Digital Nation Digital world has a big part of our lives nowadays. We can’t imagine that we haven’t our smartphone with us. We are always connected. Every day we sit on computers, we are chatting on facebook or whatsapp, we are posting pictures on facebook, twitter and instagram. We have always connection with the digital world. In this movie is clearly set out that children in schools want to deal with different things. They want to be connected with their friend, but at the same time they have to listen what teacher is telling in front of the class. The results in education has fallen and that’s because students aren’t well prepared. Technology is updating very quickly and all we can do is learn how to use it. I think that if it came in our lives, then it’s important too
Digital Signal Processing Summary and Vocabulary Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith. Read up to page 10, preface included. Signal_Process.pdf Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a powerful technology that will shape science in the twenty-first century. Changes have already been made in various fields of study: communications, medical imaging, and high fidelity music reproduction, to name just a few. Each of these disciplines has
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) KarlTõnis Truup Aap11 What is PDA A personal digital assistant , also known as a palmtop computer, or personal data assistant, It's a mobile device that functions as a personal information manager. Current PDAs often have the ability to connect to the Internet. A PDA has an electronic visual display, enabling it to include a web browser, but some newer models also have audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones or portable media players. touchscreen technology. History
1. Koostada sildskeem temperatuuri T mõõtmiseks piirkonnas 0..100 ºC kasutades takistustermomeetrit (R0 = 100 (0ºC), temp. Teguriga +0,4 %/ºC) ja mV-meetrit. Valida silla takistused tingimustel: silla väljundpinge U temp. 0ºC on 0 mV ja temp. 100 ºC on 100 mV, silla toitepinge E = 3,3 V. Arvutada ja esitada graafikud: silla väljundsignaal U(T) ja mõõteviga T(T) antud mõõtepiirkonnas. Antud: piirkond 0..100 ºC E = 3,3 V R0 = 100 (0ºC) R1 Rt = +0,4 %/ºC U(0º) = 0 mV U U(100º) = 100 mV E = 3,3V t Rt = R0(1+T) R3 R4 0,4 Rt200 = 1001 + 100 = 140 ...
Pros and cons of digital communication and face- to-face communication Richard-Sven Rivik Digital communication: pros • Convenient • Fast • Simple • Record of conversation • Hybrid meetings • Media content Digital communication: cons • Lying • Bad for your eyes • Fake identity • Overuse • Privacy Face-to-face communication: pros • Express of feelings • Instant response • Better knowledge • Collaborate • Suitable for discussions Face-to-face communication: cons • Schedule availability • Distance • Time consuming • Media content • Not effective in large gatherings THANKS FOR WATCHING AND LISTENING! References 1 • https://brm
; e-Inclusion - , , . 7- 1 2007 . 50,5 . 2007-2013 . : ( 9,112,7 . ); ; , , ; , , ; ; ; ; , ; . , , . , , 900 000 2015 . , (Digital Agenda for Europe), 2010 , 2020. 101 7 , : , , , , , , , . . , . , . , , , Digital Agenda Scoreboard, 13 2009 2013 . , . . . , . . . , 20% - 2015 . 33% 2015 . 2020 , (Public R&D) 2020 . . 2004-2006 798 . , 8.3 . . 2007-2013 62.6 . . (; 2014-2017 64.47 . . 2014 7.6
Majandussotsioloogia Seminar 6 Tekstid 4 ja 5 Jekaterina Bavõkina 193893TABB Tekst 4: Ritzer, G., & Miles, S. (2019). The changing nature of consumption and the intensification of McDonaldization in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Culture, 19 (1), 3– 20 - Palun kirjeldage McDonaldsi ja Amazoni näitel, kuidas on kliendid prosumerid. Kas te olete ise Amazonist oste tehes või McDonaldsis süües tundnud, et teete tasuta tööd? Palun põhjendage. Esiteks, kes on prosumer? Prosumer - isik, kes võtab aktiivselt osa kaupadest ja teenustest, mida ta ise tarbib. McDonaldsi kontseptsioon on see, et restoranis pole ühtegi
arvutidvõiperifeeriaseadmedomavahelsuhelda. Sinihambapõhieesmärgiks on andmeedastustejajuhtmeühendusteasendamine. EsimeseosasinihambatraaditatehnoloogiasttöötasväljaHollandi professor JaapHaartsenjarootslane Sven Mattisson. Algseltoli see mõeldudfirmale Ericsson. Teisedosadtöötasidväljapeamiseltfirmad Nokia jaIntel.Bluetoothkasutabloavabaraadiosagedusalavahemikus2400–2485 MHz javõimaldabüheseadmegaühendadakamituseadetkorraga. DVI (lühendingliskeelsestfraasist Digital Visual Interface, digitaalvideoliides) on 1999. aastalloodudkõrgekvaliteedigapildiedastamiseksmõeldud standard. DVI töötativälja Digital Display Working Group (DDWG) konsortsiumipoolt, et väljavahetadavananenudanaloogsignaalidega VGApistikühendust[1]. DVI disainitiedastamaksdigitaalsignaalipakkimatakujulkuvani. Ta on osaliseltühilduv HDMI standardigadigitaalrežiimisningtagasiühilduv VGA-gaanaloogrežiimis. DVI standarditkasutataksepõhiliseltvideokaartidel, kuvaritel,
Interbrand, a division of Omnicom, is a brand consultancy, specializing in areas such as brand strategy, brand analytics, brand valuation, corporate design, digital brand management, packaging design and naming. Interbrand method of the brand's assesment is based on a summation of the three groups of indicators: financial performance, achieved through the sale of branded products or services; the role of brand in the purchase decision; the contribution of the brand in the future profits of the company, namely the loyalty of customers. In order to qualify for a place in the ranking of the top 100 global brands of Interbrand, the
. 7 3.3 Procurement and Purchasing..................................................................................7 4. Samsung................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Company Information............................................................................................8 4.2 DSC........................................................................................................................8 4.3 Optics and Digital Imaging....................................................................................9 5. Resources...................................................................................................................10 2 1. Video Technics Inc 1.1 About Video Technics Video Technics Inc., a worldwide supplier of cutting-edge broadcast products,
suurema programmide arvu edastamise võimalus ühtse paketina. DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite) on satelliitidel kasutatav digitaaltelevisiooni standard. Digitelevisoon on selline televisioonisüsteem, kus signaali edastamine toimub digitaalsel kujul. Digitelevisiooni kolm tähtsamat standardit on ATSC, DVB ja ISDB. Kõik kolm kasutavad pilditihenduseks MPEG-2 vormingut ja helitihenduseks vormingut Dolby Digital. DVB ja ISDB kasutavad ka MPEG helitihendust. Analoogtelevisioon PAL on üks kolmest enamlevinud televisoonistandardist. Nii PAL-süsteemi puhul on ridade arv ekraanil 625. Ka siin on kasutusel nn. ülerealaotus ja kuna võrgusagedus Euroopas on 50 Hz, siis kulub ühe täiskaadri saamiseks 1/25 s. PAL ja NTSC süsteemide värvidefinitsioonid on veidi erinevad. Analoogtelevisioon on 1950-ndatest aastatest tänaseni kasutusel olev
· - British Library ( ) · - DIGAR ( ) · - ... Digitaalraamatukogude tüübid : Institutsionaalsete kirjastajate (valdkondlike institutsioonide, erialaühingute) digitaalraamatukogud · IEEE Electronic Library · ACM Portal ( ) · ... Digitaalraamatukogude tüübid : Digitaalraamatukogude projektid ülikoolide (uurimiskeskuste) juures · California Digital Library (CDL) · Berkeley Digital Library · ... · jpt. Digitaalraamatukogude tüübid : Spetsiaalsed (spetsiaalkogude või -projektide) digitaalraamatukogud · Alexandria Digital Library · University of Minnesota dig.library for videos · Informedia Digital Video Library · Google Local ( ) · - ...
AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABR Available Bit Rate ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection ABRS Automated Book Request System [British Library] ABS Address Book Synchronization [IBM] + Absolute ABT Abort
Andmetabe lid Üldstruktuur Väli (Field) ID # Type Equipment Detail Checked Out Checked In 3000 Camera Saris Lumina Digital Camera 12-mai-13 15-mai-13 3005 Camera Saris Zoom Z-60 Digital Camera 27-juuli-13 06-aug-13 1021 Laptop 15" EDI SmartPad L200-3 15-sept-13 01-okt-13 1022 Laptop 15" EDI SmartPad L200-3 14-aug-13 16-aug-13 Kirje 1023 Laptop 15" EDI SmartPad L200-3 08-aug-13 15-aug-13(Record) 3070 Camera Omega PixL Digital Camcorder 06-okt-13
Keskkoolis müüs ta narkootikume. Tupaci lähedased on peaaegu kõik kriminaalse taustaga. Ta oli koolis üks populaarsemaid poisse kuna ta oskas hästi riime teha ja tal oli hea huumorisoon. Tupac käis kaasas Jada Smithiga räppimisvõistlustel ja enamus nendest nad võitsid. 1988. aastal kolis perekond ümber Marin Citysse, Californiasse Seal lõpetas Tupac keskkooli ja liitus Ensemble Teatri Kompaniiga. Sealt avastati ta ja palgati Digital Undergroundi Hip Hop bändi taustalauljaks. Digital Undergroundsi grupiga laulis ta filmis ,,Nothing but trouble" laulus ,,Same Song", mis sai filmi tunnuslooks. Hiljem laulis ta koos grupiga ka Digital Undergroundsi albumil. Natuke peale albumi valmimist tuli välja Tupaci enda esimene plaat Novembris 1991. aastal- 2Pacalypse Now. See ei müünud väga hästi kuna laulude sõnad said palju kriitikat. Tema teine album Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. tuli välja Veebruaris 1993 aastal. See album oli tema üks müüvamaid
Many agree that file sharing is unethical and consider it to be no different than downright theft. On the other hand, there are those that support file sharing and claim that their actions are easily justified and ethical. File sharing simply is the process of making available and distributing files via the internet. Many freely developed applications have been made available that simplify this process, providing the ability to easily search for and upload any piece of digital content imaginable. These applications are commonly referred to as peer-to-peer (P2P) applications as they allow individuals to directly connect with other peers to share files. P2P networks are probably the most common and accessible to the average internet user, there are a host of other applications or methods that provide the same services and in many cases faster access to more content. With its rise in popularity and acceptance by many, file sharing has sparked debate that
Seadmete konfiguratsiooni lõpp.
7. Kontrollküsimused a) Millist andmeedastusprotokolli toetas meie NOKIA modem laboris? V.21 is an ITU-T recommendation for full-duplex communication between two analogue dial- up modems using audio frequency-shift keying modulation at 300 baud to carry digital data at 300 bit/s. It is a variant of the original Bell 103 modulation format. Audio frequency-shift keying (AFSK) is a modulation technique by which digital data is represented as changes in the frequency (pitch) of an audio tone, yielding an encoded signal suitable for transmission via radio or telephone. Normally, the transmitted audio alternates between two tones: one, the "mark", represents a binary one; the other, the "space", represents a binary zero. Meie NOKIA modem kasutas nn. full-duplex kanalit, mis kujutab endast ühendust kahe punkti vahel. Seega üks punkt on telefonivõrgus (dial-up) ja teine võrgukaart. Sellist tüüpi
Dan Browm Marten Margus 12c Born in June 22, 1964 in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA His dad was a teacher of mathematics Both parents good musicians Sang in church choir Brown was raised an Episcopalian Stuidied in Phillips Exeter Academy After graduating went to Amherst College Collage He was an sporty person(squash) Sang in the Amherst Glee Club Brown spent on year abroad in Sevilla, Spain Music career After graduating he made a children's cassette SynthAnimals. In 1991 moved to Hollywood to become a pianist In 1994, Brown released a CD ,, Angles & Deamons" Writing career In 1993 Brown was inspired by the novel The Doomsday Conspiracy to write thrillers In 1996, Brown quit teaching to become a full-time writer First book published in 1998 (,,Digital Fortress") Books Digital Fortress, 1998 Angels & Demons, 2000 Deception Point, ...
selected. 7. Linearity - relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend nonlinearity. 8. Operating temperature - measurement, which in optimal state for ADC-s, lets them function correctly. 9. Power dissipation - refers to the amount power dissipated when the ADC is operating. Question 2 An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 1.2V? What is the voltage range corresponding to 1 LSB? 1,2𝑉 0,0195𝑉 = 61 ; 61 = 001111012 Digital output code for an input of 1.2V is 001111012. Voltage range corresponding to 1 LSB is U= 0,0195V. Question 3 A 15 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 10V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 6.83V? 15 bit = 32768 10V/ 32768 = 0,0003 V 6,83V / 0,0003 = 22767 22767 = 01011000 111011112 Question 4
C) D) E) RF = 10k, RL = 28k2, RH = 107k F) Before scaling: 2.35 steps/°C. After scaling: 3.42 steps/°C 5. Some things were assumed, as they were not given. 30 = 1,13V 40 = 0,976V So 35 should be between 40 and 30. Assuming about 1,053 V. Same for 5 degrees... Assuming about 1,725 V. 35 degrees digital 1,053/10*1024 = 107,8272 5 degrees digital 1,725/10*1024 = 176,64 177 108 = 69 ADC counts, 30 degrees SPAN 69/30 = 2,3 ADC steps per degree We need the tempertature 5-35 to fall between 1V 9V at the ADC. This gives us 408 counts over a range of 30 degrees. 13,6 counts per degree. Swing of the output 0,672V must translate into 9-1=8V, this is a gain of 8/0,672, or 11,9. 1,053 * 11,9 = 12,53 1,725 * 11,9 = 20,53 20,53-12,53 = 8V The span is right. Now we need to check the offset.
Andmekandjad ja nende lugejad Kõvaketas (hard disk, HDD) Arvuti peamiseks andmekandjaks on kõvaketas (Hard Disk Drive, HDD). See asub arvuti korpuses. Kõvakettal on andmekandja ja selle lugeja ühendatud. Tänapäeval on kõvaketaste maht enamasti 10-180 GB. Kõvakettal säilitatakse arvuti süsteemne tarkvara, arvutisse installeeritud rakendusprogrammid ja andmefailid. Arvuti normaalseks tööks peaks kõvakettal olema vähemalt 100 MB vaba ruumi. Pehmeketas ehk diskett (floppy disk) Diskett on õhuke plastmasskestas asuv elastne magnetketas, mida loeb disketiseade (Floppy Disk Drive, FDD). Kasutusel on olnud 8, 5,25 ja 3,5 tollise läbimõõduga diskette, kirjutustiheduse järgi 3 tüüpi diskette: topelt- (DD - double density), kõrg- (HD - high density) ja eritihedusega (ED - extra density), mille 3,5 tollised kettad mahutavad vastavalt 720 kB, 1,44 MB ja 2,88 MB infot. Praeguseks on neist kasutusele jäänud 3,5 tollise läbimõõduga HD disketid, mille m...
network, or locally with an offline computer, game system, or simulator. Creative industries, Commercial uses, Entertainment and fine arts, Education, Journalism, Engineering, Industry, Mathematical and scientific research, Medicine, Document Imaging, Disabilities, Miscellaneous 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional images. 2D computer graphics is the computer-based generation of digital images— mostly from two-dimensional models (such as 2D geometric models, text, and digital images) and by techniques specific to them. The word may stand for the branch of computer science that comprises such techniques, or for the models themselves.
6. Channels – multiple analog signal inputs to the ADC that can be individually selected or selected through a multiplexor. 7. Linearity – Describes how an ADC conveter follows a linear function. 8. Operating temperature – A temperature at which the ADC functions optimally, usually given by the manufacturer. 9. Power dissipation – The proportion of power dissipated (through heat) when the ADC is working. Question 2: An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 1.2V? 001111012 What is the voltage range corresponding to 1 LSB? 0,0195V Question 3. A 15 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 10V. What is the digital output code word for an input of 6.83V? 101011101101100 Question 4. What is the value of the quantization error between an input voltage of 2.3V and quantized voltage with the output code word equal to 011101012 using an 8 bit ADC with 5V reference? 0.01484375V Question 5.
photograph we can see a man standing and getting his shoe’s polished. Robert Cornelius set up a camera and took the world’s first self-portrait in 1839 The first hoax photograph was taken in 1840 by Hippolyte Bayard The first photograph of our sun was taken by French Physicists Louis Fizeau and Leon Foucault on April 2nd, 1845. This photograph taken in 1847 and is the first known news photograph. The first digital photograph was taken all the way back in 1957; that is almost 20 years before Kodak’s engineer invented the first digital camera. The photo is a digital scan of a shot initially taken on film. The first color photograph was taken by the mathematical physicist, James Clerk Maxwell in 1961 8 Types of cameras (MARI) Film cameras o View camera Built like an accordion, with a lens in the front, a
. . , , DVD , (CCIR Rec. 601): (Teisenduskodeerimine): AAC bitrate 96 kbs - Y; , MPEG-1 Layer III bitrate128 Dolby Digital - Cb Cr; . kbs. AAC bitrate 128 kbs, Dolby - Cb Cr : MPEG-1 Layer , , R, G B : A 8 ; 8 III
Ajaloost Enne helikaartide olemasolu, oskas arvuti ainult piiksuda, ehkki suutis ta muuta piiksu sagedust ning pikkust, ei suutnud ta vahetada heli valjemaks/vaiksemaks ega teha muid helisid. Algul kasutati seda piiksumist signaali või hoiatuse märguandeks, hiljem hakati aga varajastele mängudele muusikat selle abil tegema, ehk muudeti helikõrgust ja pikkust. Firma ''Far West'' hakkas probleemile lähenema, ning leiutati Sound Blaster helikaart hilistel 80- ndatel. Too oli küll 8-bitine ja 11 kHz, ning heli küll ei olnud eriti kiita, kuid oli suur samm edasi. Helikaardid tänapäeval Tänapäeva helikaardid on palju võimsamad juba, ehk siis kuni 64 bitised. Lisaks sisemistele helikaartidele, on hakatud tegema ka välis-helikaarte millel on USB ots, ehk siis saad igalpool kaasa võtta kuhu vaja, ning näiteks LAN-Party'del väga hea kasutada. Helikaartidel on koguaeg olnud vähemalt üks väljund pesa, ehk siis kõlaritele/klappidele (indikaator...
It clearly reflects in workmarket. Especially in tehcnology, networking and information technology. The fact that executives and international leaders have started to employ people much younger than themselves, proves that younger people are neccecary and essential for society. They are sometimes called the Fat brains. The Fat Brains are Gen Yers anywhere between the ages of 20 and 35, also known as "Digital Natives," born and raised in the digital age. It's not just their proficiency in technology that distinguishes them; it's also their crazy problem-solving skills and their creativity. More ethnically, racially, and gender diverse than any generation before them, they live at the cutting edge of social innovation and embrace an enterprsing lifestyle. As the proverb said ,,Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age" the knowledge in youth will become wisdom during later years and time.
turunduse juures. Seega ei ole mitteveebipõhise ja veebipõhise turunduse juures palju sarnast. Samuti selgus, et veebipõhiste turunduskanalite kasutamine ületas mitmekordselt mitteveebipõhiste turunduskanalite kasutamise. Samuti selgus, et reklaamiagentuuride jaoks on olulised kvalitatiivsed faktorid tunduvalt rohkem, kui 1994-ndal aastal. Allikas: Cheong, Y., Gregorio, F., Kim, K. 2010 The Power of Reach and Frequency In the Age of Digital Advertising. Journal of advertising research 2010 [ 821c-4d73-9257-f99f5334e255%40sessionmgr111&vid=1&hid=110] 15.11.2015
smartphones at the time. POSITIVE SIDES • Wifi and internet • Front camera • Communication • Business development SMARTWATCH • A smartwatch is a computerized wristwatch with functionality that goes beyond timekeeping • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system • Many run mobile apps, using a mobile operating system. Some smartwatches function as portable media players, with FM radio and playback of digital audio and video files via a Bluetooth or USB headset. Some models, also called 'watch phones', feature full mobile phone capability, and can make or answer phone calls or text messages. • Most have a rechargeable battery and many have a touchscreen. HISTORY OF SMARTWATCH • The first digital watch, which debuted in 1972, was the Pulsar manufactured by Hamilton Watch Company. "Pulsar" became a brand name which would later be acquired by Seiko in 1978.
Read Chapter_6_Analog_Outputs.pdf and Chapter_8_EMI_ElectroMagnetic_Interference.pdf Question 1 Given the below open sensor detection: a. Derive equations for both outputs VO and Vsense as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF. b. What value will appear on each output if the thermistor fails (becomes an open circuit)? c. How can the above schem be modified to implement temperature reading with open sensor detection using only one ADC and one digital input pin of the microcontroller? Solution: a. Derive equations for both outputs as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF. Rth Writing the equation for V1 : V1 VSense VR th R R1 V0 V2 VR V2 V2 Writing the equation for V2 :
Landmarks of London Uku Gross ja Hans Richard Antsmäe Royal Opera House, London The royal opera house is major performing house in UK. It was opened in 1732. In 1734, the first ballet was presented. The next year, Handel's first season of operas began. It has have 2 disauster fires. The main auditorium seats 2,256. Elizabeth tower It's also known as Big Ben. It was the largest clock for 23 years in UK. It's 96 metres tall. The tower is designed by Augustus Pugin in a neo-gothic style. Built in 1859, by the time the constructor said that it's the most accurate clock in the world. Oxford street Major road in the City of Westminster in the West End of London. Europe's busiest shopping street. Million daily visitors. At least 300 shops. It has the lenght of 1,9 km. http...
harilikult kiiremini kui tagasikerimise funktsioon VHS mängijal. Kuid mõned tagasikerijad tegid sageli järske pidurdusi, mis aeg-ajalt kahjustasid linti. SP on standarne mängimine, LP on aeglane mängimine, EP/SLP on pikendatud aeglane mängimine. DVD DVD on tavalist CD-d meenutav optiline andmekandja, mis on võimeline salvestama rohkem andmeid kui tavaline CD, kuna ta kasutab lühema lainepikkusega laserit. Tähekombinatsiooni "DVD" tõlgendati algul lühendina inglise keele sõnadest digital video disc, sest algul kasutati seda videokassettide asendajana. Hiljem hakati DVD-d kasutama ka suvaliste andmete talletamiseks ja "DVD" tõlgenduseks sai digital versatile disc. DVD lugemiseks ja kirjutamiseks kasutatakse punast laserit, mille lainepikkus on 650 nm (CD jaoks kasutatakse laserit lainepikkusega 780 nm). See võimaldab võrreldes CD-ga väiksemat süvendit DVD pinnale graveerida. Seega on ka DVD mahutavus suurem.
19 Final remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ANNEX I Glossary/list of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ANNEX II Comparison of paper charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 ANNEX III Types of Digital Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 ANNEX IV IMO SN/Circ. 207 Differences between RCDS and ECDIS . . . . . . . . . .47 ANNEX V ECDIS - Procedural and organisational considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 ANNEX VI Compendium on Flag State ECDIS requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Facts about chart carriage reguirements 3
Reversing the Inputs 238 Comparators 239 Instrumentation Amplifiers 243 Appendix B: PWM 245 Why PWM? 245 Real Parts 250 Audio Applications 252 Appendix C: Some Useful URLs 255 Glossary 257 Index 261 Contents vii Preface There often seems to be a division between the analog and digital worlds. Digital designers usually do not like to delve into analog, and analog design- ers tend to avoid the digital realm. The two groups often do not even use the same buzzwords. Even though microprocessors have become increasingly faster and more capable, the real world remains analog in nature. The digital designers who attempt to control or measure the real world must somehow connect this analog environment to their digital machines. There are books about analog
Tupac Shakur Tupac Shakur Sünninimi Lesane Parish Crooks Tuntud kui Tupac Amaru Shakur Sündinud 16. juuni 1971 Päritolu ameeriklane Surnud 13. september 1996 (25-aastaselt) Stiil(id) Hip-Hop, Räpp Amet(id) räppar, muusikaprodutsent, näitleja, poliitiline aktivist Tegev 1990-1996 Plaadifirma(d) Interscope, Out Da Gutta, Death Row, Makaveli, Amaru Seotud esitajad Digital Underground, Richie Rich, Dave Hollister, Yaki Kadafi, Kurupt, Snoop Dogg, The Outlawz, Daz Dillinger, Dr.Dre, Tha Dogg Pound Veebileht Tupac Tupac Amaru Shakur (tuntud ka kui 2Pac, Makaveli või lihtsalt Pac; 16. juuni 1971 – 13. september 1996) oli Ameerika Ühendriikide räppmuusik, näitleja, luuletaja ja sotsiaalaktivist. Ta on Guinnessi rekordite raamatus kõige suurema müügieduga räppar, kelle albumeid on müüdud maailmas 120 miljonit, sh Ameerika Ühendriikides 50
kunstikoolis osales ta mitmetes Shakespeare näidendites. Läbi oma sõbra vahendusel käis ta räpi ja Hip-Hopi võistlustel.Temast sai kooli parim jalgpallur. Tupac ei käinud kül trendikalt riides, kuid oli siiski kooli populaarsemaid poisse, kuna ta oli tark ja õppis hästi. 1988. aastal läksid nad elama Marin citysse Californias. Tupac liitus Ensemble Teatri Kompaniiga, et läbi lüüa meelelahutusäris. 1989. aastal palgati ta Hip-Hopi bändi Digital Undergroundis taustatantsijaks. Karjäär: Tupaci professionaalne meelelahutusäri sai alguse 1990. aastal kus ta lasi välja oma esimesed riimid Digital Undergroundi albumil. Tupaci esimene album oli 2Pacalypse Now, mis pälvis kriitikat ja tagasilööke väga vastuoluliste laulusõnade pärast. Teine album lasti välja 1993. Kahele suurimale hitile tehti ka video. 1993 aastal asutas Tupac oma sõpradega uue räpp-bändi Thug Life, millega loodi ainult üks album. 1994
Mbps WiFi turvalisus · MAC (Media Access Control) aadress Start- Run-cmdipconfig/all · SSID (Service Set Identifier)- võrgu omaniku poolt võrgule antud nimi · WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 64 või 128 bitine krüpteerimisvõti NB! võti on iga sessiooni puhul sama · WPA (Wifi Protected Access) · võtme pikkus 128, 192 või 256 bitti · iga kord on uus võtmesõna Kiirustest Internet telefoni abil ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network võimaldab kuni 128 kbps andmeedastamis kiirust 3 andmekanalit B-kanaleid kasutatakse kõne ja andmete edastuseks (64 kbps) D-kanalid on liikluse juhtimiseks (16 kbps või 64 kbps) BRI (basic rate interface) on mõeldud erakasutajale · 2 B kanalit(64) ja 1 D kanalit(16) = kokku 144 PRI (primary rate interface) · 30 B-kanalit (64) ja 1 D-kanal (64)= 1984 DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) ADSL- Asymmetrical DSL SDSL Symmetrical DSL Ühendus mob-tel
Darlingtontransistor koosneb kahest bipolaarsest transistorist, mis on ühendatud sedasi, et esimesest tran- sistorist tulev vool võimendatakse veelgi enam teise transistori poolt. Kasutatavad komponendid · Samm-mootor M35SP5 Mitsumi · ULN2003APG · Nupp 1 Samm-mootor (stepper) ja ULN2003APG Selle ülesande tarvis ühendame sammmootori ELVISega ning juhime seda Digital Writer'i abil. Vajutades järjest nuppe sisse ja peale seda välja, paremalt vasakule (16 17 18 19 16 ...), liigub samm-mootor päripäeva. Vajutades järjest nuppe sisse ja peale seda välja, vasakult paremale (19 18 17 16 19 ...), liigub samm-mootor vastupäeva. Muutes Pattern-nupu valikule Walking 1, hakkab mootor automaatselt liikuma. 2 Nupu ühendamine
.....7 Kasutatud kirjandus...............................................................8 2 Standardid Digitaaltelevisioon (DTV) on telekommunikatsiooni süsteem liikuva pildi ja heli edastamiseks digitaalsel kujul . Maailmas on kasutusel kolm digitaalse videolevi standardit : USA -ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) ; Jaapan ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) ; Euroopa-DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). DVB sisaldab omakorda kolm standardit: · DVB-C(cable) -levi kaablivõrgu kaudu , · DVB-S(satellite) -levi satelliitide kaudu , · DVB-T(terrestial -levi maapealsete saateantennide kaudu . Järgmise põlvkonna standardid (DVB-S2,DVB-T2) näevad ette tingimusi peeneraldussignaali ülekandmiseks . Mobiilseks vastuvõtuks kohandatud standard DVB-H(handheld) tagab kvaliteetse
Tallinn's Old Town Tallinn is the largest and the capital city of Estonia. Tallinn occupies an area of 159 km2. It's situated on the northern coast of the country. Tallinn's Old Town has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world.It is not easy to determine the beginning of Tallinn history. The location probably attracted attention as a suitable port area. Many countries have ruled Estonia, for example Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Germany. Upper Town has always been the seat of whatever power that has ruled Estonia. The Lower Town has been demaged.
elektromehhaaniline orel, mille leiutas 1934. aastal Ameerika Ühendriikide insener Laurens Hammond. Hämmond põhineb Thaddeus Cahill'i 1897. aastal loodud Telharmonium'il.“ 6)Seleta mõisted: live-elektroonika; elektroakustiline muusika; sämplimine; MIDI. Live-elektroonika; Live-elektroonika on muusikainstrumentide kõla elektrooniline transformeerimine muusikateose ettekandmise ajal. Elektroakustiline muusika; MIDI (akronüüm ingliskeelsest fraasist Musical Instrument Digital Interface; ka MIDI-liides) on 1980. aastate alguses loodud ja 1982 määratletud andmevahetuse (-edastuse) protokoll (keel), mis võimaldab elektroonilistel instrumentidel, arvutitel ja teistel seadmetel (näiteks MIDI-t toetavad valgustusseadmed teatrites) omavahel suhelda, üksteist juhtida ja sünkroonida. Eelduseks on, et seadmed toetavad MIDI standardit ja nende vahel on MIDI-ühendus (standardne MIDI-kaabel või näiteks USB-
ANDMEKANDJAD: CD JA DVD Kristine Vilja ANDMEKANDJA Andmekandja ehk teabekandja ehk infokandja on vahend andmete ehk informatsiooni salvestamiseks, säilitamiseks ja taaskasutamiseks. CD CD (inglise keeles compact disc) on andmekandja, mida kasutatakse informatsiooni salvestamiseks. Funktsioonilt jagunevad CD-d: CD-ROM ehk ainult loetav CD; CD-R ehk kirjutatav CD ning CD-RW ehk siis ülekirjutatav CD. CD-ROM CD-ROM (lühend inglisekeelsest väljendist "Compact Disc read-only memory") ehk laserketas tuntud Eesti keeles ka kui CD. Kettalt on võimalik andmeid lugeda optilise mäluseade kaudu nagu: CD-pleier, CD- lugeja. CD-R DVD DVD (Digital Versatile Disk ehk eesti keeles Digitaalne Mitmekülgne Plaat) on samade mõõtmetega nagu CD, kuid DVD ketas mahutab seitse korda enam andmeid kui CD: 4,7 G kihi kohta, võrreldes CD 680 m...