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"star" - 472 õppematerjali

star - il on kaks peaankrut, mille ühe ankru mass on 5850 kg. Laevas pole varuankruid ja hoovuseankruid. Ketti läbimõõt on 58 mm, ühe ankruketti pikkus on 11 seeklit ehk 275 meetrit.

Kasutaja: star

Faile: 0

Praktika aruanne - Tallinnk Star

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Laevamehaanika kateeder MEREPRAKTIKA ARUANNE Õppeliin: laeva jõuseadmed Õpperühm: MM41 Praktikant: Pjotr Muhhin Juhendaja: Jaan Läheb Praktika algus:02.05.2010 Praktika lõpp: 06.09.2010 Praktikakoht: M/S Ice Runner TALLINN 2010 Retsensioonid 2 Sisukord 1. Üldandmed laeva ja laeva seadmete kohta .................................4 1.1. Üldandmed laeva kohta ...........................................................4 1.2. Üldandmed laeva jõuseadmete kohta ......................................8 2. Laeva peamasin ...................................

Merendus → Merepraktika
87 allalaadimist

Wolf-Rayet star

Wolf-Rayet star Avastamisest 1867. aastal kasutasid astronoomid 40 cm pikkust pariisi observatooriumis olevat Focault teleskoopi ning avastasid Cygnusi tähtkujust kolm tähte, mille muidu ühtlasest spektrumist kiirgas eredalt välja valgusvihke. Astronoomide nimed olid Charles Wolf ja Georges Rayet ning seepärast saigi see tähekogum nimeks Wolf-Rayet tähed (WR tähed). 1987. aastaks oli lisaks 159 vastavatele tähele Galaktikas leitud veel 100 Wolf-Rayet tähte Suures Magalhaesi Pilves, 8 Väikeses Magalhaesi Pilves ja mõned teistes galaktikates. Aastaks 1992 oli Galaktikas teada juba 173 WR-tähte. Wolf-Rayet tähed Wolf-Rayet tähti, mida nimetatakse ka WR tähtedeks, on välja kujunenud hiiglaslikeks tähtedeks, millel on algselt 20 päikese mass. Kuid nad kaotavad suure osa oma massist väga kiiresti ning sellepärast on kogu see moodustis sarnane tähetuulega, mis võib liikuda 2000 km/h kiirusega. WF- tä...

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
4 allalaadimist

The star child

The Star Child Oskar Wilde, 1891 Anete Samelselg 12.klass OSKAR WILDE 1854-1900 Irish poet and a playwright GENRES:drama, short story, criticism, dialogue, journalism NOTABLE WORKS: "The picture of Dorian Grey" "The Imortance of Being Earnest" SHORT STORY GENRES: fairytale, fantasy MAIN CHARACTERS: poor woodcutters, star child, beggar woman STORY LINE: pert star child, who has no parents but is perfectly beautiful, one day he sees his beggar mother but remples her and turns into an ugly boy PLOT: he finds out that his parents are a queen and a king USED SOURCES 1. 2. 3. THANKS!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Toitlustusosakonna praktika laeval Star.

................ KASUTATUD ALLIKAD............................................................................................................ LISAD........................................................................................................................................... 2 SISSEJUHATUS Minu toitlustusosakonna praktika toimus laeval Star alates 16. maist kuni 31.maini 2013.a. Praktika eesmärgiks oli saada ülevaade praktikaettevõtte töökorraldusest ja harjuda töökeskkonnaga. Õppida tundma toitlustusteeninduse põhimõtteid ning toitlustustöö erinevaid tahke. Saada ülevaade teenindusstiilidest (rootsi laud, a la carte jms). Töö käigus oli vaja õppida tundma ja kasutama erinevaid töövahendeid, töökoht ette valmistada ja koristada.

Toit → Köögi õpetus
35 allalaadimist

Star Wars-Empire Strikes Back

Dark Vader R2-D2 Chewbacca C-3PO About the author: Donald F. Glut (born February 19, 1944) began his professional career working as a musician, singer and song writer. For most of his career, however, he has made a living as a freelance writer of film and television scripts, novels, comic book scripts, non-fiction and short stories. He is now President of Frontline Entertainments for which he wrote and directed the comedy/fantasy motion picture Dinosaur Valley Girls. He `s best known book is Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Plot: The beginning of the book Luke Skywalker gets lost when he goes to investigate an asteroid that has just fallen down, but he is attacked by a monstrer who takes him into his cave. Luke frees himself from the cave but there is a freezing temperature outside and Luke almost dies. Fortunately his old friend Han Solo helps him and Luke manages to escape alive. When Luke and Han reach the base, they are attacked by big machines called AT-AT Walkers

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Teksti lõik lehelt tava kirjas ja ilma boldita. Teksti lõik koos sünonüümidega on BOLDIS. TÕLGE- märgitud lilla värviga. Company profile- company description- ettevõtte kirjeldus. 3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE- 3M Ameerika täht Euroopas 3M is the epitome of all that is best in corporate America. To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe.- 3M is the quintessence of all that is best in America enterprise. To stay on top the company must export its advantage to Europe- 3M on tuum kõigest mis on parim Ameerika ettevõttes. Et püsida tipus peab

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Laev "Star" töösisekorraeeskiri

6.9. Tuleohutuse nõuete järgimine 7. LAEVAELU KORRALDUS 7.1. Laev, kui töö- ja elukoht 7.2. Vaht, töö ja öörahu 7.3. Toitlustamine ja kord messis ning puhkeruumides 7.4. Suitsetamine laeval 7.5. Alkohol ja narkootikumid 7.6. Viibimine laevaruumides 7.7. Meelelahutus 7.8. Külaliste kutsumine 7.9. Maaleminek ja naasmine laevale 7.10. Vara ja asjade laevast väljaviimise kord _________________________ 1. ÜLDSÄTTED 1.1. Ml STAR (edaspidi - laev) töösisekorraeeskiri (edaspidi - eeskiri) määratleb laevapere töö- ja elukorralduse laeva pardal. Eeskirja eesmärgiks on reguleerida laeva ja selle ekspluatatsiooni eripärast tulenevaid iseärasusi töö- ja elukorralduses täiendavalt kollektiivlepingus, meretöölepingus, töölepingus, töövõtulepingus või käsunduses, tööandja töösisekorraeeskirjas, ametijuhendis ning teistes ohutu korraldamise süsteemi protseduurides sätestatule. 1.2

Merendus → Laevandus
34 allalaadimist


Sildumisseadmed ml ,,Star" Sildumiseks ja sildumisotste manööverdamiseks kasutatakse elektrilisi vintse. Vööris on neli vintsi, millest kahte kasutatakse ka ankru alla laskmiseks ja üles tõstmiseks. Ahtris on samuti neli vintsi. Vintse kasutatakse vastavalt sildumise skeemile. Kõik vintsid on varustatud juhtpultidega nii, et kokku on neid neli kaks vööris ja kaks ahtris , vastavalt siis paremal ja vasakul laeva pardas. Juhtpuldi külgedel asuvad kangid ,mis kumbki on ühe vintsi jaoks. Ühest kangist saab otsi nii peale tõmmata kui neid ka järele anda. Lisaks on juhtpuldis ka iga vintsi tarvis näidik, mille peal on skaala teadmaks kui suur on parajasti tõmbetugevus. Vööris : 2 x peli kombineeritud vintsiga : Rolls-Royce tüüp MW 140 FA, 45 kW, 50 Hz, 400V, 435 Nm. 2 x sildumisvintsi: Rolls-Royce, tüüp MW 140 FA, 45 kW, 50 Hz, 400 V, 435 Nm. Ahtris: 2 x sildumisvintsi: Rolls-Royce, tüüp MW 140 FA, 45 kW, 50 Hz, 400 V, 435 Nm...

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
48 allalaadimist


3M: AN AMERICAN STAR IN EUROPE 3M: Ameerika täht Euroopas TIM HINDLE To stay on top the company must export its virtues to Europe. TIM HINDLE 3M on parim kehastus ettevõtlikus Ameerikas. Et jääda tippu peab ettevõte eksportima oma tugevusi Euroopasse. Whenever lists of America's brightest and best are compiled 3M is guaranteed to feature. Millal iganes luuakse nimekirju Ameerika säravamatest ja parimatest siis 3M-i esinemine on seal garanteeritud. 3M was born early this century as Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. The mining soon ceased when the company's founders failed to dig up the corundum they had hoped to discover. So they turned to trading in sandpaper, a product that uses the abrasive corundum. From the beginning the company...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
19 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting. _ 8 They _________________________________ (have) a party becau...

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

Universum pähklikoores

............................................................................................................. 9 Universum pähklikoores .............................................................................................. 17 Tulevikku ennustamas ................................................................................................. 21 Mineviku kaitsel .......................................................................................................... 29 Meie tulevik. Kas Star Trek? ....................................................................................... 34 Uus maailm ­ braanide maailm ................................................................................... 38 Sõnaseletusi ................................................................................................................. 46 Kasutatud kirjandus ..................................................................................................... 55

Astronoomia → Kosmograafia
7 allalaadimist

Tähe seltskond

14-15) ja selle maja aknast sisse vaadates nägi ta tähekest. Väike vana mees koputas uksele. Ta ütles naisele, kes ukse avas: Kui õnnelik sa oled, et tähekene sulle seltsiks on. Naine kutsus väikese vana mehe tuppa, enda perega tutvuma ja teed jooma. Väike vana mees veetis mitu tundi selle pere ja tähekese seltsis. Ja kas te tahate teada, kus see täht seal toas asus???? See oli perekonna kuuse otsas! In the Company of a Star by Susan M. Dailey Before telling this story, fold a piece of white construction paper. Enlarge the pattern below to fir the paper and then lightly trace the pattern on the paper. Hold the paper with the pattern toward you and cut from the points as indicated in the story. Once upon a not so long time ago, there was a little hill. (cut from 1 to 2) On top of this hill was a little hut

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

a decade ago: Many gamma-ray bursts are the early warning signals from supernovas, emitted minutes before the explosion. The link offers a glimpse of events leading up to the actual explosion--another mystery. There, too, researchers have made headway. Looking not at the heavens but at computer models of supernovas, some think they have figured out what may trigger the final cataclysm. The missing element may be unimaginably powerful reverberations--the sound of a star singing its own swan song. For astronomers, there's usually no rush to study something before it vanishes. "The universe usually evolves as slowly as watching paint dry," says one. But these days, hundreds of astronomers keep cell phones and beepers close by so they can rush to work like doctors on call. They're waiting for word from a spacecraft called Swift. Swift, launched in 2004, scans the skies for gamma rays. When it detects a burst, it swivels its

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Camp Rock 2

2008 film Camp Rock. (It had positive reviews from fans...) The storyline is that Mitchie Torres cannot wait to return to Camp Rock and reunit with all of her camp friends , especially Shane Gray- the boy she met last campyear. They both had decided to spend the summer to get to know each other better. Shane arrives at camp in a chicken wagon after their bus had fallen into the lake. This situation was really funny !! When all the members had arrived they discover that Camp Star, a new camp across the lake, has lured many campers and instructors away, threatening the (very) hard existence of Camp Rock. Camp Star invites Camp Rock to attend a friendly bonfire. After seeing Camp Star's musical performance Camp Star's top performer, some campers, diva Tess Tyler, decide to leave Camp Rock and join Camp Star. Tess quickly becomes partners with Luke on all of Camp Star's performances. Although they sing very well together and look like they make a

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Austraalia esitlus inglise keeles

Third level Fourth level Fifth level · The British Union Jack flag notes Australia's ties to Great Britain · The Southern Cross is a major navigational constellation in the Southern Hemisphere · The large, white, seven-pointed Commonwealth Star is symbolic of the original states of Australia. Flag story the lower hoist-side quadrant known as the Commonwealth or Federation Star, representing the federation of the colonies of Australia in 1901; the star depicts one point for each of the six original states and one representing all of Australia's internal and external territories; on the fly half is a representation of the Southern Cross constellation in white with one small five-pointed star and

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Does the Higgs Field do something?

acts as Dark Energy, Dark Matter) do hold the curvature from divergency [1]. The mathematics of the General Relativity with Higgs Field becomes truly manageable by humans. Gtt /(8π) = −ρ − X(t, x, y, z), Grr = p − X. Let X = −Gtt /(8π) − . Where < ∞. Then Grr − Gtt /(8π) − = p(ρ) = p( ). Then by choosing arbitrary metric non-singular function a(t), one finds the , which is necessarily finite. In case of the collapse of a star (P.S. a star is not the dust ball), the metric in curvature coordinates has three metric functions ds2 = −A(r, t)dt2 + Bdr2 + W 2 dΩ2 , velocity uν = (w, k(w), 0, 0) with 4 independent Einstein Equations, the Dark Matter is not necessary. In the co-moving coordinates holds ds2 = −dτ 2 + 2q dτ dr + b dr2 + W 2 dΩ2 . Here holds uν = (1, 0, 0, 0), thus the number of Einstein Equations is now 3. The uν = (1, 0, 0, 0) is not the geodesic vector

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Esitlus: Do Small Classes Reduce

Do Small Classes Reduce the Achivement Gap between Low and High Acrivers? Evidence from Projegt STAR Meeri Kuustemäe This study was carried out by Spyros Konstantopoulos from Northwestern University 2008 by the University of Chicago Examined: how small class size can affect the achievement of low- and high- achiving students. Tennessee Class Size Experiment/ Project STAR Data from 4- year, large- scale, randomized experiment conducted in Tennessee in the mid- 1980s. Nearly 11000 students in 79 elementary schools in 42 districts in Tennessee

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal Bruno Puusepp Shaq · He is an retired NBA player · He was one of the tallest and heaviest players (2.16m, 150kg) · He played for six teams throughout his career · Orlando Magic 1# · Center · He has doctorate degree Early life · March 6, 1972 in Newark, New Jersey · Lucille O'Neal and Joe Toney · Was offered a basketball scholarship (Seton Hall) · On his 1994 rap album he voiced hi feelings of disdain for Toney in the song · He led his team to a 68-1 record Rookie season · Drafted 1st overall pick by Orlando Magic · Player of the Week in his first week in the NBA · He averaged 23,4 points; 13,9 rebounds; 3,5 blocks · 1993 NBA Rookie of the Year · Became first rookie to be voted an All-Star starter Career · Summer 1996 he was named to the United States Olympic b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Michael (Jeffrey) Jordan

(My presentation talking about...) Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in Brooklyn , New York in February 17, 1963. He is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time." Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.A brief listing of his top accomplishments would include the following: Rookie of the Year; Five-time NBA MVP; Six-time NBA champion; Six-time NBA Finals MVP; Ten-time All-NBA First Team; Nine time NBA All- Defensive First Team; Defensive Player of the Year; 14-time NBA All-Star; Three-time NBA All-Star MVP; 50th Anniversary All-Time Team; Ten scoring titles -- an NBA ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

100 th anniversary of Estonian Film

100 th anniversary of Estonian Film Karina Laagus Form 9 First movie The first film was directed in 1912. It is called ,,Vigurlendur Utotskini lend" and filmed by Johannes Pääsuke. My favourite Estonian film star Rasmus Kaljujärv (born March 28, 1981 in Tartu) is an Estonian actor. Kaljujärv started his movie career in 2003 and has played in 10 films and television series. His father Hannes Kaljujärv is also wellknown Estonian actor. My favourite film star Ott Sepp (born 29 June 1982) is an Estonian actor, singer, writer and television presenter. Born in Tallinn, Sepp graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2004 and began

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978) is an American professional basketball player who plays shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Bryant enjoyed a successful high school basketball career at Lower Merion High School, where he was recognized as the top high school basketball player in the country. He decided to declare his eligibility for the NBA Draft upon graduation, and was selected with the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets, then traded to the Los Angeles Lakers. As a rookie, Bryant earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest. Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from2000 to 2002. A heated feud between the duo and a loss in the 2004 NBA Finals led to O'Neal's departure following the 2003­04 ...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
4 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne

.........................................................................................................27 Ballast-, kuivendus- ja eluotstarbesüsteemid.................................................................28 Meresõidu ajal tehtud tööd.............................................................................................28 Meresõidupraktika ajal toimunud eriolukorrad..............................................................29 Sissejuhatus M/S Star on Eesti parvlaev, mis kuulub laevandusettevõtte Tallink Group`ile. Star oli ehitatud 2007. aastal Aker Finnyardsi Helsingi laevatehases. Praegu sõidab laev Tallinn – Helsinki liinil, samal liinil mil sõidab M/S Superstar. "Star" telliti 1. augustil 2005 Helsingis asuvast Aker Finnyardsi laevatehasest. Laevale pandi kiil 30. mail 2006. Laev lasti vette 23. novembril 2006 ja ristiti veel samal päeval. "Star" anti tellijale üle 10. märtsil 2007 ja ta asus esmareisile 12. aprillil 2007.

Merendus → Merendus
32 allalaadimist

Test VIII - cumulative test

The double-phase motor are of low power and simple design. To stop the induction motor by the counter-force method, change the sign of supply voltage or set-point speed. The counter-force braking provides high value of shock current and shock torque. DC injection braking requires a single DC supply, disconnection of AC supply. At DC injection braking the following motor windings can be supplied: 3 stator The double-star connection, as compared to the star connection, the breakdown speed is more. The double-star connection, as compared to the star connection, the syncronous speed is more. The double-star connection, as compared to the star connection, the starting torque is less. The capacitor braking is used in the applications of low power. At the standard supply and p = 4, the motor speed >300. At the double-star connection, as compared to the star connection, the synchronous speed is more.

Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse
36 allalaadimist

Boston Celtics

Russell is considered one of the best players in NBA history. Robert Joseph"Bob" Cousy Robert Joseph ,,Bob" Cousy ­ played point guard position for the Celtics from 1950-1963. Cousy was initially drafted as the third overall pick in the first round of the 1950 NBA Draft by the Tri-Cities Blackhawks, but after he refused to report, he was picked up by Boston. Cousy had a very successful career with the Celtics, playing on six championship teams, being voted into 13 NBA All Star Games. Larry Bird Larry Joe Bird ­ Born December 7, 1956. He was sixth overall pick by Boston Celtics. Bird started at SF* and PF* for thirteen seasons. Bird was a 12-time NBA All-Star and was named the league's MVP* three times. He played his entire professional career for Boston, winning three NBA championships. Due to chronic back problems, he retired as a player in 1992. He was a member of the Dream Team that won the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


EESTI TUNTUMAD RAADIOJAAMAD NIMETUS LOGO ENIM TUNTUD SAATED Kuku Raadio Kukul külas, Välismääraja, Keskpäevatund Raadio 2 Elamise kunst, Hommikuprogramm „Silmad lahti“ Raadio 4 ART-aktsent, Õhtune Meloodia, Homme algab täna Raadio Elmar Kohvi Kõrvale, Elmari Hommiku-TOP Star FM STAR FMi Hommikuprogramm Vikerraadio Päevakaja, Võrukeelsed uudised, Reporteritund Raadio UUNO Muusikasaated, reklaamkuulutused VEEL ÜKS MAAILM AITÄH TÄHELEPANU EEST

Meedia → Meedia
75 allalaadimist

Getter Jaani inglise keelne esitlus

Getter Jaani By: Aet Abramson, Andra Vebus Who is getter jaani Getter Jaani was born in Tallinn, the third of february 1993. She Became a super star in a show called "Eesti ostib superstaari" Getter didnt win But because fans adored her and started crying after she was eliminated, she still became a star. Why is Getter everywhere? Mostly she is everywhere because fans adore her soo mutch and the produsers are takind advantages of it She is young and pretty, as if she wants people to envy her How is she known She has her own show called "päikese poole" She performed at the 56. eurovision in Dysseldorf with a song called "Rocefeller street" and beacuse of her estonia became 24. th At a show called "tantsud tähtedega" she failed by getting kicked out of the show at the first level

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maisi masintehnoloogia

Pikem heksel, kui mais madalama kuivaine sisaldusega (alla 25%), sööt läheb lüpsikarjale ja kasutataksee söödaratsioonis suuremaid jõusöödakoguseid ning hoidlad on kitsamad Sügavkünd 20cm sügavuselt peale koristust CornHead •Ridade arv: 4, 6, 8, 12 või 16 •Realaius: 70 cm, 75 cm või 80 cm •Töölaius: 2,80 m kuni 12,80 m •Horisontaalne hekseldi: Mais Star SC, Mais Star Horizon, Horizon Star II Pilt 8. Kombainiheeder „CornHead“ •Vertikaalne hekseldi: Rota Disc, Horizon Star II Sileerimine Maisi sileerimisel saadakse hästikäärinud silo Üldjuhul kulgeb sileerimisprotsess 6 -7 nädalat, söötma võib seda hakata 2 nädala möödumisel Maisihoidla tuleb täita ja kinni katta nii kiiresti kui võimalik, kui hoidla täitmine kestab kauem kui 1 päev, on soovitav silomass katta Pilt 9. Maisisilo ööseks kilega

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Christina Aguilera lühikokkuvõte eluloost

ostracism, and, in one gym class, attempted assault. Acts of vandalism around her house included the slashing of the tires on the family car. Eventually, the family relocated to another suburb in the Pittsburgh area (this time, Wexford) and took to secrecy about Aguilera's talent lest another backlash occur.[21] She attended Marshall Middle School near Wexford and North Allegheny Senior High School until she was later home-schooled. On March 15, 1990, she appeared on Star Search singing Etta James' "A Sunday Kind of Love", but lost the competition. Soon after losing on Star Search, she returned home and appeared on Pittsburgh's KDKA-TV's Wake Up with Larry Richert to perform the same song. People remarked that the then ten-year-old "sounded 20."[21] Throughout her youth in Pittsburgh, Aguilera sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" before Pittsburgh Penguins hockey, Pittsburgh Steelers football and Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Birk Rohelennu loomingu analüüs

piir kaitseb millegi eest. Enne igat tegu tuleb mõelda võimalikele tagajärgedele. 3. Tööelu ­ tänapäeval, kui üheks enim hinnatavaks kriteeriumiks on töökus, püüavad kõik ennast selles rinnas ettepoole suruda. Tööd võetakse nii tõsiselt, et selle arvelt saab kannatada muu eraelu. Silmaklapid peas, rügatakse palehigis tööd ollakse veel enda üle uhked. 4. Everybody wants to be the only star ­ kõik tahavad olla kellestki paremad, edukamad jne. Unustatakse aga fakt, et alati on keegi, kes asub kõrgemal redelipulgal ning omab kontrolli alumiste üle, nii et nendel ,,sõdadel" oma positsiooni üle pole erilist mõtetki. 5. Lemmikmõte ­ leidub inimesi, kes ei taha elada. Igapäevane mõte on surm. Kuid mida rohkem selle peale mõelda, seda rohkem see õudsena tundub. Ollaksegi surnud ringis ­ ei taheta/juleta elada, ega ka surra. 6

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
29 allalaadimist

“GILGAME`S” sumeri eepos

"GILGAME`S" sumeri eepos, tuntuim Babüloonia kirjandusteos Babüloonia asus Mesopotaamia alal, Tigrise ja Eufrati jôe vahelisel alal, praeguse Iraagi alal, Babülooniast Vahemere suunas asus Juuda riik.. "Gilgame`si" sündmused on pärit 4000 a.tagasi, savitahvlitele kirja pandud umbes 2000 ­ 1600 a. e. Kr., Gilgame`s ise oli tegelik Uruki tempellinna kuningas aastal 2650 e.Kr., sumeri keel assimileerus umbes 1900 a. e.Kr. Vana Testamendi Moosese esimese raamatu sündmused on samuti iidsed, umbes 4000 vanad, kirja pandud 1200 ­200 a. e. Kr., Vana Testament on juudi rahva ajalugu, uskumused ja legendid. Abraham oli pärit Uri linnast. Jehoova tôotas iisreallastele pärast Egiptuse vangipôlve, et annab neile oma maa ­ Kaananimaa (praegune Palestiina ala). Paradiisiaed Eeden asus Mesopotaamias Tigrise ja Eufrati vahel Gilgame`s on sureliku mehe ja jumalanna Ninsun'i poeg, kes ehitas Uruki linna müüri. Ta oli vägev ja despootlik, nôudis alam...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Juutide muusika

· Balkani poolsaare ja Araabia muusikale iseloomulikud · https:// xw Tuntumad pillid o Sofar - Kõverast oinasarvest valmistatud sarvepill · vM9xeSQ&nohtml5=False o Halil ­ Roopillitaoline instrument Toora o 11. saj. eKr sündinud kuningas Taavet o Kinnor o Juutide templimuusikutest loodud koor Tänapäeva Muusika o Iisraeli esindaja Hovi Star (Hovav Sekulets) Eurovisioonil o cjXcp0&nohtml5=False Kasutatud Materjalid Anu Sepp, Aive Skuin, Karolina Sepp ­ Muusikaõpik 7.klass -2011 Google pildid: q=Shofar&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ah UKEwiBqdOD_YPMAhVEJg8KHRnKDvIQsAQIGQ&biw=2133& bih=1061&dpr=0.9#imgrc=Mr5dg6sRtANxLM%3A q=Hovi+Star&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Favorite sportsman

in the National Basketball Association. McGrady has four children daughters Layla Clarice, Laycee Aloe, and sons Laymen Lamar, Layden with his wife CleRenda Harris. The couple was married on September 12, 2006 in Mexico. Tracy's family has been a major influence in his life. Raised by his mother, Melanise and grandmother, Roberta, Tracy grew to know both women as Mom. Tracy McGrady went into Auburndale High school , where he quickly became a star player. He loved baseball and had inspirations of playing in the Major League but he decided to play basketball instead. At the beginning of his career he played in Toronto Raptors. He was traded to the Orlando Magic in 2000. The trade paid off immediately for the Magic as McGrady started playing very well in Orlando. In his first season in Florida, Tracy won the NBA's Most Improved Player Award, and was named as a starter for the Eastern Conference All-Star Team.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar 34 years ago a star was born ­ Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is a American actress,most known from her own Tv-series ,,Buffy the Vampire Slayer" where she portrayed a young girl who killed vampires and demons. Sarah Michelle Gellar has had a lot of acting jobs through the years. One of her first succsessful movies was ,,Cruel Intensions" where she played the role of Kathryn Merteuil. Even though everybody sees her as Buffy she has managed to keep on the good work in movie business

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Zac Efron

2002 Firefly Young Simon Tam Ep. "Safe" Melinda's World Stuart Wasser The Guardian Luke Tomello Ep. "Without Consent" 2003 ER Bobby Neville Ep. "Dear Abby" The Big Wide World of Carl Pete Laemke Laemke Miracle Run Steven Morgan 2004 Room Raiders Himself Guest star Triple Play Harry Fuller Sick Inside by Hope Partlow Love Interest Music video Summerland Cameron Bale 16 episodes (26 in series) CSI: Miami Seth Dawson Ep. "Sex & Taxes" 2005 Ep. "Davey Hunkerhoff / Ratted The Replacements Davey Hunkerhoff Out"

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Meedia küsitlus

Kahjuks veel vähem loetakse tõsisemaltvõetavamaid lehti nagu Eesti Päevaleht ja Postimees, millest viimase oli valitud vaid ühel korral. Seega eelistatakse lugeda kergema sisuga meelelahutuslikke ajalehti ja huvi tõsisemate lehtede vastu on väike. 3. Millist raadiokanalit Te kõige enam kuulate? Tulemus: 7% 7% 7% Sky Plus Elmar Star FM Vikerraadio 79% Enamik vastanutest kuulab kõige enam raadiot Sky Plus. Teisi kanaleid nagu Vikerraadio, Elmar või Star FM valiti vaid ühel korral. Üldiselt eelistatakse meelelahutuslikke raadiokanaleid, eelkõige raadiot Sky Plus, kus keskendutakse pigem muusikale kui päevakorralise info edastamiseks. Harivat ja inforohket kanalit nagu Vikerraadio noored pigem ei kuula, samuti Elmarit, üldse ei

Eesti keel → Meedia ja mõjutamine
3 allalaadimist

Planet venus

Venus Venus has been known since prehistoric times and the planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It is the second-closest planet to the Sun and it`s often called Earth's "sister planet," because the two are similar in size, gravity, and bulk composition. Because of these similarities, it was thought that Venus might even have life. Venus is also called the Morning star or the Evening star, because it reaches its brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset. It is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun and the Moon. During the last few years the scientists have found that Venus and Earth are very different. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. There are strong winds at the cloud tops but winds at the surface are very slow, no more than a few kilometers per hour

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Ernest Hemingway elu ja looming

ERNEST HEMINGWAY ELU JA LOOMING 1899-1961 Ernest Hemingway sündis 21.juulil 1899.a maa-arsti pojana Chicago eeslinnas Oak Parkis. Pärast kooli lõpetamist 1917 töötas ta ajutiselt kohaliku reporterina ajalehe Kansas City Star juures, võttis siis Punase Risti vabatahtliku sanitarina osa Esimesest maailmasõjast. Rindel läbielatu jäädvustas ta romaanis “Hüvasti, relvad!” Mõne kuu viibis ta Michiganis, kalastas, luges ja kirjutas jutustusi, mida aga ükski ajaleht ei avaldanud. 1920.a sai ta koha ajalehe Toronto Star Weekly juures, aasta lõpus kolis ta Chicagosse, kus töötas ajakirjaniku ja toimetajana. Ent ta ei jäänud sellesse linna püsima

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
8 allalaadimist

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

the result of the Colonel's taking their papers. The next day there is a newspaper account that the body of Openshaw has been found in the Thames River and believed to be an accident. Holmes checks sailing records of ships who were at both - Pondicherry in January / February 1883 and at Dundee in January 1885 and recognizes a Georgia. Georgia bark named Lone Star--named after Texas, a Confederate State. Furthermore Holmes confirms that the Lone Star had docked in London a week before. Holmes then sends five orange pips to the captain of the Lone Star and has the police send a cable to Savannah that the Captain and two mates are wanted for murder. The Lone Star never arrives in Savannah; there are severe gales that year and the only trace of the bark is a signpost marked "L.S." sighted in the waves. Thank you for your attention !!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

London Eye

The London Eye is an extremely large passenger-carrying wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in Central London in the United Kingdom. It is the largest observation wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over three million people in one year. At the time it was erected, in 1999, it was the tallest observation wheel in the world, until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang (160 meters (524 ft 11 in)) in May 2006, and then the Singapore Flyer (165 meters (541 ft 4 in). The wheel carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned egg-shaped (each 10 tonne) capsule holds 25 people, who are free to walk around inside the capsule, though seating is provided. It rotates at 26 cm (10 in) per second (about 0.9 km/h or 0.6 mph) so that one revolution takes about 30 minutes

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Марина Максимова 'МакSим'

'S' 'S' 10 . , , . . . , . . , , 'S. . S . S « Teen star» « ». S " ", "", " . 2006 S " " . 2007 S, RMA . S , . !

Keeled → Vene keel
9 allalaadimist

Hannah Montana – The Movie (2008)

Sündinud 28. oktoober 1967 Atlanta, GA, Roberts tõstatas oma isa Walter, tolmuimeja müügiagent ja tema ema, Betty, endise kiriku sekretär pöörduvadkinnisvaramaakler. Vaatamata tugeva keskklassi töökohti, tema vanemad olid ka osalise tööajaga näitlejaid, kes jooksis Atlanta põhinev Näitlejad ja kirjanike töötoa läbi oma kodus. Väga vähe kogemusi rääkida, Roberts tegi oma funktsiooni debüüdi, kui ta oli ära tema vend Eric, et star vastas talle "Blood Red" (1989), ajavahemikul draama, mis oli filmitud kolm aastat enne selle vabastamist. Kuid märgates, et tema vanem vend oli punktisüsteem teatud edu, Roberts otsustas jätkata tegutseva täiskohaga. Juba star tõusuteel, Roberts oli hooga arvesse stratosfääri ja kuulsus tema kõrval tulemuslikkust Garry Marshall's charming ja tohutult edukas kaltsudtorikkust saaga "Pretty Woman" (1990). Roberts mängis vaba meeleolukas

Filmikunst → Filmid
1 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

Blue is also referred as a sky or even pictured as a Earth atmosphere or a outer space. Therefore, in the video we sense this blue gradiant as a sky or a space. We also could feel that the company might be actually trustworthy. - The white circes on the backround look like stars. Along with the blue gradient of course. These white circes are firstly shaped as circles. And circles, viewing from the far distance, may look like a star. Another thing is their color. When we view the sun for example, or just look at the sky in the night, we see white dots and we know, based on the physics class, that these are the stars. Therefore these white, circled dots are perceived as a stars in this context. - Orange lines are firstly orange because, again, it is this brands's one of the main color. And secondly, based on color theory it is the complementary color of the blue. It is

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

speech about his rough life as a slave. In 1843, Douglass participated in the American Anti-Slavery Society's Hundred Conventions project, a six month tour of meeting halls throughout the east and middle west of the United States. He participated in the Seneca Falls Convention, the birthplace of the American feminist movement, and was a signatory of its Declaration of Sentiments. Douglass later became the publisher of a series of newspapers: North Star, Frederick Douglass Weekly, Frederick Douglass' Paper, Douglass' Monthly and New National Era. The motto of The North Star was "Right is of no sex--Truth is of no color--God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren". Douglass' work spanned the years prior to and during the Civil War. He was acquainted with the radical abolitionist Captain John Brown but did not approve of Brown's plan to start an armed slave revolt. However, Brown visited Douglass' home for several days

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


Tihti väljendati endast muusika ja riietuse abil. Muusika pidi sokeerima lihtsuse poolest. Tunnuseks oli kiire tempo vähemalt 140 looki minutis. Riietus oli ka sokeeriv ebahariliku tooni juuksed , tume riietus ,tihti nahast jakid ja suured saapad. Eestis on punki ikka veel palju alles. Eestis on korraldatud punk laulupidu. Tõnu Trubetky Malemaja star Keskaegses keldris hämar saal, kus istub Ehlvest Jaan, Peakohal iidne võlvikaar. Siis ilmub baaridaam Ja pikkamööda täitub baar, see Malemaja baar, Ja leti juurde astub, see Malemaja star. Käib Malemajas pingeline töö, on meister hoos. Seal midagi ei selgu üleöö ja pead on koos. On malemeistril kaamlinahast vöö, sees kõva doos. Ta Karpovitki malemängus lööb ja kogu moos. Jälle ees tal pingeline mats, on asi ``2''. Vastane on suur ja paks, ka Ehlvest pole laps.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

Neutrontähed ja mustad augud

D J A MUSTAD AUGUD NEUTRONTÄHE NEUTRONTÄHT  Mass 8 – 30 korda suurem kui päikesel.  Tihedus 100 – 1000 miljonit tonni kuupsentimeetri kohta.  Raadius 10 – 15 km.  Peakiirus 150 000 km/s  Nimetatakse ka pulsariteks. MUST AUK  Mass on umbes 4 miljonit korda suurem kui päikesel.  Maast asub 27 000 valgusaasta kaugusel.  Singulaarsus.  Sündmuse horisont.  Schwarzschildi raadius. TÄNAN KUULAMAST

Füüsika → Füüsika täiendusõpe
6 allalaadimist

Marilyn Monroe

MARILYN MONROE LIFE  Norma Jeane Mortenson  1. june 1926 Los Angeles - 5. august 1962  American actress, model, and singer  1952 – Marilyn Monroe  Marriages  Song "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" for Kennedy INTERESTING FACTS  Marilyn was relatively poorly paid  She died having become a million-dollar movie star  She only got $50 (44€) for her nude photographs  Marilyn's IQ was significantly higher than John F. Kennedy's 168  Her natural hair colour was not blonde nPx7k Thanks for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia muusikud

Suurbritannia muusikud Rolling stones Pärineb Londonist ning tegutse seal praegugi Lauljaks MIck Jagger Rocki stiilis muusika On käinud ka Eestis Queen Pärit Londonist Alustas tegevust 1970 Solistiks Fredy Mercury(laulja nimi ) Suri aitsi Rod Stuart Sündis 1945 On mänginud 6 bändis Tuntuim laul "Sailing" The Beatles Liikmed: John Lennon , Ringo Star , Paul Mccartne , George Harrison Solistiks John Lennon Bänd läks laiali sest lauljat tulistati koduväravas Elton John Sündis 1947 Kirjutas laulu printsess Diana mälestuseks Pop, rock siilis muusika Kannab tiitlit sir LÕPP !

Muusika → Muusika
12 allalaadimist


Chamillionaire Referaat Margus Lille 2010 Chamillionaire sündis Washingtonis Nigeeria lapsevanemad ja on registreerimise mixtapes alates 1998. Seriki etappi nimi chamillionaire on portmanteau kohta "kameeleon" ja "miljonär" Kuigi enesetutvustamisega mõnel üritusel, Seriki ja kaaskodanike räppar Paul Wall täidetud Michael "5000" Watts, populaarne Mixtape DJ Põhja Houston.Pärast ettepaneku teha tutvustusi Watts firma Swishahouse, chamillionaire ja Paul Wall tuli Watts ateljees ja veendunud Watts, et võimaldada neil Freestyle intro Watts raadio näidata Houston hip-hop raadiojaama KBXX-FM. Watts, kes ise oli veendunud, et rap on rekord, meeldis freestyle nii palju, et ta pani salmid ühe oma mixtapes. Varsti chamillionaire ja Paul Wall sai regulaarne klambrid kohta Houston's Mixtape circuit, ilmus mitu Watts on mixtapes ja sai alalised liikmed Swishahouse . Chamillionaire ja Paul Wall ha...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist


teiste süsteemide töövõimet. Vahimadruse kohustused roolis Vahimadrus peab tulema silda 15 -20 minutit enne rooli minemist. Kui vahimadrus on roolis, peab ta kuulama kaptenit või tüürimeest. Kui vahimadrus on roolis, peab kapten või tüürimees andma roolimadrusele kurssi, roolimadrus peab vastu vastama kõva ja selge häälega kurssi, mida ta sai. Kui laev on kursil, peab roolimadrus võrdlema gürokompassi kurssi ka magnetkompassi näiduga. Tavalisel on nende vahe umbes 7-10 kraadi. Star laeval vahimadrused seisavad roolis sadamasse sisenemisel või väljumisel ja kitsustes sõites. Vahimadruse kohustused trepivahis Laeva sadamasse saabudes on madrustele esimeseks tööks laevatrepi kohale panek. Trepi kõrvale tuuakse liiniga päästerõngas. Juhul kui keegi läheduses vette kukub. On põhine nõue, et vahimadrus ei tohi kaugele ja kauaks ajaks trepi juurest lahkuda. Trepivahti peavad vahimadrused selleks, et laevale ei tuleks vööras inimene või inimesed, keda nimetakse

Merendus → Merendus
16 allalaadimist

Kvaliteediauhinnad ja -programmid maailmas

magamistoaga asutus, mis asub linnas või kesklinnas võib esineda vaid toateenindus. Metro hotell: majutusasutis linnas, mis pakub kõiki hotelli teenuseid, välja arvatud õhtusööki, kuid asub teiste õhtusöögikohtade lähedal. Tärnide otsustamisel on koosnevad reitingute kriteeriumid omakorda mitmetest eraldiseisvates punktidest ja võivad erinevate organisatsioonide puhul (näiteks AA või Visit Britain puhul ) varieeruda. (Hotel Star..., 2013) 6 1.3. Filipiinid Hotellid läbivad akrediteerimise protsessi, mille viib läbi Filipiinide turismiministeerium (DOT). Eesmärgiks on eelkõige kontrollida, kas antud hotell vastab nõutavatele standarditele, mida nimetatakse riiklikeks majutuse standarditeks. Hotelli standardid hindamiskategooriad koosnevad külastajate turvalisusest, hügieenist, mugavustest ja otstarbekusest

Turism → Hotellimajandus
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun