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"cumulative" - 34 õppematerjali


Test VIII - cumulative test

Test VIII - cumulative test by Piigli, Mets, Parker, Kauler "Top delusion" question / answers are red. Test I The induction machines are associated with the names of Dolivo - Dobrovolsky, Tesla. The synchronous machines are associated with the name of Ferraris. The DC machines are associated with the names of Jacobi and Henry. The electromagnetic torque is born in air gap. The torque is proportional to the current in dc motor. Which equations are correct? P = sW; oomega = tuletis fii'st The angular frequency is 2*pi()*n / 60 ja 2*pi()f The motor torque is equal to TL + J * oomega tuletis aja järgi The inductor supplies the motor with flux. The leading companies in the world market of electrical drive engineering are: Mitsubishi. The energy balance is described by energy conservation law. The armature supplies the motor with current. The cheapest and the most r...

Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse
36 allalaadimist

Projektitöö andme- tekstitöötluse aines.

Data Soodsaim kaupluSum - Soodsaim kauplus Sum - Soodsaim kauplus K-Rauta Espak Ehituskaup24 Ehituse ABC Bauhof Bauhaus Total Result Ülemised pKeskpunktVastajate arv 3 1.5 2 6 4.5 4 9 7.5 2 12 10.5 3 15 13.5 1 18 16.5 0 21 19.5 0 24 22.5 0 Ülemised piirid Frequency Cumulative % 3 6 4 50.00% 0 50.00% Histogram 9 0 50.00% 5 200.00% 12 0 50.00% 100.00% Frequency 15 1 62.50% Frequency 0 0.00% Cumulative % More 3 100.00% Ülemised piirid

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
7 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüs, SPSS

paberil andmed juhendid - tarkvara variable view- tunnus tulpasid ei saa ümber järjestada decimalt-komakohad type- numbreid sisestame label - diagrammide jne pealkiri, kui jääb tühjaks siis võtab nime lahtri (value labels- num,brid või kirjeldused) variable vaates saab copyda tervet rida need vastused kus saab vastata mitut vastusevarjanti siis lähevad need kõik erinevateks küsimusteks jah-ei, 1-0 type-string - laius oluline tühjad lahtrid on puuduvad vastused - system missing , 9 99 ERISTADA PUUDUVAID VASTUSEID Andmed on kogutud veebipõhiselt ning need tuleb SPSS-i üle tuua. 1. reas nimed, altes 2. reast andmed 2. exeli fail vaja kinni panna 3. pspp-vabavara, milles saab avada spssi ka transform menüü - autom. recode vigade otsimine skaalade pööramine liitmine - kategoriseerida tunnuse nimed korda nr - vis...

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
15 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

· during 1995-1996 the majority of the foreign direct investments were privatization-related; · there is an increase in terms of reinvested earnings since 1996 which was 66% of the total annual inflow of FDI in 2007; · there is a trend towards increasing share of cross-border acquisitions; · the share of greenfield investments has grown slowly as well. FDI by Activities and Countries By the end of June 2008, the cumulative stock of foreign direct investment in Estonia amounted to EUR 11.76 billion. 32.9% of those FDI has been invested in financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities followed with 27.5% and manufacturing with 14,4%. The Scandinavian countries are the biggest source of foreign direct investment in Estonia. Sweden tops the list of investing countries with 39% of the total, followed by Finland with 23.9% and the Netherlands with 7.4%. Regional Distribution of FDI

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Knud Illerise kolme dimensiooni teooria

Õppimise kolm dimensiooni ja õpibarjäärid Kokkuvõte Sarah Raichmann Illeris kirjeldab õppimist läbi kahe erineva protsessi ­ väline interaktsioon õppija ja tema sotsiaalse-, kultuurse- ja materiaalse keskkonna vahel ning sisemine interaktsioon uute impulside ja juba omandatud teadmiste vahel. Illerise sõnul, et õppimine aset leiaks, on oluline, et mõlemad protsessid samaaegselt kasutust leiaksid.1 Ilerise teooria sarnaneb konstruktivistlikule õpiteooriale ning seekaudu ka Piaget teooriale, mispuhul arvatakse, et õppimine pole pelgalt impulsidele reageerimine, vaid pigem nende seostamine, informatsiooni liigitamine ja mõttevõrgustike loomine.2 Õppimist võib jaotada kolme dimensiooni ­ kognitiivne dimensioon, mis koosneb teadmistest ja oskustest, emotsionaalne dimensioon, mis koosneb tunnetest ja motivatsioonist ning sotsiaalne dimensioon, mis koosneb suhtlusest ja koostööst. Esimesed kaks ­ kognitiivne ja emotsionaalne dimensioon ­ toi...

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
10 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

GLOSSARY Bankruptcy ­ pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind ­ keskmine hind Break even point ­ tasuvuslävi A Budget ­ eelarve Account ­ aruanne Accounting equation ­ aruande C võrdsustamine Capital ­ kapital Accounting period ­ aruandeperiood Capital allowances ­ rahalised annetused Accounting policies ­ majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Acid Rain

Limestone or lime (a naturally occurring basic compound) can be added to acidic lakes to "cancel out" the acidity. This process, called liming, has been used extensively in Norway and Sweden. Tends to be expensive, has to be done repeatedly to keep the water from returning to its acidic condition Take actions as indivinduals.Like many environmental problems, acid deposition is caused by the cumulative actions of millions of individual people. (turn off lights when not neede etc) Used material

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist

Statilised järeldused

Need koolid nimeta ümber value 18, pärast pane et kõik muudväärtused äddi juurde Kopi Muusse kooli väärtused Siis mine ütle ka et 18 on muu Haridustase, valdkond, kas nqad töötasid –see oli ok. Järgmine kuivõrd teie õpingute aegne töö segas –seal on neljandik vastamata. Milline loetletud vastusevariantidest kirjeldab Teie praegust tegevust kõige paremini? Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid töötan 1164 53,2 53,2 53,2 õpin 213 9,7 9,7 63,0 töötan ja õpin 570 26,1 26,1 89,1

Muu → Ainetöö
32 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

aesthetic (visual) impacts, and sometimes birds have been killed by flying into the rotors. Most of these problems have been resolved or greatly reduced through technological development or by properly siting wind plants. The Benefits of 20% Wind Energy by 2030 According to the American Wind Energy Association, if we increase our nation's wind energy capacity to 20% by 2030, it would... Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions A cumulative total of 7,600 million tons of CO2 would be avoided by 2030, and more than 15,000 million tons of CO2 would be avoided by 2050. Conserve Water Reduce cumulative water consumption in the electric sector by 8% or 4 trillion gallons from 2007 through 2030. Lower Natural Gas Prices Significantly reduce natural gas demand and reduce natural gas prices by 12%, saving consumers approximately $130 billion. Expand Manufacturing

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüsi konspekt

kasvavas järjekorras Descending values: sama kahanevas järjekorras Ascending counts: muutujad esinemissageduste suurenevas järjekorras Descending counts: sama kahanevas järjekorras Tulemuseks saame Output-aknasse taolised tabelid: Kodakondsus Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Eesti Vabariigi 510 89,6 90,6 90,6 kodanik

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs i
175 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus psühholoogias

Communalities tabel (output aknas): Kui seal tabelis arvud on suured siis see näitab, et nende faktorite kommunaliteet sobitub faktorite koplekti hästi. wtf? Tabel "Total variance explained": Omaväärtus (eigenvalue) näitab kui palju andmete varieeruvusest seletab konkreetne faktor. Mida kõrgem väärtus, seda rohkem varieeruvust faktor seletab. Viimases lahtris Cumulative % näitab protsenti andmete kumulatiivsusest. Omaväärtuste graafik (Scree Plot): Tuuakse ära kõigi võimalike faktorite omaväärtused. Joonise järgi saab otsustada eristatavate faktorite arvu. Kui eristatavate faktorite arv on ette antud, siis: Factor Analysis - Extraction - Number of Factors. Sealt samast saab ka määrata, et Scree Plot joonistatakse: Factor Analysis - Extraction - Scree Plot

Psühholoogia → Ülevaade psühholoogiast
7 allalaadimist

Statistiline modelleerimine praktikumide juhised.

b) Total Variance Explained - iseloomustab algfaktorite ja eraldatud faktorite kirjeldusvõimet. Faktori kirjeldusaste e. omaväärtus - analoogline kommunaliteediga, aga käib faktorite kohta. Näitab faktori poolt kirjeldatavat varieeruvust ja selle osa koguvarieeruvusest. Total Variance Explained Factor Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Variance % Variance % 1 2,812 40,172 40,172 2,264 32,347 32,347 2 1,072 15,309 55,481 ,469 6,703 39,050 3 ,832 11,884 67,366 4 ,699 9,982 77,348 5 ,617 8,808 86,156

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
64 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüs MS Exceli abil

Labels - märgitakse tunnuse nime või tähise olemasolu korral andmebloki ülemises reas; Output options - määratakse tulemuste väljastamise asukoht: samale töölehele (Output Range), uuele töölehele (New Worksheet Ply) või uude faili (New Workbook); Pareto (sorted histogramm) - sagedused järjestatakse kahanevas järjekorras; Cumulative Percentage - arvutatakse jaotusfunktsiooni väärtused; Chart Output - tulemused väljastatakse lisaks tabelile ka graafikul (tulpdiagrammina). (1 of 4)29.05.2006 15:08:54 Andmeanalüüs MS Exceli abil - sagedustabelid Prots. Histogram aken

Informaatika → Informaatika
530 allalaadimist

Biomeetria kodune töö 1

lemused leidke töölehel selleks märgitud kohtades. Soovitatav intervallide arv: Intervalli pikkus: 8 5 ntervallid Sagedustabel Ülempiir Ülempiir Frequency Cumulative % 161 161 4 7,02% 166 166 3 12,28% 171 171 11 31,58% 176 176 15 57,89% 181 181 10 75,44%

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
39 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

Economic Country Review: Finland, Estonia and Hungary Girli Vasiljev Report Business Economics, RB1X 06.05.2012 Abstract 06.05.2012 Experience and Wellness management Author Group Girli Vasiljev RB1X Title of report Number of pages Economic Country Review: Finland, Estonia 20 and Hungary Teacher Kalevi Torunen The goal of this paper is to compare the economic performance of Finland, Estonia and Hungary. First, a general overview on the countries will be given. After, economic indicators (real GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget and deficit) of the three countries will be compared to draw a conc...

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist


4931862555 Sample Variance 2.2296051936 Kurtosis 4.3121875448 Skewness 1.8892115412 Range 8 Minimum 0 Maximum 8 Sum 338.151 Count 188 Bin Frequency Cumulative % 0 2 1.06% 0.00782 1 1.60% 0.01564 1 2.13% Histogram 0.02346 0 2.13% 0.031281 0 2.13% 70 120 0.039101 0 2.13% 0.046921 0 2.13% 60 0.054741 0 2.13% 100 0.062561 1 2.66% 0.070381 0 2.66% 50 80. 0

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
1 allalaadimist

Eksamieelduse töö

On groups defined by FIRMA Analysis number 1 Stepwise variable selection Selection rule: Minimize Wilks' Lambda Maximum number of steps.................. 10 Minimum Tolerance Level.................. .00100 Minimum F to enter....................... 1.0000 Maximum F to remove...................... 1.0000 Canonical Discriminant Functions Maximum number of functions.............. 2 Minimum cumulative percent of variance... 100.00 Maximum significance of Wilks' Lambda.... 1.0000 Prior probability for each group is .33333 ---------------- Variables not in the analysis after step 0 ---------------- Minimum Variable Tolerance Tolerance F to enter Wilks' Lambda T72 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.9254 .88624 T73 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.6137 .90287 T74 1.0000000 1.0000000

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
156 allalaadimist


Tallinn Total Result Histogram 150 150.00% 100 100.00% Frequency Frequency 50 50.00% Cumulative 0 0.00% Ülemised piirid 11. Eriala Average - seitse 5.06 Elektritehnika 6.5 Hoonete ehitus 4.6875 Kinnisvara korrashoid 6.6666666667

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist


neurootilisus- pos sünd väike mõju, neg sünd suurenda mõju bioloogilise küpsuse mudel- isikuse areng sõltub vanemaks saamisest ja kaasnevatest biol muutustest, sots keskk pole rolli sotsiol elukäiguteooria- isiksuse areng sõltuvuses sots rollidest, ootustest, biol arengu roll väike · Roberts, B. W., & Caspi, A. (2003). The cumulative continuity model of personality development: Striking a balance between continuity and change in personality traits across the life course. R. M. Staudinger & U. Lindenberger (Eds.), Understanding Human Development: Lifespan Psychology in Exchange with Other Disciplines (pp. 183-214). Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Roberts, B.W., & Mroczek, D. (2008)

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

Mõnel juhul on kasulikud online´i andmebaasid, nt Medline, mis sisaldab palju heatasemelist infot ja mida saab kasutada tasuta. Selliste märksõnade nagu ergonomics, human factors, workplace kaudu saab kätte sadu tuhandeid veebilehekülgi. Kui ei kasutata mõnda vajalikku märksõna, võib otsing anda vähe tulemusi. Mingi konkreetse probleemi kohta on märksõnu hulgaliselt. Nt ohutuse kohta jagavad infot järgnevad märksõnad: accident, alarm, catatrophe, cumulative trauma disorder, danger, death, design, disaster, emergency, ergonomics, explosion, fall, fatal, fault, fire, first aid, guard, harm, hazard, human error, illness, industrial hygiene, injury, loss, occupational hazard, occupational health, risk, safety, toxic, unhealthy, unsafe, warning, jne. Hea ülevaate ergonoomikast veebis annab Lõuna-Austraalia Ülikool aadressil Elektroonilise info üheks puuduseks

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia – ja metodoloogia

Thirdly Kuhn argues that when a revolution has occurred there is a need to rewrite the science textbooks. This rewriting follows a pattern. Thus the central problems which were solved in order to create the paradigm change are reframed as the only problems that existed prior to the paradigm change. The main scientific players are then described in relation to this problem solving exercise. Fourthly through this revisionism science is presented as a cumulative endeavour whereby incremental improvements in solutions to central problems lead to the paradigm change. In this manner the subtleties around the scientific revolution become invisible. Kuhn gives examples to support his argument about the importance of historical context in scientific revolutions. This chapter addresses an important criticism of Kuhn’s central arguments namely that scientific revolutions are portrayed as

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
38 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksami konspekt

● Pipelining: Sender allows multiple, “in-flight”, yet-to-be-ack-d packets ○ Range of sequence numbers must be increased ○ Buffering at sender and/or receiver ● Pipelined protocols: ○ go-Back-N ○ Selective repeat ● Go-Back-N ○ Sender can have up to N unacked packets in pipeline ○ Receiver only sends cumulative ack {doesnt ack packet if theres a gap} ○ Sender has timer for oldest unacked packet ■ When timer expires, retransmit all unacked packets ● Go-Back-N: Sender ○ K-bit # in packet header ○ “Window” if up to N, consecutive unacked packets allowed ○ ACK(n): ACKs all packets up to, including seq # n - “cumulative ACK”

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
41 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Suhler Media 2000]. In October 2002, consulting firm Strategy Analytics ( predicted game console shipments to top 41.9 million units in 2002, an increase of 84% over the 2001 level. The PlayStation 2 is expected to account for 63% of sales, followed by the GameCube with 21% and the Xbox with 16%. These numbers highlight the domination of the PlayStation 2 which has accounted for 72% of global cumulative shipments, compared to 16% for the GameCube and 12% for the Xbox. NPDFunworld ( reported that console game sales in 2002 rose by about 20% over the record US$9.4 billion in 2001. Individual game sales are also increasing: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City from Take Two Interactive sold 1 Games Programming with Java and Java 3D an estimated 3 million copies in its first month of release. This game is likely to

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Mõõtmestamine ja tolereerimine

Standardis ISO 1328-1 on käsitletud hammasrataste geomeetrilist täpsust ja standardist ISO 1328-2 funktsionaalset täpsust. Hälbed, mis on olulised koostule (paarilisele hammasrattale) Hälbed on defineeritud standardis ISO 1328-1. Hamba samm pt on vahema hamba pindaded kaugus keskjoonel ning sellele on standardis 3 hälvet: - üksiku sammu hälve (single pitch deviation) fpt; - kogutud sammu hälve (cumulative pitch deviation) Fpk; - üldine kogutud sammu hälve (total cumulative pitch deviation) Fp. Hamba profiili hälveteks on: - üldine profiili hälve (total profile deviation) Fa; - profiili kuju hälve (profile form deviation) ff ; - profiili slope hälve (profile slope deviation) fH ;. Hamba profiili kontrollitakse ideaalse pinna suhtes Helix hälbed: - total helix deviation F ; - (helix form deviation) ff ; - (helix slope deviation) fH . Võrreldakse ideaalsega. Tangentsiaalse komponendi hälbed:

Metroloogia → Mõõtmestamineja...
235 allalaadimist


BIOMEDITSIIN Biomeditsiin - teaduste kogum, mis uurib 1) inimese bioloogiat 2) haiguste tekke ning raviga seotud bioloogilisi seaduspärasusi. Meditsiini alusteadused: morfoloogia, füsioloogia, patoloogia Morfoloogia: õpetus organismi, elundi, koe ja raku ehitusest Füsioloogia on elutegevust ja selle regulatsiooni uuriv teadus Patoloogia on haigusõpetus ehk õpetus haiguslikkusest pathos (haigus), logos (teadus) Patoloogia käsitleb haiguste puhul esinevaid morfoloogilisi muutusi organite makroskoopilisel, koe (histo) ja rakkude (tsüto) tasandil Bios ­ elu; Pathos ­ kannatused, haigused Ontogenees ehk isendi arenemine ehk individuaalne areng: on üksiku organismi areng organismi tekkimisest küpsuseni Inimese ontogenees jaotub: 1)sünnieelseks e. embrüonaalseks ehk üsasiseseks prenataalseks ehk antenataalne 2)sünnijärgseks e. postembrüonaalseks ehk üsaväliseks postnataalseks arenguperioodiks. Embrüogenees - ...

Meditsiin → Biomeditsiin
102 allalaadimist

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia

Stressi tekitavad sündmused · Vanematel inimestel on küll mõnes valdkonnas rohkem interpersonaalseid probleeme, nad lahendavad neid teisiti ja tunnevad nende pärast vähem pinget · Probleemid partneriga: 60-74a: 42/47%; 40-59a: 30/25%. · Erinevused stressi tekitavate sündmuste mäletamises Eesmärkide kalibreerimine (vt. Eneseregulatsiooni küberneetiline mudel) Kumulatiivse järjepidevuse mudel · Roberts & Caspi (2003): cumulative continuity model · Isiksuseomaduste stabiilsus suureneb vanusega, kuid kõik omadused võivad ka täiskasvanueas muutuda. · Roberts & Caspi: ­ tuleb küsida (1) miks on isiksuseomadused stabiilsed, millised "mehhanismid" soodustavad omaduste stabiilsust; (2) millistel põhjustel isiksuseomadused muutuvad [vt järgmised slaidid] ­ identiteet ("mina-kontseptsioon") võib soodustada või takistada isiksuseomaduste muutumist Isiksuse areng Caspi & Robertsi järgi · 1. Plastilisus

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
222 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

own companies. This is a sign of the growing strain on business in Ukraine. The massive inflow of European banking groups to Ukraine had a largely favorable impact on the economy. Unlike the mining industry, where most FDI comes from the oligarchs' repatriated profits, European newcomers in the banking sector brought along new foreign direct investment. According to the National Bank of Ukraine, only 7.7% of the cumulative FDI into the share capital of Ukrainian companies went to the financial sector in 2004. In 2008, the figure was almost 30%. Over 2006-2008, nearly 42% of the $26 billion foreign direct investment in Ukraine went to the financial sector as foreign interest in Ukrainian banks peaked. European groups did not abandon their subsidiaries during the crisis. In 2009- 2010, they invested over UAH 17bn of new share capital in the Ukrainian banking sector,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Biomeetria praktikumid

ei jah ei jah jah ei jah ei ei ei jah ei jah jah jah ei ei jah jah ei jah ei ei ei jah jah jah jah Pea_ymb klassid Frequency Cumulative % 48 2 3,57% 51 0 3,57% 54 8 17,86% 57 34 78,57% 60 11 98,21% 63 0 98,21% 66 0 98,21%

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
31 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

replication · Kordusuuringud toovad sageli erisusi välja. ,,Some research · Hüpoteesid on varasema kirjanduse kokkuvõte, mis juhib andmete kogumist ja analüüsi. ,,A hypothesis provides a structure for the collection and analysis of data. It also aids in the indicates that there are often differences in the results of original and cumulative development of knowledge by summarizing evidence from previous studies" replication studies (e.g., Hubbard and Vetter, 1996; Reid et al., · Dominantne hüpotees. ,,... dominant hypothesis might be appropriate under the following 1981)" conditions:"

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

Hoffman decided to have the curtain wall subcontractor design the aluminum mullion system first and then align the diagonal steel behind it. The original plan was to use Seele’s 3D wireframe model as a basis for creating the Tekla model used for detailing and fabricating the structural steel. For a typical building, the curtain wall and structural steel are detailed in parallel. However, the Library’s unique geometry and small tolerances prohibited this approach. A cumulative tolerance of ½ inch (12.7 mm) was set for the façade system. Seele’s model needed to be extremely accurate, because the structural steel would be offset from the face-of-glass. This meant that the steel detailer had minimal room for error. The goal was to save the bulk of the tolerance for fabrication and erection. The next priority was to establish a common frame of reference, so that all involved parties were dimensioning to the same points. Since the diamonds were a standard size,

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat

London: TSO. · Halsbury's statutes of England and Wales. Fourth edition, 1985-... London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1985-... · Halsbury's statutes of England and Wales. Fourth edition. Destination tables, 1995-... London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1995-... · Halsbury's laws of England, being a complete statement of the whole law of England....Fourth edition, 1973-... London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1973-... · Halsbury's laws of England. Cumulative supplement, 1978-..., [Fourth edition]. London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1978-... · Halsbury's laws of England. Current service, 1979-..., [Fourth edition]. London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1979-... · Halsbury's laws of England.. Annual abridgement, 1974-... London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1974-... · Halsbury's statutory instruments, being a companion work to Halsbury's statutes of England..., 1951-... London [etc.]: Butterworth [etc.], 1951-...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

To be honest, he needed to get his thighs closer to parallel. "Forty air squats, to be exact," I offered. Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, one of the top-500 most popular websites in the world, joined in the laughter and raised a beer to toast the incident. I, on the other hand, was eager to move on to the main event. In the next 45 minutes, I consumed almost two full-size barbecue chicken pizzas and three handfuls of mixed nuts, for a cumulative total of about 4,400 calories. It was my fourth meal of the day, breakfast having consisted of two glasses of grapefruit juice, a large cup of co ee with cinnamon, two chocolate croissants, and two bear claws. The more interesting portion of the story started well after Trent Reznor left the stage. Roughly 72 hours later, I tested my bodyfat percentage with an ultrasound analyzer designed by a physicist out of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


into brown. The action of caramel is noted as theoretical, in reality the colours may be indistinguishable from other colours unless the presence of caramel is known from the cat's pedigree; the entries are based on data from solid colour cats. The colour intensifier is also theoretical, based on the possible "indigo" gene which turns blue into a deeper richer colour. This could equally be due to polygenes (multiple genes having a cumulative effect). I have included it after seeing one cat which was dark-blue/hot-cream tortoiseshell i.e. where both colours were intensified. NON-DILUTE COLOUR DILUTE VERSION CARAMELISED INTENSIFIED VERSION OF THE VERSION OF THE DILUTE VERSION DILUTE VERSION

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


scheme. The timbres are just means of construction. Marguste has the orchestra operating in groups; single solo instruments have little chance to emerge. This kind of method deprives the music of several possibilities for flexible colouring and fine nuances. Consequently, the main elements are combinations of unified timbre fields but rarely of the same value. The basic principle in shaping the form of the work is the use of the cumulative power of simple reiteration and the variation of the motifs. An individual combination of rondo and variation principles emerges. Estonian musicologist Helju Tauk stated: The creative aim of Marguste is the juxtaposition of scanty musical materials, selected carefully, organised and developed by several principles. Using folk tunes, he exhibits a bold self-will, without searching for national harmony, not being underpinned by rhythms of folk dances

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun