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"lifelong" - 31 õppematerjali


Lifelong learning and the low-skilled -artikli kokkuvõte

Milvi Erm Koolikorraldus I TÜ mag Lifelong learning and the low-skilled Knud Illeris (2006) Kokkuvõte Artikkel räägib madala kvalifikatsiooniga töötajatest tööturul ja sellest, kuidas seda probleemi lahendada. Madala kvalifikatsiooniga töötajad jagunevad Illerise järgi: 1. Täiskasvanud, kellel on kool pooleli jäänud, neil pole ametlikult ühtki olulist haridust tõendavat dokumenti

Pedagoogika → Koolikorraldus
52 allalaadimist

Knud Illerise kolme dimensiooni teooria

Kõige tavapärasem õpivorm on assimilatsioon (assimilative learning), mis tähendab seoste loomist uue ja vana informatsiooni (skeemi või mustri) vahel. Assimilatsioon on tihe aset leidma koolis, kus ainetundide alguses meenutatakse varem õpitut ja seda seostatakse uue käsitletava teemaga. Mainitud õpivorm esineb aga ka kooliväliselt, kui näiteks tunnis õpitu 1 Illeris, K. (2003). Towards a contemporary and comprehensive theory of learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(4), 396-406. 2 GSI Teaching & Resource Center. (n.d). Cognitive Constructivism. Kasutatud 05.05.2018 constructivism/#learning õppija eraelus kasutust leiab.3 Mõnel juhul on aga uut informatsiooni raske millegagi seostada. Selle tarvis võetakse kasutusele akkommodatsiooni nimeline õpivorm4, mille all mõistetakse mõne olemasoleva

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
10 allalaadimist

European Day of Languages-1

European Day of Languages Krista Zõhtsõk 11ME Objectives ❖ Importance of language learning; ❖ rich linguistic; ❖ cultural diversity; ❖ lifelong language learning in and out of school. Events ❖ Across Europe; ❖ no funding. Languages of Europe ❖ 225 - 3%; ❖ Indo-European; ❖ Russian; ❖ English. Multilingualism today ❖ Two foreign languages; ❖ language learning; ❖ linguistic diversity. Interesting facts ❖ Asia and Africa; ❖ 50 000 words; ❖ broad groups. Thanks! :)

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
1 allalaadimist

Capital punishment - inglise keel

Thanks for them there are many countries who abolished it. But is it right or should capital punishment exist? Firstly I belive capital punishment should exist because if you gonna take somebody's life it is only fair when you pay for this with your own life. Many people are thinking how cruel it is for a criminal but we should also think of the families that are broken apart because of the merciless acts of these criminals. Secondly it is too expensive to hold prisoners who have lifelong punishment. Especially it affects countries who are financially disadvantaged. It is not fair that taxpayers have to maintain the murders. Thirdly death penalty scares potential criminals. Many people kill another people because they want to go to prison, but if they have to pay for it with their own life maybe they reconsider it. Capital punishment must be allowed. For a cold blooded killer, capital punishment is the only true way of justice

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Capital Punishment should (not) be abolished

Capital punishment helps to preserve people's belief in justice and the power of law. It also may help preventing wild justice. For this kind of punishment is the fact that public opinion has always supported it. It would be cynical to decide whether a person dies or lives based on financial consideration. If a person makes a crime, which is very well thought of and premeditated (as for homicide) capital punishment, in financial point of view, would certainly be cheaper, than his lifelong deportment on taxpayer collect. It is hard to take one position, for there are pros and cons to be considered. But as far as I am concerned, capital punishment should not be abolished. Especially for premeditated and harsh crimes. Krista Käbi 12.a.

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist


Grand Lodge of England · Stonemasons Today · 5-6 million members United states, Scotland, Ireland United Grand Lodge of England Symbols · Masons lead their meetings using a ritualised format · Teach moral and lessons of the principles · Use signs handshakes, special words, clothes Becoming a member · 21 years old man. Have the support of three members. Interview Voting procedure · Membership is generally lifelong · Degrees: 1.Entered Apprentice 2. Fellow Craft 3. Master Mason Stages of personal development Famous freemasons · George Washington · Franklin Delano Roosevelt · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart · Aleksandr Sergeyvich Pushkin · Jean Sibelius Freemasonry in Estonia · Re-established in Estonia in the year 1992 · Ten lodges plus one research lodge are in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu, Haapsalu and Viljandi. · Freemason symbol on money Suspicion

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
6 allalaadimist

Vocabulary: Internet; Finding a Job; Food; Anatomy

psychologically or physically habit-forming 8. plagiarism ­ presenting someone else's work as your own 9. distractor ­ a person or thing that distracts the attention 10. cyberbullying ­ the act of harassing someone online 11. kindergarten/nursery/preschool (2-7) 12. primary/elementary school (7-13) 13. basic/secondary school/middle (14-16) 14. upper-secondary/high school/gymnasium (17-19) 15. university 16. lifelong learning 17. vocational education ­ practical skills 18. labor market ­ all available jobs 19. values ­ things one appreciates 20. skills ­ things one can do (computer, language, social) 21. major ­ main subject one studies at a university 22. qualifications ­ education, taken courses 23. salary ­ income, wage, paycheck 24. extra-curricular activities ­ hobbies, after-school activities 25. incentive ­ reward for increased productivity 26

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Marriage vs cohabiting

the day they’ll just be emotionally and financially more damaged than when cohabiting. Many people choose cohabiting because it has basically the same benefits as marriage, only without it being official. I think that people who say they don’t see the point in marriage and don’t ever plan on marrying are not 100% sure about their partners or themselves and are afraid of the commitment of marriage. At the end of the day it’s just a lifelong promise to your other side and it can be done without spending much money. To sum up, I think that marriage is the best promise people can make to their other sides and I also think that it is right to live in cohabitation before marriage and to really get to know eachother.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Koolideta ühiskond

vastu mitmeid sadu misjonäre iga aasta. Peale CIDOC'st lahkumist hakkas ta tegelema koolide negatiivse mõjuga ­ ta oli nõutud kõnepidaja sellel teemal. Tema raamatud ,,The Celebration of Awareness"(,,Teadvuse tähistamine") ja ,,Deschooling Society" (,,Koolideta ühiskond" tõid tema mõtted palju laiemale avalikkusele, nagu seda tegi ka tema töö kolleegidega CIDOC'st näiteks Everett Reimeriga. (Ivan Illich: deschooling, conviviality and the possibilities for informal education and lifelong learning URL) 3. Ivan Illich ,,Koolideta Ühiskond" Illich leiab, et õpilasi koolitatakse nii, et nad ajavad segi protsessi ja tulemuse. Seeläbi ajavad õpilased segamini õpetamise õppimisega, hindelise saavutuse haridusega, diplomi kompetentsusega ja jutu soravuse võimega öelda midagi uut. Heaolu bürokraatia väidab, et professionaalne, poliitiline ja majanduslik monopol on kõrgemal sotsiaalsest monopolist, seades standardid, mis on väärtuslik ja mis on teostatav.

Pedagoogika → Haridusteaduskond
46 allalaadimist

School Bullying worksheet

School Bullying Worksheet Respond to the questions below in detail. 1. What are the 4 levels of negative consequences of bullying specified by the text? General school climate, right of students to learn in a safe environment without fear, lifelong consequences. 2. What is the foremost source of formal bullying research? Scandinavian countries, Great Britain, and Japan. 3. Direct bullying behaviours include (5) teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, stealing. 4. Indirect bullying is such as spreading rumours and enforcing social isolation. 5. Boys and girls differ in their bullying behaviours in that Boys typically engage in direct bullying methods.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What is the best age to be?

grandchildren and be the leader of a family. Up to 70 you are doing crosswords, reading books and waiting the moment that you will see god face to face. You have got degrees, good jobs and then it is time for oneself. Every age is unique and special, because of that I think that there is not a best age. In every day of your life you accomplish something that makes this day memorable. Developmental changes in life all play a significant role to make us who we shall become in each period of our lifelong human growth process. Because of changes in life we are the people that we are today. Every age is the best to be.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Identity as a personal project

Sociocultural and physical, the one I live in. Its my country, my language, my work and my hobbies – everything what makes me feel. Also for me in my narrative is very important to get experience, to build a concept of me and my identity. Word “going” means for me, that it´s a process. Like every process, mine has semi-starts (attempts) and semi-finishes (achieved goals). During this process, my identity is changing, improving and I think the most important in this process is lifelong learning. It helps to meet new people, not to stop and to stay reflecting about what I´ve done and what I will do next. It consists of changes and learning. “Through others we become ourselves.” Lev S. Vygotsky I really think that the biggest addiction is communication with others. That’s because we need to know, what they are thinking, how do they react for our behaviour and speech. On the special place here is understanding of “person” and it´s context

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


such as team sports, (volleyball, soccer, basketball, etc.) walking or running (running a mile was common), cardiovascular and strength training exercises (such as pull-ups and push-ups) and even swimming. Physical education provides children with an opportunity to exercise during the day. It gives children early exposure to team sports, and promotes good physical fitness. Children who participate in physical education get a workout, and they also learn the importance of exercise as a lifelong habit. Physical education is clearly an important course in schools, with many benefits for children. In addition to helping kids learn healthy habits and stay off drugs, physical education can also increase learning by getting the blood flowing and increasing oxygen levels, which promote concentration. Sports and PE help children build self esteem and help them learn important lessons in teamwork. Physical education is extremely important and should be protected in schools, despite budget cuts

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Stephen wiltshire

Paul's Cathedral when he was 9 . 3.slaid One of Stephen's teachers took a particular interest in him, who later accompanied his young student on drawing excursions and entered his work in children's art competitions, many of which garnered Stephen awards. The local press became increasingly suspicious as to how a young child could produce such masterful drawings. The media interest soon turned nationwide and the 7 year old Stephen Wiltshire made his first steps to launch his lifelong career. The same year he sold his first work and by the time he turned 8, he received his first commission from the British Prime Minister to create a drawing of Salisbury Cathedral. In February 1987 Stephen appeared in The Foolish Wise Ones. (The show also featured savants with musical and mathematical talents.) During his segment Hugh Casson, a former president of London's Royal Academy of Arts, referred to him as "possibly the best child artist in Britain."

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

You can spend four years in college and have your income earning potential go from $24,000 a year to $50,000 a year or more. Given that the average person spends 40 years or more actively working, four years worth of college or some type of higer education is an excellent investment. Katre Semjonov Cashflow Quadrant Loyality and hard work is another form of investing, like being a lifelong employee of a company or the government. In return, via contract, that individual is rewarded with a pension for life. That is a form of investment popular in the Industrial Age but obsolete in the Information Age. Other people invest in having large families and, in turn, have their children care for them in their old age. That form of investing was the norm in the past, yet due to economic constraints in

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist

South Parki lühitutvustus

SOUTH PARK American animated sitcom, notorious for its crude, surreal, and often very dark humor, which satirizes a wide range of topics including religion (712-All about the mormons 914-Bloody Mary 912-Trapped in the closet) politics(1212 About Last Night... ) violence(Too much to count-Kenny dies in every episode) sexuality( 409 Do the handikapped go to hell? and The movie : South park bigger longer, uncut) Trey Parker and Matt Stone created the show and continue to do most of the writing, directing, and voice acting. The narrative revolves around four children -- Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick -- and their bizarre experiences in the titular mountain town. Has won 3 daytime Emmys Total of 188 episodes since the show's debut in 1997. Two feature-length movies have also been released; the musical film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut in 1999, and the three-episode Imaginationland story arc was rei...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

wavelength of light absorbed by a different element--silicon, cobalt, calcium, iron--in the debris of the star. Destruction and creation were conjoined on the screen. The elements revealed there, like those from countless earlier supernovas, will eventually find their way into new stars and perhaps new planets, Gal-Yam said. He added: "I'm just really happy to be observing this." The star had begun its race to destruction long before that night on Palomar, when it began to lose a lifelong fight against gravity. Gravity is responsible for setting newborn stars aflame, by squeezing atoms of hydrogen in the star's core so tightly that they fuse to make helium. The fusion generates light and heat and also exerts pressure that allows the core to withstand the enormous weight of the star's outer layers. But when the core consumes all of its hydrogen, gravity compresses it. The temperature of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

This study focuses on IBK despite having low mortality rate and complete recovery, it causes significant loss of productivity in the herds affected due to the costs of treatment and considerable impact on afflicted animals, including blindness. This research is focused on the details, such as risk factors, pathogenesis, etiology, clinical signs prevention, transmission, and treatment, which animal handlers should be aware of to minimize the harm caused by IBK. Vaccination does not ensure lifelong immunity and not prevent a primary and reinfection of the cattle. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the cattle in a healthy body condition to assure a high immunity level, which helps the body to defend itself against the disease. This study is based on scientific articles from different magazines. The purpose of the research is to learn more about IBK and how to handle it. IBK seems to be hardly avoidable, but with right herding techniques it is possible to prevent huge outbreaks of

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Turundus juhtimine

client access to a trusted point of contact, and allows clients an easy way to interact with the company. In many instances, a client will first go to a trusted source. Win 3 ­ The Company Companies seek to find a way to retain clients and to ensure that client loyalty is maximized. The sales sweet spot offers a win for companies because it aligns sales professionals with the client in a way that naturally protects the client's welfare and, thus, the client's lifelong revenue with the company. A strategy that serves both of these, in turn, serves the company through enhanced marketplace trust, reduced recruiting fees, reduced client attrition, and increased client loyalty, which, ultimately translates into greater lifelong revenue at a lower cost per sale. 9. Strateegilise, operatiivse ja analüütilise CRM-i olemused. CRM (Customer relationship management) ehk kliendisuhete haldamine, mille all peetakse silmas erinevaid meetodeid,

Majandus → Turundus
277 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

Lowood School in Jane Eyre). At home in Haworth Parsonage, Charlotte and the other surviving children -- Branwell, Emily and Anne -- began chronicling the lives and struggles of the inhabitants of their imaginary kingdoms. Charlotte and Branwell wrote stories about their country -- Angria -- and Emily and Anne wrote articles and poems about theirs -- Gondal. Charlotte continued her education at Roe Head, Mirfield, from 1831 to 1832, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondents, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor. During this period (1833), she wrote her novella The Green Dwarf under the name of Wellesley. In May 1846, Charlotte, Emily and Anne published a joint collection of poetry under the assumed names of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her father's curate, and became pregnant very soon thereafter. Her health declined rapidly during this time, and according to

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

FCE Result Words and Phrases

FCE Result Words and Phrases Alphabetical Wordlist a bite to eat (phr) abandon (v) abruptly (adv) absent-minded (adj) abstract (adj) abusive (adj) access (n) accuse of (v) achievement (n) aching (adj) acknowledgement (n) acquire (v) activist (n) adaptation (n) addicted to (adj) addictive (adj) additional (adj) admire (v) admission (n) adoptive (adj) adrenalin (n) adulthood (n) aerial (n) aging (n) aisle (n) alarming (adj) alien (n) alike (adv) allegedly (adv) alley (n) alongside (adv) aloud (adv) alternate (adj) amateur (n) ambitious (adj) anaemic (adj) analysis (n) ancestor (n) ancient (adj) angel (n) ankle (n) announce (v) annual (adj) anthropologist (n) 1 anticipate (v) antisocial (adj) apart (adv) ape (n) apparatus (n) apparent (adj) appeal to (v) appetising (adj) applicable (adj) apprenticed to (adj) approach (v) approximately (adv) arch criminal (n) archaeological (adj) archbishop (n) architect ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


..made me want to paint in slang with all its color and mobility.[4] This painting marked the beginning of his "mechanical period", during which the figures and objects he created were characterized by sleekly rendered tubular and machine-like forms. Starting in 1918, he also produced the first paintings in the Disk series, in which disks suggestive of traffic lights figure prominently.[5] In December 1919 he married Jeanne- Augustine Lohy, and in 1920 he met Le Corbusier, who would remain a lifelong friend. The "mechanical" works Léger painted in the 1920s, in their formal clarity as well as in their subject matter--the mother and child, the female nude, figures in an ordered landscape --are typical of the postwar "return to order" in the arts, and link him to the tradition of French figurative painting represented by Poussin and Corot.[6] In his paysages animés (animated landscapes) of 1921, figures and animals exist harmoniously in landscapes made up of streamlined forms

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
40 allalaadimist

Võrdlev raamatukogundus

Raamatukoguruumide analüüsi eellugu: · Euroopa Parlamendi resolutsioon 30.03.19844 The Creation of a Eurpean Libarary (tuntud Schwencke resolutsioonina); · Euroopa Nõukogu resolutsioon 27.09.1985 Collaboration between Libraries in the Field of Data Processing; · UNESCO Public Library Manifest; · G7 konverents (veebruar 1995)- infoühiskond · Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu resolutsioon 16.03.1995 European Year of Lifelong Learning (1996). Euroopa Komisjoni algatusel on läbi viidud raamprogramme eesmärgiga uurida ja parandada raamtukogutööd. 1988-1991 oli nö ettevalmistav periood: Action Plan for Libraries. 10. Raamprogrammide (3.­5. raamprogramm) kestel analüüsitud raamatukogunduse põhivaldkonnad. 3. RAAMPROGRAMMI perioodi (1991­1994) nimetatakse ka mobiliseerumise perioodiks, mille vältel kontsentreeruti peamiselt neljale analüüsivaldkonnale: 1

Informaatika → Infoteadus
41 allalaadimist

American Literature

colonisers in his Leather Stocking Tales (lecture). The creation of the American national epic in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha. James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. He lived most of his life in Cooperstown, New York, established by his father William. Cooper was a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church and in his later years contributed generously to it. He attended Yale University for three years but was expelled for misbehavior. Before embarking on his career as a writer he served in the U.S. Navy as a Midshipman which greatly influenced many of his novels and other writings. He is best remembered as a novelist who wrote numerous seastories and the historical novels known as the Leatherstocking Tales. Among naval historians his works on early U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

79 Howe and Covell`s argument trenchantly support Strakey and Olser`s claim where they argue that this concept to citizenship that regards children as citizens-in-making fails to `recognise 74 Audrey Osler a & Hugh Starkey,` Education for democratic citizenship: a review of research, policy and practice 1995–2005` Research Papers in Education, 21:4 (2006) 433-466,(p.445). 75 Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills, `Personal and socialeducation framework for 7 to 19-year-olds in Wales` (2008). wales/personalandsocialeducation/PSE_Framework_WEB_(E).pdf?lang=en [accessed 28 April 2014]; Department for Education, Citizenship programmes of study: key stages 3 and 4 National curriculum in England (2013)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
90 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

for the subject that she studied. Given students to underline the parts 5 violent, 6 outraged, 7 willing, her age, it's quite possible that she of the text that may help them to 8 vengeful, 9 irresponsibly, missed out on a university education answer. Point out that some of the 10 warnings when she was younger and since then questions are more easily answered · Listening: 1 E, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B it's been her lifelong dream to get a by elimination. degree. · Use of English: Encourage students Transcript WB 14 to look at the whole sentence Speaker 1 Children's rights are 5 1 case 2 for 3 Given and decide what part of speech one of the most pressing issues

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

decided to get out of the water. There was no fatigue and no concern; I'd just proven my point. decided to get out of the water. There was no fatigue and no concern; I'd just proven my point. To myself. Walking up the sand, I have never been prouder or felt more alive. I looked around like a 21-year-old Mike Tyson after winning the heavyweight championship of the world. I was, for that moment, king of my universe. One of my deepest-seated lifelong insecurities was gone and would never return. The elation was indescribable. I encourage all of you, whether you want to overcome your fears or win the Ironman, to give TI training a test drive. It's the rst instruction that's made sense to me and is 100% responsible for the fastest transformative experience I've ever had in the world of sports. Enjoy. Think it can't be that easy? Here are just two before-and-after responses from testers who used the above guidelines

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

peers at a level equal to that of the normal children in the schools. Even more astonishing was what O'Connor found when he returned to the schools six weeks later to observe. While the withdrawn children who had not seen O'Connor's film remained as isolated as ever, those who had viewed it were now leading their schools in amount of social activity. It seems that this 23-minute movie, viewed just once, was enough to reverse a potential pattern of lifelong maladaptive be- havior. Such is the potency of the principle of social proof.3 After the Deluge When it comes to illustrating the strength of social proof, there is one illustration that is far and away my favorite. Several features account for its appeal: It offers a superb example of the much underused method of participant observation, in which a scientist studies a process by becoming immersed in its natural occur-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

matched, and while joining together to fight the external threat of the Clanton gang, they are also two horns of a great debate in American culture, between the rigid moral universe of the Puritans, represented by law-abiding W y a t t Earp, and the wilder rebel side represented by Holliday, a gambler from the old South. N O N - H U M A N ALLIES Allies need not be human. In some religions of the world, each person is assigned a spirit protector, a lifelong sidekick or Ally. T h i s may be an angel, the guardian angel who is supposed to look out for the person and keep them on the right path, or a minor deity of some kind. T h e Egyptians taught that Khnemu, the ram-headed 73 T H E W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY ~ T H I R D EDITION Christopher Vogler builder god, fashioned each person out of clay on his potter's wheel and at the same

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun