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Law of Diminishing Returns - sarnased materjalid

price, pizza, proposition, decrease, workers, cause, tonycrease, variable, added, such, production, explain, decision, demand, afford, best, still, them, returns, states, fixed, marginal, already, scares, adding, getting, other, often, find, waiting, access, specific, part, tool, required, applicable, processes, manufacturing, analysis, good, portion

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles

Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products,

9 allalaadimist

The cost of production

- wages represent the cost of labour - interest represents the cost of kapital - rent represents the cost of land - "normal profit [ P ]" represents the cost of entrepreneurial activity Normal profit includes risk Economic Costs Production and Costs COST CURVES: - Fixed Costs (TFC) = costs that do not vary with output (present even when output, q, = 0) - Variable Costs (TVC) = costs that vary with the rate of output - Total costs (TC) = TFC + TVC - Average Variable Cost (AVC) = total variable cost/ number of units produced - Average Fixed Cost (AFC) = fixed costs/ output (units produced) - Average Total Cost (ATC) = total cost (variable and fixed) / number of units produced - Marginal Cost (MC) = the change in total cost required to produce an additional unit of output.

Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist


cannot buy car on credit anymore because their household value has dropped. During the recession there is a good chance to make profit of it, will be for cheaper car brands like skoda, vauxhall and kia. Besides that customers are likely to change over form new car market to the used car market, when they are in need for a new car.( D) Oil prices have been rising notably during the last years. While the oil price is rising then the purchases for new cars have been falling. Although there has been arise in diesel engine cars 6,5 per cent and petrol cars declined 5,3 per cent. Consumers are purchasing more diesel engine cars which have smaller fuel consumption. For that reason drivers can save money on the fuel.( E) Political Drivers are more likely to buy a small car with a smaller engine; then they will have lower taxes for their vehicle

Business english
39 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

­ conditions of entry into market ­ markets, competition and substitutes Markets include all "potential buyers and sellers" ­ behavior of buyers is represented by "demand" (benefits side of model) ­ behavior of sellers is represented by "supply" (cost side of model) Definition: "A schedule of the quantities of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at each possible price during a period of time, other things held constant" · Demand can also be perceived as a schedule of the maximum prices buyers are willing and able to pay for each unit of a good. Market demand The market demand function is the horizontal summation of the individuals' demand functions. In models of firm behavior, the demand for a firm's product can be constructed DEMAND DETERMINANTS · Price is the major determinant of the quantity demanded.

Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

the influence process works is inte- Science and Practice, gra ted throughout. For instance, brain imaging research is presented, showing here are 5 good reasons! how the "Expensive = Good" heuristic o Updated coverage of social influence leads people to perceive more costly effects in popular culture, such as the items as better than (identical) less contagion of obesity among the young costly ones. and the contagion of violence in such tragedies as the Virginia Tech and North- o Enhanced coverage of "how to say no." New evidence is presented to ern Illinois mass killings. help readers identify their special

24 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team is more competitive when each player knows how to be positioned for the hand-off. The relationships are the strongest between players who directly pass the baton (stick), but the entire team needs to make a coordinated effort to win the race. Below is an example of a very simple supply chain for a single product, where raw material is procured from vendors, transformed into finished goods in a single step, and then transported to distribution centers, and ultimately, customers

3 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

The negative slope of a firm's demand function in imperfect competition results in a different result than in pure competition The conditions of entry and exit to and from a monopolistically competitive market are similar to the purely competitive market; there are no major BTE. · Entry and exit are relatively easy. The relative ease of entry/exit makes the long run results of an imperfectly competitive market different from a monopoly. Price Discrimination - Question ­ Does price discrimination raise or lower profit? Price discrimination ­ selling the same good or service at a number of different prices. - Answer ­ Price discrimination is a marketing means to increase economic profit Methods of price discrimination · Discriminate among groups of buyers - works when different buying groups are willing

Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist


Monopoly Market Power In pure competition sellers are "price takers." ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly

Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist


gether. I would like to first thank my friend Mark Victor Hansen, who introduced me many years ago to Emmet Fox, perhaps the finest spiritual thinker of the twentieth century. Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, opened my eyes and heart to the incredible universe of potential contained within each person when they changed their thinking and changed their lives. Great spiritual teachers such as Charles Fillmore, Neville, Eric Butterworth, Wayne Dyer, and Roberto Assagioli have had a profound influence on my thinking. I would also like to thank those great practical thinkers on suc- cess who have had such a wonderful influence on me—and on the world—such as Napoleon Hill, Maxwell Maltz, Claude Bristol, David Schwarz, W. Clement Stone, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, Zig

Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Pessimism vs optimism

exceeded increases in food supply and that yields from a given field could not go on increasing forever and that the land available is finite.  He believed the population-resource balance was maintained by various ‘checks’: Negative (preventative) checks are methods of limiting population growth:e.g. celibacy, delaying marriage which lower fertility rates He noted that there was a correlation between wheat prices and marriage rates i.e. wheat price increases marriage rates decrease (C18th) Positive checks (decrease in population size due to): famine, war, diseases i.e. anything which increases mortality and decreases life expectancy. Carrying capacities can relate to ecosystems and humans. Rapid economic growth can impede economic development by exacerbating social and economic problems. Studythe graphs on page 379 and summarise the points made relating to links between population growth and levels of economic development

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

The researchers took blood samples from the monks before the ceremony and immediately after the monks reported seeing hallucinations. They found that serotonin levels had increased in their brains. Serotonin activated the hypothalamus and the frontal cortex resulting in hallucinations. They concluded from this study that sensory deprivation triggered the release of serotonin, which actually altered the way the monks experienced the world. The application of such research has improved the lives of many people, because drugs have been developed stimulating or blocking certain neurotransmitters. Psychologists however, consider the role of neurotransmitters on behavior, but do not solely rely on it to explain behavior. Brain technology has developed rapidly during the past century and is now used extensively in neuropsychology because it provides an opportunity to study the active brain

45 allalaadimist

Market and marketing

 Buyers and sellers come together for transaction  An organization through which exchange of goods takes place  The act of buying and selling of goods (to satisfy human wants)  An area of operation of commercial demand for commodities In addition, I have to define what is marketing. Marketing is a human activity to satisfy needs and wants, through an exchange process. A demand is a want for which consumer is prepared to pay a price. A want is anything or service the consumer desires or seek. Wants become demand when backed by purchasing power. Marketing is the creation and the delivery of a standards of living, it is finding out what customers want, then planning and developing a product or service that will satisfy those wants and then determining the best way to price, promote and distribute that product or service. The purpose of business is to create a customer

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

Prohibition of charges having an effect equivalent to that of customs duties: Articles 28(1) and 30 TFEU, or to describe it a bit more easier, The Court of Justice of the European Union had found that any type of extra charges or however it may be called or applied to a product produced and being sold in any Member State should not be charged with any fees or any extras that in the end will have the same effect on a product price as a custom duty. Examples: Cases 2/62 and 3/62 of 14 December 1962, and Case 232/78 of 25 September 19791 Prohibition of measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions: Articles 34 and 35 TFEU Provided option gives manufacturers and distributers more freedom for a single product to move and not to be charged with any extras while entering to the Member States market environment.

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

century has been the New Public Management (NPM). It is of particular interest in the post-autistic economics (pae) context because NPM largely rests on the same ideology and epistemology as standard textbook economics (STE) is based (for my take on this, see Drechsler 2000), and it has had, and still has, similar results. Already more on the defensive within public administration (PA) than STE is within economics, NPM also shows that such major paradigm shifts in theory and policy may actually happen. In addition, it occasionally appears that pae-oriented scholars have overlooked the fact that some features in public management reform, state organization, and the economic interpretation of state functions that they advocate ­ from "Good Governance" to "efficiency" as a goal in itself ­ actually belong into the "other camp" and by and large have a disastrous effect on "industrial" and

Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

analog environment to their digital machines. There are books about analog design and books about microprocessor design. This book attempts to get at the problems encountered in connecting the two together. This book came about because of a comment made by someone about my first book (Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design): “it needs more analog interfacing information.” I felt that adding this material to that book would cause the book to lose focus. However, the more I thought about it, the more I thought that a book aimed at interfacing the real world to micro- processors could prove valuable. This book is the result. I hope it proves useful. ix Introduction Modern electronic systems are increasingly digital: digital microprocessors, digital logic, digital interfaces. Digital logic is easier to design and understand,

10 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

..................................................................................... 37 1.8. Taxation ..................................................................................................................... 39 1.8.1. Corporate income tax (CIT) ............................................................................... 39 1.8.2. Withholding Tax (WHT) ..................................................................................... 41 1.8.3. Value Added Tax (VAT)...................................................................................... 42 1.8.4. Transfer Pricing (TP) ......................................................................................... 43 1.8.5. Personal taxation ............................................................................................... 44 1.9. Financial Reporting ................................................................................................... 45 1

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys

47 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

literally, you are in business. If not, then you need to think of a new plan. People who can do this are called entrepreneurs. People who can't are called employees. In truth, step one is down to you ­ it's your business and you can sell what you want. Remember that there are only two things that your business can sell: a product or a service. Think also about how and why people will buy from you. And also consider the place where they will buy (from a shop or via the internet), the price at which they will buy (cut-price or "luxury") and the promotion needed to get them to buy (your marketing plan). Step two is daunting but, luckily, there are sources of help of which the most obvious is an accountant. All businesses need one. These professional advisers are not just there to fill in tax returns ­ they can be of most use to you in your planning phase since they will think of things that you will not. If funds don't permit the use of a professional adviser

Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


But the Greeks and the Romans (Caucasians) did not abhor learning from our people, especially in Egypt. They learned everything from our forbears, became very proficient, became more powerful than our Kings, and conquered our people. Today, the Capitalist Nigger is not in any mood to conquer anybody. His sole mission in life is the accumulation of wealth in comparison to the accumulation of wealth of his Caucasian-brothers. The long hours you may have to put in to achieving your dream, could cause a major strain, given the undeserved perception that the Blackman is more interested in his penis than in taking care of his future. They should understand that you are not in it to attract unscrupulous women; you are not in it to obtain a business loan and use it to buy a BMW (thank God the Cadillac is no longer the symbol of Black success stories); you are not in it to wear alligator shoes or those uncoordinated green shoes. Another minefield to maneuver are your friends

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

months later. No one was more dumbfounded than me. One particularly beautiful morning in San Jose, I had my rst major media phone interview with Clive Thompson of Wired magazine. During our pre-interview small chat, I apologized if I sounded buzzed. I was. I had just nished a 10-minute workout following a double espresso on an empty stomach. It was a new experiment that would take me to single-digit bodyfat with two such sessions per week. Clive wanted to talk to me about e-mail and websites like Twitter. Before we got started, and as a segue from the workout comment, I joked that the major fears of modern man could be boiled down to two things: too much e-mail and getting fat. Clive laughed and agreed. Then we moved on. The interview went well, but it was this o hand joke that stuck with me. I retold it to dozens of people over the subsequent month, and the response was always the same: agreement and

Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Report: The Free Rider Problem

consolidate their power. In this example, the free riders avoid all of the personal risks of war while enjoying the benefit of tax dollars spent under the false popular perception of the urgent need for national defense. Government is indeed the primary mechanism by which societies address free rider problems. In addition to fiscal measures noted above, regulation is another form of collective action taken by governments to resolve free riders problems such as environmental degradation or excessive resource use. The free rider problem is also one justification for the existence of governments which provide public goods. Some ideologies, such as libertarian capitalism, are often rebuked, because in such a system all property in a society would be privately owned, away from any state involvement or regulation. Libertarians counter that potential free riders within their system could face social ostracism, which may deter those who accept services

Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


If a person be insensitive, be it from numbing cold, exhaustion, drugs, genetic makeup, or upbringing, then the process of education is bogged down, and results come only after great efforts. Sensitivity in my integrated meaning is broad, covering literally the senses, so that deaf and blind people are less sensitive, as well as people whose senses work perfectly, but whose receptivity or thought processes are blunted for whatever reason. A person can be insensitive in one way, such as blind, and extraordinarily sensitive in another way, such as in hearing. It is also possible to be so ultra-sensitive that the result is disadvantageous. I expect no argument in asserting that a normal sensitivity is a healthy, indispensable ingredient for optimal education. Sensitivity can be heightened or blunted by education. It is intertwined with curiosity. An ideal education affords numerous and varied opportunities for students to touch, see, smell,

Inglise keel
127 allalaadimist

Monopoly paper / DeBeers monopol

De Beers, who is and was diamonds main supplier in the world, is the reason why diamonds are so rare and valued. The company owned 15 mines located across the world; also they still fixed prices and limited the quantity of diamonds supplied to the market. Nowadays De Beers don't have any more pure monopoly, but they still have near-monopoly. "With its high market share and ability to control its own production levels, DeBeers will still wield considerable influence over the price of rough-cut diamonds" (McConnell 440) Also De Beers strength is that they change their business strategies very quick as needed. They found out that only mining diamonds don't keep their position, they expanded them business. Nowadays, they control every process step by step from mining to production sale and also they selling to individual consumers, like example once they are extracted from the mines, they also polishing, cutting, marketing and branding. Also,

3 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

A survey of architects conducted from Dec. 3, 2005, to Jan. 6, 2006 by the American Institute of Architects showed that 74% of the respondents use some level of 3D digital modeling. Of the 74% using 3D/BIM, 98% use it for basic visualizations and design, 34% use it for conflict identification and 12% use it for post-occupancy facility management (Post, 2006a). A survey by Björk, B.C. in 2010 revealed that architecture firms are using BIM for design-related functions such as building design, visualization, and programming/massing studies. Contractors’ top three BIM use areas were clash detection, visualization, and creation of as-built models. Use of BIM in direct fabrication, where BIM replaces traditional shop drawings and drives fabrication equipment, is still limited; however, almost one-fourth of the respondents utilized BIM for direct fabrication. Geoff Weisenberger reported in a January 2009 article in Modern Steel Construction

23 allalaadimist

A New Earth

They are fragile, delicate, not yet firmly established in materiality. An innocence, a sweetness and beauty that are not of this world still shine through them. They delight even relatively insensitive humans. So when you are alert and contemplate a flower, crystal, or bird without naming it mentally, it becomes a window for you into the formless. There is an inner opening, however slight, into the realm of spirit. This is why these three “en-lightened” life-forms have played such an important part in the evolution of human consciousness since ancient times; why, for example, the jewel in the lotus flower is a central symbol of Buddhism and a white bird, the dove, signifies the Holy Spirit in Christianity. They have been preparing the ground for a more profound shift in planetary consciousness that is destined to take place in the human species. This is the spiritual awakening that we are beginning to witness now. THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK

9 allalaadimist

Product Presentation

Product Presentation Lasnamäe prisma, My company has a first class hairdryer called the BaByliss 5568U Salon Light 2100w AC that we believe you might be interested in purchasing to stock at your store. Our hairdryer is lightweight and has a 3 metre long power cord, which is 1.2 metres longer than the power cord of hairdryers such as the Remington Luxe AC. We believe this improves customer satisfaction with the hairdryer, as customer reviews show that they rate hairdryers with longer cords more highly than those with shorter cords. Our product also has a removeable filter, therefore the customer can clean it easily and efficiently, thus freeing up their time so that they can do other things. The long-life AC motor of the hairdryer gives the customer a high-power airflow for a faster drying time

Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

advanced system. Its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available. In recent months major faults have developed in the equipment. The local agent appears incapable of providing a reliable repair service. The system is regularly out of order for several days at a time. The makers have agreed to replace the system free of charge. The new equipment will not be installed for at least six months. Such a delay is clearly unacceptable to us. We should insist that ICN send their own engineer to service the equipment. The equipment should be transported to the ICN plant for inspection and repair there. When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and advanced system. Moreover, its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available. However, in recent months major faults have developed in the

Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

Treaty of Nice: adopted European social policy agenda up to 2005, converting the political commitments made at Lisbon into concrete action. Treaty of Lisbon: emphasizes EU’s social objectives, among which full employment (social employment policy), solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the child are mentioned + Charter of Fundamental rights as having the same binding force as the treaties: recognizes the so-called “solidarity rights” such as workers’ right to information and consultation and the right to collective bargaining and to fair and just working conditions as well as to social security and social assistance. Employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of high level employment by developing a coordinated strategy, particularly with regard to the creation of a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce and labour markets responsive to economic change.

24 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

Chapter 18 Chapter 39 Chapter 59 Chapter 19 Chapter 40 Chapter 60 Chapter 20 Chapter 41 Chapter 61 Chapter 21 Chapter 42 Chapter 1 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. "My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?" Mr. Bennet replied that he had not. "But it is," returned she; "for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it." Mr. Bennet made no answer.

13 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

Italian restaurant in Tallinn. The signature line of innovative, premium, pasta and risotto dishes include pesto with smoked salmon, pancetta and peas linguini in an special sauce, and fresh mussels and clams in a marinara sauce. Toscana also serves distinct salads, desserts, and beverages. Toscana Gourmet will reinvent the Italian food experience for individuals, families, and take out customers with discretionary income by selling high quality, innovative products at a reasonable price, designing tasteful, convenient locations, and providing excellent customer service. The basic market need is to offer individuals, families, and take out customers' fresh, creative, attractive, pasta and risotto dishes, salads and desserts. Toscana uses homemade pasta, fresh vegetables, and premium meats and cheeses. Toscana Gourmet possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the needs of our most loyal customers.

Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist


characterization (mainly in terms of porosity and permeable structures). It is refined and separated, most easily by boiling point, into a large number of consumer products, from petrol (or gasoline) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics and pharmaceuticals. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials, and it is estimated that the world consumes about 88 million barrels each day. The use of fossil fuels such as petroleum can have a negative impact on Earth's biosphere, releasing pollutants and greenhouse gases into the air and damaging ecosystems through events such as oil spills. Concern over the depletion of the earth's finite reserves of oil, and the effect this would have on a society dependent on it, is a field known as peak oil. Etymology The word "petroleum" comes from Greek: πέτρα (petra) for rock and Greek: ἔλαιον (elaion) for oil

Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

The Construction Industry Institute (CII) in co- operation with the Lean Construction Institute (2004) have estimated that there is up to 57% of non- value adding (NVA) effort or waste in our current business models, but in manufacturing the percentage is only 12%. Waste (in Japanese "Muda") is an activity that absorbs resources but adds no 11 value. The cause of this is seen to be related to poor organizational management: the design of the production system, communication and cooperation, and production planning and control. Another study performed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology found that inefficient interoperability between different parties and systems often prevents members of the project team from sharing information rapidly and accurately (Gallaher 2004). Thus, the lack of accurate information and

70 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun