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"hose" - 28 õppematerjali

hose – voolik – шланг alarm system – häiresignalisatsioon; alarmsüsteem; avarii-hoiatussignalisatsiooni süsteem – система аварийно-предупредительной сигнализации

Kasutaja: hose

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Ich trage sehr bequeme Kleidung. Mein Stil ist hip-hop so dass alle meine Kleider sind sehr groß. Hose In der Schule trage ich Jeans oder Trainingshose. Meine Jeans sind immer blau. Meine Trainingshose sind weiss oder grau. Ich trage einen hoodies. Meine Lieblingsfarben sind schwarz, weiss und blau. Ich trage Kurzarm T-Shirts oder Langarm T-Shirts. Ich mag bequeme Schuhe. Ich trage Skater-Schuhe. Außerdem trage ich ein Armbanduhr auf meine Hand und ein Ohrring. Beide sind golden.

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist


Nuusktubakas Uku Toosens, Robi Kerstna, Markus Labotkin Hose Timps, Artur Birjukov Mis on ● Nuusktubakas ehk nuusktubakas? snuff on pulbriks jahvatud või hõõrutud valmis tubakas. ● Nuusktubakas sisaldab suures koguses nikotiini. Nuusktubaka ● see on leiutatud ajalugu Ameeriklaste poolt ja see oli populaarne 18. sajandil ● Nuusktubakat kasutatakse tihti Scotch Snuff’ks ● Seda tarvitatakse nina Kuidas seda kaudu tarvitatakse? Miks on ● tekitab hingamis nuusktubakas krampe ja halvatust ● koormab südant kahjulik? ● soodustab veresoonte lubjastumist mis omakorda põhjustab vereringe häireid ● võib põhjustada su...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Molaarmassi määramine süsinikdioksiidi kolmel erineval viisil

cm3), thermometer, barometer. Method 1. Determine the mass (m1= mflask+stopper+air) of the dry flask with a rubber stopper by weighing on a technical balance. Draw a line on the flask at the bottom edge of the stopper in order to measure the volume of the flask in step 5. 2. Fill the flask with carbon dioxide gas. Direct the gas from the CO 2 tank into the flask for about 7-8 minutes. The tip of the hose has to be in the bottom but not very closely against the bottom. Otherwise it may happen that all of the CO 2 will exit from other branches of the hose bundle. 3. Seal the flask quickly and weigh again for the mass (m2=mflask+stopper+CO2). 4. Additionally direct more carbon dioxide into the flask for 1-2 minutes, seal and weigh again. Continue to fill the flask until a constant mass (m2) is obtained. Usually the difference between m2 and m1 is about 0,17-0,22 g

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

out the following: breaker points (Section 25) Renew the engine oil and filter (Section 6) Check and if necessary top-up the manual transmission On OHV and HCS engines, remove and clean the oil oil (Section 26) filler cap (Section 7) Check the automatic transmission fluid level - where Check the hoses, hose clips and visible joint gaskets for applicable (Section 27) leaks and any signs of corrosion or deterioration (Section 8) Check the operation of the automatic transmission Visually check the fuel pipes and hoses for security, selector mechanism (Section 28) chafing, leaks and corrosion (Section 8) Check the driveshafts for damage or distortion and

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Die toten hosen

Die Toten Hosen ist eine deutsche Punkband aus Düsseldorf. Die band gegründet 1982. Die Toten Hosen spielt Rockmusik mit überwiegend deutschen Texten und Elementen aus dem Punkrock. Sie ist eine der kommerziell erfolgreichsten deutschen Bands im Punkrock. "Tote Hose" ist ein deutscher Ausdruck bedeutet "nichts los" oder "langweilig". Ihr Name kann bildlich als "The Dead Beats" übersetzt werden. Surnud püksid Die band haben auch Spitznmen als die roten rosen, the evil kid und tango bros. Der heutigen Mitglieder von Die Toten Hosen sind Campino (Andreas Frege), Kuddel (Andreas von Holst), Vom (Stephen Ritchie), Andi (Andreas Meurer) und Breiti (Michael Breitkopf ). Das sind die Spitznamen. Alle Bandmitglieder sind Autodidakten Musiker. Zu Beginn ihrer musikalischen Karriere die meisten von ihnen waren noch in der Schule. Ihr erstes Album wurde in einem Studio aufgenommen von der Stunde gemietet werden. [20] Die Band gehalten einfache Gi...

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Saksa keelsed sõnad riietumise kohta koos tõlgetega

das Kleidungsstück,-e rõivas, rõivaese farbig, bunt värviline, kirju, das Kostüm,-e kostüüm extravagant ekstravagantne das Jakett,-s pintsak elegant elegantne das T-shirt,-s t-särk modisch, altmodisch moodne, vanamoodne die Jacke,-n (Windjacke) jope sportlich sportlik die Hose,-n püksid unmöglich die Bluse,-n pluus kariert, mit Karos ruuduline die Weste,-n vest geblümt lilleline die Krawatte,-n lips kaputt die Mütze,-n (Ledermütze) müts, nahkmüts klassich klassikaline die Garderobe,-n garderoob kurz lühike

Keeled → Saksa keel
11 allalaadimist


Enesekirjeldus Ich heisse_____und ich gehe auf_____, in die_____Klasse. Ich bin jetzt_____Jahre alt und ich wohne in_____,_____Strasse. Ich habe viele Hobbys:_____;_____;_____(usw). Meine Familie ist______(klein/gross). Zu meiner Familie gehört_____.......... Wir sind_____(viel/wenig) mit der Familie zusammen. Wir ___________;_____________;________.... . Pildikirjeldus Der Anfang Das Foto wurde in ...(Ort) aufgenommen. Das Foto wurde bei...(Feier) gemacht. Das Bild zeigt eine Szene aus... Das Bild beschreibt.. (Szene) Im Vordergrund des Bildes... Im Hintergrund des Bildes.. Im Mittelgrund / In der Mitte des Bildes... Rechts.. Links... Im oberen Teil... Im unteren Teil... ...kann man...(Akk.) sehen, ist...(Nom.) zu erkennen, befindet sich...(Nom.) Beispiel: Im Hintergrund des Bildes kann man Berge und Wiesen sehen. In der Mitte ist ein Fluss zu erkennen. Auf dem Fluss befindet sich ein Boot mit vielen Menschen. Die Sprache ist sac...

Keeled → Saksa keel
22 allalaadimist

Esitlus Prantsusmaa kohta

Rahvuslik koosseis • Koosseis uskude järgi: -Katoliiklased – 83-88% -Moslemid – 5-10% -Protestandid – 2% -Juudid – 1% -Muu – 4% Rahvuslik koosseis • Ühtlane asustus Kõige rohkem põhjas, kirdes ja lõunas • Rohkelt linnades ja nende lähistel • Vahemere ääres rohkelt ajutisi elamiskohti Traditsioonid • Veini valmistamine • Saiakesed • Foie gras Rahvusriided meestel • Guilette • Chemise • Culotte’d • Hose • Mitasse’d – säärt kaitsvad nahast või villast katted Rahusriided naistel • Fichu • Chemise • Mantelet • Jupon Majandus Majandus • Prantsusmaal on Euroopa suuruselt teine ja maailma suuruselt viies suurim sisemajanduse kogutoodang (SKT) • Prantsusmaa võttis 2002 kasutusele euro prantsuse frangi asemel • Maailma top 300 firma sisse kuulub 31 Prantsusmaa firmat Majandus • Prantsusmaa teedevõrk:

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

In the winter Helen got sic and died. The epidemic also resulted in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. Jane spent eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. After teaching for two years, Jane accepted to be a governess at a manor called Thornfield, where she thought a French girl named Adele. The housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax did the housekeeping and told Jane about the hose and Rochester. Jane employer Rochester was a dark, impassioned man. After a while Jane found herself falling in love with him. One night Jane heard strange voices and discovered that Rochester’s room was in fire and saved his life. Rochester told Jane that the fire was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole, but Jane did not believed him, because Grace continued working at Thomfield. One night Rochester brought home a very beautiful woman called

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

..etc. We will describe how to install a flexible vinyl liner pond in this article. Flexible liners give you complete variety in the shape of your pond, and are extremely durable. Step 2. Locate the area in your yard for the pond. Determine how deep you want your pond to be. The depth of a back yard pond will usually be between 18-24", but you determine that after study and deciding the particulars about your pond. Mark the outline of the pond shape with string or garden hose on the lawn. Remove sod and start diggin ! The outside wall of the pond will have a step in it to hold potted plants just under the water. Figure 2 below shows a profile view of the step in the side wall. You create this step by leaving the original dirt in place as you dig. This will make the step as solid as possible. The depth of this step is approximately half of the depth of your pond. This depth is also determined by the potted plants you plan on placing in the pond. Figure 1 represents

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

Tundmatu metalli identifitseerimine

Aim Determining the identity of an unknown metal. Measurement of gas volume, calculations with gases based on reaction equations. Substances 10% solution of hydrochloric acid, 5,0...10,0 mg piece of a metal. Equipment Apparatus for measuring the volume of gas, measuring cylinder (25 cm 3), funnel, filter paper, thermometer, barometer and hygrometer. Experimental procedure 1. The experimental apparatus (Figure 1) consists of two burettes connected with a rubber hose (a), which is filled with water. One burette is connected to a test tube (b), in which the metal reacts with the acid. 2. Preparation for the experiment. Remove the test tube and wash it carefully with distilled water. Firmly attach the test tube back. Adjust the burettes to the same height and check whether the water level (c) in both of the burettes is at the same height

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
3 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

In a torsion-box ski, the core material is surrounded by excess material. In skis with polyurethane cores, the top fiberglass or carbon fibers. Instead of being sandwiched around the core, the layers wrap around it in what is and base layers are put into a mold, then a press, and the known as "wet wrap construction." The core is then sealed with resin and heat. This more complex manufacturing foam is injected with a hose. As it expands and hardens, the foam fuses the layers and becomes the core. process means that torsion-box skis are more expensive than laminated ones, but they provide better handling and thus are more appealing to serious skiers

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist

Bfr Loesungen AB-A2-2

18a individuelle Lösung b individuelle Lösung Lektion 30 1 2 Aufsatz 3 Unterricht 4 Pause 5 Ferien 6 Prüfung 7 Stress 2a 2c3a4b b Tabelle: das blaue Heft ­ die junge Lehrerin ­ die neuen Vokabeln 3 2 den weißen Rock? 3 den bunten Hut? 4 die teure Sonnenbrille? 5 den schwarzen Gürtel? 6 den gestreiften Schal? 7 die braunen Stiefel? 4 Lösungsvorschlag: 2 das gelbe T-Shirt 3 das interessante Buch 4 die coole Sonnenbrille 5 die schwarze Hose 6 den blauen Hut 7 das grüne Kleid 8 den bunten Rock 9 die teure Kamera 10 die kurze Hose 11 die roten Schuhe 12 die hübschen Ohrringe 5 individuelle Lösung 6 2 Praktikum 3 Bewerbung 4 Ausbildung 5 Geschäft 7 2 Krankenhaus 3 Flughafen 4 Schule 5 Geschäft 6 Bahnhof 7 Friseursalon 8 Bäckerei 8 2 im 3 im 4 in einer 5 im 6 am 7 bei 8 am

Keeled → Saksa keel
5 allalaadimist

Anglo - Saxon

from the flax plant, was a finer material which was used for garments. Silk was an extremely expensive material, and it was used only by the very rich, and then only for trim and decoration. Men`s fashion The primary garment consisted of a knee-length woolen tunic. For the poorer, this would be the only clothing worn, although some may have been given woolen trousers and shoes to wear. A linen undertunic and linen braies would be worn by richer peasants and nobility, along with woolen hose. Over the tunic, a cloak would be worn, which was held together by a brooch or, later on, a ring. The Phrygian cap was the main style of headcovering worn by men, although hoods would also be worn. Women´s fashion The main garment for a woman was a woollen gown of ankle length. Occasionally two gowns were worn, with the inner gown having longer, tighter sleeves, and the outer one having shorter, looser sleeves. Under this might be worn a linen underdress. A mantle might be worn

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
20 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. (W. Shakespeare) There lie more answers beneath these poetical phrases than one could ever give when

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist


Leaving the extra threads protruding will make it difficult to put project material into the chamber, once assembled. 6. Cut the polyethylene tubing to length. It should be able to be fitted onto both barb fittings while as straight as possible as shown in the picture. This tube will serve as a solvent "sight tube". It will show you how high your solvent is inside your chamber. Attach a small hose clamp to each end to ensure a positive seal on the barbed ends. About the sight tube... The site tube is merely there to check the fluid level. It's helpful in that if you know how wide (or tall) the veneer is, you can easily make sure you have enough fluid in the chamber. It should be noted that if there is not a good seal between the site tube and the brass nipples, the site tube will not function correctly when vacuum is applied

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist


schlanke Gestalt, blaue Shorts, lange Beine, rötliche Söckchen, weiße Schuhe, ca. 1,55 m groß Diese Art der Personenbeschreibung wird hauptsächlich bei Vermisstenanzeigen, bei Zeugenaussagen sowie bei polizeilichen Beschreibungen zur Identifizierung unbekannter Personen verwendet. Beispiel 5: Vermisstenanzeige Seit dem 10. April 2007 wird A. Sch. vermisst. Er ist 15 Jahre alt, 1,70 Meter groß und hat einen auffallenden Bürstenhaarschnitt. Zuletzt war er nur mit einer dunklen Hose und einem Pullover bekleidet. Eine Brille trug er nicht, obwohl er Brillenträger ist. Es ist möglich, dass sich der psychisch kranke Junge irgendwo im Raum Wiener Neustadt oder Neunkirchen versteckt hält. Er ist hilflos und braucht beim Auffinden dringend medizinische Hilfe. Hinweise nimmt die nächste Polizeidienststelle entgegen. Beispiel 6: Literarisches Beispiel für eine charakterisierende Personenbeschreibung

Keeled → Saksa keel
5 allalaadimist

Zwiebelfisch: Ziehen Sie die Brille aus! (Tekstianalüüs)

Zwiebelfisch: Ziehen Sie die Brille aus! Von Bastian Sick Man kann Klamotten anziehen und Schuhe. Man kann auch Pech anziehen oder Glück. Und dann gibt es da noch dieses sonderbare Phänomen, dass Menschen Brillen anziehen, Uhren anziehen und sogar Taschen anziehen. Und das alles ohne Magnetismus! Es war mal wieder typisches hamburgisches Wetter: Strahlend blauer Himmel und gleißender Sonnenschein. An solchen Tagen wimmelt es am Hafen nur so von Touristen: Franzosen und Spanier, Schweizer und Dänen, Schwaben und Franken, sogar Bayern und USAmerikaner. Man hört die unterschiedlichsten Sprachen und Dialekte. Bei den Landungsbrücken sprach mich eine junge Frau an und fragte, ob ich wohl ein Foto von ihr und ihrem Freund machen könne. "Selbstverständlich", erwiderte ich, "es wird mir ein Vergnügen sein!" Sie reichte mir die Kamera und stellte sich zu ihrem Freund. Das erste Foto erschien mir recht gelungen, aber ich wusste, dass es n...

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist


She was forgotten by the Middle Ages. In Victorian era she became popular again. First play of her in 1610, 3 films, several novels, Henry Purcell has somposed a piece of music, 2 statues one of these was destroyed. Some politicians are sometimes called after her. Rogen: "The Great Fire of London" Drought, narrow streets, wooden buildings, floors of straw, much gunpowder and oil in houses. 2 diarists, no fire department, water was against smaller fires, houses were demolished, water hose was very short. 1666 September 2 fire started from a bakery near midnight. Fire lasted for 4 days, 80% of London burnt down. People flee over Thames. Refugee camps were overloaded with crowds. Only a few people died (5-10), the plague ended, many famous buildings were destroyed. Sir Christopher Wren made the plans to rebuild the city. A monument. Siim: "Jane Austen" Born 16 December 1775 in South England. There were 8 children in the family,

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL SOTSIAAL ­ JA HARIDUSTEADUSKOND ERIPEDAGOOGIKA KUNSTITERAAPIA Referaat Juhendaja: Ants Reinmaa Tartu 2011 Sissejuhatus Loovtöö eesmärgiks on tutvustada kunstiteraapiat ja selle kasutusvõimalusi erivajadustega laste arendamisel. Valisin selle teema lähtudes oma isiklikust huvist kunstiteraapia vastu. Kuna kunst ja loovus on minu elu lahutamatu osa, siis tahan tulevikus oma eripedagoogika karjääri sellega ühendada. Laiemas mõttes mõistetakse kunstiteraapia all nelja eri liiki loovteraapia vormit: visuaalkunstiteraapia, muusikateraapia, draamateraapia ning tanstu- ja liikumisteraapia. Mina käsitlen oma loovtöös siiski ainult visuaalkunstiteraapiat ja selle erinevaid tehnikaid . Loovtöö esimeses peatükis tutvustan kunstiteraapiat ja selle meetoteid ja kunstiteraapias kasutatavaid materjale. Teises peatükis kirjutan kunstiteraapia ajaloost ja selle kujunemisest ning kolmas...

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
64 allalaadimist

Saksa keele materjal algajatele

Gelb – Kollane Braun – Pruun Schwarz – Must Weiss – Valge Grau – Hall Hellblau – helesinine Dunkelbrau – Tumepruun Rosa – Roosa Lila – Lilla Bunt – Värviline Dauern – Kestma Der Verkaufer, -n – Müüa Der Verkauferin, -nen – Müüa (F) Das Einkaufen – Sisseostmine Die Kreditkarte, -n – Krediitkaart Der Liebling, -e – Kallim Mithaben – Kaasas olema (lahku) Kleidung - Riietus Das Kleid, -er – Kleit Die Kleider – riided Die Jacke, -n – Jakk Die Hose, -n – Püksid Die Jeanhose, -n – Teksapüksid Der Schuh, -e – Jalanõu Die Mütze, -n – Müts Der Schal, -s – Sall Das T-Shirt – T-Särk Der Rock, -’’e – Seelik Der Minirock, -’’e – Miniseelik Der Pullover/Pulli, -s – Kampsun Die Socke, -n – Sokk Die Bluse, -n – Pluus Das Hemd, -en – Särk Der Strumpf, -’’e – Sukk Der Mantel, - - Mantel Die Handtasche, -n – Käekott Die Tasche, -n – Kott, Tasku Das Kaufhaus, -’’er – Kaubamaja

Keeled → Saksa keel
37 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Russian philology

fortresses, shipwrights, and seamen--including Cornelis Cruys, a vice-admiral who became, under Franz Lefort, the Tsar's advisor in maritime affairs. Peter later put his knowledge of shipbuilding to use in helping build Russia's navy. Peter paid a visit to Frederik Ruysch, who taught him how to draw teeth and catch butterflies. Ludolf Bakhuysen, a painter of seascapes. Jan van der Heyden, the inventor of the fire hose, received Peter, who was keen to learn and pass on his knowledge to his countrymen. On 16 January 1698 Peter organized a farewell party and invited Johan Huydecoper van Maarsseveen, who had to sit between Lefort and the Tsar and drink. In England Peter met with King William III, visited Greenwich and Oxford, posed for Sir Godfrey Kneller, and saw a Royal Navy Fleet Review at Deptford. He travelled to the city of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

This would be espe- cially so when, as in the question of Sara's happiness, the issue at hand concerns an emotion (Wilson et aI., 1989). DEFENSE _ vantage, those other reasons would not have brought me there. They hadn't created the decision; the decision had created them. That settled, there was another decision to be faced. Since I was already there holding the hose, wouldn't it be better to use it than to suffer the inconvenience of going elsewhere to pay the same price? Fortunately, the station attendant-owner came over and helped me make up my mind. He asked why I wasn't pumping any gas. I told him I didn't like the price discrepancy and he said with a snarl, "Listen, nobody's gonna tell me how to run my business. If you think I'm cheating you, just put that hose down right now and get off my property as fast as you can do it, bud."

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

He had been frozen alive in November 2000, encasing himself in a block of ice for nearly 64 hours. The ice was broken away with chainsaws, and he spent a month in recovery before he could walk again. Impressive, yes. But these stunts didn't satisfy him. Looking for bigger and bolder challenges, he set his sights on the breath-holding world record. How hard could it be to fake? He tried having a breathing tube the size of a vacuum hose pushed down his throat under sedation. It failed. All of his attempts failed. Then it occurred to him that he could simply bite the bullet and take the craziest approach of all: actually holding his breath. Traveling from Navy SEAL training to the tropics, he gured it out. Then, for four months, David held the Guinness world record for oxygen-assisted static apnea (holding your breath after breathing pure oxygen): 17 minutes and 4.4 seconds.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

A.dumas Kolm musketäri terve raamat

Alexandre Dumas _ «Kolm musketäri» EESSÕNA, milles selgitatakse, et is- ja os-lõpuliste nimedega kangelastel, kelledest meil on au oma lugejatele jutustada, ei ole midagi ühist mütoloogiaga. Umbes aasta tagasi, kogudes kuninglikus raamatukogus materjali «Louis XIV ajaloo» jaoks, sattusin ma juhuslikult «Härra d'Artagnani memuaaridele», mis oli trükitud -- nagu suurem osa selle ajajärgu töid, kus autorid püüdsid kõnelda tõtt nii, et nad ei satuks selle eest pikemaks või lühemaks ajaks Bastille'sse -- Pierre Rouge'i juures Amsterdamis. Pealkiri võlus mind: võtsin memuaarid koju kaasa, muidugi raamatukoguhoidja loal, ja lugesin nad ühe hingetõmbega läbi. Mul ei ole kavatsust hakata analüüsima seda huvitavat teost, piirduksin ainult tema soovitamisega neile lugejatele, kes tahavad saada pilti ajastust. Nad leiavad sealt meistrikäega joonistatud portreid, ja kuigi need visandid on enamuses tehtud kasarmuustele ja kõrtsiseintele, võib neis si...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
123 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

their vehicle are purified before the R E T U R N . Meanwhile Jimmy has to make a S A C R I F I C E , surrendering sheets and towels for the cleanup, but W o l f prompdy compensates him with a R E W A R D of money for new furniture. Then, acting precisely like a shaman putting warriors through a cleansing ordeal of R E S U R R E C T I O N , W o l f orders Vincent and Jules to strip off their bloody clothes. H e makes J i m m y hose them down with icy water as they soap them­ selves clean of the blood. Next J i m m y issues them new clothing, significantly, boyish shorts and T-shirts. T h e y look like schoolboys or college kids instead of tough gang­ sters. Like returning hunters, they have been put through a death-and-rebirth ritual that makes them innocent children again. Now they can re-enter the O R D I N A R Y W O R L D cleansed of the death they have faced and dealt with. Throughout, they

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Step F: Post-Rinse with Water need to be outsourced: Post-rinsing after the sanitation step may be • Processors often rely on sensory inspection required to avoid residues of sanitizers on (looking, touching, and smelling) to deter- surfaces and to counteract corrosion. Post- mine the effectiveness of their sanitation rinsing should be carried out with water program: a flashlight (torch) can be used to from a water hose or from a low-pressure inspect the inside of semi-enclosed equip- system. Because surface recontamination ment. Surfaces such as stainless steel must be avoided, water of potable quality should be smooth and nongreasy, and there must be used. should be no unpleasant odors. • ATP (adenosinetriphosphate) fluorescence

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun