall victim to them, although it takes more than awareness to overcome these problems and communicate effectively across cultures. In my opinion different cultures are blessing. Different cultures motivate people to learn other languages and the rules of courtesy

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele report: Animals in danger of extinction

protect both endangered wildlife and natural habitats. a) The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been protecting nature for already more than 45 years. WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 5 million members globally. b) Animal Rescue Facilities provide homes for animals in need. They are not being sold, transferred or used for breeding. Where possible, many animals are placed in habitats together to enrich their lives by sharing their home with others of their kind. To sum up, there are over 10,000 endangered species around the globe, who can still be saved. In order to do this, governments should raise awareness of environmental issues and introduce laws forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating preserves, because nowadays the future of nature is in the hands of man.

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist


Infoühiskond Koostas: Daniel Vasetski 12d Mis on infoühiskond? Infoühiskond ­ ühiskond, mis väärtustab infot ja selle kiiret vahendamist Algus 1990. aastal Peamine tunnus ­ arvutite massiline kasutamine, kommunikatsioonikanalid ning elektroonilised teenused Informatsioon ­ pilt, tekst, video või heli Mis on infoühiskond? Meedia ­ infoühiskonna põhiline kujundaja Traditsioonilised meediakanalid ­ ajalehed, raadio, televiisor Tänapäeval aga põhiline meediakanal ­ Internet Tehnoloogia 20. sajandil 1. Elektriseerimine 2. Autod 3. Lennukid 4. Veevarustus ning selle jaotus 5. Elektroonika 6. Raadio ning televisioon 7. Põllumajanduse mehhaniseerimine 8. Arvutid 9. Telefonid 10. Konditsioneer / jahutus 11. Kiirteed 12. kosmoselend 13. Internet 14. Pilditehnika 15. Kodumasinad 16. Tervise tehnoloogiad 17. Naftasaaduste töötlemis tehnoloogiad 18. Laser ja kiudoptika 19. Tuumatehnoloogia 20. Nanotehnoloogi...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist


FreeSpace} Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | % FreeSpace 01.12.17 Teen VirtualBoxis kaks masinat: WinServer 16 ja kliendi(Win10), mõlemad internal võrku, mõlemal lülitan välja Firewalli Winserver16 masinas: Määran IP aadressi Installin DHCP, DNS, IIS(Web server) DHCP New Scope Määran IP aadressite vahemiku DNS Forward Lookup Zones – New Zone – elsa.zz elsa.zz - New Host (A or AAAA) Kliendis: Kontrollin, kas klient sai serverilt IP aadressi Network and Sharing Center – Connections: Ethernet Kontrollin kliendis(Microsoft Edge), kas elsa.zz töötab

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

labor 1

Samm 3: Valida kahest arvutist üks, millisel hakkab elama meie jagatud kaust. Sellele arvutile tuleks määrata parool. Parooli määramine käib juhtpaneeli User Accounts vaate alt. Samm 4: Luua kahe arvuti tulemüüridesse vastavad erandid. Liigume juhtpaneelilt taas Network Connections vaatele. Avame taaskord ainsa olemasoleva võrgu Properties vaate. Liigume Advanced vaatele ja valime Settings…, et tulemüüri üles seada. Exceptions vaate all teeme linnukese File and Printer Sharing juurde. Samm 5: Loome jagatava kausta, näiteks töölauale. Avame loodud kausta Properties vaate alt Sharing vaate. Selekteerime Share this folder. Permissions alt valime kindlasti full control. Samm 6: Teise arvuti My Network Places vaate alt saame valida View workgroup computers. Sinna peaks ilmuma tolle arvuti nimi, millisele me lõime jagatud kausta. Teeme ikoonile topeltklõpsu ja sisestame kasutajanime (by default on see Administrator) ning parooli.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
93 allalaadimist

Side Labor 6: Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne

Side 6 labor – Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne Töötegija nimi: ************ Töö tegemise kuupäev: Wed Det 14.12.2016 Andmete analüüs mobiilterminalis Tugijaama kuvatud informatsioon LTE: 2031-257135115--1 Kordiinaadid: 59.3369290, 24.6282260 Võimsusmõõturi andmed RSRP (Reference Signal Received): dBm -87 Viide signaalile vastava jõu jaoks. RSRP on RSSI tüübi mõõtmine, sellele on teatavaid definitsioone ja detaile. Teisisõnu RSRP defineeritakse kui tagavara elementide kaasabi lineaarset keskmist, mis kannab toiteelemendile omast võrde signaali arvestatud signaali laineala mõõtmise sees, seega RSRP mõõdetakse ainult sümbolites mis kannavad RS'i. RSRP (dBm) näitab signaali keskmist laineala. RSSNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio): dB 0.9 Analoog ja digitaal kommunikatsioonides, signaal-müra suhe, tihti kirjutatakse S/N või SNR, on suhteline taustmüra signaali tugevuse mõõtmine. Suhet mõõdetakse tavaliselt detsibellides (DB) kasutade...

Informaatika → Side
96 allalaadimist

Thinking Strategically

keeping costs low. Southwest's success comes from identifying its critical success factors (CSFs) and developing its business strategy around them. The company's CSFs include:  lowest fares in the marketplace  competition with bus and automobile transport, rather than other airlines  low overhead costs and a cost-conscious employee culture  low debt-to-equity ratio  lower wages offset by profit sharing plans  friendly, courteous staff with a strong commitment to the organization  high standards of teamwork without rigid job demarcations  quick turnaround times optimizing aircraft usage Course: Thinking Strategically Topic: Defining Strategy Copyright 2007 SkillSoft. All rights reserved. SkillSoft and the SkillSoft logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SkillSoft in the United States and certain other countries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

o Lisainfo: us/library/jj574166.aspx us/library/cc755258(v=ws.10).aspx us/library/cc754438(v=ws.10).aspx us/library/cc772522(v=ws.10).aspx 3. Lisada serverile DHCP teenus (roll) o Peale rolli lisamist konfigureerida DHCP teenus nii, et see jagaks dünaamilisi IPv4 aadresse vahemikus (skoobis) Network and sharing center --- change adapter settings --- ethernet2 properties --- ipv4 properties --- use the following ip address ning sisestada vahemik --- Use the following DS server address -- OK 4. Luua domeeni 4-5 kasutajat (Nimed vabalt valitud) o Lisainfo: 5. Luua domeenis 3 security gruppi (Nimed vabalt valitud) o 2 tk global o 1 tk domain local o Jaotada kasutajad global gruppidesse

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
14 allalaadimist

BMW summary

costumers. Its major market is Western Europe (59 per cent of all cars sold), though China is an increasingly important market for luxury Rolls-Royce cars. The company has its own six inner values, which are communication, ethical behaviour to its staff, achievement and remuneration, independence, self-fulfilment and the pursuit of new goals. This value-oriented policy came from senior managers back in 1980s. The company also emphasises extensive consultation, information sharing and seeking to establish positive interrelationships between individual changes. In response to increased competition, market over capacity and lower working hours in Germany, BMW sought more efficient working practices. Since 1995 employees are arranged into groups (8-15 workers) where each member has his/her own responsibility and the rotation of jobs. Groups have also spokespeople (representative role) and supervisors who are

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google

Ehrgeiz ist die letzte Zuflucht des Versagens 9. Leidke täistekstiline teadusartikkel, mille pealkirjas on fraas e-government communication ja mis on ilmunud viimase kümne aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kasutan lehekülje täpsustatud otsingut. With the exact frase: e-government communication Where my words occur: in the title of the article Aastaarvudeks 2001-2011 2 tulemust nt: A Safe Information Sharing Framework for E-Government Communication (2003) 10. Leidke täistekstilisi digiteeritud raamatuid Balti riikide kohta, mis on ilmunud viimase 10 aasta jooksul. Esitage ühe kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? advanced search. Books on subject: Baltic states E-books only; content: books Published between 2001-2011 Praktiline töö nr 2

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

If you are not in facebook, you don't exist

log on any given day. Psychologists have introduced a diagnosis called FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder)- there are an estimated 350 million around the world, who have admitted of being addicted to Facebook. But it was only a matter of time before large numbers fell like prey to the lures of a 24/7 social network with so many wonderful things to offer -a home among friends and shared applications like games, quizzes, personality-type "tests", awards and gifts, not to mention sharing laughs and creative feedback via photos, videos and more. I know that we live in a digital age, but maybe this new fancy disorder is a bit over a notch. All in all, I think that it's completely normal to have an account in Facebook, but we should keep some boundaries in case we don't want to mix up our virtual life with the real one. Sure I can communicate with my friends easily via Facebook chat, but seeing eye-to-eye is way better

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Estonia vs Australia

ESTONIA VS AUSTRALIA Today, I shall compare the Baltic country, Estonia, and the largest country in Oceania, Australia. Largely they are going to be very different but still sharing little similarities. This essay will go in- depth about what makes these two nations so different. First I'm going to write about Estonia, a country within Europe. Estonia is quite small when compared to the other its neighbours with a land of 45.227 square kilometres and a population estimated at 1.3 million. The Estonian people largely speak Estonian but many of them also speak Russian and English, Russian more common as a secondary language. As being Estonian we know that less is always more

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

YouTube Referaat

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Majandusteduskond Mikk Murel Youtube Referaat Juhendaja:Teele Heller Tallinn 2013 1 Table of Contents Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................................3 Firma ajalugu........................................................................................................................................4 Video tehnoloogia.................................................................................................................................5 Levik.....................................................................................................................................................6 Muusika industrioon..............................................................................................................

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
12 allalaadimist

NAT ja PAT referaat

Most home networks use PAT. In such a scenario, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a single IP address to the home network's router. When Computer X logs on the Internet, the router assigns the client a port number, which is appended to the internal IP address. This, in effect, gives Computer X a unique address. If Computer Z logs on the Internet at the same time, the router assigns it the same local IP address with a different port number. Although both computers are sharing the same public IP address and accessing the Internet at the same time, the router knows exactly which computer to send specific packets to because each computer has a unique internal address. Kasutatud kirjandus

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
10 allalaadimist


1) Mis on personaalarvuti? Personaalarvuti (PC - Personal Computer edaspidi arvuti) on arvutusseade, mis koosneb erinevaid funktsioone täitvatest elektroonikaplokkidest, mis koos funktsioneerides teostavad mingit kasutaja poolt määratud ülesannet. 2) Muutmälu (RAM - Random Access Memory) ehk põhimälu kasutatakse arvutis töötavate rakenduste programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. Püsimälu (ROM - Read Only Memory) on kasutusel erinevate arvuti riistvarakomponentide püsivara (firmware) programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. 3) 4) Mis on arvuti perifeeriaseadmed? Arvuti perifeeriaseadmed on seadmed, mida saab täiendavalt lisada arvuti peamistele riistvarakomponentidele aga mille olemasolu ei ole hädavajalik arvuti toimimiseks. 5) Missugune on CRT ja LCD monitor? LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) ekraanil on: Ekraani mõõtmed - pildi suhe näit...

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Familie esseee

Understanding between the members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationship. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. A lot of activities help members of the family to be on friendly terms: discussing all the family plans together, going on trips hikes together, visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions and exchanging opinions about them, sharing the same joys and sorrows. If you think of the others in the family you show your love and attention in everyday life, you can hurt them if you are selfish, not sincere and rude. Some people think that parents should be patient, kind and understanding. And others believe that children ought always to obey the parents and if they won't they should be punished. Our family is small. We are the family of three: my mother, my father and I. We don't have such

Keeled → Saksa keel
36 allalaadimist

Animal farm by George Orwell

The pigs, because of their intelligence, become the supervisors of the farm. Napoleon, however, proves to be a power-hungry leader who steals the cows milk and a number of apples to feed himself and the other pigs. -> Napoleon's lust for power increases to the point where he becomes a totalitarian dictator, forcing "confessions" from innocent animals and having the dogs kill them in front of the entire farm. Ends with Pilkington sharing drinks with the pigs in Jones' house. Napoleon changes the name of the farm back to Manor Farm and quarrels with Pilkington during a card game in which both of them try to play the ace of spades. As other animals watch the scene from outside the window, they cannot tell the pigs from the humans. Snowball ● He devotes himself to bettering the animals in intellectual, moral and and physical ways ● Brings literacy to farm so the animals could understand animalism better.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Enterprise 3

careful do their work with a lot of attention and thought ambitious want to be successful in life self-centred care only about themselves, sometimes forget about other people's feelings determined know what they want and do all they can to get it reserved don't like showing their feelings mean don't like sharing things or spending money sensitive get upset very easily intelligent understand difficult subjects quickly and easily secretive keeping one's thoughts and feelings to oneself, keeping feelings, knowledge, plans, etc. hidden decisive make decisions quickly caring thinking about what other people need or want and trying to help them

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Side 6 labor: Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne

Side 6 labor – Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne Töötegija nimi: ************ Töö tegemise kuupäev: Wed Det 14.12.2016 Andmete analüüs mobiilterminalis Joonis 1 Tugijaama kuvatud informatsioon LTE: 2031-257071628-457 (+/-10m) (4G leviala) Kordinaadid: 59.3071150, 24.4005350 Võimsusmõõturi andmed (vasakpoolne) RSRP (Reference Signal Received): dBm -97 Viide signaalile vastava jõu jaoks. RSRP on RSSI tüübi mõõtmine, sellele on teatavaid definitsioone ja detaile. Teisisõnu RSRP defineeritakse kui tagavara elementide kaasabi lineaarset keskmist, mis kannab toiteelemendile omast võrde signaali arvestatud signaali laineala mõõtmise sees, seega RSRP mõõdetakse ainult sümbolites mis kannavad RS'i. -97 RSRP (dBm) näitab signaali keskmist laineala. RSSNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio): dB 30.0 Analoog ja digitaal kommunikatsioonides, signaal-müra suhe, tihti kirjutatakse S/N või SNR, on suhteline taustmüra signaali tugevuse mõõ...

Informaatika → Side
70 allalaadimist

Google Docs

MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Infotehnoloogia Instituut IKT haldamise ja administreerimise eriala Raido Rinaldi IT-1-Q-E-vil Google Docs Õppematerjal Juhendaja: Kalev Avi, MSc Viljandi 2010 SISUKORD Google Docs SISSEJUHATUS Google Docs võimaldab kasutajatel veebibrauseri kaudu Internetis dokumente koostada, faile Google'i serveris salvestada ja teiste kasutajatega jagada. Võimalik on ka muu kontoritarkvaraga tehtud failide import Google Docsi keskkonda. Sellisel moel on kasutajal virtuaalne kontor, millele pääseb ligi igast Interneti-ühendusega arvutist, milles on Google Docsi toega veebibrauser (näiteks Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome). ...

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
17 allalaadimist

Éclipse chapter 12 - kokkuvõte

vision of what is going on. Unexpectedly, Edward suggests that the two of them ditch school and go consult Jasper. They find the Cullens watching the latest murder reports on CNN, and debating whether the time has come to intervene. Emmett is raring to go; Carlisle demurs, pointing out that it's not their responsibility. Edward is anxious to forestall an untimely visit from the Volturi. And Jasper suddenly figures out what is behind the events in Seattle. Before sharing his revelation, he insists that Bella should be included in the discussion, because she is now one of the family. But if she is to understand, she will need to know more of his own history. He rolls up the sleeve of his sweater to reveal row upon row of overlapping scars like the one Bella carries from the bite James left on her hand.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice Book report

and kind. The ending is really beautiful and I like it. Darcy proposes Elizabeth again and this time she accepts. They have a double wedding with joy and love. A major theme is the importance of environment and upbringing on the development of young people's character and morality. Social standing and wealth are not necessarily advantages. Pride and Prejudice, employs the narrative technique of free indirect speech. Austen invites the reader to follow events from Elizabeth's viewpoint, sharing her prejudices and misapprehensions and being surprised along with her when events prove these to be mistaken. In my oppinion, the book was really good and I liked it a lot. Though the language was quite difficult to understand sometimes, but I liked the style she has written the novel. I like the way she talks about the characters so prolixly and they were somehow still jolly. I did not like the character of Darcy in the beginning, because I

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
53 allalaadimist


arvutisüsteem. Oktoobris 1998. aastal anti teada, et Windows ei kanna enam initsiaale NT, vaid järgmine äriklassi operatsioonisüsteem nimetatakse Windows 2000-ks. Windows 98(koodnimega Memphis) - operatsioonisüsteem, mis lasti Microsofti poolt välja 25. juunil 1998. aastal. Windows 98-l on kaks väljalaset: Windows 98 ja Windows 98 SE, mis erineb oma eellasest eelkõige nende omaduste poolest, mis on tänapäevalgi vajalikud. Näiteks oli 98 SE-l olemas Internet Connection Sharing ja parem mälu ülevool, mida oli vajalik parandada, kuna kui tavaline 98 jäeti tööle rohkem kui 48-ks tunniks, siis süsteemid kukkusid kokku. Windows 98 SE kasutajaliides on otseseks eelkäijaks Windows 2000, Windows XP ja Vista klassikalistele kasutajaliidestele. Windows 2000 - nagu nimigi ütleb tuli see väljalase turule 2000. aastal. Operatsioonisüsteem asendas Windows 95, Windows 98 ja Windows NT. 3

Informaatika → Informaatika
35 allalaadimist


Name Change Computer name , Workgroup . OK, OK restart Windows ­ . 3) IP Control panel Network connections Local area Properties. 4) «The connection uses the following items:» TCP/IP, Properties. 5) : Use the following IP aadress Use the following DNS server addresses. 6) IP aadress 192.168.0.<81..95> Subnet Mask OK Close . 1.3 Moodustage ühes arvutis jagatud kataloog. 1) My documents , . Properties, Sharing Share this folder Maximum allowed Permissions Full control . 1.4 Demonstreerige jagatud kataloogi kasutamist teisest arvutist. , ( ) . , . 2. Ühendage kolm arvutit internetiga läbi traadiga ruuteri. 2.1 Ühendage arvutid ja ruuter sobivate kaablitega. (võrgu skeem joonisel 2.) cross 4 . 3 LAN , WAN Switch ( ). 2.2 Seadistage arvutite IP aadressid. 1) IP Control panel Network connections Local area Properties.

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist

Tom Sawyer raamatu kokkuvõte Mark Twain lühikirjeldus

Peering through holes in the floor, they see Injun Joe enter the house disguised as a deaf and mute Spaniard. He and his companion, an unkempt man, plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. By an amazing coincidence, Injun Joe and his partner find a buried box of gold themselves. When they see Tom and Huck’s tools, they become suspicious that someone is sharing their hiding place and carry the gold off instead of reburying it. Huck begins to shadow Injun Joe every night, watching for an opportunity to nab the gold. Meanwhile, Tom goes on a picnic to McDougal’s Cave with Becky and their classmates. That same night, Huck sees Injun Joe and his partner making off with a box. He follows and overhears their plans to attack the Widow Douglas, a kind resident of St. Petersburg. By running to

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

5. VAT is not payable on the export of goods under the customs regime of exports. The same procedure applies when the goods are placed under the customs regime of customs warehouse, free warehouse or a customs-free zone in order to re-exportation of goods (including processed products) in accordance with the customs regime of exports. 6. When the production-sharing agreements entered into in accordance with the Federal Law "On Production Sharing Agreements", the VAT is calculated and paid based on a number of features: exempt from VAT: goods, works and services, designed in accordance with the design documentation for the performance of work under a production sharing agreement, including imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, the investor, the operator of the agreement, their suppliers, contractors and carriers and other

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


 Aadressiruumi kaudu nähtavad failid (Memory-mapped files)  mmap() primitiiviga seatakse faili sisu kättesaadavaks mingis aadressivahemikus  Esimene pöördumine loeb andmeid mällu, faili sulgeminekirjutab kettale  read()/write() vs mmap() 4. Mälu haldus Mäluhaldus on tehtud nii, et mälu saaks rahuldada järgnevaid mehaanisme:  Relocation – mälus ümberpaigutamine – swapi liigutamine ehk saalimine  Protection – mälu kaitsmine  Sharing – mälu jagamine 5 Õppeasutus Nimi Operatsioonisüsteemide teooria alused Rühma nr  Loogiline mälu organiseerimine  Füüsiline mälu organiseerimine Joonis 2 Mälu haldus 4.1. Ümberpaigutamine

Informaatika → Side
8 allalaadimist

Identity as a personal project

behaviour and speech. On the special place here is understanding of “person” and it´s context. I do agree to Giddens, that it varies culturally. For example, the families are different – big or small, how many generations live together and what are they celebrating. Every culture has its own folklore and traditions, language and cuisine. All of these factors influence persons´ future and identity. Reading assumptions described by Wetherell and Maybin, I found myself recognising and sharing them. First, very important trait for persons from counties “such as the UK and USA” is democracy of expression. I do think, that in Arabic culture there is no such freedom to express yourself publicly, that just don ´t suit their traditions. Second, I find very important a role of experience. So I´m free to try something, to go abroad or to choose different profession. I´m not limited in my decisions by family or country. And last important assumption, what

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ABBA Esitlus

version of Mamma Mia!,in Stockholm. This was the first time after 22 years when they all were in the same picture. Now she lives on the island of Ekerö with her daughter Linda ABBA ABBA Björn Ulvaeus(born 25 April 1945) is a Swedish musician, composer and co- composer of the musicals Chess, Kristina från Duvemåla, and Mamma Mia!. During the last years Björn Ulvaeus has stepped forward as a frontline critic against the free file sharing of copyrighted material on the internet. He has recently coproduced the film "Mamma Mia!" with close-friend Benny Andersson ABBA Björn was a member of the Swedish folk band Hootenanny Singers who had an enormous following in Scandinavia. On 6 July 1971, Björn married Agnetha; The marriage resulted in two children: Linda Elin Ulvaeus (born 23 February 1973), and Peter Christian Ulvaeus (born 4 December 1977).

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun