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"form" - 1083 õppematerjali


Form cells

Andmete vormingud - arvud, kuupäevad, kella Materjal töövihikus: Exc_Vormindamine.xlsm kuupäevad, kellaajad damine.xlsm Ülesanne Muutke andmete vorming vasakpoolsetes lahtrites nii, et need näeks välja nagu paremal oleval pildil NB! Mitte muuta lahtrite sisu käsitsi Arvud I 25,46 12,00 Arvud II 55 666 2 397 Arvud III 55 666,56 2 397,99 Raha 25,46 12,00 Protsendid 50,0% 9,1% Sünnikuupäev 18.01.2011 18. jaanuar 2011. a. teisipäev, 18. jaanuar 2011 40561 Aeg 9:30 5:23:00 nagu paremal

Majandus → Informaatika I
3 allalaadimist

Test 1 Form 11

Test 1 Form 11 1. What adjective best describes those people?  He trusts everybody and believes everything that people tell him. I think he is naive.....................................................................  His exam results were fantastic but he says they were OK. I think he is level-headed and modest  She always thinks about other people before herself. I think she is generous.  My uncle always brings us expensive gifts for holidays. I think he is rich and generous  He is never willing to listen to others or accept new ideas. I think he ise narrow-minded. 2. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences. * The children have been as good as silk / gold all morning. * After the divorce Clare felt as free as a bird / bee. * Stories about fairies and dwarfs are as old as ABC / the hills. * You have to be as quiet as a bat / mouse or you wake our baby up. * You should ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Causative form (Laskma midagi teha kellegi poolt)

Causative form. (Laskma midagi teha kellegi poolt) have/ get something done by somebody Pr. Simple: I have my jacket cleaned Ps. Simple: I had my jacket cleaned Fut. Simple: I will have my jacket cleaned Pr. continius: I am having my jacket cleaned Ps. continius: I was having my jacket cleaned Pr. perfect: I have had my jacket cleaned Ps. perfect: I had had my jacket cleaned Pr. perfect continius: I have been having my jacket cleaned Ps. perfect continius: I had been having my jacket cleaned be going to: I am going to have my jacket cleaned must: I must have my jacket cleaned (Pr- present, Ps-past, Fut-future)

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Book report form - "Life, The Universe and Everything"

SINU KOOLI NIMI SINU NIMI BOOK REPORT FORM "Life, The Universe and Everything" KOHT, AASTAARV Page 1 Contents · About the author .................................................................................................................... 3 · Plot ...........................................................

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist


PASSIVE VOICE TEST FOR FORM 10 NAME: Task 1. Turn active voice sentences into passive voice. Only keep the agent (by phrase= where absolutely necessary. Please remember that tense form (tegusõna aeg) should remain the same when the sentence is transformed into passive. E.g. Chimps eat bananas (Present Simple Active) Bananas are eaten by chimps. (Present Simple Passive) They were playing the piano. (Past Continuous Active) Piano was being played. (Past Continuous Passive) 1. They will finish the house next month. 2. The house will be finished next month. 3. Susan has completed the essay. 4. The essay has been completed by Susan. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Phonetics Glossary Homework

CITATION FORM The citation form of the lexeme is the form that is employed to refer to the lexeme; it is also the form that is used for the alphabetical listing of lexemes in a conventional dictionary. In English, the citation form of a noun is the singular: e.g., mouse rather than mice. For multi-word lexemes which contain possessive adjectives or reflexive pronouns, the citation form uses a form of the indefinite pronoun one: e.g., do one's best, perjure oneself. In many languages, the citation form of a verb is the infinitive: French aller, German gehen, Spanish ir. In English it usually is the full infinitive (to go) although alphabetized without 'to' (go); the present tense is used for some defective verbs (shall, can, and must have only the one form). In Latin, Ancient Greek, and Modern Greek (which has no infinitive), however, the first person

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
5 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism Author: Sandra Olivares González Tutor: Jesús Marín Calvarro Degree in English Studies, English Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Extremadura Cáceres, 29th January 2016 Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism The aim of this work is to obtain some characteristics of the poetry of Philip Larkin, such us the origin of his themes, the way in which he writes his poems and the symbolism he uses (which is a very controversial topic because some assume that he does use it, while some others say that he uses it in an ironic way). In this work we tried to make a revision on the vision of Larkin through the studies that had been made on

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them to form new sentences constitute the grammar of a language" Prescriptive grammar vs. Descriptive garmmar: Descriptive grammar: the systematic study and description of a language. Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it is actually used by speakers and writers. Prescriptive grammar: a set of rules and examples dealing with the syntax and word structures of a language, usually intended as an aid to the learning of that language. Prescriptive grammar refers

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist


MY BEST FRIEND Probably my best friend is my aunt. Her name is Anna and we’ve known each other when i was 3 years old. She is 17 years old and lives in Häädemeeste. Anna studies in Häädemeeste Highschool, in form 10. Anna is very pretty. She has long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose, and a small pointed chin. She is athletic and loves sport. She is very tall and slim. She always looks good and stylish. It seems as if Anna and I are always talking or laughing about something. We have always something to talk about. She has a very nice personality and a wonderful sense of humor but she can also be bossy sometimes. Anna goes to highschool

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

restrictions on private-sector competition. These state-run companies regulated most of Syria's exports. According to the Syrian Ministry of Economic and Foreign Trade statistics, in 1998 72 percent of exports were made by the public sector. Trade (expressed in billions of US$): Syria Exports Imports 1975 .930 1.685 1980 2.108 4.124 1985 1.637 3.967 1990 4.212 2.400 1995 3.563 4.709 1998 2.890 3.895 7. Form of government, democracy and realization of human rights in your country Government The Syrian constitution vests the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party with leadership functions in the state and society and provides broad powers to the president. The president, approved by referendum for a 7-year term, is also Secretary General of the Ba'ath Party and leader of the National Progressive Front, which is a coalition of 10 political parties authorized by the regime

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Past and Present tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE (lihtolevik) Form: 1st form (+s) Use: 1. Things in general. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Things that happen all the time or repeatedly. She usually goes away at weekends. 3. Laws of nature (things that are true in general). The sun rises in the east. 4. Timetable events. The train leaves at 6.50 p.m. Negative form: I don't (do not) normally eat my lunch here. He doesn't (does not) like this film at all. Question form: Do you live here? How often does it rain around here? Signal words: always, every day/month, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually etc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (kestev olevik) Form: am/is/are + ing Use: 1. Unfinished actions happening at or around the time of speaking. Listen! Somebody is crying

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Present Tenses.

The Present Simple is the most basic tense in the English language. It is an interesting tense because it can be used Present Simple to express the future. Generally, though, we use it to Basic form describe the present activities or to talk about routines or Subject + Verb + -s (present form)  John lives in New York.  We play football every day.  You are really kind.  The meeting starts at 3 PM. Use the Present Simple:  with state verbs.  to talk about situations in life that last a relatively long time.  when an event is certain to happen in the future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

National Parks of USA

National Parks of USA A Project REPORT Greta-Maria Kivi Otepää Gümnaasium 2015 Aim of Report (esitluse eesmärk) • to teach English to  myself/ourselves  my/our classmates • to develop public speaking skills 15.2.15 Form 8, Greta-Maria Kivi, 2 National Parks of USA Sources used (What did I read? Where did I take the material from?)  History: d_States  Information about Yellowstone park:  All pictures are taken from Google pictures and Wikipedia

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhitõed algajale AM – IS – ARE s_are_ex1.htm 2. http:// s_are_ex3.htm Long form Short form Example Negation 3. http:// Question I am I'm I am late. I am not ('m not) late. s_are_ex6.htm Am I late? You are You're You are clever

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Report

I To: European youth union From: Jaagup Laaser Subject: Music recommendation Introduction This report was written to find mostly suitable music to a big music festival which takes place in Estonia next summer. Differences between two forms To start with, students forms 7 to 9 are mostly listening Pop which makes the biggest percent of survey ­ 35%. Form 10 to 12 is listening more Rock. Also form 7-9 have quite big percentage in Pop music notably 29%. Although, younger students have bigger percentages is their preferments unstable. However, older students are listening likely majority of music Pop, Rock and Dance. In fact, only 3% of 7 to 9 form and 7% 10 to 12 form listening classical music. Music that should be performed At the festival should be performed Rap because many students in younger forms like it and certainly Pop because that is very popular in both form

Keeled → Inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

Simple Present Present Progressive/Continious (99%) infinitive form of 'be' and verb + ing (3rd person singular: infinitive + 's') I speak I am speaking you speak you are speaking he / she / it speaks he / she / it is speaking we speak we are speaking they speak they are speaking

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Past simple and continious

......... 3 Past Continuous .................................................................. 4 When to use the Past Continuous......................................... 4 Used to & would................................................................... 5 Unfulfilled past events.......................................................... 5 Past Simple Regular Past Simple forms end in -ed. I worked he danced we apologized Some verbs have an irregular past form. I left he wrote The Past Simple is the same in all persons except in the past tense of be. I/he/she/it was (in the singular) you/we/they were (in the plural) To form a negative or a question in the Past Simple, use did and the verb in the original form: Negative I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not stop/didn’t stop. Question Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they stop? Note! stopped stop.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Võrgurakendused I kontrolltöö

Võrgurakenduste kontrolltöö 1.HTML ja CSS: 10+20+20+20=70p A)Märgi õige variant: teksti sisendvälja tag. 1) 2)

3) 4) Suht obvious, mis õige variant on(kolmas btw). B) tabeli tegemise ülesanne. Näide: tabel ühe rea ja kolme tulbaga.
1 2 3
C)Kirjuta CSS reegel, mis muudab kõik h2 tagid "eri" (class nimega “eri”) roheliseks. h2.eri { color: green; } D)Soovime, et ul tagi sees olevad li tagi tekstid oleks sinised, aga kui ul tagi sees on veel sisemised ul tagid, siis nende sisemiste ul-de sees olevate li-de tekstis on punased . Kirjuta sobivad css-i reeglid. NB! W3schoolsist võiks teada kuute põhilist selectorit! ul li { c...

Informaatika → Võrgurakendused i
23 allalaadimist

Estonian and British Education System

Estonian and British Education System Estonian and British education system is not quite different. In Estonia, the education system is based on six levels which include the: kindergarten, primary school, basic school, secondary school and university or vocational school. In Britain, the education system is also based on six levels which include the: nursery school, infant school, junior school, secondary school, 6th form and university or college. What is similar for both systems is that the first level of education starts at age of three. While in Estonia this level is called Kindergarten, then in Britain it is called Nursery school. Kindergarten is for children´s from age three to six, but Nursery school is for children´s three to four. Differently from Estonian system, at age of five to seven, British children ´s go to Infant school

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Future Tenses

FUTURE TENSES FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL/SHALL) Form: will/shall + algvorm USE: 1)Predicting a future happening or situations 2)Shalll can be used with i and we 3)Descisions to do smthing at the time of speakin (offering to o / agreeing to do smthing/ promising to do smth) Negative: I can see you' re busy, so I WON't BE GOING TO Form: am/is/are going to + algvorm Use: 1) Descisions to do smthing, intentions. I'm going to buy a new car 2) Predictions about the future, which are based on the situation now. PRESENT SIMPLE ( I do) WITH A FUTURE MEANING Use: 1)Talking about timetables, programmes: My train leaves at 11.30. 2) Talking about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (I am doing) WITH A FUTURE MEANING Use: 1)Talking about descisions and arrangements (sbdy has decied and arranged to do smthing). He is playing squash on Monday afternoon 2) You can use present contiuous for an action just before you b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Bücher in menem Leben

4. Meinst du, dass man in der Schule bestimmte literarische Werkc als Pflichtliteratur lesen soll? Warum? Warum nicht? 5. Hast du ein Lieblingsbuch oder einen Lieblingsautor? Schreib etwas über das Buchl en Autor. wenn du kein Lieblingsbuch hast, dann schreibe über irgendein Buch, dass du einfach durchgelesen hast) 6. Wie gross ist deine Hausbibliothek? Welche Bücher sind da? 7. Welche estnischen Bücher oder Autoren würdest du unbedingt in anderen Sprachen übersetzen und warum? 8. FORM od. INHALT? Was verstehst Du unter dem Form/ Inhalt? Was ist wichtiger bei einem Roman? Warum? Welches Buch ist deiner Meinung nach gut geschrieben schlecht geschrieben? (Schreibweise). Bringe Beispiele! 1. Ich lese am liebsten an einem Strand im Sommer. 2. Am liebsten lese ich die spannende Literatur. 3. Ich wähle ein Buch durch seine Abdeckung. 4. Ich denke, dass einige interessante und kurze Bücher in der Schule als Pflichtliteratur gelesen werden sollten. Weil das Lesen studiert Studenten

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

Conditional sentences and tags

Conditional Sentence Type 1 It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future Example: If I find her address, I'll send her an invitation. Conditional Sentence Type 2 It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive) Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation. Conditional Sentence Type 3 It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past. Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation. · You've posted my letters, haven't you? · You won't forget to check my emails, will you? · You're sad that I'm going, aren't you? · You aren't going to cry when I leave, are you? · You play tennis on Thursdays usuall...

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide arendamine 2 lühikonspekt

o ! c ViewModel Entity (First Approach): o Database First Approach ­ , , .. Entity (Business entities) (DAL) o Model First Approach - Model designer Visual Studio, Entity (DAL) , o Code First Approach ­ POCO. . , Entity , POCO ­ .Net form . , URL Form (4): o Get ­ - o Post ­ - o Put ­ - o Delete ­ - , form, ,

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide arendamine II
6 allalaadimist

PHP ja MySql algajatele

et teha andmebaas oma arvutis - installi MAMP failid pane -> MAMP/htdocs/ ja url: localhost/fail... MySql on andmebaas nagu exeli tabel pm index.php siia saab panna nüüd tavalist html-i ja ka php-d. ' . $nimi . ''; $price = 15; $quantity = 3; $total = $price * $quantity; if ($total > 50) { echo 'Too expensive'; }else{ echo 'I should buy it'; } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { echo $i . '
'; } // kommentaar ?> for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { echo '$i
'; //nüüd kirjutab 10 korda $i echo "$i
"; //nüüd kirjutab 0 kuni 10 } $hinded = array(3, 4, 5, 0); foreach ($hinded as $ykshinne) { echo "hinne on $ykshinne
" } function sayHello() { echo 'Hello'; } sayHello(); function addNumbers($n1, $n2) { return $n1 + $n2; } echo addNumbers(3...

Informaatika → Informaatika
14 allalaadimist

My future plans

My Future Plans. Well, here it is. I am not a person who likes to speak about his future plans a lot. I will try to tell in the shortest way about the exact things. The 9th form finishes and I am happy and sad at the same time. I think I will miss my classmates and some of the teachers from this school but I understand that from that point starts a new period of my life. After the 9th form I am going to study further but where exactly, I can't say now. I am thinking about what to choose. In my opinion the most perfect choice for me would be studying abroad. I know it will be very useful and interesting experience for me. My dream is to visit Tallinn like a guest. But may be when I leave my town I will value it more than I did before. And could be that it is just popular today: dreaming about leaving your hometown and studying abroad.

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Education in England

Compulsory education in Britain starts at the age of 3-5. Primary (infancy) School and move to a secondary school at 11 or 12. Primary (infant) Years 1-2 Age 5-7 Primary(junior) 3-6 5-7 secondary 7-9 11-14 Secondary 10-11 14-16 Sixth form Lower sixth form ­ 1 year 16-18 Upper sixth form ­ 1 year A-level ­ advanced level. Higher level academic exams that are taken mostly by people around the ae of 18 who wish to go on to higher education. GCSE ­ general certifcate of Secondary Education. The exams taken by 15 to 16 year olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Marks are iven for each subject separately. Grades are A-G. A, B and C are regarded as good Grandes.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
9 allalaadimist

Present Continuous

3.Longer actions in progress 4.Future (personal) arrangements and plans 5.Trends 6.Irritation 1.Present Actions Happening at the moment of speaking Most often, we use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. Ex. He is eating a dinner. Mary is talking with her friends. They are swimming in the pool. Stative Verbs There is a certain group of verbs that usually does not appear in the Continuous form. They are called Stative Verbs, and if used in the Continuous form, they have a different meaning. Ex. I think you look pretty today. Meaning: Opinion I'm thinking of moving to San Francisco. Meaning: Act of thinking 2.Temporary Actions Activities continuing only for a limited period of time This tense is also used for activites continuing only for a limited period of time. Ex. I am riding a bike to get to work because my car is broken. (His car will soon be repaired)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Report / survey

Report A survey into the reading habits of students of form 10b Introduction This report was carried out to analyse the reading habits of form 10b. In the survey 6 boys and 9 girls were questioned. This survey shows what kind of reading habits have boys and girls, wther they are different or similar. Types of books The survey showed us that both, boys and girls, mainly read cassical novels. To be exact, 80% of questioned students read classic novels, also popular among both sexes are horror and humor books. 20% of boys and girls like sience fiction. Nearly 50% of the boys read informative literature, but non of the girls

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
32 allalaadimist


PRONOUNS Object form Possessive Subject form Possessive Reflexive Pronouns Osastav asesõna Omastav Nimetav asesõna Omastav Enesekohased asesõnad Keda? Asesõna + nimisõna Kes? Nimisõna + verb+asesõna Mida? Kelle? Mis

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Grammar Unit 9

* and - ja informal * also ­ ka, samuti * though ­ kuigi, siiski + clause (alus- * as well ­ ka, lisaks, samuti >öeldis) // informal * as well as ­ ja lisaks ka * in spite of ­ hoolimata, sõltumata + noun OR -ing form * in addition to ­ kõrval, lisaks * despite ­ hoolimata, vaatamata + noun OR -ing form * both ... and ­ mõlemad .. ja ... * in spite of the fact that + clause * not only ... but also ­ mitte ainukt ... ka ... * despite the fact that + clause * besides ­ lisaks, peale(gi) * however , ­ ikkagi, siiski, kuidas tahes, kuidas ka

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Hurling About hurling oHurling is an out door team game oIt is widespread in Ireland oThe game purpose — to receive more points and goals, than team opponent. oIt already more than 2000 years Sports equipment oHurley oBall ( sliotar ) oHelmet Rules • Each team consists of 15 players. The form of the goalkeeper differs on color from a form of field players. • During game at most 5 replacements of players are allowed. In an extra time three more replacements are allowed. • Game time usually makes 2х35 min. Extra time of 2х10 min. U.S. president Barack Obama accepting a hurley from Taoiseach Enda Kenny Thanks for watching!!!

Sport → Ekstreemsport
1 allalaadimist

The Present Continuous

The Present Continuous What is Present Continuous The present continuous tense is formed from the present tense of the verb be and the present participle (-ing form) of a verb. Form am/is/are + verb + “ing” Examples: I am watching TV. He/she/it is watching TV. They/we/you are watching TV. How to use Present Countinuous When we use Present Continuous Use We use the present continuous tense to talk about the present: ● for something that is happening at the moment ● for something which is happening before and after a given time NB! Words what ends with -e: Make Making Invite Inviting

Keeled → Itaalia keel
1 allalaadimist

Esitlus: Fountains

Eesti maaülikool Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut ANTIQUE GARDEN ORNAMENT: fountains Kadi Mõttus Tartu 2011 Book what I use: Israel, Barbara ,,Antique garden ornament: two centuries of american taste" 256 pages LR tehnikakirjanduse Barbara osak. 21p Israel 712.2 ISR Fountain pros: · Most compelling of garden ornaments · Make viewer think how it works · Beauty · Musical sound · The play of light Compelling ­ mõjuv The idea comes from... ... crops irrigation! Ornamental fountains variations: · Freestanding tazza-form · Shallow · Bowl Shallow - madal Ornamental fountains variations: · The wall-mounted · Semiattached water ensemble · Fountain figure Another ornamental fountain variation: · The grotto Thomas Jefferson (1743 ­ 1826) · Plan for a naturalistic grot...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Thoughts on Air Pollution Essay

Air pollution Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their way into the air. Air pollution includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere. These dangerous substances can be either in the form of gases or particles. Air pollution can be found both outdoors and indoors. Pollutants can be trapped inside buildings, causing indoor pollution that lasts for a long time. The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. As one might expect, humans have been producing increasing amounts of pollution as time has progressed, and they now account for the majority of pollutants released into the air. Air pollution has been a problem throughout history

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Indian Sports

kabadi in Tamil Nadu, Kabaddi in Karnataka, hadudu in Bengal, bhavatik in Maldives, kauddi in the Punjab region and chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh KHO KHO • Tag sport • Indian subcontinent • Played by teams of twelve players • Nine enter the field • Who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team • One of the two most popular traditional tag games of the South Asia • Form of wrestling PEHLWANI • Developed in the Mughal Empire • The words pehlwani and kushti derive from the Persian terms pahlavani and koshti respectively • Many southern Indian practitioners of traditional malla-yuddha consider their art to be the more "pure" form of Indian wrestling HTTP:// GILLI-DANDA •Amateur sport •Played with two sticks •Large one called danda •Smaller one called the gilli •2500 years

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Indian Sports

kabadi in Tamil Nadu, Kabaddi in Karnataka, hadudu in Bengal, bhavatik in Maldives, kauddi in the Punjab region and chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh KHO KHO · Tag sport · Indian subcontinent · Played by teams of twelve players · Nine enter the field · Who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team · One of the two most popular traditional tag games of the South Asia · Form of wrestling PEHLWANI · Developed in the Mughal Empire · The words pehlwani and kushti derive from the Persian terms pahlavani and koshti respectively · Many southern Indian practitioners of traditional malla-yuddha consider their art to be the more "pure" form of Indian wrestling HTTP:// GILLI-DANDA ·Amateur sport ·Played with two sticks ·Large one called danda ·Smaller one called the gilli ·2500 years

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Boolean Functions and their Cryptographic Criteria

Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Boolean functions and their representations ................................................................................. 4 2.1 Truth table ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Disjunctive normal form .................................................................................................. 4 2.1.2 Conjunctive normal form ................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Algebraic normal form ............................................................................................................. 5 3. Walsh and Fourier transforms ......................................................................

Informaatika → krüptograafia
1 allalaadimist

Emaplaadi terminite sõnastik inglise keeles

the "computing" in "personal computing" System RAM - the random access memory (RAM) used by the CPU for computational purposes Chassis - the structure used to house the various "internal" components of the computer (i.e., the motherboard, adapter cards, various storage devices, power supply, etc.) Normally called case. Power Supply - the device used to convert, regulate, and transmit external power for use by the components housed inside the computer chassis. Socket 7 - The form factor for fifth-generation CPU chips from Intel, Cyrix, and AMD. All Pentium chips, except Intel's Pentium Pro (Socket 8) and Pentium II (Slot 1), conform to the Socket 7 specifications. Intel has decided to phase out Socket 7 and replace it with Slot 1. But Intel's competitors, such as AMD and Cyrix, are sticking with Socket 7, and are developing an enhanced version. Socket 8 - The form factor for Intel's Pentium Pro microprocessors. The Pentium Pro was the

Tehnoloogia → Arvutitund
1 allalaadimist

Victor Vasarely

Victor Vasarely Triinu Kask 12c 2010 "Every form is a base for colour, every colour is the attribute of a form." 1906-1997 Click to edit Master text styles Second level Pes-Pariis Third level Maal Fourth level Optiline kunst Fifth level Graafika Skulptuur Loomingu perioodid 1929-44 ­ varajane graafika 1944-47 ­ On the wrong track 1947-51 ­ optilise kunsti areng 1951-55 ­ kineetilised objektid, must-valge fotogr. 1955-65 - Folklore planetaire 1965-... - Tribüüt kuusnurgale Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Sebrad ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Comparison of Education in Britain and Estonia

years which is 2 years more than in Estonia. Moreover, there are slight differences as for the compulsory subjects taught in the first three years of secondary school in Britain and Estonia. In Britain, more emphasis is placed on Religious Studies, including Christianity and other religions, Drama and Information Technology. While in the first half of secondary school all pupils must study the same subjects, in the second half of secondary level and especially in the Sixth Form, more options are available for the British students when compared to students in Estonia. In the Sixth Form, they only have to choose 3 compulsory subjects with a vast range of extra subjects offered by the school like Economics, Food Technology, Government and Politics, Photography, Psychology and Theatre Studies. Several Gymnasiums in Estonia also give their students the chance to choose some of their subjects from a selection of facultative subjects

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist


self-control. Locked hands behind head: states confidence. Sitting with a leg over the arm of the chair: suggests indifference. Legs and feet pointed in a particular direction: the direction where more interest is felt. Crossed arms: indicates submissiveness. Facial expressions A facial expression results from one or more motions or positions of the muscles of the face. These movements convey the emotional state of the individual to observers. Facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying social information among humans, but also occur in most other mammals and some other animal species. Thank you for listening !

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Buying on credit is an alternative way

MONOLOGUE Buying on credit is an alternative way INTRODUCTION: Buying on credit is an alternative way, it is said because it is a form of borrowing. MAIN BODY: First of all, credit card offer us a useful form of short term borrowing if you can repay your bill in each month. For example, when you are travelling or just need to unexpectedly make a ig purchase. However, before deciding to borrow money it is important to know if you will be able to repay it back in the future. People must know that free lunches don't exist and anyway they must pay later. PERSONAL OPINION In my opinion credit card is an ,,easy money" and often peole don't know what happens later.

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Word order

I hardly ever write letters nowadays. He has always lived in London. They don’t very often go abroad. He can never remember my name. I have never been to Australia. He is always on time. She is sometimes sad. They are usually very helpful. Her grandfather was always happy to see her. It is always cold in February. Word Order in Negative Sentences To form a negative sentence just put not after the auxiliary or modal verb: I am not a fool. John will not come to the party tonight. It was not my fault. You must not cheat. Jennie could not find her glasses. Don’t make all this noise, I cannot stand it any more! NB! Cannot (can’t for short) is spelt as one word in modern English. Use the first auxiliary, if there is more than one: Peter has not been playing much football lately.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

A New Earth

eight successive masters and much later became the origin of Zen. Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature. The first recognition of beauty was one of the most significant events in the evolution of human consciousness. The feelings of joy and love are intrinsically connected to that recognition. Without our fully realizing it, flowers would become for us an expression in form of that which is most high, most sacred, and ultimately formless within ourselves. Flowers, more fleeting, more ethereal and more delicate than the plants out of which they emerged, would become like messengers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical forms and the formless. They not only had a scent that was delicate and pleasing to humans, but also brought a fragrance from the realm of spirit. Using the word “enlightenment” in a wider sense

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

down from Old English whereas the second one is a Scandinavian borrowing. Examples of native doublets are 'shadow' ('тень') and 'shade! Both are derived from the same Old English word 'sceadu'. 'Shade' is developed from the Nominative case, 'sceadu' is derived from oblique ease 'sceadwe'. The words 'drag' and 'draw' both come from Old English 'dragan' ('тащить') Etymological doublets also arise as a result of shortening when both the shortened form and the full form of the word are used: 'defense' - 'защита' - 'fence' - ''забор'; 'history' - 'история' - 'story' - 'рассказ'. Examples of ETYMOLOGICAL TRIPLETS (i.e. groups of three words of common root) are few in number: hospital (Lat.) - hostel (Norm.Fr.) - hotel (Par.. Fr.); to capture (Lat.) - to catch (Norm. Fr.) - to chase (Par. Fr.). 15. Folk etymology = popular etymology Folk’ or ‘popular’ theories (i.e

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

Linguistic competence → Is a person’s knowledge of how it is correct to speak but he or she is unable to give reasons why this is the right way of speaking. Chomsky says that linguistic competence is an idealized capacity of language. It is the hearers knowledge of his/hers language and it is the ‘mental reality’ which is responsible for all those aspects of language use which can be characterized as ‘linguistic’. Abstract sets of rules that help us to form and understand grammatical sentences. Linguistic performance → According to Chomsky linguistic performance is the production of actual utterances which rely on our mental reality of language. The way people actually speak with mistakes and stops and unfinished sentences. What is grammar? → Grammar is the system of a language, could also be described as rules in how to form new sentences constitute (tervik) the grammar of a language. Although

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

artikkel indefinite meaning. zero article nullartikkel Refers to the use of no article or other determiner I like coffee. before a noun. 4 Grammatical Terminology Phrase fraas A word or group of words which form grammatical units such as noun phrase, verb phrase or adjective phrase. Phrases are the constituents of clauses. adjective phrase adjektiivifraas, A phrase with an adjective functioning as the head. An AdjP: Are you willing to volunteer? omadussõnafraas adjective phrase can have an attributive function (used Attributive funct.: It has a smooth

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

RE English is spoken on all five continents

Wales Canada Ireland The Caribbean Africa Asia, Pacific West Africa South- and South-East Asia East Africa Australia and New Zealand South Africa The Pacific islands The two main groups are Britain and America. British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. American English is the form of English used in the United States. Comparison of American and British English American English has a great influence on the English language all over the world and has enriched it. About 70 precent of all native speakers of English live in America. The British people who settled in America ub the 17th century brought their language with them

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

I love English 3

Inglise keele kontrolltööd 3. ja 4. klassile. I love English 1 (3. ja 4. Round-up õppetükkide peale). I love English 2 (4. Round-up õppetüki peale). Koostaja Heddy Uustal. Viljandi Maagümnaasium. Juhendaja Toomas Rähn. I love English Form 4 Test 4 name................................. 1. Kirjuta sobiv küsisõna. What? When? Where? Who? Why? 1) .................................... do you go after school? 2) .................................... books do you like? 3) .................................... do you like summer? 4) ...........................

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Biased - having or showing prejudice Brutal - savage; cruel; inhuman Capture - to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize: Claim - to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due: Coast guard - a military service which in peacetime enforces maritime laws, saves lives and property at sea, and maintains aids to navigation Commerce - an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries Compose - to make or form by combining things, parts, or elements Conquer - to acquire by force of arms; win in war Death-defying - very dangerous Deliberately - carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: Disarmament - the reduction or limitation of the size, equipment, armament, etc., of the army, navy, or air force of a country Draft - a first or preliminary form of any writing, subject to revision, copying, etc. Era - the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned:

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun