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"-Times" - 1201 õppematerjali


"Minevik on oleviku osa ja tuleviku eeldus" L.Meri

,,Minevik on oleviku osa ja tuleviku eeldus" (L. Meri) Miski siin ilmas pole juhuslik, vaid kõik on ette määratud. Kõik varem olnu ja tehtu on tihedalt seoses järgneva eluga. Nii ka Eesti iseseisvumine. Pikk võõrvõimude alluvuses oldud aeg kasvatas eestlasi tugevateks inimesteks. Kauaaegne viha, mis oli kogunenud sajanditega, pani meid õppima ja seadis sihi saada iseseisvaks. Olen nõus väitega, et kes minevikku ei mäleta, see elab tulevikuta. 24. veebruaril 1918 kuulutati välja Eesti Vabariigi iseseisvus. Eestlased suutsid rahvuslikul ärkamisajal, mil nad olid Vene võimu all, usinasti omandada kooliharidust ning neil tekkis ka võimalus ennast edasi arendada gümnaasiumis või ülikoolis. See pani aluse Eest oma haritlaskonna tekkele. Näiteks Jaan Tõnisson ja Jaan Poska võtsid aktiivselt osa ka oma riigi loomisest. Võiks lausa öelda, et nemad ja teised haritlased oma pealehakkamisega lõid Eesti Vabariigi. See näitab, ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
165 allalaadimist

Gootika spikker

Gootika 13.saj vallut saks ordurüt ja tan kun sõdal est alad. Liidet est Lääne-europ areng ja toim olulisd muutused kunstis 1)I meist tlid koos saks ja tanlsega ning edaspidi loodi suur osa professionaalsest kunst mitte est poolt. 2)uut spetsialist kaudu tungis est üleeurop kunst mõju,erit gooti stiil. 3)toodi sisse sidematerjali kasutam kiviarhitekt.- kivimüür,kaarte,võlvide lubimördi abil ehitam oskus. P-Est ja Saarem said valdav ehitusmaterj paekiv, L-Est pun tellis ja põllukiv. Est gootik ei sarnane pariisi ümbruse gootik,vaid on selle lihtsust variant. 2.etapp est gootikas-1) 13-14.saj keskp-vara ja kõrggootik 2) 14.saj keskp-16.saj II veerand-hilisgootik linnusetüübid: 1)mäenõlva järgiv müür-kasut looduslikke kaitsevõimal nn äralõikelin v neemiklin. Tartu,otepä, lihula 2)torlin-sobis väiksem kaitsemeesk, ehit ka vasallide kindlust maaelamutex (vasalllin) taastatud kujul Paide(13saj) Vao tornlin(14) kiiu torn (16) 3)Kastell-lin- ko...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
27 allalaadimist

Kunst Itaalias 16. sajandil. Leonardo ja Raffael.

Kunst Itaalias 16. sajandil. Leonardo ja Raffael. Kunstielu uus keskus Rooma · kultuurielus pole algul mingit langust eelmiste sajandite vaimsed jõud arenesid iseseisvalt edasi · 16. sajandi algul sai kunstielu keskuseks Rooma · paavstideks mitmed tuntumate suurnikuperekondade esindajad paavstitroon kui au- ja kasuahnete plaanide täitmine hiilguse rõhutamiseks kutsusid väljapaistvamaid vaimuinimesi (kunstnikke) Kõrgrenessanss · 16. sajandi alguse kunsti nimetus · pole ainult vararenessanssi ideaalide teostumine, vaid ka nendest eemaldumine; uute eesmärkidega · omane kunstniku isiku tähtsuse enneolematu tõus rõhutati kunstniku erinevust tavainimesest · erinevus loomise ja lihtsalt tegemise vahel · kunstnik = jumalasarnane looja · soosis tegelikult kunstnike individualismi, auahnust ja eneseteostuse otsinguid Leonardo da VINCI · pärandanud rikkaliku kogu kavandeid ja ideid...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
51 allalaadimist

„Kui palju õnne saab raha eest osta.“

Kirjanduse kodutöö Arvamus ,,Kui palju õnne saab raha eest osta." Claudia Dreifusi intervjuu sotsiaalpsühholoogi Daniel Gilbertiga (New Yor Times 2008) Vastused küsimustele. 1. Kas pealkiri vastab tekstile? Claudia Dreifusi intervjuu pealkiri on ,,Kui palju õnne saab raha eest osta?" Pealkiri vastab tekstile osaliselt. Artikli algust lugedes sügavalt sisukat vastust sellel küsimusele ei saa. Ajakirjanduslikus mõttes on see aga huvitekitav ja lugejaid ligitõmbav. Põhiliselt räägitakse inimese loomusest, reageerimisest edule ja ebaedule ning viidatakse, et inimese käitumine tulevikus ei pruugi olla ootuspärane. Raha või materiaalse heaolu ja õnnelikkuse võrdlus tuuakse sujuvalt sisse eelviimases küsimuses ,,... rahaga ei saa õnne osta?" ja siis on vastus küsimusele lihtne: ,,Andmed näitavad, et vaeste puhul saab väikese rahaga osta palju õnne. Kui oled rikas, saad suur...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
73 allalaadimist

Saksa kunst 15.-16. sajandil

Saksa kunst 15.-16. sajandil · kõige olulisem uuendus oli trükigraafika levimine raamatutesse pildid · vanim tehnika puulõige meenutavad tasapinnalist vitraazi lihtsad, tugevad, nurgelised jooned · leiutati sügavtrükitehnika vasegravüür peenemad jooned ja varjundirikkam MARTIN SCHONGAUER · arendas vasegravüüri iseseisvaks kunstiliigiks · trükkinud rahulikke madonnasid, fantastilisi pühakuid ja ka olustikupilte MATTHIAS GRÜNEWALD · peateos on maalingud Isenheimi kloostri kiriku kahe tiivapaariga altaril · sünge tühi maastik · tumeda taeva foonil kujutatud Ristilöödu käed on kui liigesest väljas kannatus rõvedalt edasi antud · sümboolne pilt inimkonna kannatustest, mille toob kaasa katk · meeleolu, kompositsioon on ühendatud kehade ruumilisuse ja naturalismiga · selgusega esitatud inimlik ja jumalik loomus leinavad kui inimest ja viidatakse kui lunastajale · altari välimise tiibadepaaril on pidul...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
90 allalaadimist

Esimene maailmasõda

Esimene maailmasõda 1) Põhjused, eellugu, taust Põhjused: · teravnenud vastuolud maailma suurvõimude vahel: Saksamaa Prantsusmaa / Inglismaa · kiirelt arenev Saksamaa soovis juhtpositsiooni Euroopas · Balkani poolsaarel põrkusid Austria-Ungari ja Venemaa konkurents mõjupiirkondade pärast · Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa tüli Elsass-Lotringi alade pärast · kolooniate ümberjagamine · natsionalism · suurriikide liidusuhete mehhanism · militarism, võidurelvastumine ja soov rakendada sõjaplaane · imperialism ühe riigi enesekeskset poliitikat oma võimu- ja mõjupiirkonna laiendamiseks · riikide teatud inimrühmade ja üksikisikute ambitsioonid · psühholoogiline hirm kaotada oma liitlastele · kultuurierinevus ja fatalism (usk saatusesse) · valmisolek riskida sõjaga vähemoluliste eesmärkide nimel · ülitundlikkus suurriikide pidevate kriiside ja pingete tõttu Eelugu, taust · alahinnati ohtu riigimehed ei uskunud, et sõda kujuneb nii suu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
372 allalaadimist

Sports Centre

Sports Centre Jyri sport centre is a modern building with up to date technology. The sports centre includes a gym, budo hall, dance hall, swimming pool and a room where you can play pall games. I think Jyri sports centre has more advantages than disadvantages. I am rather optimistic and think it is such a privilege that we have sports centre in jyri. Thanks to the sports centre there is many hobbies you can choose from. You can learn different martial arts, different dances, basketball, football and table tennis. you can take swimming lessons and much more. When you just want to take a time out you can take a steam bath, a regular sauna or just relax in a bubble bath. To me jyri sports centre has only one disadvantage. That you have to pay for these things which the sports centre includes. I find this as a disadvantage because in these hard times I do not have the luxury to go swimming or visit the gy...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

About Peter I House Museum

About Peter I House Museum Emperor Peter I (1672-1725) expanded the borders of the Russian Empire in the course of the Northern War and managed to annex the whole Estonian territory by the year 1710. Therefore the protection of the new border areas became the priority of the ruler and he paid a lot of attention to the reconstruction of ports in Tallinn and Paldiski and visited Tallinn several times. Together with the site of the would-be palace, a summer estate and a 17th-century cottage that had belonged to town councillor von Drenteln were purchased for the emperor's use in 1713. The small cottage was enlarged with a wing and the outcome was a building with a hall, a kitchen and four rooms. The small summer residence was in use until the emperor's death. The succeeding rulers used the Palace of Kadriorg that had been completed only after Peter's death and the small building was neglected. The building was ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a shy 11-year-old living with his miner father and older brother Tony during the miner's strike. Times are hard ­ his father and brother spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police while Billy takes care of his senile grandmother. Billy's mother has passed away. Life has made Billy a sensitive and mature boy. His father forces him to study boxing to make him into his own image. Billy isn't interested in expressing himself with his fists, he has taken some ballet classes next door, run by Mrs Wilkinson. With the encouragement of ballet teacher Mrs Wilkinson he joins in with the classes and starts to express himself through dance. But Billy knows that if his father or brother would find this out, they wouldn't like it. With the adults busy with their own problems, Billy is able to keep his new activity a secret ... for awhile. When...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

What are the Estonians like?

What are the Estonians like? Estonia is a very small country, therefore its population is quite small. We, Estonians, are very friendly and care about each other. When our country is going through rough times , we stick together and try to go through them as one . There aren't many riots in our country, because we aren't violent people. We like to stay quiet, so only a few of us have the courage to say their opinion out loud. Estonians have quite good manners. We say hi to each other and we often say sorry, even if our acts aren't so bad. There are also many gentlemen in Estonia, who open doors for women and make a lot of compliments. I really like that, because one opened door or one little compliment can make your mood for the entire day. Our country has four seasons and every season changes our mood. In summer and winter Estonians are very happy, but in autumn, when the weather is rainy, foggy a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Muusikalood kitarrile(akkordidega)


Muusika → Muusika
55 allalaadimist


DAMIEN HIRST Thomas Brand Damien Steven Hirst sündis 7. juunil 1965 Bristolis. Ta on Inglismaa kunstnik ja ärimees, kuid huvitub ise samuti kunstiteoste kogumisest. YBAs ehk Young British Artists on grupp, kuhu kuulub ka kõige kuulsamaks grupiliikmeks saanud Damien Hirst. Grupp on kuulus selle poolest, et 1990ndatel oldi Suurbritannia kunstivaldkonna eestvedajateks. Rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud Damien Hirst on andmete kohaselt tänapäeva Suurbritannia kunstnike hulgast kõige rikkam. Tema jõukust hinnati aastal 2010 Sunday Times Rich List’i järgi 215 miljoni kanti, mis on kunstniku kohta väga edukas. Nagu juba mainitud, siis sündinud on Damien Hirst Inglismaa linnakeses Bristol. Üles kasvas ta aga Leedsis. Isa oli mehaanik ning ema üldsegi nõustaja, seega ei osatud seoseid luua, miks Damien kunstivaldkonnas nii edukas oli. Ta õppis mitmetes koolides, mille h...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
12 allalaadimist

The Chiltern Hills

The Chiltern Hills Ursula 11. kl · The Chiltern Hills are known locally as just The Chilterns and are a chalk escarpment in the south-east of England, lying a few miles north-west of London. · They cover four counties and combine beautiful scenery with interesting history. · The Chilterns begin in Oxfordshire in the Thames Valley and stretch north-east through Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire to Hitchin in Hertfordshire. They comprise of chalk hills covered with beautiful beech woods, wild flowers, and a variety of wildlife. History · In pre-Roman times, the Chiltern ridge provided a relatively safe and easily negotiable route across southern Iron Age England, thus the Icknield Way (one of England's ancient trackways) follows the line of the hills. · The name "Chiltern" comes from the Cilternsæte, a tribe that occupied the area in the early...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Adele-Someone like you klaveri noodid

) % % %" ) % % % %" % % %% " + % ( ) % %* ' % % % % ( $ ### % % % % % % % % Kbd. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ! ### , , 53 "Some - times it lasts in love but some -times it hurts in - % %" " ( % % % %" , %, , , %" % , ( % % % % % % + % Kbd. + $ ### % % % % % % % % % %

Muusika → Muusika
49 allalaadimist

Famous person Russell Brand (Describing people) - Essee

Describing people He was born in 04.06.1975 and is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. He has received media coverage for controversies such as his dismissal from MTV, his behaviour as a presenter at various award ceremonies, and his drug use. In 2008, he resigned from the BBC following prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs on his tv show (which is named after him). He has incorporated his drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity into his comedic material. Which at times can be illogical, inappropriate, cruel, hilarious and dark just like him. He was also married to an American actress Katy Perry, but the marriage only lasted for 14 months. Katy herself has talked about the subject and said that at first he was generous, funny, caring, considering and very lovable. It was after they had been married for 6 months or so when he got distant, reserved, in...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Kuidas sisukorda automaatselt teha?

Kuidas sisukorda automaatselt teha? Pealk Alapeal kiri Esmalt tuleks luua uued pealkirja laadid: Pealkirjad1 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 16 Samamoodi tee uus laad alapealkirjadele: Pealkiri1 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 14 Pealkiri3 - Times New Roman, kirjamärgi suurus 13

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
6 allalaadimist

Newspapers in Britain

In britain, the newspaper industry, often called Fleet Street, has a mojar influance on public opinion and is a strong force in political life. Britain's press is unusual in that it is divided into two very different types of newspaper: the quality press and the popular press. The term quality press is used to describe papers, which follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th and early 19th centuries. The 'quality' papers are printed on large papers, have an undramatic layout and are serious in tone. They have editorials which comment on important issues and reflect the political views of the editor. They are more expensive than tabloids. Examples of the quality dailies are The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent and the Financial Times. People choose a paper that reflects their own political opinion. The popular press is mainly represented by papers founded after the launching day of the Daily Mail in 1896. T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Bryan Adams

Kristi Suits Nõo Realgymnasium Who is he? Early life Start of musical career Albums Social acitivity As a photographer Bryan Guy Adams Canadian rock singer-songwriter Guitarist Producer Photographer Best-selling Canadian male artist Rock songs, ballads and mid-tempo tracks November 5, 1959 in Kingston, Ontario Maltese ancestry Father a diplomat Travelling around the world 1973 Canada Quit school Jim Vallance Songs for other artists: · Kiss · Prism · Rod Stewart · Neil Diamond In 1978 demo recordings to A&M Records Other artists "Let Me Take You Dancing" Self-titled debut album February 1980 October 29 to November 29, 1979 at Manta Studios in Toronto Gold in Canada New York City Bob Clearmountain 1981 FM radio hit "Lonely Nights" January 1983 Breakout album Music videos Number eight on the Bill...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele vormid

Present Perfect Simple Present [has/have + past participle] [VERB] + s/es in third person: You have seen that movie many times. · You speak English. · Have you seen that movie many times? · Do you speak English? · You have not seen that movie many times · You do not speak English. Examples: Examples: · I have seen that movie twenty times. · I play tennis. · I think I have met him once before. · She does not play tennis. · There have been many earthquakes in · Does he play tennis? California. · The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. · People have traveled to the Moon. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Essay: Christmases in Estonia

Maarja Mägi 11B Christmas celebrations in Estonia In Estonia, Christmas time is considered to be the most important time of the year. In recent times, Christmases have grown to be more a commercial holiday. What is more, Estonian Christmas celebrations have been changed due to German cultural influences. Christmases in Estonia on the whole have two meanings: first one is to celebrate the birth of the Christ and secondly it marks the whole period of mid-winter festivities. In Estonia's folk tradition, Christmas (in Estonian "jõulud" is of ancient Scandinavian origin and has no connection with Christianity) was a time of year to celebrate the shortest day and longest night. At the same time, Christmas was the culmination of the late autumn celebrations. Christmas Eve and Christmas Night were the most sacred times of the season. Nowadays, Christmases ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Past tenses

Past Tenses • Lihtminevik (Past Simple / Past Indefinite) – ära toimunud, lõpetatud tegevus • Kestev minevik (Past Progressive / Past Continuous) – minevikus pooleli olnud tegevus • Enneminevik !!! (Past Perfect) – minevik enne minevikku   OLI -NUD • Kestev enneminevik (Past Perfect Progressive) – enne minevikku äsja lõppenud või toimumas olnud tegevus Created by Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 Past Simple • Ära toimunud (regulaarne) tegevus: I WORKED yesterday. S/he didn’t WORK last Monday. • Lõpetatud tegevus: I already CALLED them today. (I’m not going to call again!) Which countries did you VISIT? (You’re back …) BUT: Which countries have you VISITED so far? (You’re not back yet or you travel regularly …) • Jutustused, mineviku sündmuste kirjeldus: Once upon a time there LIVED a Garfield who HAD many friends. The first one WAS Odie, … • 2pv; ?/-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Putinist referaat..

, -- [ ] (+/- () ) : , . , . «» . C. . 9- c 8 2008 : : 2- 7 2000 -- 7 2008 (. . 31 1999 ) (2000-2004) (.., 2004) -: (2004-2007) (2007-2008) : : 5- 16 1999 -- 7 2000 (. . 9 1999 ) ( : 31 1999) : : -- : -- : · · · · o · o · o · · o o · o o · · · · · · · · · · · · : o 17 1991 o 25 1993 o 12 1993 · : o 1995 · 1999 · 2003 · 2007 · : o 1996 · 2000 · 2004 · 2008 · · · · · (. 7 1952 (56 ), , , ) -- , 8 2008 -- . 7 2000 7 2008 ...

Keeled → Vene keel
21 allalaadimist

Arvutiviirused ja viirusetõrjed

Arvutiviirused ja viirusetõrjed. Koostanud Geisy Meiner, Pärnu 2008 Mis on üldse arvutiviirused? Paljud arvutikasutajad on ühel hetkel avastanud, et nende failid on rikutud ja andmed ei saa enam taastada või käivitub arvuti kuidagi kummaliselt ega lase igapäevast tööd jätkata. Väga tihti on selliste olukordade põhjustajaks arvutiviirused. Arvutiviirus on programmikood, mis on kirjutatud selge sihiga, et see end ise paljundaks. Viirus üritab levida arvutist arvutisse, kinnitades end peremeesprogrammi külge. See võib rikkuda tarkvara, andmeid ja riistavara. Arvutiviiruste tüübid. "Süütud" viirused Andmeid hävitavad viirused Programmifaile nakatavad viirused Spawing ­ tüüpi viirused Parasiitviirused Süsteemiviirused Makroviirused "Antiviirus" viirused Kuulsaimad viirused. Trooja hobused Michelangelo ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
36 allalaadimist

Meediaplaani näide Coca-Cola pühapäevaliigale.

CocaCola Pühapäevaliiga Meediaplaan Aeg Tegevus Trükimeedia: Trükimeedia Televisioon Raadio Internet Uudiste (võõrkeelne) agentuur BNS 30.05 Pressiteade: Algas Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees, SL Molodjoz Estonii, ETV, Kanal 2, Eesti Raadio, etv24, Delfi, registreerumine Coca Õhtuleht, Äripäev, Äripäev Delovõje TV3, STV Kuku Raadio, Everyday, Cola Pühapäevaliiga Puhkepäev, Eesti Ekspress, Vedomosti, Vesti Telekanal, PBK Raadio 4,, mängudele Maaleht, Harjumaa, Lääne Dnja...

Psühholoogia → Suhtluskorraldus
42 allalaadimist

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch... Was born: March 11, 1931; Melbourne Victoria, Australia In 1937: moved to Britain where he was raised and attended Oxford University. Occupation: Chairman and CEO, News Corporation Full name: William-Rupert Murdoch Lives: New York, United States of America Famous for: media empire with interests in television, film, pay TV, the Internet, newspapers, and publishing. Family & personal life Parents: Keith and Elisabeth Murdoch has been married three times second son of K.Murdoch ; has three sisters and one brother Spouse: Patricia Booker (1956 - 1967), one daughter Prudence; Anna Tõrv (1967 - 1999), one daughter Elisabeth and two sons Lachlan and James; Wendi Deng (1999 - present); two daughters Grace and Chloe Companies The News Corporation - Media & Entertainment Company Filmed Entertainment(20th Century Fox, Fox Studios LA, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Margaret Thatcher

Tallinn Järveotsa Gymnasium MARGARET THATCHER Maria Ignatenko Form 11.B Tallinn 2008 Margaret Thatcher (1925-...) General Data Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in London. She is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. Margaret is the first woman who has ever held these posts. Childhood and Education Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Her parents were Alfred Roberts and Beatrice Stephenson Roberts. Thatcher spent her childhood in the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire. The Roberts family ran a grocery business, bringing up their two daughters in a flat over the shop. Her father was active in local politics a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Referaat arvutiviirused ja nende vastu võitlemine

Kullamaa Keskkool Kristel Leino ARVUTIVIIRUSED JA NENDE VASTU VÕITLEMINE Referaat Juhendaja : Kaido Saul Kullamaa 2009 Mis on Arvutiviirused? Paljud arvutikasutajad on ühel hetkel avastanud . et nende failid on rikutud ja andmeid ei saa enam taastada või käitub arvuti kuidagi kummaliselt ega lase igapäev tööd jätkata , Väga tihti on selliste olukordade põhjustajateks arvutiviirused . Arvutiviirused ei kanna mitte asjata sellist nime ­nende sarnasus elavata viirustega ob hämmastav . Nad paljunevad, tegutsevad ning isegi surevad täpselt samuti . Arvutiviiruseks nimetatakse arvuti programmi, mis pole orienteeritud aruvti kasutajatele ja mille tegevus ei lähtu arvutikasutaja huvides. Viirus on mõeldud häirima arvuti tööd , rikkuma kettale salvestatud andmeid , tekitama teie arvutile juurdepääsu häkkeritele , koguma teie paroole ja ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
45 allalaadimist


ARTICLES INDEFINITE ARTICLE (A/AN) 1.The indefinite article a/an is only used in front of a singular countable noun mentioned for the first time.The is used when it is mentioned.The is used when it is mentioned a second time, e.g. I bought a jacket and a dress. The jacket was quite cheap 2.Other uses: -to talk about someone's job, e.g. She's an architect. -with numbers and fractions, e.g. a hundred, a million, a third -to mean every with expressions of time, e.g. once a week, five times a year -with What...! exclamations, e.g. What a strange person! ZERO ARTICLE (NO ARTICLE) There is no article: -in front of plural countable nouns when making general statements, e.g. Apples are good for you. -in front of an uncountable noun when making general statements, e.g. Coffee keeps me awake. -in front of abstract nouns, e.g. Honesty is the best policy. -in front of meal times ,e.g. We have lunch at one. -in front of certain places like ho...

Keeled → Inglise keel
89 allalaadimist

Word algoskused

MS WORD 1. Teksti suurus ja font (14, vasakul, rasvane) Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 12 ja fondi nimi on “Times New Roman”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. Teksti suurus selles lõigus on 10 ja fondi nimi on “Arial”. 2. Värvimine (14, keskel, allajoonitud) Selle teksti tausta värvin kollaseks ja teksti siniseks. Selle teksti tausta värvin kollaseks ja...

Muu → Arvutiõpetus
2 allalaadimist


How to be healthy · You need to focus on today, not on tomoorow or next week or next month, but today.If you focus on today, you can do it. · If you are a smoking person ­ quit. Cigarette smoke is a toxic coctail of around 70 cancer causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons. Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world. In the UK, smoking kills five times more people than road accidents, overdoses, murder, suicide and HIV all put togeather. · Eat two, three or more times but roughly the same times each day. Watch your portions, think twice before having second helpings. · Try to have five portions of vegatables and fruits a day ( 1 portion is about 80g). · Cut fat off meat. Eat salt reasonably, its not really good for youre health. · If youre hungry between meals, eat healthier snacks like fruits, yogurts. · Very important is to look at food labels ­ choose food with less ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Scottish Sports Stars

Scottish Sports Stars I bring out a few of the brightest Scottish sports stars. Chris Hoy, Cycling Current team : Team Sky+ HD Nickname : The Real McHoy Rider type : Sprinter Sir Christopher Andrew "Chris" Hoy, who was born in 23 March 1976 in Edinburgh, is multiple world & olympic champion. Chris Hoy is the most successful Olympic male cyclist of all time. Hoy was created a Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II in the New Years Honours List 2009. Andy Murray, Tennis Career record : 22878(74.50%) Career titles : 14 Highest ranking : No. 2 (17 August 2009) Current ranking : No. 4 (3 May 2010) Career prize money : US$ 10 909 093 Andrew "Andy" Murray is a Scottish professional tennis p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Lahtri vorming

Lahtrite vormistus - kiri, andmete paigu Materjal töövihikutes: Exc_keskkond_2007_20 Exc_Vormindamine.x i, andmete paigutus ja piirid xc_keskkond_2007_2010.xlsm Exc_Vormindamine.xlsm Ülesanne Muutke vasakpoolsete lahtrite kujundust nii, et need näeks välja nagu paremal oleval pildil Arial Times New Roman Courier Tahoma Tallinn Tartu Võru Rakvere Valga Tallinn Tartu Võru Rakvere Valga Vasak Kesk Parem Üleval keskel All keskel See on esimene rida See on teine rida Kuu Juuni Juuli August Jaanuar I. kvartal Veebruar Märts onononononononononon cm2 H2O Kiili A...

Majandus → Informaatika I
3 allalaadimist

Top Gear

· Top Gear is a funny television show about motor vehicles · The country of origin is United Kingdom and it's made by BBC · The show has about 350 million viewers · There has been 13 series of Top Gear · There are Russian and Australian versions of the show aswell · They try out new cars and compare their lap times agains others · They have a celebrety guest in every show who has to drive in the reasonably-priced car · They tell about new cars and news about motor vehicles · They have a cool wall in the studio Jeremy Clarkson James Daniel May · he was born 11.April(1960) · He was born · he`s a carpressman and 16.January(1963) anchorman · he´s a British television · Jeremy Clarkson is a very presenter and award- funny person winning journalist · he writes weekly · on top Gear his nickname newspapers Sunday Times i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


NORTHERN LIGHTS LIINA VIROLAINEN 12A CLASS KEILA KOOL NORTHERN LIGHTS Northern lights is a common name for the Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere. Where can we see the northern lights? The Northern Lights, as the name suggests, are especially related to the polar regions. They occur most frequently in a belt of radius 2500 km centered on the magnetic north pole. This so-called auroral zone extends over northern Scandinavia, Island, the southern tip of Greenland and continuing over northern Canada, Alaska and along the northern coast of Siberia. How often can you see the Northern Lights? In Troms and Finnmark, we can see the Northern Lights every other clear night, if not even more frequently. From southern Norway, only a few times a month while in central Europe hardly more than a few times a year and they have even been seen from the Mediterranean but only a few times each century. To the no...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Otsimootorite tabel

ongi NETI GOOGLE ASK Töökeskkonna keel eesti Enamus maailma keeli, inglise Eesti keel Abi Üleval paremas nurgas Kõik googlest> help puudub Kataloog olemas olemas olemas Tõstutundlikkus puudub puudub puudub Vaikimisi otsing And otsing And AND AND OR NOT Kass and koer Kass or koer Kõik annavad erinevad Kass or koer Kass and koer tulemused Kass not koer + ja ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

Eating habits

Eating habits This text talk about my eating habits and healty eating habits. I eat 4 times a day: breakfast at 7.00, lunch at 11.30, lunch at home 16.00 and dinner at 20.00. For breakfast i eat porridge, sandwich and drink cup of tea. My eating habits are healty because i care what i eat. I am sportman and i have control what i consume. I eat every kind of foods: meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. My favorite food is rice wiht pineapple and chichen sauce. My favorite dessert is pancakes with chocolate cream. Healty eatings are if people eat normally about 3-4 times a day. People must eat every kind of food: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and consume every kind of nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrate and gluvose. Draw a conclusion from my eating habits and healty eating habits. People must consume every kind of foods and nutrients. Keith Stseglov 11.c

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist

Java Programming Exercise

Java Programming Exercise Objective Assess OO analysis and design skill and java programming skill. The problem – Video rental store For a video rental store we want to create a system for managing the rental administration. We want three primary functions.  Have an inventory of films  Calculate the price for rentals  Keep track of the customers “bonus” points Price The price of rentals is based type of film rented and how many days the film is rented for. The customers say when renting for how many days they want to rent for and pay up front. If the film is returned late, then rent for the extra days is charged when returning. The store has three types of films.  New releases – Price is PREMIUM_PRICE times number of days rented.  Regular films – Price is BASIC_PRICE for the fist 3 days and then BASIC_PRICE times the number of days over 3  Old film - Price is BASIC_PRICE for the fist 5 days and then ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Kristofer Seppel et al. International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology. Tartu, University of Life Sciences, Language Centre, 2015. The articles were about person's driving reflexes, based on research of driver reaction time. The main object of this game was to find out your reflexes on the road to reaveal how 'old' you are between 18 and 90 years old. While the basic principles generalize to estimating other reaction times, the exact numbers do not. Each type of reaction time has its own pecularities that must be examined. For example, reaction time for a shooter who is tracking a target might be 0.4 second, but even this would be a function of trigger pull weight. The data revealed that range of factors seem to affect player's concentration. For example, the average reaction time of drivers is 10 percent faster than that of non- drivers, and those that slept for eight hours the night before the survey reported the fastest...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Ärikorralduse instituut Ruslan Karpovits 050829 IATM Stretches and exercises in office Referaat Esitatud: 22.09.2008. Juhendajad: Ülo Kristjuhan Tallinn 2008 Stiff neck, back and wrist pain, poor circulation - these are just some of the health hazards that can come with having an office job. It doesn't have to be that way. Human bodies are made to move. It is recommended that a person break for 5-10 minutes for every hour spent at a workstation. Working "mini" activity breaks into your day can really make a difference in how you feel and even how well you perform your job. Even the busiest person can do it. Just five minutes of movement every hour or two can boost energy and improve your attitude. You'll find that getting your blood pumping and oxygen circulating will help you concentrate better and be ...

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
20 allalaadimist

Past Simple

Simple Past (Past Simple) The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action. Form of Simple Past Positive Negative Question I did not no differences I spoke. Did I speak? speak. For irregular verbs, use the past form (see list of irregular verbs, 2nd column). For regular verbs, just add "ed". Exceptions in Spelling when Adding `ed' Exceptions in spelling when adding ed Example after a final e only add d love ­ loved final consonant after a short, stressed vowel admit ­ admitted or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled travel ­ travelled final y after a consonant becomes i hurry ­ hurried Use of Simple Past · action i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

The National Gallery

National Gallery Kristine Davõdov Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium Table of contents Introduction History The building Collection Conclusion References Introduction I chose this topic, because I'm interested in art. So, I hoped, that I'll find some interesting facts about it. Also National Gallery is very famous sight in London, and I've heard about it several times. History Established in 1824 John Julius Angerstein Angerstain's house at Pall Mall Building in Trafalgar Square - 1838 First director ­ Charles Lock Eastlake The building William Wilkins ­ architect New house in Trafalgar Square was opened in 1838. The place was chosen, because this is the crossroad of London. It has been altered several times - Sainsbury Wing Collection Over 2300 paintings Date from the 13th ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Kõige sagedasemad vormistusvead

Kõige sagedasemad vormistusvead Mihhail Korot Joondus VALE: Muinasjutt on rahvajutu üks peamisi liike. Igal rahval on omad muinajuttu tegelased ja kirjastiil. ÕIGE: Muinasjutt on rahvajutu üks peamisi liike. Igal rahval on omad muinajuttu tegelased ja kirjastiil. Peab olema rööpjoondus. Kirja stiil VALE: Muinasjuttud aitavad väikestel lastel eluks ette valmistada, mis on halb ja mis on hea. ÕIGE: Muinasjuttud aitavad väikestel lastel eluks ette valmistada, mis on halb ja mis on hea. Kirja stiil peab olema Times New Roman. Peatükkide pealkirjad Peatükkide pealkirjad peavad olema Heading 1. Alapeatükkide pealkirjad Alapeatükkide pealkirjad peavad olema Heading 2. Joonealune viitamine Joonealune kirja stiil peab olema Times New Roman ning kirja suurus 12. Kirja suurus VALE: Muinasjuttud õpetavad lapsi, et kõik on erinevad ja laps peaks sellest aru saama....

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
2 allalaadimist


Anxiety is often overlooked by adults and does not seem as big of a problem as other mental issues like depression. The truth is, anxiety can affect teenagers lives just as much and should be dealt with immediately. I also have anxiety at times, but I have found many ways to help myself. The first thing to do when having anxiety is to make sure that our body is taken care of. Enough sleep can reduce anxiety and stress very effectively. It is also crucial to have a healthy diet and well-balanced meals. Caffeine and alcohol are most certainly not recommended, since they can trigger panic attacks and aggravate anxiety. It has also been said that daily exercise can help people feel happy and maintain their health. When feeling anxious, it is important to pay notice to our breathing. Breathing exercises can quickly reduce anxiety and are easy to learn and remember. One of the most famous ones is to take a breath for five seconds, hold, then ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Essay about necessaty of zoos

Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary alternatives to a natural environment. Not only people are trying to keep endangered species and rare animals in the nature reserves, but also the number of zoos built around the world is slowly growing. Do we actually need those kind of man-made "homes" for animals or is it better for them to live outside cement walls in their natural habitat? First of all, nowadays we need to help the nature and animals that are the ones facing quite big danger of becoming extinct. Mostly it is caused by our selfish attitude: we do not take care of nature. Zoo is one of the solutions to help to preserve nature and to protect it from poachers. For example Loxodonta africana is an African elephant who has been hunt down and whose population was significantly reduced in 20th century.The population in the Tanzanian Selous Game Reserve, once the largest of any reserve in the world, dropped from 109 000 in ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Submarine Submarine is a movie, about 15-year-old Oliver Tate, who has two objectives: To lose his virginity before his next birthday, and to extinguish the flame between his mother and an ex- lover who has resurfaced in her life. In my opinion, Oliver was weird. He had his own thoughts and rules ­ like to lose his virginity before his next birthday. He had his own weird friends, and few girl friends. There were times, when Oliver was kind of caring, kind, considering and helpful but most of the times he was very lonely (except being with Jordana). He wanted his parents to love each other passionately and he had pretty much work with this. Then there was Jordana, a girl who was very unusual. To me she seemed a bit angry and kind of shy. She liked to do things that other girls on her age never would do. That pretty much says the basic things about her. Oliver parents were weirder than Oliver. Th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Dogs Mõniste School Tarvi Langus Contains History and evolution Eat Hearing Smell General visibility More pictures History and evolution Ancestors of the Wolves. Strong impulse dog prehistoric forms of investigation was to find the remains of a dog in 1861. Triplets in Switzerland and discovered Stone Age human settlements dig. Found a dog named dog peat. Eat Bones Meat Hearing Dogs can detect sounds far beyond the upper limit of the human auditory spectrum. In addition, dogs have ear mobility, which allows them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound. Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate, raise, or lower a dog's ear. A dog can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds at four times the distance. Smell The olfactory bulb in dogs is roughly forty times bigger than the olfactory bulb in ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Arvuti viirused ja nende vastu võitlemine

Kullamaa keskkool ARVUTIVIIRUSED JA NENDE VASTU VÕITLEMINE Arvutiõpetuse referaat Kristel laanemäe Juhendaja: Kaido Saul 2009 SISSEJUHATUS Vaevalt on tänapäeval enam inimest kes ei oleks kuulnud ja ka ise kasutanud sõna arvutiviirus. Kui veel aastakümme tagasi tähistas see sõna mingit mütoloogilist olendit, kellesse paljud suhtusid nii nagu suhtutakse Ufo-desse, siis tänapäeval on asi muutunud. Arvutiviirustest on saanud meie igapäevaelu lahutamatu osa. Siiski on ka praegu arvamusi, mis tekitavad paanikat ilma põhjuseta. Näiteks võib tuua Trooja hobuse, mida on väga suur hulk arvutikasutajaid peab kõige hullemaks viiruseks maailmas. Tegelikkus on aga see, et Trooja hobune ei ole viirus vaid nuhktarkvara. Ta võib sisaldada arvutit ja andmeid kahjustavaid ja/või hävitavaid koode, kuid reaalsem on võimalus, et viirus sisaldab T...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
32 allalaadimist

Tartu Hanseatic Days

Tartu Hanseatic Days Tartu Hanseatic Days are celebrated every year from 17th to 19th July. For three days the Old Town of Tartu is filled with Hanseatic merchants and different workshops. People dress up in different medieval clothes and have a great time. The Hanseatic days are held so people could test their skills, learn more about their history and just have fun. Before the festival can start people set up tents and workshops in the Old Town. Some stalls are set up on the streets while others are located in the courtyards of historical buildings. People also make or buy costumes for the festival. Some dress up as simple peasants while others prefer to play merchants, soldiers and knights. During the festival the Old Town of Tartu is divided into three areas, each representing a different historical era. Most of the events take place in Jaani town which takes people back into the hanseatic times. Th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Õpetus Wordi keerukamate asjade kasutamiseks

Praktikum nr1 Konspekt 1) Veeriste määramine · Teen topeltklõpsu lehel. · Panen sealt ülevalt ja alt - 2,5cm, paremalt ­ 2cm ja vasakult 3 cm 2) Rööpjoondus · Võtan ülevalt riba pealt avalehe, siis sealt normaallaad, ning parempoolse hiire klõpsuga valin muuda. · Sealt panen kirja stiiliks Times New Roman ja suuruseks 12 · Sealt võtan vormingu ja lõik · Panen joonduse rööpselt · Reavahe sammuks 1,5 rida 3) Pealkirjad · Võtan jällegi avalehe, sealt pealkiri 1 ning parema hiire klahviga teen paremklõpsu ning valin muuda · Sealt panen pealkirjad paksu kirja, kirja suuruseks 14, kirjastiil Times New Roman ning joondatud keskele · Võtan jälle vorming ning sealt lõik · Vaatan, et joondus oleks keskele · Nüüd panen tekstilõikude vahed enne 0p ja pärast 12 · ...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
19 allalaadimist


MY DREAM CAR My dream car is Nissan GT-R (R-35) 2010-2011 because of its design and mechanical abilities. It is full of todays best technology and because of that its one of the fastest cars on the market right now. I like the GT-R because of its price too, it costs about 59422 or 900 000 kr. GT-R is fast and good looking and has 4 seats and big boot ,so you can use then GT-R for everyday ride like taking your kids to school. It is very comfortable and you have many settings to choose from like automatic transmission ,soft supension and more stuff. In estonia you shouldnt have any trouble with snow because GT-R has all wheel drive what is very smart. GT-R has V6 VR38DETT engine and has 360 kW. And acclerates 0-97km/h in 3.2 seconds . It has one of best times in nürburgring 7:34 ,same time has Koenigsegg and better times has Porsche Carrera GT,Gumbert Apollo,Pagandi Zonda F and Porsche 997 GT2. I was sad ...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun