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"resource" - 230 õppematerjali

resource - Based View – n. ettevõtte sisemised strateegilised ressursid; konkurentsieelis; valuable-rare-inimitable-nonsubstituable; … (Barney, 1991)

How to deal with water shortage problems?

How to deal with water shortage problems? Water covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface and it is the most valuable resource in the world. We need water to live on this planet otherwise life on Earth wouldn't be possible. Many countries suffer from water shortages. There is no fresh water for people usage. It's actually a major problem in the world but what can we do to decrease this? Firstly, people need to realise that there are many other people in the world who does not have accessibility to water. We can decrease it by not wasting water on pointless things for example

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Natural resources - our treasure

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as electricity, using wind turbines. These wind turbines are popular in counties, where the average speed of the wind is at least 6 meters per second for example in Germany, Denmark, USA and India. Hydropower is energy derived from the movement of water in rivers and oceans,it can be used to generate electricity using turbines, or can be used mechanically to do useful work. It is a very common resource. Besides these , there are a lot more renewable resources such as animals, plants, forrests and so on. Non-renewable resources: Some resources take hundreds, thousands and even millions of years to be made. These are called non-renewable resources like coal , oil shale, petroleum, natural gases, rocks. Natural gas- is a gas consisting mostly of methane. It is used to produce electricity and heat,

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kaasaegsed trendid 21.sajandil

keskkonna mõjutusteguritest. Personalitöö on arenenud lihtsast erilist mõju mitte omavast valdkonnast allikaks, mis annab organisatsioonidele konkurentsieelise globaalses majanduses.4 1 Nair, S. S. Artikkel ,,Emerging trends in HRM". Kättesaadav arvutivõrgus: resources-articles/emerging-trends-in-hrm-1282468.html. 2 Sama. 3 Summerfield, B. Artikkel ,,Global trends in human resource management". Kättesaadav arvutivõrgus: management/. 4 Nair, S. S. Artikkel ,,Emerging trends in HRM". Kättesaadav arvutivõrgus: resources-articles/emerging-trends-in-hrm-1282468.html. PERSONALITÖÖD MÕJUTAVAD TEGURID 21.SAJANDIL Haridustaseme tõus. Tulenevalt tehnoloogia arengust ja haridusasutuste paljususest mõistavad

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
65 allalaadimist

Tolereerimise kodutööd

INSENERI EETIKA KOODEKS 1. Insener on erialases tegevuses kohustatud arvestama teaduse ja tehnika mõju inimkonnale ja looduskeskkonnale ega tohi tööülesannete täitmisel unustada vastutust ühiskonna ees. 2. Insener töötab ja suhtleb vastavalt Euroopa maade käitumisnormidele ja pöörab erilist tähelepanu endaga koos töötavate inimeste kutsealaste õiguste ning väärikuse austamisele. 3. Insener kohustub oma tegevuses juhinduma järgmistest eetilistest tõekspidamistest. Isiklik eetika 1. Insener hoiab oma erialased oskused tasemel, mis võimaldab tal oma erialal osutada rahvusvahelisel tasemel tööalaseid teenuseid. Ta austab oma töökohamaa seadusi. 2. Tema professionaalsed omadused ja ausus peavad tagama erapooletu suhtumise tööalastesse analüüsidesse, hinnangutesse ja otsustustesse. 3. Ta peab kinni kõigist lubadustest ja teabe mittelevitamise kokkulepetest, millega ta on vabatahtlikult nõustunud. 4. Ta peab olema pühendunud inseneritöö...

Masinaehitus → Mõõtmestamine ja...
118 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems

global warming, ozone depletion, and deforestation that transcend national boundaries. A new concept ­ global environmental problems ­ has entered the public arena, especially in the area of foreign policy and economic matters. Global Environmental Problems: · Energy · Water · Global Climate Change · Land Use and Development · Ozone Depletion · Waste · Resource Depletion · Ecological Health (Biodiversity) · Human Health · Air Quality Sustainable Development The main principle of sustainable development is the following: improvement of the quality of human life through economic growth and increase of consumption should not distort the chances of future generations to meet their basic needs. Sustainable Development = Economy + Social Sphere + Environment

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist

HTML lühendid

HTML ­ Hypertext Markup Language ­ veebilehe kirjutamise keel, standardkood. Kirjutad veebilehele. CSS ­ Cascading Style Sheets ­ programmeerimiskeel, mis sätestab veebilehtede vormingu. Kujundad, sisustad. HTTP ­ Hypertext Transfer Protocol ­ veebilele edastusstandard. Tavakasutuses. HTTPS ­ secure, turvatud/enkrüptitud veebilehe edastus (kasutatakse pankades) FTP ­ File Transpfer Protocol ­ kasutatakse failide edastamiseks. URI ­ Uniform Resource Indentifier ­ veebilehe (või muu resurssi) unikaalne aadress/asukoht internetis. URL ­ Uniform Resource Locater, osa URI-st ­ kuidas ressurss on kättesaadav. Juhend kuidas URI leida. TCP/IP ­ Kokku Internet Protocol Suite koosneb: (standardite pakett) TCP ­ Transmission Control Protocol IP ­ Intenet Protocol IP- aadress ­ Igale võrgus osalejale antud unikaalne number. 32-bitine kood (Ipv4) ja 128- bitine (Ipv6). Võib olla staatiline (ei muutu) või dünaamiline.

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
19 allalaadimist

Does water consumption matter?

Does water consumption matter? 2 MINUTIT. I'm going to talk about water consumption and about the importance of the water. I've chosen this topic because water is our most important resource and I'm also very worried about how little there is left of it. At the moment a bottle of water costs less than an euro, but within the next 10 years the very same bottle may cost 5 to 10 euros, if we don't conserve and protect our fresh water supply. The thing is, we have enough sea water, but it's the freshwater we lack of. Water covers over 70% of the Earth, but just 3% of it is fresh and less than 1% is the water that is available and we can drink

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Infootsing ja infoallikad - Praktiline töö

,,information management" ja keeleks valisin inglise keel. Tulemuseks sain 2 kirjet: 1) Some challenges of contemporary management; 2) Applying cross-cultural student teams for supporting international networking of Estonian enterprises. 4. Sooritage otsing andmebaasides RIKSWEB (Lääne-Viru Rakenduskõrgkool), ESTER, URRAM ja leidke autori Torrington, Derek'i raamatuid pealkirjaga Human resource management, kirjeldage otsingu käiku ja võrrelge otsingu tulemusi; 2p RIKSWEB ­ Täpsem otsing, sisestasin väljadele Autori nime Torrington, Derek, Pealkirja Human resource management ja ühikuks Raamat. Tulemuseks sain kaks kirjet. ESTER ­ Liitotsing, sisestasin väljadele autori nime Torrington, Derek, pealkirja Human resource management ja teaviku kaadiks valin raamat. Tulemuseks saan 3 kirjet.

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
16 allalaadimist

Marketing Metaphoria

Marketing Metaphoria Maarja Salu MSI I kursus Marketing Metaphoria reveals the powerful unconscious viewing lenses called "deep metaphors"­ that shape what people think, hear, say, and do. Why do... ... advertising campaigns and new products often fail? ... consumers feel that companies don't understand their needs? Because... ... marketers themselves don't think deeply about consumers' innermost thoughts and feelings. Marketing Metaphoria should convince you that everything consumers think and do is influenced at unconscious levels and it will give you access to those deeper levels of thinking. What are these deep metaphors then? Seven main ones Balance Transformation Journey Container Connection Resource Control Balance Click to edit Master text styles Second level Harmony ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Solar power

 no greenhouse gases; In the air is not greenhouse gases.  unlimited resource; The sun is abundant, it is free and inexhaustible resources  low maintenance costs;  runs silently; Solar power system runs silently. Minuses:  Needed during daylight; at night can be used only for the stored energy  seasonality; During the winter months are the low efficiency of solar panels  high price; relatively high resource costs and the high price  expensive; solar panels are expensive and requires specialized labor  long payback. long payback period without additional support Päikesepaneelid Plussid:  Keskkonnasäästlik taastuvenergia: väheneb fossiilsete kütuste põletamine energia saamiseks, samuti maavarade kaevandamine ja sellega kaasnevad keskkonnamõjud  Ei kaasne ohtlike kasvuhoonegaaside emissiooni keskkonda

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Rühmatöö Open Access

1. andmebaasi loomise aeg; Open Access ( Open Access ehk avatud juurdepääs on andmebaas, mis tagab piiranguteta ja tasuta juurdepääsu teadusinformatsioonile internetis. Avatud juurdepääsu oluline külg on selle kiire levik üle kogu maailma. ( Andmebaasi loomise alguseks loetakse 1990-ndaid aastaid. ( Aastal 2003 oli loodud ajakirjade register. (https://moodle.e-, Projekti eesmärgiks oli koguda elektrooniliste teadusajakirjade ja tagada vaba juurdepääsu tasuta teadlaskonna liikmetele. ( Idee luua kataloog avatud juurdepääsuga kiideti heaks ainult aastal 2002 Esimese Põhjamaade konverentsil Lundis (Rootsi) ja Kopenhaagenis (Taani). ( Tuginedes proovivõtu tu...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
7 allalaadimist

Diskreetse matemaatika elemendid, eksami konspekt

Lausearvutus 1) a. Lausearvutuse lausetele esitatavad tingimused: a.i. Välistatud kolmanda seadus. Iga lause on kas tõene või väär. a.ii. Mittevasturääkivuse seadus. Ükski lause ei saa olla nii tõene kui ka väär. a.iii. Tehteid võib teostada ükskõik milliste lausetega. a.iv. Tehte tulemuseks saadud lause tõeväärtus sõltub ainult komponentlausete tõeväärtustest. 2) a. Eitus (märk ¬). Lause mittekehtimine. b. Konjunktsioon (märk &) tähendab seost ,,ja". c. Disjunktsioon (märk ) väljendab seost ,,või". Siin on kasutusel mittevälistav ,,või". d. Implikatsioon (märk ) väljendab tingimuslikku konstruktsiooni ,,kui ..., siis ...". e. Ekvivalents (märk ) tähendab matemaatikas sagedasti kasutatavat seost ,,parajasti siis, kui". f. Tehete järjekord kõrgemast madalamani ¬, &, , , . ...

Matemaatika → Diskreetse matemaatika...
91 allalaadimist

Logistika lühendid ja tähendused

ECR​ - tõhus reageerimine tarbijale (​efficient consumer response)​ - tarnekontseptsioon EDI​ - elektrooniline andmevahetus (​electronic data interchange​) ELA​ - Euroopa Logistikaassotsiatsioon (​European Logistics Association​) EOQ​ - optimaalne tellimiskogus (​economic order quantity)​ EPC​ - elekrooniline tootekood (​electronic product code​) - RFID standard ERP​ - ettevõtte ressursside plaanimine (​enterprose resource planning​) EVA​ - majanduslik lisandväärtus (​economic value added​) FCL​ - täiskonteinerisaadetis (​full container load​). Kasutatakse ka väljendit CL FIFO​ - esimesena sisse, esimesena välja (​first in first out​) GMROI​ - tasuvusaste (​gross margin return on inventory investment​). Kasutatakse ka lühendit GMROII (​gross margin return on inventory investment​) GTIN​ - globaalne kaubatuvastuse number (​global trade identification number​) -

Logistika → Logistika
6 allalaadimist

Art-based learning

In both countries it is an optional subject. RE in different countries has some similarities and same teaching methods can be used in different countries. I found several well recognized books, which give guidances how to use art in teaching religious education. One of the best and oldest is book ,,The Use of Art in Religious Education" by Albert Bailey in 1922. There are also many newer approaches for example, ,,Christianity through Art: A resource for teaching Religious Education through Art" by Margaret Cooling in 2009. The field of books to use Art in RE is various. Allthough useing this method we shoud consider our own cultural backround to adjust it for our pupils. One of the mentioned resources Margater Cooling´s book ,,Christianity through Art: A resource for teaching Religious Education through Art" seems to be a very useful source for RE teachers, who would like to use art as a method. Her book offers 24 large colour prints of

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele väljendid

THE COLDEST PLACE ON EARTH 1. elanik inhabitant 2. ära puhuma blow away 3. liiga pagana külm too damn cold 4. millegagi põrkuma collide with sth 5. tegelikult in fact 6. kauge, eemalasetsev remote 7. eespool midagi, kedagi ahead of sth 8. olema huvitatud/kirglik millegi suhtes be passionate about sth 9. huvi köitma capture interest 10. varandus fortune 11. üles kasvatama raise 12. kohalik local 13. omama own 14. ülbitsema, laiama, uhkustama boast 15. kaunistama midagi adorn sth 16. õitseng, buum boom 17. endale/enda tea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Knud Illerise kolme dimensiooni teooria

loomist uue ja vana informatsiooni (skeemi või mustri) vahel. Assimilatsioon on tihe aset leidma koolis, kus ainetundide alguses meenutatakse varem õpitut ja seda seostatakse uue käsitletava teemaga. Mainitud õpivorm esineb aga ka kooliväliselt, kui näiteks tunnis õpitu 1 Illeris, K. (2003). Towards a contemporary and comprehensive theory of learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(4), 396-406. 2 GSI Teaching & Resource Center. (n.d). Cognitive Constructivism. Kasutatud 05.05.2018 constructivism/#learning õppija eraelus kasutust leiab.3 Mõnel juhul on aga uut informatsiooni raske millegagi seostada. Selle tarvis võetakse kasutusele akkommodatsiooni nimeline õpivorm4, mille all mõistetakse mõne olemasoleva skeemi või mustri lahkamist, et uus informatsioon sellega kuidagi seostada. Tegu on

Pedagoogika → Andragoogika
10 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

migration occurs in areas of over-population to relieve population pressure, which according to Boserups’s theory leads to technological innovation.  Also Over-population can lead to unsustainable farming practices which may degrade the land e.g. desertification in the Sahel. In addition-The Club of Rome (Scientists and Administrators): Predicted in 1972 through the use of computer models, that if the then present trends in Population growth and resource utilization continued, then a sudden decline in economic growth would occur within the next century. There is a need for a global equilibrium to include stabilization of population growth, use of resources, industrial growth and economic development with an emphasis on food production and conservation. Research more about the Club of Rome’s predictions and environmental awareness campaign. Tasks  Write a paragraph (82-83PRD) stating how the Mauritius case study

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus Müüja TM13 Referaat KAUBANDUSLIKUD SEADMED Marjana Kuusmaa Juhendaja: Aili Kendaru Paide 2014 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS...................................................................................................................3 1 KÜLMSEADMED..............................................................................................................4 1.1 Külmseadme täitmine...................................................................................................5 1.2 Ohutus..........................................................................................................................6 1.3 Puhastamine..................................................................................................................6 2 KASSASÜSTEEM..............................................

Majandus → Kaubandus
19 allalaadimist

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children Our planet has resources which are necessary for people's everyday life. As the population is growing the resources are decreasing. One of the things that affects the life on the earth is overconsumption. We consume more than what the earth can regenerate. This is a big problem because our exhaustible resources are running out. This is a problem that has huge consequences. It means that in the future people may not have enough resources, beacuse right now we are using too much. Secondly, there is a huge amout of waste and pollution. Clean air is our most valuable resource, but it is getting more and more polluted, in the same way as the water. For example, the pollution of water kills hundreds of thousands of birds and water animals. As a result of pollution , there are holes in the ozone layer, which in its turn loses some of its protection. Pollution is als...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The advantages and disadvantages of an internet.

There are lots of inventions being made to spare our time and make our lives easier. The invention I am going to talk about is an internet, which I find is one of the most important contraptions. However, the opinions about the computer network are very opposed. The first advantage is that internet is very easy and quick to use. Whereas uploading news to the computer network is very fast, is the internet better than TV shows or radio. Secondly is an internet the biggest infomation resource, where you can find almost anything you need. The third point is wide opportunity of communicating with other people. For instance you may use different programs such as skype or MSN Messenger. Nonetheless has the internet many disadvantages too. Namely has the computer network so many different distractions, such as games, chatting, music or movies that many people spend all their spare time sitting in front of computer. Chatting and communicating frequently through

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Williamsi Sündroom

WILLIAMSI SÜNDROOM Merilin Henga O13-007 MIS ON WILLIAMSI SÜNDROOM?  Põhjustab deletsioon 7.kromosoomi pikas õlas  Deleteeritud piirkond hõlmab endas rohkem kui 25 geeni  1:10000 sünni kohta  Sündroomi ei pruugi olla esinenud suguvõsa ajaloos  50% võimalus, et Williamsi sündroomiga inimene võib kanda sündroomi edasi oma lapsele SÜMPTOMID  Williamsi sündroomiga lastel on sageli sarnased näojooned.  Väike nina  Pikk vagu nina ja ülahuule vahel  Suur suu, hambad asuvad laiemalt  Paksud huuled  Väike lõug  Vaimne alaareng  Südamerikked  Ülitundlikud helide suhtes ISIKSUS  Väga sõbralik isiksus  Meeldib suhelda ning nad on suhtlemises vastupandamatult armsad  Unikaalne oskus end sõnades väljendada  Tavaliselt ei pelga võõraid  Aktiivsed looma suhteid nii täiskasvanute kui ka lastega ARENG  Suuremal osal WS isikutel esineb vaimse ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

The strange hoby of graving

GRAVING Adrian Chen nimi EMÜ 2018 Introduction Research question: Is graving a real hobby and should it be socially acceptable? Tombstone tourism What is graving? Who are gravers? Why people do it? Find a Grave Social acceptance Tombstone tourism Tombstone tourists Photography, art, history of (famous) deaths Plan vacations around the cemeteries Tours to famous cemeteries Enthusiast can visit cemeteries on websites Rich cultural resource. What is graving? hobby of searching out specific graves hobby of photographing quantities of grave stones Who is graver? They spend time visiting cemetery, photographing headstones, entering data. 1. Tombstone tourist 2. Genealogical gravers 3. Preservationist gravers 4. Those who like to hang out in cemeteries Why people do it? They find cemeteries beautiful Great interest in history Interest in famous graves It is a hobby Find a grave Database of burial records

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Upwellingute piirkonnad ookeanides

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool UPWELLING’UTE PIIRKONNAD OOKEANIDES Referaat Autor: Natalia Novak Tallinn 2015 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ........................................................................................................... 3 1. UPWELLING’U MÕISTE JA MEHHANISM ...................................................... 4 1.1 Upwelling’u definitsioon ..................................................................................... 4 1.2. Upwelling’u tekkimine........................................................................................ 4 2. UWELLING’UTE PIIRKONNAD ......................................................................... 6 2.1. Ranniku lähedane upwelling ............................................................................... 6 2.1.1. Soome lahe upwelling ............

Merendus → Merefüüsika
6 allalaadimist

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

planeerib ning rakendab strateegilist juhtimist; 3) Keskendumine kliendile ja turule (Customer and market focus) – kuidas organisatsioon loob ning hoiab oma klientidega pikaaegseid suhteid; 4) Informatsioon ja analüüs (Measurment, analysis and knowledge management) – kuidas organisatsioon kasutab andmeid ja informatsiooni toetamaks võtmeprotsesse ja haldamaks tulemusi; 5) Keskendumine inimressurssidele (Human resource focus) – kuidas organisatsioon kaasab oma töötajaskonda; 6) Protsessijuhtimine (Process management) – kuidas organisatsioon kujundab, juhib ja parendab võtmeprotsesse; 7) Äritulemused (Business/organizational performance results) – Kuidas organisatsioon haldab kliendisoove, finants eesmärke, inimresursse, suhteid 6

Muu → Ainetöö
21 allalaadimist

Võrguprotokollide esitus

muu TCP/IP võrgu. See võimaldab teisel arvutil asuvaid faile oma arvutisse alla laadida ning oma faile eemalasuvasse arvutisse üles laadida. Läbi FTP saab ka sisse logida teise internetisaiti, kuid selleks on üldjuhul vaja kasutajanime ja parooli HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hüperteksi edastusprotokoll HTTP(2) Loodud 1991 Autor Dave Raggett Siiani kasutusel HTTP(3) parameetrid Uniform Resource Identifiers Date/Time Formats Character Sets Content Encodings Media Types Language tags HTTP(4) TCP/IP klientserver protokoll HTMLdokumentide vahetamiseks veebis ehk lihtsamalt öeldes andmevahetusprotokoll, mida kasutatakse Internetis dokumentide vahetamiseks SHTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol Turvaline Hüperteksti Edastusprotokoll SHTTP(2) Loodud 1999

Informaatika → Informaatika
8 allalaadimist


" ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist when firms or agents have market power and are able to distort prices away from the purely competitive optimum.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Water pollution

We can't throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain. By having more plants in our garden we are preventing fertiliser, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources. We must not throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. We should clean up any litter we see on beaches or in rivers and lakes, make sure it is safe to collect the litter and put it in a nearest bin. Water is a very important resource for people and the environment. We have to start saving the clean water for next generations and stop thinking only about ourselves.

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine

I Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine Maria Kütt 20. veebruar 2014, TLÜ definitsioonidest Personalijuhtimine (Human Resource Management) on inimressursi rakendamine organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamise huvides (Mondy, 1999) Personalijuhtimine (HRM) on strateegiline ja järjepidev lähenemine organisatsiooni kõige väärtuslikuma vara ­ inimeste, kes annavad oma individuaalse ja kollektiivse panuse organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamisesse ­ juhtimisele (Armstrong, 2006) Ressurss või personal või... inimvara (peopleware) ­ täiendus tark- ja riistvarale (software ja hardware); teatud

Ühiskond → T??keskkonna ohutus
31 allalaadimist


Infoühiskond Koostas: Daniel Vasetski 12d Mis on infoühiskond? Infoühiskond ­ ühiskond, mis väärtustab infot ja selle kiiret vahendamist Algus 1990. aastal Peamine tunnus ­ arvutite massiline kasutamine, kommunikatsioonikanalid ning elektroonilised teenused Informatsioon ­ pilt, tekst, video või heli Mis on infoühiskond? Meedia ­ infoühiskonna põhiline kujundaja Traditsioonilised meediakanalid ­ ajalehed, raadio, televiisor Tänapäeval aga põhiline meediakanal ­ Internet Tehnoloogia 20. sajandil 1. Elektriseerimine 2. Autod 3. Lennukid 4. Veevarustus ning selle jaotus 5. Elektroonika 6. Raadio ning televisioon 7. Põllumajanduse mehhaniseerimine 8. Arvutid 9. Telefonid 10. Konditsioneer / jahutus 11. Kiirteed 12. kosmoselend 13. Internet 14. Pilditehnika 15. Kodumasinad 16. Tervise tehnoloogiad 17. Naftasaaduste töötlemis tehnoloogiad 18. Laser ja kiudoptika 19. Tuumatehnoloogia 20. Nanotehnoloogi...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist

Can you buy everything for money?

Can you buy everything for money? Money is a resource for which you can afford to buy anything, of course, if this is enough money. But they are also a lot of things (values) that you can not for the money. You can not buy friendship, family, acquaintances and loved ones much more. Money can be used as means of payment can shop in peace, by paying taxes, etc.. Coming back on the friends you can not afford to buy your friends, we do not pay for this, for us who they are. But between,

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

For many people, money is the most important thing in the world

It can not be answered the same, because people have different personalities and value judgements. It looks like for some people happiness depends on that how much money they can earn. Money is for them the most important thing in the world. Somehow money is important for all of us. We need it for everything: to buy food, clothes and other bare necessities. Also we buy other things and services that are less necessity, but we just want to buy them. Money is resource for buying things, is it also a purpose? Why are we studying? Because we want to get a good job, it means for one thing that we want to get big salary. We attempt to make career to get even bigger salary, even more money. We spend huge part of our life for earning money. It looks like this is the meaning of life. Fortunately there is also other things in the life, beside material values. Joy, friends, love ­ we can not buy such things. It is good, otherwise we would only gather money

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Water pollution and society

Water pollution and society This essay is about fresh water and pollution. It's based on an article by David Krantz and Brad Kifferstein. I read it through and now I'm trying to give the conclusion of the article as well as express my own opinion. 70 percent of planet Earth's surface contain water. Water is the beginning of life and vital natural resource. It's vital for every living organism. That's why we have to keep the water bodies clean and stop polluting our fresh water. It's hard to believe, but planet Earth is in great danger. People can't see the whole picture. They are being indifferent to the future. Everyone thinks about themselves and tries to find a better and easier way to get rid of garbage and waste. Money is everything for them. Money talks and nobody cares about giving a dollar to save the nature.

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

Diferentseeritud lähenemine töötajaskonna planeerimisele kui võimalus tasakaalustada tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist

tasakaalustada organisatsiooni tööjõu nõudlust ja pakkumist ­ Arvuline aspekt ­ Kompetentside aspekt · Tulenevalt keskkonna keerukusest ja määramatusest on nõudlus ja pakkumine pidevas muutuses ning tasakaalu hoidmine keeruline · Planeerimise sisu ja rõhuasetused tulenevad organisatsiooni eripärast · Vajaliku inimressursi väärtus on organisatsiooni jaoks siseselt erinev Artiklid Lepak, D. P., & Snell, S. A. 1999. The human resource architecture: Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy of Management Review, 24: 31­48. Scott Snell David Lepak University of Rutgers Virginia University, School of Management and Labour Relations Missugused on teie arvates selle artikli peamised ideed? ·Organisatsiooni

Majandus → Töö- ja palgakorraldus
14 allalaadimist

CARPOOLING/esitlus inglise keeles

Ladies and gentlemen, do you drive a car every day? Do some of you own a car? Have you ever thought about cost reducing? It seems you really want to know how to make your car costs smaller. It would be in your own interests. I think carpooling is a good solution for it. Let me to describe what does carpooling mean. You need to know that carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. The driver doesn’t try to earn money, but to share with several people the cost of a trip he would do anyway. The expenses to be divided basically include the fuel and possible tolls. Let me introduce to you good points of carpooling: Firstly. by having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person's travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. Secondly, carpooling is also a more environmentally friendly way to travel. Please pay attention, that sharing journeys reduces carbon em...

Logistika → logistikast inglise keeles
1 allalaadimist

Andmeturbe mõisted

Varundamine (backup) on andmetest varukoopiate tegemine, et võimaldada andmete taastamist arvutites ja -süsteemides. Ennistamine Asendamine Infopüük tähendab mingi volitamata subjekti (isiku, programmi, arvutisüsteemi) rünnet konfidentsiaalsusele (ebaseaduslikku kopeerimist, pealtkuulamist jne). Süsteemi poolt vaadatuna on see andmeleke. . Krüptograafia on informatsiooni muutmine loetamatuks ilma eriteadmiste ja -vahenditeta. DDoS is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Ransomware is a type of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator(s) of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed Internet Bot is a software application that runs automated tasks over the Internet Honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect, or, in some manner, counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally, a honeypot consists of a

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
38 allalaadimist

Vocabulary of Unit 4

10.kl ­ VOCABULARY OF UNIT 4 acid rain ­ happevihm address ­ aadress afar ­ kaugele (nt maale) alternative ­ alternatiiv, valikuvõimalus ant ­ sipelgas armour ­ soomus, raudrüü array ­ rivi, rida ballad ­ ballaad ban ­ keelustama budget ­ eelarve can´t help ­ ei saa midagi parata can´t stand ­ ei talu car pool ­ auto ühiskasutus centipede ­ sajajalgne circumference ­ ümbermõõt clad ­ kaetud, riietatud clover ­ ristikhein coal ­ kivisüsi community ­ kogukond, ühiskond consequence ­ tagajärg conservation ­ looduskaitse crimson ­ veripunane, tulipunane daisy tree ­ karikakra puu deceive ­ tüssama, petma, eksiteele viima deforestation ­ metsa lageraie demand ­ nõudma diameter ­ diameeter drawback ­ puudus, tagasilöök drift ­ triivima, hulkuma emit ­ eraldama, kiirgama endangered species ­ ohustatud/hävimisohus liigid energy use ­ energia kasutus epic ­ eepiline, kangelaslik face ­ vastu astuma, silmitsi olema fairy land ­ muinasjutumaa fil...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

CRM - turundus

nö jalgratta leiutamise ja minimeerib õppimiskulusid. Turundusprotsesside ümberkujundamine ja automatiseerimine aitab kiiremini õige sihtrühmani jõuda. Erinevate tehnikate ja tehnoloogia kasutuselevõtt suurendab kasu. 4/11/19 MRM: kõik ühte siduda Marketing peab olema ühendatud kõigega ­ plaanimine, arendus ja teostus. See muudab turundamise sujuvamaks ja hõlbustab suhtlust. MRM (Marketing resource management) hõlmab kolme olulist komponenti: Turundustööpink, mis on ühendatud platvorm turunduseks ­ protsessid, tehnoloogia, tähtajad ja töötajad. Ümberkujundatud tuumturundusprotsessid ­ tehnoloogilised vahendid Ümberkavandatud turundusorganisatsioon ­ teadmiste jagamine, organisatsiooniline joondus, otsustavus, eestvedamise edendamine, hüvitamine, koolitused ja areng, karjäärivõimalus. 4/11/19

Logistika → Baaslogistika
8 allalaadimist

Turismi mõju majandusele ja keskkonnale

the bottom of the sea. One cruise ship creates about 50 tons of solid garbage a year. There are floating plastic garbage islands in the ocean. 2. Air transport is the most polluting transport type. Plane flings carbon dioxide and other pollution to the atmosphere. 3. Biodeversity ­ Due to humans about 500 plants are extincting by the Mediterrean Sea. In the water the divers can damage coral reefs. 4. Water is one of the most critical natural resource. The tourism industry geneally overuses water resources for hotels, swimming pools, golf courses and personal use of water by tourists. This can result in water shortages and degradation of water supplies. Kasutatud allikad: auth=dGFza3V0YXJr et.pdf

Turism → Turismimajandus
6 allalaadimist

Deep sea

would be scant in the deep sea, but almost each search has discovered that life is plentiful in this reason. The deepest layer of ocean has lots of unthinkable stories, secrecy and legends that make mankind more curious about the life that is surviving bottom of the sea. Deep sea animals Deep sea animals live in the marine ecosystem or in oceans. If you look at the marine biology, you will find millions of species of sea animals. The marine life is a large resource that offers tourism, research and recreation for many countries across the globe. Marine life helps to determine the very nature of our planet. All the Deep Sea Animals along with other organisms such as algae and corals contribute to the oxygen cycle and regulate our earth's climate, this is why the marine ecosystem is considered to be very delicate and it needs to be protected. All these animals live in saltwater habitats. They live in or near rock pools, the ocean, beaches, mangroves and

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

Advanced Printing Service [IBM] + Asynchronous Protocol Specification APSE ADA Programming Support Environment APT Address Pass Through + Advanced Parallel Technology + Automatically Programmed Tools A/R Accounts Receivable ARA AppleTalk Remote Access ARAG Antireflective-Antiglare ARAS Antireflective-Antistatic ARC Acoustic Resonance Control .ARC Archive (file name extension) ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network .ARJ Compressed File (file name extension) [Jung] ARL Adjusted Ring Length ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited ARM Advanced RISC Machine (processor) + Annotated Reference Manual + Asynchronous Response Mode ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators ARP Address Resolution Protocol [Novell] ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level ARS Activity Reporting System [Unisys]

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Raalprojekteerimise põhimõistete konspekt

Element Modeling; RP ­ Rapid Prototyping; PDM ­ Product Data Management; CAM ­ Computer Aided Manufacturing; VR ­ Virtual Reality; LEM ­ Lõplike Elementide Meetod; PLM ­ Product Lifecycle Management; CAT ­ Computer Aided Testing; CAPP ­ Computer Aided Process Planning; CAD ­ Computer Aided Design; MRP ­ Material Requirements Planning; CAQ ­ Computer Aided Quality Assurance; CAx ­ Computer Aided anything; ERP ­ Enterprise resource planning; CRM ­ Customer Relationship Management; DMU ­ Digital Mock-Up; MRP II- Manufacturing resource planning. Topoloogia ­ matemaatika haru, mis uurib kujundite omadusi, mis on invariantsed topoloogiliste teisenduste suhtes. Geomeetria on matemaatika haru, mis tegeleb ruumisuhetega ja uurimisobjektideks on kujundid. Top-Down modelleerimine ­ asmeline disain, süsteemi osadeks jagamine, et saada ülevaade alamsüsteemidest (väiksed osad liidetakse tervikuks)

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
123 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

work office independent · Interactive videodisk, to get in immediate contact with potential buyers · Automatic identification and tracking, allowing things to tell where they are, instead of requiring to be found · High performance computing, allowing on-the-fly planning and revisioning In the mid 1990s, especially workflow management systems were considered as a significant contributor to improved process efficiency. Also ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) vendors, such as SAP, JD Edwards, Oracle, PeopleSoft, positioned their solutions as vehicles for business process redesign and improvement. ,,when Henry Ford implemented the assembly line in 1908, he was in fact reengineering, radically changing the way of thinking in an organization)." Other criticism brought forward against the BPR concept include · It never changed management thinking, actually the largest causes of failure in an organization

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist

IDU0010, Andmeaidad, ERP- ja CRM-süsteemid

Tootmine näeb, mis on tellimuse number, millal on see postitud, mis BOMi järgi toode tuleb valmistada, kui palju tükki on vaja toota ning mis lattu peab toode jõudma. Nüüd toode on toodetud, tellijale saab invoisi välja panna. ERPNext programm lubab saata meili otseselt kliendile ilma postiprogrammi kasutamiseta. Tellimuse valmistamine lõpeb siis, kui kliendilt on saadud makse. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. ERP: making it happen: the implementer’s guide to success with enterprise resource planning. Thomas Wallace. Wiley, New York, 2001. 2. The data warehouse toolkit : the complete guide to dimensional modeling, 2nd edition. Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross. Wiley, New York, 2002.

Informaatika → Andmeaidad, ERP ja...
20 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ja USA geograafia

Central part is mostly covered by the Cambrian Mountains, they are especially rugged and beautiful in the north, and they are more rounded in centaral Wales. Southern Wales is largely a plateau deeply cut by river valleys. Best areas for crop farmind, Fertile - viljakas Copper mine - vasekaevandus Poor soil ­ väheviljakas muld tides ­ tõus ja mõõn recreation area - puhkeala china clay - portselanisavi mild climate ­ pehme kliima limestone - paekivi moor ­ nõmm natural resource ­ loodusvara gentle slopes ­ lauged nõlvad raise sheep ­ kasvatama lambaid rolling plain ­ lainjas tasandik coal deposit - kivisöelasundid pasture - karjamaa heather ­ kanarbik fishing village ­ kaluriküla steep ­ järsk evergreen shrub ­ igihaljas põõsas below sea level ­ allapoole merepinda

Ajalugu → Suurbritannia ja usa maalugu
6 allalaadimist

Personali planeerimine

III OLEMASOLEVA INIMRESSURSI ANALÜÜSIMINE PERSONALI PLANEERIMISEL IV TEGEVUSED PERSONALI PLANEERIMISEL V VEEL PERSONALI PLANEERIMISE MEETODEID VI PERSONALI PLANEERIMISE TÕHUSUSE HINDAMINE Hindamine: Kuni 40% hindest annavad individuaalsed ja grupitööd tundides ning aktiivne osavõtt tundidest, kuni 60% hindest annab kirjaliku eksamitöö tulemus. Eksamitöös ei saa konspekti kasutada. Soovitatav kirjandus: 1. Bucknall, H; Wei, Z (2006) Magic Numbers for Human Resource Management. Basic measures to achieve better results. Mercer Human Resource Consulting 2. PARE (2012). Personalijuhtimise käsiraamat. Uus raamat ilmub 2017 a kevadel 3. Armstrong, M. Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 2014 4. Ajakiri People & Strategy (kuni 2007 Human Resource Planning) (EBSCOhost paroolid saate TMK raamatukogust) Õppetöö käigus lahendatakse ülesandeid, kus on vaja arvutada. Lektori kontaktandmed: e-mail: [email protected] SISSEJUHATUS

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
66 allalaadimist

Food economics

About food economics Tartu 2016 About the author Henning Otte Hansen Senior Advisor in the Institute of Food and Resource Economics. Denmark. Specific, many charts, explanations. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 2 Introduction Food is a physical need. Consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. The right to food is a human right. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 3 Research question What makes the food market unique? What are the specific conditions for food economics? E

Majandus → Inglise keel I
2 allalaadimist

Otherkin subculture (beliefs, behaviour, influences)

Or why did they firstly appear only 20 years ago? Well, it is believed that non-human humans always lived on the planet, thruout the history but only in 1990-s they had a chance to talk about themselves, after the World experienced so much- two world wars, genocide etc. Only then could the otherkins talk about themselves without a fear of being bullied. First big otherkin community grew out of the elven online communities of the early-to-mid-1990s. The oldest Internet resource for otherkin is the Elfinkind Digest, a mailing list started in 1990. It was the time when otherkins revealed themselves and people got to know about this subculture. Do the otherkins influence somebody? Of course they do, there are still hundreds of half-humans who don't understand what is happening, who don't know who they are,- they feel something other people don't feel, they feel lost but the otherkin members help them out so lost people understand where they belong.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Venekeelne esitlus Mil moel mõjutas ristiusk Eesti vaimuelu keskajal

дуэль и смерть Александр Сергеевич Пушкин Martin Velbri 137B Tallinna Reaalkool 2020 Что такое дуэль? ● В дуэли 2 человека. ● делают 10-35 шагов, поворачиваются и стреляют. ● Только одна пуля. Joonis 1: Pushkini viimase duelli relv Сколько дуэлей было в жизни Пушкина? ● 26 дуэлей в течение жизни ● 21 дуэль была отменена ● первая дуэль состоялась, когда ему было 17 лет ● Первая дуэль была с его дядей Joonis 2: Puškini onu Последняя дуэль ● 27 января тысяча восемьсот тридцать седьмогго года ● в Санкт–петербурге ● Против Дантеса, Жорж Шарла Дантес, Жорж Шарль ● Французский монархист, офицер и убийца Пушкина ● жил c 1812 до 1895 года ...

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist


i4DS, Switzerland Tekla Corp, oy + Current Status Defining the process Capturing the best practices in the area through case studies The last planner interface is ready Integration with BIM is ready Further work including the development of end user interfaces is under way + Potential Future Developments Integration with other information management systems for automatic update of resource status Project Dashboard A Touch (screen) based user interface Mobile interface for updating of daily activities and information retrieval Reports

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Asso Kivilaan KODUNE TÖÖ NR. 01 – TELJE DEFINEERIMINE Õppeaines: MÕÕTETEHNIKA JA TOLEREERIMINE Transporditeaduskond Õpperühm: AT 12 Tallinn 2015 Sisukord KODUNE TÖÖ NR. 01 – TELJE DEFINEERIMINE Sisukord.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Lähte andmed. Andmete genereerimine...............................................................3 1.3Arvutuskäik............................................................................................................ 3 01.3.1. Telje pikkuse I korrigeerimine eelisarvude rea järgi.....................................3 01.3.2. Telje läbimõõdu d korrigeerimine eelisarvude rea järgi...............................4 01.3.3. Korrigeeritud telje läbimõõdule tolerantsi leidmine ja pinnakareduse parameetrite...

Mehaanika → Tolereerimine ja...
30 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun