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"dairy" - 92 õppematerjali


Valio AS

VALIO AS Merlin­Hans Hiiekivi VALIO EESTI TUTVUSTUS  Valio, establised in 1992, is in one of the biggest local dairy industries of  Estonia, and distributes mainly fresh dairy milk and cheese made in  south Estonia. Valio Eesti factories are located in Tartu county and  Laeva village in Võru county. Valio Eesti complements its product range  every year, producing a total of over 150 different dairy and cheese  products.  Valio Eesti dairy can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia,  Finland, Sweden, Italy and the United States. Valio Eesti market is  represented in the key dairy categories: milks, shells, yogurt, curds,  soured milk, desserts, cheeses, oils and greases. fresh dairy segments.  Valio Eesti products do not contain synthetic food colors, food additives  used in the products are steadily reduced in number and 80% of our  product portfolio is a preservative, and thi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


(eriti Euroopa, Austraalia ja Uus-Meremaa) Põhiprobleem- arengumaades tulemuslikud aretusmeetodid kitsendatud (nt kunstlik seemendus) Ei kasutata tootlikuse ja viljakuse parandamiseks- probleemid juurdekasvuga Kasutatud kirjandus: Oestrous behaviour, ovarian morphology and cyclical variation on follicular system and endocrine pattern in water buffalo heifers"- Börje Danell ,,Reproduction in cattle and buffaloes"- Ian Gordon - The Buffalo Dairy Limited - Water buffalo list -Buffalo milk from Britain ,,Efficient dairy buffalo production" ­ C.Santosh Thomas ,,Buffalo vs. cow milk fat globules: Size distribution, zeta-potential, compositions in total fatty acids and in polar lipids from the milk fat globule membrane"- Olivia Ménard, Sarfraz Ahmad, Florence Rousseau, Valérie Briard-Bion, Frédéric Gaucheron,Christelle Lopez

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Piim, selle tekkimise keemiline protsess, biokeemiline koostis, erinevas vanuses ja erinevatel imetajatel

Piim, selle tekkimise keemiline protsess, biokeemiline koostis, erinevas vanuses ja erinevatel imetajatel Katarina Vainult Piima biokeemiline koostis Vesi Valgud (1-24%)  Varustavad aminohappetega  Kaseiin  Ca, P  Mitsellides, piimas suspensioonina  Vadakuvalgud  Valgud, mis jäävad peale kaseiini eemaldamist Allikas: Lipiidid (2-50+%)  Energiaallikas, rasvhapped, rasvlahustuvad vitamiinid  Triglütseriid ehk “rasv” Allikas:[4303183].PDF Piima biokeemiline koostis Süsivesikud  Laktoos, teisi süsivesikuid vähe  Osmootne rõhk Vitamiinid  Riboflaviin, vitamiin A, niatsiin…  Koensüümid Mineraalained  Raud, magnesium ,kaltsi...

Keemia → Biokeemia
5 allalaadimist

Balanced Diet Healthy Lifestyle

But even if you take over diet it may leads to... · Weight gain · Insulin resistance · Diabetes · Obesity · Heart conditions · Many other diet related diseases · And death. Healthy Eating Pyramid Fruit and vegetables: take 5 portions a day from this group Carbohydrates: take most food from this group (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes) Healthy Eating Pyramid Meat, fish and dairy: take something from this group Fruit and vegetables: take 5 portions a day from this group Carbohydrates: take most food from this group (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes) Healthy Eating Pyramid Foods high in fats and sugars: take only small amounts from this group Meat, fish and dairy: take something from

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"South Africa"

South Africa Aivi Raja 11.a Location Click to edit Master text styles the continent of Second level Africa Third level Fourth level Fifth level the southern tip borders the Atlantic and Indian oceans bordered by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and the Kingdom of Lesetho General Information Pretoria - executive capital - warm valley - surrounded by the hills of the Magaliesberg Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Pühvlite liha- ja piimajõudlus

mullikad on poegind ka 20 kuni 24 kuu vanuselt. Pühvleid ei ole kasutatud tänapäeva aretuses, tootlikuse ja viljakuse parandamiseks, sest sellega kaasnevad paljud probleemid juurdekasvuga. Näiteks hiline küpsusiga, suur hooajaline kõikuvus viljakuses, kehv innakäitumise väljendamine ning hilinenud ovulatsioon. Praegused uuringud on keskendunud mõningate nende probleemide vältimiseks või nendega paremaks toimetulekuks. -,,Efficient dairy buffalo production" ­ C.Santosh Thomas Page 7 02.05.2012 Kokkuvõte Pühvel on olnud kodustatud loomaks väga palju aastaid, ent siiani on ta olnud põhiliselt veoloomaks ja mõningates regioonides kasutatud ka kui piimalooma. Viimastel aastatel on lõpuks hakatud tähelepanu pöörama pühvli, kui piima- ja lihaloomale. Keeruline on viia läbi

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
4 allalaadimist

Reporti kirjutamine

..... In conclusion we can say..... In general..... On balance, it seems that... Sample task: Write a report describing the changes in the number of pupils in Simuvere Gymnasium over the period of ten years from 1989-1998. Give reasons for the changes. Use the data from the bar chart and the notes below. (150-200 words) Notes: 1988-1989 baby boom 1990 two nearby schools closed 1997 the local dairy closed 1998 high unemployment, population getting older Sample answer: This report will describe the changes in the number of students in Simuvere Gymnasium over the period of ten years- from 1989 to 1998. In 1989 there were 380 students. The next year the number rose sharply, reaching 460. This was due to the fact that two nearby schools were closed and the students from these schools continued their studies in Simuvere. During the next four years the number was relatively stable

Keeled → Inglise keel
1027 allalaadimist

Võrdlustabel toitlustusettevõtte supi ja prae kohta

with soya products and ethni Type of meal Description Meal code c Asian vegetarian meal With asian-style spices; AVML meal contains no fish, poultry s or meat; main dairy product is “shahinpaneer”, an Indian soft cheese Spec ial Non-dairy vergetarian Vegetarian meal VGML meal meal containing no egg or dairy products .

Toit → Toit ja toitumine
6 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

Although formation of dioxins is local, environmental distribution is global. Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. The highest levels of these compounds are found in some soils, sediments and food, especially dairy products, meat, fish and shellfish. Very low levels are found in plants, water and air. Most of us receive almost all of our dioxin exposure from the food we eat: specifically from the animal fats associated with eating beef, pork, poultry, fish, milk, dairy products. How can you be exposed to dioxins and furans? You can be exposed to dioxins and furans by eating contaminated food. Dioxins and furans typically stay and build up in the fatty tissues of animals. This means that eating beef, pork, poultry, fish as well as dairy products can be a source of exposure. There are several sources of exposure to dioxins and furans. If you work in or near a municipal solid waste incinerator, copper smelter, cement kiln

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A short overview of veganism

Health According to the American Hearth Association, eating less meat can decrease your chances of heath disease, diabetes and ohter chronic illnesses. According to the study conductrd in 2005, scientists have learned that blood taken from More about vegans is 8 times more effective at killing cancer health cells than blood taken from those following a standard American Diet. Meat, dairy products, and eggs all contain cholesterol and saturated fat and contribute to America's top killers: heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and various types of cancer. Decades of And some scientific study have linked dietary cholesterol to more cardiovascular disease -- our country's number- one cause of death, killing nearly 2,200 Americans daily. Saturated fat is present in all meat and fish,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Cow Domesticated cow vas first found by the primitive man.The first cow vas bred in time from the tarvas. These were our ancestors.Humans were begining to hunt and catch the calfs of tarvas and keep them in orchards to raise the tarvas calfs.At first they were used to because of their strength for plowing. And thats the way tarvas was the helper for farmers,later dairy cow. The first cows did not give much milk because they had milk for their calfs and it were an expensive sweet and health medisine. They were using it mixed with water. Today, there are cows who give little milk, but a lot of soft and tasty meat, the cows whose milk is very rich in fat and cows, whose milk is not quite as rich in fat,but theres a lot of it. In our country we have the famous estonian red,estonian native and estonian black and white ox.But in the world

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud Sissejuhatus · Kits on väikemäletsejaline loom ja tema põhisöötadeks on rohusöödad. · Karjamaal eelistavad kitsed süüa karjamaarohu ülemist fronti, samas ei meeldi neil süüa rohu varsi · Kõik kitsetõud ,sõltumata soost ja vanusest vajavad samu toitaineid [] Kitsede söötmine Ida- Aafrikas · Halva kvaliteediga karjamaad · Suurt rolli mängivad ilmastikuolud- kuiv periood · Banaani, puuvilla kook, maisi jäätmed Vesi · On üks kõige olulisem komponent söötmisel. · Vee kvaliteet peab olema hea, vesi ei tohi olla roiskunud · Paigutades joogivee ümbrusesse kive ja kruusa ­ vähendab see haigusi, nt sõramädanik · Söötes rohelist karjamaa rohtu, on veetarbimine väiksem, kui kuiva heina söötes....

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Estonian National Cuisine

the pig bones, sometimes trotters and heads. Estonians eat jellied meat at Christmas time, on Shrove Tuesday, New Year's Eve and at Easter. Dairy products or milk products Milk is called "piim" in Estonian Mostly use cow milk but also horse and goat milk as everyday food. The development of Estonian milk industry began in the 19th century. Nowadays it is one of the most important lines of production in Estonian farming. Interesting facts about dairy products The 2.5% milk can only be marketed in Estonia. (in Europe) Estonians eat 1.10 kg cheese 2.2 kg butter 3.74 kg milk .....per year Soured milk Soured milk is called hapupiim in Estonian Soured milk has been a common drink among Estonians for centuries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Ma olen eksinud. Excuse me where the police station? I'm lost. 5. Raudteejaam kaugel. Te peagsite sinna bussiga minema. Far from the railway station. You should go there by bus. 6. Turg on siinsamas lähedal ,just ümber nurga te saate sinna jalgsi minna The market is here, near, just around the corner, you can go there on foot. 7. Tenniseväljakud on kiriku kõrval piimatoodete kaupluse vastas. Tennis Courts next to the dairy shop opposite the church. 8. Minge läbi pargi, hoidke otse kogu aeg ja näetegi randa. Go through the park, hold directly all the time, and'll see the beach 9. Minge bussiga nr.5 ja istuge ümber teatri ees bussile nr 4.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Food – pleasure or nuisance.

health badly. So what shall we do to avoid these crucial problems and make eating enjoyable not temtping ? The first thing to do - cut off junk food from your food ration. Fat, cholesterol are hardly removable from organism, especially blood veins. If blood is blocked then it may cause death. It is necessary to keep organism clean. Change your food ration for healthy and nutritious food like fruits, nuts, rice, vegetables etc. Also consume more dairy produtcs that have lot of carbohydrates and less fried meals. Boiled are prefered more. The second thing is activity. Pick up a sport which you like, the more action it has the better it is. While doing sports bad salts and chemical elements come out through sweat. After excercises drink much water, because body is dehydrated and eat some fruits with sources of energy or low fat food. You will regain lost energy and important elements.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Milking machine

Milking  machine Merlin-Hans Hiiekivi Regards about inventing a  milking machine • Development of a usable milking machine took several decades of trial and error. • Some editors of 19th century dairy and ag publications acknowledged a need for a good milking machine, but, were dissatisfied with all that were being offered. Others discouraged all attempts at machine milking, stating that it was unnatural or intrinsically injurious to the cow. . Early Cow Milking Machines • The earliest devices for mechanical milking were tubes inserted in the teats to force open the sphincter muscle, thus allowing the milk to flow. • Skillfully made tubes of pure silver, gutta

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Prince William - slideshow

Coat of Arms to mark his 18th birthday, derived from his father's Coat of Arms with elements from the Coat of Arms used by his late mother Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Gap year Like many students, chose to have a gap year before beginning his university course. Worked on dairy farm Visited countries in Africa he took part in British Army training exercises Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Education William was educated at independent schools After two years at St Andrews Prince William decided to major in Geography rather than History of Art.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Eating habits

Eating habits in Estonia Mari-Ann Lepp 9th A class History Traditional Estonian food has its roots firmly in the countryside The main culinary influences were from Germans The Estonian cuisine is historically pretty poor- pork, fish, cabbage soup, potatoes, vegetables and dairy products. Eating times and habits Depending on the rhythm of life, different Estonians also have different preferences in meal times and meals. a light breakfast most important meal of the day ­ lunch around six or seven o'clock we have dinner. Eating habits:when, what, why? Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. black rye bread mushrooms, jams, and preserved foods as modestly spiced.The most coveted spice was salt Traditions...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

10. klassi Unit 8 words

Words Unit 8 beef veiseliha snails teod veal vasikaliha raw toores lamb lambaliha boiled keedetud chicken kana steamed aurutatud pork sealiha fried praetud game metsloomaliha grilled grillitud turkey kalkun baked küpsetatud tuna tuunikala pickled marineeritud salmon lõhe beat eggs cream lahti klopitud munad, kreem cod tursk peel potatoes kartuleid koorima trout forell stir soup suppi segama pike haug sieve flour jahu sõeluma eel angerjas grate chees...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Eating habits in Estonia

summer are the seasons of fresh food, in this period are used vegetables, berries and herbs, with the warmer climate the Estonians also like to cook meat grilled outdoors. During the winter are used mushrooms, jams, and preserved foods. Among the typical Estonian dishes are: Baltic fish in acid sauce, pork with sauerkraut and boiled potatoes, blood sausage and barley, marinade anguilla, boiled pork in jelly, tongue, smoked fish and a kind of dry cake-like barley bread. Milk and all kinds of dairy products such as fermented milk, yogurt and various dishes made with rennet are very common. Among the desserts are the kissell, curd, rhubarb cake and kama. The national drink is malt beer or barley and rye beer. Other popular drinks are kali and liquor Vana Tallinn. Many newspapers say young Estonian people have bad eating habits. The breakfast should be relatively rich in carbohydrates (k.bha.drets) , body waits in the morning to get carbohydrates (k.bha

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Members of the Executive Council are required to be Members of Parliament, and most are also in Cabinet. Energy In 2008, oil, gas and coal generated approximately sixty-nine percent of New Zealand's gross energy supply and thirty-one per cent was generated from renewable energy, primarily hydroelectric power and geothermal power. Agriculture Agriculture has been and continues to be the main export industry in New Zealand. In the year to June 2009, dairy products accounted for 21% ($9.1 billion) of total merchandise exports,and the largest company of the country,Fonterra, a dairy cooperative, controls almost one-third of the international dairy trade. Other agricultural items were meat 13.2%, wool 6.3%, fruit 3.5% and fishing 3.3%. New Zealand also has a thriving wine industry, which had a bumper year in 2007; wine became New Zealand's "12th most valuable export" in that year, overtaking wool exports

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Vocabulary: Internet; Finding a Job; Food; Anatomy

18. labor market ­ all available jobs 19. values ­ things one appreciates 20. skills ­ things one can do (computer, language, social) 21. major ­ main subject one studies at a university 22. qualifications ­ education, taken courses 23. salary ­ income, wage, paycheck 24. extra-curricular activities ­ hobbies, after-school activities 25. incentive ­ reward for increased productivity 26. responsibility - duty 27. expertise ­ expert skill or knowledge 28. dairy foods ­ piimatooted 29. grains ­ seeds of plants such as wheat, corn, rye, oats, etc. 30. herbs ­ ürdid/ravimtaimed 31. nuts ­ pähklid 32. poultry ­ linnuliha 33. seafood ­ mereannid 34. shellfish ­ koorikloom 35. parsley ­ petersell 36. mutton ­ lambaliha 37. veal ­ vasikaliha 38. wheat ­ nisu 39. barley ­ oder 40. rye ­ rukis 41. oats ­ kaer 42. strength ­ tugevus 43. circulation ­ (vere)ringe 44. digestion - seedimine 45

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

insecticide-impregnated ear tags (Brown et al., 1998). Some breeds are more susceptible than others. For example, Hereford cattle have noticeably higher risk to get infected compared with other breeds. The reason is about the eyelid pigmentation and decreased antibacterial efficacy of the tear (Postma et al., 2007). Study shows that younger animals were more susceptible to the disease than adults, it is also easily noticeable on the table 1. This research was performed in 11 dairy farms and one cattle cross-breeding farm in different parts of Aris region, south- east Ethiopia. Most cases of morbidity were observed among under one-year old animals shown on the table 1. This is probably because young animals do not have so effective immune system and they do not have previous exposure with this disease (Takele and Zerihun, 2000). Table 1 The severity of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in various age groups of dairy cattle in south-east Ethiopia (Takele and Zerihun, 2000).

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Regent's park

and it has been Crown property ever since, except for the period between 1649 and 1660. It was set aside as a hunting park, known as Marylebone Park, until 1649. It was then let out in small holdings for hay and dairy produce. Sport Many sports are played in the park including tennis, netball, athletics, cricket, softball, rounders, football, hockey, australian rules football, rugby, ultimate frisbee and running. In addition, there are three playgrounds for children each with an attendant, and there is boating on the main lake. These sports take place in an area called The Northern Parkland, and are centred around The Hub

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

New Zealand

domestic animals have been introduced over the last 150 years by European settlers. There are now strict regulations with very heavy penalties against the importing of plants, fruit and animals unless approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to protect the New Zealand environment. Agriculture: Agriculture has been and continues to be the main export industry in New Zealand. The largest company of the country, Fonterra, a dairy cooperative, controls almost one-third of the international dairy trade. Other agricultural items were meat 13.2%, wood 6.3%, fruit 3.5% and fishing 3.3%. New Zealand also has a thriving wine industry.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


However, it achieves high levels of efficiency and productivity. Britain is self-sufficient in 58 per cent of all types of food and animal feed. Large parts of Britain, notably in Scotland and Wales, are suitable only for grazing. Overall, in the first half of the 1990s about 39 per cent of agricultural land was under pasture, another 27 per cent under rough grazing, and the remainder under crops or lying fallow. Over half of all full-time farms are devoted to dairy or beef farming, or sheep. Cattle and sheep contribute more than 40 per cent of the value of gross agricultural output. Arable farming is concentrated mainly in eastern and south-central England and in eastern Scotland. The main crops grown are wheat, barley, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes and oats. There is also a significant horticultural industry producing a variety of vegetables, orchard and soft fruits, and bulbs and flowers. The high productivity of the arable sector has been

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Healthy eating and school lunches

needs. Stay strong for sports or other activities Reach your maximum height. Maintain a healthy weight. Prevent unhealthy eating habits, like skipping meals and feeling overly hungry at the next meal . What is "healthy eating?" Aiming for regular meals (usually 3 meals per day in the morning, afternoon, and evening) and healthy snacks (when you are hungry or need extra energy) Eating foods from all of the food groups (grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy proteins, and healthy fats) each day to meet your nutritional needs Balancing nutrient-rich foods with moderate amounts of other foods, such as sweets or fast foods Eating when hungry and stopping when full Example of a school lunch. School lunch should be healthy, definitely not junk food. Monday- mashed potatoes, fresh cucumber tomato salad, fish-sticks, watermelon, milk. Tuesday- vegetable soup, bread, muesli with yoghurt, kefir.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Technical translation

- Use bilingual dictionaries - Use SL monolingual dictionary - Refer to a consultant and/or editor Standardised terms as a problem (a terms is chosen, defines within a particular field and then it will be used)  May have more than one meaning in one field, e.g. pinnacle – 1. Torn 2. uksepiida tornitaoline pealis Dairy – 1. Piimahoiuruum 2. Meierei Demesne – 1. Pärusmõis 2. omaniku enese tarbeks kasutatav ma

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Marylandist

Major Rivers: Patapsco River, Patuxent River, Potomac River, Susquehanna River. Major Lakes:Deep Creek Lake, Loch Raven Reservoir, Prettyboy Reservoir. CLIMATE Wide array of climates Vulnerable to tropical cyclones 89­110 mm per month of rain 23 cm to over 250 cm snow Average temperature 14,75°C 30­40 days of thunderstorms a year INDUSTRIES Farming:corn, soybeans, tobacco, poultry and dairy products Mining:coal Steel products Communications equipmet Fishing (crabs and oysters) Government services MARYLAND FACTS The United States Naval Academy was founded at Annapolis. The first dental school in the United States opened at the University of Maryland. Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, was born in Baltimore and attended Saint Mary's Industrial School. The National Aquarium is located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ettekanne-business in estonia

how to do. After 3 years you got diploma and your own business. THIRD: The market for the industrial sector which interests me is agriculture, more specifically the milk industry. Right now the situation is quite hard because the milk price has gone low which sets many smaller farms in difficult situation which often leads to shutting down the farm business. Also if there are a lot of bacteria in the milk, then the dairy industry (piimatööstus) do not take milk. A lot of help for the farmers comes from the financial support of the European Union. In a conclusion I would like to say that economy is changing all the time so we should develope ourselves all the time.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kanada referaat

most heavily populated and industrialized area of Canada. The Atlantic Provinces is the easternmost province of the country. Fishing, shipping and farming are important acitivities for the people of this area. The region has many small coastal communities, although there are also major industrial centres. There are also mountains in that region, but they are old, rounded mountains. Valleys in the region are important farming areas producing fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Canada's North includes the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories along with all of Canada's Arctic islands. To most canadians this region is quite remote since 75 % of the population lives within 300 km of the US border. The North is home to over 85 000 people, and a great variety of wildlife. It's so cold that the earth is frozen for most of the year and never thaws more than a metre from the surface. This permanently frozen layer of earth is called permafrost.

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Born to be King

fast food. He shops for clothes himself and likes modern casual styles. He is very keen on sports, preferring rugby, football, swimming, water polo and tennis. He hunts (with his black Labrador Retriever Widgeon), skis, rows and paints. 14. Which university did he attend as his first choice? the University of St Andrews 15. Where did he spend his first gap year? on a Raleigh International expedition in southern Chile 16. What kind of workexperience did he gain? as a farm hand on a dairy farm 17. He bein his studies at St Andrews University in 2003, didn't he? No, in 2001 18. What do you know about St Andrews University? St Andrews has its own myth, students claim that it is an 'established fact' that more of its graduates end up marrying one another than from any other university. St Andrews University was established in 1412, and it is the oldest in Scotland. The university has a high international representation: many American students come for a year. 19

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Newfoundland & Labrador and Alberta

The southern quarter of the province is prairie, ranging from shortgrass prairie in the southeastern corner to mixed grass prairie in an arc to the west and north of it. The central aspen parkland region extending in a broad arc between the prairies and the forests, from Calgary, north to Edmonton, and then east to Lloydminster, contains the most fertile soil in the province and most of the population. Much of the unforested part of Alberta is given over either to grain or to dairy farming, with mixed farming more common in the north and centre, while ranching and irrigated agriculture predominate in the south. The Alberta badlands are located in southeastern Alberta, where the Red Deer River crosses the flat prairie and farmland, and features deep gorges and striking landforms. Dinosaur Provincial Park, near Brooks, Alberta, showcases the badlands terrain, desert flora, and remnants from Alberta's past when dinosaurs roamed the then lush landscape. Agriculture

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


History: · Indian society is predominantly agrarian. Diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, meat, cereals, dairy products and honey. Also, drinks containing different types of spices. · During the Gupta empire influenced by diet buduism and jainism. Many religious people were vegetarians. Most of the people consumed the chickens, sheep and goat meat. · Muslims also put emphasis on the development of food. Indians brought to the diet of dried fruit and flat bread. India introduced the dietary habits of the Portuguese and Chinese.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

New Zealand

Nations. Economy The economy of new zealand has long depended on farming and foreign trade. The sale of butter, cheese, meat and wool to other countries provides much of the nation's income. Tourism has also become an importand source of income. New Zealand has few minerals. The most important include coal, oil, gold, iron, limestone and natural gas. The underground steam in the volcanic area of the north island is an important source of power. New Zealand produces enough meat and dairy products to feed its own people as well as millions of people in other countries. Government New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The nation recognizes Queen Elizabeth II or Britain as its monarch. The queen appoints a governor general to represent her. The New Zealand legislature and the prime minister and the Cabinet run the government. New Zealand has no written constitution. Legislature of New Zealand consists of only

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Estonian cuisine

The traditional cuisine of Estonia has substantially been based on meat and potatoes, and on fish in coastal and lakeside areas, but is influenced by many other cuisines by now. In the present day it includes a variety of international foods and dishes, with a number of contributions from the traditions of nearby countries. German, Scandinavian, Russian and other influences have played their part. The most typical foods in Estonia have been rye bread, pork, potatoes and dairy products. Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia belongs firmly to the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe. The Cold Table Flounder The first course in traditional Estonian cuisine is based on cold dishes - a selection of meats and sausages served with potato salad or Rosolje, an Estonian signature dishes based on beetroot, meat and herring . Small pastries called pirukad ("pirukas" in the singular) - a

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Warren Buffett

Üks Buffetti suurimaid edulugusid on tekstiilitööstus Berkshire Hathaway. Ta alustas selles ettevõtte aktsiate ostuga 1960 ja 1965 omandas enamusosaluse. 4 Warren Buffett 5 Berkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Inc. on Ameerikas asuv rahvusvaheline korporatsioon mille peakorter asub Omaha, Nebraskas. Ettevõte ainuomanduses on sellised kaubamärgid nagu GEICO, BNSF, Lubrizol, Dairy Queen, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds, FlightSafety International ja NetJets. Berkshire omab 26% Kraft Heinz Company ja avalikkusele teadmata osa Mars, Incorporated. Ettevõttel vähemusosalus järgmistes ettevõtetes: American Express, The Coca-Cola Company, Wells Fargo, IBM ja restoran Brands International. Berkshire Hathaway keskmiselt aastase kasvu bilansiline väärtus 19,7% oma aktsionäridele viimase 49 aasta jooksul, omades suurt kapitali ja minimaalseid laene.

Majandus → Majandus
3 allalaadimist

„International Ecomomics“ by Hendrik Van den Berg

They will drink more mixed tequila or switch to ohter drinks. Such is life in an economy that is open to free trade. This book reviles more , exampl about transport costs continuing . How it were in 1920-s . How it hase improved. About ocean shipping etc Then there is spoken about the costs of September 11,2001. It cosed – many consequences , like Ford Motor-s brief shutdown of five U.S plants because supplies of parts from Canadian suppliers were delayed. Even Dairy Queen, the chain of U.S ice cream shops, lost sales because a key Canadian ingredient for its ice cream cakes was delayed at the border. And much more. New words I did not know Ratio – suhteline suurus Consumption – tarbimine Capacity cost- mahutavus Crowding out Effect – A situation when increased interest rates lead to a reduction in private investment spending such that it dampens the initial increase of total investment spending is called crowding out effect/ Efekti koondamine

Majandus → Majandus
1 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada

Fishing, shipping and farming are important activities in this area. The region has many small coastal communities, although there are also major industrial centers such as Halifax and Sydney in Nova Scotia. There are the Appalachian Mountains in this region but they are not at all like the grand, rugged mountains of the Pacific Region. The Appalachians are old, rounded mountains. Valleys in the region, such as the Annapolis Valley are important farming areas producing fruit, vegetables and dairy products. The Atlantic Provinces are also called the "Orchard" of Canada. Canada's North includes the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, along with all Canada's Arctic Islands. This region is quite remote since most of Canada's population lives in the south. However, the North is home to over 85 000 people, many of them indigenous people and to a great variety of wildlife including caribou and polar bears. The North covers a

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Canada topic

centuries. The St Lawrence Lowlands have excellent transportation facilities and lie near markets in the United States. These features help make the region a manufacturing centre, producing three- fourths of Canada's manufactured goods. Fertile soil and a mild climate enable farmers produce such important crops as barley, maize, soybeans, oats, fuits and vegetables. The region also has a large number of dairy farms. The Atlantic Provinces of the country include the Maritime provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia, as well as Newfoundland and Labrador. Fishing, shipping, and farming are important activities for the people of this area. Along the coast, bays and inlets provide excellent harbours for fishing fleets. The Appalachian mountain range extends from Alabama in the southern United States

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Countrystudy Summary

Tranquility / 'trækwliti / hingerahu, rahu ja vaikus Ornithologist / :n'ldst / linnuteadlane Pasture / 'p:st / karjamaa Ireland is the second largest of the British Isles. It´s called the "Emerald Isle" because of its intensive greenery. It´s often visited to see natural beauty and feel relaxed and peaceful. Ireland is known for its pastures and dairy products. Climate Temperate / 'temprt / mõõdukas Ripen / 'rapn / küpsema Prevailing / pr'vel / üldlevinud, ülekaalus olev Dampness / 'dæmpns / niiskus, rõskus Precipitation / prsp'ten / sademed Distribute / d'strbju:t / levitama, jagama The climate is mild and temperate and has an influence on everything. It is influenced by the surrounding seas. The climate is the primary talk subject. In winter there is an average

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
10 allalaadimist

Economy of Estonia.

isn't perfect, some enterprises, including farms who use modern production methods, have cropped up. Joining the European Union has had a positive effect on Estonian agriculture as we can now sell food products to other European countries. Milk cattle, also pigs and poultry are the main farm animals raised in Estonia. Field crops include cereal crops, potatoes and vegetables. Plant products are mostly for internal use, a considerable amount of meat is imported. Some dairy products and some specific products ­ e.g. cultivated and wild berries, mushrooms, ecologically pure produce etc ­ are for export. The forest is among Estonia's most important natural resources and a source of a considerable amount of raw material. Wooden construction details, wooden furniture and wooden houses are being exported. The main export destinations are Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway and Great Britain. Estonian cellulose and paper industries have a long

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

New Zealand vs Estonia - Places to visit!

Major languages: English, Maori Major religion: Christianity Major religion: Christianity Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 79 Life expectancy: 79 years (men), 83 years (women) (UN) years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: euro Monetary unit: 1 New Zealand dollar Main exports: Machinery, textiles, wood ($NZ) = 100 cents products Main exports: Wool, food and dairy GNI per capita: US $14,060 (World products, wood and paper products Bank, 2009) GNI per capita: US $26,830 (World Bank, 2009) Top ten places to visit in New Zealand Fiordland National Park It is New Zealand's largest national park. The scenery in Fiordland is nothing short of stunning, with deep fiords, steep mountains, raging waterfalls, and lush rain forests. Amazing diving, dolphins, seals, and rare bird life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

land. Crops are grown on only 5 per cent of the farmland. About 10 per cent of the cropland is irrigated. Australia's leading farm products are cattle, calves, wheat and wool. Also fruit and sugar cane. Australia is a leading producer and exporter of beef, sugar and wheat. Other major farm products include barley, chicken and eggs, cotton, oats, rice, potatoes, sheep and vegetables. Sheep and cattle are raised in all the Australian states. Victoria is the leading producer of dairy products. Wheat is grown in all areas that have medium rainfall and moderate temperatures. Such fruits as apples and pears are grown in all the states. New South Wales and South Australia produce most of country's oranges. South Australia also produces grapes for use in making wine. Mining. Australia is rich in mineral resources. But roads and railways have to be constructed to the mining sites, so that the mining industry depends heavily on foreign capital

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

be caused by poor lifestyle choices.1 These lifestyle choices include unhealthy dietary choices, lack of exercise and cigarette smoking. Other risk factors appear to be diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and history of heart disease running in the family. 2 A plant based diet is solely based on foods that are derived from plants. Individuals who follow a plant based diet exclude all animal products from their diet. They don’t consume any meat, dairy products or eggs, as well as other products that are either derived from animal sources, or are processed and contain traces of those products. A plant-based diet is also known as the vegan diet, which is a more restrictive form of a vegetarian diet. It’s a 1‘’What is Coronary Heart Disease?’’, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, https://, 15.10.2016 2‘’Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque), WebMD, http://www.webmd

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Irish National Costums

Traditionally, women have not worked outside the home except to help on the family farm, but in Dublin and other cities the majority of women now have jobs. 34.2 percent (1999)Salary levels for women still lag behind those of men, but gender discrimination is illegal. The Irish have elected two consecutive women presidents since 1991. . Eating As an agricultural country, Ireland produces many fresh vegetables. Fresh dairy products, breads, and seafood are also widely available. Potatoes, once eaten at every meal, are still regularly served, but the Irish have embraced other foods such as pasta and rice. Apples, oranges, and pears have long been integral to the Irish diet, but are now joined by a wider variety of fruit that have become available since Ireland joined the European Union (EU). Smoked salmon is considered an Irish specialty, as are Irish stew and Irish lamb

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Economy of Estonia

approximately 7% and government, education and health care to more than 13%. Agriculture:Nowadays only about 4% of the workforce is engaged in agriculture and the sector yields just slightly less than 3% of the overall production. Milk cattle, also pigs and poultry are the main farm animals raised in Estonia. Field crops include cereal crops, potatoes and vegetables. Plant products are mostly for internal use, a considerable amount of meat is imported. Some dairy products and some specific products ­ e.g. cultivated and wild berries, mushrooms, ecologically pure produce etc -are for export. The figures of productivity of the Estonian agriculture are surpassed by those of many climatically better situated countries, but the local produce contain considerably less chemicals and organic farming is gaining popularity. The forest is among Estonia's most important natural resources and a source of a considerable amount of raw material. Although just 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Referaat "Bedouins"

Africa, Israel Islam and other religions Hassani exist They have proudly managed to maintain their natural and rural way of life for thousands of years. They have survived in the dry nd harsh desert regions of the Middle East, on their herds and by supplying the surplus meat and dairy products to the more urban communities. The Bedouin people in Sinai can teach us much about surviving extreme conditions. They are excellent trackers recognising animal and human tracks and they are able to find their way in the desert without compass or map. Bedouin men and women traditionally carry out different roles in society. Bedouin men are generally the ones who go out to earn a living for their families, some work today as safari guides, drivers, shop

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Kaubarühma analüüs

2.1.3 Jättis iirise 119 g JättisIirise Iirisemaitseline kate, karamellkastmega ja šokolaadomaitseline vahvel. Kaubamärk: Ingman on Eestis tuntud eelkõige omanimelise jäätisetootmise tõttu. 2011. aastal müüs ta jäätisetootmise maha Unileverile ja on pärast seda investeerinud ka Eestisse. Tänavu on tema osalusega investeeringutele keskendunud perefirma Ingman Group teinud siia mitu investeeringut. Kevadel osteti 21% suurune osalus toorpiima tootjas Trigon Dairy Farming. Juunis ostis Ingman 45% suuruse osaluse Hagari pagaritööstuses. 11 3. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12 13

Majandus → Kaubandus
3 allalaadimist


passed by the House of Commons They become laws when they are approved by the Senate and signed by the governor-general. The Senate is an appointed body, not elected body of men and women. The prime minster appoints them. There are five main political parties in Canada. Canada is blessed with many natural resources: oil, natural gas, coal, gold, silver, iron ore, zinc, nickel, copper, uranium. Canadians export wheat and other grains meat, dairy products, sugar products and forestry products such as paper and pulp. Canada also has a manufacturing industry producing automobiles and automobile parts and chemicals. The most important customers for export are the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany Schooling in Canada is free and universal. It's compulsory from the ages of 7 to 14. Schools are described as elementary and secondary, some provinces have junior high or middle schools for Grades 7-9. The system varies greatly

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun