alustama begin began begun näitama show showed shown andestama forgive forgave forgiven olema be was been andma give gave given omama have had had asetama lay laid laid ostma buy bought bought ehitama build built built otsima seek sought sought elama dwell dwelt dwelt painutama bend bent bent ennustama forecast forecast forecast paiskama cast cast cast haisema stink stank stunk paisutama swell swelled swollen haistma smell smelt smelt panema put put put hammustama bite bit bitten panema set set set heitma fling flung flung panustama bet bet bet heitma sling slung slung peitma hide hid hidden helistama ring ra...
GIVE GAVE GIVEN Give away 1)paljastama 2)midagi ära andma Give back tagastama Give in alla andma Give off erituma Give out 1)levitama, laiali jaotama 2) lõppu ette reetma Give up 1)alla andma 2) mingit harjumust muutma GO WENT GONE Go after jälitama Go ahead lubama millegi juhtumist Go away lõpeta, mine ära Go back on lubadust lõhkuma Go by kellegi ideedel baseeruv Go down with haigeks jääma Go for 1) ründama 2)taotlema midagi (tööd) Go off 1) plahvatama (pomm) 2) helisema, (alarm) 3) riknenud toit Go on 1) jätkama 2)juhtuma Go out kustuma Go over 1)detaile uurima 2)kordama Go round 1) (uudis) levima 2) kõigile jagub Go through 1) läbielamus 2)lõpetatud edukalt 3)detaile arutama Go up tõusma Go with sobima Go without toime tulema millegi puudusega
1. Be was/were been olema 2. Bear bore born(e) kandma, taluma 3. Beat beat beaten- lööma 4. Become became become- saama kellekski , millekski 5. Begin began begun- alustama 6. Bite bit bitten- hammustama 7. Blow blew blown- puhuma 8. Break broke broken-murduma, murdma, lõhkuma 9. Bring brought brought-tooma 10. Build built built-ehitama 11. Burn burnt burnt-põletama 12. Burst burst burst-purskama, puhkema 13. Buy bought bought-ostma 14. Can could could-võima, suutma 15. Catch caught caught- kinni püüdma 16. Choose chose chosen-valima 17. Come came come-tulema 18. Cost cost cost- maksma, väärt olema 19. Cut cut cut-lõikama 20. Deal dealt dealt-kauplema, käsitlema, t...
IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE SIMPLE SIMPLE PRESENT PAST PRESENT PAST PARTICIPLE PARTICIPLE (for he, she, or it, (Use with is or was to refer (Use with have or had) add "s" in present to a continuing action) tense) TO ARISE arise arose arising arisen TO AWAKE awake awoke awaking awoken TO BEAR bear bore bearing borne, born TO BEAT beat beat beating beaten TO BECOME become became becoming become TO BEGIN begin began ...
I II III ärkama, äratama kandma, sünnitama, taluma siduma, köitma lõhkema, puhkema välja jagama tõmbama, joonistama und nägema, unistama põgenema paiskama, viskama, pilduma lendama keelama unustama jahvatama rippuma, riputama panema, asetama hüppama õppima, teadma saama laenutama, laenuks andma lamama niitma tõusma saagima õmblema valama, heitm(lehti, valgust) paistma laskma(püssist) näitama sulgema, sulguma libisema külvama kiirustama veerima ketrama sülitama lõhestama rikkuma, riknema pistma, torkima nõelama lööma, taguma püüdma, taotlema paistetama, paisuma kiikuma, pöörduma õpetama ütlema, jutustama mõtlema viskama torkama, tõukama astuma, sõtkuma ärkama, äratama kuduma keerama, keerlema pigistama, väänama KONTROLL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
IRREGULAR VERBS 1. Be was/were been-olema 2. Bear bore borne-välja kannatama 3. Beat beat beaten-peksma 4. Become became become-saama 5. Begin began begun-algama 6. Bite bit bitten-hammustama 7. Break broke broken-murdma 8. Bring brought brought-tooma 9. Build built built-ehitama 10. Burst burst burst-puhkema 11. Buy bought bought-ostma 12. Catch-caught caught-kinni püüdma 13. Can could - -saama 14. Come came come-tulema 15. Cost cost cost-maksma 16. Creep crept crept-hiilima 17. Cut cut cut-lõikama 18. Deal dealt dealt-tegelema 19. Dig dug dug-kaevama 20. Do did done-tegema 21. Draw drew drawn-joonistama 22. Dream dreamt dreamt-unistama 23. Drink drank drunk-jooma 24. Drive drove driven-autot juhtima 25. Eat ate eaten-sööma 26. Fall fell fallen-kukkuma 27. Feed fed fed-söötma 28. Feel felt felt-tundma 29. Fight fought fought-võitlema 30. Find found found-leidma
Act out to copy actions in a theatrical manner act up to misbehave/not work act upon to affect Break away te detach from break down to stop/to malfunction break in to enter a building by force break into to suddenly start doing sth break off to terminate break up to erupt Call for to require, need call off to cancel come about to happen come across to find by chance come forward to present oneself come in for to be subject to come into to inherit Do away with to dispose with do down to critisise do out to decorate do out of to deprive of do over to ransack do without to manage despite not having Done for doomed Drive at to allude to drive away to discourage drive off to repel Fall apart to break into pieces fall back on to resort to fall in with to agree with fall into to engage (in conversation) fall through to fail (of agreement etc) fall to to become so's duty Get about/...
Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle Be was/were been let let let Bear bore born(e) lie lay lain Beat beat beaten light lit lit Become became become lose lost lost Begin began begun make made made Bite bit bitten mean meant meant Blow blew blown meet met met Break broke broken pay paid paid Brong brought brought put put put Build built ...
Pay back- to punish or reward Pay for- to make payment pay for- to suffer or be punished pay off- to pay a full amount (a debt) pay off- produce a profitable or successful result pay off- to get revenge pay off- to birbe (pistist maksma) pay out-a sum of money to sb (large amount) pay out- to let out (a line or rope) by slackening (lõdvaks laskma) pay up- to give over the full monetary amount demanded carry off- to die of a disease carry on- to continue carry on- have an affair carry on- behave badly carry out- to perform a task carry out- to follow or obey carry out- complete or accomplish st carry over- to continue to another time or situation carry through- to survive carry through- to accomplish, complete successfully pull ahead- overtake, move into the lead or in front pull apart- top from fighting pull apart- weaken an argument or theory pull out- bus or train leaving station pull out- move into traffic pull out- withdraw pull b...
Modal Verbs Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................... 2 Characteristics of Modal Verbs ............................................. 2 When to use the Modal Verbs ............................................... 3 Expressing permission.......................................................... 3 Expressing obligation ........................................................... 3 Making offers........................................................................ 5 Making requests ................................................................... 6 Expressing possibility/probability......................................... 7
(Past (Infinitive) Simple) (Past Participle) 1 say - , said said 2 make - made made 3 go - went gone 4 take - took taken 5 come - came come 6 see - saw seen 7 know - knew known 8 get - got got 9 give - gave given 10 find - found found 11 think - thought thought 12 tell - , told told 13 become - became become , 14 show - showed shown 15 leave - left left 16 feel - felt felt 17 put - . put put 18 bring - brought brought 19 begin - began begun
Phrasal verbs 1. Hang around- ringi jõlkuma 2. Hang on- ootama 3. Hang on to- hoidma 4. Hang out- välja panema 5. Hang out with- Kellegagi koos aega veetma 6. Hang over- painama 7. Hang up- telefoni kõnet lõpetama 8. Commit a crime- kuritegu sooritama 9. Crime prevention- kuriteo ennetamine 10. Crime rate- kuritegude sagedus/määr 11. Crime scene- kuriteopaik 12. Juvenile/youth crime- noorsoo kuriteod 13. Petty crime- väärtegu 14. Serious crime- tõsine kuritegu 15. Street crime- tänaval juhtunud kuritegu 16. Turn to crime- kurjale teele minema 17. Violent crime- vägivaldne kuritegu 18. Au pair- lapsehoidja 19. Bon appetit- head isu 20. Bon voyage- head reisi 21. Critique- kriitik 22. Cuisine- köök 23. En suite- magamistuba koos privaatvannitoaga 24. Faux pas- piinlik apsakas 25. Fiance- kihlatu 26. Blizzard- lumetorm 27. Breeze- tuul 28. Downpour- paduvihm 29. Drizzle- tib...
I visited my sister yesterday. We went out to dinner last night. On your handout, write one sentence that reflects SIMPLE PAST: something you did in the past that is now completed (over, done). The Simple Past The simple past is used to describe actions and/or events that are now completed and no longer true in the present. Formed by adding ed to REGULAR Verbs see IRREGULAR Verb forms I attended MJC in 1998. (I no longer attend MJC.) I saw a movie every weekend when I was a teenager. (I don't see movies very much anymore.) The Past Continuous The past continuous is often used with the simple past to show that one action was in progress when another action occurred. Formed by adding
Irregular English Verbs (Tense Table) Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle abide abode, abided abode, abided arise arose arisen awake awoke awoken be was been bear bore borne, born beat beat beaten become became become befall befell befallen beget begot begotten begin began begun behold beheld beheld bend bent bent, bended bereave bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft beseech besought besought beset beset beset bet bet,...
NON-Continuous Verbs Verbs It is important to understand that English verbs are divided into three groups: Normal Verbs, NON-Continuous Verbs and Mixed verbs. Today we're going to talk about NON-Continuous verbs. These Verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. Non-Continuos Verbs include: Abstract Verbs. Possession Verbs. Communication Verbs. Sense Verbs. Emotion Verbs. Abstract Verbs examples: Click to edit Master text styles · I now realize that using the Second level internet is more useful. Third level Fourth level He loves her. ·
Tõlge Basic Past Simple Past Participle midagi saama get got got tekkima arise arose arisen andma give gave given olema be was/were been minema go went gone sündima bear bore borne kasva(ta)ma grow grew grown peksma beat beat beaten rippuma hang hung hung kellekski saama become became become omama have had had algama begin began begun kuulma hear heard heard kalduma bend bent bent peitma hide hid hidden hammustama bite bit bitten lööma hit hit ...
be was / were been become became become begin beganbegun bring brought brought buy bought bought choose chose chosen come came come do did done drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt find found found fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten get got got (gotten in USA) give gave given go went gone have had had hear heard heard keep kept kept know knew known leave left left lend lent lent let let let lose lost lost make made made meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/) run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken stand stood stood swim swam swum take ...
Irregular verbs Present Past Past participle beat beat beaten be was, were been become became become begin began begun bite bit bitten blow blew blown break broke broken bring brought brought build built built burn burnt burnt burst burst burst buy bought bought can could been able catch caught caught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut deal dealt dealt dig dug dug do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ...
" (the evening) at "I go to bed at night." (night) in "It usually snows in the (a season) winter." Viljandi 2009 Viljandi County Gymnasium 4. Phrasal verbs Many verbs in English are followed by an adverb or a preposition (also called a particle), and these two-part verbs, also called phrasal verbs, are different from verbs with helpers. The particle that follows the verb changes the meaning of the phrasal verb in idiomatic ways: · drop off - decline gradually The hill dropped off near the river · drop off(2) - fall asleep While doing his homework, he dropped off. · drop off(3) - stop and give something to someone
Irregular Verbs simple past be was/were become became begin began blow blew break broke build built buy bought catch caught come came cost cost cut cut do did drink drank drive drove eat ate feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot freeze froze get got give gave go went have had hear heard hit hit hold held hurt hurt keep kept know knew lay laid lead led leave left lend lent let let lie lied lose lost make made meet met pay paid put put read read ride rode ring rang run ran say said see saw sell sold send sent show showed sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spend spent s...
Phrasal verbs - ühendverbid Apply for – taotlema Break down - katki minema Break out of – põgenema Bring out - esile tooma Bring up – kasvatama Brought out - välja müüdud Bump into - otsa sõitma, kokku juhtuma Calm down - maha rahunema Catch up - järele jõudma Catch up on - järele tegema Check up on – kontrollima Come across - juhuslikult kohtama Come up with - (mingile ideele) tulema Cope/ deal with - käsitlema Cost out - sunniviisiliselt välja viskama Cut down on – vähendama; Drink/ eat up; ära jooma/ sööma End up - lõpetama, lõppu tegema Fall out with - tülli minema Fool around – lollitama Get on with - läbi saama Get out of - välja tulema Get through - kohale jõudma, läbima Go dead - tühjaks saama Hang around – aega veetma Hang on to - kramplikult kinni hoidma Hang out - pesu kuivama panema Hang over - kohal rippuma Head for - asuma millegi suunas Hold on – oota Hunt for – jahtima Keep up with - sammu pidama Line up – rivistama Loo...
Doze off Fall asleep Magama jääma Turn down Reject Ära ütlema Butt in Interrupt segama Cover for Replace asendama Track down Find leidma Cut down Reduce vähendama Fill in Complete täitma Strip off Undress Lahti riietuma Pile up Accumulate kogunema Gulp down Eat/drink quickly kugistama Hold up Rob röövima Brush up Improve parandama Tart up Decorate kaunistama Give away Reveal Nähtavale tooma Mess about Waste time Aega raiskama Break off End lõpetama Make up Invent Välja mõtlema Draw up Prepare valmistuma Clear off Go away Ära minema
We are going to They will be I am going to a He will carry this The train leaves at fly to Leeds in playing football on party tonight. bag for you. 6.45. summer. Sunday afternoon. 8. Modal verbs: Write all the modals: (be) able to can can't could don't have to may as well/might as don't need to had better have (got) to may well might must must not need needn't
VOCABULARY EXERCISES UNIT 5 II Exercise Learning to operate a computer is not as difficult as many people think. Computers can be expensive to buy, but you can often get comprehensive packages containing all the equipment you need at a discount from big companies. Some companies will even install the system for you. Your system will also include various kinds of software such as word- processing and game programmes, all stored on disks. When you put the disk into the computer, the programme or information can be displayed on the screen. Many computer users go on the Internet. This is a system that links computers, making it possible to transmit information from one system to another in a different place via the telephone. This can cause problems, because addicts who use their computers all the time can overload the phone circuits meaning that other people cannot make ordinary phone calls. III Exercise 1. Joh...
Michael Phelps Michael Phelps was born on 30 June, 1985, in the USA. He is called 'The Baltimore Bullet'. He is an American swimmer who is famous for holding the world record for the most gold medals at a single Olympics. Michael was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Michael's parents divorced in 1994. He has two older sisters, Whitney and Hilary, who both are also swimmers. In his youth, Michael was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. He took up swimming at the age of seven mainly to provide himself an outlet for his energy. At the age of 10, Phelps held a national record for his age group. He improved rapidly and by the age of 15 he qualifyed for the 2000 Summer Olympics. Phelps finished fifth in the 200 metre butterfly. Five months later he broke the world record in the same event and also became the youngest man ever to set a swimming world re...
249. withstand withstood withstood (millelegi) vastu seisma või panema; välja kannatama, taluma 250. wring wrung wrung kõvasti pigistama, väänama 251. write wrote written kirjutama 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 7 Aari Juhanson, MA 2007 The list of irregular verbs, groups Basic Form Simple Past Past Participle Form (II) Form (III) burst burst burst cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put quit * quit (quitted) quit (quitted) set set set shut shut shut
2.31 teach taught taught 2.32 tell told told 1 en 15 2.33 think thought thought 1.1 write wrote written 2.34 understand understoodunderstood 1.2 take took taken 2.35 wake woke, waked woken, waked 1.3 speak spoke spoken 2.36 win won won 1.4 ride rode ridden 1.5 hide hid hidden, hid 1.6 give gave given 1.7 forget forgot forgotten 3 111 (3 similar) 10 1.8 fall fell fallen 3.1 cost cost cost 1.9 eat ate eaten 3.2 cut cut cut 1.10 drive drove driven 3.3 hit hit hit 1.11 do did ...
Bear bore born(e) - kandma; taluma, sünnitama Tear tore torn rebima, katki rebestama Bite bit bitten - hammustama tell told told - ütlema, jutustama, käskima Blow blew blown - puhuma; lõhkama Think thought thought- mõtlema, arvama Bring brought brought - tooma, esile tooma, ajendama Throw threw thrown - viskama Burst burst burst - lõhkema,puhkema, pakatama Wear wore worn kandma (rõivaid, ehteid, soengut jms) Choose chose chosen - valima Come came come - tulema Deal dealt dealt - tegelema, äri ajama Do did done - tegema Dream dream dreamt(dreamed) dreamt(dreamed) unistama; (unes) nägema Feed fed fed - toitma, söötma, karjatama Fight fought fought - võitlema, kaklema, sõdima Flee fled fled - põgenema, haihtuma, kaduma Fly flew flown ...
Phrasal verbs: Pass & Pull M.P Pass Pass off - Convince something that something is real I managed to PASS OFF the fake money in the market. Pass on - Give a message to someone -Decline an invitation or opportunity I'll PASS the message ON when she gets here. Pass on to - Change topic or subject Let's PASS ON TO the next item on the agenda. (British Eng.) Pass around - Give out to everybody there The teacher PASSED the handout AROUND. Pass away - Die Georgia’s uncle PASSED AWAY yesterday. Pass by - Go past without stopping - Miss an opportunity I was just PASSING BY when I saw the accident. Pass down - Transmit information or give property to younger generations The tales were PASSED DOWN for centuries without changing any of the words. Pass through - Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly I didn’t see much as I was only PASSING THROUGH the town Pass to - Become owner of o...
Irregular Verbs Ebareeglipärased Sõnad Olema = Be Lööma, peksma = Beat I vorm Be I vorm Beat II vorm Was/were II vorm Beat III vorm - Been III vorm - Beaten (Kellekski) Saama = Become Algama = Begin I vorm Become I vorm Begin II vorm Became II vorm Began III vorm - Become III vorm - Begun Kihla vedama = Bet Hammustama = Bite I vorm Bet I vorm Bite II vorm Bet II vorm Bit III vorm - Bet III vorm - Bitten Puhuma = Blow Lõhkuma, katki minema = Break I vorm Blow I vorm Break II vorm Blew II vorm Broke III vorm - Blown III vorm - Broken Tooma = Bring Ehitama = Build I vorm Bring I vorm Build II v...
• Adverbs of Manner • Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens. They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs. • He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?) • They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?) • James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?) • Adverbs of Place • Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modifyverbs. • Please sit here. (Where should I sit?) • They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?) • Two cars were parked outside. (Where
PUT ACROSS (separable) to communicate; convey effectively During the meeting, management put across the message that our concerns were insignificant. PUT AWAY (separable) to discard; renounce Let's put away our worries, and live for the moment. (separable) to consume I watched Max put away several hamburgers in just a few minutes. (separable) to confine; incarcerate; imprison The government put Sherman away for a year for having the wrong information on his website. PUT BACK (separable) to place something where it was previously When you finish the milk, please don't put the empty container back in the fridge. PUT DOWN (separable) to insult or make disparaging remarks about someone I feel sorry for Max. Everytime he and Mary get together with their friends Mary puts him down in front of everybody. (separable) to kill a sick or injured animal (usually out of mercy) The vet said it was necessary to put down the race horse because of its b...
Nouns are commonly thought of as "naming" words, and specifically as the names of "people, places, or things". Nouns also denote abstract and intangible concepts such as birth, happiness, evolution, technology, management, imagination, revenge, politics, hope, cookery, sport... Determiners are followed by the noun. Determiners are the, a or an. The determiner the is known as the definite article and a is indefinite article. Verbs have traditionally been defined as „action“ words or „doing“ words. Travels, sings, walked, cooked... Adjectives typically describe an attribute of a noun. Cold, large, violent, beautiful... Adverbs are used to modify a verb, and adjective, or another adverb. Slowly, quickly, softly, suddenly, gradually... Prepositions typically come before a noun. Across, after, at, before, by, during, from, into, in... Conjunctions are used to express a connection between words. And, but, or... Formulaic expressions are ...
,,Tom was nervous. He had been waiting for 2 hours since 9 o'clock." ,,Why didn't you come to our party last night? Sorry, i was too tired. I had been working all day long. " Kasutus: For, since. Be Going To - Plaanid ja kavatsused lähitulevikus ,,I am going to spend next summer sailing around the world." - Ennustused, mida näeme ( tugevneb mingil faktil ) ,,The Sky is very cloudy. It's going to rain today." Modal Verbs Reported speech Can -> could Could -> had been able to May -> might Must -> had to Mustn't -> was/were not allowed to have to Had to -> had had to The Definite Article The is used before: · Nouns which unique · Names of cinemas, hotels, theatres, museums, newspapers/magazines, ships, institutions, galleries · Names of rivers, seas, groups of islands/states, mountain ranges, deserts, oceans, canals, and names or nouns with ,,of"
B. The gift I received didn't fit, so I took it back and exchanged it for sth else. TAKE DOWN = A. write what is spoken, keep notes B. remove A. The secretary took down the minutes of the meeting B. The building owners had to take down the wifi tower on top of their building. TAKE FOR = consider, view Don't take him for an idiot... he's actually quite smart. TAKE IN = A. learn B. deceive C. make smaller D. watch A. Many students have difficulties taking in all these phrasal verbs. B. She was taken in by the smooth talking salesman. C. The tailor took in my jacket after I lost weight. D. Let's take in a movie sometime. TAKE OFF = A. launch plane or rocket B. remove C. leave work for some time D. leave A. The rocket took off with a loud blast and cloud of smoke. D. We took off after the last bell rang. TAKE ON = accept responsibilities She has taken on more than she can handle I'm afraid. TAKE OVER = take control of
Verb Noun/person Noun/action Steal Thief (thieves) Theft Rob Robber Robbery Burgle Burglar Burglary Mug Mugger Mugging Murder Murderer Murder Kidnap Kidnapper Kidnapping Set fire/commit arson Arsonist Arson Shoplift Shoplifter Shoplifting Vandalize Vandal Vandalism Hijack Hijacker Hijacking Deceive/cheat Fraudster Commit fraud Terrorize Terrorist Terrorism Blackmail Blackmailer Blackmail Joyride (auto 2randamine) Joy rider Joyriding Traffic drugs Drug trafficker Drug trafficking Pick ...
Klaarika Kaljula 9a Use 1.Present actions 2.Temporary actions 3.Longer actions in progress 4.Future (personal) arrangements and plans 5.Trends 6.Irritation 1.Present Actions Happening at the moment of speaking Most often, we use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. Ex. He is eating a dinner. Mary is talking with her friends. They are swimming in the pool. Stative Verbs There is a certain group of verbs that usually does not appear in the Continuous form. They are called Stative Verbs, and if used in the Continuous form, they have a different meaning. Ex. I think you look pretty today. Meaning: Opinion I'm thinking of moving to San Francisco. Meaning: Act of thinking 2.Temporary Actions Activities continuing only for a limited period of time This tense is also used for activites continuing only for a limited period of time. Ex.
166-175) W o r dL i s t( p p .1 7 6 - 1 8 1 ) Suggested AnswersSection(pp. 182-183) Tapescripts (pp. 184-186) presenttenses;adverbsof note-takin g; f lF comparetypesof houses; suggest - an advertisement frequency;stateveros statements;matching waysto makehousessafefor- - an informalletterdescribinq Phrasal verbs:BREAK, BRTNG speakers to children;rentinga house; a housefor rent statements expressingsympathy; requesting servrces pasttenses;usedto/would matchingspeakers to discuss
Types of Verbs Group I Normal Verbs Most verbs are "Normal Verbs." These verbs are usually physical actions which you can see somebody doing. These verbs can be used in all tenses. Normal Verbs to run, to walk, to eat, to fly, to go, to say, to touch, etc. Examples: · I eat dinner every day. · I am eating dinner now. Group II Non-Continuous Verbs The second group, called "Non-Continuous Verbs," is smaller. These verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. These verbs are rarely used in continuous tenses. They include: Abstract Verbs to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist... Possession Verbs to possess, to own, to belong... Emotion Verbs to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind... Examples: · He is needing help now. Not Correct · He needs help now. Correct · He is wanting a drink now. Not Correct
Gerunds (to) and infinitives (-ing) 7.1 Verbs followed by the gerund form ing. I considered buying a flat in Monte Carlo, but they were too expensive. Here are some common verbs which are followed by the gerund: Admit, appreciate (hindama), avoid, can´t help, can´t stand, consider, delay (viivitama), deny, detest (jälestama), dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine (ette kujutama), involve (sisaldama), mention (mainima), mind, miss, postpone (edasi lükkama), practise, put off, recall, resent, risk, suggest, understand 7.2 Verbs and phrases followed by the infinitive without ´to´ You must answer all the questions.
Verbs of motion Verbs of motion ACTUAL HABITUAL MEANING To walk To ride To fly To carry, bring To lead To drive To swim, sail To run Unprefixed Verbs of M otion , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TO GO PAST PRESENT FUTURE PAST PRESENT FUTURE , as in the model. Use adverbs of time. Model: . . . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. ? 5. ? 6. . The Past Tense of the Verb The verb in the past tense (, , , ) denotes movement in one direction. : , . . . . . Use the verbs , , ,
I am going to the cinema tonight. · daily routine · only for a limited period of time (does not ex. Bob works in a restaurant. have to happen directly at the moment of speaking) ex. Jenny is working in a restaurant this week. The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present: be, cost, fit, mean, suit; belong, have; feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch; believe, know, think, understand; answer, ask, reply, say Simple Present Present Perfect Progressive infinitive form of 'have' + been + ing-form (3rd person singular: infinitive + 's')
15 monophtongs, (7 long, 7 short, 1 central), 4 diphtongs, 17 consonants. Free variaton of R, and it was pronounced everywhere. Very much Germanic in character. Quite some special consonants that no longer exist. About morphology: synthetic with numerous aglutinating tendencies. System of tenses Germanic, but with a reduction of tenses. Paradigmatic leveling; Stress shift; Word order; Loan words (Old Norse, Old French). Dual pronouns. Determiners - no separate definite article. Strong and weak verbs. Word order relatively free with tendencies towards SVO. SVO, SOV, VSO most common. Adposition and podposition were both possible (eesliide ja tagaliide). About syntax: clauses were joined much simpler than nowadays, using and, then etc. Because of case syncretion the word order in a sentence became much more important to be able to tell the difference between words. FIRST CONSONANT SHIFT (GRIMM'S LAW)
consider, considers, considered Open vs. Closed class words: In linguistics, a closed class (or closed word class) is a word class to which no new items can normally be added, and that usually contains a relatively small number of items. Typical closed classes found in many languages are adpositions (prepositions and postpositions), determiners, conjunctions, and pronouns.[1] Contrastingly, an open class offers possibilities for expansion. Typical open classes such as nouns and verbs can and do get new words often, through the usual means such as compounding,derivation, coining, borrowing, etc. [2] Syntax: studies how words group together to make phrases and sentences. Sentences are not simply random strings of words; they conform to specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules of the language. The syntactic rules in a grammar must account for the grammaticality of sentences, word
Computers are getting faster and faster. 4. Something which happens often and annoys us. My boss is always asking me to stay late. The present simple We use the present simple to talk about: 1. A routine or a habit. Jim always sets the alarm for 7.30. 2. Facts which stay the same for a long time. I have a friend who lives in London. She works in a museum. 3. Something which is always true. Ice melts when you heat it. Verbs not normally used in the continuous form 1. Some verbs are not normally used in the coniuous. These verbs are often connected with our thoughts and the feelings. We use them to talk about thing which stay the same for a long time: Like; dislike; hate; prefer; want; believe; know; belong to; need; seem; feel Do you like music? NOT Are you liking music? I hate horror films. NOT I'm hating horror films. 2
...................... 2 The spelling of endings in the Present Simple ....................... 2 When to use the Present Simple ........................................... 3 The verb 'be' ......................................................................... 4 Present Continuous.............................................................. 5 The spelling of endings in the Present Continuous................ 5 When to use the Present Continuous.................................... 6 State verbs and event (action or dynamic) verbs ................... 7 Present Simple In the Present Simple we use the verb without an ending. I work you live we think they dance NB! In the third person singular (he, she, it, Mary, my friend, etc.) the verb ends in -s or -es. he sings she sleeps it catches Negative I/you/we/they do not work I/you/we/they don't work
Neti Habakuk Margit Mölder Forming: infinitive+ ing (I+ing) USING: 1) In some fixed expressions (As well as I+ing.., It is no good I+ing.., It is no use I+ing.., can not bear I+ing.., can not help I+ing.., worth I+ing..) 2) After prepositions (before I+ing.., of I+ing.., for I+ing.., by I+ing.., at I+ing..) 3) After verbs (enjoy, admit, consider, can`t stand/ help/ bear, deny, avoid, mind, suggest, understand) 4) With from and to with some verbs (He prevented her from leaving. Look forward to I+ing.., Get used to I+ing..) Forming: to+ verb I (to+v) USING: 1) After some adjectives (happy to+v.., wrong to+v..) 2) To express purpose (She went to Spain to meet her friend.) 3) After some nouns ( decision to+v.., time to+v.., wish to+v..) 4) After some main verbs ( appear, agree, ask, begin, choose, decide, expect, happen, help, hope, learn, like, love, mean, offer, prepare,
The gerund form -ing The gerund form -ing is used: After some main verbs. (admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prefer, put off, recommend, resent, risk, suggest, understand) I do not recommend going to that restaurant. After an adjective, verb or noun followed by a preposition. She is really good at swimming. He apologised to arriving late.