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"students" - 567 õppematerjali

students - model behaviors reflective of inclusiveness and a Statement of Mission that depicts the school's purpose for existence, both of which they can take ownership.

Kasutaja: Students

Faile: 0

Report on the students` exercise preference

To: Mr Jones, sports centre manager From: Mari Mets Subject: Report on the students' exercise preferences Date: 3rd April 2017 Introduction The aim of this report is to describe the changes in the students' exercise preferences, speculate on the reasons for the shifts and make recommendations for the sports centre on which facilities and training opportunities to include in the future. Female students Yoga and Pilates have remained the most popular exercise routines among the young women, who are acquiring education. From 2010 to 2015, the percentage of female students, who chose one of these two training programs, stayed at 45%. The reason for the lack of shift might be that the interests of the young women, who are acquiring education and practicing yoga or Pilates, have not changed. Male students Weightlifting has remained the most popular exercise routine among the young men,

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Report about students eating habits

Report about students eating habits. Most of todays students don't have their proper habits, Fast food can wreak havoc on your health if you aren't careful. Limit stops at fast food restaurants, and when you do go, bypass the French fries and other fried treats. Order salads, sandwiches that don't contained fried or greasy meat, and baked potatoes. Select pizza healthy pizza toppings, such as olives, mushrooms and green peppers. If you must have meat, opt for Canadian bacon, which is much lower in fat than pepperoni.

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13 allalaadimist

Why students dropp out of college

Money could use to fund illegal activities and the strengthening of armed forces. International aid should be used very wisely and judiciously, only then can we eliminate poverty and hunger and other problems in the world. Students tend to drop out because their expectations of college--academically, socially, or both--don't match up with the reality once they get there. They also suffer from lack of motivation, inadequate preparation, and poor study skills. Students who are well prepared for college coursework are more likely to stay in school. Academic help alone is not enough to keep many students in school. Students also need individual support to feel connected to the campus community. When a student drops out of college, everyone loses--the student, the college, and the greater society.

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7 allalaadimist

Are student organizations beneficial for students?

Are student organizations beneficial for students? This essay will deal with the following aspects of the question „Are student organizations beneficial for students?“. It is noticeable that student organizations are quite popular subject right now. Topical issue is that there may be different opinion about how beneficial student organizations for students really are. Student organizations usefulness could be disputable, beacause there are always postive and negative side to everything. One the one hand it appears that some students might support and think that student organizations are really advantageous for them and others do not support that idea. For example many stundents might complain about that sudent organizations are full of politics and assuming that they do not consider it necessary and beneficial to join any of them. It

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1 allalaadimist

Students eating habits at Trends College

To: Mrs. Cook From: Student of Trend College Subject: Students eating habits at Trends College Date: 17 January 2018 Intoduction The aim of this report is to give an overview of students eating habits at Trends College and to give recommendations to Mrs. Cook about which food to serve. Body part Girls eating habits at Trends College are quite equal . 55% of all girls prefer to eat vegetables at luch, 35% like different pastas for their lunch, 32% like to eat meat and potatoes and 30% want to eat fast food. Boys eating habits at Trends College are quite different comparing with girls eating habits.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Are student organizations beneficial for students?

Are student organizations beneficial for students? Student organizations are always been quite popular among students. There are lots of benefits participating in the organizations, but some drawbacks as well. It is clear that student organizations are beneficial for students. Firstly, it helps students to find out their interests, which helps them in the future, when they are choosing suitable profession. It is always better when you already have some imagination of the job. In addition, organizations give new skills and knowledge. Secondly, it connects people with same interests, which leads to a more active social life. It seems that right connections are even more important, when it comes to finding a job, than education.

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2 allalaadimist


Education: Some people say that students should study only those subjects they are interested in Im going to discuss if students should study only those subjects they are interested in or not. Nowadays students are quite lazy and do not want to study or go to school. They think it is boring and parents work really hard to make them study. Also, a lot of students think that the majority of the subjects they are learning are pointless. But actually none of those are pointless and every thing has a reason. In addition to that, if students could choose the subjects themselves, then some classes would be really empty. For example, a lot of students do not like maths or reading. Math develops logic and then we could imagine how many people would be without logical thinking. And

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Should schools permit computers for their students?

Many students and their parents are in the position that every school should permit computers for their students. Is this a good idea if every student at school has their own computer what they can use in lesson? In my opinion having computers in our English class is very good idea. There is a lot of reasons why. Firstly, our textbooks and worksbooks are compiled that method that there are some excercises which we will have to check from internet like all kind of searching tasks what expect us to use Internet. It also simplify teacher work, teacher does not have to waste her time preparing the lessons

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Üliõpilased Facebookis

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Kehakultuuri osakond Kergejõustiku eriala Minu nimi College-students-social-networking-experiences-on- Facebook_2009_Journal-of-Applied-Developmental- Psychology ehk Kuidas tudengid kasutavad Facebooki? Mida seal tehakse, kui palju aega selleks kulub? Referaat Juhendaja: Jorgen Matsi Tartu 2009 Miljonid tänapäeva noored täiskasvanud kasutavad suhtlusvõrke. Vähe on teada, miks ja kui palju ja kuidas kasuatatakse suhtlusportaale. Georgetowni Ülikool USA on teinud uuringu, mida kajastas artiklis ,,College-students- social-networking-experiences-on-Facebook_2009_Journal-of-Applied-Developmental- Psychology". Uuringu eesmärgiks oli anda informatsiooni suhtlusvõrkude kasutamisest tudengite seas. Miks...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus ja sport
11 allalaadimist

Google Guava

Google Guava Margus Martsepp History Java collections was created in 1997 3 big ideas: · interfaces (define collections) · implementations (concrete or abstract) · algorithms (to manipulate collections) Basic idea around this framework: Extensible - people can build on it Overview 1. Utilities - {static constructors,functional - {predicates, transform}} 2. Objects {equal, coalesce, ComparisonChain} 3. Immutable - {why, how, collections} Utilities - static constructors Create a list of 2 elements Utilities - functional - predicates Apply predicates on collections/iterables Functional language equivalent Utilities - functional - transform Create a transformed view of a collection Object - {equals, coalesce} Equals (null safe) Coalesce Objects.firstNonNull(obj, default) Object - ComparisonChain CompareTo method: Immutable - why Why? · + Your life is easy (no trust problems) · + Free thread safety · + Can be...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
8 allalaadimist


Mathematica Margus Martsepp Estonia named first computer- based math education country (11.2.2013) In our first Estonia project we will work with them to rewrite key years of school probability and statistics from scratch. -- Conrad Wolfram Predictive interface Linguistic input suggestions Unit discovery, conversion and problem solving Visualisation and graphics composition is really simple Fundamental limitation of all numerical systems Blind numerical sampling - black box Too complex for others 14th order linear differential system automatically solved Example problem Process diffusion-related experimental data to find the Matano interface and create an ascending diffusion on a ternary plot Example problem Example problem Example problem Example problem Example problem Final result: Line count ratio The end

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4 allalaadimist

Should class attendance be mandatory for university students?

Should class attendance be mandatory for university students? It has been heavily debated, whether class attendance in general should be compulsory or optional. While most people can agree on the necessity of class attendance in elementary, as well as secondary school being obligatory, then opinions on required class attendance at university are quite divided. Both two alternatives have their respective up- and downsides but all aspects considered, which is more beneficial?

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1 allalaadimist

There should be compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study. Do you agree?

There should be compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study. Do you agree? Essay There are many different subjects in school. Most of them are compulsory. Students have to learn them, even if they are not interested. Perhaps they should be allowed to choose subjects that they want to study. On one hand I think that subjects shoudn't be compulsory in high school

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5 allalaadimist

Methods students should adopt to select the right university

Methods students should adopt to select the right university Ones choice of university will affect their life both socially and professionally so it is important to make a wise decision. Finding the perfect university or college can seem challenging at first because of the endless opportunities offered. The course range given to students is extensive and the decision can be difficult due to a broad spectrum of higher educational institutions. When choosing the ideal university, it is essential to do research as early as possible and take it rather seriously. First, one should try to narrow down the possibilities by a simple process of elimination. By figuring out the area of study and other relevant elements like the size or location, the decision will most likely become simpler. It is important to

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2 allalaadimist

Schools should provide computers for students to use for...

Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their school subjets Nowadays we are making a step up into the era of IT. Everything is becoming computerized. Is there a way to not overuse technics? Now the question is: "Should schools provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects?" I strongly believe that schools should have modern computers but there is no need in using them for all the subjects. Firstly, sitting in front of a computer screen all day can be damaging for students' health, especially sight. As a result, children can feel more exhausted after school than they do now. It can also have a negative effect on students' moods. In addition, providing computers for students to use for all the subjects in Estonia is unreasonable

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19 allalaadimist

Mobile phones and their use

This report was commisioned by Mr. Rodgers and examined mobiles phones and their uses. The survey considered the brands, costs, how the phones were acquired, and the main uses of each phone. The survey was carried out among students in the eleventh-grade class. In the eleventh-grade class, everyone has a mobile phone. Moreover nearly all of them are smart phones. According to the survey, there are five different brands of phones that are used by students. Samsung and Sony Ericsson, with four users, is in the lead. Most of the phones cost more than 100 euros. However, three owners got their phones for free. The average cost of a cell phone is 195 euros. Eight out of thirteen students bought their phone themselves. Furthermore, five students acquired their phones as presents. The most popular phone feature used is calling. Also, nearly three out of four students use their phones to browse the Internet, and almost a half of students

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7 allalaadimist

Stanford university

Stanford university Made by Kelli Kadak 11K 30.10.2012 Stanford university · Stanford is recognized as one of the world's leading universities. students have opportunities to participate in a remarkable range of activities. Through academic courses taught by renowned professors, research and public service opportunities, and an extraordinary breadth of extracurricular activities -- Stanford University prepares students to take on the great challenges of the day and become the next generation of leaders. Stanford university history In 1891, Stanford University opened its doors after six years of planning and building. · The university's first president was David Starr Jordan. · The official name is Leland Stanford Junior University. · The Stanford moto is " The wind of freedom blows" Stanford university place · The Stanford University is an American private re-

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5 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of social networking

However the con to this is that social media causes people to spend less time interacting face to face. I think it’s not good because if they are always in social media talking with friends then people can’t interact with people outside the internet. If the people are not used to speaking in real life then it could be difficult to impress yourself with words to other people and because of this it could be difficult finding a job. Social networking sites help students do better at school. It helps students browse quickly the information they need and not waste time on searching from millions of books. It helps students do homework faster and then they can have free time to do hobbies. It could also provide distance learning due to sickness or travelling. But in the other hand it’s bad because the internet enables the spread of unreliable and false information. Also people don’t read as much books if they get all the information from the internet

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2 allalaadimist

The factors Estonian students consider important when choosing a job

To: Ms Johanson From: Mari Mets Subject: The factors Estonian students consider important when choosing a job Introduction The aim of this report is to analyse the results of two surveys into the information about which factors Estonian students consider important when choosing a job. The two surveys were carried out in 2005 and 2013. At the end of the report there are some possible reasons for the changes. Grow of importance To start with, the importance had grown 14% for the pay, 15% for the work atmosphere and 20% for work/life balance. The pay has stayed the same in the ranking of importance but the ranking of work/life balance has dropped from fourth to second place. Fall of importance

Keeled → British culture (briti...
25 allalaadimist

The First Years of the School: Reval Gymnasium

The First Years of the School: Reval Gymnasium In the beginning the school was upheld by the city of Tallinn and it’s knighthood. The school was meant for the sons of the noblemen and citizens. There were 4 professors and 2 colleagues. Students studied reading, writing, maths, theology, music, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, law, poetry, speech, geography, history and philosophy. Older students studied in Latin. Music was very important. There were four classes: quarta, tertia, secunda and prima, prima being the last and quarta the lowest grade. The head of school was a rector. For the first 15 years the rector was Heinrich Vulpius whose Gymnasium Laws (show the picture) were used for more than a century. The set of laws influenced the life of the students a lot. They designated how the students were supposed to act in the school and in their free time. (show the pic)

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1 allalaadimist

School should provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects

School should provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects Nowadays we are moving into a IT era. This is an inevitable because everything is becoming computerized. Students use computers to make homework. I strongly believe that schools should have computers but there is no need for all the subjects. Firstly, sitting a long time in front of the computer screen is unhealthy. Students' eyes will be dry and they may have headache. It can also have a negative effect on students' moods. In addition, computer labs' maintenance is expensive. One which can be need to writing and

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7 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

Students' own answers pointing to his sister's ice cream. 5 The thief grabbed my bag and ran The photos are connected with the 1B Past and perfect tenses off. topic of school. Both photos show page 4 6 He dropped a leaf into the water students in class. In the first photo I imagine that 1 1 ate and watched it drift under the they're about 13 years old. 2 have/'ve met bridge.

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century

very uncomfortable aswering them and at that point he doesn’t care as well. Being a third year history student in University of Tartu, I am wondering over the same questions and find myself often thinking what is expected of me after graduating and how has university played a role in my development for almost three years now. When asked what is the main purpose of university, most people would say that it is preparing students for different proffessions, which would later be the driving force of the country. But I think it is more complicated than that. Going to university is a logical step to a ambitious young high school graduate and some even don’t consider other possibilities. On the other hand, universities are getting a lot of critic because some say that the goal of universities are to produce as many diploma graduates as possible. I think that universities are

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1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Report

I To: European youth union From: Jaagup Laaser Subject: Music recommendation Introduction This report was written to find mostly suitable music to a big music festival which takes place in Estonia next summer. Differences between two forms To start with, students forms 7 to 9 are mostly listening Pop which makes the biggest percent of survey ­ 35%. Form 10 to 12 is listening more Rock. Also form 7-9 have quite big percentage in Pop music notably 29%. Although, younger students have bigger percentages is their preferments unstable. However, older students are listening likely majority of music Pop, Rock and Dance. In fact, only 3% of 7 to 9 form and 7% 10 to 12 form listening classical music. Music that should be performed At the festival should be performed Rap because many students in younger forms like it and certainly Pop because that is very popular in both form. Also, there should be played Rock

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56 allalaadimist

Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects

Schools should provide computers for students to use for all their school subjects Nowadays, people have started to use computers for almost everything. Computers have also become popular in schools. The question is, should schools provide computers and should it be provided for all subjects? While I believe that computers are necessary for many subjects, I do not believe that students should use computers in all subjects. Firstly, in some lessons, students have to write very many pages and computers would definitely speed up the writing and it would not be as tiring as writing in a notebook. Furthermore, if students could get all their learning materials and notes from computers, they would not have to carry heavy textbooks. This would be very convenient for students. On the other hand, students can easily get distracted by all the computers. They might start playing games on the computers or something else inappropriate

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1 allalaadimist

A letter and an essay

include the battery, and the space in the box for the charger was empty. I am now in Wondercity, and I am not returning to Freetown, so I need to get the missing parts here. I would be grateful if you could arrange for the parts to be sent to me. I attach a copy of the receipt for your information. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Introduction This report looks at the dietary habits of twenty students in their final year at Freedonian Secondary School. The report is based on the students' responses to the questionnaire administered by the school's doctor. Meals The survey have revealed that the students do not have enough meals. Only eight of those questioned eat before school, and half of them have their midday meal at school. Worryingly, as few as four students have both breakfast and school lunch. Still more

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8 allalaadimist

Partners schools in Comenius project

Partner schools in Comenius project Targo Timak Form 7a Tartu Veeriku School Sehit Millis Nuri Ilkogretim Okulu l There are 1300 students and 43 staffs. l Students are aged 6-14. l Even though their school takes place in the urban part of the city, most of the families still have their old traditional ways of life which belong to rural areas. l Their school needs this kind of projects because pupils around the school have really low economic standards and they may not be able to find another chance to attend a high standard intercultural activity in the rest of their lives. Fichtenberg Oberschule

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3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee teemal: ,,Senior high school students – old enough to live on their own?\'\'

Senior high school students ­ old enough to live on their own? Senior high school students, are they old enough to live on their own or not? Moving out on your own for high school at the age of 16 can be a thrilling experience. No more restrictions and home coming times or annoying schedules. Is this freedom suitable for everyone then, especially at that age? Despite the fact that you have the freedom of choice to do everything you want to there are many disadvantages. Like your mom is not there every day to prepare you a hot dish, doing the laundry

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20 allalaadimist

Interview with Chinese lecturer

INTERVIEW: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TEACHING IN CHINA AND IN ESTONIA According to a Chinese language lecturer of a University in Estonia, teaching in China and teaching in Estonia does have some differences. The lecturer received a BA from Shanghai Teachers' Collage and MA in Education from Boston University. She has taught overseas students for 3 years in Guangxi University in China before coming to Estonia in 2013. Since then she has taught in various universities in Tallinn. In her opinion the main differences that affect the teaching of Chinese in China and Estonia are the purpose of teaching, the authority that the teacher has, and the language environment of the country. In Estonia one of the main purposes of teaching Chinese is to increase the knowledge

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1 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of School Uniform

Pros and Cons of School Uniform At several schools worldwide, students are required to wear school uniforms. In some schools, uniforms are not required as this is part of the decision of the school or the parents. On the other hand, wearing school uniform does have its pros and cons. First of all, wearing school uniform suppresses students’ way to express themselves. Uniforms prevent them from wearing the clothes they want to wear. Children are often much more artistic than many adults, especially in high school, teenagers experience an increased need to

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1 allalaadimist

Positive sides of outdoor learning

It can happen at a city zoo, on a forest trail, or in a national park. These kinds of locations are conducive to first- hand experiences and these places can provide direct contact with the topic and also learning this way can help participants interact and socialize. Outdoor learning can contribute towards getting deeper knowledge and understanding, better health and choices in lifestyle, valuing friendship and teamwork and also creating an environmentally responsible society. Students get deeper knowledge and they understand subjects better when they learn about them directly. Outdoor education enables students to comprehend the ideas and solutions before they get acquainted with the scientific or technical terms. Some studies declare that students have specific learning styles and on the basis of that we can say that outdoor learning is suitable for everyone, because it includes hearing, seeing, touching, feeling etc

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1 allalaadimist

School system in the USA

School system in the USA Education in the United States is provided by government. Each of the 50 states has its own laws regulating education. Children start school at the age of 5 or 6 and continue until the age of 18. Primary or grade school starts from the first grade up to the sixth grade. Then students attend middle school also called junior high school for three years. After middle school, students attend secondary schools, which are called "high schools" from ninth to twelfth grades. The idea of secondary school is to get a high school diploma. Students should take on average 17 or over 20 units during their studies. Public schools are free of charge and available for everybody. To which school a child attends is determined by where they live. Primary school

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13 allalaadimist

12 principles of language teaching

Teaching By Principles Language Teaching requires connecting THEORY and PRACTICE. 12 Principles of Language Teaching Teaching By Principles Cognitive Principles Language Teaching requires 1. Automaticity connecting THEORY and Students absorb language PRACTICE. automatically. Students move toward fluency and “think” about language less as they There are three types of principles: progress. Cognitive – mental and intellectual Application – Don’t overwhelm Socioaffective – emotional students with language rules, balance

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1 allalaadimist

It´s a student´s life

magazine, English in action. Following a note from my friend, recommending that I should express my opinion with some of the views, which the article contained.. Firstly, I can definitely say that I have to disagree that student´s do not know the meaning of the word ,,work." As I am a student also, I know from personal experience that a large quantity of students have been in contact with work in some way or another. In some cases students have to earn their living simultaneously with their studies. Moreover you claimed that students do not contribute nothing to the society. In the student's defence I have to mention that, we are growing individuals, who develop to be the best contribution and enrichment to our country. So I think it is wrong to judge the book by it's covers. Secondly, it surely is not true that today´s students are lazy and unproductive individuals who do nothing but sit around all day

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79 allalaadimist

Comparison of Education in Britain and Estonia

In this essay I am going to point out some of the most distinguish features in the education of both countries. Firstly, there are dissimilarities in the age at which children go to school. In Estonia the age is 7 whereas in Britain children start their educational journey already as young as 5 years old. Primary school lasts 6 years just like in Estonia but the pupils in Britain are 2 years younger when they finish primary school than the pupils in Estonia. However, students in Britain and Estonia finish secondary school at the same age because secondary school lasts 5 years in Britain instead of 3 like it is in Estonia. Altogether, compulsory school in Britain lasts 11 years which is 2 years more than in Estonia. Moreover, there are slight differences as for the compulsory subjects taught in the first three years of secondary school in Britain and Estonia. In Britain, more emphasis is placed on

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90 allalaadimist

There should be no compulsory school subjects

There should be no compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose subjects they want to study. In school students do not want to learn some subjects, still they have to do it. Some lessons may not like for pupils. For example, students have to learn foreign languages, be in a choir or do psychical educaion even if they do not like it at all. However, should there be compulsory subjects or should there be not? On the one hand, students do not work hard if they are not interested in the subject. Then they just waste their time doing nothing important. Also, if there are the subjects the student wants then there is no more undone homework, distracting or undiscipline. Furthermore, there are many students together wanting to learn the same thing and the associate of them is better. On the other hand some students might only choose easy and few subjects. Despite to that students can not choose very few lessons.Moreover, then

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16 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

ELT Methodology (FLGR.01.041) 27.12.2012 Home Assignments. I Youtube clips: · A vision of K-12 students I personally think that Estonian learners are also digital learners. They spend more time at the computers or laptops or iPads etc. than read books or move outside. And another thing is that teachers are less capable in using technological appliances. But the latter mentioned fact is an advantage for us ­ teachers as well. It gives us an opportunity to provide our students to experience success. They can help and assist us if we need some technological help.

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11 allalaadimist

Educational problems of public school, Report

Report The aim of this report is to compare Estonian and British students opinion on educational system. We wrote down our opinion on the 6th of september 2012 in our english class. We had 12 students who gave an opinion about the Estonian educational system. Corporal punishment is illegal in British and Estonian schools. 62% of British childrens think that it would be needful but only 31% Estonian childrens have the same opinion. Actually it could be not banned, because if they used controlled corporal punishment it is not likely to be harmful

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5 allalaadimist


To: Penelope MacSparron, head teacher From: Mari Mets, student Subject: Suggested improvements to school Date: 1 Decembre 2009 Purpose The purpose of this report is to comment conditions in the school and to make recommendations for possible improvements. The survey has been conducted among our class students. Canteen Firstly, the canteen`s food prices are too low and service is very slow. It would be a good idea to mark down the price of food and to put meals on the table before lunch break. As result service would be faster and more students could afford eating school lunch . Library Furthermore, the majority of the students (56%) are not agreed with library opening hours and range of books. By buying more books and changing library opening hours, we could solve the problem.

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160 allalaadimist

Young people's activities in gymnasium

REPORT Young people's activities in Simuvere Gymnasium in 1996, 1998 and 2000 Introduction The aim of this report is to describe, how are young people's favourite pastimes changed between 1996 and 2000. The survey is carried out in Simuvere Gymnasium in 1996, 1998 and 2000. Students who were questioned were 16-18 years old. My findings are presented below. Numbers have given in precentages. Changes among pastime activities. At graph we can see big changes. 1. Before 1996 students mostly watched television but in 1998 it was already ten percent less. In 2000 it was only twenty five percent. 2. Before students loved to read books, but in 2000 this number was only fifteen percent. This is not good anymore. 3

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76 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of A School Uniform

Pros and cons of A School Uniform Nowadays quite a lot schools has its own uniform.Especially in the UK and in the USA where uniform is a tradition.But in Estonia, a school uniform is not that popular yet On the plus side of the uniform, students do not have to spend extra money for the clothes to wear at school. A School Uniform is launched to unite students, it also maintains discipline. A School Uniform is a tradition in many many countries.Another advantage is that a fixed dress code helps the students perform academically better. But every plus has its minus. For instance, students can not express themselves. Another point is, that students lose their individuality so they can not be unique.For someome the material of the uniform is not suitable.Some people say that a uniform makes life easier and saves time

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3 allalaadimist

Report on using of the Internet in colleges

Report on using of the Internet in colleges. Introduction The aims of this report are to: 1. Give an overview of using the Internet in college by students 2. Name some pros and cons of using Internet 3. Tell you some perspectives of using Internet in college. To get ready for this report, I questioned most of students in our college and my friends. Necessity of the Internet All questioned students told me, that they used computers all time. At present, almost every youngster uses computer only for using the Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet The main goal of creating Internet Network was to get opportunity to connect any place of the world instantly. So, European or American can chat with somebody from China or even from Africa. Nowadays we have lots of opportunities to get connected with somebody: · A huge amount of messengers, · IP telephony

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53 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms

Pros and Cons of School Uniforms To start with, school uniforms have many good sides for students, however, uniforms also have bad sides which are particulary involved with financial problems. In the first place, school uniforms help to prevent violence in school territory, for example uniforms can prevent gangs from forming on campus and identify intruders in the school yard. Secondly, school uniforms increase a sense of belonging and school pride. It encourages discipline, lessens economic and social barriers between students. Besides that there is no

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29 allalaadimist

Reasons of and solutions to truancy

Reasons of and solutions to truancy Truancy is bad. It is bad for the Students(and their future), the Parents, the school and the community. Truancy has become a growing problem. There are many reasons why students play truant from school. Firstly, the biggest reason why students do not go to school is probably that they just do not like school. They do not care about going there. School is just a chore for them and they do not see the point in it. If school were made a little more interesting, then maybe there would be a little less truancy. Some truant students are even addicted to the joys of being truant. Some of them are just too tired to go to school or have something better to do. In addition many students also miss class

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5 allalaadimist

Millised ajakirjandustudengid saavad tulevikus edukaks?

Nad on tublid oma ainetes ning nad veedavad lugematuid tunde tudengi ajalehe kallal, samal ajal, kui neil on ka töökoht ülikoolilinnakust väljaspool. Miks on see siis nii oluline? Sest ajakirjandus on kaubandus, amet, ükskõik, kuidas kutsuda midagi, mis on tasustatud raske töö eest. Ning sellistel tudengitel tuleb ka selline tööeetika loomulikult; see on neil loomuses. Pole siis üllatus, et nad on tulevikus edukad. Which Kinds of Journalism Students are the Ones Who Succeed? It's the end of another semester at the college where I teach, and as I contemplate doing final grades for my journalism classes I find myself thinking about what makes one student successful and another less so. What's the secret formula for doing well in journalism school, and then translating that into a career in the news business? Is it writing ability? Some of my students are naturally gifted writers, the types who always

Meedia → Meedia
3 allalaadimist

Esitlus: Do Small Classes Reduce

Do Small Classes Reduce the Achivement Gap between Low and High Acrivers? Evidence from Projegt STAR Meeri Kuustemäe This study was carried out by Spyros Konstantopoulos from Northwestern University 2008 by the University of Chicago Examined: how small class size can affect the achievement of low- and high- achiving students. Tennessee Class Size Experiment/ Project STAR Data from 4- year, large- scale, randomized experiment conducted in Tennessee in the mid- 1980s. Nearly 11000 students in 79 elementary schools in 42 districts in Tennessee Hypotheses about Class Size Mechanism 1. High achievers benefit more than low achievers from being in small classes 2. Low achievers benefit more from being in small classes 3. Small and regular classes help higer- and lower- achieving students similary

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Computers in every classroom

Computers in every classroom Nowadays computers are becoming more and more unavoidable. We read newspapers from internet, make bank transfers, work and study with them as well. Although computers are making our lifes easier I do not support placing computers to classrooms. Firstly, when students sit in front of the computers from lesson to lesson then their scholastic proficiency will degenerate because they will surf on the internet, chat on MSN and so on. It is doubtless that computers in classroom scatter students attention. Furthermore, computers damage students health. The rays what computer screen vomit are very harmful, so staring at computer screen too much will cause intense damages to people eyes. So from that viewpoint it is absurd to put computers to every classroom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Using computers for school subjects

Using computers for school subjects Nowadays everything is becoming computerized. Many schools let students use computers for their school subjects. I believe that it is a good thing to have such an opportunity, but I don't think they should use computers for every school subject. Firstly, it is not necessary to have computers in every class. It is normal to have computers in Information Technology classroom, where students learn to use computers for their own good. Sitting in front of a computer screen all day, every day, is bad for students' health, it can damage their eyesight. Also, it will be too expensive. It would be difficult to buy computers for every student. Setting up and updating the software will create additional costs. If schools buy too many computers, there may not be left money to pay salaries for the teachers. Will it ensure the high quality of teaching?

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Report (näide)

To: The represantive of Aru Secondary School library From: Mari Maasikas Subject: Students’ reading interests Introduction The purpose of this report is to give an overview of Aru School students’ reading interests and recommendations for new books. The report is based on a survey that was carried out by Mari Maasikas at Aru Secondary School earlier this year. Girls Approximately one third of the female students are interested in romantic novels. Thrillers account for slightly below a quarter of the pie chart. Poetry makes up 17 percent of total and historical novels roughly 30%. Boys Slightly over than 50% of the male students prefer to read books from the thriller genre. The romantic novels account for one tenth of the chart. About 30% of the boys are interested in historical novels. Poetry makes up 9 percent of the results. Recommendations

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Report: Use of mobile phones in school

Use of mobile phones in school Introduction This report explains why mobile phones are important for students, and makes recommendations about their use in the school. This information comes from several students and their parents. Why mobile phones are necessary 1 Some students chat in English and find this helpful. 2 It might be necessary to phone home if a student has transport problems. 3 Students' parents might need to contact them urgently if some other emergency have had occurred Recommendations Everyone agrees that mobile phones can be irritating but they can be extremely useful at times. Students should check that phones are switched off before classes start. We do not believe they should be banned.

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun