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"miracle" - 47 õppematerjali

miracle - miraculous miraculously supposition suppose supposed supposedly sanety - sane (in)sanely ridicule ridicule ridiculous ridiculously sale sell sold - recommendation recommend Recommended Recommendedly recommendable remains remain remained remainedly (un)easiness ease Easy easily eased function function functional functionally Rule rule ruling -

Kasutaja: Miracle

Faile: 0

Tehnikaimed 2009

vanamoelisest välimusest peidab endas imesid. Auto katus on tehtud päikesepatareidest, kõrvalistuja ukse küljes on üherattaline liikumisvahend ning iluvõre taha on peidetud infotabloo, mille eesmärki ega võimalusi Honda seni täpsemalt selgitanud pole. Auto isikupärastamiseks saab 1960. aastatel toodetud mudeli N360 moodsa teisiku istmekatteid oma maitse järgi vahetada. Uus LG tehnoloogia säilitab värsket toitu kaks nädalat LG Electronics töötas välja uue tehnoloogia Miracle Zone, mis võimaldab säilitada värsket toitu sügavkülmutamata kujul kuni kaks nädalat. Miracle Zone on külmkapis sees kasutamiseks mõeldud spetsiaalne tsoon, millele saab ülejäänud külmikust määrata eraldi reziime ja temperatuuri. Miracle Zone on mõeldud eelkõige värske toidu säilitamiseks, nagu juur- ja puuviljad, rohelised maitsetaimed, marjad, juustud, mereannid, sink, kala, linnuliha ja hakkliha. Uue

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Kloordioksiid ehk pleegitav ravim

Marie Pau 11.A Kloordioksiid ehk pleegitav ravim MMS ehk Miracle Mineral Supplement või Miracle Mineral Solution on lahus, mis koosneb 28% naatriumkloritist ja destilleeritud ehk lahustunud lisandeist puhastatud veest. 2006 aastal tutvustas lahust maailmale Jim Humble, kes tutvustas MMS-i kui “The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century“. Humble ja tema pooldajad reklaamivad lahust ravimina maailma kõige tõsisematele haigustele näiteks gripiviirusele, HIV-le ja vähile. Paljud arstid ja teadlased hoiatavad inimesi MMS-i tervistkahjustavate kõrvalnähtude eest. Näiteks võib lahus põhjustada oksendamist, kõhulahtisust, siseelundite kahjustusi ja surma. Meedia keeldub lahusest rääkimast. Naatriumkloriti, mida inimesed tarbivad enda arust kui ravimit,

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
8 allalaadimist

Maasika, tomati ja sibullillede väetamine

kasvuaegseks ja mikro- lisaväetamiseks. kobestatakse elemente. kergelt mulla sisse. Substral® N 20% aprillist kuni Väetist kasutada Vesilahusega Substral Suurendab Miracle P2O5 20% septembrini. igakordsel saaki ja Gro®- K2O 20% kastmisel. pikendab Maasika viljakandmis väetis perioodi. TOMAT

Põllumajandus → Väetusõpetus
18 allalaadimist

Jacopo Tintoretto

Jacopo Tintoretto 1518-1594 Tintoretto elulugu · Jacopo Robusti · 29. septembril 1518. aastal ja suri 31. mail 1594 · Itaalia maalikunstnik · Ebapopulaarne Tintoretto teosed · 1539. aastaks oli ta piisavalt küps · Meeldis poose joonistada · Vähesel määral portreemaale · Tema tööd asuvad kirikutes Miracle of the Slave Tänan tähelepanu eest! The Origin of the Milky Way Paradise St. Jerome - Hieronymous Bosch Viimane õhtusöök Tõusev Kristus

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
20 allalaadimist


Egypt By: Eget Lina 10D weather I'd like to go when it's summer because in winter there is a lot of rain. In summer: Hot and dry climate. Temperatures average between 26.7 and 32.2 °C in summer I love the sun Expensive, money Currency- Egyptian pound (EGP) One Euro()= 9.45 EGP Comparison: Estonian (museums) ticket price is usually-5 euros Egypt (museums) ticket price is usually-417.82 EGP= 44.20 Abu Simbel temples Beautiful nature Beauty of temples Very famous Giza Necropolis One of the most known Chephreni sfinks Miracle of the world Egyptian Museum History of Egypt King Tutankhamun Pharaohs Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Zac Efron

filming of High School Musical. Films: Year Film Role Other notes 2002 Firefly Young Simon Tam Ep. "Safe" Melinda's World Stuart Wasser The Guardian Luke Tomello Ep. "Without Consent" 2003 ER Bobby Neville Ep. "Dear Abby" The Big Wide World of Carl Pete Laemke Laemke Miracle Run Steven Morgan 2004 Room Raiders Himself Guest star Triple Play Harry Fuller Sick Inside by Hope Partlow Love Interest Music video Summerland Cameron Bale 16 episodes (26 in series) CSI: Miami Seth Dawson Ep. "Sex & Taxes" 2005 Ep. "Davey Hunkerhoff / Ratted

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 18

One day the caregivers found Tweety looking very sick again. They rushed him to the hospital where the vets said Tweety would need blood from another rabbit to survive. One of the brave bunnies, bernie, gave the blood that saved Tweety. Although Tweety could not have survived without Bernie´s blood, the vets still did not have much hope as he had too many internal problems. Yet, Tweety seemed to be hanging on, so they waited and hoped for a miracle. After some serious treatment the caregivers brought Tweety home to the farm. A check-up two weeks later showed that his health was improving and his heart was working fine. Tweety was in good health and didn´t have to take nay medicine. Happy and healthy and full of live, he truly is a miracle. pneumonia - kopsupõletik internal problems - seesmised hädad 1 Tweety lived in a dirty cage in a rabbit breeder´s back yard.

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Rooside väetamine

Väga häid tulemusi on saadud kasutades rooside väetamisel spetsiaalseid Substral® roosiväetisi. Substral® nimetuse all on müügil kolm erinevat spetsiaalset roosiväetist. Merilen Mentaal ja Katrin Ruitlane-Rütli soovitavad kasutada Substral® roosiväetisi. ( Vastavalt valitud väetisele on nende poolt antud väetamise soovitused võetud kokku allolevas tabelis 1. Substral® Substral® Miracle Kuu Substral® Osmocote® Grow® APRILL X X - Kuival ilmastikuperioodil lahustada väetist vees ja MAI X X

Põllumajandus → Väetusõpetus
35 allalaadimist

Celine Dion

She even buy shoe that doesnt even fit her! 05.01.13 Filmography · Touched by angel · The Nanny · All my childrens · La fureur de Céline · Des fleurs sur la neige 05.01.13 English-language studio albums Unison (1990) Celine Dion (1992) The Colour of My Love (1993) Falling into You (1996) Let's Talk About Love (1997) These Are Special Times (1998) A New Day Has Come (2002) One Heart (2003) Miracle (2004) Taking Chances (2007) 05.01.13 French-language studio albums La voix du bon Dieu (1981) Céline Dion chante Noël (1981) Tellement j'ai d'amour... (1982) Les chemins de ma maison (1983) Chants et contes de Noël (1983) Mélanie (1984) C'est pour toi (1985) Incognito (1987) Dion chante Plamondon (1991) D'eux (1995) S'il suffisait d'aimer (1998) 1 fille & 4 types (2003) D'elles (2007) 05.01

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


And Pamela and Hamliton were a couple too. Richard was still very lonely, he was waiting Karen`s awakening. Richard`s and Karen´s daughter Megan lived with Karen`s parents Georg and Lois. Megan saw her mother first time when she was six years old. Hamliton and Pamela were doing drugs. And they took it themselves too. They got an overdose on the first of november in 1999 and they were taken to the hospidal where was Karen too. Wendy was a doctor there. And in the same evening happened a miracle, Karen woke. Her memory was clear. She remembered that night when she fell in a coma well, like that would be yesterday. Karen`s friends and her parents were very happy about it. But Karen did not know that she had a daughter and it took time to her to get used with it. Karen`s body was weak and she could not move. The journalists were very interested to get an interview from Karen. And finally she agreed to go along with a talkshow

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury Freddie Freddie Mercury oli rock-muusik ja laululooja. Ta on enim tuntud inglise ansambli Queen solistina. Freddie sündis väikesel Sansibari saarel. Aastal 1964 toimusid Zanzibaris politiilised muutused, mistõttu kolis perekond Inglismaale. 1970. aasta aprillis lahkus Tim Staffell Smile'ist ning Freddie võttis tema koha ansamblis üle. Bändis olid varasemast ajast liikmed Brian May ja Roger Taylor. Freddie leidis, et nimi "Smile" ei ole piisavalt ambitsioonikas ning peale mõningaid vaidlusi pandi ansamblile nimeks "Queen". Samal ajal oli Freddie jõudnud arusaamale, et nimi Bulsara ei sobi mehele, keda ootab ees suur tulevik. Nõnda muutis ta oma perekonnanime Mercuryks. Pärast albumi "The Miracle" ilmumist, hakkas Mercury tervis järsult halvenema. Haigena olles püüdis ta seda üldsuse eest varjata, kuid meedias hakkasid levima kuuldused, et Mercury põeb AIDSi. Queeni viimaseks videoks jäi "These Are The Days of Our Lives", ...

Muusika → Muusika
15 allalaadimist


a popmusician. § Maarja has achieved some chart success in a number of countries across Europe and Asia. She has also represented her native Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest twice. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Bedwetters are an Estonian pop punk band formed in September 2004. On November 1 a miracle happened - when Nelly Furtado and Snoop Dogg handed them the MTV award, they became the first Estonian artist ever to receive an MTV prize.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sõnade derivatsioon e. tuletamine - Words derivation

Words derivation LÕPUD: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Prefix & Sufix -ation -ise/-ize -ing -ly dis- -ence -en -ive ir- -ion en- -able im- -ance -ate -y -il -age -fy -ed in- -er -ical un- -ing -ant over- -ness -ent out- -ity -en under- -ition -ous -ment -ful -hood -ible -ship -less -ist ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


John Deacon · Bass guitar · John Deacon wrote songs for Queen like "Another One Bites the Dust", "Spread Your Wings", "You're My Best Friend" Albums · Queen (1973) · Queen II (1974) · Sheer Heart Attack (1974) · A Night at the Opera (1975) · A Day at the Races (1976) · News of the World (1977) · Jazz (1978) · The Game (1980) · Flash Gordon (1980) · Hot Space (1982) · The Works (1984) · A Kind of Magic (1986) · The Miracle (1989) · Innuendo (1991) · Made in Heaven (1995) Somebody To Love · From the album A Day at the Races · Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Viiuldaja katusel

Viiuldaja katusel Jerry Bock Loo sisu Viiuldaja katusel põhineb juudi kirjaniku Sholem Alejechmi jutustusel ,,Piimamees Tevje". Muusikali tegevus toimub 20. sajandi alguses. ,,Viiuldaja katusel" lugu hakkab hargnema väikses traditsioone austavas juudi asunduses Anatevkas, mis asub kusagil Kiievi lähistel. Muusikali põhiteemaks on muutuvad ajad ja inimesed muutuste keerises. Loo peategelane on filosoofikalduvustega piimamees Tevje, kes üritab traditsioonide kohaselt korraldada oma pereelu, muuhulgas tuleb tal panna mehele viis tütart. Kui vanim tütar Tzeitel palub luba abielluda vaese rätsepaga ja põlgab ära talle välja valitud keskealise varaka lihuniku, peab Tevje valima tütre õnne ja iseenda unistuste vahel. Kasutatud muusikat: ,,Tradition" ,,Matchmaker" ,,If i were a Rich Man" ,,Sunrise / Sunset" ,,Do you love me?" ,,Lechaim" ,,Sabbath Prayer" ,,Tevye´s Dream" ,...

Muusika → Muusika
6 allalaadimist

Green tea

The Miracle of Green Tea Karen Kallais Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool 2013 Introduction Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis. Green tea originates in China. The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Green tea plantation Why is green tea so healthy? Green tea helps: o burn fat; o protects against heart disease; o lower blood pressure; o protect against diabetes; o prevent food poisoning; o prevent bad breath; o protect against cancer; o prevent arthritis; o improves your immunity; o protect against Alzheimer's disease; o fight allergies. The magic ingredients are polyphenols and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Polyphenols and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) Phenols and polyphenols are compounds found naturally in ...

Toit → Joogiõpetus
3 allalaadimist


· Corega proteesiliim (eriti tugev) · Carino dent hambatikud · Oral-B hambaniit MINT ( 50m) · Oral-B hambaniit MINT · Bad proteesi fiksaator Fresh Mint · Bad proteesi fiksaator regular · Rainbow hambatikud · Jordan hambatikud clean between · Hambaniit FL/MÜNT · Hambaniit valgendav ( 25M) · Hambaniit paisuv kiud · Miracle H.niit pluss täitepakk See oli selline kokkuvõttev töö, kuna meie poes olev sortiment on nii suur, et kui oleksin siia kõik kirja pannud, oleks lehekülgi viissada tulnud, ainuüksi selle teema kohta. 1. november 2011. Kadi Alavee

Majandus → Tööstuskaup
29 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

desease which changed his color whiter or he had done a surgery to make his skin lighter. People were obsessed with Michael's skin color change. Even the media wrote about it. I think that he had a surgery that made his skin lighter. Furthermore, Michael had more problems. He was accused of molesting children. I didn't belive it at the beginning and i don't belive it now. He also had a fake nose that kept falling off. And the media was only saying bad words about Michael Jackson. It is a miracle that he got through the problems and went on with his life, even dispiting the media. To sum up i would like to say that Michael Jackson was a great man. He was good at music which I admire, but he was good at getting over hes problems too. The death of Michael makes me sad and there is no rest for him in the coffin too, because he has many accusions on himself.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a Germanborn theoretical physicist. Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics. Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers. His great intelligence and originality has made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius. Early life Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, but the family moved to Munich in 1880. Albert attended a Catholic elementary school from the age of five until ten. In 1894, his father's company failed and in search of business, the family moved to Italy. Einstein wrote his first scientific work, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

lazy to lock the door and whoever speaks first has to get up and do it. o Ballads of the supernatural ­ ghosts, witches, fairies etc. "Thomas Rymer" Thomas' love for a fairy who takes him to Elfland. · Medieval drama ­ began in the Middle Ages, is deeply rooted in folklore (pagan rites). Four stages of development. The earliest drama began as liturgical (a kind of sermon in church) drama. · Miracle plays or miracles, were performed by guilds of artisans in town squares. There were several cycles of miracle plays (around 50). They all had some kind of religious component, the lives of saints or stories of the Bible. · Morality plays were the beginning of secular (non-religious) drama. Mostly allegorical characters, a lot of moralising, the struggle of good and evil etc. The plot is closer to everyday lives. · Interludes ­ comic episodes, close to farce and fabliau

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist


fortress date from the year 1322. This is one of the possible explanations for the origin of Vastseliina`s name. The fact that the communications of southern Old Livonia with Pskov and other parts of Russia ran mainly through Vastseliina gives testimony of its importance. Vastseliina was not only remarkable as a border castle. One can find a letter from the Archbishop of Riga to Pope Innocent VI from the year 1354 in the register of supplications in Avignon, which describes a miracle that happened in the chapel of Vastseliina castle. On a September night in 1353 music was heard from the empty castle chapel and people saw two wax candles burn with a supernatural light. The cross, which was otherwise attached to the wall in the northern part of the altar, was now standing in the middle of the altar without any support. The cross was still there during the writing of the letter in January 1354. Pilgrims started to flow to Vastseliina

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Sheer Heart Attack (1974) ja A Night At The Opera (1985) valmimist said nad kuulsaks üle maailma. Kokku on Queen müünud üle 300 miljoni plaadi. Diskograafia: Studio albumid:  Queen 1973  Queen II 1974  Sheer Heart Attack 1974  A Night At The Opera 1975  A Day At The Races 1976  News Of The World 1977  Jazz 1978  The Game 1980  Hot Space 1982  The Works 1984  A Kind Of Magic 1986  The Miracle 1989  Innuendo 1991  Made In Heaven 1995 Live albumid:  Live Killers 1979  Live magic 1986  Queen At The Beeb 1989  Live At Wembley ’86 1992  Queen On Fire – Live At The Bowl 2004  Queen Rock Montreal 2007 Queen on teinud ka 68 singlit. Kasutatud kirjandus: http://en.wikipedia

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

State of Aether in Magnetic field.” (Galenet) • Never completed high school in hopes of applying directly to ETH Zurich. (Fara, EBSCOHOST) Marriage Life • Married to Mileva Marić in January 6, 1903. (Galenet) • Has two sons, Hans Albert Einstein, and Eduard Einstein. (Galenet) • Divorced Mileva on February 14, 1919. (Galenet) • Married Elsa Löwenthal on June 2, 1919 shortly after divorcing his first wife. (Galenet) Miracle Year • Wrote 4 papers in 1905, and all them are regarded as major achievements. – The Photoelectric Effect – The Brownian Motion – The Theory of Relativity – E=MC2 The Photoelectric Effect • Einstein hypothesized that the number of electrons released would not depend on the number of quanta, but the light’s energy. (Galenet) • Confirming his hypothesis through several experiments, Einstein won the Nobel Prize of 1921 for his works in this

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Domenico Veneziano

Domenico Veneziano. (ca 1410-1461) Eneli Niinepuu Kunsti- ja arhitektuuriteoste lugemine TTÜ STI -2007- Domenico Veneziano. Täispika nimega Domenico di Bartolomeo da Venezia, oli Itaalia vararenessansi kunstnik, üks 15 sajandi Firenze koolkonna rajajaid. Oma esmase kunstihariduse Veneetsias, kus ta arvatavasti nägi ka Põhja-Euroopa kunstnike töid. Ta asus elama Firenzesse umbes 1439. aastal, ning elas seal praktiliselt kogu oma elu. Temalt on säilinud vaid kas allkirjastatud tööd. Esimene neist: “Neitsi lapsega troonil” ja kaks kahjustatud pühakute pead (asuvad praegu Londoni rahvuslikus galeriis) on osa maalist “Cabernecchi Tabernacle”, mis võis olla tema esimeseks Firenzes esitletud tööks. Kunstniku selgepiiriline perspektiiv ja figuuride skulpturaalne kvaliteet vihjavad sellele, et ta oli mõjutatud Masacciost Ta töötas Perugias Baglioni perekonna õukonnakunstnikuna. 1439. saa...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

All Marketers are liars

GOT MARKETING? Marketing is about spreading ideas, and spreading ideas is the single most important output of our civilization. Before the golden age of television, marketing wasn´t particulary important. Companies made commodies- thing that people needed. During the golden age, if you had enough money, you could buy a ton of television commercials and magazine ads and tell the story of your choice to each and every consumer. Television was the miracle. It enabled companies with money to effortlessly create more money. This was the age of mass market, when all consumers were equal and you could sell anything to everyone. After the golden age, in what should be marketing´s darkest hour, the industry has reinvented itself. This is a book about new kind of marketing. Most marketing fails. Here are the steps that people go through when they encounter successful marketing: Step 1: Their worldview and frames got there before we did

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Kunstiajaloo esitlus maalikunstist

Vallutaja Inglismaa retke lugu. KESKAEG GOOTI KUNST EHK GOOTI STIIL 12. - 15.saj • Sündis Prantsusmaal, kust see levis ka teistesse Lääne-Euroopa maadesse. • Tahvelmaal sündis gooti ajastul • Levinud olid ka freskod • Miniatuur- ehk raamatumaal • Tahvelmaal oli suur edasiminek kunsti levikul, sest puutahvlile või lõuendile maalitud pilti sai mujale viia. Esimesed tahvelmaalid tehti puutahvlitele „The Miracle of the child falling from the balcony „ (Simone Martini 1285–1344) „Madonna ja laps“ Duccio (1284) Tuntuim Itaalia freskomaalija oli Giotto di Bondone(1266- 1337) „Juuda suudlus“ • Miniatuur- ehk raamatumaaliga hakkasid tegelema munkade asemel ilmalikud meistrid. Ka nendes maalides on juba üsna õigesti kasutatud perspektiivi. • Venndad Limbourg`id, kes maalisid väga ilmekad pildid erinevatest aastaaegadest ja nendele

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
5 allalaadimist

„Reflections on the bull-slaying scene“ – John R. Hinnells

tärkava elu lätet: skorpion, sipelgas ja madu püüdsid asjatult süüa viljaka neljajalgse suguelundeid ja juua tema verd, kuid nad olid võimetud takistama sündivat imet""1 s(,,He (Cumont) writes of Mithras receiving his ,,cruel mission" of slaying the bull ,,much against his will" but, ,,submitting to the decree of Heaven", he pursued the beast and ,,plunged deep into its flank his hunting knife". The a miracle occured. From the bulls body sprang useful plants. ,,In vain did the Evil Spirit launch forth his unclean demons against the anguish-wrang animal, in order to poison it in very sources of life; the scorpion, the ant, the serpent, strove in vain to consume the genital parts and to drink the blood of the prolific quadruped; but they were powerless to impede the miracle that was enacting."") Cumont näeb Mithrase reljeefis zoroatristliku loomismüüdi kujutamist, milles jumal ja kuri

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

destiny of the Best Garden Award is often hugely controversial. In all about 450 people ­ some of them extremely grand horticulturists ­ make up the pool of voluntary members of RHS committees from which around 150 judges are selected for Chelsea. As might imagine, to be picked is an enormous honour, end every year the RHS brings in new judges to keep the process fresh and lively. 21 The annual Chelsea miracle of having flowers in May, which have normally see in January, June or November, needs the experience of actually exhibiting to understand how difficult (or easy) this can be. Obviously judges must look high ­ quality, well ­ grown, and fresh ­ looking plants, which are carefully displayed and accurately labelled - but some others RHS criteria are more starling. The judges for example, are told to ignore the source of the plants,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

made by human hands. I would suggest that using the expression the philosophy of nature was really a hangover from the medieval world. In other words, questions of science were subsumed under the study of philosophy, and since medieval man called the phenomenal world Nature, then it was quite logical to refer to the study of Nature as the philosophy of Nature. According to the medieval world view, Nature was conceived [ kavandatud ] to be kept going from moment to moment by a miracle which was always new and forever renewed. It was God who ordered the universe through these miracles. This entire scheme depended not only upon God, but upon the individual's absolute and unwavering faith in God. If God pronounced it to be so, then it must be so. But after 1350, let's say, by the time of Petrarch (13041374), some men became more interested in the form of the miracle. Knowing

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


of the oldest pharmacies in Europe that has worked at the same place since the early 15th century. Beside medicine, the pharmacy sold all sorts of different products in the Middle Ages. One could buy sweets, preserves, marzipan and cookies. The pharmacy sold stationery, dies, gunpowder, spices, candles and torches. When tobacco was brought to Europe and then to Estonia, the pharmacy started to sell it first. There were a few miracle drugs on sale, like the unicorn's horn powder, the powder made of the oversea mummies, the powders made of burnt hedgehogs, earthworms or swallow's nests. The Burcharts are the family whom we usually speak about in connection with the Town Council's Pharmacy. Johann Burchart I came from Hungary in 1580. Three years later he leased the pharmacy and so did his heirs until Johann Burchart IV bought the property from the Town Council and became the owner

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


It is best known for its maritime history and as giving its name to the Greenwich Meridian (0° longitude) and Greenwich Mean Time. Romans called it Grenovicum. During the reign of Danes, Danish fleets attacked Kent and so making Alphege the Archbishop their prisoner. They stoned him to death for his refusal to allow his ransom to be paid and kept his body, until the blossoming of a stick that had been immersed in his blood. For this miracle his body was released to his followers. In the 12th century a church was dedicated to him. The present church was completed in 1718. Palace of Placentia was built in 1447 by Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. It was named by Margaret of Anjou. Edward IV further enlarged and completed it. It was Henry VII's residence. The palace fell into disrepair during the English Civil War. It became the Royal Naval College in 1873. Greenwich Park is located on a hilltop. It is part of the World Heritage Site

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

7. Scandinavian borrowings 1,000 words, in some sources 2,000 closed class words: they, them, their Danelaw; take, call, cast, hit, thrive, want, raise, widow, husband, fellow, sky, skirt, ski, skin, skill, law, ill, odd, ugly, bread 8. French borrowings administration, crown, court, power, authority, parliament, government, peace, battle, arms, enemy, armour, law, culture, service, saint, miracle, clergy, sacrifice, chase, scent, falcon, quarry, forest, retrieve, colour, image, fashion, design, beauty, music, romance, costume, garment, apparel, dress, train, arch, tower, vault, religion column, transept. grades of baron, count, countess, duke, duchess, page, marquise, prinke aristocracy Normans ‘adopted’ king, queen, lord, lady leisure and cards, chess, the chase, conversation, dice, dance, leisure, recreation, tournament, sport

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Leksikoloogia konspekt (uus)

ugly, vole, want, weak, window.  Norwegian: o fjord/fiord, floe, kraken, krill, lemming, ski, slalom.  Swedish: o glogg, ombudsman, smorgasbord, tungsten. 8. French borrowings  Administration, law, culture, fashion, religion o crown, court, power, authority, parliament, government, peace, battle, arms, siege, enemy, armour, service, saint, miracle, clergy, sacrifice, chase, scent, falcon, quarry, forest, retrieve, colour, image, design, beauty, music, romance, costume, garment, apparel, dress, train, petticoat, arch, tower, vault, column, transept, cloister,  Grades of Hierarchy o baron, count, countess, duke, duchess, page, marquise, prince  Leisure and pastimes o cards, chess, the chase, conversation, dice, dance, leisure, recreation, tournament, sport  Culinary

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

Fifteen semicircular arches, incrementally diminishing in length from the centre and rising in a graceful camber, set a high engineering and architectural standard that stood for over a hundred years. England's other great bridge designer during this period, John Rennie, built the first Waterloo Bridge in 1811. Its level road and arches lasted until 1938. Rennie's next great bridge was Southwark Bridge (1819), also over the Thames in London, which was built not in stone but in the new miracle material of the 19th century - cast iron. It had three arches whose central span of 240ft (73m) dramatically demonstrated the potential of the new material. Wooden bridges Wooden bridges are some of the most ancient. The first Roman bridge, the Pons Sublicius (c 621 BC), was a wood-pile structure over the Tiber in Rome, extending pedestrian access to the Aventine Hill

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

Challenge! Students' own answers 2 1 c 2 a, b, d 3 a, d 4 b, c 5 If he'd beaten her at tennis, it 3 1 Girls mature a good / great deal 4D A new direction would have been an absolute page 32­33 miracle. more quickly than boys. 2 I am quite a lot less 1 1 overbearing 5 protracted 5 1 If you have, Should you have confrontational than I was when I 2 stormy 6 competitive 2 If Dad found out, If Dad were to was a kid. 3 brief 7 impressionable find out, Were Dad to find out

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


Baker's trademarked umbrella term for all of her IRCA varieties was Cherubim Cat meaning "Angels non-fighting cat". In 1985 and 1987, one UK breeder also advertised "Cherubinis" which appear to have been non-colourpointed offspring from outcrossing Ragdolls to other breeds. "Cherubini" was a legally safe equivalent of IRCA's trademarked "Cherubim" name. The IRCA Ragdolls were not recognised by any other registry and upon Baker's death, a number of breeders re- registered their Miracle Ragdolls, Honeybears and other IRCA varieties as foundation stock for the new RagaMuffin breed which is now recognised by many registries around the world. The RagaMuffin is not merely a non-pointed Ragdoll, it also has a different conformation from the Ragdoll. After Baker's death, some breeders tried to sell their IRCA Ragdolls as "rare mink-pointed Ragdolls" or "rare solid colour Ragdolls" to unwary owners/breeders who did not know that there had been two conflicting Ragdoll breeds

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


The inevitability of the outcome made the challenge less exciting. infancy n. in the beginning stages of development adj. infantile Syn. beginning n. infant The new theory is in its infancy and will be thoroughly tested by its critics. Certain head injuries can cause infantile behavior. miraculously adv. caused by something that cannot be adj. miraculous explained by the laws of nature. n. miracle Syn. astonishingly Miraculously, he was unharmed after being hit by lightning. Given the extent of her injuries, it is almost a miracle that she is still alive. retrieve v. to find and bring back adj. retrieve Syn. recover n. retrieval Will Detroit retrieve its status as the car manufacturing center of the world? This computerized information retrieval system is the most up-to-date system available.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

American Literature

documents may have been the American Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution. To feel the full impact of the Enlightenment on America one needs only to look at the first inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson, who, along with Benjamin Franklin, is considered to be the American most touched by the ideas of the Enlightenment. Attempts to reconcile science and religion resulted in a widespread rejection of prophecy, miracle and revealed religion in preference for Deism especially by Thomas Paine in "The Age of Reason" and by Thomas Jefferson in his short Jefferson Bible from which all supernatural aspects were removed. Benjamin Franklin was influential in America, England, Scotland, and France, for his political activism and for his advances in physics. The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success,

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

Sweetness ineffable was in your eyes, That took by storm my still resisting heart, And conquered everything, fasts, prayers, and tears, And turned my worship wholly to yourself. My looks, my sighs, have spoke a thousand times; Now, to express it all, my voice must speak. If but you will look down with gracious favour Upon the sorrows of your worthless slave, If in your goodness you will give me comfort And condescend unto my nothingness, I'll ever pay you, O sweet miracle, An unexampled worship and devotion. Then too, with me your honour runs no risk; With me you need not fear a public scandal. These court gallants, that women are so fond of, Are boastful of their acts, and vain in speech; They always brag in public of their progress; Soon as a favour's granted, they'll divulge it; Their tattling tongues, if you but trust to them, Will foul the altar where their hearts have worshipped. But men like me are so discreet in love,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

It's a bildungsroman. We see his spiritual and physical journey toward maturity. He learns of his aunts Pilates secret gold. So he goes to seek it but actually finds the wealth of his familys background. There's several secrets in the novel. The main conflict in the novel is the difference between his and his aunts family. It all starts on the 18th of February 1931. And it begins with a famous flight of a man from a roof of a hospital. This trigures the milksmans birth. The birth is a miracle, he's the first black baby who was born in that hospital. His childhoods friend was named Guitar. Later they become estranged. He is not just dead by name but also spiritually. The name milk man becomes from the fact thathe was suckled by his mother for a long time. He is tired of life and then he decided to go to the white world. Gradually he discovers that he descend from the Solomon Tribe, one of the firts slaves in America. After that he understand the importance of family, of

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

T h e characters in Pulp Fiction are engaged in debate about value systems, reflecting the postmodern sense that no single code of ethics is adequate anymore. Jules and Vincent argue the moral significance of foot massage and the cosmic im­ portance o f a pattern of bullet holes. W h e r e Vincent sees a meaningless accident 268 EPILOGUE: LOOKING BACK ON THE JOURNEY requiring no response, Jules sees a divine miracle demanding a complete change o f behavior. In the postmodern universe, everything is relative, and moral values are the most relative o f all. Although the audience has seen Jules as a cold-blooded killer, he can seem like a hero compared with those around him. T h e story appears to say that Western society's narrow value judgments about morality are outdated. In the new world, each person must select his or her own moral code, argue it fiercely, a n d live or die by it.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


It wasn’t easy to change my thinking about money and my fi- nancial future, but eventually these efforts began to pay off. Like a large ocean liner changing direction, one degree at a time, my habits began to change. Within five years, I was out of debt and making good money. In another five years, I passed the million-dollar mark. When I look back, I see that it was no miracle. All I really did was to learn what other successful people had done before me and then do the same things until I got the same results. ■ GET RID OF THE MYTHS There are a great many myths about self-made millionaires. If you want to become a self-made millionaire yourself, you must dispel these myths from your own mind. Remember, as the humorist Josh

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Lauren. Lauren shook out her cornsilk hair and eyed me scornfully. So it was going to be one of those days. At least Mike was happy to see me. "You came!" he called, delighted. "And I said it would be sunny today, didn't I?" "I told you I was coming," I reminded him. "We're just waiting for Lee and Samantha... unless you invited someone," Mike added. "Nope," I lied lightly, hoping I wouldn't get caught in the lie. But also wishing that a miracle would occur, and Edward would appear. Mike looked satisfied. "Will you ride in my car? It's that or Lee's mom's minivan." "Sure." He smiled blissfully. It was so easy to make Mike happy. "You can have shotgun," he promised. I hid my chagrin. It wasn't as simple to make Mike and Jessica happy at the same time. I could see Jessica glowering at us now. The numbers worked out in my favor, though. Lee brought two extra people, and suddenly every seat was necessary

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

He gestured toward a black leather sofa. "Have a seat." "I have to go back to work." "And I have a meeting at two. The sooner we work this out, the sooner we can both get back to business. Now, sit down." "What do you think we're going to work out?" Sighing, he scooped me up like a bride and carried me over to the sofa. He dropped me on my butt; then sat next to me. "Your objections. It's time to discuss what it's going to take to get you beneath me." "A miracle." I pushed back from him, widening the space between us. I tugged at the hem of my emerald green skirt, wishing I'd worn pants instead. "I find your approach crude and offensive." And a major turn-on, but I was never going to admit it. He contemplated me with narrowed eyes. "It may be blunt, but it's honest. You don't strike me as the kind of woman who wants bullshit and flattery instead of the truth."

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

A New Earth

The chair itself would have sold for the equivalent of a few dollars. The painting of that same chair today would fetch in excess of $25 million. When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought. A depth returns to your life. Things regain their newness, their freshness. And the greatest miracle is the experiencing of your essential self as prior to any words, thoughts, mental labels, and images. For this to happen, you need to disentangle your sense of I, of Beingness, from all the things it has become mixed up with, that is to say, identified with. That disentanglement is what this book is about. The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


A capitalist Nigger knows that information and knowledge are power. A capitalist Nigger knows that unless you know your destination, there is no way you will be able to chart a course to reach it. He loves money and the accumulation of wealth. He is an economic warrior? Like a general before he sends his men into battle, he must have knowledge of the strength of the enemy if his men are to defeat him. He does not throw his men into battle, hoping that a miracle will happen. The battle for the accumulation of money and wealth is a battle that needs the greatest amount of preparation and the possession of enough knowledge to ensure victory. Days(s) of Atonement The Black race has transgressed against itself historically, sociologically, culturally, and more especially economically. On ever account, we are all guilty; and especially on the question of economics, if we

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

sensitivity at all times. 21. Nickname courtesy of one test subject in 2009. THE GLUCOSE SWITCH Beautiful Number 100 DISCLAIMER: This chapter discusses the use of medical devices. Speak with your medical professional before jabbing such gadgets in your flesh. Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one--Pablo does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar. Picasso 7:00 A.M. PST, SECURITY LINE, DELTA AIRLINES y hands were sweating. M Rehearsing one-line explanations in my head was getting tiring, and the queue ahead of me wasn't getting shorter. I started shifting impatiently from foot to foot, like a boxer

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun