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"unit" - 615 õppematerjali

unit – cd/m2 Colour rendering index CRI (without unit) – describes how a light source makes the color of an Examples: object appear to human eyes and how well subtle 1.6 * 109 cd/m2 Solar disk at noon (don't look!) variations in color shades are revealed.

Upstream advanced, upstream upper

Upstream advanced pp.36-37 1. Kogu oma headuses (Benign)- to be at its most benign 2. Puutumata nõmm, mäed pristine moorland, mountains 3. Peatusin oja ääres- I stooped at a rivulet 4. Paljalt ujuma- to take one's skinny dip 5. Punt lärmakaid austraallasi--.a gaggle of raucous Aussies 6. Kõrvetav kuumus- blistering heat 7. Üksildased reisijad-solitary bushwalkers 8. Ronimisvarustust pakkima--- to pack the climbing gear Upstream upper Unit 6 Ootesaal lennujaamas ­ departure lounge pp.100-101 1. Meelitama jõukaid turiste-to attract up-market travellers 2. Napi eelarvega reisima- travel on shoestring budget 3. Majanduslangus-a downturn in the national economy 4. Kohalikud võimud- the local authorities 5. Meelitama sukeldujaid- to attract divers 6. Julgustama loodusturismi-to encourage eco- tourism 7. Kaitsma mereelustikku- to protect marine life 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


HKHK Toiteplokk AV13 Jaanika Rumajntseva Monika Särgava Toiteploki Mõiste Arvuti toiteplokk (PSU e. Power Supply Unit) on seade, mis muundab elektrivõrgust saadava toitepinge arvuti elektroonikakomponentide toiteks sobivaks alalispingeks. Toiteplokid FATAL1TY 1000W ja 500W Xilence 120mm RedWing Toiteploki ülesanne Toiteploki ülessanne on tagada arvitokomponentide varustamine vooluga millel on õige pinge. Samas on ta ka põhiline voolu vastuvõtja. toiteploki ülesseehitus Toiteblokid on ehitatud üles impulsstoitesüsteemile st. nad ei sisalda trafosid vaid nad kiirgavad kõrgsagedussignaale. Aruvti Toiteplokk Click to edit Master text styles Omab lülitit, mille abil Second level Third level...

Tehnoloogia → Arvutitund
6 allalaadimist


GrabCAD HISTORY Stratasys was founded in 1989, by S. Scott Crump and his wife Lisa Crump in Minnesota. IDEA ­ He decided to make a toy frog for his daughter using a glue gun loaded with mixture of polyethylene and candle wax. The shape was created layer by layer and he tought the way to automate the process. In April 1992 Stratasys sold its first product, the 3D Modeler. In January 1995, Stratasys employed 16 former IBM engineers. By the year 2007, Stratasys was the unit market leader for the sixth consecutive year. In January 2010, Stratasys signed an agreement with HP to manufacture HPbranded 3D printers. In August 2012, the agreement was discontinued. In December 2012, Stratasys merged with Objet. (Stratasys 55%, Objet 45%) In 2012, a project to produce a working firearm by 3D printing. Stratasys refused and withdrew their license for use of the printer. ABOUT THE COMPANY Stratasys manufactures 3D printing equipment

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika konspekt ja kordamisküsumused 2016-2017

Laiemas mõttes on testimine tarkvara analüüsi protsess leida erinevusi olemasolevate ja nõutud tingimuste vahel ning hinnata tarkvara omadusi. Staatiline testimine on süsteemi või komponendi testimine ilma testitavat tulemit käivitamata. Dünaamiline testimine on testimine, mille käigus testitavat tarkvara käivitatakse. Mida varem leitakse viga, seda lihtsam (ja odavam) on seda parandada. Valge kasti testimine – testijal on juurdepääs koodile ja algoritmidele, nt unit testid Musta kasti testimine – testijal pole ligipääsu programmikoodile Testimine tasandid: 1. unit testid – üks test vastab konkreetsele koodi osale 2. integration testid – kontrollitakse komponentide vahelist tööd 3. süsteemi testimine – testitakse täielikult integreeritud süsteemi, et kinnitada süsteemi vastavust nõuetele 4. süsteemi integratsiooni testimine – testitakse kolmanda osapoole süsteemiga 5

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
45 allalaadimist

Prehistoric Britain

on the chalk hills of southern England, for example the famous chalkhorse. · There were taken place the rituals and the site is considered to be connected with the sun and the passing of the seasons. · The ruins consists of two stone circles and two stone horseshoes. · The Bronze Age reached Britain between 2100-1650 BC. · The basic unit of Celtic family life · European Celts invaded Britain in 2 was the clan-was bound together very waves: Gales around 600 BC and then loosely with other clan into tribe. Cymri or Britons around 300 BC. · Celts were great warriors. · The Iberians were unable to fight · Unfortunately each tribe was out back the attackts of the Celts who were for itself-this cost them control of armed with metal spears, swords, Britain.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Victoria, Western Australia , Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. The largest is sydney with a population of nearly 3.5 million. Australia has more than 800 species of birds, including the Emu, Kookaburra and budgeriar. There are many different kinds of marsupials. Some, like the Kangaroo and Wallaby, have pouches which open at the top. Australia is lovated in the southern hemisphere. Australia is a continent , a country and an island at the same time.Money is basic unit and its Australian dollar. Symbols are Kangaroo and Emu. National Anthem name is Watzing Matilda. National holida, which is called Australian day, is on 16 january. The capital of Australia is Canberra. Head of State is Queen Elisabeth II and Form of Governemnt is constitutional monarchy. Official name is commonwealth of Australia. Longest river in Australia is The Darling what is 2740 km long. Natural resources are coal, zink, nickel ,gold and wood

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Vladislav Härm 10m/s 2014 Official name of Hong Kong Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China Capital of Hong Kong The capital of Hong Kong is Victoria city Hong Kong neighbours Largest neighbours are: China, Taiwan and Vietnam Population Population of Hong Kong are 7,234,800 people Money Currency Facts Name: Hong Kong Dollar Symbol: HK$ Minor Unit: 1/100 = Cent Top HKD Conversion: USD/HKD Top HKD Chart: USD/HKD Chart Major languages Hong Kong people speaks Chinese and English National symbols Flag Emblem Flower Anthem: March of the Volunteers Government SAR government - Chief Executive : Leung Chun-ying - Chief Secretary for Administration :Carrie Lam - Financial Secretary : John Tsang

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine eksam Wahl

valida õige järjestusega variant. Ettevõtte e organisatsiooni s. ­ äristrateegia ­ finantsstrateegia - keskkonnastrateegia Strategy can be formulated on three different levels: y corporate strategy- corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses in which the company should compete and with the development and coordination of that portfolio of businesses. y business startegy - a strategic business unit may be a division, product line, or other profit center that can be planned independently from the other business units of the firm. At the business unit level, the strategic issues are less about the coordination of operating units and more about developing and sustaining a competitive advantage for the goods and services that are produced. At the business level, the strategy formulation phase deals with: o positioning the business against rivals

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
280 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

7 Grammatical Terminology compound noun liitnimisõna, Compounding is a word-formation process which refers Nouns: pop-group, car park liitsubstantiiv to two or more words linking together to produce a form Adjectives: heartbreaking, which creates a new, single unit of meaning. homesick Verbs: babysit, dry-clean Compounds are found in all word-classes. Prepositions: into, onto concrete noun konkreetsõna A noun which refers to people and things that have a girl, an army, rice, cotton physical existence is concrete. Concrete nouns can have

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Euroakadeemia Ärijuhtimine 1. Kursus Arvutiõpetus Kristjan Suurjärv Protsessoritootjad Referaat Juhendaja: L. Nesterova Tallinn 2012 Sissejuhatus Eesoleva referaat käsitleb eelkõige Inteli mikroprotsessoreid ning sisaldab ka mõningast infot teiste protsessori tootjate kohta. Protsessor ehk CPU (Central Processing Unit) on arvuti aju. Protsessor töötleb talle antud ülesanded läbi ja väljastab tulemused. Protsessor on põhi töötlusüksus, millega on ühendatud kõik sisend-väljundseadmed ja välismälud ning mis tõlgendab kõiki arvutiprogrammi poolt saadetud korraldusi ja täidab need. Tuntumad protssoritootjad on AMD (Advanced Micro Device) ja Intel. Vähem tuntumad on ARM, VIA, IDT, NexGen, Cyrix jne. Protsessori tootjad · AMD (Advanced Micro Device) asutati 1969. aastal W. Jerry Sanders III poolt. o Toodete nimekirja kuuluvad nä...

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Vladimir Kush ja tema teosed

Vladimir Kush and his works: ,,Purse" ,,Departure Of The Winged Ship" Kristiina Ojamets 2011 Vladimir Kush A Russian surrealist painter and sculptor Prefers to define his art as metaphorical realism rather than surrealism He was born in Moscow in 1965 (age 46) Entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted. After 6 years military training the unit commander thought he should better paint propagandistic posters. After military service graduated the Institute of Fine Arts In 1987 Kush began to take part in the Union of Artists exhibitions and in 1990 in Germany nearly all his displayed paintings were sold. Went to Los Angeles and worked for a while in a small, rented garage, but managed to find a place to sell his works. Evenutally he was able to purchase a ticket to Hawaii. Most of his paintings are inspired by the pale blue

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
5 allalaadimist

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping

25 pts+ explanation 1 pt)! 1. bookkeeping ­ writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits). 2. accounting ­ keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities. 3. management accounting ­ preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management. Juhtimis raamatupidamine. 4. cost accounting ­ working out the unit cost of products, including materials, labour and all other expenses. Kulukonto. 5. tax accounting ­ calculating an individual's or a company's liability for tax. Maksu raamatupidamine. 6. auditing ­ inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accounts. Auditeerimine. 7. creative accounting ­ using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of a company

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Types of Warehouses

Types of Warehouses Rainer Reinsaar V1E Cross Docking and Trans-loading Warehouses Warehouses that provide cross dock and trans-loading services. Container or railcar tracking is generally important. These services often require temporary storage with charges adjusted for free days or a grace period. Fulfillment/ Consolidation Warehouses Warehouses where products are generally received in large quantities and shipped out in a large number of smaller mixed shipments. Such pick and pack operations require special inventory management and picking procedures. Location tracking is essential. Billing methods are generally similar to distribution warehouses. Storage Warehouses Warehouses which store product for periodic delivery to a manufacturer or distribution center. This is often associated with providing just in time delivery of the product to the consignee. This could be imported raw materials or items used in the manufacturin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Elektri alused

Elektri alused Taavi Nurk Mis on elekter Elekter on vabade elektronide vool ühest molekulaarolekust teise Elektri liikumise (voolamise) eelduseks on vabade elektronide olemasolu Negatiivselt laetud elektronid liiguvad positiivse pooluse suunas Materjalide omadused JUHT­ materjal mis juhib elektrit (Conductor) MITTEJUHT ­ materjal mis ei juhi elektrit (Insulator) POOLJUHT ­ materjal mis teatud tingimustel juhib elektrit (Semi Conductor) ÜLIJUHT ­ materjal millel on väga väike takistus (Super Conductor) Põhimõisted Pinge- kahe punkti potentsiaalide vahe mõõdetakse Voltides V Voolutugevus- laengute hulk mis läbib juhti mõõdetakse Amprites A Takistus- juhi omadus elektronide liikumist takistada, mõõdetakse Oomides Võimsus- tööhulk mida vool on võimeline tegema, mõõdetakse Wattides W Annaloog näide V ja A Voltide arv näitab potentsiaali teha tööd Kui võtta kaks objekti, üks 1kg ja teine 10k...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika alused
79 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

Pc is the number of peaks counted when a RpqPpq parameter: slope of a linear regression performed through the plateau region. profile intersects a lower boundary line ­H and RvqPvq parameter: slope of a linear regression performed through the valley region. an upper line +H per unit length 1 cm. RmqPmqparameter: relative material ratio at the plateau to valley intersection. PPI shows Pc in 1 inch (25.4mm) unit length. HSC shows the number of peaks when the UPL LPL UVL LVL

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Travelling to egypt & tunisia

bracelets , anklets and precious- stone rings · Men usually wear linen or cotton loose pants · their shirts are made of linen,muslin or a blend of silk or white cotton Tunisia · Capital- Tunis · Official languages- Arabic · Area- total 163,610 km² · Government- republic · Currency-Tunisian dinar · Religions: Muslim 98%, Christian 1%, Jewish and other 1% Culture and traditions · Warm and hospitable · The family is the most significant unit of Tunisian life · Tunisian music is very diverse · In most Tunisian regions, women's costumes are largely varied and highly refined · Cities have been built with many unique styles of architecture. Culture and traditions Domina Aquamarine (beach) · few minutes from the sea. · Spacious and comfortable · 6 km from the International Airport of Sharm El Sheikh · 4 km from the center of Naama Bay · 1 km to the nearest beach

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Inglise keele tõlkimisharjutus

Gateway B2 Unit 4 Translate! Selle kuu lõpus on meil suur perekondlik pidu. See on väga huvitav, kui kõik saavad kokku. Mu emal on kolm venda ja kuigi sa võid näha sarnasusi, on nad ka üsna erinevad. Mu onu Tom on kõige vanem ja ta on tüüpiline jõuline lapsevanem. Ta püüab alati sundida mu nõbusid olema auahnemad ja ta ärritub, kui neid ei valita spordivõistkonda või kooli näidendisse. Kuid siis on onu James. Ta on täielik vastand. Ta on kunstiõpetaja ja ta on täiesti muretu. Ta ei noomi kunagi oma lastega ja on alati pingevaba. Ta tahab, et igaüks avastaks ise oma loova külje ja tegeleks maalimise või skulptuur või millegagi. Onu Paul on keskmine ja ta on väga naljakas. Ta räägib kogu aeg lugusid. Aga ta võib olla natuke kangekaelne ja ta ei tee midagi, mida ta ei taha teha. Ja siis on mu ema. Talle meeldib, kui kõik on koos ja kui on mõni vaidlus- mida alati on- siis tema on rahusobitaja. Ta on väga hea loomuga. Kõik ütlevad, et ma ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Agiilne arendusmeetod

Agiilne arendusmeetod Tanel Särgava Joonis - Tüüpiline tarkvaraarenduse projekt o Esialgu said kokku 17 inimest kes nimetasid endid ,,Agiilseks liiduks" olid tarkvaraarendusega tihedalt seotud ning panid aluse agiilsele manifestile o Extreme Programming, Scrum, Dynamic Systems Development Method, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, Lean Development · ,,Agile manifesto" Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan o Kirjutada nö. Lightweight tarkvara o Kaasata klienti arendusse o Veenduda, et klient oleks rahul saadava lahendusega, mitte ei kirjutata valmis mid...

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

Merepraktika aruanne: Praktikakoht Victoria I

Tulede reguleerimise nupp 66 ELEKTROONILISED LAEVAJUHTIMIS SEADMED Integreeritud sild Integrated Bridge Systems, can be designed to include: Console sections to form primary Navigation and Ship Management Workstations. Nucleus or Manta ARPA, True or Relative Motion Radar Systems Multi-Feature Displays that incorporate Integrated Navigation with ECS and ECDIS data Manual Steering Workstation containing 'Follow-up' Helm Unit with Gyro and Rudder Angle Repeaters Docking Workstations for open or enclosed bridge wings Safety Operations Workstation with GMDSS and external communications equipment Overhead Repeater Consoles Integrated Adaptive Autopilot with Transmitting Magnetic Compass and Gyro Compass Systems Magnetic Compass with Reflector Binnacle Speed Log Echo Sounder Wind speed and Direction Sensor Barometric Pressure and Air Temperature Sensor

Merendus → Merepraktika
295 allalaadimist

James Watt

returned to fixing Watt's own engines. Later Murdoch made another important contribution to gas lighting. He retired from business in the year 1800, giving up to his two sons his interest in the extensive and prosperous business which Boulton had created at Soho. He died at Heathfield, in Staffordshire, on the 25th of August, 1819, in his eightyfourth year. In 1882, 63 years after Watt's death, the British Association gave his name to the unit of electrical power and today James Watt's name is to be found written on almost every lightbulb in the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Korea arengutase

Lõuna- Korea pealinn Söul on suur ülemaailma tuntud linn ja rahvusvaheline finantskeskus Aasias. Äärmiselt konkurentsivõimeline haridusüsteem ning kõrge kvalifikatsiooni ja motiveeritusega tööjõud on selle teadmistepõhise majanduse kaks peamist tegurit, millel on maailma kõrgeim teaduslik kirjaoskus ja teiseks väga arenenud matemaatika. Lõuna- Korea uhkuseks võib pidada seda, et seal on kõige suurem internetikasutajate arv. 2007. aastal Economist Intelligence Unit asetas Lõuna- Korea IT- tööstuse konkurentsivõime kolme parima riigi hulka maailmas. Lõuna-Korea majandus tugineb suures osas ekspordile ning ta on üks maailma juhtivatest ekportijatest. Lõuna- Korea on koduks paljudele markidele nagu Samsung, Hyndai- Kia, LG ja SK. 2009. aasta teisel poolel kasvas Lõuna-Korea majandus 2,6 protsenti võrreldes eelmise kolme kuuga ning majandus on saavutanud kõrgeimad majanduskasvunäitajad OECD riikide

Geograafia → Geograafia
23 allalaadimist

Java Programming Exercise

Inventory The inventory keeps track of all the films in the store. We need to be able to:  Add a film  Remove a film  Change the type of a film  List all films  List all films in store (e.g. not rented at the moment) The implementation  Create a main method that demonstrates the various functions. (Do not write a UI)  No persistence is required.  Do output with a System.out.println.  Create appropriate unit tests for the code.  Use latest Java version for the solution. What we will look at  The OO design of the solution  That the code is neat.  That the code is self documenting. (Use comments when applicable but self documenting naming is equally important)

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Raha ajalugu

kaubanduskäive kasvas pidevalt. 1971 laskis USA dollari kursi "ujuvaks". Siiski jätkusid katsed rahaturu stabiilsuse hoidmiseks. ECU (European Currency Unit) 1978 suvel kiitis Euroopa Ühenduste Nõukogu heaks Euroopa Valuutasüsteemi, mis jõustus 1979. aasta märtsis. See süsteem nägi samuti ette kursside kõrvalekalded maksimaalselt 2,25% võrra. Kõigi liikmesriikide valuutakursi põhjal loodi arvestuslik koondühik ECU (lühend sõnadest European Currency Unit 'Euroopa Valuutaühik'). Määrati kindlaks liikmesvaluutade kursid ja kõikumised ECU suhtes. Seda süsteemi nimetati "madu tunnelis".Suuremate kõikumiste ärahoidmine ja kursside säilitamine sai nendes maades keskpankade ülesandeks. 1991 sõlmitud Maastrichti lepingus nähti ette euroraha kasutuselevõttu, aatal 2002 võetigi enamikes Euroopa Liidu maades kasutusele ühisvaluuta euro. Erinevalt eurost ei olnud ECU seaduslik maksevahend, vaid arveldusühik. Polnud

Majandus → Pangandus
38 allalaadimist


for a given period of operation (most often a year). These absolute figures might be expressed in a currency or in physical units (such as tonnes, cubic metres, or gigajoules). Absolute figures provide information on the size of an impact, value, or achievement. Relative figures are ratios between two absolute figures of the same or different kind. Ratios allow comparisons of similar products or processes. They also help relate the performance and achievements of one firm, business unit, or organisation to those of another. Ratio indicators provide information on the efficiency of an activity, on the intensity of an impact, or on the quality of a value or achievement. Need for Reporting Absolute Figures Absolute figures provide information about the magnitude of the reporting organisation’s contribution to an overall effect. They are essential to any assessment of carrying capacity, ceiling, or limits—a core principle of sustainability. For example, the total amount of

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

James Watt

They started making the improved engine at his works. It was a great success. In 1781 he built an engine which could run machines, a thing no steam engine had ever been able to do before. Watt´s engine became the basis of industry. Watt didn´t work on his engine only. He made a number of other inventions of different kind. The most important was copying machine. Watt´s copying machine was used all over the country for about 100 years ­ until the typewriter took its place. In physics the unit of electric power or activity was named ,,a watt" after him. At the age of 64, Watt retired. But he still continued experimenting. His last invention was a machine for copying sculptures. Watt had many friends and he often received visitors to his home. He was a great talker and very fond of telling anecdotes. He was a man with great knowledge and people paid much attention to everything that he said. James Watt lived to the age of 83. He received many honours of his valuable work

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Floating Wind Turbines

100 meters beneath the sea's surface Can be employed at ocean depths of 120 to 700 meters Main objective is to test the impact of wind and waves on the structure over a two-year period Initiatives ­ Blue H Dutch company Blue H Technologies has devised a `Submerged Deepwater Platform' (SDP) In 2008, the company installed a 75% scale prototype SDP with a small wind turbine in 113-metre deep water 20 km off the coast of Southern Italy After 6 monts at sea, the unit was decommisioned early on 2009 Target goal are units in water depths of 70-300 meters Initiatives - Others WindFloat HiPRwind WinFlo Vertiwind WindSea Sway Conclusion Shallow-water turbines cost between 2.4 and 3 million United States dollars per megawatt to install, according to the World Energy Council. The main reason to develop FWT is the possibility to harness wind energy far off the coast-line, which in return gives greater energy output and less visual/noise pollution.

Loodus → Keskkonnatehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Accurate - free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact Admiral - a naval officer of the highest rank Air force - the military unit of a nation charged with carrying out military operations in the air Air marshal - an air force officer of a rank comparable to an army lieutenant general Ally - a person, group, or nation that is associated with another or others for some common cause or purpose Assassinate - to kill suddenly or secretively, especially a politically prominent person; murder premeditatedly and treacherously Biased - having or showing prejudice Brutal - savage; cruel; inhuman

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Motivatsioon ja emotsioonid

Toitainete omandamine. Nälg ja janu Partneri leidmine. Edevus Lähisugulaste toetamine. Armastus ja lähedus Maailma tundmaõppimine. Uudishimu ja segadus Elukeskkonna parendamine. Loovus ja korraarmastus Keha säilitamine. Valu ja mugavus Parasiitide vältimine. Vastikus Ressursside varumine. Ahnus ja kadedus Kiskjate vältimine. Hirm Paaritumine. Sugutung Partneri hoidmine. Armumine ja armukadedus 5. Näoväljenduste kodeerimisel kasutatava süsteemi üksik ühik action unit vastab ühele nähtavale näoväljenduse elemendile. 6. Ajurünnakul kasutatav põhimõte, et ideede genereerimise faasis neid ei kritiseerita, on kooskõlas uurimustega, mille kohaselt negatiivsed emotsioonid kahjustavad divergentset mõtlemist. 7. Emotsionaalsete elamuste 2-mõõtmelist ruumi võib kirjeldada valentsi-ärgastuse ja lähenemis-eemaldumise dimensioonipaaride abil. Esimesest dimensioonipaarist moodustatud teljestik asub teise suhtes 45-kraadise nurga all. 8

Inimeseõpetus → Psühholoogia
100 allalaadimist


10 Infosüsteemid 1. Elektrivõrgu infosüsteemid Infosüsteemi all mõistetakse andmete hõivamise, säilitamise ja töötlemise kompleksi, mis annab elektrivõrgu juhtimiseks vajalikku teavet. Tuumiku moodustavad andmebaasid. Probleemiks on andmete dubleeritus. 2. Võrguinfosüsteem Võrguinfosüsteem (automated mapping and facilities management AM/FM) haldab peamiselt teavet võrguelementide kohta. Jaotusvõrkudes tinti võrguIS ja geoIS seotud. Sisaldab andmeid võrkude ehituse ja remondi kohta ja muid tehnilisi näitajaid. (Liini-Alajaama-Trafo-Lüliti andmed, asukoht, tüüp, pinge/vool releesätted jne). Saadud andmeid kasutatakse võrgu talitluse arvutamiseks. 3. Geoinfosüsteem, (Raster-ja vektorkaardid, rakendused..) Kaardid, joonised jne. Rasterkaardiks on paberkaartide või aerofotode skanneeringute põhjal tehtud piltkaardid. Objekti moodustavad kõrvuti asetsevad ruudud. On andmemahukam ja ...

Energeetika → Elektrijaotustehnika
8 allalaadimist

Klassikaline geneetika

 0.25  Duchenne’i lihasdüstroofiat kandev naine ja daltonismi põdev mees saavad erimunakaksikud. Kui suur on tõenäosus, et üks neist kannab edasi daltonismi ja teine põeb lihasdüstroofiat?  0.125 Geenide aheldumine  Geenide kalduvus koos päranduda, kui nad on üksteisele kromosoomis lähedal.  Tõenäosus, et geenid ristsiirduvad koos, on seda suurem, mida lähemal nad üksteisele on.  Sentimorgan (cM) või genetic map unit (m. u.)  1 ristsiirde tulemus 100st on rekombinantne  Rekombinantsussagedus (recombinant frequency, RF)  1 cM = 1%  NB! Ei ületa kunagi 50% Ülesanne!  Põselohkusid ja attached kõrvalestasid määravad geenid on üksteisest 2 cM kaugusel. Nii ema kui isa on mõlema tunnuse suhtes heterosügoodid. Milline on tõenäosus, et neil sünnib põselohkude, kuid normaalsete kõrvalestadega tütar?  0.0025

Bioloogia → Geneetika
23 allalaadimist

Token Ring: Veatöötlus

Andmete või kontrollaja lõppemisel saadab ta järgmisele jaamale loakaadri. Erinevalt CSMA/CD-st on lubaring deterministlik - iga jaama jaoks saab arvutada maksimaalse edastusintervalli. Selle asjaolu tõttu sobib ta tööstusautomaatikasüsteemidesse ning muudesse reaalajarakendustesse. Füüsiline konfiguratsioon. IBM-i protokoll näeb ette radiaalset füüsilist topoloogiat, kõik lõppjaamad ühendatakse nn. paljujaamalise pöördusplokiga (multistation access unit, MSAU). Ühendusviis sellel plokil määrab jaamade tegeliku järjestuse ringil. MSAU sisaldab ka Üuntivaid releesid jaamade kõrvaldamiseks. Suurema jaamade arvu korral saab ühendada mitu pöördusplokki järjestikku. Prioriteedisüsteem. Kasutusel on keerukas prioriteedisüsteem (selle realiseerimiseks sisaldavad kaadrid kaht vastava otstarbega välja), mis võimaldab kasutajal anda teatud jaamadele õiguse kasutada võrku teistest sagedamini. Veatöötlus

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
61 allalaadimist

Austraalia / australia

AUSTRALIA Australia is a continent and a country. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It is below the equator. The first people to live in Australia were aborigines. Today there are still aborigines in Australia. Some live on reservations, some live on ranches or in cities. You can see some examples of their beautiful art if you visit Australia. Most people live in or near cities.The largest cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide. Monetary unit is australian dollar. Australians speak English. Australia is made up of six states and two territories. It is about the size of the United States (not including Alaska.) 21.3 million people live there, about as many people as in New York. Canberra is the capital of Australia. The weather in Australia is warm and pleasant. January and February are the warmest months, with average temperatures between 65° and 70° F. June and July are the coldest months,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Logistika lühendid ja tähendused

LÜHENDITE LOETELU 3PL​ - kolmanda poole logistika (​third party logistics​) või kolmanda poole logistikateenuste osutaja, kasutatakse ka lühendit TPL 4PL​ - neljanda poole logistika (​fourth party logistics​) või neljanda poole logistikateenuste osutaja, kasutatakse ka lühendit FPL Auto-ID​ - automaatne andmetuvastus (​auto identification)​ BPR​ - äriprotsesside ümberkujundamine (​business process reengeneering)​ CAD​ - raalprojekteerimine (​computer aided design​) CAM​ - raalijuhtimisega tootmine (​computer aided manufacturing​) CIM​ - raalintegreeritud projekteerimine ja tootmine (​computer integrated manufacturing​) CL​ - täiskonteinerisaadetis (​container load​). Kasutatakse ka lühendit FCL. COFC​ - konteiner raudtee platvormivagunil - kombineeritud transpordi meetod (​container on flatcar​) CPC​ - koostöös tooteandmete haldamine (​collaborative product commerce​) CPFR​ - koostöös plaanimine, prognoosimine ja varude täi...

Logistika → Logistika
6 allalaadimist

Kanada topic

In fact, Canada`s east coast is closer to Europe than it is to Canada`s west coast. It also extends southward from the North Pole to the US border. Canada`s northen coast is washed by Arctic Ocean, eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean and western coast by the Pacific Ocean. Canada is so big that it contains six time zones. This huge land mass has been divided by nature into 6 distinct geographical regions. Stretching across the north is the Artic region. On the east there is another geographical unit called the Applachian Region after the range of mountains which run through the New England states north into Canada. Moving west, we come to the largest region of all, the Canadian Shield. This extends like a huge semi-circular ring around Hudson Bay. It is rugged, stony and with thin soil. Southeast of the Shield is the Valley of the St. Lawrence River which embraces the parts of Quebec and Ontario that lie along that river and Lakes Ontario and Eire

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kodune lugemine - 150 sõna

87. Monitoring - Jälgimine 88. Stock - Kaubavaru 89. Dispensed - Jaotatud 90. Pipeline - Torujuhe 91. Lead time - Ettevalmistusaeg 92. Allocation - Paigutamine 93. Requisition - Tellimus 94. Workload - Töökoorem 95. Rationing - Nomineerimine 96. Ledger - Pearaamat 97. Imbalance - Tasakaalutus 98. Assessing - Hindamine 99. Assortment of products - Tootevalik 100. Trader - Kaupmees 101. Idle - Market 102. Proximity - Ligidus 103. Ratio - Tegur, koefitsent 104. Operating unit - Tootmisühik 105. Stockpilling - Kogumine 106. Benchmarking - Võrdlev analüüs 107. Dispersal - Laialiajamine, hajumine 108. Poll - Küsitlus 109. Attribute - Omistama, täiend 110. Counter-delivery - Vastutarne 111. Correlation - Vastastikune sõltuvus 112. Preliminary - Esialgselt 113. Preliminaries - Eelläbirääkimised 114. Hallmark- Kvaliteedimärk 115. Omission - Tegemata jätmine 116. Assert - Tõendama 117. Pace - Tempo 118. Deliberate - Kaaluma 119. Adversity - Vastasseis 120

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arvutite protsessorid

Seeriatootmist alustati VI 1979.a. Protsessor töötas sagedustel 4,77 ja 8 MHz sisaldades 29000 transistori. 80286 -oli teine 16-bitine protsessor PC turul (XT oli ka sisemiselt 16 bitine). Areng XT-st oli märgatav. Algul pakuti 6, 8, 10, 12 Mhz sagedusega CPU-sid (central processing unit), hiljem lisandusid ka 16, 20, 25 Mhz. 286-st alates pakkus Intel ka matemaatikaprotsessoreid FPU (Co-processor ehk floating point unit, 286 puhul oli matemaatikaprotsessori tähiseks 287), mis andsid juurde palju jõudlust ujukomaarvutusega programmidele. 286 kasutas ka esimesena 16-bitist siiniarhitektuuri. Seeriatootmist alustati II 1982. Protsessor sisaldas 134 000 transistori. 80386 -oli esimene samm astuda 32-bitisesse maailma. (16, 20, 25, 33, 40, 50 Mhz 386). Käsustikku oluliselt täiendatud- see on põhikäsustikuks kõigile järgnevatele (ka tänapäeval toodetavatele) PC-arvutite protsessoritele

Informaatika → Informaatika
25 allalaadimist

150 uut sõna logistikutele

95. Rationing Nomineerimine 96. Ledger Pearaamat 97. Imbalance Tasakaalutus Kritiseerimine, 98. Assessing hindamine 99. Assortment of products Tootevalik 100. Trader Kaupmees 101. Idle market 102. Proximity Ligidus 103. Ratio Tegur, koefitsent 104. Operating unit Tootmisühik 105. Stockpilling Kogumine 106. Benchmarking Võrdlev analüüs 107. Dispersal Laialiajamine, hajumine Sotsioloogiline uuring, 108. Poll küsitlus 109. Attribute Omistama, täiend 110. Counter-delivery Vastutarne 111. Correlation Vastastikune sõltuvus 112. Preliminary Esialgselt 113

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Kaitseliit - Estonian Defence League

operate with the police, local governments, border guard, rescue board and fire-fighters. Members of the Estonian Defence League have participated as a show of support in police operations, maintained order in mass events, taken part in liquidating natural disasters, such as forest fires, have helped to look for people, etc. In addition to direct military training, the Estonian Defence League gives its members many other skills and experiences necessary in life. Symbols Every district unit has its own flag. The Estonian Defence forces also has emblem, which is on every soldiers right arm. Structure Today, the Estonian Defence League is comprised of 15 district units, which in most part coincide with the borders of Estonian counties. The Estonian Defence League has 3 affiliated organisations ­ the Women's Home Defence, Young Eagles and Home Daugthers. History The Estonian Defence League established in November 1918 during the confusing times primarily for maintaining public order

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
2 allalaadimist

Weed Management Handbook

more herbicides which have different modes of actions • Herbicide rotations – rotation of herbicides from different chemical groups should reduce selection for resistance Herbicide – tolerant crops • Next revolutionary breakthrough in weed control • Has its upsides and downsides Herbicide-tolerant crops Advantages • Improved yield through good weed control • Improved quality through removal of weeds • Improved unit cost of production • The possibility to use low-tilage systems Herbicide-tolerant crops Disadvantages • Danger of cross-pollination • Potential for developing herbicide- resistant weeds Non-chemical weed management • Crop rotation – creates an unstable environment for annual weeds • Crop establishment – when crops emerge first, it gives a competitive advantage over weeds that emerge later • Mechanical weed management –

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist


1) Mis on personaalarvuti? Personaalarvuti (PC - Personal Computer edaspidi arvuti) on arvutusseade, mis koosneb erinevaid funktsioone täitvatest elektroonikaplokkidest, mis koos funktsioneerides teostavad mingit kasutaja poolt määratud ülesannet. 2) Muutmälu (RAM - Random Access Memory) ehk põhimälu kasutatakse arvutis töötavate rakenduste programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. Püsimälu (ROM - Read Only Memory) on kasutusel erinevate arvuti riistvarakomponentide püsivara (firmware) programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. 3) 4) Mis on arvuti perifeeriaseadmed? Arvuti perifeeriaseadmed on seadmed, mida saab täiendavalt lisada arvuti peamistele riistvarakomponentidele aga mille olemasolu ei ole hädavajalik arvuti toimimiseks. 5) Missugune on CRT ja LCD monitor? LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) ekraanil on: Ekraani mõõtmed - pildi suhe näit...

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Familie esseee

ist immer bereit, mir notwendigen Informationen, moralische Unterstützung und eine gute Beratung. Sprechen über meine Heimat, meine ich nicht eine Wohnung, wie sie ist, ich meine Leute, die mir lieb und teuer sind, die mich lieben und sind immer auf mich gewartet. Kristina Julm 12a The family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but family can be an emotional center of people's life, can be a transmitter of culture and raising children. Understanding between the members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationship. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. A lot of activities help members of the family to be on

Keeled → Saksa keel
36 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur test 1

to higher education= UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) Service that help students who realize on opening their A-level results that they haven’t got the grades required by their universities of choice to find a university place A framework used by all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent = National curriculum 15. What do you call a state or country that is governed constitutionally as on single unit, with one constitutionally created legislature? A unitary state- see A single-nation state A federal state A multi-nation state

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
3 allalaadimist

Clay Bricks

There are 3 basic types of clay in Estonia. Firstly from Cambrian era the blue clay, which has blue-greenish color and deposit fields round 100m thick found in North-Estonia. Secondly from Devon era the Red-Brown colored clay mostly find in South-Estonia and finally the layered clay found on islands mainly. The quality of the layerd clay is poor beacause it is limestone-rich. There are aroud 30 filed mineral deposits in Estonia. What is a brick? (slide 7) A brick is a block or a single unit of a ceramic material used in masonry construction. Typically bricks are stacked together or laid as brickwork using various kinds of mortar to hold the bricks together and make a permanent structure. Bricks are typically produced in common or standard sizes in bulk quantities. They have been regarded as one of the longest lasting and strongest building materials used throughout history. In the general sense, a "brick" is a standard-sized weight-bearing building unit. Bricks are laid

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Essay: My Ideal Home

On the opposite wall, there is fireplace and threepiece suite, consisting of a sofa and two armchairs in fabric, among them a small coffee table. Beside the sofa is a standard lamp. Immediately after the fireplace, there's widescreen TV and bookcase. If you look left you see the door that leads to the kitchen. It's of medium size. Although the walls and ceiling are white, red furniture is inescapable. Dishwasher and trash can are builtin cabinets. Electric cooker, the sink unit with its stainless steel sink ang gleaming chromium taps are under the wall cabinets. Cupboards using magnets to close the doors easier. Refrigerator and lamps are also builtin to keep the uniform style. On the opposite wall, there's a high table with bar chairs. The roller blinds cover two windows, which one has candles on the windowsill. Part of the kitchen floor is dark parquet, second is French ceramic floor. Next to the kitchen, there's a lavatory

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Euroopa Monetaarsüsteem

Euroopa Rahasüsteemi algus Euroopa Monetaarsüsteem (Euroopa Rahasüsteem) sai alguse pärast Bretton Woodsi süsteemi kokkuvarisemist. Enne seda lõid aga liikmesriigid ebastabiilse olukorra parandamiseks 1972. aasta märtsis valuutakoridori ­ süsteemi oma valuutakursside kõikumiste juhtimiseks ja piiramiseks dollari suhtes. Valuutakoridor, mida tabasid naftakriisid, poliitilised erimeelsused ja dollari nõrkus, kaotas kahe aasta jooksul mitmeid osalisi ning hõlmas vaevu rohkem kui Saksa marga tsooni ehk Saksamaad, Taanit ja Beneluxi (Belgia, Hollandi ja Luksemburgi vaheline majandusliit) riike. Valuutakoridor hääbus kiirelt, kuid sellegipoolest taheti luua stabiilse valuutaga piirkond. 1979. aasta märtsis loodigi Euroopa Rahasüsteem (ERS), millesse kaasati kõigi liikmesriikide valuutad. Euroopa Rahasüsteem oli vajalik selleks, et oleks stabiilne süsteem liikmesriikide vahel, et hoida inflatsiooni kontrolli a...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
10 allalaadimist


Unit 2 vocabulary cope with ­ toime tulema, hakkama saama abruptly ­ järsult, äkiliselt crash (into) ­ kokku põrkama, vastu absorbed in ­ hõivatud, süvenenud sõitma (avariis) achieve ­ saavutama, läbi raskuste criticise ­ kritiseerima teostama crooked (teeth) ­ puseriti hambad allow ­ lubama, võimaldama crowd ­ rahvamass, summ anatomy ­ anatoomia, kehaehitus curl ­ lokk, kihar announce ­ teadustama, kuulutama, damsel ­ preili välja kuulutama deaf ­ kurt announcement ­ teadaanne, kuulutus deafening ­ kõrvulukustav arched ­ kaarjas (... eyebrows ­ declare ­ kuulutama, deklareerima kaarjad kulmud) dedicate to ­ pühenduma avid ­ innukas, himuline depend on ­ sõltuma balance ­ tasakaalustama determin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Side 6 labor: Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne

Side 6 labor – Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne Töötegija nimi: ************ Töö tegemise kuupäev: Wed Det 14.12.2016 Andmete analüüs mobiilterminalis Joonis 1 Tugijaama kuvatud informatsioon LTE: 2031-257071628-457 (+/-10m) (4G leviala) Kordinaadid: 59.3071150, 24.4005350 Võimsusmõõturi andmed (vasakpoolne) RSRP (Reference Signal Received): dBm -97 Viide signaalile vastava jõu jaoks. RSRP on RSSI tüübi mõõtmine, sellele on teatavaid definitsioone ja detaile. Teisisõnu RSRP defineeritakse kui tagavara elementide kaasabi lineaarset keskmist, mis kannab toiteelemendile omast võrde signaali arvestatud signaali laineala mõõtmise sees, seega RSRP mõõdetakse ainult sümbolites mis kannavad RS'i. -97 RSRP (dBm) näitab signaali keskmist laineala. RSSNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio): dB 30.0 Analoog ja digitaal kommunikatsioonides, signaal-müra suhe, tihti kirjutatakse S/N või SNR, on suhteline taustmüra signaali tugevuse mõõ...

Informaatika → Side
70 allalaadimist

ETTEVÕTTE ÄRIPLAAN - suhruvati müük

kuldmedali. See on väike - 65h65h40 cm, ja suhteliselt odav - 780 EUR, usaldusväärne ja tõhus: kuni 400 portsjonit tunnis. TORNADO - ka American tootmine - toodab 700 portsjonit tunnis, kuid selle hind on märksa suurem - 1500 EUR. Siiski on ekspertide nõu, osta imporditud seadmeid, sest meie siseriiklikkud ei ole nii head,nad lähevad väga kiiresti mustaks ja see tekkitab trombi,mis viib suhkru põletamisele. American unit - uudsus Venemaal TWIN WIND, kes suudab valmistada kahevärvilise vatti.Täitmisele seade maksumus on suur, kuigi paraku hind ka. Alljärgnevas tabelis tootmiseks villa nende väärtus on. 3.5. PROJEKTI SWOTSISUKORD Mudel Tootlikkus portsjonit tunnis Hind, Eur PARALLEL (Venemaa) 65 360 ECONO avatud tarkvara (USA) 400 780 TORNADO (USA), seade uuenenud 5 700 1450

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö
36 allalaadimist

Liha laagerdamine

htm  Perry, Neil. „Dry aging beef“ 1.06.2011  Lüdikainen, Kamilla. „Veiseliha laagerdamine“ Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus   Wikipedia. „Beef aging“  Weald Packaging Supplies Ltd, East Sussex, Inglismaa.  BPEX Pork Chain Unit, „Ageing and the Impact on Meat Quality“ 5.09.2008. AITÄH 

Tehnoloogia → Lihasaaduste tehnoloogia
8 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 3. labor

Electrical Drive SERVO DRIVE (FESTO) Jüri Lina 666BMW Group M16 Variant 2 Tallinn 2014 1. Functional Diagram Component list: PC with Wmmemoc software SEC-AC-305 controller MTR-AC-55 servo motor with encoder External 24VDC power supply unit Test stand with slide and limit switches 4. Tables of observations Task Operation/Record Observation 1 Measure the slide position at Limit Slide moved to the right, switch 1 Limit 1 reached at 1,46 2 Turn potentiometer slowly counter- Slide started slowly clockwise moving left, movement

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
43 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun