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Report (1)

Report #1
Punktid 50 punkti Autor soovib selle materjali allalaadimise eest saada 50 punkti.
Leheküljed ~ 1 leht Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2010-01-11 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 160 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 1 arvamus Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
Autor Kai Lepik Õppematerjali autor
Report teemaks on kooli head ja halvad küljed.

Sarnased õppematerjalid


Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

UNIVERSITY OF TARTU DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Using Blogs as a Platform in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Research paper Tartu 2010 ABSTRACT This work analyses the usefulness of blogging in teaching English as a foreign language. The definition of the term `blog' is provided along with the advantages and disadvantages of blogs' usage in practice. The analysis of language skills developed by students throughout the use of blogs for learning purposes is given in the paper with possible limitations that blogs have. Author of this paper also shares personal comments about the experience in the field. In this paper it is also described which research methods are planned to be employed for the conduction of research project. 2 ABSTRACT.........................

Inglise keel

Home Assignments

ELT Methodology (FLGR.01.041) 27.12.2012 Home Assignments. I Youtube clips: · A vision of K-12 students I personally think that Estonian learners are also digital learners. They spend more time at the computers or laptops or iPads etc. than read books or move outside. And another thing is that teachers are less capable in using technological appliances. But the latter mentioned fact is an advantage for us ­ teachers as well. It gives us an opportunity to provide our students to experience success. They can help and assist us if we need some technological help. Another thing is that in schools, in classes generally students are not allowed to use their appliances, so it means they have to communicate verbally as well. I think that teachers should be creative to blend so-called digital le

Inglise keel

Inglise keele eksamiks erinevad kirjanäited

Report To:headmaster From:Liis Subject: Suggested improvements Date:2nd May 2011 The purpose of this report is to comment on conditions in the college and to make recommendations for possible improvements. Although conditions are generally good, there are one or two problems. Firstly, in large classes, there is not much desk space. Secondly, the classrooms tend to be darl, especially in the winter months. Finally, during video lessons, some of us find it difficult to see screen properly. There are number of changes that could be made in order to improve the situation. To begin with, I

Inglise keel

Final task FINISHED

ESTONIAN EDUCATION POLICY. MAIN PROBLEMS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Hanna-Loora Bobrov Since I was a teenager, I remember thinking of the school education quality. How to improve it, where teacher could be more efficient and how to make a better environment for the pupils. And now all these years later I am a young teacher and it is still important for me what is going on within my society in education. I believe I have some kind of advance of knowing what is really going on in Estonian schools and how the education policy really works. Because not long ago I finished the high school, before that changing a lot of different schools and I think I can say that I superficially know how different schools are working in various regions of Estonia. Being a student at the faculty of education has opened my eyes for a lot of different things, perspectives and helped a lot to understand deeper, why things are like they are.


A letter and an essay

include the battery, and the space in the box for the charger was empty. I am now in Wondercity, and I am not returning to Freetown, so I need to get the missing parts here. I would be grateful if you could arrange for the parts to be sent to me. I attach a copy of the receipt for your information. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Introduction This report looks at the dietary habits of twenty students in their final year at Freedonian Secondary School. The report is based on the students' responses to the questionnaire administered by the school's doctor. Meals The survey have revealed that the students do not have enough meals. Only eight of those questioned eat before school, and half of them have their midday meal at school. Worryingly, as few as four students have both breakfast and school lunch. Still more disturbing is the fact that an alarming proportion--approximately onethird--of the students have neither. Eating brown bread

Inglise keel

600976-teacher-guide-for- writing-c1-advanced

words and cohesive devices. variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns headings for the sections in a report. ✔ There is a good range of vocabulary and grammar. They are used accurately. with flexibility.



Education Education is so multifaceted that it is difficult for me to know where to begin discussing it, or how to prioritize the many factors. Relaying my own experience is easy: I had a standard classroom approach, supplemented by inordinate reading. In only the briefest and least memorable instances did I receive any individual tutoring. Education is commonly thought of as the job of schools. Adults cry "educate our children!" Everyone has opinions about the best way to do the job. It is of urgent importance, and all the numerous factors are much studied, debated, and new (or old) ideas continually tested or retested. Some people say "it's as simple as . . . " and then name their pet peeve or passion. My view is not of an education specialist, but of one who loves sharing what I learn, and owes much to educators. Since I don't have an educational theory neatly worked-out, nor an outline of my perceptions, my intent is to address each educational ingredient that comes to my m

Inglise keel

Interview with Chinese lecturer

INTERVIEW: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TEACHING IN CHINA AND IN ESTONIA According to a Chinese language lecturer of a University in Estonia, teaching in China and teaching in Estonia does have some differences. The lecturer received a BA from Shanghai Teachers' Collage and MA in Education from Boston University. She has taught overseas students for 3 years in Guangxi University in China before coming to Estonia in 2013. Since then she has taught in various universities in Tallinn. In her opinion the main differences that affect the teaching of Chinese in China and Estonia are the purpose of teaching, the authority that the teacher has, and the language environment of the country. In Estonia one of the main purposes of teaching Chinese is to increase the knowledge of China and Chinese culture in addition to the teaching the language. In China on the other hand the purpose is often to increase the ability of students to survive in the society, find work, and do business. The lectu

Inglise keel

Kommentaarid (1)

Coolfun profiilipilt
Coolfun: ei aidanud mõtetu
20:34 15-04-2010

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