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"-color" - 303 õppematerjali


American Literature Character Sketch-The Color Purple-Shug Avery

Character Sketch-Shug Avery The Color Purple by Alice Walker Shug Avery was a very passionate African-American blues singer, and I believe quite a lot throughout the novel. Her evolvement was interesting to observe. First impression of her wasn’t positive because she appeared rather inelegant and also quite selfish. In essence, she seemed to be unlikable as well as superficial. Shug (originally Lilly) didn’t really embrace herself and adopted a nickname – “Shug”. However she developed a sexual relationship with Celie and with that broke the boundaries of traditional gender roles. She was outspoken, exteremely honest and not easy to affect. All her three children were born out of wedlock. She is a good example of sexuality and gender not being as univocal and simplistic topics as they may seem since she was a bisexual (sexual relationship with Celie). Throughout the novel Celie’s mother was comp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

NCS - Natural Color System

NCS – Natural Color System Värvide ülesmärkimine selles süsteemis esitab konkreetse värvi taju ja kirjeldab värvi visuaalselt. NCS põhineb kolmel värvipaaril, milleks on valge-must, sinine-kollane, roheline-punane. (värvide vastandumine) Ülejäänud värvid saab tuletada nende värvide tingimustest. Kollane – NCS 0580­Y10R (= 5% tumedust, 80%  küllastust, 90% kollast + 10% punast = kergelt tume küllastunud kollane kerge oranžika varjundiga) Sinine – NCS 4055­R95B (= 40% tumdust, 55% küllastusst, 5% punast +  95% sinist = üsnagi mitteküllastunud tume sinine lillaka varjundiga. uk/

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

Uurimus – Ariel Color

Uurimus ­ Ariel Color & Style universaalne pesupulber värvilistele riietele Esimeseks pesuvahendiks oli seep. Neid on tehtud ammustest aegadest ning erinevate meetoditega. Enamasti keetes rasvade ja tuhaga. Arheoloogide sõnul on seepe tehtud juba 2800 eKr, aga võimalik, et ka isegi varem. 15. sajandil hakati Hispaanias tegema oliiviõli baasil seepe. Esimene kunstlik seep tehti Esimese maailmasõja ajal. Esimese täissünteetilise seebivaba pesupulbri töötas välja 1929. aastal saksa keemik dr H. G. Bertsch. 1933a. tulidki turule Saksamaal sünteetiline pulber Fewa ja USA-s Procter& Gamble poolt loodud Dreft. Paraku tulid mõlemad toime vaid kergelt määrdunud pesuga. Alles 1943. aastal välja töötatud sünteetiline pesupulber Tide suutis rahuldavalt puhtaks pesta ka tugevasti määrdunud pesu. 1946. Aasta oktoobris turule tulnud uue pesupulbri edu oli määratu. Tide´ist sai paari aastaga USA populaarseim pesupulb...

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

4 generation family tree color

Family Tree great-grandmother great-grandmother grandmother grandmother great-grandfather great-grandfather Mother Father great-grandmother great-grandmother grandfather grandfather great-grandfather great-grandfather

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hue Saturation Brightness

HSB: hue, saturation, and brightness This scheme provides a device-independent way to describe color. HSB may be the most complex scheme to visualize, especially since color selection software has to reduce its three descriptive dimensions to two dimensions on the monitor screen. But once learned, it can be useful in many instances. The easiest way to visualize this scheme is to think of the H, S, and B values representing points within an upside-down cone. At the edge of the cone base, think of the visible light spectrum (preceeding page), cut from the page and pasted into a circle with shading added to smooth the transition between the (now joined) red and magenta ends. · Hue is the actual color. It is measured in angular degrees around the cone starting and endin...

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

3 käändkond, 3. Declinatio

3. Declinatio Ainsus Mitmus N. Color Colores G. Coloris Colorum D. Colori Coloribus Abl Colorem Colores Ac. Colore Coloribus V Color Colores N. Leo Leones G Leonis Leonum D Leoni Leonibus Abl Leonem Leones Ac Leone Leonibus V Leo Leones

Keeled → Ladina keel
28 allalaadimist

Astmelised laadilehed

Esitlusgraafika ja koduleheküljed ­ CSS 1 Astmelised laadilehed ­ CSS Kodulehekülgede üheks oluliseks kujunduspõhimõtteks on hoida lehtede visuaalne väljanägemine võimalikult ühtne kogu kodulehekülje ulatuses. See tähendab ühesugust taustavärvi, sama kirjatüübi ja suuruse kasutamist ning sama paigutust. Suuremate kodulehekülgede puhul võib näiteks taustavärvi või kirjatüübi muutmine põhjustada suurt peavalu ­ muudatused tuleb ju teha kõikidele HTML-failidele. Et selliseid probleeme vältida peaks olema sisu ja kujundust teineteisest lahus. Algselt oligi HTML mõeldud ainult dokumendi struktuuri (pealkirjad, tekstilõigud, loetelud) määramiseks, kuid seda hakati ka kasutama dokumentide kujundamiseks. Lahenduseks sellele probleemile töötati välja CSS ehk Cascading Style Sheets (sobivaim eestikeelne tõlge oleks astmelised laadilehed) ­ keel HTML-dokumentide kujunduse määramiseks. CSS puhul on h...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
19 allalaadimist

Juukse värve maaletoovate firmade toodete tutvustus ja kasutusjuhendid

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Kergetööstus ja ilu osakond Agnes Peterson Juukse värve maaletoovate firmade toodete tutvustus ja kasutusjuhendid Õpimapp Juhendaja: Merike Rosenthal Tartu 2012 SISUKORD Schwarzkopf________________________________________________________ 3 Goldwell____________________________________________________________7 Wella______________________________________________________________ 11 Sim________________________________________________________________ 20 Ewald______________________________________________________________ 22 Estel_______________________________________________________________ 23 Cutrin______________________________________________________________ 33 Davines____________________________________________________________ 36 Londa_________...

Kosmeetika → Juuksur
56 allalaadimist

Txt - Html Liikuv tekst ja Joon

Horisontaalne joon

Selle elemendiga kasutatakse järgmiseid atribuute: color=red, (yellow, gold, jne) ­ joone värv; align=left, (right, center) ­ joone joondus HTML ­ dokumendis; size= ... määrab joone jämeduse. Väärtus antakse numbritega pikselites; width= ... annab joonele pikkuse. Väärtus antakse numbritega pikselites. HTML ­ koodis:
paistab sellisena:
saame sellise:
ning see näeb järgmiselt välja: Liikuv tekst Selle elemendiga kasutatakse järgmiseid atribuute: bgcolor=red, (yellow, gold, jne) ­ tausta värv; height=... määrab kõrguse. Väärtus antakse numbritega pikselites; width=... määrab pik...

Informaatika → Informaatika
43 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

DENOTATIVE AND CONNOTATIVE MEANINGS IN MOTION GRAPHICS TEXT For Multimedia Semiotics To begin with, what is motion graphics? Motion Graphics is a piece of video which is created digitally in a computer and as the name refers ­ bases on moving graphical elements. These elements can be images, text, graphical designs or a multidimensional imagery. But this term should not be confused with another term ,,animation". Line between these two is a bit blurred. Animation often is only giving life to the characters and scenery. Also, it can be done in real world with physically created sets. Motion graphics on the other hand can be only created in digital world and could include animation. But also there are more two very important aspects ­ desing and cinematohraphy. Therefore when talking about motion graphics it means moving graphycally created elements in a beatiful way. Motion graphics is pretty rece...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kraanivee kareduse määramine tiitrimise teel

Aim Determination of total and carbonate hardness of tap water using titration technique. Eliminating total hardness with a Na+ ion-exchange softener. Reagents 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, 0,025 M and 0,005M trilon-B solution, buffer solution (NH4Cl + NH3∙H2O), indicators methyl red (mr) or methyl orange (mo) and chromogen black ET-00. Apparatus Conical flasks (250 ml, 500 ml), measuring cylinder (25 cm 3), burette (25 cm3), pipettes (100 cm3). Experimental Procedure A Determination of carbonate hardness 1. Rinse the 100 cm3 pipette 2...3 times with a small amount of the test water. Wash the conical flask with distilled water. Pipette 100 cm 3 of the test water and transfer it into the conical flask, add 3...4 drops of indicator mo or mr. 2. Prepare the burette – remove any air bubbles from the nozzle and fill with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid till zero (The lower meniscus has to coincide with the scales 0-notation). 3. Titrate with...

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Juuksurikosmeetikat maaletoovate firmade värvitooted

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Kergetööstus ja ilu osakond ILU 11/1 juuksuri eriala Juuksurikosmeetikat maaletoovate firmade värvitooted Õpimapp Maris Ploom Juhendaja Merike Rosenthal Tartu 2011 Sisukord 1. 3-10 2. 11-13 3. 14-18 4. 19-20 5. 21-23 6. Sim........................................................................

Ametid → Kutse
18 allalaadimist


Eesti Maaülikool Veterinaarmeditsiini ja Loomakasvatuse Instituut SEAKASVATUSE KURSUSEPROJEKT Koostaja: Juhendaja: Aleksander Lember Tartu 2010 1. Vajalik suguemiste ja kultide arv. Kultide arv Seemendamine toimub 6 nädalat järjest, nädalas ligikaudu 85 emist, selleks on vaja 8 kulti. Kasutan kunstliku seemendust. Suguemiste arv Reprodutsioonitsükkel on 148 päeva, järelikult saab aastas toimuda 365 : 148 = 2,5 pesakonda aastas Kuna on vaja toota 4303 tonni sealiha (eluskaal) ja realiseerimismass on 104 kg. Seega 4303 000 : 104 = 41 375 siga realiseerida aastas, lisaks sellele lõpnud põrsad. Järelikult peab sündima 44 375 põrsast. Poegimisi : 44 375: 10,7 = 4147 poegimist. Emiseid selleks vaja 4147: 2,5 = 1659 Arvestades tiinestusprotsenti, on tegelik vaja minevate suguemiste arv 1659 : 0,82 =...

Põllumajandus → Loomakasvatus
43 allalaadimist


Equality Equality is a very important subject in todays world. Even though people of all races, social statuses and of both sexes have more equal rights in just about everything today, than they have had throughout history, there are still many places in the world and lots of topics, where equality is still a big problem. The point of equality, is for everyone to have the same opportunities. In a society with perfect equality, everyone would be able to do what they want, no matter where they are from, how wealthy their parents are, what color their skin is and so on. A persons gender or skin color wouldn't matter, if he or she would apply for a job or candidate for a political position. The same goes for voting rights and the laws would also be the same for everyone. A good example of how modern countries have more equality among their citizens is the United States of America. Just 56 years ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Making Wine - questions and answers

and answer the following questions: 1. Where does red wine get its colour? Skin fermentation 2. What is must and what does it contain? Freshly prest grape juice 3. What is the proper time to pick the grapes? Acid and sugar level are on peack levels 4. How do under and over ripe grapes affect the final product? They affect flavor, color and acid levels 5. Why is sulfite added in minute amounts immediately after crushing? To prevent fermentation prematureli 6. What is maceration and what happens during this period? It gives wine it´sbody and color. 7. What is malic acid converted into during the final stage of primary fermentation and how does it affect the wine? Lactic acid and garbonic gas 8. What happens during pressing? It ´ s doing wine softer and rounder 9. What happens if you postpone pressing the must for too long? Wine can take verry unplesent taste and aroma 1...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Google Guava

Google Guava Margus Martsepp History Java collections was created in 1997 3 big ideas: · interfaces (define collections) · implementations (concrete or abstract) · algorithms (to manipulate collections) Basic idea around this framework: Extensible - people can build on it Overview 1. Utilities - {static constructors,functional - {predicates, transform}} 2. Objects {equal, coalesce, ComparisonChain} 3. Immutable - {why, how, collections} Utilities - static constructors Create a list of 2 elements Utilities - functional - predicates Apply predicates on collections/iterables Functional language equivalent Utilities - functional - transform Create a transformed view of a collection Object - {equals, coalesce} Equals (null safe) Coalesce Objects.firstNonNull(obj, default) Object - ComparisonChain CompareTo method: Immutable - why Why? · + Your life is easy (no trust problems) · + Free thread safety · + Can be...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
8 allalaadimist


Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool optomeetria õppetool OP1 Liana Veremi VÄRVIPIMEDUS Referaat Nägemise uurimise alustes Juhendaja:Cintia Räppo Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD VÄRVIPIMEDUS..................................................................................................................3 AJALUGU..............................................................................................................................4 VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID................................................................................................5 TEKKEPÕHJUSED...............................................................................................................7 Geneetiline värvipimedus................................................................................7 Omandatud värvipimedus........................................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist


Racism Racism is discrimination between different race people. Mostly people are discriminating people who aren't the same skin color as they are, but there are many more discriminations. Racism is belief, that people, who aren't the same skin color, who don't look like you or whose life standards aren't like yours, then you are better and more intelligent than them. White people mostly discriminate black people. They call them dumb and violent. Biggest issue with racism is in USA. Many centuries ago black people were white people's slaves, but when the slavery became unacceptable, white people and black people had to live together in America and have mixed. Nowadays many americans still believe, that black people aren't as intelligent as they are and call them violent and dumb. Some even are, but that doesn't mean that all white people in America are good intelligent. In my opinion white p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton School: Nyo Science School Class 10b Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Brita Lodi Sir Isaac Newton 16431727 · 25 December 1642(4 January 1643, New Style) , in England · Died 20 March 1727 (aged 84) Sir Isaac Newton 16431727 He is the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived · Physicist · Mathematican · Astronomer · Natural philosopher · Alchemist · Theologian Early life · He was more interested in making mechanical devices than in studying. · Sundial · Educated at The King's School, Grantham. · In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge As a students, we know him because.. · He was the first person who invent the 3 laws of motion · Theory of gravitation · Newtonian fluid, nonNewtonian fluid · Newton's theory of color · He invented the early telescope in 1671 Newtons laws in latin ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Värvipimedus - ettekanne

VÄRVIPIMEDUS VÄRVIPIMEDUS Värvipimedus ehk daltonism on osaline või täielik võimetus eristada värvuseid. Värvipimedus on seotud kolvikeste (valgustundlikud rakud, mis on seotud värvuste nägemise ja ruumilise lahutusvõimega) häirega tajuda erinevate lainepikkustega valgust. AJALUGU Esimesena kirjeldas värvipimedust John Dalton, kelle nimest pärineb ka sõna daltonism. 1794. aastal avaldas ta uurimuse pealkirjaga "Erakordsed faktid värvide nägemise kohta." Temal endal oli deuteranoopia (rohelise värvi tajumise võimetus), mille ta avastas puu otsast õunu korjates. VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID Protanoopia (protanomaalia) Võimetus tajuda punast, oranzi ja kollast. VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID Deuteranoopia (deuteranomaalia) Võimetus eristada punast ja rohelist. VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID Tritanoopia (tritanomaalia) Võimetus tajuda sinist ja kollast (esineb harva). VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID...

Meditsiin → Patoloogia
27 allalaadimist

Jutustus " My dream house"

My dream house My dream house is located about few kilometers from the big city, in a very picturesque place near the endless river or bottomless lake. I dream about place like this as I prefer clean fresh air and unpolluted water. I don't find myself very happy in little and uncomfortable house, so my dream house is very cozy, comfortable, well planned, with lost of gigantic windows. If you asked about rooms, I must say that I don't need many of them, but it is very important that all these rooms were as large as it is possible. The modern front door opens into a spacious hall, where are many portraits of family members, exotic flowers. As far as bedrooms they are very large, comfortable and elegant as well. There are soft, huge beds and many antique things. It makes me to feel comfortable. By the way, every bedroom has bathroom and toilet, which are spacious and modern. There are a majority of m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

"chemical element Neon"

NEON Symbol: Ne Atomic number: 10 Date of Discovery: 1898 Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay Name Origin: Form the Greek word neos (new) Uses: lighting Obtained From: liquid air Respected teacher, classmates today I am going to speak about a chemical element neon. it will take me about 2-3 minutes. I am going to talk about Neon's history extraction physical properties chemical properties uses health effect Neon is the chemical element that has the symbol Ne and atomic number 10. Neon was discovered in 1898 by British chemists William Ramsay (1852-1916) and Morris Travers (1872-1961). It occurs naturally in the atmosphere, but only in very small amounts. Extraction Neon can be obtained from air by fractional distillation(murdosaline destilatsioon). The first step in fractional distillation of air is to change a container of air to a liquid. The liquid air is then allowed to warm up. As the air warms, each element in air changes...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

How to make a powerpoint presentation AA

How to make a powerpoint presentatio n Keep it simple · Use landscape orientation · Leave white space · Do not overuse charts 2 Limit yourself Do not overcrowd your slides The presentation Is for the audience Do not overuse animations and transitions 3 Quality o Use high quality photos o Do not strech photos o Do not use clip art 4 Theme o Use a theme o Do not use default themes Charts " o Use appropriate charts o Have a good reason 6 Color o Color theory o Background 7 Font o The right font o The wrong font 8 ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

Inconvenient Non-ionizing indoor climate Poor radiation lighting (magnetic fields) PHYSICAL HAZARDS Risk of fire and Noise in the working environment: electrical shock Physical Part I – Inconvenient indoor hazards Risk from climate ...

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

Värvipimedus - referaat

SISUKORD VÄRVIPIMEDUS..................................................................................................................2 AJALUGU..............................................................................................................................2 VÄRVIPIMEDUSE TÜÜBID............................................................................................... 3 TEKKEPÕHJUSED...............................................................................................................5 Geneetiline värvipimedus................................................................................................ 5 Omandatud värvipimedus............................................................................................... 5 SÜMPTOMID........................................................................................................................6 LEVIK...........................................

Meditsiin → Patoloogia
32 allalaadimist


Arvutigraafika I ÜLESANNE III Klamber Uued käsud: COLOR lk. 23 DONUT lk. 33 FILL lk. 38 EXPLODE lk. 35 LINEWEIGHT lk. 71 PEDIT lk. 51 PLINE lk. 39 Klambri eestvaade Joonetada klambri eestvaade. Kontuurjoonte laius 2 mm, telg- ja kriipsjooned joonestada vastavalt 0,5 ja 1 mm laiuste joontega Mõõtmeid pole vaja joonisele kanda, Selle töö tegemise võiks jagada järgmisteks osadeks: a) telgjoonte joonestamine; b) abijoonte joonestamine; Töö 3 Klamber 1 c) kontuurjoonte kandmine joonisele. kusjuues igal joonestamise astmel on tegemist eriomadustega joontega nii välimuse kui ka tähenduse järgi. Kõige otstarbekam on selisel juhul jaotada joonis erilisteks üksikosadeks, mis üheskoos annavadki nagu „kokkuklapitud” kujutise. Lihtsaim moodus selleks o...

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
18 allalaadimist


CREATE TABLE mina ( eesnimi varchar(30) not null, perenimi varchar(100) not null, sugu varchar(5) not null, synnipaev date not null, algus datetime not null default current timestamp, viimati datetime default timestamp, CONSTRAINT pk_mina PRIMARY KEY (eesnimi) ); INSERT INTO mina (eesnimi, perenimi, sugu, synnipaev) VALUES ('Juku', 'Mets', 'Mees', '1980-02-04'); grant connect to Sandra identified by 'tere'; grant group to dba; grant membership in group dba to Sandra; grant all on mina to Sandra; SELECT * FROM mina; UPDATE mina SET eesnimi = 'Jri' WHERE eesnimi = 'Juku'; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE paha (nimi VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_paha PRIMARY KEY (nimi)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; INSERT INTO paha (nimi) VALUES ('Mari'); SELECT * FROM paha; create table isik( Id integer not null default autoincrement primary key, Eesnimi varchar (50) not null, Perenimi varchar(50) not null, Isikukood varchar(11), Klubi integer, U...

Informaatika → Informaatika
232 allalaadimist

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California is one of the most beautiful, and most photographed, bridges in the world. The Golden Gate Bridge is a 1.7 mile(2,74 km)long bridge that can be crossed by car, on bicycles or on foot. It is the second longest bridge in the United States. The Golden Gate Bridge, completed after more than four years of construction at a cost of $35 million, opened to traffic on May 28, 1937 at twelve o'clock noon. One of the most interesting Golden Gate Bridge fact is that only eleven workers died during construction, a new safety record for the time. One of the bridge's safety innovations was a net suspended under the floor. This net saved the lives of 19 men during construction . There are also 128 lights installed on the bridge roadway. It makes it beautiful at night-time. The avarage crossings are about 41 million per year, counting bo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology and choice

Technology and choice Everyone has a choice and It's up to you to decide whether you take it or not. Technology is developing too fast, mayby someday we even have a choice to choose of what kind a baby we would like to have. It would be nice to choose a baby of your own, wouldn't it ? Firstly, It depens on a persons point of wiew. For some people it's definetly wrong and demonic. Others say it would be awesome and interesting , experience of life. secondly, technology isn't ready for that, we are already changing evolution by abortion. But mayby in the future we have a choice of what kind a baby we would like. You'll never know, perhaps they will make a menu and you can select a baby of your own taste. You could choose a girl with hot body and kind heart. In addition you could make her intelligence high, make her tall and give her hobbies. I think that it may be nice to choose hair color and eye color...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Tabeltöötlus ­ Excel2007 1. Looge uus dokument ja sisestage allpool toodud andmed tabelisse. Jätke lahtrid sisuga valem tühjaks. Täidame programmis Excel kõrvaloleva tabeli 2. Kujundage tabeli pealkiri:pakskiri (Bold); kirjakõrgus 16 pt; tekst ­ sinine, teksti tagapõhi ­ kollane. Valime lahtri sõnaga ,,Tootmine" ja vajutame nupule Home/Format/Bold ja valime tähe kõrguseks 16. Teksti ja tagapõhja värvi valime nuppudega Home/Format /Fill color ja Font color. 3. Joondage "Tootmine" ploki A2:E2 keskele Valime ploki A2:E2 ja vajutame nupule ,,Home/Alignment/Merge and Center" 4. Joondage ploki B3:D3 tekst suunaga alt üles Valime ploki B3:D3 ja menüüst ,,Home/Alignment /Orientation/Rotate Text Up" 5. Leidke lahtrisse B7 tootmise summa, kasutad...

Informaatika → Kontoritöö tarkvara
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

KT 3 Page 57 ex 9 a) Which paragraph describes: a. The writer´s own opinion of this persoon? 4th paragraph b. The person´s biographical history? 3rd paragraph c. The person´s achievement? 1st paragraph d. Who the person is? 2nd paragraph b) He admires her because she had done for peole of her country. Writer dicribes her like a hero. c) Michael Jackson Few years ago the world lost a great singer . The mans name was Michael Jackson. He is my idol even if he does not exist among us anymore. He was a favourite artist for many people. But having a lot of friends means having a lot of enemies. There comes the scandals towards him too. Even now, two years after his death, he isn't left alone. Firstly, Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. I guess that he didn't even imagine that when he grow up, he'll have so many admirerers, but he wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Nõo Reaalgümnaasium KUVAR e. MONITOR Märt Kukke 10B 2010 SISUKORD: I. Kuvarite ajalugu II. Monitoride liigid III. Kuvareid iseloomustavad tegurid IV. Kasutatud kirjandus AJALUGU Sõna monitor tuleneb ingliskeelsest sõnast monitor, mis tähendab kasvatajat, vaatlejat ja hilisemal ajal ka arvuti kuvaseadet ehk kuvarit. Sõna kuvar aga seevastu on pärit hoopis soome keelest ja tähendas kunagi seadet, milles oli ühes tükis nii monitor, kui ka klaviatuur (st 70ndate arvutit). Läbi ajaloo on kasutatud erinevate omadustega kuvareid. Pole ju veel kadunud needki kuvarid, mis suudavad esile tuua vaid ASCII sümboleid ja seetõttu graaf...

Informaatika → Informaatika
16 allalaadimist

Võrgurakendused I kontrolltöö

Võrgurakenduste kontrolltöö 1.HTML ja CSS: 10+20+20+20=70p A)Märgi õige variant: teksti sisendvälja tag. 1) 2)

3) 4) Suht obvious, mis õige variant on(kolmas btw). B) tabeli tegemise ülesanne. Näide: tabel ühe rea ja kolme tulbaga.
1 2 3
C)Kirjuta CSS reegel, mis muudab kõik h2 tagid "eri" (class nimega “eri”) roheliseks. h2.eri { color: green; } D)Soovime, et ul tagi sees olevad li tagi tekstid oleks sinised, aga kui ul tagi sees on veel sisemised ul tagid, siis nende sisemiste ul-de sees olevate li-de tekstis on punased . Kirjuta sobivad css-i reeglid. NB! W3schoolsist võiks teada kuute põhilist selectorit! ul li { c...

Informaatika → Võrgurakendused i
23 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

1 System development • Modelling in early system development stage corrects design errors before construction. • Beneficial modelling reasons (– Insight: in the design and operation of a system – Completeness: detection of missing parts for simulation and a better understanding of the system requirements – Correctness: errors and flaws are usually detected, problematic scenarios can be reproduced, systematic error investigation) 2 Introduction CPN • CPN is a graphical language for concurrent system design and analysis and also general-purpose modelling environment and also applicable for industrial projects and high level programming. • Petri nets provide(– graphical notation– modelling concurrency, communication, synchronisation) • CPN application domains that are typical(– communication protocols, data networks, distributed algorithms) • ...

Informaatika → Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist


homework In this picture I can see girls, and her style looks like hip hop. I can see that this girls is Korean. Her clothes have red, black and white colors. One the first picture I see girl, who have red cap. leggings, and black shoes, t-shirt. For the second and third picture I see one more this girl, but she was in a black t-shirt, leggings, shoes, and red cap. I´d like this style, they are so cool, but I think that in our time, not everyone will be wearing it. Her accessorise was so beautiful, she has a bracelets and two chain. Her makeup so beautiful, she has a eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. As well as her hair color, suitable for her style. I think that this style is suitable for music singers such as Jason Derulo, Pitbull, and Flo Rida - preferably remix. If to judge by that as this girl it is dressed, it is possible to assume that it is engaged to hip hop. I think if it is engaged to hip hop it spends the free time in danc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Seentega värvimine

Seentega värvimine Ajalugu  Seentega värvimine sai laiemalt tuntuks alles kolmkümmend aastat tagasi.  Katsetajaks ameeriklanna Miriam Rice.  1974.a raamat - “Proovigem seentega värvida” (“Let’s Try Mushrooms for Color”).  1980.a. “Seentega värvimine” (“Mushrooms for Color”).   1982. aastal ilmus Rootsis raamat “Värvi seentega”.  Soomes värvitakse juba kümmekond aastat. Allikas: Eesti loodusmuuseum Miks on hea kasutada värvimiseks seeni? Seente viljakehi noppides ei kahjustata seent, mis seeneniidistiku näol pinnases peidus on. Paljud värviseened sisaldavad rohkelt värvaineid. Värvimiseks sobivad ka ussitanud ja söömiseks liiga vanad seened. Paljud värviseened on mittesöödavad või nõrgalt mürgised liigid. Seentega saab värvida ka peitsimata. Mitmeaastased puitu lagundavad seened - saab värvimaterjali läbi aasta. Punast värvi on lihtsam saada seentest kui t...

Bioloogia → Mükoloogia
1 allalaadimist

Graafika lisamine tekstifaili

Viljandi Ühendatud Kutsekeskkool Teenindusosakond Graafika lisamine teksti ja selle töötlemine Referaat Koostaja: Tomas-Daniel Naanuri Juhendaja: Maire Pruus Vana-Võidu 2010 2 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 3 Graafika lisamine teksti...............................................................................................................4 Graafika vormindamine tekstis................................................................................................... 4 Pildi suurus.................................................................................................................................

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
12 allalaadimist


EESTI ETTEVÕTLUSKÕRGKOOL MAINOR Veebidisaini ja digitaalgraafika õppekava Arvutikuvar 1. Ajalugu Sõna monitor tuleneb ingliskeelsest sõnast monitor, mis tähendab kasvatajat, vaatlejat ja hilisemal ajal ka arvuti kuvaseadet ehk kuvarit. Sõna kuvar aga seevastu on pärit hoopis soome keelest ja tähendas kunagi seadet, milles oli ühes tükis nii monitor, kui ka klaviatuur (st 70ndate arvutit). Läbi ajaloo on kasutatud erinevate omadustega kuvareid. On juba kadunud need kuvarid, mis suutsid esile tuua vaid ASCII sümboleid ja seetõttu graafilist kasutust suurt ei leidnud (kui nn "kastigraafika" välja arvata). Enim kasutati selliseid aparaate just UNIXi terminalidena. Tänapäevastesse arvutikomplektidesse kuuluvad aga juba graafilised monitorid, millede värvilahutus on viimase 25 aasta jooksul märgatavalt paranenud. Sellest aga lähemalt hilj...

Informaatika → Arvuti monitor
1 allalaadimist

Masinamehaanika 7. ül. matlab kood

tektseditor mate LaTeX r = 0.1; l = 0.2; rpm = 2000; omega = rpm*pi/30; phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 361); v_B = zeros(1, 361); om_AB = zeros (1, 361); for ind = 1:361, r_sin_phi = r*sin(phi(ind)); r_cos_phi = r*cos(phi(ind)); sq = sqrt(l^2-r_sin_phi^2); v_B = -r_sin_phi*(1+r_cos_phi/sq)*omega; om_AB = -r_cos_phi/sq*omega; end figure (1) hold off plot(phi, v_B, 'linewidth', 2) hold on plot([0 2*pi], [0 0], 'color', 'black') title ('liuguri kiirus') xlabel('varphi [rad]') ylabel('v_B [m/s]')

Mehaanika → Masinamehaanika
41 allalaadimist


Media broadcasting (TV) Maria-Lisett Allak, Jan Kamenski To which time period does the usage of this media refer to? Television refers roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s. This period called "The Golden Age of Television" because at that time, the television spread across America very fast. According to The Television Industry: A Historical Dictionary, "the Golden Age opened with Kraft Television Theatre on May 7, 1947 and ended with the last live show in the Playhouse 90( ) series ten years later. Television became available in crude experimental forms in the late 1920s, but it would still be several years before the new technology was marketed to consumers. After World War II, an improved form of black-and-white TV broadcasting became popular in the United States and Britain, and television sets became commonplace in homes, businesses, and institutions. By extending the s...

Keeled → Eesti keele sõnamoodustus
2 allalaadimist


Hurling About hurling oHurling is an out door team game oIt is widespread in Ireland oThe game purpose — to receive more points and goals, than team opponent. oIt already more than 2000 years Sports equipment oHurley oBall ( sliotar ) oHelmet Rules • Each team consists of 15 players. The form of the goalkeeper differs on color from a form of field players. • During game at most 5 replacements of players are allowed. In an extra time three more replacements are allowed. • Game time usually makes 2х35 min. Extra time of 2х10 min. U.S. president Barack Obama accepting a hurley from Taoiseach Enda Kenny Thanks for watching!!!

Sport → Ekstreemsport
1 allalaadimist


I käändkond -a II käändkond - o N. silva silvae N.hortus horti G. silvae silvarum G.horti hortarum D. silvae silvis D.horto hortis Acc. silvam silvas Acc.hortum hortos Abl. silva silvis Abl.horto hortis II käändkond ­ um III Käändkond N.bellum bella N. Color colores G.belli bellarum G. Coloris colorum D.bello bellis D. Colori coloribus Acc.bellum bella Acc. Colorem colores Abl.bello bellis Abl. colore coloribus IV käändkond ­ us IV käändkond - u N.fructus fructus N.cornu cornua G.fructus fructu|um G.cornus cornuum D.fructui fructibus D.cornu cornibus Acc.fructum fructus Acc.cornu cornua Abl.fru...

Keeled → Ladina keel
119 allalaadimist

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Iglesias Favorite musician Enrique Iglesias Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Birth name: Enrique Miguel Fourth level Fifth level Preysler Iglesias Years active: 1995 - today Born: 08-05-1975 Birth Place: Madrid, Madrid, Spain Genre: Pop , Latin Albums and Singles Enrique Iglesias (1995) Vivir (1997) · Insomniac (2007) Cosas Del Amor (1998) · Euphoria (2010) Enrique (1999) Bailamos (1999) Remixes (19...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ladina keel käändkonnad

I käändkond -a II käändkond - o N. silva silvae N.hortus horti G. silvae silvarum G.horti hortarum D. silvae silvis D.horto hortis Acc. silvam silvas Acc.hortum hortos Abl. silva silvis Abl.horto hortis II käändkond – um III Käändkond N.bellum bella N. Color colores G.belli bellarum G. Coloris colorum D.bello bellis D. Colori coloribus Acc.bellum bella Acc. Colorem colores Abl.bello bellis Abl. colore coloribus IV käändkond – us IV käändkond - u N.fructus fructus N.cornu cornua G.fructus fructu|um G.cornus cornuum D.fructui fructibus D.cornu cornibus Acc.fructum fru...

Keeled → Ladina keel
16 allalaadimist

Briti-ameerika sõnad

BRITI-INGLISE AMEERIKA -INGLISE 1. Ringtee Roundabout Traffic Circle 2. Metroo Underground Subway 3. Kõnnitee Pavement Sidewalk 4. Korter elamu Block of flats Apartment building 5. Lift Lift Elevator 6. Esimene korrus Ground floor First floor 7. Kesklinn In city centre Downtown 8. Korter Flat Apartment 9. Võrevoodi cot crib 10.Lutt dummy pacifier 11.Mähe nappu diaper 12.Vanker pram baby carriage 13.Jalutuskäru pushchair stroller 14.Värv colour color 15.Au ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Arvutigraafika referaat

Euroakadeemia Kujunduskunsti teaduskond MD II Arvutigraafika Referaat Õppejõud: Tallinn 2013 Sisukord Sissejuhtus 1. Photoshopi paneelid 1.1 Tools presets 1.2 History 1.3 Action 1.4 Histogram 1.5 Layers 1.6 Channels 1.7 Paths 1.8 Paragraph 1.9 Character 1.10 Notes 1.11 Navigator 1.12 Color 1.13 Clone source 1.14 Adjustments 1.15 Swatches 1.16 Info 1.17 Brush 1.18 Brush presets 1.19 Timeline 2. Photoshopi tööriistad 2.1 Märgistamise tööriistad 2.1.1 Rectangular Marquee Tool 2.1.2 Elliptical Marque Tool 2.1.3 Lasso Tool 2.1.4 ...

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
42 allalaadimist

Sünteetilised riidekiud

Sünteetilised kiud jagunevad: Polüamiid (nailon) On vastupidav ja veniv materjal. Kandmisel muutuvad polüamiidist esemed topiliseks. Pleegitusained ja orgaanilised lahustid ei kahjusta kiudu. Staatilise elektri vähendamiseks soovitatakse kasutada loputusaineid. Polüester on sünteetiline kiud, mida toodetakse kõige rohkem. Polüester allub halvasti värvimisele ja on keemilistele ainetele vastupidav. Polüester talub väga hästi päikesevalgust, sellepärast valmistatakse sellest kiust kardinaid. Polüakrüül on kohev ja pehme kiud, mida kasutatakse tihti villa asemel või segus villaga. Sünteetilistest kiududest on ta kõige madalama kuumataluvusega. Orgaanilised lahustid polüakrüüli ei kahjusta. Elektriseerub väga kiiresti. Sünteetiliste kiudude hooldus · Sünteetilisi kiude lisatakse looduslikele kiududele parandades esemete vastupidavust ja vähendades kortsuvust. Kõiki sünteetilisest kiust esemeid pestakse mada...

Kategooriata → Õmblustehnoloogia
31 allalaadimist

Coca-cola - tootepresentatsioon

COCACOLA TOPICS CocaCola? The recipe Market share Being the best Conclusion COCACOLA ­ WHAT IS IT? Carbonated soft drink Originally intended as a patent medicine Sold in more than 200 countries Produced by The Coca Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia Invented by John Pemberton Asa Griggs Candler RECIPE It contains sugar or high fructose corn syrup caramel color Caffeine phosphoric acid coca extract kola nut extract lime extract vanilla and glycerin. MARKET SHARE All over the world ­ over 40% MARKET SHARE IN USA WHY IS IT SO SUCCESFULL? It's addicting Familiar to everyone The CocaCola Company also sells concentrate for soda fountains to major restaurants and food service distributors. WHICH COUNTRY LOVES COCA COLA THE MOST? INDIA! CONCLUSION Invented in 1886 People in India love Vanilla and Caramel CocaCola the most It is the most popul...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Neoon - Power Point, Keemia

Neoon Roger Neoon · Sümbol: Ne · Väärisgaas Kreeka keelest sõnast neos ,,uus" · Eesti keel: Neoon · Ladina keel: Neon · Inglise keel: Neon · Sakasa keel: Neon · Vene keel: H Elemendi levik · Kosmoses 0,001818% · Maakoores puudub Esinemiskujud looduses · Õhus normaalolukorras 0,0012% · Pole teada, kas seda looduses esineb. Omadused · Värvitu · Lõhnatu · Üheaatomiline · Tihedus: 0,9 kg/m3 Üks kergematest väärisgaase · Sulamistemp.: -248,60C · Keemistemp.: -246,080C · Inertne · Hõõgub punakalt oranzilt Kasutamine · Neoonvalgustid, -lambid · Neoonvärvid · Plasmateleri ekraanides · Lasrites · Vaakumtorudes Huvitavat · Toodetakse tööstuslikult vedelal kujul · Väga kallis gaasi ja vedelikuna 55x kallim kui vedel heelium Kasutatud materjalid · Pildid: · 4n3V0JBPpySBSs9rBjN2B54RmSw · http://

Keemia → Keemiline Element
5 allalaadimist

Andmeotsing internetis

Värvid kodukujunduses Kodukujundus: millised värvid toob aasta 2018? Ühinenud Ajakirjad OÜ Tahad õnnelik olla? Kasuta kodukujunduses neid värve! Õ, 10. veebruar 2017, 17:20 neid-varve Värvid. 2018. Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat Värvid sinu kodus. Dormeo Värvide kasutamine kodukujunduses.ärvide-kasutamine-kodu-kujunduses Sisustamine ja toonide valimine. Looge mahedate värvidega elegantne kodu. Kodukujundus Värvi Ideed, Mis Sobivad Vaipade Värviga. Et.Interior- D...

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun