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"top-gear" - 39 õppematerjali


Top Gear

· Top Gear is a funny television show about motor vehicles · The country of origin is United Kingdom and it's made by BBC · The show has about 350 million viewers · There has been 13 series of Top Gear · There are Russian and Australian versions of the show aswell · They try out new cars and compare their lap times agains others · They have a celebrety guest in every show who has to drive in the reasonably-priced car · They tell about new cars and news about motor vehicles · They have a cool wall in the studio Jeremy Clarkson James Daniel May · he was born 11.April(1960) · He was born · he`s a carpressman and 16.January(1963) anchorman · he´s a British television · Jeremy Clarkson is a very presenter and award- funny person winning journalist · he writes weekly · on top Gear his nickname newspapers Sunday Times i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Top Gear

Top Gear It all started when BBC presented us with an idea. Every one of us had to build a British motorhome of the future, which would be practical but still look cool. Three things the motorhome had to have were sleeping accommodation, cooking facilities and a bog. We met up at Fleet to take a look at each others brilliant come ups before the challanges. As usual I came in with quite an entrance. My motorhome was by far the tallest ever built. It had three stories and looked extremely cool. After walking Hammond through my surperb motorhome I couldn't help but laughing at his. It was a hidious Land Rover which appeared from far to be covered with bricks. The ,,stone effect" was in Richards mind the Land Rover style.It literally had a bog next to the driver's seat. After having a great laugh once more over Hammonds brilliant motorhome, James May came in what appeared to be a roc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Review - Top Gear

Review Top Gear is an entertaining TV program for car enthusiasts. Usually episodes are made in United Kingdom, but some are made in Europe and America. Presenters are Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond who called "Hamster" and James May who called "Captain Slow". Top Gear has done 15 seasons and now 16 season is coming completely on 16th March. In program they test cars and they make one quick lap with that car. Their racing driver is called The Stig. They make some challanges with old and cheap cars and they show which car is best in that category. They have guests in show. Their guest drive fast lap with Kia Cee´d which is normal price car and not very fast. Then they take the lap time and but it on the board. They use the wall, which called "Cool Wall". There is many cars which are cools, un cools, seriously un cools or sub zeros, like they think. Every episode they change car positions. The latest episode was very funny. UK Top Ge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Seriaali Top Gear ja saate Võta või jäta kirjeldus

,,Võta või jäta" Saade ,, Võta või jäta "on eetris tv3-s reedeti kell 20.00. Tegemist on telemänguga, kus mängijal tuleb kiusatuslike pakkumiste ja reaalse olukorra vahel parim lahendus leida ning 26 rahakohvri seast see "õige" valida. Kohvrites peituvad erinevad summad alates 10 sendist ja lõpetades 1 000 000 krooniga. Mängija ülesandeks on neid järgemööda avades ja salapärase Pankuri pakkumisi arvestades enda jaoks parim valik teha. Eestis on saatejuhiks Alari Kivisaar ning kohvreid hoiavad neiud E.M.A modelliagentuurist. Saade põhineb tegelikult "Deal or No Deal" formaadil, mis on välja kasvanud Hollandi meelelahutussaatest, praeguseks näidatakse saadet juba ligi 70. riigis. Mängu põhimõte on lihtne. Võistleja valib endale 26 kohvri hulgast ühe. See kohver jääb mängu lõpuni tema valdusse, kui ta just seda pankurile müüa ei kavatse. Pärast seda, kui ta on endale kohvri valinud, hakkab mängija järgemööda avama järelejäänud ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
9 allalaadimist


Engine 1. Distribution of weight ­ Raskuse jaotamine 2. Belt ­ Rihm 3. Chain ­ Kett 4. To keep breaking ­ Pidevalt katkema 5. Effort ­ Jõupingutus 6. Currently ­ Käesoleval ajal 7. Option ­ Valik 8. Advantage ­ Eelis 9. All-wheel-drive ­ Täisvedu / nelivedu 10. To power ­ Tööle panama 11. To control ­ Kontrollima 12. Interrelationship ­ Tihe seos 13. Power plant ­ Jõuseade 14. Power train ­ Jõuülekandesüsteem 15. Power transmission ­ Jõuülekanne 16. Running gear ­ Veermik 17. Control system ­ Juhtsüsteem 18. Subsystem ­ Allsüsteem 19. Fuel system ­ Toitesüsteem 20. Exhaust system ­ Väljalaskesüsteem 21. Lubrication system ­ Õlitussüsteem 22. Cooling system ­ Jahutussüsteem 23. Drive system ­ veosüsteem 24. Clutch ­ sidur 25. Differential ­ Diferentsiaal 26. Drive shaft ­ Veovõll 27. Suspension ­ vedrustus 28. Shock ­ absorber ­ Amortisaator 29. Support system ­ Tugisüsteem 30. Steering system ­ juhtimi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Distribution of weight

UNIT6 - - Distribution of weight ­ raskuse jaotamine - Belt- rihm - Chain kett - To keep breaking ­ pidevalt katkema - Effort ­ jõupingutus - Currently ­ käesoleval ajal - Option- valik - Advantage ­ eelis - AWD- nelikvedu - To power ­ tööle panema - To control ­ kontrollima - Interrelationalship ­ tihe seos - Power plant ­ jõuseade - Power train jõuülekandesüsteem - Running gear ­ veermik - Control sytem ­ kontrollsüsteem - Subsystem- allsüsteem - Fuel system ­ toitesüsteem - Exhaust system ­ väljalaskesüsteem - Lubrication system ­ määrde-õlitussüsteem - Cooling system ­ jahutussüsteem - Drive system ­ veosüsteem - Clutch- sidur - Differential ­ diferential - Drive shaft- rattavõll , veovõll - Suspension ­ vedrustus - Shock ­ absorber - amortisaator - Support system ­ tugiimissüsteem - Steering system ­ juhtimissüsteem - Brake system ­ pidurisüs...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

ahtrilainete süsteem stern wave system different trim dünaamilise tõstejõuga laev dynamically supported ship erikaal specific weight Froude arv Froude number gravitatsiooniline takistus gravity-related resistance hõõrdetakistus frictional resistance hõõrdetegur coefficient of friction koosmõju interaction hürdodonaamiline rõhk hydrodynamical pressure hüdromehaanika fluid mechanics hürdrostaatiline rõhk hydrostatical pressure inertsjõud inertial force isepoleeruv värv self-polishing paint jäätakistus residual resistance jäätakistus ice resistance kaal weight käigulained shipborne waves käigulainete interferent wave systems ineraction kaikuvus prop...

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 1. Nimetage kurnpüüniseid 2. Kuidas toimub püük kaldanoodaga 3. Milliseid kalu püütakse Eestis põhjanoodaga 4. Iseloomustage tõstevõrguga püüki 5. Milleks on seinnoodal haarad 6. Kuidas orienteerub laev seinnoodapüügil kalaparve ja tuule suhtes 7. Mis asi on jõuplokk 8. Milliseid kalaparve käitumise iseärasusi tuleb seinnoodapüügil arvestada 9. Miks on seinnooda vertikaalne rakenduskoefitsient suurem, kui horisontaalne 1 1. Milline taglastuselement on põhjatraalnooda tunnuseks 2. Milles seisneb põhimõtteline vahe traalnoodaga ja põhjanoodaga püügil 3. Milleks on vaja traallaudu 4. Millise traallaua konstruktsioonielemendi külge ühendatakse vaier 5. Milleks on vaja traalpüügil kaableid 6. Nimeta põhjatraalnooda peamised osad 2 3 §9. Traalpüünised ja Ahtertraalimine t...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia 2000-2010

Suurbritannia 2000 ja hiljem Fakte Rahvaarv: 62,1 milj. (Inglismaa 51,6 milj.) Pindala: 243 789 km2 Kuninganna Elizabeth II, peaminister David Cameron Rahaühik: naelsterling 90% rahvastikust elab linnas Ühines EL-iga 1973 Konstitutsiooniline monarhia ja parlamentaarne demokraatia Poliitika 6 parteid: 1. Briti rahvuspartei (2 kohta europarlamendis) 2. Konservatiivne partei (koalitsioonis Ld-ga) 3. Leiboristlik partei (võimul 1997-2010) 4. Liberaaldemokraadid (koalitsioonis Kp-ga) 5. Plaid Cymru (1 koht europ.-s, 3 alamkojas) 6. Soti rahvuspartei (Soti iseseivuse eest, 6 kohta alamkojas) Pulmad Prints William ja Kate Middleton 29.04.2011 Westminster Abbey's Esimene kohtumine 2001 St. Andrews'i ülikoolis 1900 külalist Majandus Maailmas suuruselt kuues, Euroopas kolmas majandus Töötus: 7,9%; inflatsioonitase: 3...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
7 allalaadimist

Auto mootor

Põltsamaa Ametikool Mootor A1 Margo Pukki Kaarlimõisa 2008 1.Mootori ehitus 1. Väntmehhanism 1.1 Ülesanne? 1.2 Ehitus?(Põhiosad) 1.3 Tööpõhimõte? Väntmehhanism- muudab kütuse põlemisel tekkinud gaaside rõhu (edaspidi-indikaatorrõhk pi) kolvi edasi-tagasi liikumise abil väntvõlli pöörlevaks liikumiseks. Tema osad on: plokikaas, silinder, kolb koos rõngaste ja sõrmega, keps ja väntvõll. Vänt-kepsmehhanism koosneb järgmistest osadest: a) kolb (piston); b) kolvirõngas (piston-ring); c) kolvisõrm (wristpin); d) keps (connecting rod) ja selle laagrid; e) väntvõll (crankshaft) ja selle laagrid; f) hooratas. 1. Kolb Kolvi funktsioonid on a) kanda põlemisgaaside poolt tekitatud jõud üle kepsule, b) töötada koos kepsuga ja tagada silindris selle liikumisteekond, c) oma konstruktsiooni ja lisaelementidega tihendada mootori põlemiskambrit ja eristada see kar...

Auto → Auto õpetus
472 allalaadimist

J.Clarkson "No tule taevas appi"

Raamatu kokkuvõte Kirjalik kokkuvõte J.Clarksoni raamatust ,,No tule taevas appi!" Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson (sünd 11. aprill 1960) on inglise autoajakirjanik ja saatejuht. Eelkõige on ta tuntud BBC autosaatest Top Gear, mida ta juhib koos Richard Hammondi ja James Mayga (saadet näitavad praegu Eesti TV3 ja TV6). Samuti kirjutab ta iganädalasi kolumne ajalehtedele Sunday Times ja The Sun. Tema kirjutistest on koostatud üle kümne suure müügieduga raamatu. Eestikeelsena on tema raamatutest ilmunud "Jeremy Clarkson autode kallal" ja "No tule taevas appi!", mida käesolev sulesünnitis käsitleb. ,,Kui see auto oleks hommikueine, siis see oleks maisihelves röstsaial" Raamat kujutab endast Clarksoni kirjutatud artiklite kogumit, millede vahel puudub seos ja ühtne läbiv teema. Mõningatel juhtudel esineb artiklite vahel ka vastuolusid. Clarkson on tuntud impulsiivsete väljendite...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
15 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 10. Õngpüünised §3. Õngpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Õngpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb kala peibutamises õngekonksule kinnitatud söödaga või muu peibutusvahendiga, mille haaramisel kala haakub. (2) Lubatud õngpüünised on: 1) lihtkäsiõng, mis koosneb ridvast, kuni 1,5 ridva pikkusest õngenöörist, üheharulisest konksust ja millega püügil kasutatakse looduslikku sööta ning mis võib olla varustatud raskuse ja ujukiga; 2) spinning, mis koosneb rõngastega ridvast, ridvarullist, õngenöörist ja landist või rakisest, võib olla varustatud vahetrossi, lisaraskuse ja nn peibutustirguga; 3) käsiõng, mis koosneb ridvast, õngenöörist ja sellele lipsudega kinnitatud kuni kolmest üheharulisest konksust või kirptirgust, võib olla varustatud ridvarõngaste, raskuse, ujuki või noogutiga ja rulli või haspliga õngenööri kerimiseks; 4) vedel, mis koosneb õngenöörist, landist või rakisest, võib olla varustatud vahetrossi j...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
26 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

VW Scirocco ajalugu (PP esitlus)

o c c o S c ir W a Räst Anti V 2011 atus Kuna nüüd Scirocco s s õige eks jub id on V m on a3v W to tutv uda nende e rsioo otnud uusi ning kolm ni, s iis k e ju h mag seej ega a. ärel kõig õige jätka ep ta n ealt eist S is s de a o 1. Sc i Sciro rocco to leva ...

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Keelevead meie ümber

Audentese Erakool ,,Keelevead meie ümber" Projekt Tallinn 2008 Vead televisioonis(filmides, seriaalides): · 05.09.07, TV3, Dokumentaalfilm ­ 216 kilone teismeline ,,Ma tahaksin suura", õige: surra. · 18.01.08, Coca-cola plaza, PS!I love you ,,Ma arbastan Sind!", õige: ma armastan Sind! · 02.03.08 , TV3, Simpsonid ­ ,,Olen sult palju asja laenanud" , õige: asju · 05.03.08, TV3, Dokumentaalfilm ­ Dieet või surm. ,,Motlesin, et suren", õige: mõtlesin. · 12.03.08, TV3, Top Gear ­ ,,Selle auto disaini britt.", õige: disainis. Internetist leitud vead: · 13.02.07, ,, Kuigi loodsin, et saan kaks peeglit", õige: lootsin. · 27.02.07, ,, Kas saaks teada kui vana on solaariumi lampid?", õige: Kas saaks teada kui vanad on solaariumi lambid? ·...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

Turbo ja kompressor(inglise keeles)

Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, automotive engineers, speed junkies and racecar designers have been searching for ways to boost its power. One way to add power is to build a bigger engine. But bigger engines, which weigh more and cost more to build and maintain, are not always better. Another way to add power is to make a normal-sized engine more efficient. You can accomplish this by forcing more air into the combustion chamber. More air means more fuel can be added, and more fuel means a bigger explosion and greater horsepower. A turbo/supercharged engine produces more power overall than the same engine without the charging. Both superchargers and turbochargers do this. The difference between the two devices is their source of energy . TURBOCHARGER When people talk about race cars or high-performance sports cars, the topic of turbochargers usually comes up. Turbochargers also appear on large diesel engines. A t...

Auto → Jõuülekanne
56 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused 1. Nakkevõrkude töö põhimõte 2. Millised nakkevõrgu konstruktsioonilised iseärasused on eriti olulised püügi efektiivsuse seisukohast 3. Mis kujuga võib olla nakkevõrkude jada 4. Milliseid kalu püütakse õngpüünistega 5. Mis asi on "mail" 6. Milline näeb välja vertikaalne õngejada 1 12. Kurnpüünised 8. Kurnpüünised (Kalapüügieeskiri) (1) Kurnpüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb veekogu osa ümberpiiramises ja sealt kala kättesaamises püünise kokkuvedamisega. (2) Lubatud kurnpüünised on: 1) põhjanoot, mis koosneb võrdse pikkusega veoköitest, tiibadest ja pärast ning mille veoköied toimivad kalapeletina ehk hirmutina; 2) veonoot, mis koosneb veoköitest, tiibadest, noodakerest ja pärast ning mis kokkuvedamisel kurnab läbi kogu veekihi ümberpiiratud alal; 3) kaldanoot ­ veonoot, millega loomus veetakse kaldale...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
23 allalaadimist

Gordon Ramsay

Tabasalu Ühisgümnaasium Gordon Ramsay Loovtöö Koostaja: Ken Georg Simon 8.b klass Juhendaja: Sigrid Mets Tabasalu 2013 Sissejuhatus Gordon Ramsay on väga edukas kokk ja sellepärast ma otsustasin teha töö temast. Selles loovtöös on üheks eesmärgiks teada saada, kuidas on saanud lihtsast Soti perepojast ülemaailmselt tunnustatud tippkokk, kellel on mitmeid edukaid ja kõrgetasemelisi restorane üle kogu maailma ning on saavutanud mitmeid kokandusmaailmas tunnustust näitava kõrgeima autasu ehk nn Michelini tähe. Gordon Ramsay on suurepärane eeskuju nendele, kes tahavad kokaks saada. Samuti tahan ka mina saada kokaks. Tema saateid vaatan, sest tahan teada saada tippkoka teadmisi ja näpunäiteid, et ise sama hästi süüa teha. Tema saateid on ka meelelahutuslikus mõttes põnev jälgida. Loovtöösse tahaksin lisada küsitluse, mis oleks minu tei...

Toit → Kokk
10 allalaadimist

Eesti ajakirjad 2014

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Meril Mägi, Marianne Sokk, Veronica Palm, Ivika Tihhonova, Carina Peet Eesti ajakirjad 2014 Referaat Juhendaja: Ragne Kõuts Tartu 2014 Sisukord Referaat............................................................................................................................... 1 1. AJAKIRJADE OLEMUS..................................................................3 2. AJAKIRJADE LIIGITUS.................................................................3 3. AJAKIRJALAADSED VÄLJAANDED.................................................4 3.1 Veebiajakirjad............................................................................................. 4 4. AJAKIRJADE TIRAAŽ...................................................................5 5. SUUNI...

Meedia → Ajakirjandusajalugu
4 allalaadimist


Good afternoon. My name is Siiri Paurson. And I will be speaking today about OVERFISHING. I will be speaking for about 10 minutes. I’ll be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. INTRODUCTION: What is overfishing? What is causing overfishing? Why is overfishing a problem? Fishing down the food web. What can we do to help? WHAT IS OVERFISHING?: Overfishing can be defined in a number of ways. However, everything comes down to one simple point: Catching too much fish for the system to support leads to an overall degradation (degrödašon) to the system. Overfishing is a non-sustainable use of the oceans. WHAT IS CAUSING OVERFISHING?: Worldwide, fishing fleets are two to three times as large as needed to take present day catches of fish and other marine species (spiišis) and as what our oceans can sustainably support. On a global scale we have enough fishing capacity (cäpaseti) to cover at least four Earth...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

1·1 Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing 1 Contents Air cleaner element renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Fuel filter renewal - fuel injection engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Alternator drivebelt check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Hinge and lock check and lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Automatic transmission fluid level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 ...

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Autode ja masinate remondi osakond Rainer Kaine AT-109 Iseseisev töö Electric cars Instructor: Tauris Vijar Tartu 2010 Introduction In this essay i´m write electric cars and this how these cars are built, how easy is built electric car, how much costs electric cars. The problems for electric cars, there are many problems why peoples still can´t use quiet and more green cars. But even the electric car is not all green because the electricity produced for nuclear, coal, oil shale and natural gas. These ways to get electricity pollutes nature, the only difference between lies in the fact that pollution is in the one place. Coal Electric power station Oil shale power station in Narva What is a electric car An electric car is a plug-in battery powered automobile which is propelled by electric motor. Electric cars...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Test VIII - cumulative test

Test VIII - cumulative test by Piigli, Mets, Parker, Kauler "Top delusion" question / answers are red. Test I The induction machines are associated with the names of Dolivo - Dobrovolsky, Tesla. The synchronous machines are associated with the name of Ferraris. The DC machines are associated with the names of Jacobi and Henry. The electromagnetic torque is born in air gap. The torque is proportional to the current in dc motor. Which equations are correct? P = sW; oomega = tuletis fii'st The angular frequency is 2*pi()*n / 60 ja 2*pi()f The motor torque is equal to TL + J * oomega tuletis aja järgi The inductor supplies the motor with flux. The leading companies in the world market of electrical drive engineering are: Mitsubishi. The energy balance is described by energy conservation law. The armature supplies the motor with current. The cheapest and the most r...

Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse
36 allalaadimist

Aruanne mv TransDistinto

TTÜ EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Laevanduskeskus Laevamehaanika lektoraat MEREPRAKTIKA ARUANNE Praktika algus: Kadett: Andrei Lichman Praktika lõpp: Rühm: MM42 Praktika koht: m/v Transdistinto Juhendaja: Jaan Läheb Tallinn 2016 2 3 SISUKORD 1.1. Üldandmed laeva kohta ................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Üldandmed laeva jõuseadme kohta .................................................................................. 7 1.2.1 Jõuseadmete tüüp .................................................

Mehaanika → Masinamehaanika
28 allalaadimist

FCE Result Words and Phrases

FCE Result Words and Phrases Alphabetical Wordlist a bite to eat (phr) abandon (v) abruptly (adv) absent-minded (adj) abstract (adj) abusive (adj) access (n) accuse of (v) achievement (n) aching (adj) acknowledgement (n) acquire (v) activist (n) adaptation (n) addicted to (adj) addictive (adj) additional (adj) admire (v) admission (n) adoptive (adj) adrenalin (n) adulthood (n) aerial (n) aging (n) aisle (n) alarming (adj) alien (n) alike (adv) allegedly (adv) alley (n) alongside (adv) aloud (adv) alternate (adj) amateur (n) ambitious (adj) anaemic (adj) analysis (n) ancestor (n) ancient (adj) angel (n) ankle (n) announce (v) annual (adj) anthropologist (n) 1 anticipate (v) antisocial (adj) apart (adv) ape (n) apparatus (n) apparent (adj) appeal to (v) appetising (adj) applicable (adj) apprenticed to (adj) approach (v) approximately (adv) arch criminal (n) archaeological (adj) archbishop (n) architect ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Põltsamaa Ametikool Automootor A1 Andres Asson Kaarlimõisa 2009 Liigid Kütuse liigid: Bensiin Diisel Gaas Bio Elekter Hübriid Tahke Automootori litraaz: 0,75 ; 0,9; 1,0; 1,2; 1,3; 1,4; 1,5; 1,6; 1,7; 1,8; 1,9; 2,0; 2,2; 2,3; 2,4; 2,5; 2,6; 2,7; 2,8; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 5,6; 6,0 Mootoritüübid: R3; R4; R6; R8; R10; R12; R14 V4; V6; V8; V10; V12; V14 Mootoritöötsükkel Töötsükkel Progresside kogum, mis kindlas järjestuses Ülemine surnud seis: Kolvi kõige ülemine asend (ü.s.s.) Alumine surnud seis: Kolvi kõige alumine asend (a.s.s) Takt Töösüli osa mis toimub kolvi ühe käigu jooksul Kolvikäik Kolvi äärmise asendite vahekaugus, mis võrdub vantvõlli...

Auto → Auto õpetus
178 allalaadimist

Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

STRUCTURAL TESTING OF HOMEBUILTS Editor's Note: Alex Strojnik's Aviation articles on laminar flow in in all cases of new designs. He writings and aircraft designs have lightplane design, Alex designed also believes load testing may be in appeared in Sport Aviation many and built a very low drag powered order in a number of instances times in the past decade. A native sailplane, the S-2 (Sport Aviation, involving composite airframes. of Yugoslavia, Alex has very April 1982), which would become While there has been no history of impressive academic credentials. the first homebuilt motorglider in structural failure in composite He holds a degree in electrical engi- which International FAI Silver, Gold homebuilts that have been con- neering, a Ph. D. in aerodynamic...

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


THE CAPITALIST NIGER Chika Onyeani ………………………Every African must internalise this book - period….DAA INTRODUCTION In October 1960, Nigeria received its independence from Britain. By then, Ghana the former Gold Coast had been independent for three years under the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkumah. It was a time for celebrating Africa’s coming of age, as more and more African countries received their independence either from Britain or France. It was especially a poignant time for Africa, as then British Prime Minister Harold McMillan articulated his now famous “winds of change” sweeping Africa. We had high hopes for Africa, for the Black race, that the insidious imposition of foreign rule on us, the looting of Africa’s natural resources by our colonial masters accorded us would be things of history. That is more than forty years ago. Unfortunately, the promise of independence has not been fulfilled. Today, Africa has become more desolate; th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Some of the things you will learn in THE CODEBREAKERS • How secret Japanese messages were decoded in Washington hours before Pearl Harbor. • How German codebreakers helped usher in the Russian Revolution. • How John F. Kennedy escaped capture in the Pacific because the Japanese failed to solve a simple cipher. • How codebreaking determined a presidential election, convicted an underworld syndicate head, won the battle of Midway, led to cruel Allied defeats in North Africa, and broke up a vast Nazi spy ring. • How one American became the world's most famous codebreaker, and another became the world's greatest. • How codes and codebreakers operate today within the secret agencies of the U.S. and Russia. • And incredibly much more. "For many evenings of gripping reading, no better choice can be made than this book." —Christian Science Monitor THE ...

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Sylvia Day Bared to You Sylvia Day Bared to You The first book in the Crossfire series, 2012 This one is for Dr. David Allen Goodwin. My love and gratitude are boundless. Thank you, Dave. You saved my life. Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude to my editor, Hilary Sares, who really dug into this story and made me work for it. Basically, she kicked my ass. By not pulling her punches or letting me shortchange the details, she made me work harder and because of that, this story is a much, much better book. BARED TO YOU wouldn't be what it is without you, Hilary. Thank you so much! To Martha Trachtenberg, copy editor extraordinaire. This book is an important one for me and she treated it that way. Thank you, Martha! T...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


VI peatükk 6. Konteinerveod Konteiner ei ole mingi uus leiutis. Jutt on teatud tüüpi kauba veol kasutatavast kastist. Võrreldes hariliku kastiga on konteiner varustatud lisaseadmetega, mis võimaldavad konteinerit kasutada ajutise laona. Konteinerite ajalugu sai alguse II maailmasõja ajal kui ameeriklased hakkasid teatud mõõtmetega kaste kasutama varustuse toimetamisel sõjatandrile. Hiljem hakati konteinerite mõõtmeid standardiseerima. Esialgu tegeles sellega ASA (American Standardisation Association), hiljem ISO (International Standardisation Organization). Konteinerite liigitus ja mtmed ISO liigitab rahvusvahelistes vedudes kasutatavad konteinerid 1. seeriasse, mida vastavalt pikkusele märgitakse: 1A 40 jalga (12,19 m) 1D 10 jalga (3,05 m) 1B 30 jalga (9,14 m) 1E 6 2/3 jalga (2,03 m) 1C 20 jalga (6,10 m) 1F 5 jalga (1,52 m) Praktilises kasutuses on ülalmainitutest ainult 20- ja 40-jalased. 2. seeria kont...

Merendus → Laevandus
54 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Superstore Sales [1] Row ID Order ID Order Date Order Priority Order Quantity 1 3 10/13/2010 Low 6 2 6 2/20/2012 Not Specified 2 3 32 7/15/2011 High 26 4 32 7/15/2011 High 24 5 32 7/15/2011 High 23 6 32 7/15/2011 High 15 7 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 30 8 35 10/22/2011 Not Specified 14 9 36 11/2/2011 Critical 46 10 65 3/17/2011 Critical 32 11 66 1/19/2009 Low 41 12 69 6/3/2009 Not Specified ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Color-- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- Text Size-- 10-- 11-- 12-- 13-- 14-- 15-- 16-- 17-- 18-- 19-- 20-- 21-- 22-- 23-- 24 TWILIGHT By Stephenie Meyer Contents PREFACE 1. FIRST SIGHT 2. OPEN BOOK 3. PHENOMENON 4. INVITATIONS 5. BLOOD TYPE 6. SCARY STORIES 7. NIGHTMARE 8. PORT ANGELES 9. THEORY 10. INTERROGATIONS 11. COMPLICATIONS 12. BALANCING 13. CONFESSIONS 14. MIND OVER MATTER 15. THE CULLENS 16. CARLISLE 17. THE GAME 18. THE HUNT 19. GOODBYES 20. IMPATIENCE 21. PHONE CALL 22. HIDE-AND-SEEK 23. THE ANGEL 24. AN IMPASSE EPILOGUE: AN OCCASION twilight STEPHENIE MEYER LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY New York Boston Text copyright © 2005 by Stephenie Meyer All rights reserved. Little, Brown and Company Time Warner Book Group 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Visit our Web site at First Edition: September 2005 The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Real World Design Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Real World Design Stuart Ball Boston Oxford Auckland Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi Newnes is an imprint of Butterworth–Heinemann. Copyright © 2001 by Butterworth–Heinemann A member of the Reed Elsevier group All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, Butterworth–Heinemann prints its books on acid-free paper whenever possible. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ball, Stuart R., 1956– Analog interfacing to embedded microprocessors : real world design / Stuart Ball. p. cm. ISBN 0-7506-7339-7 (pbk...

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY M Y T H I C STRUCTURE FOR W R I T E R S THIRD EDITION CHRISTOPHER VOGLER S C R E E N W R I T I N G / W R I T I N G Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. Discover a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms like "The Hero's Journey," and step-by-step guidelines to plot and • character development. Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, The Writers Jour...

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 2. kodutöö (loogika- ja otsingufunktsioonid)

Liiklusregistris seisuga 31.05.2018 aasta arvel olevad veoautod [1] NB! Sisaldab peatatud registrikandega sõidukeid. Määramata- mittetöödeldaval kujul või puuduvad andmed Kategooria Mark Mudel N1 ANTONELLI CONDOR 72VA N1 AUDI 90 N1 AUDI A4 AVANT N1 AUDI A4 AVANT N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD QUATTRO N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD QUATTRO N1 AUDI A6 AVANT N1 AUDI A6 AVANT N1 AUDI Q7 N1 AUDI ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun