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"each" - 1272 õppematerjali


Every person should train each day

Another good thing about training every day is that you feel more energized. Usually you wake up in the morning and feel very tired, but when you go on a daily run, it wakes you up and you feel a lot better during the day. Some people think that it is bad for your health to train daily, but I disagree. Studies have shown that people who train are more healthy and they don't get ill as often as other people. There might be few negative things when you train each day, but it's usually because people get too into it. You shouldn't train so hard that you overwhelm your body. It doesn't get you bigger muscle or burn more fat. The other thing that people might do is that they start at early age which might stop you from growing taller. I think that every people should train every day for their own good. You are more healthy and you feel better about yourself. You just have to adjust it, so you don't go over the line and hurt yourself or your body.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Entertainment and Art

e) We heard a piece by Mozart performed by a German band/group/orchestra. f) Her second book was very popular and became a best buy/seller/volume. g) I like the painting but I can't stand its ugly border/frame/square. h) Robert's new book will be broadcast/published/typed in August. i) I liked the acting, and the costumes/dressing/outfits were good too. j) The best act/place/scene in the film is when Jack meets Kate. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. Announcer composre critic editor playwright author conductor director novelist sculptor a) The orchestra would not be so successful with a different .... conductor... b) I want a book on art, but I don't know the name of the …… c) We must see the new film by that Italian …… d) The…… said that the sports programme is on after the news. e) Harry writes for the theatre, but he is not only a …… f) We saw some interesting metal objects made by a French ……

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Feelings and Opinions

c) We were both afraid/anxious that we would miss the plane. d) I wish you wouldn't snap your fingers. It's very annoying/worrying. e) You're not scared/thrilled of spiders, are you? f) If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross/terrifying. g) Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious/upset. h) Your written work is full of careless/naughty mistakes. 2. Replace the word(s) in italics with a suitable word from the box. Use each word once. confused fascinating scared depressed dull glad naughty upset a) I'm afraid the children have been very badly-behaved today. b) I felt a bit frightened when I went into the dark room. c) Jean was very unhappy when her kitten was run over. d) This film we saw last night was rather boring. e) This is a really interesting book. You must read it. f) I'm so happy that Helen has got the job she wanted.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Policy of 2016

Policy of 2016 Brexit, which means „British“ and „exit“ is referendum to the United Kingdom for leaving from the European Union. Referendum was held on 23rd June 2016. About 52% of the British people voted for leaving the EU. Brexit turned things in the EU upside down and people were amazed, especially people who voted for not leaving the EU. After voting and seeing the results, a lot of people who voted for leaving regretted it, because they just wanted to see if UK is capable to do something big like this. That is why UK is extending the Brexit, because most of the people do not want it. I think when Brexit is finally accomplished, then we will see what will happen and what will be changed in British people lives and also how it affects our lives. I think there would not be much changes, because the Unites Kingdom does not want to become people’s enemy. In November 8, 2016, the United States had 5...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

My best friend

My best friend I have one best friend. Her name is Elen and we have known each other since we were 12 years old. We met with her in school in dance class about 14 years ago. If I were to describe how she looks, I would say she is very pretty. She has short brown hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, a small nose and a small pointed chin. She is not very tall but not short either and she is quite slim. She doesn't like to dress up so I usually see her wearing jeans and a T-shirt or sweater. It seems like she and I are always talking or laughing about something

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Iseseisev töö Rubick's cube

Eestlane-Kes ta on ? Tihtipeale tekib küsimus 'Kes eestlane on?'. Ei saa öelda kindlaid iseloomujooni, mis eestlastel on. Iga inimene on isemoodi ja kõikidel on erinev iseloom ja käitumine. Kuid siiski saame me rääkida enamikest inimestest. Minu arust on eestlased natuke igavad ja tuimad. Nad pole nii elurõõmsad ja temperamentsed nagu mõned rahvused. Tänavapildis näeb vaid halle masse. Keegi ei püüa erineda, eestlased kardavad olla teistsugused Eestlastel on töö suhtes 7 head omadust: kiirus, kohusetundlikus, tulemustele orienteeritus, töödistsipliin ja töökus, korruptsioonivõõristus ning odavus. Kui on vaja mingi asi ära teha, saavutada tulemus, siis eestlane saavutab selle. Ta otsib selle viisi kuidas selle ära teha, kui vaja muudab lahendust, aga teeb selle tähtajaks ära. Näiteks eestlastele ei pea ütlema, et teha seda ja seda, ta näeb ja teab ise, et ta peab seda tegema. Tänapäeva noored tahava...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Progress test 3 (unit 3) VASTUSED 10.klassile

PROGRESS TEST 3 (Unit 3) All right answers here  1.Fill in the missing words.Write only one word in each gap. 1.INSERCT 2.COLD 3.DATES 4.IF 5.WILL 6.HAVE 7.PASSPORT 8.MOUNTAIN 9.THINGS 10.SITUATED 11.RANGE 12.HELD 13.THESE 14.BOILING 15.SETTING 16.TEMPERATURE 17.RUN 18.CELEBRATE 19.CASE 20.TAKE 2.Circle the correct item. 1. A-INCLUDED 2. B-PLENTY 3. B-SURE 4. A-UNSPOILT 5. C-CUT 6. A- BY 7. B-EXTENSIVE 8. C-UP 9. B-TOUCH 10. A-WILL BE 3.Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two or five words including the word given

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Weather forecast

Weather forecast. Millions of people tune into the weather forecast each evening on television. Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Saint Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day Commonly shortened Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is on 14th February. It is the traditional day on which people express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. History ·Customs associated with Valentine's Day had their origin in the popular belief held by people in Great Britain during 14th and 15th century that birds begin to mate on February 14. ·Lovers, therefore found St Valentine's Day an appropriate time to send love letters and gifts to beloved. ·The earliest known Valentine card was sent in 1477. What happens on Valentines day in Britain?

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Estonians and their habits

Estonians and their habits There are hundreds of different countries and nationalities in the world and each one is peculiar in its own way. For example, Italians are very impulsive. French people don't like the British. Germans are pedantic. Russians are generous, but lazy. What about Estonians? In Estonia when a stranger on a street smiles at you, you can assume that: he is either drunk, insane, from another country or all of the above. Estonians don't smile too often. Estonians are not very talkative either. In Estonian schools teachers have stopped asking their students "Are there any questions

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


MY BEST FRIEND Probably my best friend is my aunt. Her name is Anna and we’ve known each other when i was 3 years old. She is 17 years old and lives in Häädemeeste. Anna studies in Häädemeeste Highschool, in form 10. Anna is very pretty. She has long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose, and a small pointed chin. She is athletic and loves sport. She is very tall and slim. She always looks good and stylish. It seems as if Anna and I are always talking or laughing about something. We have always something to talk about

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Navajo Artwork

Navajo women believe the art of weaving was taught by Spider Woman, who constructed a loom according to directions given by the Holy People. Anthropologists speculate Navajos learned to weave from Pueblo people by 1650. Navajo rugs and weavings have gone through an evolution, the earlier weavings were influenced by legends and represented meaningful events in their lives. The Navajo rugs are in demand by the many tourists and collectors who visit the reservation each year. Two predominant colors in the Navajo weaving designs are indigo blue and red. Other colors often used are greys, shades of browns, yellows and golds. Navajo rugs are one of the most popular crafts, not only for a floor rug but to hang as a wall tapestry. Silversmithing Silversmithing is an important art form among Navajo. Silversmithing dates back to the 1800s when Navajo artists began melting silver coins to make jewelry.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

What are the Estonians like?

What are the Estonians like? Estonia is a very small country, therefore its population is quite small. We, Estonians, are very friendly and care about each other. When our country is going through rough times , we stick together and try to go through them as one . There aren't many riots in our country, because we aren't violent people. We like to stay quiet, so only a few of us have the courage to say their opinion out loud. Estonians have quite good manners. We say hi to each other and we often say sorry, even if our acts aren't so bad. There are also many gentlemen in Estonia, who open doors for women and make a lot of compliments

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

India 'Demography and Bollywood'

education. In addition, every state and union territory has its own official languages, and the constitution also recognises in particular 21 "scheduled languages". India's literacy rate is 64.8% (53.7% for females and 75.3% for males).The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rate at 91% while Bihar has the lowest at 47%.The national human sex ratio is 944 females per 1,000 males. According to the World Health Organization, 900,000 Indians die each year from drinking contaminated water and breathing in polluted air.There are about 60 physicians per 100,000 people in India. Bollywood Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which includes several regional film

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Real estate broker

Typical day: Brokers run generally estate companies while the agents take care of real estate sells. Both are important part of real estate industry. Real estate agents assist people through the process of buying, selling and renting land, homes and other properties. In addition to staying current with real estate laws and trends, real estate agents are tasked with a multitude of daily duties and responsibilities. One of the appealing aspects of working as a real estate agent is that each day is different. Qualifications for the job: It isn’t required that you have a collage degree.There are different courses, that you can take to become a real estate broker. It takes time, like you must take prelicence course, that takes about 2 weeks to complete and then following that course there is an exam. After exam, when you get broker licence, you still have to go some classes sometimes. Also if you want to be real estate broker, there are some personality

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Technology has dramatically changed leisure and hobbies

Technology has dramatically changed leisure and hobbies Family drives with a car, husband turns the car looking at the GPS directions to home. Wife shares pictures to Instagram with her iPhone and in the backseat girl is playing with her iPad and boy reads on his kindle. This is normal nowadays, because technolgy has been improved for example people can now communicate with each other much faster. It is great, although it can also harm people. Technology is serious responsibility- if people do not use an invention carefully, then it would end up the wrong way. The word „Leisure“ meaning changes in every 10 to 20 years. 50 years ago spare time was usually considered as that part of a day when people took a nap or children played with each other. Nowadays technological tools are killing off leisure time, especially for younger

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Verb forms ülesanne vastustega.

Verb forms 1. When I (turn) turned the radio on earlier today, I (hear) heard a song that was popular when I was in basic school. I (hear, not) had not heard the song in years, and it (bring) brought back many great memories. 2. Last week, I (run) ran into an old classmate of mine. We (see, not) had not seen each other in years. I (enjoy) enjoyed talking to her so much that I (ask) asked her, if she’d like to meet me tomorrow. We are getting together tomorrow evening. 3. When Mary (enter) entered the room, I (recognize, not) did not recognize her because she (lose) had lost so much weight and (grow) grown a long, healthy and beautiful hair. He looked totally different! 4. I like listening (listen) to music when I am sad, it really comforts me. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What should be done, that marriage works?

What should be done, that marriage works. (essay) When two people fall in love, they might consider getting married. When they are married, they both hope that their happy life will last forever. There's a lot they can do, to make their marriage work. What clearly needs to be done, is that people shouldn't rush into marriage. They need to take some time to get to know each other very well, because they might find out, that they are too different for each other. This might lead to divorce, and thats what nobody wants. A couple should always be absolutely sure about their love and dedication, before they make such an important decision. Another suggestion is that partners should be supportive in every possible situation. Almost every marriage has some problems. If they have problems, they should discuss things and find the best solutions. They should be flexible

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Development of Reese Hoffa

Rear Delt Flys 2x10 Bench Press (5x6)(x6x6x6x5x5) Prone Dumbbell Flys 2x10 Bent- Bent-over Rows 3x8 Seated Rows 2x10 6x100m build- build-ups Back Hypers 2x10 Standing Bar Twists 2x10 each way Thursday Running Drills (2x30m each drill) Light behind the neck Push Press (3x6)(3x6) High knees Rhythmic Step- Step-ups 2x8 each leg Butt kicks Hip Raises on box 2x10 each leg Walking Lunges Overhead Shot Throws (x8) w/7.26kg Side shuffle (both ways) 3x150m in 25 seconds A-skip

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Curling General Information Curling is a sport which players slide stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area It related to bowls Two teams, each of 4 players, take turn sliding heavy, polished granite stones across the ice towards the house The house: a circulate target marked on the ice Each team has eight stones The purpose ot to accommulate the highest score fot a game The game ends when both temas have thrown all of their stones History Invented in late medieval Scotland The word curling first appears in print in 1620 In the early history the people played with flat stones

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Sense and sensibility

Richer womens had change to hire a butler, so they did´t have to do household job. Women`s free time activities where mostly: music( mostly violin or piano), handcrafting , celebrations and reading. Men`s had a big role in society. Men`s had all the important jobs. Better-paid jobs where : politician, lawyer and to go army and get rich. Men`s free time activities where mostly :hunting, cricket and card games. In this time the people where very polite with each other, especially high-class . They always greeted each other and they where well-educated. The relationship with both side where also good. Mostly the different people classes didn´t communicate with each other, because they had different manners. Nowadays men`s and women`s are equal to each other, but in nowadays people could be nicer and politer to each other. Today people have still the same free time activities but also there is now a lot of other acticities.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Effective Teamwork (Business English)

By the end of this meeting participants will learn: O About the importance of teamwork in a business environment O About common teamwork problems and how to solve them O About the characteristics of effective teamwork WHY IS TEAMWORK IMPORTANT? O Improves communication and resolves conflicts O Goals are achieved in a faster pace O Promotes healthy competition between members, increases motivation WHY IS TEAMWORK IMPORTANT? O Team members gain from each other through working together O Fosters flexibility and responsiveness to change O Maximizes the strenghts of each team member COMMON TEAMWORK PROBLEMS PROBLEM SOLUTION Problems in communication Listen and pay attention to your team members Unfair work distribution Redistribute tasks equally that no member is overloaded with work

Keeled → English in South-East Asia and...
1 allalaadimist

Monologue and photos

The picture is taken somewhere outside as the man is wearing a coat.  In picture 2 I can see numerous students sitting their exam in a big hall.  The photos are connected with the topic of university  There are a few similarities between these two pictures. First, they both show young people making an effort. Second, picture 1 as well as picture 2 tell us about typical aspects of student life.  However, the pictures clearly differ from each other in several aspects. To start with, while the young man in p1 is obviously relaxing after winning a competition, the students in p2 are in the middle of writing their papers. Moreover, all people in picture 1 look over the moon, but people in picture 2 look rather preoccupied with their work.  It could be the young man in p1 is the leader of the team or he has succeeded in some sort of individual field. Anyway, judging by his

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Pronouns By: Anneli Võikar Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns. Types of pronouns Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Interrogative pronouns Indefinite pronouns Relative pronouns Possesive pronouns Reciprocal pronouns Pronoun case Personal pronouns Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on: number person gender Case Singular: subject- I, you, he, she, it ; object-me, you, him, her, it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Health and the body

e) Everyone admired Lucy because she was tall and skinny/slim/thin. f) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injuries. g) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore. h) The doctor can't say what is wrong with you until she cures/examines/recovers you. i) Use this thermometer and take his fever/heat/temperature. j) I seem to have caught/infected/taken a cold. 2) Replace the words in italics with one of the words from the box. Use each word once only. Agony, body, breath, look, stomachache, beard, brains, heart, spine, tongue a) Janet fell from her horse and injured her backbone b) I had a very bad toothache, and was in great pain all night c) The police discovered the dead person buried in the garden d) One thing you can say about Ann, she has certainly got intelligence. e) They have a new house right in the centre of the countryside. f) Italian is actually Mary's native language

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Complaint This February I planned a roundtrip flight for 4 travellers from Anchorage to Toronto from 4th of July till 13th of July 2014. After buying the tickets from the Internet (, I decided to pick seating for all of them. In February, I found a link through the airline webpage where I could easily pick seating for each of them. I sent my 14 year-old son on the trip with his grandfather and I wanted them sit next to each other because it was his first long flight. Furthermore, my son specially asked if he could have seat by the window. Under these conditions, we finally chose their seats and booked tickets. I received a conformation on my email after booking the tickets and everything seemed to be okay until May. My son noticed they no longer had their seats available for them anymore. He thereupon sent an e-mail to a LOT' Estonia representative to clarify the facts. In response

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sagedamini esinevad korrosioonid

not touch the zinc granule. Observe whether any hydrogen evolves on the copper surface? Explain, why copper did not react with diluted hydrochloric acid! Adding copper wire doesnt make H extract. Copper is less active than H. H starts to extract when connect copper wire to Zinc, because zinc corrodes when connected to more active metal. Now put the copper wire into contact with the zinc and observe whether hydrogen will evolve on the copper surface. By putting copper and zinc into contact with each other in the solution of hydrochloric acid (an electrolyte), you have created a galvanic pair. Zinc as the metal with more negative potential will be the anode and copper, with more positive potential, the cathode. Which of the two metals will dissolve (corrode)? Write the chemical equations of the reactions occurring on the anode and the cathode! Reaction on anode: 2+ ¿ -¿ Zn¿ Zn ­ 2 e ¿ Reactions on cathodes: -¿ H 2

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Before I go to sleep by S.J Watson

Book review I am reading a book called ,,Before I go to sleep" by S.J Watson. This book has 384 pages and I have read 50 of them. The book is about Christine, who loses her memory when she goes to sleep and has to start afresh every time she wakes up. It's quite hard seeing it through her own eyes as each day she wakes up and can't figure out where she is. Everything has to be explained to her by a man who tries to persuade her that he's her husband. She begins to keep a journal, writing down what happens to her each day as recommended by her doctor who calls her each day to remind her of her journal and where it's hidden. Each day she reads what's previously written in her journal, and is extremely confused as she can never remember the previous entries.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

English Parliament and Elections

Works in a large building called the Palace of Westminster aka The Houses of Parliament. There are offices, committee rooms, restaurants, bars, libraries and even some places of residence. Two large rooms: The House of Lords meet in one and the House of Commons in the other. The British Parliament is divided into two houses, but the House of Commons is obviously more important and only they are considered to be the MPs. In the House of Commons there are just two rows of benches facing each other. On the left sit the members of the governing party and on the right sit the opposition. The Speaker sits between them and controls the action. The arrangement of the benches encourages confrontation between the government and the opposition. There is no place for somebody who isn't neither in the opposition nor in the government side. Usually peeps like this sit in the opposition furthest from the Speaker. || There are no tables for the MPs. They also have no

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sepak takraw

Competitions  International play is now governed by the International Sepak Takraw Federation.  Major competitions for the sport such as the SuperSeries, the World Cup and the King's Cup World Championships are held every year.  Sepak takraw is now a regular sport event in the Asian Games. Rules and regulations  A match is played by two teams, also known as 'regus', each consisting of three players.  One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a “Tekong”. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right.  The sepak takraw sport is played on a similar to badminton double sized court. The net is similar to a volleyball net.  Ball is spherical, made of synthetic fibre. The ball can be in plain single colour, multi- colour, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Navajo people

NAVAJO LANGUAGE Merilin Reisenbuk What is Navajo Language? Navajo is an Athabaskan (is a large group of indigenous peoples of North America) language spoken in the southwest United States by the Navajo people. It is geographically and linguistically one of the Southern Athabaskan languages. Orthography and pronunciation Consonants Vowels. Navajo has four basic vowel qualities: a, e, i and o. Each of these may occur either short or long. Tones. Navajo has two tones, low and high. - high, as in áá and éé - low, as in aa and ee Grammar The key element in Navajo is the verb. Every verb must have at least one prefix. Many concepts expressed using nouns in other languages appear as verbs in Navajo. There are two main types of nouns in Navajo: -Simple nouns (béésh - "knife") -Nouns derived from verbs (called deverbal nouns)

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Dog Communication

Dog Communication Kristjan Olt Dog communication comes in a variety of forms, and is part of the foundation of dog social behaviour. Dogs use certain movements of their bodies and body parts and different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: ­ Excitement ­ Playfulness ­ Happiness ­ Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness. Dogs stamp their legs when exited. The position of head is a sign of curiosity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10. h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount. i) How much did you pay/spend for your new shoes? j) This is a good shoe shop, but the costs/prices are very high. Task 2. Rewrite each sentence so that it includes the word given in capitals. a) I can't manage to see what the price is. Let's ask MAKE inside. I can't make out what the price is. Let's ask inside. b) Is this coat the right size? Can I check

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Friends and Friendship I have several friends. But my best friend is Anette. Anette is a little younger than i am- 14. I first met Anette when i was 8 years old, but we didnt become friends at first. Our fathers used to work together, so we first met each other in my fathers office. We became friends about 3 years ago, when Anette came to my traning group. It had been 3 years since we last saw each other so i didnt recognize her at first, and Anette did not recognize me either. So we bacame true friends without knowing that we had known each other for many years already. We found out that our fathers are friends about two yeas ago, when they met each other in one of our competitons and later asked us if we knew that they used to work together. The thing I most like about Anette is her character. Our characters just fit together and we have almost nerver been in a fight

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Education and learning

c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term. i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again. j) If you have any questions, raise/rise your hand. Task 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. cheat copy memorise pay revise concentrate divide pass punish underline a) Our teachers used to punish us by making us stay behind after school. b) If you…….twenty-seven by nine, the answer is three. c) Try to……. the most important rules. d) It is difficult to …….attention in a noisy classroom. e) Pauline tried her best to …….the end of year examinations.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

People and Behaviour

f) When Harry saw his girlfriend dancing with Paul he felt jealous/selfish/sentimental. g) I don't like people who are noisy and aggressive/courageous/sociable. h) Thanks for bringing us a present. It was very adorable/grateful/thoughtful of you. i) Teresa never gets angry with the children. She is very brave/patient/pleasant. j) Tom always pays for everyone when we go out. He's so cheerful/generous/honest. 2. Match the words in the box with the descriptions (a-l). Use each word once only. bad-tempered determined lazy reliable cheerful frank mean selfish considerate honest punctual sympathetic a) You always arrive on time e) You don't think about the needs of others i) You think about the needs of b) You are always happy f) You have a strong wish to get what you others

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Hypothetical situations practice

together always! g) I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come / came / had come / would come. h) I like my new boss but I wish she gave / would give / could give me some more responsibility. i) Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are / were / had been here. j) This car was a complete waste of money. If only I didn't buy /hadn't bought it. 2.- 3.- 4.- Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence. a) A cheque is all right, but I'd rather you pay / paid me cash. b) Imagine you live / lived in New York. How would you feel? c) If only I have / had / would have a screwdriver with me. d) If you want to catch the last train, it's time you leave / left. e) I'd rather you don't / didn't tell anyone about our conversation. f) I've got a terrible headache. If only I didn't drink / hadn't drunk that wine.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Presenatsioon STONEHENGE

The Greeks o The Saxons o The Wessex people o The Welsh o The Phoenicians Why was Stonehenge built? o for ceremonial burial ground ? o for ancient astronomical calendar? o as a temple for religious ceremonies? o as a cosmic temple dedicated to all twelve gods of the zadiac? o as a dance venue for prehistoric raves ? o as a source of healing energy? o as an eclipse calculator? o as an UFO landing site? The sandstones weigh up to 25 tons each and 30 were used. The bluestones weigh up to 4 tons each and 80 were used in all The sarsen stones weight up to 50 tons each Interesting theories theory nr.1 ­ stonehenge is leftovers from the first Theory nr.2 orginally stonehenge was a game ever played symbol of peace Click to edit Master text styles

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Andmebaasisüsteemide alused


Informaatika → Andmebaasisüsteemide alused
166 allalaadimist

How to write a manual

to complete the procedure and will prevent you from leaving gaps in your explanation that your reader will find frustrating. 3 Use diagrams to clarify information that would be difficult to convey accurately in words. Also use them for information that is so complex as to be confusing to the reader without a visual representation of the item, part or process to which he can refer as he carries out the manual's instructions. 4 Make the reader understand the purpose of each action and each step in the process, motivating her to complete each one by explaining the reason for it and the benefits of following the directions presented in the manual. Don't make the reader guess why an action might be necessary or wonder how it would be helpful. Doing so might cause her to skip a necessary step or avoid an entire process that could greatly simplify her life--and greatly increase her enthusiasm for your product. 5 Break the process down into small, easy-to-remember steps

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Thatś what friends are for

That what friends are for Friend is a person who accepts you for who you are and not because what you have, a person who corrects you when you are wrong and shares with you your good moments, as well the bad ones. That's what friendship means. The purpose of my article is to describe my friendship. To begin with, friendship is not made overnight, it took years for us to become friends. We had known each other for over four years but then we did not socialize with each other. We started to interact more after fifth grade. Now we have been friends for seven years. Secondly, the best words to describe my friend are helpful, confident, cautious, patient, tolerant all the qualities that a friend should have. He listen me if I have complicated situations and supports me in every way when it is necessary. Lastly, I am glad that I have a friend in my life. We are not only friends at school but we see each other when we have free time

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Environment and transportation

trips into one, whenever possible. Over a year's time, your savings in energy, money and time could be substantial, while your part in traffic congestion shrinks. 6. Live Near Your Place of Work or School --- If it takes more than 30 minutes to walk to your workplace or school, perhaps you could move closer. 7. Demand Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards --- The gas-guzzling of most cars and trucks is an embarrassment for our country. We're being thoughtless about our children's needs and future. Each of us needs to demand that our elected officials set much higher fuel- efficiency standards. 8. Demand Better Transportation Planning --- Right now, most government transportation managers are focused on building more roads and highways. They are not promoting wiser, healthier, more efficient transportation methods. Each of us needs to demand that our elected officials support alternative, better transportation methods, as well as strict landuse zoning to reduce urban sprawl. 9

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

Market Power Firms in monopolistic competition or imperfectly competitive markets are more likely to have limited market power because there are many firms with differentiated products (there are substitutes) and there is relative ease of entry and exit into the market Market Power among Sellers · Monopolistic competition - a market with a large number of sellers and relatively free entry; each firm "differentiates" its product. · Oligopoly - a market characterized by significant barriers to entry and "a few "sellers who recognize their interdependence in the market; products may be homogeneous or differentiated. Monopolistic Competition · Large number of sellers · relative ease of exit / entry · products are differentiated ­ actual differentiation ­ perceived differentiation

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Media and Advertising

Media and advertising 1. Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box. broadcast bulletin coverage forecast media brochure campaign edition manual novel a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical ……………. c) What did it say on the weather …………….? d) This is a party political……………. on behalf of the Democratic Party.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite Pronouns Table of Contents Some and any....................................................................... 2 No (+ Noun) and none (+ Pronoun) ........................................ 3 Every and each..................................................................... 3 Whole ................................................................................... 4 Both, either and neither ....................................................... 4 Few/a few – a little/little....................................................... 5 A lot of/lots of – much/many................................................ 5 Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where ........................ 6

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Floorball/ saalihoki

Floorball Edvin Tuvik 9b Introduction Floorball is a type of floor hockey which was developed in the 1970s in Sweden. The game is played indoors on a gym floor. Each team can field six players at a time on the court, one player being a goalkeeper. A floorball game is officially played over three periods lasting 20 minutes each (15 minutes for juniors). It is similar to ice hockey but not that rough. History The sport began as something that was played for fun as a pastime at schools. After ten years or so the floorball developed into sport in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Formal rules soon were developed, and clubs began to form. Measurements Floorball is played indoors on a rink whose size can officially vary from 18­22 meters wide to 36­44 meters long.

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
5 allalaadimist


e) Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected. f) There has been another increase/rising in the level of crime. g) There are few jobs here and many people are away from work/unemployed. h) The train was in a/an accident/collision with a bus on a level crossing. i) The driver of the bus admitted that he had done/made an error. j) No ships are sailing today because of the high/storm winds. 2 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only. disaster emergency hooliganism living disease injuries rubbish earthquake floods invasion slums a) Food has been sent to areas in Africa suffering from …........................... b) Many people live in overcrowded…........................... on the edge of the city. c) The cost of…........................... has risen steadily this year.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

end of file ­ send DLE ETX Receive side: 1. receive DLE STX -> indicates start of frame sequence 2. into fields that are often multiples of 8 bits 1. scheme: flags (often used on point- ­ Sequence numbers grow from 3b to 7b link termination Using LCP, PPP can terminate the link at anytime. inspect each byte in the payload until EOF sequence. If byte(i) = DLE: ­ if byte(i+1) = DLE -> indicates point links) ­ flag = 01111110, unique byte pattern for SOF & EOF ­ frame read on · Control field for unnumbered frames (lacking sequence This might happen because of: inadvertent DLE discard byte ­ if byte(i+1) =ETX -> indicates end of frame 8 bit boundaries until EOF detected ­ reception terminated

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
31 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

Fretting When you play the guitar, you use your left hand fingers to press down the strings on the fret board of the guitar and use your right hand to pluck or strum the stings at the bridge end of the guitar. Using your left hand to press the strings on the fret board is called fretting. Here are some tips you will need to know: 1. Short fingernails are essential. 2. Use only the tips of your fingers to press the strings. 3. When making a chord, be sure that each fingertip is placed directly behind the fret. We will cover chords in lesson one. 4. Check each string that it rings clearly and is not muted or buzzing. As a beginner guitarist, it may hurt your fingers to play. This is normal. Every guitarist starts this way for the first couple of weeks. With practice, you will develop guitar fingers (hard skin on your fingertips). Holding the Pick Position the pick between thumb and index fingers like in the diagram below: Time to take a break

Muusika → Muusika
35 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun