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"entry" - 179 õppematerjali

entry - ACE koosneb: kasutaja, grupi või arvuti nimest, pääsuõiguste loetoelust ) Silicon Valley - Nime saanud algselt silikoon-kiipide tootjate järgi Whole Earth Cataog – USA hipikultuuri/vastuliikumise kataloog, kus müüdi igast tooteid(kataloog ise ei müünud otseselt midagi, vaid andis müüjate info toodete kõrval)

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

Entry Ticket Week 39 – Ave Nurmeots (62-130) 1. Why is it important to move beyond product innovation?  To be able to compete within the today’s marketplace (continued success and differentiation).  It is not enough anymore just to come up with an innovative product or its features. To achieve a bigger and more sustainable competitive advantage different types of innovations should be combined together. 2. Name an example of a company from the book, which has gone beyond product innovation –explain which of the 9 other types they have used?  I really liked the example of Microsoft reinventing integrated office tools. When I think about it in today’s context, it seems very logical – a lot of companies do that. But that must have been an amazing innovation for that time. They used: o Profit model – instead of paying for the different applications separately, they...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

Monopolistic Competition Market Power Firms in monopolistic competition or imperfectly competitive markets are more likely to have limited market power because there are many firms with differentiated products (there are substitutes) and there is relative ease of entry and exit into the market Market Power among Sellers · Monopolistic competition - a market with a large number of sellers and relatively free entry; each firm "differentiates" its product. · Oligopoly - a market characterized by significant barriers to entry and "a few "sellers who recognize their interdependence in the market; products may be homogeneous or differentiated. Monopolistic Competition

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

The Onion Router

internetiliiklust pealt jälgida. Masinaid, millest Tor võrk koosneb nimetatakse releedeks. Igal vabatahtlikul on võimalik muuta oma arvuti releeks spetsiaalse tarkvara abil. Releede ülesandeks on vahendada internetiliiklust kliendi arvutist veebiserverisse. Antud andmevahetus muudab kliendi asukoha väljaselgitamise võimatuks. Relee tüüpe on erinevaid ning igal tüübil on olemas oma ülesanne. On olemas entry guard, middle relay ning exit relay. 2.2.1 Entry guard Entry guard relee ülesandeks on Tor kliendi ehk Tor brauseri ühendamine terve Tor võrguga. Tor klient valib omale võrku ühenduses ainult ühe kindla entry guardi, mida kasutatakse teatud aja jooksul ainult entry guardina turvalisuse eesmärgil. Kui entry guard saaks olla ka middle- või exit node, siis oleks antud masinal võimalik dekrüpteerida kliendi internetiliiklus ning kasutaja ei oleks enam anonüümne. 10 2.2.2 Middle relee

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
3 allalaadimist


· The crucial factor is the demand for the firm's output must be negatively sloped: the firm becomes a "price maker." The extent to which a firm is a price maker (i.e. has market power) is partially determined by the price elasticity of demand in the relevant price range. Note that when the seller selects a price (price maker) the demand function determines the quantity that will be purchased. · The conditions of entry or barriers to entry (BTE) are also important determinants of market power. If there are significant BTE, a firm or firms may be able to sustain above normal profits over time because other firms are prevented from entry to capture the above normal profits. Monopoly is the market structure that is usually associated with the greatest market power. · The monopolist produces a good with no close substitutes(increased probability the

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Labyrinth 2. kodutöö

p1->getRoom()->print(); else if (cmd == "kes") p1->getRoom()->printPlayers(); else if (cmd == "abi") goto K2sud2; else if (cmd == "kaarel") goto Labyrinth1; else p1->move(cmd); } End2: cout << "Press ENTER to exit." << endl; cin.ignore(100,'n'); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #include #include "Room.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Maze.h" using namespace std; Maze::Maze(string n) { name = n; entry = new Room("ENTRY",this); // cout << this << endl; entry->setMaze(this); rooms.push_back(entry); } Room* Maze::getEntry() { return entry; } string Maze::getName() { return name; } void Maze::print(string text) { cout << "Prindin Maze-i..." << endl; } void Maze::addRoom(Room* newRoom) { rooms.push_back(newRoom); } bool Maze::removeRoom(Room* room) { for (int i=0; i < rooms.size(); i++) { if (rooms[i] == room) { rooms.erase(rooms.begin() + i);

Informaatika → Keel c ja objektorienteeritud...
26 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

for describing the morphological space of the Chinese characters. A hypothesis about the possibilities offered by reliable character morphology for explanation of the lexical multivalency of Chinese characters is proposed. Also criteria for judging the quality of available morphological explanations is provided and their shortcomings are being outlined. Finally, as a practical implematation of the above-presented theoretical considerations, a XML database structure with one sample entry for building character database is provided. 5 Eess~ ona K¨aesolevas t¨o¨os uurin hiina kirjam¨arkide morfoloogiat ning selgitan selle kasutusv~oimalusi leksikograafilises kontekstis. T¨o¨os kasutan C. S. Peirce m¨argiteooriat ning mitmeid inglise ja jaapani keelseid m¨argis~onastikke. Eesm¨ark on suhteliselt pragmaatiline, p¨ uu¨e luua mingit korda eri m¨argi-

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Islandi vulkaanipurse

kaua vait olnud alates 1999. aastast on seal seismiline aktiivsus suurenenud ja tõenäosus lähiajal purskamiseks on suur, ütles geoloogiaprofessor Alvar Soesoo. llajokull.html?camp=localsearch:on:twit:bigpic Olivier Vandeginste - photographer's blog, and more of his volcano photos Volcano cloud as it happens - Live blog from BBC News Freezing the volcano's lightning - blog entry from Reuters Photographer Lucas Jackson Luck is a funny thing - blog entry from Reuters Photographer Lucas Jackson Sirli Aari fotokogu (2009)

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Mary Parker Follett

Mary Parker Follett Mary Parker Follett oli Ameerika sotsioloog, konsultant, sotsiaaltöötaja, demokraatlike, inimsuhete ja juhtimise teemaliste raamatute autor. (1) Teda tunnustati poliitilise filosoofina ja teadlasena tänu tema esimesele raamatule, mis tegi teda nähtavaks osalejaks intellektuaalses Bostoni elus. Tänapäeval aga peetakse raamatut klassikaliseks eeskujuks institutsioonilisest ajaloost. 1918. aastal M.Follet kirjutas oma teist raamatut „The New State: group organization the solution of popular governance“. Raamatus käsitletakse inimeste koostoimet poliitikas, riikliku ja rahvusvahelises organisatsioonis. See raamat tõi talle maailma kuulsuse. (5) Tal on väga tähtis roll mõtlemise arengus, täiskasvanute praktikas ning mitteametlikus hariduses. Tema panust on märgata 3 alal. Esiteks, tema sekkumist ja propageerimist rahvamajade kujutamist sama tähtsana nagu seda on sotsiaal- ja haridu...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Süsinikust veljed

Süsinikplastist autoveljed · Karl Aas, 093404, [email protected] · Valmistamine: Võetakse süsinkiust lehed (paksus on umbes 5-8 mikromeetrit), süsinikiud süsinikiu lehtedes on kootud risti, mis tekitab kergelt läbipaistva plastse riidelaadse materjali Vorm kaetakse vaiguga, mis ei lase süsinikiududel kleepuda vormi külge Vormi asetatakse süsinikiust lehed, iga lehe vahele pannakse vaigukiht (kihtide arv oleneb kui suurt tugevust taga aetakse) Vorm i peale pannakse kile ja tekitatakse kile alla alarõhk, et eemaldada õhk ja süsinikiud lehed pressida tugevalt üksteise vastu Vorm pannakse ahju ja hoitakse seal, kuskil 2000 C juures peale seda võetakse velg vormist välja. (

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
37 allalaadimist


MUGAVUSVARUS TUS KRISTJAN TEEARU VENTILATSIOON · Sõitjate ruumi kütmine ja jahutamine · Elektri auto? · Lisakütte seadmed (soojusvaheti, el kütteseade, seisukütte seade) · Kliimaseade HVAC (mootorilt käitatud, elektriline) VARGUSVASTASED SEADMED · Käivitustõkis (elektriline, mehaaniline?) · Vargaalarm · Kesklukustus (elektriline, elektropneumaatiline, automaatne) MUGAVUS · Elektriaknad (puldist) · Keyless entry (elektrooniline ukselink) · Elektrilised istmed (peatugi, lisafunktsioonid, airbag, turvavöö) · Klaasipuhasti (vihmasensor) · Elektriliselt sulguvad uksed ja elektriliselt avanevad külgmised ja tagumised luugid. JUHIABID · Kiirushoidik (kohanev) · Valgustus (kohanev) · Eessõitja tuvastus · Stop-n-Go kiirushoidik · Parkimisabi (kaamerad) · Pimenurgaabisti · Lane assist · Mägipidur · ESP, TRC MEELELAHUTUS, MUGAVUS · Navigatsioon (ühendatud tugi)

Auto → Autode lisa- ja mugavusseadmed
5 allalaadimist

Manual regarding the Customs Treatment of Gifts and Items of Negligible Value

............................................................................................3 3. DE MINIMUS LIMITS .....................................................................................4 4. CONSIGNMENTS CONTAINING ITEMS OF NEGLIGIBLE VALUE....4 5. GIFTS ..................................................................................................................4 6. PROCEDURE AT IMPORTATION................................................................7 7. ENTRY ON THE AEP SYSTEM .....................................................................7 8. HOW VARIOUS TYPES OF DUTY, CHARGEABLE AT IMPORTATION, ARE CALCULATED .........................................................8 9. REFUND CLAIMS ............................................................................................8 10. CASES OF DOUBT OR DIFFICULTY...........................................................9

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tšehhi vabariik

Kooli nimi Oma nimi :....:. klass Tsehhi Referaat Juhendaja Lisa ise. 2012 TSEHHI Joonis 1: Tsehhi Pealinn: Praha Pindala: 78 866 km2 Riigikeel: tsehhi Rahvaarv: 10 532 800 (2010) Rahvastiku tihedus: 133 km2 President : Václav Klaus Peaminister: Petr Necas Iseseisvus : Tsehhislovakkia jagunemisel 1. jaanuaril Rahaühik: kroon Tsehhi on jaotatud 13 maakonnaks ja pealinnaks (Praha) Joonis 2:Tsehhi vapp Joonis 3: Tsehhi lipp TSEHHI VABARIIK Tsehhi Vabariik sai iseseisvaks riigiks 1993. aasta jaanuaris, kui Tsehhoslovakkia jagunes kaheks. Enne Teist maailmasõda kuulus Tsehhoslovakkia maailma kümne industrialiseerituma riigi hulka ning ainsana Ida-Euroopa riikidest säilis seal demokraatia 1938. aastani. Tsehhi pealinn Praha on üle 1000 aasta vana ning seda iseloomustavad uhked ajaloolised ehitised erinevates stiilides. Seetõttu on linn kujunenud pa...

Geograafia → Geograafia
22 allalaadimist

Chocolate addiction

Chocolate addiction Are you Chocoholic ? Do you eat chocolate to make yourself feel better? Do you love chocolate more than yourself? Do you still want more chocolate when you feel sick of eating it? Those were the most common symptoms of chocholic Chocoholic Craves or compulsively consumes chocolate 'Chocoholism' is quite common. Chocolate is on top of the list of foods people say they crave. Term chocoholic = "chocolate" + "alcoholic.” Coined in 1968 Mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate. References Thank you for your attention!

Toit → toiduainete sensoorse...
2 allalaadimist

The Gemini Guidance Computer

The Gemini Guidance Computer XXX The Gemini Guidance computer - Citations Retrieved 24 Novmber 2015 Retrieved 24 November 2015 The Gemini Guidance computer - Vocabulary The Gemini Guidance computer - Structure History Objective Functions The Gemini Guidance computer - History End of the Mercury program 1. Man in space New era of testing 2 men in space more instrumentation Introduced in 1965 The Gemini Guidance computer - Objective To maneuver the spacecraft in space Calculate the distances between the rendezvous points Practicing rendezvous with Agena. The Gemini Guidance computer - Functions Prelaunch Ascent backup Insertion Catch-up Rendezvous Re-entry The Gemini Guidance computer - Conclusion 1. History 2. Objective 3. Function

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
1 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu direktiivid

authorities reports on occupational accidents suffered by his workers inform and consult workers and allow them to take part in discussions on all questions relating to safety and health at work; ensure that each worker receives adequate safety and health training Exposure to Physical Hazards Framework Directive 89/391/EEC Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus, number: RTI, 07.02.2002, 15, 83; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RTI, 07.02.2002, 15, 83, Entry into force: 01/06/2002; Reference: (MNE(2003)54546 The employer shall assess and, if necessary, measure the levels of exposure to noise to which workers are exposed. Results of the risk assessment have to be recorded on a suitable medium and kept up to date on a regular basis. The risk assessment shall be furthermore updated on a regular basis, particularly if there have been significant changes which could render it out of date, or if the results of health surveillance show it to be necessary

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Loire´i Lossid

Autor: Jevgenia Spiljova http:// %D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE %D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F&hl=ru&biw=1680&bih=949&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=4F Mqfn3QP_U_M:&imgrefurl= ttp:// Chenonceau/13_Chenonceau.jpg&w=800&h=535&ei=2iM4T_GsC8WA8gOZ0bTKAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=384&vp y=529&dur=3087&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=119&ty=107&sig=112837830390354862278&page=2&tbnh=136&tbnw= 193&start=37&ndsp=45&ved=1t:429,...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Millennium Bridge

bridge noticed that the bridge seemed to wobble. Because of that the bridge was closed for modifications 3 days after opening. It was reopened in February 2002. Construction of the bridge began in late 1998 and was completed in June 2000, about 2 months behind schedule. Total cost was 30 million euros. It can carry up to 5,000 people at the same time. DESIGN The design was a subject of a competition organized in 1996. The winning entry was an innovative effort from Arup, Foster and Partners and Sir Anthony Caro. It is 325 metres long and 4 metres wide. Made of aluminium.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise renessansiteater

Inglise renessansiteater Inglise renessansiteater baseerus Londonis aastatel 1567, millal avati esimene Inglismaa teater The Red Lion ehk Punane lõvi, kuni aastani 1642 mil võimule tulnud puritaanid sulgesid kõik teatrid, sest nende arust oli meelelahutus patt. Selle aja teater oli sarnane eelnevate perioodidega ning erinevate riikidega. Teatrit võis teha absoluutselt igal pool. Kus iganes rahvas kogunes, seal teatrit tehti. Näitlejad olid ainult mehed, naisi lavale ei lastud. Varasemast Inglismaa teatrist erines ta aga teemade poolest. Enne seda perioodi käsitleti peamiselt kirikuteemasid ja näideldi usklike ürituste puhul. Nüüd aga hakati kujutama ühiskondlike probleeme ja elulisi juhtumisi. Organiseeritud etendused õukondades ja rikkamate linnaelanike kodudes. Neil olid oma näitetrupid. Selle pärast kõlavad ka näitetruppide nimed sellest ajast nii nagu nad oleks kellegi omad...

Teatrikunst → Draama õpetus
21 allalaadimist

Faze Niko

Gamepub At ESEA Season 18 - Global Invite Division he won 10k $ Mousesports In Mousesports he earned good but not enough, but until he joined Faze Clan he earned much more. Niko` Approx. Total Winnings 187,356k $. That money is only from tournament winnings. Faze Clan Niko joined Faze in February. Guardian Olofmeiste Niko Karrigan Rain r Awper Lurker Secondery IGL Entry Rifer awper Rifer fragger Rifer Rifer RobbaN - coach This was brought to you by Ants Joosep Virkus

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


[Your Name] [Instructor] [Class] [Date] ABOUT SERIAL KILLERS INTRODUCTION Let's play a quick game of catchphrase - guess the word. My phrase is two words, and describes a person. Charles Manson. Ted Bundy. Jack the Ripper. Serial killer - serial meaning "arranged in a straight line or succession" (1) and killer meaning "one who kills, or any agent used to neutralize the active property of anything." We tend to have a morbid interest in people who commit murder. Today, I'd like to explain what distinguishes serial killing from mass murders, how long serial killing has been around, and highlight some of the psychological traits common to serial killers. BODY I. Serial killing vs mass murders Now at a glance serial killing and mass murder seems basically the same: one person kills many other people. The distinction between the two is notable: mass murder happens when one person murders mult...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Firstly, Film Club evenings take plave on Fridays 6-10 pm. Usually films are in English and quiz evenings about films are always very popular. Students like to relax and communicate with each other, it is also popular because watching films is not too physically demanding. Secondly, there are some problems but Film Club team is trying to solve them. The biggest problem is lack of money and because of that we would like to raise the entry fee. In addition to money problems DVD library films are all from ancient times and this collection has not been renewed since 1995. We are discussing about throwing a Film Fair, where people could donate nowadays films to us. Finally, last month 15 new members joined our club and to increase the popularity of Film Club, we would like to throw a disco every Friday after films and quizes. Therefore, Film Club team hopes that this would accelerate our

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Freedom Square

Square. Before Freedom Square there was a parking lot. It was opened on 23 June 2009 as a memorial for those who fell during the Estonian War of Independence. This cost to Estonia about 26,9 million euros. Victory Column It is also there to commemorating the Estonian War of Independence 1918­ 1920. The idea of creating a monument was conceived in 1919, before the end of the war. In 2006, a design competition for the monument received more than 40 entries. The winning entry "Libertas" was designed by Rainer Sternfeld, Andri Laidre, Kadri Kiho and Anto Savi. Facts Freedom Square area where it is located is 7752 m². To avoid birds, on the top of the Victory column there are speacial grillwork. Also on the top of the monument there are lightning arrester. In the area there were planted about 381 bushes and 504 roses. Most of the people celebrate in Freedom Square the new years eve and other important events. Click to edit M

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia II Maailmasõjas(inglise keeles)

On August 15, 1945, the Surrender of Japan occurred, effectively ending World War II. The signing of the surrender document occurred on September 2, 1945. Prime Minister Winston Churchill gives the "Victory" sign Nuremberg trials North East India, 1944 North Africa, 1941 British Empire in World war II Britain was no longer the great power it had once been Canada, Australia and New Zealand moved within the orbit of the United States. The price for India's entry to the war had been effectively a guarantee for independence. Same with African colonies Manpower and deaths Country Manpower contribution Military deaths Britain 6,500,000 244,000 India 2,400,000 24,000 Canada 1,060,000 39,000 Australia 995,000 27,000 South Africa 410,000 7,000 New 215,000 10,000 Zealand

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Education in Russia

Education in Russia Table of contents Compulsory school years School stages Grading system PISA results GDP investment Literacy rate in the country Interesting facts about rules and regulations Compulsory school years Eleven-year secondary education in Russia is compulsory A student of 15 to 18 years of age may drop out of school with approval of his/her parent and local authorities Students with multiple violations may be kicked out of school at starting age of 15 School stages kindergarten (age 3 to 7) elementary (years 1-4) middle (years 5-9) senior (years 10-11) Grading system In Russia, most educational institutions use a five-point grading scale, where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest 5 "Excellent" 4 "Good" 3 "Satisfactory" 2 "Unsatisfactory" 1 "Very Poor" In higher education, most subjects are graded `Pass/No pass' PISA resul...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


cake), cawl cennin (leek stew), Welsh cakes, Welsh Rarebit, and Welsh lamb. Welsh rarebit Fruit cake Glamorgan sausage Aside from being (at 58 letters) the longest place name in Europe, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch was actually used as a secret password in the in the cult 1968 Jane Fonda movie Barbarella - writers of the the sci-fi movie had characters say it each time they wanted to gain entry to a secret HQ. Interesting facts Only 21% of the entire Welsh population of Wales can speak the native language. Wales is the only part of the UK not to be represented on the Union Flag. The oldest tree in Wales, Llangeryw Yew, is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old. Source Flag Wikipedia Map of Wales Symbols: Castles: Powis Castle: http://goo

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Welcome to Tallinn

Practical information: If you decide to travel by yourself without any guides, you will need to know some helpful information about Tallinn: · We have a good transport system of buses, trams and trolleys, which connects all part of the city from 6 am to 11 pm. · It is cheaper to buy tickets from newsstands, than from drivers. · Tourists can buy the special Tallinn Card, which provides unlimited use of public transport along with entry to various attractions. · There are many parking lots all over the city. Events: Tallinn city is not a big museum; it has lots places of entertain. Such as: · Restaurants with any cuisine you like ­ Italian, French, Spanish, Georgia, Russian and of course Estonian cuisine. · Nightclubs, where we have parties and dance evenings every day. · Jazzkaar annual festival throughout the bars and clubs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

''Dracula'' analüüs

Wilhelmina; Arthur Holmwood, Lucy’s fiancee, who also doesn’t write; John Seward, a doctor; Abraham Van Helsing, a Dutch doctor, dr. Seward’s teacher, writes letters; Quincey Morris, one of Lucy’s suitors and Renfield, a patient of dr. Seward, both not writing anything. Also there are mentioned three sisters that are servants of Dracula and gypsies, who are protecting Dracula while he travels. The story begins with the entry of Jonathan Harker, who is driving to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula in his castle. He describes his ride and the scenery of Romania. Though finding his journey to the castle creepy, he finally meets Dracula, who seems to be very well- mannered yet awkward. He thinks Dracula is odd-looking and they never meet in daylight, also he does not seem to be eating anything. Later he finds himself as prisoner of Count but manages to escape.

Keeled → British literature
17 allalaadimist

Kodune ülesanne

Ülesanne 2 Predetermined overhead rate Department 1: Overhead cost / Direct labor hours = 250 000 / 100 000 = 2,5 kr/h Department 2: Overhead cost / Machine hours = 162 000 / 30 000 = 5,4 kr/h Applied overhead for all jobs during 2007 Department 1: 98 000 * 2,5= 245 000 Underapplied overhead = 247 500 - 245 000 = 2 500 Department 2: 32 000 * 5,4 = 172 800 Underapplied overhead = 175 000-172 800 = 2 200 For the firm: Underapplied overhead = 2 500 + 2 200 = 4 700 Journal entry Department 1 Department 2 Total Overhead cost before correction 247 500 175 000 422 500 Underapplied overhead 2 500 2 200 4 700 Overhead cost after correction 250 000 177 200 427 200 Total cost of Job 689 Department 1: 1580 + 937 + 125 * 2,5 = 2 829,5 Department 2: 2650 + 400 + 205 * 5,4 = 4 157 Total cost: 2 829,5 + 4 157 = 6986,5 kr

Majandus → Kuluarvestus
259 allalaadimist

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

than half of his paintings. The Ninth Wave is his "most celebrated work."Aivazovsky is considered one of the most prominent Russian artists and one of the greatest marine artists of the 19th century BIOGRAPHY  Aivazovsky was born in the town of Feodosiya, Crimea to a poor Armenian family. His father taught him to play the violin and speak Polish and Ukrainian fluently. His talent as an artist earned him sponsorship and entry to the Simferopol gymnasium №1 and later the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, which he graduated with a gold medal.  At 31, Aivazovsky married Julia Graves, an English governess in St. Petersburg. They had four daughters. The marriage was dissolved, and at the age of 65, Aivazovsky, married Anna Boornazian, a young Armenian widow from Theodosia.  In 1895, he painted a number of works on the subject such as "The Expulsion

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Intouchables

International Film Festival and the Award for Best Actor to both Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy in 2011. At the César Awards 2012, the film received eight nominations. Omar Sy received the César Award for Best Actor on 24 February 2012 for the role of Driss (defeating Jean Dujardin, nominated for The Artist) and being the first French African actor to receive this honor. In September 2012, it was announced that The Intouchables had been selected as the French entry for the Best Foreign Language Oscar for the 85th Academy Awards. In December 2012, it made the January shortlist, but was ultimately not selected for inclusion among the final nominees. The movie was dubbed. Music by Antonio Vivaldi. Summary In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe (François Cluzet) is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie (Audrey Fleurot)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Horatio Nelson

1. About Horatio Nelson 2. The Victory 3. Emma and Horatia 4. Battles 5. Used material Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square Born: 29 September 1758 Birthplace: Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, England Died: 21 October 1805 (killed in battle) Best Known As: The hero of the Battle of Trafalgar Lord Nelson's full title, at the time of his death, was Vice Admiral of the White The Right Honourable Horatio, Viscount Nelson, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Horatio Nelson HMS Victory is a 100 gun ship of the line of the Royal Navy, built in the 1760s and currently a museum in dry dock in Portsmouth. She is the oldest ship still in commission. Nelsons most famous ship, his flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805. The Victory Nelsons Flagship The two people he hold most dear in the world ­ his beloved Emma and their daughter Horati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The best things in life are free

real talent from birth. Money doesn't confer good behavior. There are many rich people who are rude and with no manners but also there are plenty of poor people who demonstrate perfect manners and respect for others. The amount of money you have doesn't show if you behave well or poorly. Manners and classy behavior are not bought, they are taught and practiced by parents who want their children to be decent and well-mannered. Money can buy you entry into a better class position, but it cannot make you behave as you should. If money could buy peace there would be no wars or conflicts between different countries. Even if the governments spend money to make the world more peaceful place it still won't work as they really want. Peace isn't something you can buy or make with money. It's about treating others fair and humanely, just as we want others to treat us. And as I said money can't buy good behaviour which is the base of the peace.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Harjutustöö: 2

RT I, 1999, 60, 616, Publication date: 01/07/2003; Reference: (MNE(2003)54299) Isikukaitsevahendite valimise ja kasutamise kord Legal act: Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, Publication date: 01/06/2002; Reference: (MNE(2003)54301) Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seaduse muutmise seadus Legal act: seaduse parandus, number: RTI, 09.07.2004, 54, 389 ; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RTI, 09.07.2004, 54, 389 , Entry into force: 15/07/2004; Reference: (MNE(2004)51242) Töötervishoiu- ja tööohutusalase väljaõppe ja täiendõppe kord Legal act: Sotsiaalministri määrus; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, Publication date: 01/06/2002; Reference: (MNE(2003)54319) Kantserogeensete ja mutageensete ainete kasutamisel esitatavad nõuded töökohal Legal act: Vabariigi Valitsuse määrus; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, Publication date: 01/06/2002; Reference: (MNE(2003)54347)

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
134 allalaadimist

Kliiniline psühholoogia - Vaimuhaiged

pügmalionism, zoofiilia, nekrofiilia ja muud õudused seksuaalse sihi väärastused: fetishism(kasutades esemeid), ekshibitsionism(liputamine), transvestism, skopofiilia(pealt vaatamine), algolagnia(valunauding) }rfrfrfrXrM ~s~h]h]h YI"ÇÏÈËfb~k"ÕLR YI"ÇÏÈËfb~k"ÕLR PNG )8IDATx^í ' {]k] qx«y½¾çX'zä¸æØú^äô®e3U(#§eOEc­^_z {¹U:­:µjî¥.a6w]W*¼¼ß 5Yï»ôê׸߷%.]}ûN/-#BÓÕ@ umgë|PÂM}ÍfK tô~"s¼UòSy}sºÊ+K3L')

Psühholoogia → Metodoloogia
32 allalaadimist

Dzimitry Samal

Dzimitry Samal Dzimitry samal on sündinud valgevenes 1981.aastal. lapsepõlv möödus Valgevenes. Samas lõpetas ta 2003.aastal Tehnikaülikooli. Tema esimene amet oli autodisainer Itaalia (Stile Petrone), ja Prantsusmaa (Renault) autotööstustes , samuti koostöö Ameerika disainiagentuuridega. Õpinguid jätkas Valgevene Kunstiakadeemias. Tänu suurele huvile autodest ja autodisainist laiemalt, võitis ta AUDI stipendiumi. Magistrikraadi omandas Dzmitry Milano Polütehnikumi disaini osakonnas. End täiendanud ja õppinud on ta veel Prantsusmaal, USA-s ning mujal maailmas. Ta on osalenud Euroopa ja maailma sellealastel konverentsidel ning on finalist paljudel nimekatel rahvusvahelistel ideekonkurssidel. Tema töid on avaldatud paljudes ajakirjades ülemaailma näiteks Elle Decoration, Designer, Glamour jt. Dzmitry on olnud ka õppejõud samas Milano Polütehnikumis disaini ja projektsiooni alal. Samuti züriiliige mainel konkursil, mis korraldatud noorte di...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping Translate: 1. raamatupidaja-assistent teeb kandeid päevaraamatusse (3 pts)- bookkeeper records purchase and sale in journals 2. kandma edasi pearaamatusse (2 pts) ­ transfer to ledger 3. raamatupidamisperioodi lõpus (2 pts) ­ at the end of an accounting period 4. vastavad lõppsummad (2 pts) ­ relevant totals 5. 2-kordne kirjendamine (2 pts) ­ double-entry 6. tegema proovibilanssi (2 pts) ­ do a trial balance 7. tõendab kannet/kirjet kontol (3 pts) ­ support or prove an item in an account 8. saatma arvet (2 pts) ­ send invoice 9. säilitama algdokumente (2 pts) ­ retain the documents 10. kviitung kinnitab makset (3 pts) ­ receipt acknowledging payment 11. tegema neid kättesaadavaks (2 pts) ­ make them available? 12. sooritatud ja saadud makse (3 pts) ­ payment made and received 13. analüüsivad finantsk...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

The Burglar on the Prowl

The Burglar on the Prowl By: Lawrence Block Carl Maask 2011 Lawrence Block Born June 24, 1938. 73 years old. Is an American Crime writer. Undoubtedly most known for his two series. Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America in 1993. Also goes under the names of: Chip Harrison, Paul Kavanagh, Lee Duncan, Sheldon Lord The Burglar on the Prowl Published in 2004. The most recent entry to the series of Bernie Rhodenbarr. Main character of all the series is Bernie Rhodenbarr. There's a lot of 10 novels and 3 stories amongst the series of Rhodenbarr. The Main characters of the book Bernard "Bernie" Rhodenbarr ­ the main character around whom the story develops. He's a witty and charming character whom owns and operates a bookstore during daytime and makes extra money through robbery in the nighttime. He winds up on the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

TMT0040 Ergonoomika Stretches and exercises in office Ruslan Karpovits 050829 IATM Breaks Why? We're not designed to stay in one position all day long. Taking regular breaks to stretch major muscle groups can help reduce injury, muscular tension and stiffness. When? At least once per hour, but more frequently if possible. If you are doing data entry, you should take a 5minute break for every 30 continuous data entry minutes spent on the computer. Benefits of stretching Stretching increases flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring. Stretching improves range of motion of your joints. Good range of motion keeps you in better balance, which will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls --

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
32 allalaadimist


Alt-F9 Toggle Field Codes Väljakoodide kuvamine/peitmine Alt-F10 Maximize Maksimeeri aken Alt-F11 Visual Basic Näita VB koodi Alt-Shift-F1 Go To previous field Eelmisele väljale Alt-Shift-F2 Save Salvesta Alt-Shift-F4 Close Sule programm Alt-Shift-D Insert Date field Kuupäeva lisamine teksti Alt-Shift-I TOA entry (mark) Kirjanduse viidete loetelu märkimine Alt-Shift-O TOC entry Sisukorra elemendi märkimine Alt-Shift-P Insert page numbers Lehekülje numbri lisamine teksti Alt-Shift-T Insert Time Kellaaja lisamine teksti Alt-Shift-X Index (Mark index) Indeksi märkimine Alt-Shift- ← Pealkirjaks tegemine (tase üles) Alt-Shift- → Pealkirjaks tegemine (tase alla)

Infoteadus → arvutiõpe
1 allalaadimist

Grupitöö „Euroopa Liidu direktiivid“

edasilükkamatute tööde tegemiseks vääramatust jõust tingitud vajaduse korral.  Tööandja on kohustatud pidama ületunnitöö arvestust iga töötaja ja iga ületunnitöö juhu kohta eraldi. TÖÖTERVISHOIU JA TÖÖOHUTUSE SEADUSE, TÖÖ- JA PUHKEAJA SEADUSE NING EESTI VABARIIGI TÖÖLEPINGU SEADUSE § 125 MUUTMISE SEADUS Legal act: seadus, number: RT I 2004, 86, 584 ; Official Journal: Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja, number: RT I 2004, 86, 584 , Entry into force: 01/01/2005; Reference: (MNE(2004)53833)  « (11) Tsiviilõhusõiduki meeskonna liikmele antakse iganädalasi puhkepäevi kohapeal. Tsiviilõhusõiduki meeskonna liikme iganädalase puhkeaja hulka ei loeta valveaega.»  Märkus! 1 EL Nõukogu direktiiv 2000/79/EÜ, mis käsitleb Euroopa Lennuettevõtjate Ühenduse (AEA), Euroopa Transporditöötajate Föderatsiooni (ETF), Euroopa Lennumeeskonnaliikmete Liidu (ECA),

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
18 allalaadimist

Utoopia arhitektuuris

the world. · Masdar city in United Arab Emirates near Abu Dhabi. First city in the world, that would rely on the renewable energy sources. 6 square kilometers, home for 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses. · Habitat 2020 is a future example of biomimetic architecture that fuses high-tech ideas with basic cellular functions to create `living' structures that operate like natural organisms. The exterior has been designed as a living skin. The surface would allow the entry of light, air and water into the housing. The garbage would be converted into biogas energy. · Wind powered rotating skyscraper. 59 levels with wind turbines, on a concrete core. · Lylypad by Vincent Callebaut. Floating city, covered with plants. For 50 000 people, will be ready around the year 2100. · By 2010

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Verivorst ja selle tegemine

Tallinna Reaalkool Verivorst Referaat Õpilane Tallinna reaalkool, 2016 Sissejuhatus Mina valisin teemaks verivorsti. Ma valisin selle teema, sest mulle väga meeldivad verivorstid, kuigi ma eriti ei tea midagi nendest, seega saan natuke vervorstidest teada. Verivorsti päritolu Verivorsti ja muude vere ja liha toitude päritolumaaks peetakse Keekat, kus neid on mainitud juba 5000 aastat tagasi. Eestisse jõudis verivorst rootslaste ja lätlaste kaudu, kes tutvustasid seda vastavalt põhja- ja lõuna-eestlastele. Enne seda olid eestlased söönud ainult tanguvorsti, ilma vereta. Verivorsti hakati just talvel sööma sellepärast, et verivorst on väga toitainerikas ja sinna sisse saab panna kõike mida tavaliselt ei sööda (veri) ja mida seega jääb palju järele. Lisaks on verivorst väga kasulik, sest see sisaldab palju rauda, mida organism omastab paremini kui taimetoidus olevat. Samuti sisaldab veri...

Toit → Toit ja toitumine
1 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

................................. 17 3.2. The main taxes ...................................................................................................................... 20 3.3. Tax rates in 2013 in Russia .................................................................................................... 22 4. LABOUR RELATIONS (INCLUDING IMMIGRATION LAWS) ......................................................... 25 4.1. Entry and stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation ................................................ 25 4.2. Types of visas for foreign citizens in the Russian Federation................................................ 25 4.3. Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation .................................. 28 4.3.1. The procedure for bringing the work of highly skilled professionals (VKS) ...................... 30 4.3.2

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


suhtes Q2 = Rkl tan , kg (11.9) Kinnitusliinile mõjuv jõud T leitakse valemiga: T = n Rkl/ cos , kg (11.10) Kus n ­ tugevusvaru (n = 2-4), Rkl ­ vee surve (takistus) tormi ajal antud liini poolt kinnihoitavale noodaosale, ­ kunnitusliini kaldenurk horisontaaltaspinna suhtes 11.4. Kastlõksud (ingl. k. "Pots" Side entry sizes: ·559mm (22") x 457mm (18") x 356mm (14") ·610mm (24") x 457mm (18") x 356mm (14") ·660mm (26") x 457mm (18") x 356mm (14") Top entry sizes: · 6" · 8" · 10" Galvanised Weldmesh Parlour Creel, Abandonned or lost pots continue to fish indefinitely, killing as many as 40 crabs per pot annually. In Port

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
34 allalaadimist

The invention of the telephone inglise keel

receivers. In 1875, Bell developed his first version of what came to be known as the telephone. He received a patent for it on March 7, 1876, just after his 29th birthday. Five days later, on March 12, he tested his device, speaking into the phone to his associate, Thomas Watson, when he said, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you." After that this primitive telephone was rapidly improved. Picture on the slaid : Bell's March 10, 1876 laboratory notebook entry describing his first successful experiment with the telephone.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Staffing - Xculture

Staffing The most effective way of staffing for Daffodils Games & Publishing would probably be the combination of locals and expatriates. As the company is small and with a limited budget the chosen method must be both economical and effective. Since the entry mode chosen was exporting, the best way to maintain the low budget would be to mainly hire locals together with few expatriates. As the market of entering is a foreign country (Nigeria) there would be needed to hire locals of the new country in the sales, marketing and legal departments. The locals should be hired as sales representatives and agents as they know the culture, methods to approach the possible customers and the needs of the market of the new country. Their

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


OOPERIFANTOOM Zanri mõiste Ooperifantoom on muusikal. Muusikal- muusikaline lavateos, mille sisu avatakse laulu, tantsu ja kõnedialoogide kaudu Zanr on seotud igapäevaeluga ja seda mõjutavad hetkel moes olevad muusikastiilid. Lavastuse ajalugu romaaan ,,Ooperikummitus'' Andrew Lloyd Webber loodud muusikal, esietendus 1986. aastal Originaalpeaosatäitjad: Fantoom- Michael Crawford, Christine Daaé- Sarah Brightman Aasta 1925 tehti tummfilm On võitnud palju auhindu Broadway kõige pikemalt mängitud lavastus läbi aegade Sisukokkuvõte Chagny vikont Raoul on oksjonil ja teeb pakkumise mängutoosile, mis seostub talle mingi erilise mälestusega. Edasi toimub muusikali sündmustik minevikus, siis kui Raoul veel noor oli. On aasta 1890 ja käivad uue ooperi Hannibal proovid. Primadonna Carlotta on valmis esitama aariat, kuid äkitselt kukub dekoratsioon stangedelt ja Carlotta pääseb napilt surmast. Otsustatakse, et teda hakk...

Muusika → Muusikal
9 allalaadimist

Euroopa ja Prantsuse revolutsioon

Prantsuse revolutsioon ja Euroopa Annika Allik Põltsamaa ÜG 10A Revolutsiooni vastukajad Revolutsioonilised sündmused Prantsusmaal leidsid Euroopas laialdast vastukaja Bastille vallutamise teate võtsid saksa haritlased vastu vaimustusega Rahvuskogu tegevuses nähti valgustusideede elluviimist poliitikas Prantsuse revolutsioonile avaldati poolehoidu riikides, mis olid võõrvõimu all Bastille vallutamine Revolutsiooni vastukajad Venemaal nähti revolutsioonis ,,näljase rahvahulga" väljaastumist Revolutsiooni süvenemisel mõisteti, et ,,Prantsuse kuninga küsimus on kõigi kuningate küsimus" Revolutsiooni loosung ,,Vabadus, võrdsus, vendlus" Prantsusmaa sündmustes hakati nägema ohtu feodaalkorrale Euroopas Revolutsioonisõdade algus Euroopa riigid otsustasid Prantsusmaa sündmustesse sõjaliselt sekkuda ­ peatada revolutsioon ja taas...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

For and against studying abroad

For and against studying abroad At first it will definitely seem exciting, scary and overwhelming to study and live in another country and far away from all your friends and family back home. This experience will expanded your horizons and make you more independent. Obviously there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, and here is what I think they might be. I believe that there are many advantages that the time abroad will provide you. For instance you will make a lot of friends from all over the world. It is always nice to have a place to stay when you accidentally end up in Japan or Australia for a few days. Being an exchange student is also a fabulous chance for travelling. Getting to know a new country so well is definitely not possible during a holiday or a short visit. Besides living in a new culture for a long period of time will teach you more about the culture than reading any boo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun