She is dead and if somebody reads it, he or she can learn about her and will know what she was like. The purpose of the work is to introduce Diana and get to know her better. Diana Facts about Diana Main Facts Her full name is Diana Frances Spencer and she was the Princess of Wales. Diana was called people's Princess. She was born on 1. July 1961 in Park house, Sandringham, Norfolk. She was born at the same place as her mother. She was married to Charles, Prince of Wales in 1981 and divorced in 1996. She died in car a accident on 31. August 1997 when she was only 36 years old. She is buried at Althorp, Northamptonshire. Family Her mother's full name is Frances Ruth Shand Kydd (1936 - 2004) and father's full name is Edward John Spencer (1924 1992). She has two sons with Prince Charles: Prince William, aged 27 and Prince Harry, aged 25. She gave birth to both sons in St Mary's Hospital, London. She has
PRESENTATION PRINCESS DIANA Diana, Princess of Wales was born on the 1st of July in 1961 and died on the 31st of August in 1997. She was a popular member of the British royal family and an international personality of the late 20th century. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on the 29th of July in 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. Diana and Charles had two sons, Princes William and Harry. EARLY LIFE She was born at Park House, Sandringham in Norfolk, England. Her parents were John Spencer and Frances Burke Roche. She had two older sisters Sarah and Jane and a younger brother Charles. When
* the heir who embodies the monarchy's future valitseja kes kehastas endas monarhia tulevikku * the game is no longer worth the candles mäng ei ole seda enam väärt II ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1. What is the name of the reigning dynasty ? House of Windsor 2. How is the British political system described? constitutional monarchy or parliamentary democracy 3. Who governs '' in the name of the queen '' ? the government 4. How many children do Elisabeth II and Prince Philip have? four 5. Which is Prince William in line to the throne? second 6. What is Prince William's title? His Royal Highness (HRH) 7. When was he born? on 21 June 1982 8. What school did he go to at the age of 8? Ludgrove School in Berkshire 9. Which famous public school did he attend? Eton College, Windsor 10. Which Alevel exams did he take there? History of Art, Geography, Biology 11. What happened in the year 1996? William's parents were divorced 12. What do you know about Princess Diana?
He is son of the Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, who died in a plane crash in Copenhagen in 1947, and Princess Sibylla of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, who died in Stockholm in 1972. King Carl Gustaf married Miss Silvia Renate Sommerlath on June 19, 1976 in the Stockholm Cathedral. Their children are Victoria, Carl Philip and Madeleine. The King has also four older sisters: Margaretha, Birgitta, Désirée and Christina. Carl Gustaf became the Crown Prince at the age of four, when Gustaf V died. Hewent to the preschool and he was taught privately at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. He went to the military service, where he was two and a half years. He trained in the Army, Navy and Air Force. He also took part in a long voyage on the mine-laying vessel in Älvsnabben in the winter of 1966-1967. He had studied history, economics and all kind of academic studies. During the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany in 1972, the Crown Prince met Miss
hospitals, schools, etc.) In addition, the Princess was the patroness of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly. From 1989, she was announced as a President of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. She was married on 29 July 1981. The wedding, which was held at St. Paul's Cathedral, was televised and watched by a global audience of over 750 million people. On June 21, 1982 her first son Prince William was born. Two years later, on September 15, 1984, Diana's second and youngest son Prince Henry was born. On August 26, 1996, Diana and Charles divorced. On 31 August 1997, Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris. Her companion Dodi Fayed and the driver Henri Paul were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Fayed's bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, was the only survivor. Princess Diana's death has been claimed as a conspiracy.
progressing to the last. 12.French influence on the English language English language originally sprang from the dialects of three Germanic tribes known by historians as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These peoples settled in Britain around 450 AD. Their language became known as Anglo-Saxon. One of the most important influences ever to shape the English language arrived in 1066 AD-William the Conquerors invasion of the British Isles. The Norman Conquest and its Consequences On William the Conqueror's accession to the throne of England, several important changes took place. Firstly, the French dialect the Normans spoke (Anglo-Norman) became the official language of the court, administration, and perhaps just as importantly, the language of culture. At the same time, English was relegated the common people, and became the language of everyday use. This official ignoring of Old English actually assisted in simplifying the language. Being ignored by grammarians,
The Duchess of Kent developed a close relationship with Sir John Conroy, an ambitious Irish officer. Conroy acted as if Victoria was his daughter and had a major influence over her as a child. [2] Edward, Duke of Kent Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg When Princess Victoria of Kent was eleven years old, her uncle, King George IV, died childless, leaving the throne to his brother, the Duke of Clarence and St Andrews, who became King William IV. As the new king was childless, the young Princess Victoria became heiress-presumptive to the throne. Since the law at that time made no special provision for a child monarch, Victoria would have been eligible to govern the realm as would an adult. In order to prevent such a scenario, Parliament passed the Regency Act 1831, under which it was provided that Victoria's mother, the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn, would act as Regent during the queen's minority
Her reign was punctuated by clashes with Parliament over the succession, and her reluctance to deal with Mary, Queen of Scots. Within two decades of Elizabeth's death, the Elizabethan period had come to be known as a "golden age", a period of great literary achievements, the age of William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney, and Edmund Spenser, but, at the time, the regime often felt beleaguered at home and abroad. Internally, Elizabethan England was marked by religious divisions, as "official" Protestantism was consolidated in the local communities, and there was intense commercial rivalry and expansion abroad. The Religious Settlement of 1559 was the defining moment of the English Reformation, while the
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