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"plastics" - 34 õppematerjali


Use of plastic products

use of plastic products Whether you are aware of it or not, plastics play an important part in your life. Plastics versatility allow it to be used in everything from soft drink bottles to the refrigerators they are stored in. From the car you drive to work in to the television you watch when you get home, plastics help make your life easier and better. But what is plastic impact on wildlife? In the 21st century, people have become their own killers. From countryside to the cities, the use of plastic materials has greatly increased. In the grocery stores, tons of products are packaged using plastic materials. About 30 years ago, in some countries , there were no plastic bags used for packaging and carrying items. Items in the shops were packed in biodegradable paper bags

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infoostioskused

Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB 3.1 Sisestasin otsingusse autori nime: MacDiarmid Alan G A )Kokku oli tal artikleid üle 700, kuid aastatel 1975-1985 avaldas ta vaid 203 artiklit: B) Võtsin paremalt kõrvalt Refine, Publication Year, 1975-1985 C) Neil aastatel: Conducting polymers – 21, Plastics – 3 Üleüldse: Conducting polymers – 163, Plastics – 32 D) Refine alt. Proovisin nii 1975- 1985 kui ka ilma ajalise piiranguta. E) 26 patenti

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

Enamlevinumad polümeeride algmaterjalid

compound and biopolymer on Earth. About 33 percent of all plant matter is cellulose. The cellulose content of cotton is 90 percent, while wood's is 50 percent. [7] · Keemiline koostis sõltub sellest, mis plastiga on tegemist. Suurem osa polümeere saadakse toorõlist saadavatest süsinikest. See tähendab, et need on sünteetilised. Kuid samuti on võimalik valmistada naturaalseid polümeere looduslikest molekulidest. · n the United States, plastics are made from liquid petroleum gases (LPG), natural gas liquids (NGL), and natural gas. LPG are by-products of petroleum refining, and NGL are removed from natural gas before it enters transmission pipelines. · In 20101, about 191 million barrels of LPG and NGL were used in the United States to make plastic products in the plastic materials and equal to about 2.7% of total U.S. resins industry, petroleum consumption

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliteaduse üldalused
7 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

3. HARJUTUSÜLESANNE 3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Nobeli preemia keemia alal anti 2001. aastal uurimistööle "Discovery and development of conductive polymers". Üks auhinna saajatest oli Alan G. MacDiarmid. Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 67 artiklit b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autori nime. Seejärel kuvati ekraanile igasuguseid variante, millest valisin nime Alan G. MacDiarmid. Seejärel klõpsasin ,,Publication years 1975- 1985. Sain 67 vastet. c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics"? 183 tööd d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Tuli refine'i alt valida research topics, sisestasin otsisõnadeks "conducting polymers" or "plastics" . e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 26 f) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed. Tuli refine'i alt valida ,,document type" ning klikata patent'i peal. Juhised ülesande lahendamiseks leiad : How to...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
7 allalaadimist


WATER POLLUTION The causes of water pollution sewage and wastewater; marine dumping; industrial waste; oil pollution; Sewage and wastewater contains urine and laundry waste pollute the environment diseases TREATMENT water treatment plants Stop using toxic household products! Marine dumping garbage-> the oxygen in the water could be depleted bottles, plastics, bags-> can suffocate or choke sea animals TREATMENT cleaning water Do not throw anything into water! Industrial waste toxic chemicals causes also air pollution TREATMENT fit filters to chimneys treatment plants Oil pollution spilled oil spoil drinking water Birds' feathers-> stuck with oil-> drown can blind an animal TREATMENT cleaning water with skimmers Being more careful when tankers trantsport oil! How to prevent water pollution? use water wisely;

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Põhiliste plastide leiutamine ja ajalugu

Edukalt jätkub autoosade ja vannide tootmine. Eestis on esindatud kõik põhilised plastide töötlemise tehnoloogiad - survevalu, ekstrusioon, puhumine, rotatsioon- vormimine, vaakumvormimine, mehaaniline töötlemine, vahttoodete vormimine ja sardplasttoodete valmistamine. Eesti plastitööstus annab tööd juba 3200 inimesele. See moodustab 3,4% töötleva tööstuse hõivest. Suurimate ettevõtete hulka kuuluvad Greiner Packaging AS, Estiko Plastar AS, Talent Plastics Tallinn AS, Promens Eesti AS, Tehnoplast AS, Pipelife Eesti AS, Norma AS ning Plastone OÜ. 2010.a. toodeti Eestis plast- ja kummitooteid enam kui 270 miljoni Euro eest. Ekspordi üldmaht 2010.a. oli 145 miljonit Eurot. Põhilised ekspordimaad on Läti, Rootsi, Soome, Leedu ja Venemaa. Peamised ekspordiartiklid olid kontori- ja koolitarbed, furnituur, karbid, kastid ning kiled. Plastitööstust toetab arenenud vormitööstus [36]. 20 Kokkuvõte

Loodus → Looduskaitsebioloogia
73 allalaadimist

Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar

Iseseisev töö nr. 5 1. Autori otsing a) 218 b) Sisestasin autoriotsingusse MacDiarmid (last name) , Alan (first name), Graham (middle). Valisin kõik pakutavad nimevariandid ning Refine alt Publication Year trükkisin sisse 1975- 1985. c) 25 d) Refine -> Research Topic: (conducting polymers) or (plastics) e) 4 f) Esilehel valisin Patent ning sisestasin Inventor name MacDiarmid Alan Graham. 2. Teema ja aine otsing a) Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid, panen linnukese valiku ette, kus kõik märksõnad on tekstis lähestikku. b) 212 d) 502-97-6 e) 357 3. Aine otsing a) Pealehe kõrvalmenüüst Substance Indentifier b) 75-19-4 c) 0.790±0.06 g/cm3 d) 1904 4. Aine otsing molekulaarvalemi järgi a) Pealehe kõrvalmenüüst Molekular Formula ja sisestan summaarse molekulvalemi. b) 43 c) 9 d) Kõrvalmenüüs on tulemused analüüsitud nende substance role järgi, seal näen, et reaktandi või reagendi rollis on just 9 ainet. ...

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Importance of Packaging in Logistics Essay

product the package contains and handling information as well. Also, a major packaging concern is the ease of handling in the warehouse and during transportation. There are two types of packaging: consumer (interior) and industrial (exterior) packaging. Many different exterior packaging materials are available to the logistics manager. In recent years, companies have tended to use softer packaging materials. Cushioning materials include shrink-wrap, air bubble cushioning, cellulose wadding and plastics. Also, packaging has two logistics concerns: the physical dimensions like size and shape and the type of material.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
1 allalaadimist

Materjaliteaduse kodutöö. Erinevad termoplastid.

Polüeeterketoon (PEEK) on värvitu orgaaniline termoplast, mis on suurepäraste keemiliste ja mehaaniliste omadustega isegi kõrgetel temperatuuridel. See on väga vastupidav termolüüsi ja biolagunemise suhtes. Tihedus 1320 kg/ m3 Elastsusmoodul (E) 3.6 GPa Tõmbetugevus (σt) 90–100 MPa Sulamistemperatuur 343 °C Tänu PEEKi headele omadustele kasutatakse seda enamasti nõudlikes rakendustes nagu laagrites, kolbi juppides, pumpades, ventiilides ja elektrikaabli isolaatorina. PEEKi peetakse heaks biomaterjaliks, mida kasutatakse meditsiiniliste implantaatide loomisel. Kasutatakse ka rakendustes, kus on pidev kokkupuude kõrgete temperatuuridega. competition-peek-market-demanded-ftc-supported-evonik/ Polütetrafluoroetüleen (PTFE) on tetrafluroetüleeni polümeer, ...

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika kodutöö 2 plakat

Mootorratta külgpaneelid · Eesmärk: Külgpaneelid moodustavad kesta, mis on paigutatud ümber mootorratta raami ja mootori. Selle peamiseks eesmärgiks on muuta ratas voolujoonelisemaks ning vähendada õhutakistust suurtel kiirustel. Seetõttu väheneb kütusekulu ja on võimalik sõita suurematel kiirustel madalamate mootori pööretega, mis omakorda pikendab mootori eluiga. Lisaks kaitsevad külgpaneelid ku...

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
38 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika 3

IT.3 Aine ja teema otsing andmebaasist SciFinder Scholar 3.1 ,,Autor otsing" a) Alan G. MacDiarmid avaldas aastatel 1975-1985 204 artiklit b) Sisestasin otsinguvälja autori järgi ning REFINE`i alt sorteerisin Publication Year(s) järgi c) Märksõnad "conducting polymers" või "plastics" olid 183 artiklis d) REFINE`i alt valisin RESEARCH TOPIC ning sisestasin märksõnad otsinguvälja, kasutades OR e)Alan G. MacDiarmid`i nimel on 29 patenti f) REFINE`i alt valisin DOCUMENT TYPE ning valisin PATENT. 3.2 ,,Teema ja aine otsing" a) kasutasin otsingut pealkirja järgi b) Teemat ,,Preparation of glycolide from glycolic acid" kajastab 147 referaati e Glycolide CAS RN on 502-97-6 glycolide f) Glycolide saamise kohta on 234 referaati g) Avasin aine glycolide`i lehe, vajutasin nuppu GET REFERENCES ning valisin loetelust PREPARATION. 3.3 ,,Aine otsing" a) Võtsin EXPLORE SUBSTANCES, seejärel SUBSTANCE IDENTIFIER, sinna kirjutasin CYCLOPROPANE b) Aine cy...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
14 allalaadimist

Tarbekeemia kasutus igapäevaelus

Tarbekeemia kasutus igapäevaelus Maarjo Põder 9b Tarbekeemia tooted Tarbekeemia ja kõikvõimalikud keemiatööstuse tooted ümbritsevad meid tänapäeval peaaegu kõikjal. Meie kodudes on palju tarbekeemia tooteid, mille puhul oleks vaja teada nende toodete keemilisi omadusi, et neid õigesti kasutada. Pesemisvahendid Pesemis-vahendite hulka kuuluvad seebid, shampoonid ja pesupulbrid. Seep on üks vanemaid pesemisvahendeid ning tema efekt tuleneb vees lahustuvatest rasvhappe- sooladest Seebid Valmistatakse rasva keetmisel seebikiviga Ei pese hästi karedas vees ja merevees Pesevad hästi soojas vees Ei saasta loodust - mikroorganismid lagundavad seepi Tekitavad vees aluselise keskkonna (pH=9-10) Värvid ja liimid Nii värvide k...

Keemia → Keemia
15 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

Situation Reason Consequenses Suggestions for solutions Ozone layer is damaged · Using different sprays · Increase of UV-rays · Ozone friendly products · Burning rubber and other (causes cancer) · Campaigns to make people plastics · There is no life possible on aware of dangers · Factories produce sulphur the Earth without ozone layer Depletion of natural resources · Misusage of natural · Loss of luxurity · Using renewable resources

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 3: Aine ja teema otsing SciFinder Scholar

3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 204 b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autoriotsingusse autori nime, valisin sealt mitmeid variante tema nimest ning sain tulemuse, seejärel võtsin paremalt REFINE, Publication Year(s) ja panin sinna 1975-1985 ning sain 204 vastet. c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics"? 183 d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Valisin REFINE, Reasearch Topic ja panin märksõnad conducting plymers or plastic. Enne vaatasin ka seda, et ta otsiks kõikide artikklite seast, mitte ainult nende artikklite, mis avaldati 1975-1985 aastatel. e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 29 f) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Võtsin taas paremalt REFINE, Document Type ja Patent. 3.2. Harjutusülesanne "Teema ja aine otsing". a) millist otsivõimalust kasutasid? Kasutasin otsingut pealkirja järgi b) mitu referaati kajastavad seda tee...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
26 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne “Autori otsing”

Harjutusülesanne 3 3.1. Harjutusülesanne "Autori otsing" Nobeli preemia keemia alal anti 2001. aastal uurimistööle "Discovery and development of conductive polymers". Üks auhinna saajatest oli Alan G. MacDiarmid. Leia: a) mitu artiklit avaldas ta aastatel 1975 - 1985? 204 b) kuidas leidsid vajalikud andmed? Sisestasin autoriotsingusse autori nime, seejärel valisin sealt mitmeid variante sellest nimest ja sain tulemuse. Siis võtsin paremalt REFINE, Publication Year ja panin sinna antud aastad, vastuseks tuli 204 vastet c) mitu tööd sisaldasid kontseptsiooni "conducting polymers" või "plastics" 183 d) kuidas leidsid need tööd? Valisin REFINE, Research Topic ning lisasin märksünad concluding polymers or plastic. Eelnevalt kontrollisin ka seda, et otsing toimuks kõikide artiklite seast, mitte ainult nende, mis avaldati 1975-1985 aastatel e) mitu patenti on Alan G. MacDiarmid nimel? 29 f) kuidas leidsid vaj...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
4 allalaadimist

How to Stop Water Pollution

would still be a huge issue. Clean Up Beaches and Waterways Wherever you have waterways that see a lot of human recreation, you will almost always see lots of evidence of human use. Wrappers, bottles and other trash are unfortunately a common site at many well-used beaches and rivers around the world. It should be fairly obvious that the trash from these places often ends up in waterways and can cause pollution. Plastics are an especially big issue when it comes to water contamination at beaches and waterways. Pick Up Litter Picking up litter wherever you find it is honestly the best, fastest way to do your part to stop this type of water pollution. While it may not sound very extravagant, the simple act of not passing by this pollution is a pretty powerful one. Organize Cleaning Parties Organize cleaning parties with local people to make the reach larger. Get businesses involved

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


3. Overpopulation: The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. Population explosion in less developed and developing countries is straining the already scarce resources. Intensive agriculture practiced to produce food, damages the environment through use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. FIND OUT 5 WAYS HOW TO STOP OVERPOPULATION. 4. Waste Disposal: The over consumption of resources and creation of plastics are creating a global crisis of waste disposal. Developed countries are notorious for producing an excessive amount of waste or garbage and dumping their waste in the oceans and, less developed countries. Nuclear waste disposal has tremendous health hazards associated with it. Plastic, fast food, packaging and cheap electronic wastes threaten the well being of humans. FIND OUT 5 WAYS HOW TO MANAGE WASTE. 5

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


delivered at Shetland, it may be a Russian Export Blend delivered at the port of Primorsk. Petroleum industry The petroleum industry is involved in the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often with oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and petrol. Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics. The industry is usually divided into three major components: upstream, midstream and downstream. Midstream operations are usually included in the downstream category. Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of importance to the maintenance of industrialized civilization itself, and thus is critical concern to many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of the world's energy consumption, ranging from a low of 32

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

Dioxins are mainly produced as unwanted byproducts of industrial processes and there is no intentional production or use. They can also to a small extent be formed naturally in forest fires or volcanic activity. Examples of activities resulting in dioxin emissions are waste incineration, burning fuels (wood, coal or oil), chlorine bleaching of pulp and paper and chlorinated pesticides manufacturing. Burning of many materials containing chlorine, such as plastics and wood treated with pentachlorophenol also produce dioxins. According to a study in the context of the Stockholm Convention, the main sources for emissions of dioxins to air in EU25 are Residential combustion (~ 30%) Open burning of waste (backyard burning) (~15%) Wood preservation (~15%) Iron and steel industry (~ 8%) Power production, nonferrous metals, chemical industry (~ 5% each) Emissions in estonia Tabel Dioksiinide heitkogused Eestis aastatel 2004­

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Loomadel testitud toodete nimekiri !

loomkatseid ja loomade tapmise. Akzo Nobel Alteon Alza American Chemistry Council Arpida Asahi Denko BASF Bayer Bristol Myers Squibb British Petroleum Chiron Cytec Industries Dow Chemicals Dow Corning DuPont Eisai FMC Corporation GlaxoSmithKline Kao Corporation Merck and Co Inc Merial Neurocrine Biosciences NipponKayaku Nissan Chemicals Novartis Organon Pfizer ­ ravimid Pharmacia Redox Pharmaceuticals Rhodia Corporation RIFM Roche Rohm and Haas Schering Plough Shell SOCMA Society of the Plastics Industry Solutia Solvay America Styrene Research Centre Syngenta Wacker Chemicals Yamanouchi Zonagen MUUD FIRMAD Teised firmad (sulgudes on toodangu nimekiri): Arm & Hammer (Church & Dwight), P.O. Box 1625, Horsham, PA 19044-6625; 609- 683-5900; 800-524-1328; *Bic Corporation, 500 Bic Dr., Milford, CT 06460; 203-783-2000; Boyle-Midway (Reckitt Benckiser), 2 Wickman Rd., Toronto, ON M8Z 5M5 Canada; 416-255-2300

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
37 allalaadimist

Tehnikas kasutatavad materjalid

1) Tehnikas kasutatavad materjalid: Metallid: 10000eKr Kasutati kulda, sest see oli looduses vabalt kätte saadav. 5000eKr avastati vask, esimene sulam mis avastati oli pronks (phst Kõik vase sulamid). Kristuse sünni ajal avastati raud. Malm alvastati 16 saj, siis algas metallide võidukäik. Hiljem õpiti valmistama teraseid. 20saj keskpaigas oli metallide olulisus tipus.(1,2 MS). Metallide kasutus väheneb, nende asemel luuakse teisi materjale.(liigume kasutuse poolest tagasi kiviaega, metalle hakkavad asendama keraamilised materjalid.) plastid (polümeerid): 10000 eKr Kasutati Puitu, nahka, erinevaid looduslike kiude. Tänapäeval plastid, 19saj võetakse kasutusele kumm(looduslik). 20 saj alguses avastatakse sünteetiline kumm(pakeliit). Sellest algas plastid võidukäik. komposiitmaterjalid- Kõrtest ja mudast tehtud trellised- Materjal mis koosneb vähemalt kahest materjalist. Esimene komposiit oli kivi, mille sisse pandi heina, et saada tugeva...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
21 allalaadimist

Materjalid Autoehituses

Sissejuhatus Autotootjad ning autodisainerid püüavad alatasa vähendada autode mõju keskkonnale. Üks võimalus on muuta autosid järjest kütusesäästlikemaks, sest kütusetarbimise vähenemisega muutub ka CO2 emissioon väiksemaks. Autoehituses on kasutuses mitmesuguseid metalle. Erinevate osade tootmiseks on välja kujunenud kindlad metallid. Materjali õigest valikust oleneb suurel määral nii detaili kui ka kogu masina kui service kvaliteet. Metall valitakse lähtudes masina otstarbest, detaili ülesandest, selle valmistamise viisist ning mitmest muust asjaolust. Paljud autotootjad üritavad muuta oma autosid keskkonnasõbralikemaks töötades välja väiksemaid ja kergemaid autosid või viies sisse mootorite kõrgtehnoloogilisi uuendusi. Autosid on võimalik kergemaks teha kasutades mootori ning kere ehitamisel kaasaegseid materjale, mis on kerged, tugevad ja vastupidavad. Kaasaegsed materjalid, nagu näiteks pl...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
14 allalaadimist

Canada topic

British Columbia's primary sectors are forestry and mining, as well as tourism. Major Exports: automobile vehicles and parts, machinery and equipment, high- technology products, oil, natural gas, metals, and forest and farm products. Major Imports: machinery and industrial equipment including communications and electronic equipment, vehicles and automobile parts, industrial materials (metal ores, iron and steel, precious metals, chemicals, plastics, cotton, wool and other textiles), along with manufactured products and food. Sports Canada's official national sports are ice hockey and lacrosse. Ice Hockey is the most popular winter sport in Canada and it has one of the best ice hockey team in the world. Lacrosse is the most popular summer sport. Basketball, soccer, curling, baseball and golf are also widely played in Canada. Education Education is a provincial responsibility under the Canadian constitution, which means

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

NDE technology is not widely available Testing is defined Thermoplastic Piping Design Codes and Standards AS 3518-2004 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Compounds, Pipes and Fittings for Pressure Applications AS 3690 Installation of ABS Pipe Systems AS2566.1 Buried Flexible Pipelines Part 1: Structural Design AS 2566.2 Buried Flexible Pipelines Part 2 :Installation AS 4041 Pressure Piping Code ASME B31.3 Chemical & Refinery Piping Code ISO 15493 Plastics piping systems for industrial applications -- Acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS), unplasticised poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) -- Specifications for components and the system Metric series Hydraulic Analysis Darcy Weisbach friction Losses in Pipe factor Losses in fittings Hazen Williams formula Newtonian Fluids ­ Bends and Elbows

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom

himself his Government. The Labour Party is popular amongst the middle classes and the Conservative Party has the support of the wealthier people. Economy. Britain has a wide range of industries. Services, like finance and business services, have expanded and account for about 63% of British national output. Manufacturing though still plays a vital role in the economy. Britain excels in high-technology industries like chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, electronics, motor vehicles and components, offshore equipment and paper and printing. Here the British companies are among the world`s biggest and most successful. The British construction industry continues to be engaged in some of the most prestigious international projects. Britain also excels in the field of scientific and technological innovation. The oldest universities are Oxford and Cambridge which are also centres of scientific research

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


formaldehyde. At home, formaldehyde is produced by cigarettes and other tobacco products, gas cookers, and open fireplaces. It is also used as a preservative in some foods, such as some types of Italian cheeses, dried foods, and fish. Formaldehyde is found in many products used every day around the house, such as antiseptics, medicines, cosmetics, dish-washing liquids, fabric softeners, shoe-care agents, carpet cleaners, glues and adhesives, lacquers, paper, plastics, and some types of wood products. Some people are exposed to higher levels of formaldehyde if they live in a new mobile home, as formaldehyde is given off as a gas from the manufactured wood products used in these homes. Formaldehyde is used in many industries. It is used in the production of fertilizer, paper, plywood, and urea-formaldehyde resins. It is present in the air in iron foundries. It is also used in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Protein percentage of sunflower meal ranges from 28% for non-dehulled seeds to 42% for completely dehulled seeds. The color of the meal ranges from grey to black, depending upon extraction processes and degree of dehulling. C. Industrial Applications: The price of sunflower oil usually prohibits its widespread use in industry, but there are several applications that have been explored. It has been used in certain paints, varnishes and plastics because of good semidrying properties without color modification associated with oils high in linolenic acid. In Eastern Europe and the USSR where sunflower oil is plentiful, sunflower oil is used commonly in the manufacture of soaps and detergents. The use of sunflower oil (and other vegetable oils) as a pesticide carrier, and in the production of agrichemicals, surfactants, adhesives, plastics, fabric softeners, lubricants and coatings has been explored

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

15.4.1 For electric power Coal is used to generate almost half of all electricity produced in the United States. Besides electric utility companies, industries and businesses with their own power plants use coal to generate electricity. Power plants burn coal to make steam. The steam turns turbines which generate electricity. 15.4.2 For industry A variety of industries use coal's heat and by-products. Separated ingredients of coal (such as methanol and ethylene) are used in making plastics, tar, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, and medicines. The concrete and paper industries also burn large amounts of coal. 15.4.3 For making steel Coal is baked in hot furnaces to make coke, which is used to smelt iron ore into iron needed for making steel. It is the very high temperatures created from the use of coke that gives steel the strength and flexibility for products such as bridges, buildings, and automobiles. 54 15.4.4 For export

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist


All the tools can be classified as follows: a) measuring tools; b) cutting tools; c) marking tools; d) hand tools; e) hydraulic tools; f) electric tools; g) pneumatic tools. This chapter will describe measuring tools. Ruler is a long narrow flat piece of hard material with straight edges, marked with inches or millimeters, used for measuring things or for drawing straight lines. The rulers may be made of stainless steel, plastics or wood. Protractor is used for measuring or laying out angles. It is usually made of celluloid, so that lines can be seen through it, but it can be made of metal and other materials. A protractor is made semi-circular in shape so as to include 180º. Try Square/Squares are used to scribe, measure and check inside and outside angles, to construct lines at right angles to the edge of a piece of material, to establish points for lines parallel to the edge. They are usually made of tool steel

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

since-1991/a1nf# 13 1.1.3. Key Macroeconomic indicators For Key Macroeconomic indicators and forecasts please refer to Appendix 1. Ukraine's economic sectors are diverse, but in need of new capital and investments to compete with sectors in the West. The country's major export categories include: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, steel products and steel structures; chemical products (including fertilizers; plastics and rubber); agricultural products and food (mainly grains, cereals; food processing and packaging). As seen from the list above, Ukrainian economy is strongly dependent on various commodities and as result of price fluctuations of those commodities. Perhaps, the only commodity group, which is in long-run rather immune (not 100% though) to cyclical changes are agricultural products. Taking into account growing population worldwide and gradual

Keeled → Inglise keel
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Ford escorti käsiraamat

resin hardener are best for this type of repair. will also need to be masked off. Use genuine used. At one time the use of a universal paint A wide, flexible plastic or nylon applicator will masking tape and several thicknesses of was not possible owing to the complex range be found invaluable for imparting a smooth newspaper for the masking operations. of plastics encountered in body component and well contoured finish to the surface of the Before commencing to spray, agitate the applications. Standard paints, generally filler. aerosol can thoroughly, then spray a test area speaking, will not bond to plastic or rubber Mix up a little filler on a clean piece of card (an old tin, or similar) until the technique is satisfactorily, but paints to match any plastic

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Finally, the changing faces of ecologically fresh red meat is well established (Gill 1996). friendly packaging require the addressing of Beef steaks are commonly displayed under multiple aspects of packaging, including high oxygen concentrations in MAP in order recyclability, simple packaging, reusable, to promote color stability (Zakrys et al. refillable, renewable materials, less materi- 2008). The color of lamb may also be als, less or no plastics, and bulk rather than extended by storage under MAP conditions individual packaging (Doyle 2008). Also, (Kerry et al. 2000). the noncontact preservative effect of active MAP has now been available to producers packaging offers the opportunity to produc- for many years. As far back as 1933, Killefer ers of prolonging shelf life further, while (1930), using 100% carbon dioxide (CO2) at

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Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

GBC Imprintable Covers Bretford CR8500 Series Meeting Room Furniture TOPS Money Receipt Book, Consecutively Numbered in Red, Talkabout T8097 Deflect-o DuraMat Antistatic Studded Beveled Mat for Medium Pile Carpeting Avery 487 3.5" IBM Formatted Diskettes, DS/HD Staples Plastic Wall Frames Staples Pen Style Liquid Stix; Assorted (yellow, pink, green, blue, orange), 5/Pa Bevis Round Conference Table Top & Single Column Base GE 48" Fluorescent Tube, Cool White Energy Saver, 34 Watts, 30/Box Gould Plastics 9-Pocket Panel Bin, 18-3/8w x 5-1/4d x 20-1/2h, Black Bush Westfield Collection Bookcases, Dark Cherry Finish, Fully Assembled Accessory34 Accessory31 Belkin 107-key enhanced keyboard, USB/PS/2 interface SC7868i Imation DVD-RAM discs Rogers® Profile Extra Capacity Storage Tub Imation 3.5 IBM Formatted Diskettes, 10/Box Sanford 52201 APSCO Electric Pencil Sharpener Newell 329 PC Concepts 116 Key Quantum 3000 Keyboard Xerox 1895 Talkabout T8367 Array® Memo Cubes 2180

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The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

There was no consensus. It could have been one of a million suspects, or it could have been all of them. have been one of a million suspects, or it could have been all of them. No matter the causes, the real question was: could I do anything to reverse it? To start, I attempted to remove environmental pollutants from my body using injections (IV DMPS, etc.) and dietary changes, and the changes in blood work were almost unnoticeable. What else could I do? Besides avoiding plastics and going organic, the sad answer seemed to be: not much. I called some of the most experienced and innovative urologists in the United States, including Dr. Dudley Dano , founder of the Tower Urology Medical Group at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, who served as a clinical faculty member at UCLA Medical School for 25 years. His most striking comment was a disheartening one: "Male fertility is a relatively `infertile' eld. There is so little one can do." Then came August 31, 2009.

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