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The Orgin of Names of the Months (0)

The Orgin of Names of the Months #1 The Orgin of Names of the Months #2
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Aeg2008-03-15 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
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What is the origin of the names of the months?

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Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

Black Nights Film Festival main programme (28 November 7 December) International competition programme EurAsia and Baltic feature film competition. Informative side programmes include fiction and documentary features from previous 2 years, retrospective of a filmmaker, genre or studio, and focus on a country Jazzkaar february Jazkaar in Jazzikuu When: Apr 2009 (annual) Since 2007 Estonia has chimed with the international designation of April as jazz month (jazzikuu). Within the month there is a more focused festival named after organiser Jazkaar, playing host to many talented musicians and top jazz performers. Concerts take place in a variety of venues including City Hall, the Sakala Centre and some of the city's theatres and clubs. Jazzkaar has been celebrating jazz in Tallinn since 1990 and was happy to follow America's Smithsonian Institution 2001's inauguration of April being should be "Jazz Appreciation Month."

Inglise keel

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

se that the gold, silver, iron and lead were exported back to Rome). Introduced schools,a new language ­ Latin, large farms (villas), baths. In AD 410 they had to leave . roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years. They left behind very little. Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and Wales. 4. Latin influence on English *The influence of Latin is noticeable also in the names of European cities: the Latin noun colonia (settlement, colony) may be found in numerous place-names: Lincoln, Colchester, Cologne ; from Latin word castrum (military camp) were derived English affixes -chester and -castle: Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle; Latin word portus (seaport) in Portsmouth *-tor - person, doer, masculine form. The suffix is attached to the stem: victor (`winner', from the verb vincere `to win'), spectator (spectare).

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur


the Louny District to the northwest of Prague. Another important factor is the distribution of the mountains; therefore, the climate is quite varied. At the highest peak of Snzka (1,602 m/5,256 ft), the average temperature is only -0.4 °C (31.28 °F), whereas in the lowlands of the South Moravian Region, the average temperature is as high as 10 °C (50 °F). The country's capital, Prague, has a similar average temperature, although this is influenced by urban factors. The coldest month is usually January, followed by February and December. During these months, there is usually snow in the mountains and sometimes in the major cities and lowlands. During March, April and May, the temperature usually increases rapidly, especially during April, when the temperature and weather tends to vary widely during the day. Spring is also characterized by high water levels in the rivers, due to melting snow with occasional flooding.

Inglise keel


The zakat is considered a religious obligation (as opposed to voluntary charity) that the welloff owe to the needy because their wealth is seen as a "trust from God's bounty". The Qur'an and the hadith also suggest a Muslim give even more as an act of voluntary almsgiving (sadaqah). Many Shi'ites are expected to pay an additional amount in the form of a khums tax, which they consider to be a separate ritual practice. · Sawm, or fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat or drink (among other things) from dawn to dusk during this month, and must be mindful of other sins. The fast is to encourage a feeling of nearness to God, and during it Muslims should express their gratitude for and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and think of the needy. Sawm is not obligatory for several groups for whom it would constitute an undue burden. For others, flexibility is allowed depending on


History of the English language

meaning "saint" (the latter is a French loan (ALL HALLOWS' DAY, HALLOWEEN). The metonymic link between "being in one piece" and "being healthy" is fairly universal (cf. the two meanings of the Estonian word "terve" ­ a Finno-Ugric, i.e. a non-Indo European word! ­ or Russian "" (whole) and "" ­ to heal (NB! Modern medicine uses "treat" and "cure" ­ the latter when the result is positive, "heal" is generally used in alternative medicine as is "", cf also Healer and as names for Jesus). The use of a word denoting "health" in greetings and other ritual formulas ( as in HAIL!) is also fairlyuniversal (cf. Estonian "terviseks" and "tere"<"terve", Russian "()" < ""; ancient Romans used "Vale!" ­ "be healthy!" ­ as a parting formula). The meaning of sacredness as in halig > HOLY is related to magic/religion linked with healing and being healthy (cf. Healer above). nu ­ now (NOW). Spelling changed in the Middle English period (French scribes used ou or ow for /u:/).

Inglise keel

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

technical as well). If you refer to your heart as your ticker, you have chosen a more colloquial or slangy term. 3. Native and foreign element. Native vocabulary. 3 strata: Indo-European words mother, father, night, foot, heart, bear (bore, born), see names of close relatives, names of natural objects, parts of the body, numerals Germanic words friend, bridge, ship, life, heaven, glass, death, make v, meet v Old English words Bad, bird, woman, lady, daisy, gospel 23,000 – 24,000 items. Only about 3 % are of non-

Leksikoloogia ja leksikograafia

Rudyard Kipling

person in that house as far as I can remember who ever threw me a kind word."--ibid. Kipling soon learned to read and found solace in literature and poetry, voraciously turning to the magazines and books his parents sent him including Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone and works by the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Bret Harte also left an indelible impression on Kipling. Respite from the Holloway household was gained when he spent one month a year in London with his mother's kindly sister Aunt Georgie and her husband, pre-Raphaelite painter Edward Burne Jones and their children. Those months of December were a veritable paradise to Kipling; North End House was constantly brimming with visiting friends and relatives, and the homey and artistic effects of the affectionate couple were everywhere. Their home echoed with laughter and the patter of little feet or was

Inglise kirjandus

American Literature Portfolio

American literature The literary history of this nation when the first humanbeing living in what has since become the U.S used language creatively. · Mid to late 18 century ­ put down · Words are powerful, magical · Words must be remembered · Native Americans stories ­ creation of the world · Attidude thought their land/language · Similar stories Dates and names · America was discovered in 1492 by Columbus · 1497 ­ John Cabot went to Canada · 1579 ­ San Fransisco/St. Fransis · 1607 ­ Jamestown collony/John Smith · 1620 ­ a boat called MayFlower · 1630 ­ Boston was established · 1636 ­ Harvard University · 1773 ­ Boston Teaparty · 1775 ­ War of Independence · 1776 ­ 4 July Declaration of Independence · First President ­ George Washington


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