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Praktikum 3 otsisüsteem - sarnased materjalid

viite, results, esitage, operator, infootsing, punctuation, find, fraas, link, kalkulaator, maksuvaba, maksud, muse, tutorial, examples, words, work, related, framework, phrase, sites, jaguar, cache, bing, yahoo, formaadis, filetype, relevantne, haridusasutuse, leiate, ilmateenistus, wolframalpha, infokirjaoskuse, literacy, kasutan, baltic, states

Google täpsem otsing

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( kasutades erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. 1. Leidke üliõpilastööde vormistamise .pdf formaadis juhend, mida on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Eeelistused: täpsem otsing, on kõik need sõnad ,,üliõpilastööde vormistamise", faili tüüp ,,.pdf", viimati värskendatud ,,viimase aasta jooksul" Nõuded ja vormistamise juhend bakalaureusetööle mehaanikateaduskonnas. (2013). 2013.pdf 2. Leidke Eesti haridusasutuse saidilt dokument, milles on fraas e-õppe arendamine ja mis

Infootsing: allikad ja...
17 allalaadimist

Infootsing: Praktikum 3

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( kasutades erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. 1. Leidke üliõpilastööde vormistamise .pdf formaadis juhend, mida on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Google otsing, täpsem otsing, muutmise aeg, sobiv faili tüüp. Tallinna Ülikool, ,,Üliõpilaste uurimistööd TLÜ Infoteaduste Instituudis", 2011 (26.09.12) 2. Leidke Eesti haridusasutuse saidilt dokument, milles on fraas e-õppe arendamine ja mis on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage dokumendi kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Infootsing: allikad ja...
34 allalaadimist

Infootsingu praktikum 3

Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viies otsinguid läbi teemakataloogides ja portaalides, kasutage SIRVIMISE otsistrateegiat. Alates neljandast küsimustest viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( kasutdes erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. 1. küsimuse puhul valige kas I variant või II variant. Teemakataloogide aadressid: Bubl Link Librarians' Internet Index Open Directory WWW Virtual Library I variant II variant 1. Leidke kõikidest eelnimetatud 1. Leidke kõikidest eelnimetatud teemakataloogidest sotsioloog Emile teemakataloogidest materjali vabalt Durkheimi religioonisotsioloogia teooria valitud teemal (nt Mükeene

Infootsing: allikad ja...
47 allalaadimist

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( kasutdes erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. 1. Leidke üliõpilastööde vormistamise .pdf formaadis juhend, mida on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kasutan piiratud otsingut. Otsin tulemusi, kus esinevad kõik sõnad - üliõpilastööd+vormistamine+juhend Failivorminguks märgin ainult PDF failitüübi. Tagastada lasen leheküljed, mida nähti esmalt viimase aasta jooksul. Roosileht, M. (2010) Lõputööde kirjutamise ja kaitsmise juhend. TTÜ Virumaa Kolledz 2. Leidke Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli saidilt ainekaarte. Esitage ühe aine kood ja nimetus. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

Praktikum 2

Otsing otsisüsteemis Google Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõna, piirangud). Viige infootsingud läbi otsisüsteemis Google ( kasutdes erinevaid otsinguvõimalusi ja teenuseid. 1. Leidke üliõpilastööde vormistamise .pdf formaadis juhend, mida on uuendatud viimase aasta jooksul. Esitage kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Kirjutasin liitotsingusse ,,õliõpilastööde vormistamise juhend" . Uuendatud peab olema ,,viimase aasta jooksul". Failivorming .pdf. Kokin, E., Resev, J. (2009) Üliõpilastööde vormistamise juhend. Tartu: Eesti. Maaülikool. [2010, veebruar 22] 2. Leidke Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli saidilt ainekaarte. Esitage ühe aine kood ja nimetus. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite?

Infootsing: allikad ja...
77 allalaadimist

Open Access andmebaas, Emerald, EbscoHost, e-ajakirjade andmebaas A-Z, RRi andmebaas

Praktiline töö nr 4 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.-3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolides. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Inglise keeles! Advanced search, ,,information literacy" ­ key word, ,,university" ­ key word. Noriega, E F. (2011)

Infootsing: allikad ja...
19 allalaadimist

Otsing andmebaasides

Praktiline töö nr 3 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolis. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Paremalt tulbast valin otsingukategooria find articles. Otsisõnadeks Information literacy AND university. Mõlema puhul ''all fields''

Infootsing: allikad ja...
74 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3

Praktiline töö nr 3 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist (, 4.6. küsimusele andmebaasist Emerald (, 7.9. küsimusele andmebaasist EbscoHost (, 10.15. küsimusele RRi andmebaasist ISE ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolis

Infootsing: allikad ja...
84 allalaadimist

Case Google

Case Google 1. What were the key factors behind Google's early success? There were 4 main key factors behind Google's early success: · Perfecting an innovative search engine- clearly the most important factor for Google's success. Google stopped counting keywords like old search engines and started using famous Page Rank algorithm. A reliable searches through the number of websites that link to a page to weight search result relevance. · Google focusing on the user- Focus on the user and all else will follow. Attraction for users were the no-nonsense simple white search pages and distractive colorful logo with no ads or editorial content on the page lead to easy and fast search that Yahoo couldn't imitate. · Google delivered search results people really wanted- trustworthy for users.

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused

p...Translate this page Jan 1, 2006 - Lisa 1 Aastaaruande koostamisel kasutatud arvestusmeetodid . ... Korteriühistu Rannaääre alustas tegevut 27.oktoobri 1993.aastal. Kasutasin - Google Advanced Search-i this exact word or phrase: korteriühistu Rannaääre aastaaruanne language: estonia file type:adobe acrobat pdf 3. Leidke pildiotsingu abil fotosid Hera templist Corfu saarel, mis oleks JPG formaadis, suuremad kui 400x300 ning piiranguteta kasutatava või jagatava kasutusõigusega. Esitage ühe pildi(faili) URL aadress. Läksin Google images otsingusse. Otsingusse kirjutan „Hera temple in Corfu island“ url: 4. Kas leiate Google Books lehelt raamatu „Effective Communication Skills for Scientific and Technical Professionals“? Kes on raamatu autor? Kasutasin – Google advanced book search-i Otsi tulemusi koos kõigi sõnadega: Effective Communication Skills for Scientific and

Infootsing: allikad ja...
34 allalaadimist

Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused ja ja otsingud metaotsivahenditega - infoallikad ja infootsing

tsensuur“. Kui palju ja mida leiate? Hinnake päringule vastavust. Sain neli vastet päringule vastavat vastet. Üks vaste viitas ühele õpikus olevale pealkirjale. On kõik need sõnad: sõnavabadus ja tsensuur Terminid ilmuvad: lehe pealkirjas 2. Leidke pildiotsingu abil must-valgeid fotosid Hera templist, mis oleks JPG formaadis, suuremad kui 400x300 ning piiranguteta kasutatava või jagatava kasutusõigusega. Esitage ühe pildi(faili) URL aadress. Hinnake päringule vastavust. Ühe pildi URL: Leidsin kuus pilti, mis vastavad päringule. Täpselt see sõnastus või fraas: Hera temple Pildi värvid: mustvalge Faili tüüp: JPG failid Pildi suurus: suurem kui 400x300 Kasutamisõigused: piiranguteta kasutatav või jagatav 3. Leidke videoid teadlaste öö festivali kohta 2013. aastal, mis on kvaliteetsed ja

Infoallikad ja infootsing
27 allalaadimist


The first draft of term paper should be ready by March. Supervisors are: 1. Suliko Liiv (country study, grammar, contrastive studies, methodology) 2. Liliana Skopinskaja (methodology) 3. Jaanika Marley (foneetika, methods) 4. Ene Alas (translation, methods) 5. Paul Rüsse (literature (Am.,Br.), methods) 6. Annika Namme (American literature, methods) 7. Irina Ladusseva (lexicology, methods, stylistics) Choose your topic and find a supervisor. Language needs to be very transparent, but do not use colloquial elements and abbreviations (e.g. I'll, you're). Start collecting the expressions you like (e.g. "many" "the abundance" etc.) How to elaborate a topic? ­ collaborate with supervisor (a topic has to be narrowed down). Background studies ­ who else has written about this topic (what has been already done and what else I can do here). Papers of this kind test logical thinking. What is assessed:

36 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

your design to solve their own problem. Typically, this is the project client. While the client may be familiar with the project, the report is still written as though the client is new to the project because that is the best way to tell the whole story. A design report is different than a lab report that you might be familiar with. A lab report describes an experiment and its conclusions and has four main parts: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. The major difference between design and lab reports is that design reports do not include a methods section (other than when describing the evaluation plan.) When performing an experiment, the method that you use to obtain an answer must be presented for someone else to validate the results. For example, when testing the emissivity of a material, the difference between using a thermopile and using an energy balance will affect the results

6 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

some `tweaking' to improve their performance on different OSes/machines, such as in the scheduling of threads, data structure and/or algorithm design, or the choice of GUI components. Also, if legacy code written in a different language is utilised then portability is frequently compromised. Productivity is an important advantage, although hard to quantify. An old study from 1998 suggested that software written in pure Java instead of C++ results in a 25% overall time/cost saving, corresponding to an overall productivity increase of 30% (the increase for the code phase alone is 65%) [Quinn and Christiansen 1998]. It is likely that these figures are greater today since the capabilities of the J2SE have improved (e.g. the libraries are larger, tool speed is better). 2.2. Ways of Using Java in Games There are several approaches to writing games with Java: · Applets

Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

product isn't misused and it cant be leaked is a must. There are multiple ways hackers can attack databases and take advantage of their vulnerabilities. Few examples of inside-based attacks are: Academic essay (ITI0103) 2019 spring - Abusing excessive privileges. When the user is granted additional privileges that the user doesn't initially require can result in unexpected results, as the user, who only needs read-only privileges, but is granted full administrative powers, can edit the data he initially was not supposed to. [22] - Abusing existing privileges. Same goes for workers, who do have the rights to do so. An example can be made when the mentioned decides to leak some data to the publicity or sell it for personal gain. [22] An attack can also happen externally:

Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

 Nimeruum (namespace) on lihtsalt loogiline (elementide ja tüüpide) nimede grupeering  Nimeruumis peavad nimed olema unikaalsed  Ühes XSD failis defineeritakse üks nimeruum Selleks, et vältida elementide nimede konflikte.  XML Namespaces provide a method to avoid element name conflicts.   NAME CONFLICTS  In XML, element names are defined by the developer. This often results in a conflict when trying to mix XML documents from different XML applications. o Ülesanded  Grupeerib  Tagab elemendi unikaalsuse o Kasutamine NAMESPACES IN REAL USE XSLT is a language that can be used to transform XML documents into other formats. The XML document below, is a document used to transform XML into HTML. Järgnevad mustrid erinevad ühe asja poolest

55 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

This means the readers have all the in- formation which is needed available, in case they wish to make the calculations themselves. A simple and quick analysis of the data allows us to check that the exceptions are the very few instances where the values proposed by the three programs co- incide. It seems as though the simple process of counting characters and dividing the resulting number by the subtitle duration must be somehow implemented in a different way in these programs, given the results shown. As far as word counting, it is more than likely that "WinCaps" and "Swift" are programmed to make some sort of initial assumption (as the one mentioned before that every set of five char- acters makes up a word), although this presumed assumption must clearly not be the same in both applications, since differences in results of up to 15% (see subtitle number 2, the one with a longer duration and the biggest number of characters of the set) have been recorded.

Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Cat. No. W317-E1-11 SYSMAC CPM1A Programmable Controllers OPERATION MANUAL CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual Revised October 2007 iv Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual. The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or dam- age to property. ! DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.

9 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

relevant, real and communicative practice. Some solutions. We need to make a distinction between writing to learn (other things, like structures, spelling and vocabulary) and learning to write. If we understand this distinction and make sure our learners do too then the communicative purpose of writing will be clearer. We need to work hard on developing ways of responding to the content of what our learners write - the message - and not just the level of language. Teachers should help to find a real audience for their students. We need to use meaningful, realistic and relevant writing tasks, based on our learners' needs and interests. Another solution is to design individual tasks based on what individual learners need to write. In addition we should talk about writing with our learners: · How we write well? · Why we write? · Who we write for? · What makes it difficult? Ideas for communicative writing tasks.

Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

Euphony Ellipsis Amphibrach Phonetic SD Aposiopesis Spondee Onomatopoeia Nominative sent. Pyrrhic Alliteration Asyndeton Rhythmic invers. Assonance Apokoinu Run-on line Rhyme: Gap-sentence link Stanza: Full Framing Heroic couplet Incomplete Anadiplosis Ballad stanza Vowel Tautology Spenserian stanza Consonant Polysyndeton Ottava rima Compound Inversion Sonnet:

Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

Specialization (narrowing): deer, fowl, meat, engine Denotative shift (sideways movement) …a combination of extension and specialization. Ie Ossip can be fowl talk, a persoon who talks fowl talk, a godfather or godmother, a sponsor, or a familiar acquaintance or friend. 1) extension>> godparents in baptism > bosom friends (disappearance of religious restriction) 2) narrowing>> the new sense cannot be applied to godparents with which you are not on friendly terms terms (the missing link is a ‘friendly tie’ = connotative extension becomes a central part of the new sense; sponsorship in baptism implies a friendly tie) 33. Metaphor and metonymy Metaphor…transference based on a perception of similarity between the source and the resulting sense. The use of a word or phrase usually designating a concept of one domain or semantic field (the source domain) used to designate an aspect of another domain)

Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

The Imperative 141 The Articles 71 The Subject and the Object 143 Demonstrative Determiners 73 Direct and Indirect Objects 144 Interrogative Determiners 74 Positive and Negative Sentences146 Possessive Determiners 75 Questions 147 7 Verbs and Tenses 79 14 Punctuation 150 The Simple Present Tense 80 Period 150 Am, Is and Are 83 Comma 151 The Present Progressive Tense 89 Exclamation Point 152 Have and Has 93 Question Mark 152 The Present Perfect Tense 96 Apostrophe 153 1 What is Grammar?

Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

The methods of structural linguistics were most popular in 70s and 80s. Present day stylistic studies have gradually taken a more systematic course. Computer assisted stylistic analysis seems quite promising (e.g. the study of cases of disputed authorship). Although still somewhat chaotic and unorganized stylistics is a vigorous young science with wide potential and prospects. 2. INHERENT CONNOTATION Meaning of a word has: a denotation (meaning proper, we find it in dictionaries) and a connotation (an additional shade of meaning). Connotation may be a permanent part of word meaning ­ it is then called inherent connotation. Connotation is ever present when the word is used. Adherent connotation is the shade of meaning the word requires in a particular context only. Outside this context this shade of meaning is not present. INHERENT CONNOTATION (IC) 1. IC may be secured by the very object, quality or notion that word denotes

Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist


.. 10 How about getting together next Friday instead? 11 Pop in for a chat some time soon ... 12 You've been very helpful ... 13 Well, I must leave now ... 14 By the way, I've got to tell you ... 15 I regret to inform you that ... 16 It is with great happiness that I congratulate you on your engagement ... 17 Please accept my sincere apology ... 18 Write back soon! 19 Keep in touch. 20 You are cordially invited to attend... TASK 3 Read the two models and find out which model: 1. uses an impersonal style 2. uses examples of the Passive voice 3. uses short forms 4. includes only facts 5. includes examples of colloquial English 6. uses a short, zappy style 7. omits pronouns 8. includes formal language MODEL 1 Dear Madam, I'm writing on behalf of "World Travel" in response to your request for information on holidaying in the Caribbean. A two-week package to the peaceful island of St. Kitts is being offered by our agency for only L 3,000

Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

Linguistic stylistics--views linguistic facts from the point of view of their ability to convey additional shades of meaning. Any act of speech passes on 2 types of information: · The content as such · Additional inf. which finds expression in all kinds of extra shades of meaning that are attached to the main content The form of speech may vary depending on the speaker, the listener and the circumstances they both find themselves (to begin-to commence--to get going) Stylistics studies everything that makes the text or the utterance special. It cuts across all the basic linguistic sciences: · Phonetics--silent, sleepy streets · Morphology--speak, spoke, spake · Syntax--he came in-in came he · Lexicology--finish-terminate (synonymic pairs) A survey of the development of stylistic studies: It is a relatively new branch in philology; yet, its roots go back as far as ancient Greek

Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist


You must concentrate on details, such as names, dates, and the main idea of the selection that you hear. Do not read the choices as you listen to the talk. Listen care-fully and try to remember what you hear. SECTION 2: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION This section contains two types of questions, both designed to test your ability to recognize correct style and grammar in written English. The sentences are academic; ones that you typically find in college level texts, journals, and encyclopedias. The sentence topics include the social sciences, physical and life sciences, and the humanities. Structure The structure questions test your ability to recognize correct structure and word order. These questions consist of a sentence with one or more words missing. You must make the choice that best completes the sentence. Here is an example of this type of question. YOU WILL SEE:

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


tutvu lausearvutuse keskkonnaga: Millistel muutuja väärtustel on lause (Av(B&A))v(-A&(Cv(B&-C))) väär? Panna tuleb results only, 0 on väär 1 on õige Tutvu ajalooga saidis kuni II maailmasõda: Loe läbi jutt ja proovi andmetega mängida: Kahend süsteemi arvu(101101001) ->kümnend süsteemiks. Nr sisse ja bianarile punkt, ja vaatan base ten integeri kümnendarvudest annab Ecki appletis juuresoleva graafilise kujutise, teen kujundi ja vaatan base integeri mis vastab kahendsüsteemi arvule 1110001 ASCII tabelis

148 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

also to guarantee safety, human satisfaction and minimal negative environmental impact (Vanegas, DuBose and Pearce 1996). Traditional construction project delivery methods and models have failed to satisfy the expectations of both contractors and clients. The main problems and their causes are analysed in the second chapter of this thesis. Thus people in the AEC industry, including scholars and practitioners, have come together to find new solutions for delivering projects and fulfilling high requirements. 1.1 Problem formulation The construction industry makes up a great share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in many countries all over the world and provides employment to a great number of people. Thus, it is important to conduct research in this field, with a view to making it more productive, safe and free of waste. This can all happen only with a better understanding of the concepts, principles and physics of

70 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

project deadline. From this analysis, it was discovered that one of the reasons why there has been an increase in the design and construction of buildings with highly complicated geometry is the advent of 3D and BIM tools. The main themes that emerged were: • 3D and BIM increase collaboration between different project participants; • A reduction in construction time is evident only when the building models are openly shared; • Intelligent models help to find clashes and reduce re-work; • Models increase accuracy during fabrication and construction; • Shop-drawing review is sped up; • Steel design takes place in a more concurrent fashion; • 3D illustrations help to explain erection sequencing; • Building models provide rigging information for erection crews. The results of this thesis illustrate the benefit that 3D and BIM offer for complex steel construction projects and demonstrate an overall trend in the construction industry

23 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

pulse oximeters, ultrasound machines, and medical devices for measuring everything from galvanic skin response to REM sleep. The kitchen and bathroom look like an ER. If you think that's craziness, you're right. Fortunately, you don't need to be a guinea pig to benefit from one. Hundreds of men and women have tested the techniques in The 4-Hour Body (4HB) over the last two years, and I've tracked and graphed hundreds of their results (194 people in this book). Many have lost more than 20 pounds of fat in the rst month of experimentation, and for the vast majority, it's the first time they've ever been able to do so. Why do 4HB approaches work where others fail? Because the changes are either small or simple, and often both. There is zero room for misunderstanding, and visible results compel you to continue. If results are fast and misunderstanding, and visible results compel you to continue. If results are fast and

Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

beyond the field of software design and into general social interaction. According to the authors of the latter, there must be at least two key elements present to formally distinguish an actual anti- pattern from a simple bad habit, bad practice, or bad idea: · Some repeated pattern of action, process or structure that initially appears to be beneficial, but ultimately produces more bad consequences than beneficial results, and · A refactored solution that is clearly documented, proven in actual practice and repeatable. Often pejoratively named with clever oxymoronic neologisms, many anti-pattern ideas amount to little more than mistakes, rants, unsolvable problems, or bad practices to be avoided if possible. Sometimes called pitfalls or dark patterns, this informal use of the term has come to refer to classes of commonly reinvented bad solutions to problems. Thus, many candidate anti-patterns

It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist


Water is becoming an economic and political issue as the human population fights for this resource. One of the options suggested is using the process of desalinization. Industrial development is filling our rivers, seas and oceans with toxic pollutants which are a major threat to human health. FIND OUT 5 WAYS HOW TO REDUCE WATER POLLUTION. 9. Urban Sprawl: Urban sprawl refers to migration of population from high density urban areas to low density rural areas which results in spreading of city over more and more rural land. Urban sprawl results in land degradation, increased traffic, environmental issues and health issues. FIND OUT 5 WAYS HOW TO FIX URBAN SPRAWL. 10. Genetic Engineering: Genetic modification of food using biotechnology is called genetic engineering. Genetic modification of food results in increased toxins and diseases as genes from an allergic plant can transfer to target plant

Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

5 prevents, tRNA / anticodon, attaching to, mRNA / codon; 6 prevents / inhibits enzyme responsible for, formation of peptide linkages; 7 AVP; e.g. further detail of any of the above points 2 max [13] 51. max 7 for the process of genetic engineering max 2 for the advantages 1 identify / find, gene (for insulin) / length of DNA coding for insulin; 2 obtain / isolate / extract, gene / length of DNA (for insulin); obtain / isolate / extract, mRNA (for insulin); 3 restriction enzyme / named e.g.; reverse transcriptase; 4 cut plasmid; cut plasmid; 5 use same restriction enzyme; use restriction enzyme / named e.g.; 6 ref to, complementary ends / sticky ends / described;

Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun