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"self" - 785 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: self

Faile: 0

Self-made Test

Self-made Test 1. Translate 1. Kriminaalne taust 2. Paindlik graafik 3. Palju arutatud/kuum teema 4. Positiivne suhtumine 5. Palju julgust 6. Kontori töö 7. Ei jälgi reegleid 8. Raha teenima 9. Ta sai läbi heade hinnetega 10. Auto juhtimise juhtnöörid 11. Eeskirjad ei kehti 12. Ohtlik relv 13. Teosammul 14. Töö keskus 15. Nende silmis 16. Vilgutavad oma tulesid kiiresti 17. Ma ei näe mõtet 18. Möödasõite tegema 19. Enesekindluse puudus 20. Kõigi teistega arvestamata 2. Translate sentences 1. Ma pean teadma mida see töö sisaldab enne kui ma kandideerin sinna. 2. The witness gave the journalist the scoop on the breaking news story. 3. I was made redundant when the company was taken over. 4. Another favourite trick is to weave from one lane of traffic to another. 5. They obey the rules even if sometimes they can't see the point of them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Minu eesmärgid (Self-management)

MINU EESMÄRGID EESMÄRK Tähtsus, olulisus Edasilükkamatus Summa minu jaoks ehk kui kiire sellega 1 2 3 4 1. Saada bakalaureus (õigeaegselt) 10 5 15 2. Olla sale (45-52kg) ja ilus 5 5 10 3. Leida oma elamispind (üürikorter) 6 5 11 4. Leida uus töökoht 8 6 14 5. Minna Londonisse 4 3 7 6. Saada iga semester kõik selgeks! 8 9 17 7. Käia loengutes/ 10 10 ...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
16 allalaadimist

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper #2 1. Type of dancing is breakdancing. Emerged in New York. 2. 1. F( 1970.) 2. T 3.T 4.F 3.  breakdance competition- Sunday 27.july  clothes show, film, sports -Friday 25.july  concert- Saturday 26.july 4. 1 Liikuda põrandal nagu jääl, ilma jalgade tstmiseta maast. 2 pöörama väga kiiresti 3 liikuda ühelt küljelt teisele või ringis. 4 ennast väga kiiresti teistpidi pöörama vi teise asendisse end panema. 5. 1-headspin. 2-donkey. 3-windmill. 4-flares. 5- handglide. 6- popping. 6. I like to dance, but i cant dance as good as these people in this text. I think taht meny singers can dance good, like Chris Brown and Jason Derulo.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Arthur Hailey Powerpoint


Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting 13ed Horngren, self study solutions


Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Isekuse sajand

"Isekuse sajand" Dokumentaal nimega "The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines" räägib Sigmund Freudist ja tema nõost Edward Bernays ´ist ning nende arvamusest, et inimesed on irratsionaalsed ning nende otsused võivad kujutada suuremale perspektiivile ohtu. Otsemini oli tegu Sigmund Freudi teooriaga, mille tema nõbu Bernays suurfirmade ning koguni riikide peal käiku lasi. Bernaysi eesmärgiks oli ehitada sotsiaalseid struktuure, mille kaudu oleks võimalik inimmasse mõjutada/kontrollida.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield Character Analysis: Laura The character that won my favor is Laura, the protagonist of the story, who comes across as a fragile and insecure young woman. All at once she starts to perceive her role in this complex world. Moreover, she begins to wonder over the values and delusions, which are of great importance in life. Throughout the story it stands to reason that she is trying to establish her true self, even though she is steadily influenced by her family, especially by her mother. On account of her constant questionings she finally evolves into an individual, who is capable of distinguishing essential truths of life from unimportant ones, however she still remains to be uncertain, which may indicate that her discoveries are not all-encompassing in nature and may fade away from the memory. From the very beginning it is evident that Laura is a young lady, who tries to learn how to

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Reklaaamipsühholoogia konspekt

· 1953 Karl Hovland's model Exposure Attention Comprehension Acceptance Retention (talletamine, mäletamine) (Behavioral) Change (Communication and Persuasion, 1953) Hovland: "uinumisefekt" 1949, sõnumi "allika usaldusväärsus" kui olulisim tegur Hoiaku muutmisel/muutumisel 1951 · 1961 R. J. Lavidge, G. A. Steiner'i mudel: teadlik/tahtlik mõtlemine (conscious thinking) emotsioonid/tunded hoiaku muutus otsus · 1957 Festinger'i kognitiivse dissonantsi teooria: Inimene püüdleb/taotleb tunnetuslikku kooskõla/järjepidevust (cognitive consistency) ja satub segadusse, kui ebakõlad ilmnevad tema uskumuste/tõekspidamiste ja reaalstelt kogetu/tajutu vahel. Kui inimene sooritab ostu ja hiljem saab teada, et see kaubamärk on kahtlase väärtusega, siis ta kas on õnnetu v silub dissonantsi suhtumise muutmisega: hakkab ostu õigus...

Psühholoogia → Reklaamipsühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

A2 - Aja kasutamise audit ja analüüs

Aja kasutamise audit ja analüüs Töö eesmärk: · Kuhu kaob aeg? · Kes või mis ,,varastab" minu aega? · Milleks ja kui palju aega mul ööpäeva jooksul puudu jääb? Vt. töö lõppu. 17.nov.2013 (pühapäev) 00:00-2:00 Tähistame parima sõbranna Karina 19.sünnipäeva 2:15-5:30 Pidutseme klubis Prive 5:30-5:50 Lähen koju 6:00-15:00 Uni, magan 15:00-16:30 Pesen, söön, riietun 16:30-23:30 Õpin, vestlen sõpradega facebookis, vaatan 9gagi 22:30-23:45 Pesen 23:45 Lähen magama 18.nov.2013 (esmaspäev) (vaba päev, kooli pole paaris nädala esmaspäeviti) 00:00-9:00 Uni, magan 9:00-10:00 Pesen, söön hommikust, riietun 10:00-17:00 Õpin, vestlen sõpradega facebookis, vaatan 9gagi 17:00-19:00 Teen süüa, vaatan telekat 19:00-19:30 ...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
37 allalaadimist

A1-Minu eesmärgid

MINU EESMÄRGID EESMÄRK Tähtsus, olulisus Edasilükkamatus Summa minu jaoks ehk kui kiire sellega 1 2 3 4 1. Saada bakalaureus (õigeaegselt) 10 5 15 2. Olla sale (45-52kg) ja ilus 5 5 10 3. Leida oma elamispind (üürikorter) 6 5 11 4. Leida uus töökoht 8 6 14 5. Minna Londonisse 4 3 7 6. Saada iga semester kõik selgeks! 8 9 17 7. Käia loengutes/ 10 10 ...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
25 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss

Liis Laumets 12d Advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss Definitely everyone has thought about being their own boss at least once in a life time.Most people would think that being your own boss means upsides than downsides. No matter how attractive it might see at first, self-employment has its difficulties. The most important advantage of being self- employed is that it allows you to make your own schedule. For instance, it enables you to work when you want rather than when you have to. Moreover, some people are convinced that being your own boss means that entire results of your work, overtime, sweat, pain, investment comes directly proportional back to you. One argument againts being your own boss is that an employer have a lot of responsibilities. For example, you have to control the activity of the enterprise, to ta...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Autoagressiivne käitumine noorukieas

"nähtamatud" ning teised nende ümber samuti teadmatuses. Olles ise oma tutvusringkonnas selle probleemi all kannatavate inimestega kokku puutunud, julgen väita, et see on teema, millest peab rohkem rääkima. Antud referaadis toetun põhiliselt E. David Klonsky põhjalikule uurimusele "The functions of deliberate self-injury: A review of the evidence", Keith Hawtoni ja Anthony Jamesi uurimusele "Suicide and deliberate self harm in young people" ning "Koolinoorte vaimse tervise" kokkuvõtvale raportile. Referaadis on viidatud ka SEYLE projektile, psühholoog Marje Oja tööle "Autoagresiivne käitumine noorukieas", Robert Youngi, Michael van Beinumi, Helen Sweetingi ja Patric Westi uurimusele "Young people who self-harm" ning kahele probleemiga seotud projektile. Autoagressiivsest käitumisest 3

Pedagoogika → Alternatiivpedagoogika
6 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Self- Activity Actions Compliant Achievement conscious striving · AGREEABLENESS: -cold, considerate, -harsh, kind, -rude, Impulsive Excitement Ideas Modesty Self discipline sympathetic, -unco-operative, -unkind, -unsympathetic, warm seeking Vulnerable Positive Values Tender- Deliberation · INTELLECT: artistic, complex, creative, deep, imaginative, emotion minded philosophical, -uncreative, -unimaginative, -unintellectual, -unintelligent

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Thesis Statement The Sorrows on Young Werther

Tähe-Kai Tillo XI a Thesis Statement(NEW) ,,The Sorrows of Young Werther" The main character Werther was selfish and with low self-esteem. His selfishness can be seen in two turning-points of the book, when Werther leaves Wahlheim and when he commits suicide. From his point of view these are the only solutions but he is not thinking about Lotte. Although she denies it Werther was much loved by her, he just did not try hard enough to win over her heart. Werther believes that the only way to end his sorrows is to commit suicide but he doesn't have enough positivity to keep on fighting for the love of his life. "Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Humanistlik paradigma

ekspluateeritav impersonaalne objekt olemise mõttetus, võõrandumine loodusest ja teineteisest üksildus (loneliness) Olemuslik dilemma: - uute väärtuste loomine ja leidmine - teadvustamine - eneseleidmine III. Eneseleidmine. oma afektiivsuse teadvustamine (keha, vajadused, emotsioonid) · Eneseteadvuse neli taset: 1. stage of innocence - teadvuse eelne, "süüdimatus" 2. stage of rebellion - sisemise jõu otsingud 3. ordinary consciousness of self - vastutuse olemasolu, oma vigadest õppimine 4. creative consciousness of self - (Maslow tippelamused), olemuse mõistmine tähenduse andmine eelnevatele tasemetele · Integratsioon - mina kui tervik paradoksid - vastandite tegeliku olemuse tunnetamine "To be and not to be" Armastus ja võim, tahe ja otsustamine, vabadus ja paratamatus IV. Armastuse olemus. aktsepteerimine, vastastikune arengu toetamine Neli tüüpi (kind of love):

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Organismiline lähenemine, Abraham Harold Maslow

ekspluateeritav impersonaalne objekt olemise mõttetus, võõrandumine loodusest ja teineteisest üksildus (loneliness) Olemuslik dilemma: - uute väärtuste loomine ja leidmine - teadvustamine - eneseleidmine III. Eneseleidmine. oma afektiivsuse teadvustamine (keha, vajadused, emotsioonid) · Eneseteadvuse neli taset: 1. stage of innocence - teadvuse eelne, "süüdimatus" 2. stage of rebellion - sisemise jõu otsingud 3. ordinary consciousness of self - vastutuse olemasolu, oma vigadest õppimine 4. creative consciousness of self - (Maslow tippelamused), olemuse mõistmine tähenduse andmine eelnevatele tasemetele · Integratsioon - mina kui tervik paradoksid - vastandite tegeliku olemuse tunnetamine "To be and not to be" Armastus ja võim, tahe ja otsustamine, vabadus ja paratamatus IV. Armastuse olemus. aktsepteerimine, vastastikune arengu toetamine Neli tüüpi (kind of love):

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
8 allalaadimist

Lecture1 Introduction to psychology

· Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of the individuals (what we do) and their mental processes (inner thoughts and feelings) · Studies human behavior, inner experiences and circumstances under they occur · Is psychology a study of differences between people or rather a study of similarities? - General tendencies Primary goal · The primary goal of psychology is to improve the understanding of behavior and cognition of our self and other people Why do we do what we do? Why do we think what we think? Why do we feel what we feel? · The aim is to... · Describe behavior ­ what is the nature of this behavior? · Understand and explain behavior - why does it occur? · Predict behavior­ can we forecast when and under what circumstances it will occur? · Change behavior - how can we change behaviour? For discussion: there is a clear connection between behavior and mental

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Drugs and addiction

speed. Alcohol can be addictive, and the state of addiction to alcohol is known as alcoholism. Doing drugs Recreational drug use is the use of a drug, usually psychoactive, with the intention of creating or enhancing recreational experience. Such use is controversial, however, often being considered to be also drug abuse, and it is often illegal. Also, it may overlap with other uses, such as medicinal (including self medication), performance enhancement, and entheogenic (spiritual). 3. Behavioral addictions The most problematic behavioral addictions among teenagers nowadays are playing video games, use of the internet and cutting. Playing video games Video game addiction, or more broadly used video game overuse, is excessive or compulsive use of computer and video games that interferes with daily life. Instances have been reported

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

My Magna Carta.

My Magna Carta. When I first started my own Magna Carta, I thought what's the most near heart and important to me. I chose two main topics, what I find important and relevant. I'm sure that I'm not the onl one who thinks like that. The first thing I would do, is forbid bullying. What is bullying? Bullying is the use of force, threat or duress to abuse, terrorize or aggressively dominate others. There are different types of victims. One of those is the one that ignores all the hate and insulting what comes at him/her. The other one takes it all by heart and seriously. Words can hurt, a lot. Most of the people don't realize what are they causing the victim, when bullying him/her. The worse cause that bullying can cause, is suicide. There is 7% of young people who attempt suicide every year. Nearly 30% of students don't go to school, because they don't want to get bullied. Also ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Positive and negative traits of character

Positive traits of character 1.lighthearted- muretu, kergelt võttes. 2.carefree, careful- muretu, hoolikas 3.honest, sincere, frank- aus, siiras, siiras, communicative- avatud, suhtlemis aldis 5.easy-going- hea suhtleja 6.strong-willed- tahtejõuline 7.determined- otsustuskindel 8.self-assured, self-confident- enesekindel, enesekindel 9.dominant, energetic- domineeriv, energiline 10.demanding, well-balanced- nõudlik, tasakaalukas 11.modest, reserved- tagasihoidlik, reserveetitud =kinnine 12.sensible, practical- mõistlik, praktiline 13.calm, realistic- rahulik, realistlik 14.rational, brave- ratsionaalne, julge=vapper 15.generous, lively- heldekäeline, elav 16.dedicated, considerate- pühendunud, tähelepanelik 17.tender, loving, gentle- õrn, armastav, õrnatundeline 18.tolerant, understanding- tolerantne=salliv, arusaav 19.thoughtful, creative- hooliv, loov 20.sympathetic, capable- kaasatudlik, või...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Enterprise 3

responsible trust to do a job what you ask them to do quick-tempered to become angry very easily generous happy to give or share immature not mature; not fully grown or developed; young; childish bossy person who likes giving orders energetic work very hard and like participating in a lot of activities careful do their work with a lot of attention and thought ambitious want to be successful in life self-centred care only about themselves, sometimes forget about other people's feelings determined know what they want and do all they can to get it reserved don't like showing their feelings mean don't like sharing things or spending money sensitive get upset very easily intelligent understand difficult subje...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Adjectives which describe people`s character: Mature täiskasvanulik, küps Immature lapsik (childish) Shy häbelik Warm soe Loving armastav Serious tõsine Sociable seltskondlik Happy rõõmsameelne (cheerful) Lively elav Enthusiastic entusiastlik Lazy laisk Interesting huvitav Nervous närviline Decisive otsustusvõimeline Arrogant ülbe (bossy) Energetic energiline Ambitious auahne Self-centred enesekeskne Reserved tagasihoidlik Mean õel Sensitive tundlik Secretive salalik Intelligent intelligentne Careful hoolas Polite viisakas Rude ebaviisakas Responsible vastutusvõimeline Quick-tempered äkiline Generous helde, lahke (kind) Determined tahtejõuline Funny naljakas Unreliable ebausald...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1 Tartu Ülikool 2 Sotsiaaliaalteaduste valdkond 3 Haridusteaduste instituut 4 Õppekava: Klassiõpetaja 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Karbi Barbi 16 17 VIIVITAMINE ÕPETAJAKOOLITUSE ÜLIÕPILASTE SEAS 18 19 seminaritöö 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Juhendaja: prof Herbert Ving 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tartu 2018 1 2 2 33 1. Sissejuhatus 34Prokrastinatsioon on laialt levinud eneseregulatsiooni häire (Steel, 2007). See nähtus hõlmab 35teadmist, et mingi kohustus on vaja kindlal ajaperioodil sooritada, kuid sellest hoolimata ei 36suudeta end piisavalt motiveerida, et ülesanne õigel ajal ära teha (Senécal, Koestner, & 37Vallerand, 1995). Tegu on ennasthävitava harjumusega, mis raskendab hakkama saamist 38õpingute...

Keeled → Keeleteadus
7 allalaadimist

Metallica concert review

Metallica concert review The concert I will be review about is Metallica.Specifically, the Metallica concert in Finland ,Helsinki- may 11,2018..Metallica performed 18 songs from the following albums: Kill ‘Em All (2), Ride the Lightning (3), Master of Puppets (2), …And Justice for All (1), Metallica (4), Reload (1), and Hardwired…To Self-Destruct (5).Metal music is powerful music, but what I mean here is that Metallica is powerful as a band. Their ability to emotionally connect with fans all over the world is indeed a powerful thing. Metallica has been a constant presence for 30+ years in pop culture.Metallica has influenced plenty of rock and metal artists these days, like Sepultura, KoRn, Slipknot, Trivium, Bullet For My Valentine, and avenged septuple. In a review of their concert, it was amazing. Their melodic touch to the “trashiness” was beautifully placed and gave their songs an edge over the others. For e...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
0 allalaadimist

Isejuhtiv auto lähitulevikus

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Ärikorralduse instituut Ettevõtluse, kinnisvara ja logistika õppetool Autori Nimi ISEJUHTIV AUTO LÄHITULEVIKUS Referaat TALLINN 2017 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.........................................................................................................................3 1.ISEJUHTIVA AUTO OLEMUS..............................................................................................4 2.ISEJUHTIVAD AUTOD LÄHITULEVIKUS.........................................................................6 3.ISEJUHTIVA AUTO POSITIIVSED JA NEGATIIVSED KÜLJED......................................9 3.1.Positiivsed küljed..............................................................................................................9 3.2.Negatiivsed küljed..............................

Logistika → Ärilogistika
16 allalaadimist

Praising Children

In 1969 Nathaniel Branden said that high self-esteem is the main foundation for parenting and has dominated since. It is incredibly important for us all to have a feeling of self-worth and acceptance, but as- children are been praised too much. Are we given the skills to work at a goal instead of expecting to complete it easily because we are told we are "smart"? Are we set up for failure by being told how smart we are, when in all actuality maybe we are right where we should be: in the middle? I have a feeling that the way we praise and are been praised is going to change; not that teachers and parents are going to be overly critical of their children and students, but that the way they encourage their kids will be more equal to others. We should be inspired to work harder for knowledge not for grades. B.K 11c

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Theory of Human Motivation

Best known for his ‘hierarchy of needs’ Forces of psychology Psychoanalysis (sub-consciousness) Behaviorism (behavior can be studied and explained) Humanism (the human dimension of psychology) Transpersonal psychology (hippie psychology) Hierarchy of human needs's_hierarchy_of_needs D-needs and B-needs Basic needs (D = deficit) physiological safety beloning esteem Higher need (B = being) self actualization What a man can be, he must be! Physiological needs Homeostasis oxygen water protein salt, sugar, calcium ... In Maoist China the most basic need was belonging Safety, love and esteem Stability, structure, order Community, affection Status, dignity, reputation Once the D-needs are satisfied they are no longer motivating. Beyond basic needs What a man can be, he must be! Self-actualization, being need Depends on the satisfication of D-needs

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Kings Speech - tegelaste lühitutvustus

The King's Speech Your Name Your School George V George Frederick Ernest Albert 3 June 1865 - 20 January 1936 Mary of Teck Edward VIII George VI Good mannered, harsh George VI  Albert Frederick Arthur George  14 December 1895 - 6 January 1952  Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon  Elizabeth II, Margaret  easily frightened, speech disorder  Strong-willed, reserved, kind Edward VIII  Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David  23 June 1894 - 28 May 1972  Wallis Simpson  disappointment to his father  Arrogant, easy- going, charming Elizabeth, the Queen Mother  Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes- Lyon  4 August 1900 - 9 April 2002  George VI  Elizabeth II, princess Margaret  Good-natured, self- confident Lionel Logue  26 February 1880 - 12 April 1953  Speech and language therapist ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Letter of recommendation

Letter of recommendation for (Nimi kellest sa teed seda) January 8, 2011 To whom it may concern: I had pleasant opportunity to study closely with Nimi for 10 years in (nt. Kool) and as a friend I have known her since as long as I can remember back at my life. I have always admired her self-consciousness and skill to work in a team. She knows what she wants and what she is capable of and works for her goals until she has accomplished them. The amount of her friends clearly shows that she is a person you can trust and always count on. During these years that I have known her she has shown that completing assignments on her own or in team is not a problem. Her ability to communicate with different people and self-discipline help her through any situation she may face. She is a very creative person and talented in arts. She has finnished (kool) of fine arts and her talent is incredible. I highly recommend (nimi kelle kohta) for whatev...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney (1885-1952) Kultuuriline psühhoanalüüs Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth. Baasprintsiip: kaasasündinud vajadus arenguks, organismi võimaluste realiseerimine. eneseteostus (self-realization) Eesmärk: terviklikkus I. Kaks vajaduste rühma · turvalisusvajadus (need for security) füüsiline ja psühholoogiline · rahuldamisvajadus (need for satisfaction) füsioloogilised, psühholoogilised (näit. raha Domineeriv vajadus: turvalisusvajadus II. Kultuur ja neuroos. Kultuur determineerib · isiksuse · isiksuse patoloogia (kõrvalekalle normist) Kultuur, mis loob abitust, emotsionaalset isoleeritust, võistlust ja hirmu, on ohtlik. Vanemate mõju isiksuse arengule Tarvilik tingimus arengu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney (1885-1952) Kultuuriline psühhoanalüüs Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth. Baasprintsiip: kaasasündinud vajadus arenguks, organismi võimaluste realiseerimine. eneseteostus (self-realization) Eesmärk: terviklikkus I. Kaks vajaduste rühma · turvalisusvajadus (need for security) füüsiline ja psühholoogiline · rahuldamisvajadus (need for satisfaction) füsioloogilised, psühholoogilised (näit. raha Domineeriv vajadus: turvalisusvajadus II. Kultuur ja neuroos. Kultuur determineerib · isiksuse · isiksuse patoloogia (kõrvalekalle normist) Kultuur, mis loob abitust, emotsionaalset isoleeritust, võistlust ja hirmu, on ohtlik. Vanemate mõju isiksuse arengule Tarvilik tingimus arengu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Omadussõna sufiks

lugemise hõlbustamiseks sidekriipsu a) Ida-Virumaa+lik = idavirumaalik Balzac+lik = balzaclik b) Degas+lik = degas'lik Schumann+lik = schumann'lik c) Alain Delon+lik = alain(-)delonlik Brigitte Bardot+lik = brigitte(-)bardot'lik 2. Tsitaatsõnad a) nõuavad kursiivi ja kirj. alati ülakomaga b) pikemates sõnades võib lugemise hõlbustamiseks kasutada sidekriipsu a) crescendo+lik = crescendo'lik performance+lik = performance'lik b) self made man+lik = self(-)made(-)man'lik Tsitaatsõnade asemel soovitatakse kasutada eesti väljendeid: graffiti'lik = grafitilik Kokku- ja lahkukirjutamine: liited -ne -line 1 täiendsõna+ne/line K 2 täiendsõna+ne/line L gümnaasiumidevaheline nende linnade vaheline Reegel kehtib ka arvsõnade puhul: Lahku: Kokku: ühelised kümned tuhanded teistkümned miljonid jne. sajad

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
15 allalaadimist

Rights and liberties

Kertu Mölder AÜSR1 We all have rights and liberties. In Estonia they are written in the Consitution of Estonia, the fundamental law of the Republic of Estonia. In Estonia laws are declared by the President of Estonia in Riigi Teataja. When we speak about rights then for exapmle in Estonia we all have rights to love, nobody can take it from us. We all have rights to free self-realisation and self-expression. We can choose our area of activity, profession and position of employment. When we talk about education then I can say, we all have right to learn in school and to become smart and educated people. When we speak about liberties then example civil liberties are voted in European Parliament election when you are eightteen and over, you can belong to unions, then you can apply for legislative council. Also, when you are fourty and over you can run for government president. In Estonia there are a balanced code of laws. They all rely ...

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

väärtuspilt enda-või rühmakeskne); 2) kas inimene peab tähtsamaks hankida võimalusi ellujäämiseks(töökoht, elukoht, materiaalne osa) või olulisemaks väärtuseid, mis on seotud inimese isikuga(realiseerimine, unikaalsus, edu) Erinevatel rahvustel on erinev lähtepunkt, erinev suund. Eneseteadvus. Mina. Identiteet. · Eneseteadvus, mina-kontseptsioon (self conciousness, self concept): a cognitive represenation of oneself that gives a coherence and meaning to one's experience, including one's relations to other people. It organize's past experinece and helps us to recognize and interpret relevant stimuli in the social environment. Üldistatud pilt iseendast. · Teadmine endast (self-knowledge): knowledge about one's own characteristics, abilities, opinions, thoughts, feelings, motives etc. Teadmine enda kohta

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Edgar A. Poe

POE · Refined the short story genre and invented science fiction. Many of his stories prefigure the genres of science fiction, horror and fantasy so popular today · Father deserted the family, mother died and his husband disappeared, was taken into the home of the Allans. The Allans took him to England for five years, then sent him to the University of Virginia. He had a wild year and started to drink and gamble. After losing a large sum of money in a card game, ha was taken away from university. He ran away and enlisted as a soldier. He adapted very well to military discipline. Mr. Allan had him appointed to West Point Military Academy, but was dismissed. He married his 14-old cousin who had tuberculosis (lead to drinking). Two years after his wife´s death Poe himself was found in a Baltimore street near a polling place on an Election Day, died a few days later in hospital when he was only 40. · His works reflect the dou...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

School Bullying worksheet

School Bullying Worksheet Respond to the questions below in detail. 1. What are the 4 levels of negative consequences of bullying specified by the text? General school climate, right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear, lifelong consequences. 2. What is the foremost source of formal bullying research? Scandinavian countries, Great Britain, and Japan. 3. Direct bullying behaviours include (5) teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, stealing. 4. Indirect bullying is such as spreading rumours and enforcing social isolation. 5. Boys and girls differ in their bullying behaviours in that Boys typically engage in direct bullying methods. but girls are more apt to utilize more subtle indirect strategies. 6. In general terms, bullying can be defined as direct and indirect. 7. The amou...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Praktiline eesti keel I - tsitaatsõnad

Tsitaatsõnad Praktiline eesti keel I 10. klassi eesti keel Tsitaatsõnad ja -väljendid on puhtvõõrkeelsed ning neid kirjutatakse ja hääldatakse nagu võõrkeeles, kust nad on võetud. Muust tekstist eristamiseks tuleb tsitaatsõnad kirjutada teises, nt kursiivkirjas, käsikirjas kasutatakse jutumärke või lainelist joont. Tsitaatsõnade käänamisel lisatakse käändelõpp ülakoma abil (mängib petanque'i, maitsestab curry'ga, Eesti yuppie'd). Keeles kodunenud sõna muutub võõrsõnaks ja siis kirjutatakse häälduspäraselt ega eristata enam muust tekstist. Tsitaatsõnu on sobiv kasutada siis, kui emakeeles vastav sõna/väljend puudub või stiilivõttena. Valik üldtuntud tsitaatkeelendeid: exclusive (ld) -(viimane) välja arvatud inclusive (ld) - (viimane) kaasa arvatud in corpore (ld) - terves koosseisus de iure (ld) - õiguslikult deus ex machina (ld) - jumal masinast (olukorra lahendamine kunstliku abimehe toel) all right (ingl) [ool rait] - hüva, hea k...

Eesti keel → 7. klassi ajalugu
27 allalaadimist

The ideal school for my children

24.03.09 The ideal school for my children The ideal school for my children would be communication-based, blending aspects of social work, conflict resolution, team building, and traditional learning. Classes would be limited to fifteen students, a size small enough to allow individual attention but large enough to furnish the feeling of belonging to a group. In addition, academic lessons would be split into two halves. The first half would be a basic skills seminar, and the second an advanced class. Students would be able to choose whether to stay the second half, or else they could leave to work on their current project, read, or pursue an independent study of another subject. The students who stayed - the "second halfers" - would be known as the students with the greatest passion for the subject. No grades ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


BEST-Estonia BEST ­ Board of European Students of Technology - is the largest non-profit organisation in Europe run by students. BEST-Estonia is one fo the 93 BEST groups of different European technical universities. Their main goal is to offer opportunities for self-development: working internationally, studying together with people from different countries and travelling to different countries. BEST-Estonia deals mostly with TTÜ students, offering them opportunities for career. This organisation also brings European students to Estonia and introduces our culture to them. BEST offers its members an opportunity to develop themselves by organising different events. The biggest projects that BEST is organising are Engineering Competition in Tallinn and Key to the Future. Key to the Future is a project by which the companies are getting closer to the students. Companies can introduce themselves and if s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Short analysis of two phonetics articles

Can you tell by a single sound I make, whether I am straight, bi or gay? As ridiculous as it might sound and casting aside all stereotypes, it actually seems possible. Unbelievable? Well, sociolinguistics, sociopathology, sociophonetics are all very fascinating subjects. Never thought a single word or a sound you make could tell random strangers who you are? Well, prepare to be convinced otherwise. (Well, not solely by these two articles or my short conclusions, of course, it is a very wide field and there is yet much research to be done.) Anyhow, here I have found two research articles, both dealing with whether it is possible to distinguish someone's sexual identity solely based upon a few words, or much less, a single phone. As it turns out, it is. How it is done, is also shown (although I must admit that my current education did not allow me to understand all the details of the methods used) and a lot of research poured into findi...

Filoloogia → Foneetika
1 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Kõige rohkem mõtlen, kaalutlen, hindan, muretsen, rõõmustan, kurvastan • Inimese suhe iseendaga SP-s: eneseteadvus, enesehinnang, eneseregulatsioon • Eneseteadvus - kes ma olen: 5 spontaanset määratlust! • Mina (self) – eneseteadvuse väljendus, see, kelleks inimene ennast peab ja millega/kellega ennast samastab Mina mõisteaparaat (Introduction to SP, EP, 2008) • Eneseteadvus, mina-kontseptsioon (self conciousness, self concept): a cognitive represenation of oneself that gives a coherence and meaning to one’s experience, including one’s relations to other people. It organize’s past experinece and helps us to recognize and interpret relevant stimuli in the social environment. Üldistatud pilt iseendast. • Teadmine endast (self-knowledge): knowledge about one’s own characteristics, abilities, opinions, thoughts, feelings, motives etc. Teadmine enda kohta.

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Vincent van Gogh

• He died in France in 1890 when he committed a suicide (while being only 37 years old) Art • Van Gogh's first paintings were mostly of poor people. The colors in his early paintings are dark and brown (muddy). The feelings portrayed were of sadness • In his later paintings Van Gogh started to lighten his colors and paint in short brushstrokes. His paintings started to look much happier, brighter and more colorful • His paintings include portraits, self portraits, landscapes, still lifes, olive trees, wheat fields and sunflowers • In 10 years Vincent van Gogh painted almost 900 paintings • During his lifetime Van Gogh was never famous as a painter and struggled to make a living as an artist. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime Importance • Van Gogh’s artwork has had a strong influence on modern art and current artistic styles. His paintings are known for the amazing colors, emotions and styles

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

Peamine suhtepartner ­ mina ise. Kõige rohkem mõtlen, kaalutlen, hindan, muretsen, rõõmustan, kurvastan Inimese suhe iseendaga SP-s: eneseteadvus, enesehinnang, eneseregulatsioon Eneseteadvus - kes ma olen: 5 spontaanset määratlust! Mina (self) ­ eneseteadvuse väljendus, see, kelleks inimene ennast peab ja millega/kellega ennast samastab Mina mõisteaparaat (Introduction to SP, EP, 2008) Eneseteadvus, mina-kontseptsioon (self conciousness, self concept): a cognitive represenation of oneself that gives a coherence and meaning to one's experience, including one's relations to other people. It organize's past experinece and helps us to recognize and interpret relevant stimuli in the social environment. Üldistatud pilt iseendast. Teadmine endast (self-knowledge): knowledge about one's own characteristics, abilities, opinions, thoughts, feelings, motives etc. Teadmine enda kohta.

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare

meessoost sõbrale, järgmised naisele, keda ta His tender heir might bear his memory: But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, ise nimetab Dark Lady. Shakespeare Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, Making a famine where abundance lies, Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel: armastab enda tahtest hoolimata just seda Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament, And only herald to the gaudy spring, naist. Within thine own bud buriest thy content, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
2 allalaadimist


Oprah has been a millionaire since her thirties. Most people consider her as a super successful woman. Most people do not even know about Oprah´s personal life. She has been being strongly criticised about her performance during the show and also about things concerning her personal life. Here we arrive at the point where we understand why success can have such a huge difference of meanings for different people. Real success is a never endless process. It is a process of self knowledge,self awareness. You can not stop learning, the knowledge you have is never enough. Real success is also about creating value. It is all about creating opportunities.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


warmer, friendlier way. You begin the process of changing your thinking and chang- ing your life by going to work on your self-concept. You start by developing a clear, positive, exciting, and inspiring self-ideal, consistent with the very best person you can imagine yourself becoming. You develop a positive self-image by imagining your- self performing at your very best in everything you do. Finally, you develop high and unshakable levels of self-esteem by loving and accepting yourself unconditionally as a valuable and worth- while person. ccc_tracy_1_1-17.qxd 6/23/03 2:46 PM Page 12 12 ➤ CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE ■ EXAMINE YOUR BASIC PREMISES Most of your thoughts and your responses to the events and people

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

American Literature Character Sketch-The Color Purple-Shug Avery

Character Sketch-Shug Avery The Color Purple by Alice Walker Shug Avery was a very passionate African-American blues singer, and I believe quite a lot throughout the novel. Her evolvement was interesting to observe. First impression of her wasn’t positive because she appeared rather inelegant and also quite selfish. In essence, she seemed to be unlikable as well as superficial. Shug (originally Lilly) didn’t really embrace herself and adopted a nickname – “Shug”. However she developed a sexual relationship with Celie and with that broke the boundaries of traditional gender roles. She was outspoken, exteremely honest and not easy to affect. All her three children were born out of wedlock. She is a good example of sexuality and gender not being as univocal and simplistic topics as they may seem since she was a bisexual (sexual relationship with Celie). Throughout the novel Celie’s mother was comp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Enda avamine, usaldus, suhted, suhete kujunemine

Enda avamine, usaldus, suhted, suhete kujunemine Hinde, A.R. (1997). Relationships. A Dialectical Perspective. UK: Taylor & Francis Johnson, W.D. (1997). Reaching out. Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-Actualization. 6th Ed. USA: Allyn & Bacon Enda avamine ja avatus suhetes - iseenda kohta informatsiooni (faktid, emotsioonid, väärtused jne.) jagamine, mille alusel kujunevad suhted - kui intra- ja interpersonaalne dialektiline protsess - seosed suhetega rahuloluga, läheduse kogemisega, usaldusega - teemade hulk ja sügavus; kultuuri mõju (nt x on tabuteema); suhe Avatust x olukorras sõltub: isikule tüüpiline käitumine avatuse määr teise isiku käitumine suhe Avatud teistele Enda avamise plusse - Mõju suhetele: - rahulolu suhetega - võimalus määratleda kattuvad eesmärgid, huvid, vajadused jne -> suhte areng - Tõlgenduste võrdlemine, adekvaatsem reaalsuse taju - Võimalus õp...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun