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"rage" - 48 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: rage

Faile: 2

Rockstar games

Warriorsiga, Bullyga, Midnight Club, RDD(Red Dead Redemption). Mängud on avatud maailmad kus saad vabalt ringi liikuda, sõita ehk siis free roamida. Rockstar Games asutati aasta 1998 NY kuhu kuulusid vennad Sam ja Dan Houser, Terry Donovan, Jamie King ja Gary Foreman. Rockstar Gamesi peakorteriks on NYC olev kontor. 2014 aasta veebruari seisuga on GTA müünud üle maailma 250 mln eksemplari. Rockstar kasutab oma mängumootorit mille nimi on RAGE ehk siis Rockstar advanced game engine. Rockstar North Rockstar Northi varasem nimi oli DMA designs on Suur-Britannia video mängude arendaja asutati Edinburghis Šotimaal. Alates Detsember 1999 on firma osa rahvusvahelisest videomängu tootjast Rockstar Gamesist. DMA asutas David Jones Dundees Šotimaal. Vennad Sam ja Dan Houser läksid DMA Designi tõõle ja nad kolisid pärast NYC SoHo linnaosasse ja nad hakkasid tegema GTA Seeriad. Nende esimesed mängud olid 2D vaates

Informaatika → Arvuti
1 allalaadimist

Kontserdi arvustus chase and status

Chase and Status Käisin reedesel päeval 16.septembril 2011 kuulamas drum´n´bass'i ja dubstep'i viimaste aastate ühte kõige kuulsamat ning nõutumat duot Chase & Statusi, mis on Londoni päritolu elektroonilise muusika duo, mille taga peituvad DJ-d Saul Milton ja Will Kennard ning lisaks oli neil kaasas ka MC Rage. Kontsert pidi algul toimuma Tallinna suurimas öölokaalis Arena 3, kuid hiljem muudeti ürituse toimumispaigaks Eesti Näituse Messikeskus, sest publikuhuvi oli kontserdi vastu ootamatult suur. Lisaks esinesid veel DJ-d Eestist: Indivision, Influenza, Inztance, Whirl, MHKL & K-SEIN ja Trifect, kelle ülesandeks oli publik peaesineja jaoks n-ö ülesse kütta. Õhtu hakkas 22.00 kui lavale läks Whirl. Hiljem kuuldud juttudest tuli välja, et esimese

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Väljendusoskuse esitlus - MMA

KO ­ Knock Out TKO ­ Technical Knock Out Submission - Alistus KO/TKO Submission Varustus Kindad ­ suured ja väikesed. Erinevad kaitsmed ­ sääre kaitsmed, kopsik, pea kaitse. Maailma võistlused. UFC ­ iga kuine võistlus, pärit USA-st aga toimub ka teistes maailma osades. (Inglismaa, Austraalias, Kanad, Brasiilia) Pride ­ Jaapanist, praeguseks läbi. WEC ­ Inglismaa, 2011 ühineb UFC-ga. Cage Rage ­ Inglismaa, praeguseks läbi. MMA Eestis Noor sport mis areneb üsna kiiresti. Suurim võistlus ­ MMA Raju. Parimad sportlased ­ Ott Tõnissaar, Jorgen Matsi, Priit Mihkelson, Martin Aedma. Kas lollide inimeste sport? See ei ole lihtlabane peksmine. Iga liigutuse taga on strateegia. Eesti parimad on targad inimesed. O.Tõnissaar ­ psüholoogia magister J.Matsi ­ psüholoogia doktorant M.Aedma ­ kehakultuuri magister

Kategooriata → Väljendusoskus
18 allalaadimist

Stephen King

traagiliselt kuueaastasena üpriski stephenkingilikul viisil hukkus. Nimelt oli ta kukkunud kaevu ning uppunud. Aastal 1982 avastati Bachmani ajupiirkonnast kasvaja, õnneks suudeti see opereerida. Kuid Bachman ei elanud enam kaua pärast seda, surres 1985. a. sügisel haruldasse "varjunime vähki". Oma surma ajaks oli Bachman avaldanud viis romaani: Rage - 1977, The Long Walk - 1979, Roadwork - 1981, The Running Man - 1982 ja Thinner - 1984. Esimesed neli romaani olid kirjastatud pehmekaanelistena, viimane, The Thinner, aga kõvade kaantega ja võeti kriitikute poolt hästi vastu. Bachmani fännid, kes leinasid autori surma, võtsid hiljuti vastu häid uudiseid. Nimelt leidis Bachmani lesk Inez kolimise käigus keldrist pappkasti täis käsikirju. Osa käsikirju oli veel lõpetamata. Täiesti lõpetatud oli ainult The Regulators käsikiri

Kategooriata → Kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Tuntuimad basskitarrid

Tuntuimad basskitarrid Fender Precision Bass (P-bass) P-bassil on monoliitne kere (ühes tükis), poldagi kinnitatud vahtrapuust kael ja ühe Humbucker helipeaga ning seetõttu väga lihtsa välimuse ja kõlaga instrument. See on jäänud üheks paremini müüdavaks basskitarriks, mis valmistatud, ja populaarsus ei näita languse märke (joonis18). Fender pakub laia mudelivalikut, alates soodsama hinnaklassi Squierist kuni üsna hinnalise Ameerika Standard- ja Vintage-seeriateni. Squier Affinity P-bass on ideaalne algajale mõeldud mudel ning soodsaim variant. Kallim, kuid väärtuslik, on Mehhiko Standard P-bass. Nad kasutavad odavamaid osi kui ameeriklased, kuid on oluliselt paremad kui Squier kitarrid. Joonis 18. Fender American Standard Precision Bass. Kasutatud Fenderi kitarrid on soodsad vaid juhul, kui nad on vähem kui 15 aastat vanad. Varasemate mudelite hinnad on hakanud järsult tõusma: 1970ndate mudelid on kallid, 1...

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

I will never forget the day

To this day i still think and wish i could sit outside early in the morning and listen to the nature. Time has passed by so much, that now i spend much of my free time at the computer, and do not fall asleep until 3 in the morning, and so i do not have the time to go outside in the early mornings. Life has a habit of presenting us with obstacles which are not easy to surpass. Also, we end up in situations where we feel rage, anger, sadness and other feelings. Yet we remember the moments that are filled with gladfulness, warmth, tenderness and other nice feelings. This year, i met with a person, who still comes to mind time and again. There was this girl, very short and cute. It seemed like she didn't care about anything, but yet she was still a person, a person with her own interests. I can remember a moment, when i felt happy. We sat in her room and had a conversation about all kinds of things

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

The Picture of Dorian Gray

When Dorian tries to reconcile with Sibyl, he finds out that the girl has killed herself. Dorian realizes that passion and looks are where his life is headed and he needs nothing else. He continues this life for 18 years. When Basil questions Dorian about his wrong doings, he shows Basil the portrait, which is as hideous as Dorian's sins. Dorian blames Basil for everything and stabs Basil. In Deciding that only full confession will free him of his guilt. In a rage, he picks up the knife that killed Basil Hallward and stabs it into the painting. His servants wake up caused by a scream inside a locked room. The servants find Dorian's body, killed by being stabbed to the heart and suddenly aged, old and ugly. It is only by the rings on his hand that the corpse can be identified. Beside him, however, the portrait has turned back to its original form. I liked the book, because it was interesting, but very difficult to read because

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lääs versus islam – tsivilisatsioonide kokkupõrge

kui islami tsivilisatsioonis esile kerkinud sisemised konfliktid. Ameeriklasi lõhestavad sõjalised interventsioonid ning Euroopa Liitu kammitsev rahakriis on suurimad lääne tsivilisatsiooni proovikivid tulevikuks säilitamaks oma ühtsus. Islami maailm aga elab hetkel üle revolutsioonide lainet, mis kindlasti muudab sealse regiooni poliitilisi arenguid. See annab 9 Bernard Lewis. The Roots of Muslim Rage, lk 1. Atlantic Magazine, september 1990. 10 Ibid., lk 1. 11 Edward Said. Mõtestades ümber orientalismi, lk. 159. 12 Stephen Jay Gould. Vääriti mõõdetud inimene. Tallinn: Varrak, 2001,lk. 64-67. 4 lootust, et prioriteediks jääb ikka oma tsivilisatsioon ning kokkupõrge nagu Huntington seda usub tulevat, jääb toimumata. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Gould, Stephen J. Vääriti mõõdetud inimene

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Literary analyses of Beowulf

The Literary Analyses of "Beowulf" "Beowulf" is a heroic epic that was written down around 1000 AD in Old English. The poem's composition, however, is considered to date back to about 700 AD, meaning that it is from the Anglo-Saxon literary period. The epic was most probably created by scop(s) who composed it for entertainment and in praise of their master. Over the three centuries the epic was being changed and adapted by them, as it was inherited by word of mouth. The events occurring in the poem are set in Southern Scandinavia, Geatland and Denmark, in the fifth and sixth centuries. It should be observed that the narrative is written in the third person point of view and the narrator is omniscient. The subject matters in this poem are restricted to war and death. This was their present and therefore interesting to them as they could identify with the characters. The restricted var...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Robinson Crusoe

His father was a wise and kind man. His father came from England to Bremen, and he married Crusoe mother. Robison had two older brothers. One was killed in a battle against the Spaniards and he do not known what happened for other. Robinson Crusoe wanted an early to be seaman. It was the greatest desire of his life, but his parents were not happy with it. Crusoe eventually became a sea of one of his friend's father, who was captain. They were way to London. Rage storms at sea, and the youngster was seasick. But if they can dry land, Crusoe already wanted to go to the next trip. In the meantime happened to him many adventures where he was taken prisoner, but he escaped and met a Portuguese ship at sea by the captain helped him. Finally, he escaped it to Brazil. Where he bought a small piece of land and planted sugar and did very well. There was a need for staff recruitment, they were asked Robinson to go to Africa to buy slaves

Keeled → Inglise keel
123 allalaadimist

The picture of Dorian Gray

While the face in the portrait has turned ugly, Dorian remains young, beautiful, and innocent. On Dorian's 38th birthday, he encounters Basil, who desperately asks his former friend if all the horrifying rumors about him are true. Dorian finally snaps and shows Basil the portrait, in which the horrible truth about his wicked nature is revealed. Hallward is horrified and begs him to repent. Dorian claims it is too late and kills Basil in a fit of rage and hides his body. He blackmails another of his former old friend Alan Campbell into disposing of the body. An hour later, Dorian attends a party, but is bored and distracted. He then heads for an opium den and, out on the street, meets Sibyl's younger brother, who has been waiting for an opportunity to harm Dorian for nearly twenty years. Dorian makes a case for mistaken identity when he claims to have the face of a twenty-year-old and cannot be the man James is looking for. A woman in

Keeled → British literature
1 allalaadimist

The Moon Is Down

Molly Morden - The attractive wife of Alexander Morden Will & Tom Anders - flee town to England in order to escape the invaders and ask for foreign aid (weapons and dynamite) The "Invaders":: George Corell - popular storekeeper, traitor, and spy. Colonel Lanser treats him poorly because he is a traitor. Colonel Lanser - the head of the local battalion. Captain Bentick - old, Anglophile; loves dogs, Christmas and "pink children." Is killed by Alex Morden in a fit of rage while trying to protect Captain Loft. Major Hunter - the engineer; has a model railroad at home. Captain Loft - young, ambitious; he lives and breaths the military. Lieutenant Prackle - apparently a good artist; had five blonde sisters. Lieutenant Tonder - a poet described as a "dark romantic," is killed by Molly Morden after flirting with her. "the Leader" - referencing Adolf Hitler, though never actually naming him 25 expressions:

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Martin Luther King Jr. ''I have a dream'' kõne analüüs

A good example of this language is found in the sentence: ’’The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges’’. The descriptive words used bring emotions of determination, anger and desire to the audience. He’s conveying his feelings to the listener by painting a picture with words. Words like ‘’whirlwinds’’, ‘’revolt’’, ‘’shake’’, ‘’foundations’’ show the power and the rage behind the movement. To conclude, Martin Luther King made use of a variety of rhetorical and literary devices in his ‘’I have a dream’’ speech. He used metaphors, repetitions and emotive language to make the speech more persuasive. In addition to that he also made use of symbolism and parallelism to give it a deeper meaning and to make it more memorable. The speech turned out to be very inspirational and acted as a wake-up call for not only

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Romeo and Juliet

after attempting to see Juliet one last time. Just after Romeo leaves Juliet's bedroom unseen, Capulet enters to tell the news to his daughter that he has arranged for her to marry Paris in three days' time, to console her perceived mourning for Tybalt, although it is in fact Romeo's exile that she mourns. Juliet is unwilling to enter this arranged marriage, telling her parents that she will not marry, and when she does, "it shall be Romeo, whom I know you hate." Capulet flies into a rage and threatens to disown her if she refuses the marriage. The Nurse tells Juliet that she should leave Romeo and just marry Paris, leaving only one person supporting her marriage to Romeo, Friar Lawrence. Juliet visits Lawrence and tells him to either find a solution to her problem or she will commit suicide. Friar Lawrence, being a dabbler in herbal medicines and potions, gives Juliet a potion and a plan: the potion will put her into a death-like coma for "two and forty hours" (Act IV

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
37 allalaadimist

Laura Põldvere

Here's my chance to say what's on my mind In the ocean of space, I made a mistake Viide: Laura esitamas eurolaulu I lost my sunshine, while running away Alone in the dark on this higher ground I want to come back, do you read me now Youre my satellite... ( 1 Sunflowers Forgotten souls In suburban city lights You lose your sense of time Where are you now? Don't you realize Your rage has gone too far The truth's behind the bars Lies poisoning your brain Listen to what I say If you are In the streets of time Counting the hours You must listen and learn The secrets of flowers How they reach for the sunlight How they stretch and tower Just like sunflowers You look still confused The whirlwinds shake your head Like turbulence in the air You wonder who you are? There's no one around To win the future brain, Beat superhuman race Try to undrestand No need to pretend If you are

Muusika → Muusika
12 allalaadimist


Lear, the aging king of Britain, decides to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom evenly among his three daughters. First, however, he puts his daughters through a test, asking each to tell him how much she loves him. Goneril and Regan, Lear’s older daughters, give their father flattering answers. But Cordelia, Lear’s youngest and favorite daughter, remains silent, saying that she has no words to describe how much she loves her father. Lear flies into a rage and disowns Cordelia. The king of France, who has courted Cordelia, says that he still wants to marry her even without her land, and she accompanies him to France without her father’s blessing. Lear quickly learns that he made a bad decision. Goneril and Regan swiftly begin to undermine the little authority that Lear still holds. Unable to believe that his beloved daughters are betraying him, Lear slowly goes insane. He flees

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Directing Fiction

cards only at the very end. Ivan The terrible by Sergei Eisenstein is a biographical/historical film. Sergei Eisenstein was the one who created a feeling of illusion,projected trilogy documenting the life and times of the notorious 16th century czar, appeared to great acclaim within the Soviet Union. The actors perform in an exaggerated, often halting style that often brings to mind a combination of silent film, combination of theater and ballet. Close-ups of actors whose gestures of rage gives them the appearance of statues. Eisenstein creates a drawing light, shot of a downstairs to create a victorious feeling. Strong backlight behind the protagonists creates hallows, counter light gives reflection. High key lighting and fill lighting is represented. In frame the movement is create for the feeling of a depth. Panoramic view and most of the movements in diagonal, which creates infinity. silhouette on the backround and atmosphere is tragic, dramatic which is filled with darkness

Pedagoogika → Haridus
7 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

Through observing the De Lacey family, the monster became educated and self-aware. It also discovered a lost satchel of books and learned to read. Seeing its reflection in a pool, it realized that its physical appearance is hideous compared to the humans it watches. Though it eventually approached the family with hope of becoming their fellow, they were frightened by its appearance and drove it off, and then left the residence permanently. The creature, in a fit of rage, burned the cottage and left. In its travels some time later, the monster saw a young girl tumble into a stream and rescued her from drowning. A man, seeing it with the child in its arms, pursued it and fired a gun, wounding it. Traveling to Geneva, it met a little boy -- Victor's brother William - in the woods outside the town of Plainpalais. The monster hoped the boy was too young to fear deformity, but upon its approach, William cried out,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Later, Othello tells Desdemona to wait for him in bed and to send Emilia away. Iago's plan is going as planned. Iago instructs Rodrigo to ambush Cassio, but Rodrigo misses his mark and Cassio wounds him instead. Iago wounds Cassio back and runs away. Othello hears Cassio's cry, assuming that Iago has killed him. Lodovico and Gratiano enter to see what the commotion is about. Iago enters shortly thereafter and flies into a pretend rage as he discovers Cassio's assailant Rodrigo, whom he murders. Cassio is taken to have his wound dressed. Meanwhile, Othello stands over his sleeping wife in their bedchamber, preparing to kill her. Desdemona wakes asserting her innocence, but Othello ignores her. Emilia enters with the news that Rodrigo is dead. Othello asks about Cassio, but Emilia says he is not. Othello tells her that he has killed Desdemona for her infidelity, which Iago brought to his attention. Montano,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

A. H Tammsaare - Kuningal on külm

Kuningal on külm Mäng kolmes vaatuses, neljas pildis. O SALIS ED : KUNINGAS NARR, Joosep NOORTEENER, Mathias TEENER TOANEITSI VÄEÜLEM KIRJAÜLEM SISEÜLEM VÄLISÜLEM VARAÜLEM PÕLLUÜLEM KARJAÜLEM HÜVEÜLEM ÜLEMPREESTER KARLO ANGELA ISA EMA PEALIK, VALVURID, SÕDURID A e g: olevik K o h t: olematu maa Euroopa taladel Esimene vaatus (Ruumikas neljanurgeline tuba. Keskel suur laud paari tooliga. Teised toolid paremal seina ääres. Laua tagaotsas kõrgend, kus torkab silma midagi aujärje või mahuka tugitooli taolist. Toa kolmest uksest kaks on tagaseinas: üks lauast pahemalt ­ kuningale, teine peagu paremas nurgas ­ teenritele. Kolmas uks, kust tulevad ülemad, asub paremas seinas. Eesriide kerkides laual põleb küünal ja noorteener Mathias tõstab toole laua äärde. Kostab vali koputus paremalt tagaseina ukselt, aga noorteener ei võta seda kuuldavakski. Alles kui ...

Teatrikunst → Teatriõpetus
40 allalaadimist


1826. aastal valmisid tema illustratsioonid Iiobi raamatule. Kuigi Blake'i tööde originaalsus ja intuitiivsus kuulutasid ette kunsti edasist arengut, oli ta liiga individualistlik, et tal oleks sel ajal järgijaid olnud. William Blake Auguries of Innosence To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. A robin redbreast in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage. A dovehouse fill'd with doves and pigeons Shudders hell thro' all its regions. A dog starv'd at his master's gate Predicts the ruin of the state. A horse misused upon the road Calls to heaven for human blood. Each outcry of the hunted hare A fibre from the brain does tear. A skylark wounded in the wing, A cherubim does cease to sing. The gamecock clipt and arm'd for fight Does the rising sun affright. Every wolf's and lion's howl

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice

has done.  Othello - A brilliant military mind and respected leader in Venice’s elitist society, Othello is a Moor (an African) and is not fully excepted because of his origins and color. After many successful military ventures, he finds and falls in love with Desdemona, the daughter of a senator. Because of his insecurities and social hyper awareness, he is easily deceived and misled by Iago’s careful machinations and forced into a blind, jealous rage, smothering Desdemona in her sleep.  Desdemona - A noble woman and daughter of the Venetian Senator Brabantio, Desdemona falls in love with Othello and displays particular strength of spirit in following him and remaining steadfast in the face of danger. She relies on her trust and love of her husband and even as he grows distant and jealous of her for reasons she cannot discern, she simply appeals to their love and hopes for his trust in return

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma 10. klass täielik kokkuvõte

Talupojad sõltuvad. Ladina keel. · Kolooniad ja munitsiipiumid. Munitsiipiumid ­elanikel Rooma kodakondusus. Kohalik omavalitsus. Rooma õigus: · Rooma kodanikud olid seaduse kaitse all. · Õigus apelleerida( edasi kaevata ) kõrgemale seadusandjale. · Seadusandluse algus 12 tahvli seadustest. · Arvestati pretsedenti so. tugineti varasema sarnase juhtumi puhul langetatud otsusele. · Protsessi korrektsus. Rage seaduse järgimine. Karistused ei olnud liialt karmid. · Keisririigi ajal juristid ­juriidiline (õigusteaduslik) terminoloogia. Õigusteaduse algus. Ühiskond ja eluolu: · Enamik talupojad. Maaomanikud, rentnikud. · Latifundiumid ­ulatuslikud, orjatööl põhinevad suurmaavaldused. Toodang müügiks. Aja jooksul muutusid isemajandavateks suurmõisateks. · Arenenud linnad. Linn majandus-, kultuuri ja poliitilised keskused. Rikkad,

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
539 allalaadimist

Tsehhov daam koeraga Chekov Lady and the Lapdog

Guards officer named Narumov. Among the assembled guests is a young officer of engineers, Hermann, who is of German origin, and who never gambles, but observes the play keenly. Tomsky, another member of the company, remarks that his octogenarian grandmother, the Countess Anna Fedotovna, also does not "punt" ­ despite the circumstances of an anecdote, which (summarised as follows) he then proceeds to narrate: Sixty years before (i.e. about 1770) the Countess was the rage of Paris, known there as la Vénus moscovite. Having lost a considerable sum at cards (at the game of faro) to the Duke of Orleans, Literary Encyclopedia: Pikovaia dama 10/20/2007 07:09 PM Page 2 of 3 moscovite. Having lost a considerable sum at cards (at the game of faro) to the Duke of Orleans, which her husband refused to cover, she faced financial and social ruin. In desperation, she turned to

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist


PSÜHHOPATOLOOGIA Psüühikahäirete avaldumise tasemed: 1) sümptom väljendab haigusliku iseloomuga üksikhälvet psüühilises funktsioonis (nt. meeleolu alanemine, hallutsinatsioon) 2) sündroom enamus psüühilisi haigusi ei avaldu üksiku sümptomi, vaid teatud sageli koosesinevate sümptomite kogumina; nt. depressioonisündroom (meeleolu alanemine, energia vähenemine, rõõmutunde kadumine, lootusetus, süütunne jne), 3) maaniasündroom (meeleolu ja aktiivsuse kõrgenemine, energia lisandumise tunne jne), 4) hallutsinoosisündroom (elavad verbaalsed kuulmishallutsinatsioonid, ärevus-hirmutunne jne). Sümptomeid võib liigitada: 1) PSÜÜHILISTE FUNKTSIOONIDE ALUSEL: a) teadvus, b) tajumine, c) mõtlemine, d) emotsioonid, e) mälu, f) intellekt, muud sümptomid; 2) POSITIIVSED JA NEGATIIVSED SÜMPTOMID; 3) PSÜHHOOTILISED JA MITTEPSÜHHOTILISED. Teadvuse seisund Mõistega "teadvuse seisund" tähistatakse meditsiinis psüühilise aktiivsuse üldist taset, millega...

Psühholoogia → Sissejuhatus psühholoogiasse
127 allalaadimist

Ainetöö aktsiad

SISSEJUHATUS Ainetöö eesmärk on anda ülevaade aktsiate liikidest ja nendega seonduvatest korporatiivsetest sündmustest. Teema valiku põhjuseks on arutori isiklik huvi erinevate aktsiate vastu. Kuna kooli programmis puudutatakse teemat väga üldistavalt, otsustas autor teha sellest teemast täpsema ülevaate. Töös antakse ülevaade võõrkapitali kaasamise võimalustest, sest tänapäeva majandussüsteemis on enamus suurettevõtteid üles ehitatud võõrkapitali kaasamisega. Töö annab ka ülevaate erinevatest kasutusel olevatest aktsialiikidest nii Eestis kui väljaspool Eesti õigussüsteemi ning milliste aktsiate kasutamine on rohkem levinum erinevates ärivaldkondades ja kuidas oleks kasulik ettevõtel oma aktsiakapitali struktureerida. Tänapäeval on enamus arenenud riikide kodanikest aktsionärid. Seda läbi pensionifondide, mis tavaliselt koosnevad erinevatest võlakirjadest ja aktsiatest. Tänapäeva infoajastul, kus paljud meie igapäevategevustest on...

Majandus → Majandus
50 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. 133. If you have two pennies, spend one on bread to give you life, and one on a flower to give meaning to your life. 134. Hospitality meets its greatest test when a new idea drops by uninvited. 135. The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them. 136. If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest. 137. A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. 138. Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility of human life. 139. Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. 140. He who marries the Sprit of the Age will be a widower in the age to come. 141. Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

But the legend of the White Lady of Haapsalu, which is at the heart of the festival, is perhaps the most famous tall tale of the many that are so abundant in Estonia's folklore. It is the story of a poor girl who falls in love with the son of the village elder, and disguises herself as a choirboy in order to sneak into the castle. But, alas, the lord of the manor's son discovers the deception. He is overcome by jealous rage and orders his men to seal the girl inside the thick stone walls while still alive. Turned into an incarnation of undying love, the White Lady now appears every August, on the night of the full moon, in the Dome Church chapel window. Haapsalu is seven-and-a- quarter centuries old this year, and the townsfolk intend to make it a celebration to remember. The annual dance and light show dedicated to the Lady alone involves over 100 performers - and you'll

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist


take out their own personal insecurities on Cohn. It is important to note that Cohn's behavior toward Brett is ultimately not very different from that of most of the men in the novel. They all want to possess her in ways that she resists. But Cohn's attempts to win Brett are so clumsy and foolish that they provide an easy target for mockery. Cohn adheres to an outdated, prewar value system of honor and romance. He fights only within the confines of the gym until his rage and frustration make him lash out at Romero and Jake. He plays hard at tennis, but if he loses he accepts defeat gracefully. Furthermore, he cannot believe that his affair with Brett has no emotional value. Hence, he acts as a foil for Jake and the other veterans in the novel; unlike them, he holds onto traditional values and beliefs, likely because he never experienced World War I firsthand. Sadly, Cohn's value system has no place in the postwar world, and Cohn cannot sustain it. His tearful

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

English structure revision for the exam 1. Terms Language → A systematic, conventional (tavakohane) use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. Human language at all levels is rule- or principle- governed (valitsema) meaning that language corresponds to the grammar. Natural language is usually spoken, while language can also be encoded into symbols (such as letters, morse etc) For example: Estonian, English. Linguistics → The scientific study of human natural language. Broadly, there are three aspects to the study which are  Pragmatics (studies the use of language → interested in the gap between the sentence’s meaning and the speaker’s meaning).  Semantics (concerned with the meaning of the language aspects and the way they change, also how objects and language and thinking and language are related). ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Olete valmis vastupidist tõestama... Andres Laar 2008 2007 S UHTARVUDE LIIGID Suhtarve liigitatakse sõltuvalt sellest, millist firma majandusliku seisu aspekti sellega püütakse hinnata: 1) lühiajalise maksevõime suhtarvud(S hort-Te rm S olve ncy R atios ), 2) varade juhtimise suhtarvud (Activity R atios ), 3) võla juhtimise suhtarvud (Le ve rage R atios ), 4) tulususe suhtarvud (Profitability R atios ), 5) aktsiate turuväärtuse suhtarvud (Marke t Value R atios ). Andres Laar 2008 2007 MAKSEVÕIME HINDAMINE Lühiajaliste kohustuste kattekordaja näitab, kui palju oli firmal aruande koostamise hetkel (või keskmiselt) käibevara kokku ühe krooni lühiajaliste kohustuste kohta.

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine ja...
762 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

Paul painstakingly carries him to the dressing station while shells crash around him. Kat is the only friend Paul has left in the army. When he reaches the station, still carrying Kat, he discovers that Kat has been hit in the head by a fragment from an exploding shell. Paul's dearest friend is dead. Chapter Twelve Summary In the autumn of 1918, after the bloodiest summer in Paul's wartime experience, Paul is the only living member of his original group of classmates. The war continues to rage, but now that the United States has joined the Allies, Germany's defeat is inevitable, only a matter of time. In light of the extreme privations suffered by both the German soldiers and the German people, it seems likely that if the war does not end soon, the German people will revolt against their leaders. After inhaling poison gas, Paul is given fourteen days of leave to recuperate. A wave of intense desire to return home seizes him, but he is frightened because he has no goals; were he

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

and the obstinate Dorine again lifts her hand behind his shoulder to urge Mariane to resistance: this time he catches her; but just as he swings his shoulder to give her the promised blow, she stops him by changing the intent of her gesture, and carefully picking from the top of his sleeve a bit of fluff which she holds carefully between her fingers, then blows into the air, and watches intently as it floats away. Orgon is paralysed by her innocence of expression, and compelled to hide his rage.--Regnier, /Le Tartuffe des Comediens/.] ORGON Daughter, you must approve of my design. . . . Think of this husband . . . I have chosen for you. . . (To Dorine) Why don't you talk to yourself? DORINE Nothing to say. ORGON One little word more. DORINE Oh, no, thanks. Not now. ORGON Sure, I'd have caught you. DORINE Faith, I'm no such fool. ORGON So, daughter, now obedience is the word; You must accept my choice with reverence. DORINE (running away)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


rolli nii uurimisprobleemi / -küsimuste formuleerimisel, kui ka tulemuste tõlgendamisel Teisalt eeldatakse, et uurimisprobleemid on ühiskondlikult ja poliitiliselt olulised ja pole halb, kui saadud teadmisel on ka teatav praktiline väärtus Teooriate ulatus Teooriaid liigitakse vastavalt nende abstraktsuse astmele. USA sotsioloogi R. Merton'i klassifikatsioon: Suured teooriad (grand theory) Keskmise ulatusega teooriad (middle rage theory) BA-töös kasutage "keskmise ulatusega teooriad" Paradigma ­ suured koolkonnad, mis eristuvad üksteisest oma reaalsuse tunnetamise ja analüüsimise viisides. Paradigma sees on palju erinevaid teooriad. Riigiteaduste põhiparadigmad Biheivorism Institutsionalism Interpretatiivne lähenemine, ehk konstruktivism Ratsionaalse valiku teooria Vahel eristatakse ka: Marksism Normatiivne lähenemine (poliitika filosoofias)

Muu → Uurimismeetodid
47 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSE PSÜHHOLOOGIA METATEOORIAD 07.09 Gordon Allport- isiksuse psüh isa OMADUS- Temperament- bioloogiline osa isiksusest METATEOORIA- viis isiksuse mõistmiseks. Postulaatide kogum. Kontrollitav ja peab sobima teadaolevate faktidega, selle raames saab sõnastada spetsiifilisemaid teooriaid. Bioloogiline lähenemine (reduktsionism)- Eysenck, Zuckerman. Ütleb et individuaalsed tulevad bioloogilistest erinevustest ja nt sotsiaalsest õppimisest. Ekstravertsus on tegelikult dopamiin. Teaduse eesmärk taandada keerulist lihtsamale. Isomorfsuse küsimus- kas isiksusejoonte= bioloogilised süsteemid? DNA-> neuroloogia->biokeemia->füsioloogia­>tingimine->sots käitumine->omadused Hübriidteooria Kognitiiv- käitumuslik teooria (Mischel, Markus) Kahe protsessi teooria- kontrollitud ja automaatsete protsesside eristamine. 2 otsustussüsteemi- kiire ja aeglane Elukäiguteooria- eakohased sostiialsed ootu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

To their lord's murder: roasted in wrath and fire, And thus o'er-sized with coagulate gore, With eyes like carbuncles, the hellish Pyrrhus Old grandsire Priam seeks.' So, proceed you. LORD POLONIUS 'Fore God, my lord, well spoken, with good accent and good discretion. First Player 'Anon he finds him Striking too short at Greeks; his antique sword, Rebellious to his arm, lies where it falls, Repugnant to command: unequal match'd, Pyrrhus at Priam drives; in rage strikes wide; But with the whiff and wind of his fell sword The unnerved father falls. Then senseless Ilium, Seeming to feel this blow, with flaming top Stoops to his base, and with a hideous crash 77 Takes prisoner Pyrrhus' ear: for, lo! his sword, Which was declining on the milky head Of reverend Priam, seem'd i' the air to stick: So, as a painted tyrant, Pyrrhus stood, And like a neutral to his will and matter, Did nothing

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Teooriate ulatus • Teooriaid liigitakse vastavalt nende abstraktsuse astmele. USA sotsioloogi R. Merton’i klassifikatsioon: – Suured teooriad (grand theory) – väga abstraktsed, seos igapäevaeluga väike, seletavad suuri süsteeme ja üldisi seaduspärasusi (kuidas ük. töötab, kuidas toimivad poliitilised süsteemid). Empiiriliselt raske või võimatu kontrollida (nt. Weber, Marx, Easton, Habermas, jt). – Keskmise ulatusega teooriad (middle rage theory) – pole nii abstraktne, võimalik empiiriliselt testida, fokuseeritum (nt. sotsiaalse mobiilsuse teooriad, valimiskäitumise teooriad, Putnam’i sotsiaalse kapitali teooria, agenda setting’u teooria, ratsionaalse valiku teooria, jne). • BA-töös kasutage “keskmise ulatusega teooriad” • Paradigma – suured koolkonnad, mis eristuvad üksteisest oma reaalsuse tunnetamise ja analüüsimise viisides. Paradigma sees on palju erinevaid teooriad. Riigiteaduste põhiparadigmad

Muu → Uurimismeetodid
84 allalaadimist

American Literature

After his father's death the family moved to Oakland, California in 1853, and his mother remarried Colonial Andrew Williams. Harte taught for a while, and also worked in the mining industry. The weekly newspaper Northern Californian was Harte's first exposure to journalism, editing, and writing. When drunken Union members murdered countless Wiyot Indian men, women, and children in the Gunther's Island Massacre in 1860, Harte lashed out in editorial rage and barely escaped with his life when the locals ran him out of town. "Today we record acts of Indian aggression and white retaliation. It is a humiliating fact that the parties who may be supposed to represent white civilization have committed the greater barbarity." Harte made his way to San Francisco where he was soon working as a typesetter and contributing poems, articles, and short stories for the journal The Golden Era. He started signing his works as "Bret" or "The Bohemian"

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


NEUROPSÜHHOLOOGIA PAITA; KALLISTA; SILITA oma last ja üksteist jnejne. See on väga hea ajule  Trakt ehk juhtetee. Taalamus võtab sensoorse info vastu ja saadab edasi nt posttsentraalkääru. pärast Neuropsühholoogia sissejuhatus ja sensoorne süsteem sporti vabanevad endorfiinid ja siis tunneme end hästi. TEE SPORTI! Aju loob kogu aeg seoseid. Kui aju ei kasuta, siis ta hakkab ühendusi ära kustutama jne. *PAROKAMBER* -ruum, kus rõhuga surutakse CO hemoglobiiniküljest ära. Geneetikal ka suur tähtsus ja ka kogemused, positive elamus jne, mis elu jooksul (eriti 3 KÜSIMUSJÄRGMISEKS KORRAKS:? Milline sensoorse süsteemi osa viib sensoorse info esimese a jooksul) saame.Kõik saab alguse meie ajutööst. Aju...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
259 allalaadimist


14. Remains of ancient people dating to 9000 B.C. have been found in the state of Ohio. (A) indigenous (B) frail (C) early (D) conserved 15. Hawaii is economically vigorous, with extensive agriculture and manufacturing, and is a Pacific Basin transportation and cultural center. (A) advantaged (B) dependable (C) involved (D) strong 16. The unique nature of viruses requires careful study to determine how they develop in host cells. (A) rage (B) vague (C) resilient (D) intriguing 17. Active volcanoes are scattered over the area of the Earth known as the Ring of Fire. (A) feared (B) discovered (C) distributed (D) grouped 18. Theodore Roosevelt regarded vaudeville as an amusing North American pastime. (A) abusive (B) interesting (C) enriching (D) archaic 19. Most migrant workers move in a well-established pattern according to the season of the regions where they work.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

I tried to find him, to tell him everything was fine, but the water was so deep, it was pressing on me, and I couldn't breathe. There was a point of pressure against my head. It hurt. Then, as that pain broke through the darkness to me, other pains came, stronger pains. I cried out, gasping, breaking through the dark pool. "Bella!" the angel cried. "She's lost some blood, but the head wound isn't deep," a calm voice informed me. "Watch out for her leg, it's broken." A howl of rage strangled on the angel's lips. I felt a sharp stab in my side. This couldn't be heaven, could it? There was too much pain for that. "Some ribs, too, I think," the methodical voice continued. But the sharp pains were fading. There was a new pain, a scalding pain in my hand that was overshadowing everything else. Someone was burning me. "Edward." I tried to tell him, but my voice was so heavy and slow. I couldn't understand myself. "Bella, you're going to be fine. Can you hear me, Bella

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

If a chick makes the cheep-cheep noise, its mother will care for it; if not, the mother will ignore or sometimes kill it. The extreme reliance of maternal turkeys upon this one sound was dramati- cally illustrated by animal behaviorist M. W. Fox (1974) in his description of an ex- periment involving a mother turkey and a stuffed polecat. For a mother turkey, a polecat is a natural enemy whose approach is to be greeted with squawking, peck- ing, clawing rage. Indeed, the experiments found that even a stuffed model of a polecat, when drawn by a string to a mother turkey, received an immediate and fu- rious attack. When, however, the same stuffed replica carried inside it a small recorder that played the cheep-cheep sound of baby turkeys, the mother not only accepted the oncoming polecat but gathered it underneath her. When the machine was turned off, the polecat model again drew a vicious attack. Click, Whirr

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

100 to 150 40 to 60 50 to 100 20 to 40 25 to 50 10 to 20 Under 25 Under 10 .. . Climate Graphs Average daily Ave rage mon thly temperature preci pitati on range (in ' F) (in inch esJ '~j ~ l: South Am en ca IS dommated by tr opi cal vegeta tlo n, including Earth 's m ost extensive rain for est.

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

are not to be the business of her life, she will soon be beyond the reach of amendment. Her character will be fixed, and she will, at sixteen, be the most determined flirt that ever made herself or her family ridiculous; a flirt, too, in the worst and meanest degree of flirtation; without any attraction beyond youth and a tolerable person; and, from the ignorance and emptiness of her mind, wholly unable to ward off any portion of that universal contempt which her rage for admiration will excite. In this danger Kitty also is comprehended. She will follow wherever Lydia leads. Vain, ignorant, idle, and absolutely uncontrolled! Oh! my dear father, can you suppose it possible that they will not be censured and despised wherever they are known, and that their sisters will not be often involved in the disgrace?" Mr. Bennet saw that her whole heart was in the subject, and affectionately taking her hand said in reply: "Do not make yourself uneasy, my love

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

A New Earth

is to say that they want something bad to happen, you will understand that many traffic accidents are caused by drivers whose pain-bodies are active at the time. When two drivers with active pain-bodies arrive at an intersection at the same time, the likelihood of an accident is many times greater than under normal circumstances. Unconsciously they both want the accident to happen. The role of pain-bodies in traffic accidents is most obvious in the phenomenon called “road rage,” when drivers become physically violent often over a trivial matter such as someone in front of them driving too slowly. Man acts of violence are committed by “normal” people who temporarily turn into maniacs. All over the world at court proceedings you hear the defense lawyers say, “This is totally out of character,” and the accused, “I don't know what came over me.” To my knowledge so far, no defense lawyer has said to the judge – although the day may not be far off -

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"I'd spare you the details, but you need to know what someone might dig up. The hospital reported the abuse to child services. It's all a matter of public record, which has been sealed, but there are people who know the story. When my mom married Stanton, he went back and tightened those seals, paid out in return for nondisclosure agreements...stuff like that. But you have a right to know that this could come out and embarrass you." "Embarrass me?" he snapped, vibrating with rage. "Embarrassment isn't on the list of what I'd feel." "Gideon-" "I would destroy the career of any reporter who wrote about this, and then I'd dismantle the publication that ran the piece." He was so cold with fury, he was icy. "I'm going to find the monster who hurt you, Eva, wherever he is, and I'm going to make him wish he was dead." A shiver moved through me, because I believed him. It was in his face. His voice. In the energy he exuded and his sharply honed focus

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY M Y T H I C STRUCTURE FOR W R I T E R S THIRD EDITION CHRISTOPHER VOGLER S C R E E N W R I T I N G / W R I T I N G Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. Discover a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms like "The Hero's Journey," and step-by-step guidelines to plot and • character development. Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, The Writers Jour...

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


was a tremendous rush to get organized, but then the pressure eased, and Yardley and helpers Lieutenants J. Rives Childs of G.2 A.6 and Frederick Livesey, who had been sent over from MI-8, enjoyed the life of playboy cryptologists. A practical soul, Yardley saw no need for the three officers assigned to the bureau to be present at once, and so a rotation of duties was arranged that permitted them to spend most of their time at the international cocktail parties and dancings that were then the rage of Paris. When it ended, as it had to, Yardley, viewing with distaste a return to the State Department code room, and burning with evangelical fervor over America's need for cryptanalysis, exercised his potent salesmanship on the State and War departments. He won the concurrence of Frank L. Polk, the acting Secretary of State; then, on May 16, 1919, he submitted to the Chief of Staff a plan for a "permanent organization for code and cipher investigation and attack

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun