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"phosphate" - 29 õppematerjali


Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered

Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered What's the deal with phosphate in kidney disease anyway? Phosphate and calcium are both minerals that are essential in maintaining a healthy body. Together, they help build strong, healthy bones and teeth, and also play a role in regular cell and nerve function. Through a delicate process called homeostasis, the body keeps both phosphate and calcium at healthy levels. Both the kidneys and the parathyroid glands play vital roles. First, the kidneys, which activate vitamin D, control the amount of phosphate that is absorbed and excreted from the foods you eat. Second, a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates phosphate by increasing or decreasing the blood's phosphate concentration. A normal blood phosphate level in adults is 3-4.5 mg/dL and a normal PTH is 10-55 pg/mL.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

to glucose to muscle muscle glycogen. Lactate Threshold · As exercise intensity increases, blood levels of lactic acid begins to rise exponentially. · Lactate Threshold is defined as the VO2 or exercise intensity above which blood lactate rises above resting values · Reflects an increased reliance on anaerobic metabolism. Lactate Threshold · Untrained individuals at 50-60% of VO2 max and at 65- 80% of VO2 max in trained. Exercise Physiology The Phosphate System The Sprinter · 100 m Sprinter ­ World record male 9.69 ­ Usain Bolt, female 10.49 - Florence Griffith-Joyner ­ 36.8 km/h male, 34.3 km/h female ­ Resynthesis ATP quickly ­ Reach maximal velocity as fast as possible, maintain it as long as possible, slow down less · Energy system: ATP-PCr · Fuel: ATP and phosphocreatine (PCr) ATP-PCr Creatine kinase · PC + ADP ATP + C (creatine)

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Environmental problems in Estonia

To reduce pollution we need to decrease mining of oil shale and shale-based electricity producing. Air pollution the biggest air pollution is in large cities. It´s caused by big factories, a lot cars and deficient environment ordinance. To decrease air pollution we need to use less cars and more public transport. Eutrophication ­ It means water enrichment of nutrient. In eutrophic water there is less oxygen and water quality low. There are some things to improve it: · To disable phosphate use in detergents · Eliminate sources of pollution Example, Estonia eutrophic lakes are Võrtsjärv and Vasula järv. Excessive tree felling Peoples do very often clear cutting and thanks for it animals will lose their place where they live. To decrease this problem we need to do less clear cutting and use less things what is made from wood. ära plakatile kirjuta, lihtsalt pärast loe see ette: What can do one person for estonia evironment: consume sustainably

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Oksüdatsiooni tase

(HCO3)-1 hydrogen carbonate, bicarbonate (ClO)-1 hypochlorite (HSO3)-1 hydrogen sulfite, bisulfite (IO3)-1 iodate (MnO4)-1 permanganate (BrO3)-1 bromate (OH)-1 hydroxide (C2H3O2)-1 acetate (CN)-1 cyanide (H2PO4)-1 dihydrogen phosphate -2 (SO4)-2 sulfate (CO3)-2 carbonate (CrO4)-2 chromate (SiF6)-2 hexafluorosilicate (Cr2O7)-2 dichromate (C4H4O6)-2 tartrate (C2O4)-2 oxalate (HPO4)-2 hydrogen phosphate -3 (PO4)-3 phosphate (AsO4)-3 arsenate (PO3)-3 phosphite

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Puhastusvahendite kordamine

- Kontsentreeritud nõudepesuvahend - Sisaldab nahasõbralikke pesuaineid - Aloe Vera - Extra Power - pH neutral - Dermatologiacally tested - Up to 300 x - Ärritav - Antibacterial - Ocean (WC puhastusvahendi peal) - Like new (Musta värvi riietele mõeldud pesemisvahendi peal) - Re-new Black Effect (Musta värvi riietele mõeldud pesemisvahendi peal) - Free phosphate & zeolite - Free phosphate II . Selgita lahti märgised Mürgine (T) (T+) väga mürgine Ärritav (Xi), kahjulik („Xn“) Väga tuleohtlik („F“) (F+) eriti tuleohtlik Oksüdeeruv („O“) Sööbiv („C“) ehk aine on söövitava toimega Plahvatusohtlik („E“) Säilitada ainult originaalpakendis

Muu → Puhastusõpetus
11 allalaadimist

Biokeemia teine test

Teine test 3.10 esmaspäev Teemad: fermentatsioonireaktsioonid pentoosfosfaadi rada uurea tsükkel transaminaasid lipiidede oksüdatsioon NADH, NADHP, FADH2, tiamiinpürofosfaat, püridoksaalfosfaat 15 min (pikem) Fermentatsioonireaktsioonid – toimub tsütoplasmas Fermentatiivsete anaeroobsete) reaktsioonide ainsaks eesmärgiks on muuta NADH NAD+-iks (et hiljem seda glükolüüsis kasutada). - Energiat ei teki - Märkimisväärne erinevus – fermentatiivse metabolismi (anaeroobne) korral - toodetakse 2 ATP, aeroobsel hingamisel - 36 ATP-d eesmärk – kulutada püruvaati, samas toota NAD+ miks – hapniku puudumisel on see ianuke võimalus toota NAD+ ja ATPd Alkoholi fermentatsioon – esineb pärmis ja erinevates bakterites Fermentatsiooni produkt – alkohol – on organismile toksiline Piimhappeline fermentatsioon – esineb inimeses, teistel imetajatel ja ka nt. piimhappebakteritel Piimahappelise fermentatsiooni pro...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
10 allalaadimist

Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW).

b. Milline on uuritav valk, millised ortoloogid ja paraloogid leiti erinevatel otsingutel? . ortoloog ­ eri liikidest pärit järjestused, millel on üks ühine eellane 4 paraloog ­ samast liigist pärit järjestused, millel on üks ühine eellane Uuritav valk: Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate E. Colide puhul esineb nii ortolooge kui paralooge. Näiteks paraloogid: >>UNIPROT:Q6WAN9_ECOLX Q6WAN9 Glyceraldehyde phosphate d (220 aa) initn: 1051 init1: 715 opt: 721 Z-score: 859.5 bits: 166.6 E(): 2.7e-39 Smith-Waterman score: 1058; 75.8% identity (75.8% similar) in 244 aa overlap (36-244:1-220) 10 20 30 40 50 60 Sequen VFRAAQKRSDIEIVAINDLLDADYMAYMLKYDSTHGRFDGTVEVKDGHLIVNGKKIRVTA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: UNIPRO YDSTHGRFDGTVEVKDGHLIVNGKKIRVTA

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
39 allalaadimist

Cook Islands

People European, Chineese, African settlers Polynesian roots 2 polynesian languages: Pukapuka and other islands Official language Cook Islands Maori, English Population: 14,974 Villages, farms Politics Left: Henry Puna, right: John Key Self-governing state In international treaties Head of state: British monarch Parliamentary elections: 4 years Independence: 4th August 1965 Political parties: Cook islands party, the Democratic Economy Few natural resources: cobalt, phosphate Inadequate infrastructure Main industries: Tourism, fishing, banking, mining Export: citrus & tropical fruits, handicrafts, clothes Import: fuels GDP: $183,2 million Education Free Compulsory (5-15) University of the south Pacific in Avarua vast majority: literate Scholarship provided by goverment Cultural life Song and dance festivals Libary and museum in Avarua International culture Traditional ceremonies Major national day: Constituion day Tiare (Gardenia) festival 1 daily newspaper

Keeled → Country Study
1 allalaadimist

Okeaania riikide teke

a. fosforiiti. Esimese Maailmasõja puhkedes võtsid saare oma valdusse austraallased ja 1942-1945 jaapanlased. 1947.a. andis ÜRO oma hooldusterritooriumi Nauru valitsemise ajutiselt Austraaliale, kes soovis põliselanikud ümber asustada Curtis Islandile ning jätta saar endale. Selle soovi kukutas pärismaalaste vastuseis ja ÜRO toetusel loodi 1966.a. omavalitsus. Nauru Vabariik iseseisvus 1968. aastal ning 1970.a. ostis Nauru valitsus 20 miljoni USD eest monopoolse British Phosphate Commissioners ja andis maardla riigile kuuluvale Nauruan Phosphate Corporation, sellega sai üheksa kümnendikku saare pindalast naurulaste eravaldusesse. 2.4. Saalomoni saared Saalomoni saared asuvad Melaneesias ning 256 saart asuvad 19 800 km2 suurusel alal. Saared kuulusid 1893. aastast Suurbritanniale, Teises Maailmasõjas okupeeris Jaapan Guadalcanali saare ning sundisid põliselanikke kindlustustööle ja üritasid neid sintoismi pöörata.

Majandus → Maailma majandus ja...
20 allalaadimist

Rainforest destruction

Rainforest destruction Gerly Haaristo 206 RMÜ The Disappearing Rainforests Kaduvad Vihmametsad · Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. · Vihmametsad katsid kunagi 14% maapinnast, praegu katavad nad ainult 6% ja eksperdid arvavad et viimased alles olevad vihmametsad nö. tarvitatakse ära vähema kui 40 aasta pärast. Causes of rainforest destruction Vihmametsa hävitus põhjused. · Logging · Agriculture · Fuelwood- küttepuud · Large Dams- suured tammid · Mining and industry- kaevandus ja tööstus. · Tourism ­ turism. · Poverty and overpopulation ­ vaesus ja ülerahvastatus. · Colonialism ­ kolonialism. Why save it? · The rainforest is home to over · Vihmamets on koduks rohkem fifty perc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnade seletused Marie Curie teksti kohta

behavior etc. 18.Emit ­ to send forth, to give forth or release 19.Thoroughness ­ complete, perfect, utter 20.Compounds ­ composed of several similar parts that combine to form a whole 21.Ore ­ a mineral or natural product serving as a source of some nonmetallic substance 22.Extract ­ to get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force 23.Autunite ­ a yellowish fluorescent radioactive mineral consisting of a hydrated uranium phosphate in tetragonal crystalline form 24.Rigor ­ strictness, severity, or harshness, as in dealing with people 25.Interfere ­ to come into opposition; to take part in the affairs of others 26.Fuse ­ a tube or cord filled with combustible matter for igniting an explosive 27.Excerpt ­ a passage or quotation taken or selected from a book, document etc. 28.Attributable ­ consider as caused by something indicated; to regard as resulting from a specified cause 29

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Keemia - FOSFOR

Väga mürgise saaste võivad tekitada fosfororgaanilised ühendid, mida kasutatakse mitmesugustes mürkides, pesu- ja taimekaitsevahendites.Põhilised fosforisaaste allikad on kodumajapidamised, tööstused ja aasta-aastalt aina vähem põllumajandus. Ingliskeelsete sõnade tähendused: Plants - taimed Animals ­ loomad Decomporsers - lagundajad Runoff - äravool, ärakanne Phosphate in soil - pinnases olev fosfaat Geological uplifting ­ geoloogiline kerkimine Weathering of phosphate from rocks ­ kivimite murenemisel vabanev fosfaat Leaching- välja imbumine Phosphate in solution ­ lahustunud fosfaat Chemical precipitation ­ keemilised reaktsioonid, sadestumised Detritus settling to bottom ­ sademete põhjasettimine Sedimentation ­ settimine New rock ­ uued kivimid Kasutatud kirjandus. 1) Hergi Karik, Kalle Truus ,,Elementide keemia," Ilo, 2003 2) Hergi Karik ,,Hämmastavad ained," Valgus, 1991 3) Erna Sepp ,,Joogivesi ja meie," Ilo, 2007

Keemia → Keemia
14 allalaadimist


(Skeemi allikas: ) Koostanud: Janno Puks Tallinna Arte ja Kristiine Gümnaasium 15 Ingliskeelsete sõnade tähendused: Rain ­ vihm Plants - taimed Animals ­ loomad Decomporsers - lagundajad Runoff - äravool, ärakanne Phosphate in soil - pinnases olev fosfaat Geological uplifting ­ geoloogiline kerkimine Weathering of phosphate from rocks ­ kivimite murenemisel vabanev fosfaat Leaching- välja imbumine Phosphate in solution ­ lahustunud fosfaat Chemical precipitation ­ keemilised reaktsioonid, sadestumised Detritus settling to bottom ­ sademete põhjasettimine Sedimentation ­ settimine New rock ­ uued kivimid KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1) Hergi Karik, Kalle Truus ,,Elementide keemia," Ilo, 2003 2) Hergi Karik ,,Hämmastavad ained," Valgus, 1991

Keemia → Keemia
119 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

67. 1 restriction enzyme to cut gene from genome; 2 and, plasmid / artificial chromosome / DNA of vector; 3 same restriction enzyme; 4 if cut with sticky ends then join; 5 if cut with blunt ends then, sticky ends / nucleotides, added; R bases 6 with C bases one end and G bases other; 7 requires terminal transferase; 8 (DNA) ligase needed to seal nicks in DNA backbone; 9 ref to join phosphate - sugar / adds phosphate; 10 DNA may be produced by reverse transcriptase; 11 from mRNA; 12 single strand made double stranded by DNA polymerase; 13 wanted DNA replicated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); 14 using, DNA polymerase with high optimum temperature /Taq polymerase; 15 AVP; max 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Estonia joined NATO on 29th March 2004 and the European Union on 1st May 2004. 6 Economy In the years that Estonia was part of the Soviet Union, it provided the USSR(The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) with gas and oil produced from its large supply of oil shale. It is still the world's second largest producer of oil shale. The majority of its workforce is involved in industry, which also includes shipbuilding, phosphate mining, and the manufacture of electronics and telecommunications equipment, electric motors, excavators, cement, furniture, and textiles and clothing. Its efficient agricultural sector employs some 20% of the labor force and produces meat (largely pork), dairy products, potatoes, flax, and sugar beets. Fishing is also important. Peat, limestone, dolomite, marl, clays (for cement and earthenware), sand (for

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


atoms. Without getting too into the details, every H2O molecule possesses a partial negative charge near its oxygen atom and partial positive charge near its hydrogen atoms. The polar nature of water's structure allows it to dissolve more substances than any liquid on Earth (which explains why it's known in chemistry circles as "the universal solvent"), including electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, and hydrogen phosphate. There are many other electrolytes, but these, in particular, are important for normal physiological function. Water doesn't contain any electrolytes naturally, which is why you'll find these physiologically important ones listed on the label of your favorite sports drink and enhanced water products ­ though too much of these can actually lead to hyponatremia, too. As Deadspin reported last year, "neither sports drinks nor water can keep your sodium levels in line with where they

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

It plays a role in sensory processes, attention and language. PEPTIDES – Chemical substances made of larger number of amino acid* molecules (up to 99) and often biologically active (e.g. hormones*, neurotrophic factors*). PERIPRHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (PNS) - Neural tissue outside of the brain and spinal cord; includes axons of sensory and motor neurones innervating the periphery. PHOSPHORYLATION – A process of attaching a phosphate group to a molecule of, for instance, a protein which makes an enzyme* or a receptor*. It leads to a change in the biological activity of the receiving molecule. An important process which may modify the properties of neuroactive substances and than entire neurones. It often results from second messenger* activity. PITUITARY GLAND – An endocrine organ closely linked with the hypothalamus. It is composed of the anterior and posterior lobes and secretes hormones, which regulate

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Soil microflora

The soils in good physical condition have better aeration and moisture content which is essential for optimum microbial activity. Similarly nutrients (macro and micro) and organic constituents of humus are responsible for absence or presence of certain type of microorganisms and their activity. For example activity and presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria is greatly influenced by the availability of molybdenum and absence of available phosphate restricts the growth of Azotobacter. 11. Microbial associations / interactions: Microorganisms interact with each other giving rise to antagonistic or symbiotic interactions. The association existing between one organism and another whether of symbiotic or antagonistic influences the population and activity of soil microbes to a great extent. The predatory habit of protozoa and some mycobacteria which feed on bacteria may suppress or eliminate certain bacteria. On the other hand, the activities

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


1 TAIMEFÜSIOLOOGIA KORDUSKÜSIMUSED 2012 A.Veevahetus 1. Defineerige veepotentsiaali mõiste Veepotentsiaal- võrdub vee keemilise potentsiaaliga, mis on väljendatud rõhuühikutes ja avaldatud standardtingimustes (st atmosfäärirõhul, samal temp ja kõrgusel) paikneva vee keemilise potentsiaali suhtes. Veepot. osaleb vee liikumise suuna määramisel. Vee liikumise suund oleneb energeetilisest seisundist. 2. Defineerige aine elektrokeemilise potentsiaali mõiste ja ühikud elektrokeemiline pot. on 1 mooli aine energia elektriväljas, mõõdetakse voltides (V) 4. Osmolaarsuseks nimetatakse erinevate lahustunud ainete osmootsete rõhkude summat 5. Nimetage veepotentsiaali väärtust mõjutavad tegurid Sõltub samadest teguritest, millest sõltub vee keemiline potents...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia

Molekulaarbioloogia praktikumi aruanne YAGB41 Kevad 2014 Vlada Šiposa Molekulaarbioloogia praktikumi aruanne 1. Praktikum – pipepteerimine. Töötasime erineva suuruse pipettiga: 1000, 200, 20 ning 10 µl. Igale pipettile sobib oma suurusega otsik. Otsikud on steriilsed ja neid ei tohi neid näpuga katsuda. Pärast kasutamist tuleb otsikud ära visata spetsiaalsele konteinerisse. Otsik peab istuma tihkelt, kuna kui istub liiga lõdvelt, siis sissetõmbav kogus on tegelikult vähem, kui oodetud (tõmmatakse sisse ka õhk). Otsiku ei tohi panna liiga sügavalt lahusesse, kuna jallegi sissetõmmatav kogus võib erineda oodatavatest. Liiga külma või kuuma lahuse pipeteerimise käigus tekitavad vead, sellega, kui on võimalus, tuleb lahus kas soendada/jahtuda toatemperatuureni. Pipetteeriv vedelik peab olema homogeene: enne pipepteerimist tuleb kas fuugida, et saada kondensati kätte või vortexiga...

Bioloogia → Molekulaar- ja rakubioloogia...
72 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

2008). In living tissue, the average water many soluble proteins (sarcoplasmic pro- 5 6 Chapter 1 Table 1.1. Composition of Mammalian Muscle complex lipid found in muscle. In this class Component % of Muscle Weight of lipids, one of the hydroxyl groups of glyc- Water 75% (65–80%) erol is esterified to a phosphate group, while Protein 18.5% (16–22%) the other constituents are fatty acids. The Lipid 3% (1–13%) fatty acids associated with phospholipids are Carbohydrate 1% (0.5–1.5%) Non-Protein Nitrogenous 1.7% (1–2%) typically unsaturated. Phospholipids in skel- Substances etal muscle are commonly associated with

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

Geenitehnoloogia kordamisküsimused 1.Suhkrute lühiiseloomustus Suhkrud ehk sahhariidid on orgaanilised ained, mille koostisse kuuluvad süsinik, vesinik ja hapnik. Sahhariidid jaotatakse kolme rühma mono-, oligo- ja polüsahhariidid. Monosahhariidid ehk lihtsuhkrud koosnevad enamasti kolmest kuni kuuest süsinikust. Neist tähtsamad on viiesüsinikulised riboos ja desoksüriboos, mis kuuluvad nukleiinhapete koostisesse. Lisaks on olulised kuuesüsinikulised glükoos ehk viinamarjasuhkur ja fruktoos ehk puuviljasuhkur, mis mõlemad on olulised makroenergilised molekulid, mida organismid kasutavad oma elutegevuseks. Oligosahhariidid on orgaanilised ühendid, mis on enamuses moodustunud kahe- kolme monosahhariidi (disahhariidid) ühinemisel. Näiteks võib tuua sahharoosi (roo-ja peedisuhkur), mis on moodustunud glükoosi ja fruktoosi ühinemisel, maltoosi ehk linnasesuhkru, mis on moodustunud kahest glükoosijäägist ja laktoosi ehk piimasuhkru, mis on m...

Keemia → Keemia
4 allalaadimist

Füüsikaline üldkonspekt 1

Bioenergeetika Anname gaasile võimaluse paisuda, vähendades Termodünaamika üldmõisted koormust. Gaasi ruumala suureneb V võrra ning Termodünaamika ­ teadus, mis uurib eri energiavormide ta teeb seetõttu tööd koormuse tõstmiseks h vastastikuseid üleminekuid erinevates füüsikalistes ja keemilistes protsessides. Termodünaamika uurimisobjekt võrra. Seda tööd nimetatakse gaasi paisumistööks ja on süsteem. Süsteem ­ meid huvitav universumi osa, mis on see avaldub w=P V , kus P on ülejäänust eraldatud reaalsete või mõtteliste piiridega. Süsteemid liigitatakse ülesehituse ja koostise alusel: välisrõhuga võrdne gaas...

Füüsika → Füüsika
2 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia vastused

Geenitehnoloogia kordamisküsimused 1.Suhkrute lühiiseloomustus Suhkrud (süsivesikud)- orgaanilised ühendid, mille koostisesse kuuluvad süsinik (C), vesinik (H) ja hapnik (O). Suhkruid jagatakse 3 rühma: 1)Monosahhariidid (lihtsuhkrud) (üks tsükkel)- kõige lihtsamad süsivesikud, mis koosnevad 3-6 süsinikuaatomist. Tähtsamad neist on: 1. 5-süsinikuga e pentoosid · riboos (C5H10O5)- kuulub RNA (nukleotiidi) koostisesse. · desoksüriboos (C5H10O4)- kuulub DNA (nukleotiidi) koostisesse. 2. 6-süsinikuga (heksoosid) i. glükoos (viinamarjasuhkur) (C6H12O6)- tähtis energiallikas. Taimedes moodustub glükoos fotosünteesi käigus ja tihti talletatakse ,see tärklisena. Loomad saavad glükoosi toiduga nt tärklise lõhustamisel seedeelundkonnas. ii. Fruktoos (puuviljasuhkur )(C6H12O6)- puuviljades ja mees esinev monosa...

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
102 allalaadimist

BIOinformaatika kodutöö 5

Homo sapiens: Püruvaatkinaas : Escherichia coli K12 MG1655: Drosophila melanogaster: Homo sapiens: c. Leida, milliste teiste metaboolsete radadega antud ensüümid on seotud. Aldolaas: Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis Pentose phosphate pathway Inositol metabolism Fructose and mannose metabolism Carbon fixation Püruvaatkinaas: Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis Purine metabolism

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
45 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

an antiphosphate ordinance prohibiting the use-and possession!-of laundry or cleaning products containing phosphates. A study done to determine the social im- pact of the law discovered two parallel reactions on the part of Miami residents. First, in what seems a Florida tradition, many Miamians turned to smuggling. Sometimes with neighbors and friends in large "soap caravans," they drove to nearby counties to load up on phosphate detergents. Hoarding quickly developed and, in the rush of obsession that frequently characterizes hoarders, families boasted of having 2o-year supplies of phosphate cleaners. The second reaction to the law was more subtle and more general than the de- liberate defiance of the smugglers and hoarders. Spurred by the tendency to want what they could no longer have, the majority of Miami consumers came to see phosphate cleaners as better products than before. Compared to Tampa residents,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

If your ancestors were from Europe, for example, how much fruit did they eat in the winter 500 years ago? Think they had Florida oranges in December? Not a chance. But you're still here, so the lineage somehow survived. The only exceptions to the no-fruit rule are tomatoes and avocadoes, and the latter should be eaten in moderation (no more than one cup or one meal per day). Otherwise, just say no to fruit and its principal sugar, fructose, which is converted to glycerol phosphate more e ciently than almost all other carbohydrates. Glycerol phosphate triglycerides (via the liver) fat storage. There are a few biochemical exceptions to this, but avoiding fruit six days per week is the most reliable policy. But what's this "six days a week" business? It's the seventh day that allows you, if you so desire, to eat peach crepes and banana bread until you go into a coma. RULE #5: TAKE ONE DAY OFF PER WEEK. I recommend Saturdays as your Dieters Gone Wild (DGW) day

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

and is of energy-absorbing design. important also to keep watch on those parts of large accumulations automatically and this is Rust and corrosion protection is applied to the vehicle not immediately visible, for instance a good time for inspection. all new vehicles and includes zinc phosphate the underside, inside all the wheel arches and Periodically, except on vehicles with a wax- dipping and wax injection of box sections and the lower part of the engine compartment. based underbody protective coating, it is a door interiors. The basic maintenance routine for the good idea to have the whole of the underframe

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


drove the German armies back and back until the Kaiser, his militaristic dreams wrecked, abdicated and fled while his generals signed the Armistice at Compiegne. The World War was ended. For Painvin, who had lost 33 pounds while simply seated at his desk, there was a long leave of convalescence. Afterwards, he engaged in an immensely successful business career, becoming president and director general of Ugine, the chemical giant of France, president of a phosphate company, vice president of a commercial credit firm, administrator of a mortgage society, honorary president of the Union of Chemical Industries and of the central committee of the electrochemical trade, and president of the Chamber of Commerce of Paris. Yet, he said, none of these achievements ever gave him the satisfaction that his ADFGVX solutions did. They left "an indelible mark on my spirit, and remain for me one of the brightest and most outstanding memories of my existence."

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun