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"basic" - 671 õppematerjali

basic – 1964, Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, PDP-8 – 1965, esimene kommertsiaalselt edukas miniarvuti, Digital Equipment Corp Esimene Floppy disk – 1967, IBM Douglas Englebarti demo – 1968, esitletakse arvuti hiirt, hüperteksti kasutamist, kahe osapoole suhtlust võrgus audio ja visuaalne INTEL´i asutamine – 1968, Moore, Noyce ja Grove, hargnes pm Fairchild Semist AMD asutamine – 1969, Sanders ja 7 teist.

Kasutaja: basic

Faile: 0

Millennials and Technology

Let's face it ­ you're a robot! Technology to millennials is different from what any other generation has seen it as. We don't like to list microwaves, radiators or anything like that as a part of it. The world of technology has grown so fat these couple of year that we don't consider a regrigirator to be more than a basic need. Even radios and televisions are starting to fall into that category of regular appliances every household has to have. Generation Y has a whole new list of technology which nowadays includes a phone, a computer, gaming consoles, a televison, and basically anything you can control without ever having to get up or even leave our rooms. When's the last time someone asked you about something neither of you knew about and you didn't take your phone out to 'google' it? Now think about how many times you've tried to figure out the answer yourself. Sure, both ways may have plenty of attempts but which has succeeded th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

St. School

Paper Lawrence High School. It will sstart at 15.00 and everyone can come and listen. • Teachers • Contact On June 8th summer break begins and St. School is officially closed. • Cafeteria St. School • Home Admissions for 1st grade start on the 20th of • Events August. Parents need to contact us before coming to our school. The admission test • Admission requires a basic reading and writing skill. For s further information don’t be afraid to email us. • School Paper Admissions for 10th grade start on the 1st of March. Students need to take an entrance • Teachers exam, to get into our school. A minimum of • Contact 80% is required to pass. For further information don’t be afraid to email us. • Cafeteria St. School • Home

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Technical translation

 Reasons for using: absence of the object in the TL, need to avoid repetition, building a contrast with another term.  You are talking to someone who is not professional, you would use technical  Descriptive terms are usually longer and much more transparent than technical terms.  Good practise: translate a technical term by a technical term and a descriptive by a descriptive term. Beginning a Technical Translation:  The basic technology is engineering  The main branch of engineering is mechanics  Do not specialise to early  Practise a range of technologies  The translation is interested in the description and function of the concept, not so much in the underlying theories  Choose language that most appropriately conveys what is taking place in reality. Translation Method (closest to literal translation)  Read to understand

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hiina mänguasja tehased

economy, cheap rural labor became integral to the country's growth.  Migrant workers became unable to access state benefits or protection, despite Chinese laws promising "equal rights” for all.  They became outcasts in the eyes of their government.  That's approximately 150 million migrant workers who are completely unprotected.  They endure poor working conditions such as excessive and forced overtime, yet they don't even have basic social security benefits or employment contracts.  Despite the terrible working conditions, workers are optimistic that they will be able to gain new skills and create a better life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

BMW summary

Germany, BMW sought more efficient working practices. Since 1995 employees are arranged into groups (8-15 workers) where each member has his/her own responsibility and the rotation of jobs. Groups have also spokespeople (representative role) and supervisors who are responsible for proposing and agreeing objectives, presenting progress figures, helping progress continuous improvements and ensuring that group members improve their qualifications. Basic remuneration in BMW company consists of minimum pay rate in metalworking industry and a 10 per cent BMW supplement. The company has nine wage groups, allowing better gradations for a job well done. Moving to a higher group is possible if a worker regularly performs a higher value activity. Employees could also earn extra pay trough a personal supplement, payable for an individual´s contribution to group results. One of the most outstanding BMW manufacturing facility is the Cowley plant

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Virginia Henderson

õpetajana  1931. aastal sai Henderson Columbia Ülikooli Õpetajate Kolledžist bakalaurusekraadi ning 1934. aastal magistrikraadi  Samas koolis oli Virginia aastatel 1934-1948 õpetaja  1953. aastal võttis vastu koha Yale Ülikooli õenduse osakonna poolt rahastatud uuringu teadurina  Hiljem keskendus Henderson rahvusvahelisele õpetamisele ja ettekannetele  Elu jooksul andis välja mitmeid raamatuid  Üks tema tuntumaid trükiseid on 1960. aastal avaldatud Basic Principles of Nursing Care, mis on tõlgitud mitmetesse keeltesse HENDERSONI ÕENDUSTEOORIA  “Funktsioon, mida õde peamiselt täidab, on sõltumatu- see seisneb patsiendi abistamises kui tal puuduvad teadmised, füüsiline jõud või tahtmine ise tegutsemiseks. Õe funktsiooni võib vaadelda keerulise ja loomingulisena, pakkudes piiramatuid võimalusi füüsikaliste, bioloogiliste ja sotsiaalsete tedmiste arendamiseks”. (Henderson, 1960)

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
91 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus informaatikasse

Alati Kui parempoolses ja keskmises sisendis on vool ning vasakpoolses ei ole voolu Kui kõikides sisendites on vool Mis on BIOS? Vali üks: Bootable Initial Operating System Bridged Interface On System Basic Input/Output System + Mis täisarv on kirjutatud 12. mälupessa, kui allolev programm on oma töö lõpetanud? Vastus: 23 Mitu väljundit on vaja komponendile, millel on 16 sisendit ja mis liidab kaks sisendbaiti omavahel? Vastus: 3

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus informaatikasse
77 allalaadimist

Fight Club

Rules in fight club 1. You don't talk about fight club. 2. You don't talk about fight club. 3. When someone says stop, or goes limp, the fight is over. 4. Only two guys to a fight. 5. One fight at a time. 6. They fight without shirts or shoes. 7. The fights go on as long as they have to. 8. If this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight. Main ideas Criticism towards society, rich people and politics Objects many ideas of our society " Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions." "The things you own ­ they end up owning you." Big-name brands and in-fashion things are only wanted because of their advertisement and reputation Finding yourself The film 1999 American film The Narrator ­ Edward Norton Tyler Durden ­ Brad Pitt Trailer ­ Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Introduction of Estonia

death rate was exactly the same, so population growth rate is 0%. The proportion of urban population is 69.4 %. And the proportion of rural population is 30.6 %. The proportion of Estonians in the total population is 69%. The official language in Estonia is Estonian. Education: Today's education in Estonia is divided into general, vocational and hobby education. The education system is based on four levels which include the pre-school, basic, secondary and higher education. The number of comprehensive schools is 601. There are 11 universities in Estonia, including 5 private universities. Applied higher education is provided in 13 schools. 41 schools provide vocational education. Government: Head of state is the President who is elected by the parliament for five- year term. Toomas-Hendrik Ilves is currently in his second term. Head of Government is the Prime Minister, currently Andrus Ansip.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

to the Eastern Europe. They settled in the city of Novgorod. They also gained control over Kiev, which is in modern day Ukraine. This city became a big trading centre between Scandinavia and the big Russian empire. The empire became very well-known and popular.Over the next couple hundred years the Varangians conquer more areas and the empire grows fast. The ruler of the empire, Vladimir, decided that the main religion is going to be Greek Orthodoxy. The next ruler Yaroslav started making basic laws for the empire ( " H i s t o r y a n d c u l t u r e , " ) . Over the next few hundred years, new invaders- Mongols settled in on the Russian territories. They made big improvements in the empire. For the first time the city Moscow became an important centre. Over time the Rurik dynasty in Russia had had 7 rulers. The first czar was appointed in 1547- Ivan IV the terrible. After Ivan IV the terrible died the "Time of Troubles" began

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


The three white stars in the center symbolize the three different geographical regions of Tennessee. The white circle binds them together. The blue stripe along the margin was added for distinction when the flag is hanging; with the stripe, not only the red shows while the flag is hanging. In 1796, the Constitution of the State of Tennessee provided for an official Great Seal. Although the style of the present seal has changed, the basic elements remain similar to the 1796 provisions Mockingbird, Tuliptree, Iris, Limestone. Geography Tennessee is divided into three different regions: the Great Smoky Mountains, the Highlands and the Lowlands. Tennessee covers 42,146 square miles, making it the 36th largest of the 50 states. 41,220 square miles of Tennessee are land areas. 926 square miles of Tennessee are covered by water. The highest point in Tennessee is Clingman's Dome at 6,643 feet above sea level.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Arvuti riistvara

neid andmeid töötlevad. Mõõtühikuks on MB. Kõige uudsemad on DDR3 tüüpi mälud. DDR4 tüüpi mälud peaksid turule tulema 2012 aastal. ROM ROM (Read Only Memory) ­ püsimälu. Sellelt mälult saab ainult lugeda andmeid. Andmete sisestamine neisse toimub harilikult valmistamise käigus. Tuntud selletaoline mälu on BIOSROM, kus säilitatakse arvuti algkäivitust ja tema peamisi sisendväljund operatsioone. BIOS ehk Basic Input Output System on salvestatud emaplaadil asuvasse kiipi. Kõvaketas (HDD) Kõvaketas on andmesäilitusseade, mis kasutab andmete talletamiseks pöörlevaid jäiku alumiiniumplaate, mis on kaetud ferrooksiidlakiga. Andmeid loetakse ja kirjutatakse digitaalselt kodeerituna. Kõvakettale on salvestatud kõik programmid ja muud andmed, mis on vajalikud arvutiga töötamiseks. Andmed säilivad seal ka siis, kui arvuti on välja lülitatud.

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
22 allalaadimist


-wars, conflicts -natural disasters THE COURSE OF DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION Highest peak of dem. explosion in the 18th c. Demographic transition ­ slow proccess Importance of children ­ 40% of population Vacant places in the world where to send people -> founding colonies to solve the problems 1950s developing world's demographic explosion Quick process 60% of population are children No vacant places for ppl or colonies Education and Employment North ­ every ppl can get general education, basic education South: the Mediterrarean, the Carribean, Latin-America ­ quite good South-East Asia, Africa ­ the worst It isn't possible to satisfy all the needs. They dont have equipment North ­ average percent of unemployment 10-15%, structural employment, not enough specialists South ­ hidden-unemployment/sub-employment, soldiers, bodyguards, prostitutes etc Agrarian society ­ 90-98% agriculture Industrial society ­ 60-70% industry Info-society ­ 1.service; 2.industry; 3

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Psühhoaktiivsete ainete kasutamisest tingitud psühhootiline häire

tugigruppe Kasutatud kirjandus · Allaste, A.-A., Lagerspetz, M., Kurbatova, A. (2005). Uimastid ja uimastitarvitajad Eesti ühiskonnas. Valgus. · Laukkanen, E., Marttunen, M., Miettinen, S., Pietikäinen, M. (2006). Kuidas aidata psüühikaprobleemidega noorukit. Medicina. · Mustajoki, M., Maanselkä, S., Alila, A., Hyvärinen, S., Huttunen, R., Rasimus, M. (2001). Õe käsiraamat. Medicina · Shives, R. L. (2005). Basic concepts of pshyciatric-mental health nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. · Videbeck, S. (2003). Pshyciatric mental health nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Psühholoogia → Psühhiaatria
95 allalaadimist

Inglise keele presentatsioon - Austraalia

Australia Basic Knowledge Capital city: Canberra States: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia National Language: English Demonym: Australian, Aussie Goverment: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Monarch: Elizabeth II Area: 7, 617, 930km2 Population: 22, 822, 641 Currency: Australian Dollar Flag and Coat of arms Flag Coat of arms Click to edit Master text styles Second level Click to edit Master text styles Third level Second level Fourth level Third level Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level Location It's located on the Southern Hemisphere. Surrounded by the New-Ze...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

St. Charles Church (Kaarli kirik)

build a larger and more durable church for the use of Estonians. The construction lasted from October 1862 to December 1870, the two towers on the west side were enlarged in 1882. The architect of the project was Otto Pius Hippius from St.Petersburg. Along with the reconstruction of Tallinn’s largest place of worship, the Charles congregation was re-established as well. This time the church was built of hewn limestone blocks, in the historical neo- Roman style, on the basic plan on a Latin cross. The inside of the church is exceptionally large and open, the ceiling being supported by a special arch supporting system and the sides characterized with arched windows. The benches inside can fit a total of 1500 people. When the first service was held there, exactly 200 years after the consecration of the first wooden church, the reconstruction was not completely finished – missing were the steeples and the altar painting, as well as the proposed figures

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Food economics

Several special conditons are becoming less distinctive. One special condition can affect the other. Supply and demand. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 5 Special conditions Can be divided into three categories: 1) biological and physical 2) structural conditions 3) market and economic conditions E. Roosaar 4/10/19 6 Food is a basic necessity good At the bottom of hierarchy of needs. Demand is income inelastic. Consumption does not increase when population's income increases. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 7 Instability Agriculture. Weather, pests, diseases. Fluctuations in production (crop). Drougth in all agricultural countries is very rare. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 8

Majandus → Inglise keel I
2 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia

last either three or four years. Schools of economics and engineering go under this category too. • Art schools: that focus on visual art, music and similar. They take four years. People who completed secondary school are classified as "medium expertise“. 6 Higher education Students can enroll into two basic kinds of higher education: • Polytechnic schools (veleučilište), higher level education. • Universities (sveučilište), highest level education. The levels of expertise are: • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts (prvostupnik) • Master of Science and Master of Arts (magistar) • Master of Education (magistar edukacije) • Doctor of Science and Doctor of Arts (doktor)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Powerpoint teemal Native Americans

Native Americans Doris Luha 11.b Falling sea levels created the Bering land bridge that joined Siberia to Alaska, which began about 60,000­25,000 years ago. The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre Columbian inhabitants of North and South America, their descendants and other ethnic groups who are identified with those peoples. There are over 500 recognized native American tribes in America. Agriculture and hunting There were four basic ways for people in ancient societies to find food: hunting and fishing, gathering, farming, and raising domesticated animals. Over the course of thousands of years, American indigenous peoples domesticated, bred and cultivated a large array of plant species. These species now

Ajalugu → Ameerika ühiskond ja kultuur
14 allalaadimist


faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Noah, Adam, Abraham, Jesus and Moses, whom they consider prophets. They belive that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or alerted over time, but consider the Arabic Koran to be both the unalerted and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment. There are two main denominations in Muslims: Sunnis and Shias. The largest denomination in Islam is Sunni Islam, which makes up 75%-90% of all Muslims. Sunnis are also called as Ahl as-Sunnah what means ,,people of the tradition". These hadiths, recounting Muhammad's

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Suuline eksam

8. Which of them will be most difficult to pass? 9. Have you ever failed an exam? 10. If it is not secret, what are you planning to do after you finish the ninth form? What are your plans for the future? Was it easy or difficult to decide? 11. At what age do children enter school in Estonia? 12. How many forms does elementary school include? 13. What subjects are taught at elementary school? 14. Are there any exams in elementary school? 15. What is basic school? 16. How many exams do students have to take at the end of basic school? 17. What will happen if you fail an exam? 18. Are any elective subjects taught in basic school? 19. Can all students enter secondary school? 20. Is secondary school compulsory or can students leave after basic school? 21. Do students have to pay to go to gymnasium? 22. Are there any private schools in Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
584 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Intelligent From Matthews, Deary & Whiteman (2009) Personality Traits (3rd Edn). Cambridge University Press. Page Cattell's 16 Basic Traits Cattell's (1905-1998) Personality Theory Outgoing--reserved More intelligent--less intelligent · Origins Emotionally stable--unstable ­ Personality trait terms in the language

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

B1 Independent B1 Independent A2 Basic User user user user user (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Social skills and competences Team spirit, ability to adapt multicultural environments, good communication skills. Organisational skills and Leadership (currently responsible for a team of 5 people), good experience in

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Stephen William Hawking

Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973, Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and since 1979, has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow and then in 1669 by Isaac Newton. Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated that it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
11 allalaadimist

My Future plans

Me käime küll aeg-ajalt reisimas, võtame vastu oma lapsi ning lapse-lapsi ning korraldame lahedaid aiapidusid. Vabast ajast kirjutan ma veidike oma reisijuttude raamatut. My future plans I have studied in Maidla Elementary School for 8 years, now I am in the 9th grade. During these 8 years many things have happened and I have learned many new things. In 15 years I will have three lovely children. By that time I have graduated from basic school, secondary school and university. When my children are little, I will stay home with them and take care of them. But when they go to school, then I will go to work. I will start my career in one of the biggest newspapers as a journalist. For my main job I will write stories for "USA Today", "The Wall Street Journal" and "The New York Times". I will live in a very big house with my husband and children. We will have two cute Chihuahua and many fish in a giant aquarium, which will be

Keeled → Inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Eksami spikker

1837 Morse elektritelegraaf. 1847-1854 George Boole, de Morgan. 1857 perfolint(Wheatstone).1867 "Type writer" sholes,glidden,soule.1879 Kaasaegse loogika alus: Gottlob Frege(öloob kaasaegse predikaatarvutuse). 1890 - Hollerith'i perfokaardid->sellest firmast tekkis IBM.1845-1918 elas, Hulgateooria: Georg Cantor.1920...Enigma kodeerimiseks ­ Saksa lennu-,merevägi.1935-1937 Turingi masin1936: Churchi lambda-arvutus.1930-1935-1937 Vannevar Bush MIT:dif. Võrrandite lahendamiseks(100t,tuhanded releed,150 mootorit,2000lampi). 1889-1951Ludwig Wittgenstein. 1938, Shannon'i magistritöö sidus: Boole algebra. Elektrilülitid ja -skeemid. Bitid ja info kodeerimise. Info otsimise algoritmid.1939-1942 Atanasoff. esimene elektronarvuti?1939-44 Mark I (Aiken)­ IBMi elektriline(releed)digitaalne arvuti(5t).1941-1944:Konrad Zuse. Z3, Z4. Releedega digitaalarvuti.1948 ­ I transistor(Shockley)- müüma hakkas Bell Corp.1949 - Maurice Wilkes koostas EDSAC, the...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
69 allalaadimist

Me and languages

English is one of the world most spoken language. You can hear it everywhere, no matter which part of the world are you in. In the third grade of elementary scool I started to learn English as a second language so since then i have learned it for nine years and i have reached the level of B2, like all the poeple in Estonia who have finished the high school. For me another helpful nuance in learning English were Hollywood movies and Cartoon Networks Channel. I learned the first basic words and sentences from the cartoons. In everyday life I use English almost every day. I read news in English, surf in the English webpages and communicate with some of my friends in English. Sometimes during a day i use more english language than estonian. Another language that I have learned in school is Russian. I started with it in the sixth grade. Some people say that Russian is Estonian second official language because you can hear russian in every part of estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

European Union

Kolga-Jaani Basic school European Union Roosmary Suigusaar Form 9 Kolga-Jaani 2010 Site map What does European Union?...........................................................3 The main aurthorities....................................................................4 Information...............................................................................5 What does European Union? European integratsion process began in 1951, when concluded European Coal and Steel Community founding agreement between Belgium, Netherland, Luxenbourg, Italy, France and West Germany. It was to prevent armed conflicts between the Member States. EU is economic and political partnership between 27 democratic European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

has an interest in starting Fifth level working in the real estate developing scene, including students . Predevelopment · From the first glimpse to the beginning of construction. · Set up a "waterproof" business. · Create a business atmosphere and stick to it. Business plan · What are the basic elements of a thorough business plan? · Name at least 7 out of 15 Business plan · Cover Sheet · Table of Contents · Executive Summary ­ to hand out to potential investors · Description of the company ­ mission statement, goals, philosophy · Produces and Services ­ in depth description · Marketing Plan ­ target market, techniques, demographics · Competition · Pricing · Operational Plan ­ daily operations´explaination ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Indian Architecture

Architecture of India Sten Ütsmüts 11D 2011 Topics Cave Architecture Indo-Islamic Architecture Colonial Architecture Modern Architecture Cave Architecture History goes back to 300 BC; Places of worship and residence; Built by generations of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain monks Ajanta (200 BC to 650 AD) Ellora (600 and 1000 AD ) Kailasa Temple Ajanta caves Ellora caves Kailasa Temple Represents Mt. Kailasa, home of god Shiva; Largest monolithic structure in the world; 200 000 tons of removed rocks; 2x the area of Parthenon and 1,5 times higher; 7000 labourers; 150 years. Kailasa Temple Indo-Islamic Architecture Muslims in medieval time Imperial styl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

utilisation and disposal to prevent its negative effects on the environment and human health are established in The Law on Waste Management. This law provides that the waste holder has to manage waste himself or transfer it to a waste manager. Enterprises, which during the discharge of their economic-commercial activities generate waste, must sort it according to the procedure established by the government or an institution authorised by it. The Law on Environmental Protection establishes the basic engagements of the user of natural resources which are suitable for developing economic activities: such as: to estimate the possible environmental influence of its economic activities at its own expense, to accomplish measures eliminating or reducing negative environmental influence, to compensate for environmental damage caused by unlawful activity, etc.

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


Võrgutehnoloogiad Arvuti ühendus: võrguadapter(network adapter, network interface card, NIC) PCI- käib laiuskaart Sülearvutites PC CardBus WiFi modem Bluetooth, IrDa+mobiiltelefon Arvutivõrgu koostisoasad järgur e .repiiter (repeater) Kasutatakse limiitide suurednamiseks jaotur-mitmepordiline järgur HUB · Passiivne jaotur- käitub sisuliselt harukarbina · Aktiivne-lisatud on haldus- ja seirefunk kommutaator (switch) ­edastab infot ainult neile portidele, mis seda vajavad iga pordi taga eraldi võrgudomeen levisaated(broadcast)-kõigile jaamadele adresseeritud saadetised multisaated (multicast)- mitmele jaamale adresseeritud saadetised jõuvad ikka kogu võrguni paigutakse seina peale ruuter-router, broadcast domain, tegelevad parima tee valimsega (võike hüpete ,hop, arv) lüüs-gateway, protocol coverter. IP-võrgus saadetakse kõik paketid, mis jäävad väljaspoole alamvõrgu maski lüüsile. Võrgutüübid LAN-Local Area Network HAN-Home Ar...

Informaatika → Arvutiriistvara i
57 allalaadimist

Helen keller ja Anne Sullivan

At first she could talk and see but on February 1882 when Helen was 19 months old she became extremely ill and lost her ability to hear and see. (Due to a protruding(väljaulatuv) left eye, she was usually photographed in profile.) Both her eyes were replaced in adulthood with glass replicas. 2. Learning was tough for Helen. Because of her deafness and blindness, no one could get through to her, and she could not communicate with others. Basic rules and lessons made no sense to her, and she was called a "wild child." Then, in 1886, her mom heard about the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston from Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone. Kate wrote to the head of the Perkins School to ask for a teacher for Helen and they sent their star student, Anne Sullivan. The day she arrived—March 3, 1887— Helen's life changed. 3. Anne Sullivan was born on April 14, 1866, in Agawam, Massachusetts

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Most Influential Figures in British History

Industrial Revolution took place in the 19th century, the new technology made work physically less demanding and much faster. The revolution showed that Britain was technologically more advanced than other countries. What is more, science took a great step forward, Darwin introduced the theory of evolution that contradicted what the Church had been built up on. Primary education also became mandatory and the government helped pay for schooling, giving the lower-class the opportunity to get basic education. Queen Victoria symbolises a period of innovation and revolution while the British Empire expanded to it’s greatest. Thirdly, Winston Churchill played an important role in shaping not only Britain but the whole world during one of the worst conflicts in history. Churchill became Prime Minister when Britain had already entered war and he lead the country during a period of insecurity, social and economic instability. He won over the crowds with his famous motivational

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application

University Degree – BA or BSc  I have been studying ...... for ....years  I have just finished secondary school  I hold a full driving licence / I have a clean driving licence  I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience ....  I am quite good at ....  I also have qualifications in (first aid)  I have the language skills needed for this job  I have a working knowledge of (German)  I have the basic knowledge of (French)  I have a good command of (the English language)  I am able to carry out most day-to-day tasks in (English)  I can speak fluent (Russian) / I can speak fluently (Finnish) / I am fluent in spoken and written (English)  I have an impressive command of languages / computers / the sciences  I am computer literate  I have two years' experience working in this field

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Pet therapy

withdrawn and refused to talk. One day, Dr Levinson took his dog Jingles to the therapy session and, to his surprise, the child began stroking and cuddling the dog. Through more contact With Jingles, the child became increasingly open and approachable and Levinson was able to complete the psychotherapy successfully.  But what aspect of the animal-human relationship is the cause of such benefits? Does the companionship of animals fulfill certain basic human needs that are still not fully understood, but which are nevertheless vital to our sense of well-being? One recent study revealed that there were significantly fewer minor illnesses such as colds, backaches and stomach problems among adults after they had acquired a pet. "It is difficult to know if they became healthier as a result of acquiring their pet, but they certainly perceived themselves to be so,” the researcher said.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Eesti energeetika Maris Mäeotsa Eesti tarbimise tipunõudluse prognoos erinevate arengustsenaariumite korral Tootmisüksuste vajadus Elektri tootmine • 2 suurt elektrijaama - 2000 MW • 1 suurem koostootmisjaam - 165 MW • ~ 6 kohalikku koostootmisjaama - 116 MW • 8 + tuuleelektrijaama ~ 60 MW • 22 + hüdroelektrijaama ~ 5,4 MW • (5 suuremat hüdroelektrijaama – 2 MW) Kokku 2350 MW Hüdroenergia • Üle 20 hüdroelektrijaama (10…1100 kW), • Kokku võimsust 5,4 MW (~ 25 GWh) • Aastal 2010 – 10,5 MW • Peamised takistused – kalakaitse, rohelised Suurimad hüdroelektrijaamad Eestis Jaama nimi Võimsus MW Toodang MWh Eesti Energia AS hüdroelektrijaamad     Keila HEJ 0,32 847 Linnamäe HEJ 1,1 7000 Teised hüdroelektri...

Füüsika → Füüsika
5 allalaadimist

Powerpoint: Krumping

The dance routines are formed of arms, legs, chest and head movements in an energetic and exaggerated way. The reason for this is that Krumping is a style supposed to enable people to express their most inner emotions. It is an artistic manifestation of various feelings and thoughts. Krumping is very easy to learn and practice. All you have to do is watch a few videos and dancing tutorials to learn the basic moves and then start looking around your region for a crew to join. There are numerous teams in all the major cities that have a base culture involving street dances of all kinds. Krumping usually involves contact between dancers. It can often look like a fight to outsiders Young people generally prefer the Krumping dance style, as it is a form through which they can express emotions and thoughts without being judged. The most important part for them is that this is a way through

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse eksami sooritamiseks

teine programmeerimiskeel Fortrani järel -John McCarthy; 1960 esimene arvuti PDP-1, maailma esimene arvutimäng Space War 1963; Hiir, Douglas Engelbart; ASCII ­ American Standard Code for Information Interchange 1964 Gordon Moore-Moore seadus; 1968 Moore, Noyce and Grove left Fairchild ja lõid Intel Corp. 1968-1997 Moore Inteli president Moore seadus: "Each new chip contains roughly twice as much capacity as its predecessor, and is released within 18-24 months of the previous chip." 1964 BASIC - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz 1967 IBM esimene floppy ketas; 1967 Seymour Papert lõi LOGO arvutikeele lastele; 1968 Engelbart demonstreerib süsteemi, kus on klaviatuur, numbriklahvid, hiir ja ekraan 1969 AT&T Bell Laboratories Kenneth Thompson & Dennis Ritchie loovad UNIX-i PDP-7le; 1969 Intel 4004 microprotsessor CPU In 1967 MacHACK VI became the first program to beat a human (rate 1510) at a competition, at the Massachussets State Championship 1971 esimene 4 bitine 4004 microprotsessor

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
421 allalaadimist


An Introduction to the Legal System of the United States. 1991. 5. Friedman, L. American Law. London 1984. 6. Friedman, L. A History of American Law. A Touchstone Book. N.Y. 1985. 7. Gates, J.B., Johnson, Ch.A. The American Courts. Texas 1991. 8. Ginter, J. Eesti Vabariigi õiguskaitsesüsteem.I. Trt. 1996, lk 70-77; 77-84. 9. Glendon, M.A. jt. Comparative Legal Traditions. 1994. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES, sobib ka 1985.a. väljaanne), pp 438-jj 10. Major, W.T. Basic English Law. London 1990. 11. Neubauer, D.W. Judicial Process: Law, Courts and Politics in the United States. California 1991. 12. Zander, M. The Law-Making Process. London 1995. 13. Zweigert, K., Kötz, H. An introduction to Comparative Law. Oxford 1998, pp 63-180- 237; 238-275. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES) 14. Wasby, S.L. The Supreme Court in federal Judicial System. Chicago 1989. 15. , . . Moa 1989.

Õigus → Õigusteadus
30 allalaadimist


Õpikud Statistika kursusest korrata · Mõõteskaalad, keskmised (aritmeetiline, mediaan, mood), · Põhiõpik varieerumine. ­ Gujarati, D., Basic Econometrics · Tõenäosus p(A), tinglik tõenäosus p(A|B). · 3. trükk, TTÜ raamatukogus 20 eks · Keskväärtus E(x), dispersioon 2 (x), var(x). · 4. trükk, võimalik leida pdf fail · Jaotusseadused: normaaljaotus, t-jaotus, F-jaotus, 2 ­ jaotus.

Majandus → Ökonomeetria
14 allalaadimist


in the home, divorce, unemployment, or a shortage ( ) of low-cost housing . Homeless people tend to be single, middle- aged, unemployed, and lacking in qualifications. Many have a history of violence in the home, and many suffer from psychological disorders, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Homelessness creates a sense of failure ( ) and results in isolation, loss of self- esteem ( ) , and loss of control over the most basic decisions and acts of everyday life such as when and what to eat, and where and when to wash. The number of homeless has been growing in recent years, especially among the young. Many young people come to big cities in search of more exciting life. Because cheap accommodation is scarce ( ) , they can found themselves on the streets, living the life of a tramps. This unhappy experience can make them reject society and its values

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Tallinn Town Hall Square

a knights' tournament, a parrotshooting contest and the election of the May Count. Tallinn`s late Gothic Town Hall building is one of the most famed symbols of the city, recognized throughout Estonia as a venerable, unique architectural treasure. The Town Hall was established on the central square, probably at the beginning of 13th century. In 14021404, the building was substantially reconstructed. The exterior we know today dates from this period, and the basic room plan has also been preserved, as it was reconstructed for hosting receptions. The second floor was and still is the main floor, where the Citizen`s Hall, the Council Hall, a small kitchen and chancery are located and where festive receptions and concerts are held, just as they were in the Medieval days of yore. The threenave cellar hall is open to citizens and guests today as an exhibit hall. Summer 2004, the Town Hall celebrated its 600th anniversary.

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

John Travolta

Kivi-Vigala Basic School Actor John Travolta Katre Amann form 9 Instructor: Anne-Mai Tammeleht Kivi-Vigala 2009 John Travolta Birth name: John Joseph Travolta Nickname: Bone (as a child) Born in: Englewood, New Jersey Nationality: American Career: Hollywood Actor Height: 6' 2'' (1.88m) John Travolta is one of the highly successful actors in Hollywood, who made an impact even after a string of flops. John Travolta is known for his dancing and singing skills as well. His ''never say die'' spirit pulled him through the toughest times in his life. Credited with some blockbuster hits like Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Pulp Fiction, Look Who's Talking, Face Off, Ladder 49, etc. John Travolta is definitely one of the most respected actors in Hollywood. Childhood and Early Years John Travolta was bor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Charlie Chaplin

The only way to achieve that unity was to maintain complete control over every scene. This constant attention to detail ran many features over-time and over-budget, but the public reaction assured him and the studios that what he was doing worked. As his popularity increased he took more liberties with filming. Movies such as his 1925 hit, "The Gold Rush", demanded unending reworking of scenes and rebuilding of sets. Chaplin typically improvised his story in front of the camera with only a basic framework of a script. He shot and printed hundreds of takes when making a movie, each one a little experimental variation. While this method was unorthodox, because of the expense and inefficiency, it provided lively and spontaneous footage. Taking what he learned from the footage, Chaplin would often completely reorganize a scene. It was not uncommon for him to decide half-way through a film that an actor wasn't working and start over with someone new.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Erialane inglise keele konspekt

Erialane inglisekeel 2 semester. Software engineering Tarkvara tehnika. Sub.discliplines of software engineering. 1. Software requirements 2. Software design 3. Software develompment 4. Software testing 5. Software maintenance 6. Software configuration managment 7. Software engineering managment 8. Software development process 9. Software qengineering tools 10. Software quality Ex 1 1. analysing and defining the problem to be solved. 2. Desiging the program. 3. Coding. 4. Testing. 5. Training the users. 6. Dockumenting. 7. Obtaining feedback from user UML- united modeling language Algoritm- eeskiri mis tleb kuidas seda prorgammi kirjutada. Teine tund. protsessori- keskmine keel on assemble languages. Interpreted languages- tlgendamine. Declarated languages- kirjeldatakse programmi omadusi. Object- oriented class- based languages 1) multiple di...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
40 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

[Online] 9. Riggio, R.E., 2009. Are you a transformational leader. Psychology Today. [Online] transformational-leader [24.03.2009] 10. Schultz, W., 2001. Leadership: An Overview. [Online] [25.11.2001] 11. Team Technology. Five Basic Principles, And How To Apply Them. [Online]

Majandus → Arendustegevus
78 allalaadimist

Müüja praktika aruanne

väljapanek. Õppisin seda, kuidas kaubad paigutatakse lettidele, riiulitele, metall- korvidesse, puidust korvidesse ja kaubaalustele. Riiulite otsades on tavaliselt oma- tooted, kampaania tooted või allahinnatud tooted. Kauba pidin alati paigutama säilivuskuupäeva järgi- uuemad taha poole ja vanemad ette poole, kindlasti tuli ka kuupäevasid kontrollida. Rimil on ka tuntumad omatooted nagu Rimi, Selection by Rimi ja Rimi Basic. Praktikal nägin kauba vastuvõtmise protsessi. Tutvusin kaupluses kasutavate seadmetega: kaalud, kassa, käsikahveltõstuk ja skänner, neid seadmeid hooldavad hooldusfirmad. Skänneriga kontrollisin hindasid ning laojääki. Enne kassas tööle asumist, pidi töötaja minema kassaruumi, kus toimus põhjakassa ülelugemine. Põhjakassas pidi olema täpselt sendi pealt ettenähtud summa- 210 eurot. Kui see oli õige, siis tuli raha rahakapslisse panna ja oma kassasse saata

Ametid → Müüja
10 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

country, none of them could then work or secretly arm against another, but they could rebuild Europe together and peace could be assured in Europe. Mutual emnity thus turned into cooperation and this was extremely successful, more and more countries have joined the EU over the years. Britta Kase 143123HAKB The basic principles behind the EU are maintaining peace among the member states, cooperation for mutual benefit and increasingly common external action.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

Juhendaja: Kai Hermann Vana-Vigala 2014 Overview ''Jane Eyre'' was published in 1847 and brought fame to its author, Charlotte Bronte. The book incorporates many themes: the relations between men and women, gender equality, the treatment of children and of women, religious faith and religious life and the notion of true love. The 2011 movie is a faithful and intelligent adaptation of the classic novel. The film follows the basic storyline closely although the approach to the story and the way certain characters are portrayed differs from the novel. Analysis The book describes her as being unremarkable in the way she looks. The film preserves this premise and therefore maintains the importance placed on her character. The film's interpretation of the harsh manner Mr. Brocklehurst and the rigid strictness of the school are the same as the novel. There film deviates in two ways, however. Firstly, the way

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun