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"-storage" - 156 õppematerjali


Carbon capture and storage

Humans are changeing the planet with their ordinary life. The principle cause of climate change is the increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The main cause of that is the burning of fossile fuels. This is leading to the global warming. People have discovered a way to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is possible to seperate the CO2 from the other gases by adding liquid which is very good at absorbing CO2. Then it can be pumped to underground. Scientist came up with this idea because methane gas has been down there for thousands of years and it has not come up. So they expect that the CO2 won't be coming up either. To be sure of that, they are coing to make a test and drill two wells to take purified CO2, inject it into the ground and monitor the physical changes that CO2 undergoes. This technology is really new and it is unknown to people. It has not been proven yet, so people are scared and concerned...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Lao tehnoloogiad

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Kaubandus ja Ärindus osakond x LAO TEHNOLOOGIAD Iseseisev töö Juhendaja x Tartu 2015 1. Kirjeldada mini-load lao seadmeid ja tööpõhimõtet. Miniload süsteem ehk AS/RS (automated storage & retrieval system) kraanasüsteem on kallis, kuid efektiivne, suures osas automaatselt töötav nüüdisaegne laosüsteem peenkaupade ja väiksegabariidiliste tükikaupade käitlemiseks. %20%C3%B5pik%20kutsekoolidele/9_Laotehnoloogiad_ja_susteemid.pdf Mini-load süsteemi puhul võetakse hoiuühik, milleks on üldjuhul plastikust konteiner, riiuli hoiukohalt arvuti poolt juhitava riiuliliftiga. Peale hoiukohalt võtmist viiakse hoiuühik töökohale või asetatakse konveierile, millega toimetatakse see edasi komplekteerija juurde. Mini-load süsteem võimaldab loobuda pikkadest komplekteerimisteekondadest ja ae...

Logistika → Laonduse alused
58 allalaadimist

Types of Warehouses

Types of Warehouses Rainer Reinsaar V1E Cross Docking and Trans-loading Warehouses Warehouses that provide cross dock and trans-loading services. Container or railcar tracking is generally important. These services often require temporary storage with charges adjusted for free days or a grace period. Fulfillment/ Consolidation Warehouses Warehouses where products are generally received in large quantities and shipped out in a large number of smaller mixed shipments. Such pick and pack operations require special inventory management and picking procedures. Location tracking is essential. Billing methods are generally similar to distribution warehouses. Storage Warehouses Warehouses which store product for periodic delivery to a manufacturer or distribution center. This is often associated with providing just in time delivery of the product to the consignee. This could be imported raw materials or items used in the manufacturin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Understanding Psychology

Summary UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY Fourth Edition Robert S. Feldman CHAPTER 7. MEMORY p. 218 – 230 KELA-I University of Tartu Narva College 2014 Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval of Memory. Encoding refers to the process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory. Memory specialists speak of storage, the maintenance of material saved in the memory system. If the material is not stored adequately, it can not be recalled later. Memory also depends on one last process: retrieval. In retrieval, material in memory storage is located, brought into awareness, and utilized. In sum, psychologists consider memory as the process by which we encode, store, and retrieve information. Each of three parts of this definition – encoding, storage, an...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
4 allalaadimist

A memory of my childhood

A memory of my childhood Elizabeth Grünbaum It was snowing outside and the bright winter sun shined into the room through the curtains. I woke up early that beautiful day, because there were guests coming over. Like in any other winter morning i rushed to the window sill to see if the dwarves have left something in my christmas stocking. I remember exactly, what was in there that day, it was kinder surprise. I liked kinder surprises a lot, because the chocolate would melt in your mouth and there was a surprise between the two halves of the chocolate. At 1 o'clock, the guests arrived. They were my grandparents. Guests brought pies made by grandma and a beautiful bunch of flowers since i'd just had my birthday a week before. Mother asked me to take out a vase to put the flowers in the water. So i did and i climbed on top of a chair to grab my favourite vase with blue flowers on i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Cisco sertifikaadid

Cisco sertifikaadid Sertifikaat tõendab oskuseid ja teadmisi Sertifikaadid Jagunevad kuude valdkonda: Routing ja Switching Design Network Security Service Provider Storage Networking Voice Tasemed Raskuastmelt jagunevad sertifikaadid kolmeks: Associate Professional Expert Lisaks täiendavad neid ka 37 spetsialisti sertifikaati CCNA sertifikaat CCNA ­ Cisco Certified Network Accociate Näitab teadmisi arvutivõrkude põhialustes. Serfitseeritud spetsialist on võimeline installeerima ja kasutada kohtvõrgu-, laivõrgu- ja sissehelistamise teenuseid väikestes võrkudes. CCDA sertifikaat CCDA - Cisco Certified Design Associate Näitab põhiteadmisi Cisco arvutivõrkude projekteerimiseks CCDA sertifikaadi omanik on võimeline projekteerima keerulisi võrke ja nendel jooksvaid teenuseid Sertifikaadi taotlemiseks peavad olema CCNA taseme teadmised CCNP sertifikaat CCNP - Cisco Certified Netw...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
45 allalaadimist

LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Outline Introduction What is natural gas? What is LNG? Liquefaction and regasification terminals Storage and transport Introduction Global energy demand grows 35 % higer in 2030 Natural gas ­ fastestgrowing major fuel source Clean burning Reliable Abundant What is natural gas? It is: Odourless Colourless Flammable gas Consists: Methane Ethane Butane Propane What is LNG? Cooled natural gas 160 0C 1/600th the volume of the same amount of natural gas LNG is: Clear Colourless Nontoxic liquid Liquefaction and regasification terminals Liquefaction terminal Export Receive gas by pipeline Cleans gas Liquefies Regasification terminal Import Receive gas by ships Regasifies Storage and transport 50 years and 128 million miles Doublehulled tankers Atmospheric pressure Doublewalled tanks 1 mete...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Wooden pallets

SLAID 1 I am going to talk about wooden pallets. After I am finished I will answer any question you might have about my presentation. SLAID 2 Lets start with history. Wooden pallets date back to 1000 B.C. Egiptians used sheets of wood for transport and storage. These wooden sheets are called skids or sleads. They are still in use but their shape and durability has changed a lot. It was the during the early 1920’s, shortly after the modern forklift was invented, when skids evolved into pallets, revolutionizing the way merchandise was stored and transported. The new design of pallets allowed goods to be moved, stored and stacked with extraordinary speed and versatility. During the WWII the allied countries established a standard size pallet to ease shipment and transportation. This agreement skyrocketed the production and popularity of wooden pallets during the war After the war variety of sizes and designs were produced and used. The tra...

Ehitus → Ehitus materjalid ja...
2 allalaadimist


Packaging General characteristics of the packaging q Packaging ­ tool or set of tools that protect goods from damage and loss. q Packaging is really important, as all kinds of damage may be caused to shipments : moisture, corrosion, dropping, evaporation, chemical reactions, and pilferage. Its essential to arrange for safe packing. Packing elements Ø Packing elements are containers, packaging or dressings material. Ø Package means the container for storage of goods or for their transportation. Ø Packaging materials mean any material used especially to protect something. qualification of packing Number of signs: Ø place Ø purpoce Ø the applied materials Ø form Ø frequency rate of use in a place of packing distinguish v Production - technological operation carries a manufacturer. v Trading - holding seller. This trading service can be free or paid. types of packaging ...

Logistika → Laonduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Solar power - presentation2

Solar Energy Presentation Introduction Solar energy Solar power Ø applications Ø energy storage method and solar power plants Solar energy Radiant light and heat from the sun Solar energy technologies include: Ø solar heating, Ø solar photovoltaics, Ø solar thermal electricity , Ø solar architecture Solar power Conversion of sunlight into electricity Using: Ø Photovoltaics (PV) Ø concentrated solar power (CSP). Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. PV convert light into electric current using the photoelectric effect. Applications CSP - normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


Vesiehitis (ingl. k hydraulic structure) on jõe-, järve-, mere- või põhjavee kasutamist võimaldav või vee purustavat toimet tõkestav rajatis, vesiehitus (hydraulic construction) aga tegevus, mis hõlmab igasuguste ehitiste rajamist voolu- või seisuvette. Vesiehitiste liigitus ·vett paisutavad ehitised (paisud); ·veejuhtmed: kanalid, kraavid, torustikud, tunnelid, rennid vms; ·veehaarded, mille kaudu võetakse jõest, järvest, merest, maa seest vett; ·veelaskmed (ülevoolud, treppveelaskmed, kiirvoolud jt), mille kaudu lastakse läbi või heidetakse ülespaisutatud või kogutud vett (sh nt heitvett reoveepuhastist); ·vett tõkestavad kaitseehitised: tammid, kaldakindlustised, voolu juhtivad ning mere- või jõekallast uhtmise eest kaitsvad kaldast lähtuvad kannustammid e buunid; ·veeliiklusega seotud ehitised: lüüsid, muulid, kaid jms; ·kalamajandusehitised: kalatiigid, kalapääsud jms. Vesiehitiste liigitus ·Asukoha järgi: jõe-, järve- võ...

Ehitus → Vesiehitised
21 allalaadimist

Practical training- Praktika aruanne

About my practical training I was in a practical training in AS Põltsamaa Felix. Its a food manufacturing company, which founded in 1993 and located in Põltsamaa in Jõgeva County. Põltsamaa Felix is Estonian's leading food manufacturers and the biggest employer in Jõgeva County. In the company works more than 170 employees. Põltsamaa Felix belongs to the international food industry Group Orkla Foods. That company is responsible for the marketing Orkla Group products in Estonia. Their main value is their trademarks. Põltsamaa Felix's mission is to make a delicious and healthy food and prepare joy to people every day. The vision is to be the leading food and drinks manufacturer in Estonia. I started my practical training period on 15th February and finished on 7th April. In the beginning of my practical training I haven't responsible tasks. I just watched what the other workers did. Towards the end of prac...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Superstore Sales [1] Row ID Order ID Order Date Order Priority Order Quantity 1 3 10/13/2010 Low 6 2 6 2/20/2012 Not Specified 2 3 32 7/15/2011 High 26 4 32 7/15/2011 High 24 5 32 7/15/2011 High 23 6 32 7/15/2011 High 15 7 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 30 8 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 14 9 36 11/2/2011 Critical 46 10 65 3/17/2011 Critical 32 11 66 1/19/2009 Low 41 12 69 6/3/2009 Not Specified ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Wooden Pallets

Wooden Pallets Tauri Udras Ehitus I History and development • Skids date back to 1000 B.C • Invention of forklift and modern pallets • World War II • Establishment of the GPMC pallet • Founding of EPAL Markings Types of pallets Components Use of pallets • Transport and storage • For heating • Furniture • Chicken coops, sheds and design elements Where to get ideas? Thank you for listening.

Ehitus → Ehitus materjalid ja...
2 allalaadimist

Comp architecture tasks

TÕLGI JA SELGITA! 1 DDR SDRAM - topeltkiirusega sünkroon-DRAM 2 PCI Express - Sisend-väljundsiini standard 3 serial ATA - jada-ATA, järjestik-ATA IDE-liidese edasiarendus 4 video card - videokaart 5 TFT - TFT-vedelkristallkuvar TFT-tüüpi vedelkristallkuvarites 6 XGA - 1990-ndatel firma IBM poolt välja töötatud kõrge lahutusvõimega graafikastandard. 7 HDD - kõvakettaajam 8 CD-RW - korduvsalvestusega laserketas Laserketas, millele erinevalt CD-R kettast saab informatsiooni salvestada, kustutada ja uuesti salvestada. 1 chip - kiip Väike pooljuhtmaterjali (enamasti räni) kristall, millele on tekitatud integraalskeem. 2 clock speed - taktsagedus Arvuti taktsagedus näitab taktgeneraatori poolt genereeritavat impulsside arvu sekundis ja määrab ära protsessori töökiiruse. 3 bus (1) - siin Juhtmete komplekt, mille kaudu andmed liiguvad arvuti ühest osast teise. 4 case (3) - korpus Seadet ümbritsev kest, korpus...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

KIek in de kök

Kiek in de Kök tower The cannon tower Kiek in de Kök was founded in 1475-1483. The name was first recorded in the description of the second siege of Tallinn in 1577 as Kyck in de Kaeken, later on several forms of the same name were used, such as Kik (Kyk) in de Kok, Kiek in die Küche, Pulffer-Thurm Giecken Köck. In 1696 the present name Kiek in de Kök was also mentioned, meaning "peek into the kitchen" in Low German. And true enough, it was possible to watch what the enemy was doing in their "kitchen" i.e. on position lower down from the about 38m-high tower. Already in the late 15th century the tower was somewhat reconstructed. The outer walls were made thicker and the tower got a diameter of 17.3 m. The walls are 4 m thick but the tower was then lower than today. The waterproof upper floor made of cobblestones was open and had 22 embrasures in its parapet. The parapet must have been covered by some kind of a roof but the middle part o...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Beauty Products

Beauty Products In my daily life I don't use much beauty products. I use shampoo when I am in the shower and sometimes I use skin lotion also. My Mum is a cosmetic in a way so she has a storage full of beauty products. There are many kinds of colones there but I only use them once in a year because I really don't use them. My Mum knows a lot about beauty products because she sells them and buys them. I also use aloe vera gel or some spray that is good for the skin. We don't have any sprays or beauty products that endangere or harm nature so it is safe to use. I don't really belive in the beauty products because it is always better to look like you are.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Imperial War museum

Imperial war museum In 1924 the museum moved to the Imperial Established in 1917 by Sir Institute building Alfred Mond (demolished in the 1950s and 1960s to make way for Imperial College) in South Kensington. The museum was opened on 9 June 1920. In 1966 the Museum's Southwark building was extended to provide collections storage and other facilities In 1967 the museum acquired a pair of 15-inch naval guns. By 1983 the museum was again looking to redevelop the Southwark site In September 1992 the museum was the target of a Provisional Irish Republican Army attack against London tourist attractions. 2000, the final phase of the Southwark red...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


HERMITAGE MUSEUM The State Hermitage (Russian: ) is a museum of art and culture situated in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums of the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and open to the public since 1852. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise nearly 3 million items, including the largest collection of paintings in the world. The collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings along Palace Embankment, including the Winter Palace, a former residence of Russian emperors. Apart from them, the Menshikov. Museum of Porcelain, Storage Facility at Staraya Derevnya and the eastern wing of the Generel Staff Building also make part of the museum. The museum has several exhibition centers abroad. The Hermitage is a federal state property. Since 1990, the director of the museum has been Mikhail Piotrovsky. Hermi...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
6 allalaadimist

Raudteejaam haapsalus

Raudteejaam haapsalus The train connection between Tallinn and Haapsalu started in 1905 and was disrupted in 1995,which makes it symbolic in more ways than one that the Estonian Railway Museumis in Haapsalu. It was here that the railways of tzarist Russia began. The railway station building was built into the resort town, favoured by the tzarist family and nibility of Russia, according to a special project: in order to keep the crowned heads away from rain or other weather conditions, the unique 216 meter long platform was covered with a roof in its entirety. The train station includes a passanger building, an imperial pavilion and a passage connecting both. In addition to the unique passanger building, the most notable exhibits of the museum include old trains and engines, the storage building, the water tower, a depot, the revolving bridge and the houses of the railway workers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


ELECTRIC CARS 2016 Electric car – what is it? • Powered by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy • Energy is stored in rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device • Require charging. Can be charged from home or special station History • First electric cars were produced in 1880s • Were popular in 19th and 20th cebtury •Then ICEs became more advanced Advantages • 3 x more efficient as ICE • Quieter • Do not emit tailpipe pollutants • Instant, strong and smooth acceleration • Lower running costs • Government discounts Disadvantages • Battery wears out over time • Batteries are expensive • Limited driving range (best range Tesla S – about 400km) • Charging takes a long time (unless using superchargers) • Lack of charging stations • Cost a bit more than ICE cars • Manufacturing produces heavy checmical waste Disadvantages • Effects on human health are unknown • It is believed that these kind of pow...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Assessment report - fast food restaurant

To: Mr C. James, Manager From: Name, Assistant Manager Subject: Marco’s fast food restaurant Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess the good and bad points of Marco’s fast food restaurant and suggest any changes. It is based on my experiences as a customer. Food and prices Firstly, I am satisfied with prices, they are reasonable. But there is not a wide variety of dishes. You should add more dishes to your menu. Service Another thing to mention is that the staff was friendly and helpful. I think that a good staff means a lot for customers. But on the other hand, the service is a little too slow, particularly when the restaurant gets busy. More people should be hired. Atmosphere Finally, the restaurant looks really old and it does not look very clean anymore. I think that painting it again will give a really good result. Furthermore, I came by car, but there was nowhere to park it. You should clean up the old storage ya...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
41 allalaadimist

Kiek in de Kök

Kiek in de Kök is an old German language nickname for towers, mainly those that formed parts of town fortifications. They gained the name from the ability of tower occupants to see into kitchens of nearby houses. Due to the history of the Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order, also towers far outside modern Germany bear this name, like in Gdask and Tallinn. The tower in Tallinn is an artillery tower built in 1475.The walls are 4 m thick but the tower was then lower than today. The waterproof upper floor made of cobblestones was open and had 22 embrasures in its parapet. The parapet must have been covered by some kind of a roof but the middle part of the floor was uncovered to get the mortars and catapults in place better. Compared to the other Tallinn towers Kiek in de Kök was predominant in its fire power, due to its 27 embrasures for cannons and 30 for handguns. The ground floor was a storage floor and there was also the initial ent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Green IT

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn 2012 Content What actually means Green IT? Origin Regulations and industry initiatives Approaches Green computing certifications Green IT Click to edit Master text styles environmentally sustainable Second level Third level computing or IT Fourth level Fifth level minimal or no impact on the environment Origin 1992 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ­ Energy Star TCO Development ­ T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist


Klamüüdia =) Klamüdioos e. Klamüüdia Eestis on klamüdioos sugulisel teel levivatest haigustest sageduselt teisel kohal. Maailmas on klamüdioos levikult esimesel kohal. Tekitaja Tekitajaks on bakter, mis põhjustab kuse ja suguelundite põletikke. Nakatumine Klamüdioos levib kaitsmata tupe, päraku ja suuseksi ajal. Haigustunnused Klamüdioos võib kulgeda ägedalt, alaägedalt ja varjatult. Bakterid paljunevad kiiresti. Esimesed haigustunnused ilmnevad 320 päeva jooksul pärast nakatumist: eritus kusitist, valulikkus urineerimisel. Bakterid paljunevad, kuid ei põhjusta erilisi nähtusi. Pooltel nakatunutest on haigustunnused vaevumärgatavad ja nad ei pöördu arsti poole. Klamüdioosi võib edasi anda ka siis, kui nähtusi pole. Bakterid paljunevad aeglaselt ja ei põhjusta mingeid haigustunnuseid. Sageli ei ole ka laboratoorsete analüüsidega võimalik baktereid leida. Haigus võib taolis...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
23 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

A B S T R A C T W e l c o m e t o t h e n e w e r a o f b i g d a t a . P ii s Big a v data a l in t C o clou o l d I T opportu I 0 Academic essay (ITI0103) 2019 spring Introduction “Data is Everything and Everyone is Data. “[1] The ability to collect, organize, structure and analyse data on a large scale is probably the most significant trait that sets us, humans, apart from our primate friends. [1] To comprehend the op...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

Green Technologies - kokkuvõte

Green Technologies - innovation and climate change ­ sustainagility Scientists can examine ice, but they cannot tell out anything about our future. Even if scientist has lived thousand years he won't be able to do it. The graph in video shows that the amount on carbon dioxide rises and then rises the temperature, but it is not so, it is exactly the opposite. One way to save energy is to build better buildings, because big headquarters are built to last only for 30-35 years. Building them up and pulling them down needs a lot of energy and about 30% of building energy is spent on it. It is thought that if in Tokyo 50% of all roofs are green it will save 1 million dollars a day of Tokyo businesses in cooling costs. Street light use 5% of energy, but it can be reduced to 2%. Usual TVs should be replaced with Plasma TV, because it saves energy more. By driving electic-car, it is possible to save energy a...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Veereostuse esitlus inglise keeles, Water pollution

WATER POLLUTION THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS THAT WATER CAN BE POLLUTED. ⦿ Surface Water Pollution - Most common type, you can visually see the pollution floating (plastic containers or oil and gasoline spills). ⦿ Ground Water Pollution – This becomes more relevant as it affects our drinking water. It become infected by toxic chemicals. ⦿ Microbial Pollution – Found in the countries who don’t have the facilities to cure the water so the bacteria and viruses grow in the water. The people have no other way of getting water so they are forced to drink it. WHAT CAUSES WATER POLLUTION? ⦿ Wastewater ⦿ Marine dumping ⦿ Industrian waste ⦿ Radioactive waste ⦿ Oli pollution ⦿ Underground storage ⦿ Global warming WHY IS IT A PROBLEM? ⦿ It causes worldwide disasters and deaths. ⦿ It may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long time. ⦿ Industrial waste often contains...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


1. Indoneesia asub ekvaatoril, India ja Vaikse Ookeani vahel. Indoneesia koosneb 17 508 saarest, neist 6000-l elatakse püsivalt. Indoneesia jagab maapiiri Malaisiaga, Paapua Uus Guineaga ning Ida Timoriga. Merepiiri jaguneb Singapuri, Malaisia, Filipiinide ja Austraalia vahel. Indoneesia asub Vaikse Ookeani, Euraasia ja Austraalia laamade ristumiskohas, mille tõttu on riigi territooriumil vähemalt 150 aktiivset vulkaani, kaasaarvatud Krakatoa ja Tambora, mis on mõlemad kuulsad oma laastamistöö pärast 19. sajandil. Riigil on 54 716 km rannajoont. Indoneesia pindala on 1 904 569 km2. Indoneesia saarestik on olnud tähtis kaubandusregioon alates 7. sajandist, mil Sriwijaya riik ja hiljem ka Majapahiti impeerium kauplesid Hiina ja Indiaga. Indoneesia ajalugu on oluliselt mõjutanud tema loodusvarasid himustavad võõrriigid. Indoneesia kaart 2. Indoneesia asub Kagu-Aasias. Kagu-Aasia asub lähisekvatoriaalses ja ekvatoriaalse kliimavö...

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist


Jamss Merlin-Hans Hiiekivi Jamss arvatakse olevat kasvanud juba Juura ajastul. Omadused Dioskoor (Dioscorea), juurmugulaid/jämenenud risoome moodustavate taimede perekond dioskoorealiste sugukonnast; Jamsil on väänduv või roniv 2­3 m (mõnel liigil 10­12 m) pikkune vars, mis ogaliste või pikakarvaliste köitraagudega kinnitub tugedele. Õitseb vähe, emasõiest moodustub 1­3 cm pikkune kolmeosaline kapslike, mille igas osas on 2 seemet. Lehekaenaldes võivad moodustuda kuni õunasuurused nn. õhumugulad (lühenenud külgvõrsed), õhumugulate moodustumine vähendab saaki. Igal taimel kasvab üks mullasisene silinderjas või vesijamsil kerajas mugul, 4­50 kg valge, kollane või punakas sisu. Levik Kultuurtaimena kasvatatakse: Indohiina poolsaarel vesijamssi (D. alata), ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Body and exterior vocabulary autotehnik

Vocabulary with definitions Body and exterior Body components, including windows and trim: · Bonnet/hood : UK (US hood) the metal cover over the part of a car where the engine is I looked under the bonnet and clouds of smoke poured out. (KAPOTT) · Bonnet/hood latch: a type of mechanical fastener that is used to join two (or more) objects or surfaces together while allowing for the regular or eventual separation of the objects or surfaces. · Bumper: a horizontal bar along the lower front and lower back part of a motor vehicle to help protect it if there is an accident. (AMORTISAATOR/PÕRKERAUD) · Unexposed bumper ­ can´t be seen · Exposed bumper ­ can be seen · Cowl screen: (KAITSEVÕRE) · A cowling: is the covering of a vehicle's engine, most often found on automobiles and aircraft. (KAPOTT) A cowling may be used: ...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Hüdroenergia - ettekanne

Hello My name is JOHN SMITH and I am here to talk about Hydroelectricity. Global energy use has risen by 70% since 1971 and continues to increase at the rate of 2% per year. There are many scenarios for future demand. One solution would be to use more hydropower. In 2005, renewable energy represented one-fifth of total power generation. Hydropower is the most advanced of the renewable and represents 87% of this production. 160 countries all over the world are using hydropower. Five countries make up more than half of the world's hydropower production. Those countries are: Brazil,Canada, China, Russia and the USA. (Production) *Most of the energy comes from the potential energy of dammed water driving a water turbine and generator. In this case the energy extracted from the water depends on the volume and on the difference in height between the source and the water's outflow. *Pumped storage hydroelectricity produces electricity to supp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

European Union economic

European Union economic 9th May 1951, six Western-Europe countries (Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France and Germany) signed a treaty to run their heavy industries ­ coal and steel ­ under a common management. From this economic cooperation agreement, European Union has grown up. For today, the aim of this union has made 180º turn but the reason why more and more countries are joining it is still same ­ to rise the economy. So how does it work? European Union is functioning like an independent country. It collects taxes to reach its objectives. Taxes are collected mainly from member countries GDP (1,1% of countries budget) but as well the import duties on good bought into EU. Also, every member country is paying 0,1%-0,33% of their VAT (value added tax). It is the way how EU gets its budget which is about 120 billion per year. This money is spent mainly to improve agriculture (direct aid, export refunds, sto...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Hankelogistika - Algmaterjali tootmine ehitusele ja mööblitööstusele

Hankelogistika Algmaterjali tootmine ehitusele ja mööblitööstusele Minu hankelogistika töö on ehitusmaterjalide ja mööblitootmise algmaterjali tootmisest. Vaatlen MDF-i ja PLP-i tootmist. Mis on MDF (medium density fibreboard) ja PLP (particle board)? Lihtsalt öeldes, tegemist on puitlaastplaadiga/puitkiudplaadiga, mis on tuntud ka kui "Püssi plaat", vanemad inimesed tunnevad seda ka saepuruplaadina. Tegemist on äärmiselt keskkonnasõbarliku tootega (eriti enne lisaväärtuse andmist). Puidutööstuses hästi orienteeruvad inimesed ei paneks nende kolme artikli vahele võrdusmärki, kuid tavainimene võiks seda väga vabalt endale lubada. Nimelt on tehnoloogiliselt nende erinevus väga väike.) Kuigi Eestis on saetööstus väga hästi arenenud ja see suudab töödeleda kogu kohaliku saepalgi, siis edasine tegevus läheb kahjuks juba riigist välja. Paberipuu läheb 95% ulatuses ekspordiks. (

Logistika → Laomajandus
61 allalaadimist

Food economics

About food economics Tartu 2016 About the author Henning Otte Hansen Senior Advisor in the Institute of Food and Resource Economics. Denmark. Specific, many charts, explanations. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 2 Introduction Food is a physical need. Consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. The right to food is a human right. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 3 Research question What makes the food market unique? What are the specific conditions for food economics? E. Roosaar 4/10/19 4 Uniqueness of food markets Natural conditions. Food sector's special conditions (distinctive conditions). Several special conditons are becoming less distinctive. One special condition can affect the other. Supply and demand. E. Roosaar ...

Majandus → Inglise keel I
2 allalaadimist


Kõvakettad Sissejuhatus Füüsiline kõvaketas (tihti kutsutakse seda ainult kõvakettaks või HDD-ks(Hard disk drive)) on püsimäluga seade, mis hoiab digitaalselt kodeeritud andmeid väga kiiresti pöörleval kettal, millel on magneetiline pind. Täpselt rääkides sõna ,,drive" (hard disk drive-s) viitab motoriseeritud mehaanilisele sisemusele, mis on eristav ta enda sisust nagu kassetimängija ja kassett või floppi mängija flopiga. Varasemad HDD-del oli eemaldatav ketas, kuigi tänapäevaks on need tavaliselt suletud ümbrises (väljaarvatud ventilatsiooni õhuaugud, et ühtlustada õhurõhku) ja mitte eemaldava kettaga. Ajalugu HDD (nägi ilmavalgust esimest korda 1956. aastal IBM firmaarvutites) oli välja arendatud kasutamiseks üldotstarbelistes arvutites. 1990-tes vajadus suuremahulistele, usaldusväärsetele ja seadmed, mis ei sõltu konkreetselt teatud seadmetest, viis manussüteemideni nagu RAID-id, NAS (Network Attached Storage) süsteemid ja SAN...

Informaatika → Informaatika
25 allalaadimist


HENRIK SEPP Kuu on Maa looduslik kaaslane. Ta on Maale lähim taevakeha (keskmine kaugus Maast 384 400 km). Kuu tiirleb ümber Maa mööda elliptilist orbiiti, mille ekstsentrilisus on 0,0549. Orbiidi kalle ekliptika suhtes on 5,1454°. Kuu vähim kaugus Maast on 356 410 km ja suurim kaugus 406 700 km. Keskmine kaugus on 384 000 km. Kuu kiirus orbiidil on 1,03 km/s. Kuu teeb ühe tiiru ümber Maa 27 ööpäeva ja 8 tunniga, see on sideeriline kuu. Sünoodilise kuu pikkus on aga 29 ööpäeva ja 12 tundi. Kuu faasid korduvad iga 29,5 ööpäeva tagant. Kuu läbimõõt on 3476 km, mis on ligi 4 korda väiksem kui Maa läbimõõt. Suurim näiv nurkdiameeter on 33'40. Kuu mass on Maa massist 81 korda väiksem, olles 7,36 × 1022 kg. Keskmine tihedus on 3,3 g/cm3. Raskusjõud on Kuu pinnal kuus korda väiksem kui Maa pinnal. Esimene kosmiline kiirus on 1,7 km/s Teine kosmiline kiirus on 2,4 km/s. Tumedaid laike Kuu pinnal kutsutakse meredeks, kõige suuremat, täisk...

Füüsika → Füüsika
6 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

Tax policy After regaining independence in 1990, Lithuania is a fully functional parliamentary democracy. The chief of state is the president, and the head of the government is the premier. The president is directly elected by the people and serves a 5-year term. The parliament, known as the Seimas, has 141 members who are elected for 4-year terms. Of these, 71 are directly elected by the people and 70 are elected by proportional vote. The tax burden, at some one-third of the GDP is moderate by international standards and will further be reduced as the liberalization progresses. These are mainly income and value-added taxes . Tax revenues come from a variety of sources. Goods that are imported into Lithuania face import duties that range from 10 to 100 percent (but average 15 percent on most goods). The highest tariffs are on tobacco, automobiles, jewelry, and gasoline. The personal income tax level is 33 percent with rates of betwee...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Nutitelefonid töökohal

Смартфон на рабочем месте   Студенты: Дмитрий Кривобоков (täiendusõppur) Лина Савчик (IABB14) Ренат Рождественский (IABB14) Преподаватель: доц.Борис Гордон Введение Введение Введение Воздействие смартфонов на потребителей Интернет-зависимость • В Японии проблема интернет- зависимости стоит на одном уровне с алкоголизмом • в 2013 году 15 % из 100000 школьников проводило более 5 часов в Опасность и риски • Samsung Galaxy • Новый iPhone Note 7 мог может взорваться взорваться при • При разговоре по зарядке или полете iPhone, на самолете поставленном на • За время неоригинальную использования ...

Keeled → Vene keel
2 allalaadimist


Good morning! My name is Marianne Kümnik. I will be speaking today about strawberries. My presentation will last for about 10 minutes. Please can you save your questions till the end. Choosing Cultivars Some cultivars perform better than others, but it is difficult to predict which will grow best in a particular garden. Perhaps the best way to decide which cultivars to grow is to find out what works well for neighbours or local commercial growers. Before planting strawberries in a large area it’s good to try several promising cultivars Some cultivars that perform well: • Earliglow—perhaps the best-flavored cultivar, it is among the earliest to ripen. • Northeaster—ripens about the same time as Earliglow. It is resistant to red stele and does well on heavier clay soils. The berries are large and have a hint of grape flavor, which some people love and others dislike. • Sable—has excellent flavor and also ripens early. • Allstar—a relia...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Infohaldus-Praktiline töö nr. 1

PRAKTILINE TÖÖ NR. 1 1. RIKSWEB  Leidsin RIKSWEB’ ist kuus lõputööd motivatsiooni kohta. Avasin lehekülje ja lisasin otsingusse sõna motivatsioon. Esialgu tuli liiga palju tulemusi. Proovisin teist varianti. Vasakust veerust valisin täpsema otsingu. Seal sisestasin märksõna ja ühikuks panin diplomitöö. Nii leidsin ülesandele vastavad tulemused.  Leidsin meie kooli raamatukogu elektronkataloogist märksõnaga äriplaanid 10 tulemust. Sisestasin täpsemasse otsingusse sõna ärikataloog. Panin keeleks inglise ja ühikuks raamatud. Tulemuseks tuli neli lehekülge, kust selekteerisin ülesandest tulenevalt vajaliku.  Vasakust veerust valisin täpsema otsingu, kus märkisin linnukestega nimetuse ja artiklid ja otsinguna märksõna suhtlemispsühholoogia. Otsing andis palju tulemusi, kuhu kuulusid nii ajakirja väljaanded, raamatud kui ka loengumaterjalid, kus seda s...

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
18 allalaadimist

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor attac Kadri Nutt 11D Facts · was a preemptive military strike on the was United States Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii · by the Empire of Japan's Imperial Japanese Navy, on the morning of Sunday, 7 December 1941. · Two attack waves · destroyed two U.S. Navy battleships, one minelayer, two destroyers and 188 aircraft. · Personnel losses were 2,333 killed and 1,139 wounded · Very important fuel storage, shipyards, and submarine facilities were not hit · Japanese losses were minimal at 29 aircraft and five midget submarines, with 65 Japanese servicemen killed or wounded. Reasons · intent was to protect Imperial Japan's advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies -- for their natural resources such as oil and rubber -- by neutralizing the U.S. Pacific Fleet. · Both the US and Japan had longstanding contingency plans for war in the Pacific · ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

Module 1. Introduction 1)When did the industrial revolution start? 19th century 2)How did the Americans improve the Western European economy? Marshal aid 3)When did world trade start booming before or after 1950? After 3 top exporting continents in the world: Asia 56%, Europe 19%, North America 10%. Area is considered to be the biggest emerging market: The Indian Sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). Products are exported from … Europe: motor cars, mashinery, chemicals.;Asia: video/audio equipment, clothes, shoes.; Australia: iron ore(рудаmaak), dairy products, meat.;Middle East: oil, gas, chemicals.;Africa: fruits, cacao, coffee.; North America: peanuts, grain, coal.;South America: meat, poultry(linnuliha), iron ore. WTO- the World Trade Organisation is the driver to ensure trade between countries has no barriers world wide. 340 mln container are circling the globe! 500.000 ships ensure that cargo is shipped aroun...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Temperate deciduous forests, woodlands and shrub

Temperate deciduous forests, woodlands and shrub Tartu 2008 Location: Temperate forests are typical of all European continent, the Eastern region of Asia (in special, Chinese and Japan) and North America. Also are finded in tempered areas of South America. Climate: The average temperature in temperate forests is 50° F. Summers are mild, and average about 70° F, while winter temperatures are often well blow freezing. The average yearly precipitation is 30-60 inches. This precipitation falls throughout the year, but in the winter it falls as snow. There are four seasons in this biome, with warm summers and cold winters, often snowy. In autumn, the leaves change color and fall from the trees. The leaves decay on the forest floor, so the soil is very rich. Because of this, and because of the long growing season, many deciduous forests have been cut down for farming purposes. Plants: Trees of this biome include hardwood...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Triin Aljand

Kose Gümnaasium Referaat Triin Aljand Koostaja: Kertu Karner 11A Kose 2009 Triin Aljand · Triin Aljand sündis 8. juulil 1985 Tallinnas. · Triin Aljand on 179 pikk ja kaalub 68 kg. · Ta on Keila Swimclubi liige ning enne Usa-s õppima asumist oli tema treeneriks isa Riho Aljandi. · Aastast 2005 õpib ta Texas A&M ülikoolis [1] turismi ja hotellindust [2]. · Triinu hobideks on muusika, filmid ja ristsõnad. Eesmärk spordis on jõuda tippu. · Ujuja Martti Aljand on Triin Aljandi vend. Saavutused · 2003. aastal Barcelonas toimunud maailmameistrivõitlustel saavutas Triin 50 m liblikujumises 15. koha. · Ta osales ka 2004. aasta Ateena olümpiamängudel, kuid ei suutnud 50 m vabaujumise eelujumistes näidata võimetekohast aega. Aljand ...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
19 allalaadimist


Miina Härma Gümnaasium Reumatoidartriit Referaat Koostaja : Ave-Ly K. Juhendaja : õp. Saime Aule 2009. aasta Sisukord Sissejuhatus ja selgitus.............................................................................3 Ülevaade...................................................................................................4 Tekkepõhjused ja ­mehhanismid.............................................................5 Sümptomid ehk avaldumine......................................................................6 Diagnoosimine..........................................................................................7 Ravivõimalused...................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
33 allalaadimist


Vesinikauto Referaat Tallinn 2010 Sissejuhatus Mina valisin teemaks vesinikauto, kuna see on maailma paremaks muutmise jaoks väga oluline uuendus. Ma olen väga huvitatud vesinikautost ja tahaks rohkem teada selle kohta ning sellepärast valisingi sellise teema. Vesinikauto on minu jaoks väga huvitav ning ma tahaks väga teada kuidas see töötab täpsemalt ja kuidas on see maailmale kasulikum kui tavaline bensiini või diisli auto. Samuti tahaks teada, kas on ka vesinikautol miinuseid, ehk kas on see ka kuidagi kahjulik. Auto tööpõhimõte Vesinikauto töötab üldiselt sisepõlemismootoriga, kus kasutatakse hapnikku vesiniku põletamiseks. Selle põlemise saaduseks on ainult vesi (veeauruna, samuti on saadusteks lämmastik, mis sisenes mootorisse õhust ja kuna lämmastik ei põle väljub seda samal hulgal [6] ) , seega on see väga keskkonnasõbralik ja ei saasta loodust üldsegi nii nagu seda...

Keemia → Keemia
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: Letter of complaint

LETTER OF COMPLAINT Dear Mr Manager, I am writing to complain about the coffee set I bought from your shop two days ago. You have a really wide choice of beautiful coffee cups and sets. All your personnel was very competent and helpful. So I chose a lovely set. I was recommended to deliver the purchase to my house. I got the delivery in time, but then the trouble started. I started unwrapping the set and to my horror I discovered that two of the saucers were broken. I would be grateful if you could substitute the broken items, otherwise I have to return the whole set and claim a refund. I have got the receipt. Yours faithfully, Mrs Jean Smith TÕLGE: Kallis Hr Manager Kirjutan teile et kaevata kohvi koplekti üle mille ma ostsin teie poest kaks päeva tagasi. Teil on väga lai valik kauneid kohvi tasse ja komplekte. Terve teie personal oli väga kompetentne ja abivalmis. Nii et ma valisin armsa komplekti. Mulle soovitati ost kohale toim...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun