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Reported Speech (0)

1 Hindamata
Reported Speech #1
Punktid 50 punkti Autor soovib selle materjali allalaadimise eest saada 50 punkti.
Leheküljed ~ 1 leht Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2010-02-14 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 90 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 0 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
Autor Jaan Ruslan Õppematerjali autor
Lehti on küll ainult 1, aga sinu on väga sisukas ja põhjalik, seletatud ka tabelitega ja kohati eesti keeles.

Sarnased õppematerjalid


Reported speech kokkuvõte ja harjutused

Reported Speech (in other words Indirect Speech) If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say, think or believe. - Example: If this verb is in the present tense (says), it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence. When we are reporting things in the present, future or present perfect we don't change the tense. : direct speech: "I like ice cream" reported speech: She says she likes ice cream - But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense (said), then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech:

Inglise keel

Reported speech reeglid

Reported speech is often also called indirect speech. When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. For example: "I'm going to the cinema". He said he was going to the cinema. Basic tense chart The tenses generally move backwards in this way (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right): present simple past simple I'm a teacher

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Reported speech presentation

We can report people's words by using direct speech or direct speech reported speech. speech `I'm tired!', Helen said. Helen said (that) she was tired. The main verb of the sentence is usually past ( Tom said that... / I told her that...) and the rest of the sentence is usually past too. Sequence of tenses ­ if the verb in the main sentence is in the past tense the other verbs are usually in one of the past tense too. Present Simple Past Simple I'm a teacher. He said (that) he was a teacher

Inglise keel

Direct and indirect speech revs

· THIS · THAT · THESE · THOSE CHANGES OF TENSES · DIRECT · INDIRECT · SIMPLE PRESENT · SIMPLE PAST · SIMPLE PAST · PAST PERFECT · PRESENT PERFECT · PAST PERFECT · PRESENT · PAST CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS · PAST PERFECT · PRESENT PERFECT CONT. CONT. · SIMPLE FUTURE · PAST FUTURE 1. STATEMENT HE SAID HE SAID TO ME THAT REPORTED WORDS HE TOLD ME STATEMENT EXAMPLE · DIRECT · INDIRECT · They said to me: "we are going · They said to me that to visit Borobudur tomorrow." they were going to visit Borobudur the following day. · Jeffry said: "I didn't go to school today. · Jeffry said that he

Inglise keel

English structure revision for the exam

For example:  Never use ain’t  Don’t split an infinitive (To quickly run)  Descriptive grammar → Underlies the actual usage of speakers of the language. Grammar also has many components:  Phonetics → The study of the acoustic detail of speech sounds and how they are articulated.  Phone is a smallest unit of sound in human speech. Phones can be represented with IPA symbols (International Phonectic Alphabeth).  Phonology- The subfield of linguistics that studies the

Inglise keel

Inglise keele struktuur

speakers and writers. Prescriptive grammar: a set of rules and examples dealing with the syntax and word structures of a language, usually intended as an aid to the learning of that language. Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as certain people think itshould be used. Phonology: the subfield of linguistics that studies the structure and systematic patterning of sounds in human language. Phonetics: of the acoustic detail of speech sounds and how they are articulated. Phone: [p] A phone is actual pronunciation of a phoneme. A phone is represented between brackets Allophone: e.g. pin ­ spin Phoneme: /p/ - /iz/ `houses' /s/ voicless `cats' /z/ `boys' /t/ `learned' /id/ `wanted' A phoneme is the smallest unit of the sound system of a language. If two sounds have the same phoneme, they are treated equally. A phoneme is represented between slashes.

Inglise keel

English Grammar Book 1

Book 1 BASIC ENGLISH BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR GRAMMAR BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR Book 1 Book 1 Younger students at beginning to intermediate levels will greatly benefit from this step-by-step approach to English grammar basics. This is the ideal supplement to your language arts program whether your students are native English speakers or beginning English language learners. Skill-specific lessons make it easy to locate and prescribe instant reinforcement or intervention. · Illustrated lessons a

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Grammatika inglise keel

want/like/know/go etc have/has ­ had wanted/liked/knew/went etc will would can could wanted/liked had wanted/had liked Direct speech Reported speech Jo says: Jo said: ,,I like tennis." (that) she liked tennis. ,,John is going to learn it too." (that) John was going to learn it too. ,,Mary has given up her hobby too." (that) Mary had given up her hobby too. ,,I can´t play tennis on Monday" (that) she couldn´t play tennis on Monday.

Inglise keel

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