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Irish Potato Famine (2)

Irish Potato Famine #1 Irish Potato Famine #2
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Leheküljed ~ 2 lehte Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2008-03-27 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 9 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 2 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
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At the time when Columbus discovered America

across the Atlantic to settle the New World. Native Americans suffered from the hands of the new settlers. A many educated people from Ireland, like teachers or doctors, left their country and came to America. They wrote letters to their families, where they said that America was full of new opportunities for everybody. In the middle of the 19th century many British people started they journey to America from Liverpool. A great number of settlers were the Irish who left their country after the Irish Potato Famine on 1845-1849, when families lost their main food, the potato crop. During the journey, many people suffered from illnesses or died. When the boats arrived at Ellis island, new settlers often had to wait a medical examination. As many Irish immigrants were uneducated, the man worked at building bridges, canals and women became maids, cooks. Poor living conditions, lack of food and medical care led to illnesses and an early death.

Inglise keel

Britain history.

Hospital conditions though were atrocious: there was no room for all the patients. Florence Nightingale was the first woman to run a field hospital in Turkey during the Crimean War. She later set up a school for nurses, turning nursing into true profession. The Boer War, also called the South African War (1899-1902) saw the British army fight successfully against two Boer republics and make them part of the British Empire. The Potato Famine, which hit Ireland between 1845 and 1850, was one of the greatest natural disasters the Western world has seen. Ireland lost about half o its population: one million died and another million emigrated. Irish corn crops remained unaffected, but they were exported. Profit counted more than human lives. The Victorian age is also known for its literary achievements. Charles Dickens is considered one of the greatest English novelists of all time. His books included "Oliver

Inglise keel

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

The name "dominion" is not used anymore. 6. Which organisation unites Britain and most of its former colonies nowadays? The Commonwealth unites Britain with its former colonies. Ireland 1. Who were the early inhabitants of Ireland? Seafarers, fisheremen and hunter-gatherers from mainland Europe arrived around 8000 BC 2. When was Christianity established in Ireland? 432 AD Saint Patrick arrived in Ireland and began converting the Irish to Christianity. Who is Ireland's patron saint? Saint Patrick is Ireland's patron saint. When is his feast day? His feast day is on 17 March 3. When did the English conquest of Ireland begin? Henry II, with permission from tha Pope, sought to conquer Ireland. In 1171 he became the first English monarch to set foot on the isle. 4. Who were settled in the province of Ulster by King James I? James I settled English and Scottish Protestants in Munster and Ulster. What has this resulted in

Inglise keel


1666 The Great Fire of London destroys most of the city's old wooden buildings. It also destroys bubonic plague, which never reappears. Most of the city's finest churches, including St Paul's Cathedral, date from the period of rebuilding which follows. 1688 The Glorious Revolution 1690 The Presbyterian Church becomes the official Church of Scotland" The Battle of the Boyne, in which William III and the Ulster Protestants defeat James II and the Irish Catholics. EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ✿ Politically, this century was stable. Monarch and Parliament got on quite well together. ✿ The Whigs, were the political 'descendants' of the parliamentarians - supported the Protestant values of hard work and thrift, were sympathetic to Dissenters, and believed in government by monarch and aristocracy together. ✿ The Tories, had a greater respect for the idea of the monarchy and the importance of the Anglican Church


Essay about England

culture to the colonies. On the other hand the Empire also helped its subjects to develop in a positive sense. In overall Britain ruled several parts of the world, like India, parts of Africa, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia, but also Ireland. Just to prove my point I will give some examples how the British Empire affected its subjects. In the 19th century British culture and way of life became predominate in Ireland. In the 1840s the potato crop failed two years in a row and a terrible famine occurred. Millions of peasants, those with Irish Gaelic language and customs either died or emigrated. As a result by the end of the century almost the whole population were using English as their first language. On the other hand the British Empire is not considered to be a very imposing ruler. For example in the 19th century in India a distinct Anglo-Indian way of life developed. As India was so far away from Great Britain, the British officials basically spent their

Inglise keel

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ühiskond ja kultuur

ESP (English for Specific Purposes) ­ used in business, airlines, hotels etc. 4. Settlement colonies ­ people migrated into them from Britain and started their own communities, they are the present English-speaking countries (USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand) Trading Empire (dependencies) ­ mainly ESL countries; British people were seen more as a small ruling class (India, Africa) 5. Australia, The USA, Canada, Sri Lanka, India & Pakistan, Irish Free State, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa were the British colonies that became dominions. They were given "responsible government" and became part of the Commonwealth. The Head of State was the British monarch. Nowadays, the word "dominion" is not used. 6. The British Commonwealth of Nations freely unites Britain and its former colonies. Ireland 1. The first inhabitants were hunters and fishers from the European mainland in 6000 BC

Inglise keel

Swifts A Modest Proposal

and that so very few are offended with it' (Swift). The current essay attempts to analyze the use of satire in Jonathan Swift's most discussed pamphlet A Modest Proposal and the purposes of using this specific genre. The pamphlet reveals a vast number of social and religious problems: one of the major at those days was beggary. The satire was written in 1729, at the time, when economic situation of the country was extremely prejudiced by another crop failure. Thousands of poverty-stricken Irish were dying of starvation, causing the country's population to fall. However, despite the famine and constantly increasing number of deaths, the government did not implement measures to improve the existing situation. Thence, Swift, being an Irishman by birth and feeling disappointed of the ruling classes, proposes a solution to the problem by publishing his shocking work, the bitterest satire A Modest proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in

Inglise keel


Its extensively branched taproot, penetrating to 6.5 ft, aids the plant during water stress. A critical time for water stress is the period 20 days before and 20 days after flowering. If stress is likely during this period, irrigation will increase yield, oil percentage and test weight, but decrease protein percentage. B. Soil: Sunflower will grow in a wide range of soil types from sands to clays. The demands of a sunflower crop on soil macronutrients are not as great as corn, wheat or potato. As with other non-leguminous grain crops, nitrogen is usually the first limiting factor for yield. Medium to high levels of macronutrients are usually required for good plant growth. Sunflower stover contains a large proportion of these elements, which means sunflower is relatively inefficient in the use of these elements. However, most of these nutrients are returned to the soil with the stover. Sunflower is low in salt tolerance but is somewhat better than fieldbean or soybean in this

Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1

Kommentaarid (2)

katre56 profiilipilt
katre56: Väga hea , sisukas
22:39 04-03-2009
katre56 profiilipilt
katre56: :)
20:25 05-03-2009

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