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"dash" - 37 õppematerjali

dash - 4-5 tilka (eesti keeles võiks olla sorts)

Kasutaja: dash

Faile: 0

100 kuulsamat kokteili

· 1 egg's white ingredients in the order above, in order to make each "float" above the previous. Alabama Slammer · 3 cl Amaretto B and B · 3 cl Southern Comfort · 4 cl cognac · 1,5 cl sloe gin · 4 cl Bénédictine · 1 dash lemon juice Garnishing : One pinch cinnamon. Alexander Bacardi · 4 cl cognac · 6 cl white rum "Bacardi" · 4 cl crème de cacao (brown) · 2 cl lemon juice · 4 cl cream · 1 dash grenadine Garnishing : Sprinkle with nutmeg or chocolate powder.

Toit → Kokandus
143 allalaadimist


13. Puust või plastmassist lõikelaud. Sidruni jne lõikamiseks. 14. Jäävasar. 15. Mehhaaniline jääpurustaja. Frapee jaoks. 16. Veinipudelite avaja. 17. Tavaline avaja. 18. Konservipurgi avaja. 19. Käterätikud. 20. Kokteilitikud. 21. Kõrred. 22. Elemendid kokteilide kaunistamiseks. 23. Alkohoolsete jookide kallamiseks korgid. Igale pudelile oma! 24. Säilitusnõu puuviljale, mahlale. 25. Tilgutuspudel ehk drepper. 26. Dash- pudel 0,3- 0,5 cl annuse jaoks. 1 dash = 6-8 tilka. 27. Kandikud. 28. Mõõtmensuuride alused (kumm või metall). Evely Press 2008/2009 Baaritöö 29. Shampanjapudeli sulgur ja teised mitmesugused korgid lahtise pudeli sulgemiseks. 30. Elektrimikser. 31. Jäämasin. 32. Rimmer ­ tehakse klaasile suhkru, soola vm ääriseid. Baariklaasid (klassikalised) Klaaside kuju ja suurus on tähtsad nii väljanägemise seisukohast, kui ka praktilisest küljest.

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
41 allalaadimist


Punctuation Vocabulary: colon, semi-colon, dash, hyphen, exclamation mark, comma, quotations marks, inverted commas, full stop/period, slash, apostrophe. 1. Semi-colon. Between two separate thoughts that are linked in meaning. Mel is a nice person; she visits her granny every day. 2. Colon. Before an explanation or a list. John felt nervous: he hated the dark. 3. Dash. Informal. It is sometimes used instead of colon or a semi-colon. I’m having a great time – there’s lots to do here. 4. The rules about commas are not very strict. In general they are more likely around longer phrases. FANBOYS (for, and, but, or, yet, so). (2 subjects) It was a great camera, but I can’t afford it. (1 subject) It was a great camera but a bit too expensive. 5. Quotation marks/inverted commas a) Laura said, “You haven’t put up those shelves yet.”

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Baaritöö konspekt

matrini oliiv), siis tangidega. 21. Kõrred ­ tõstetakse tangidega. 22. Elemendid kokteilide kaunistamiseks. 23. Alkohoolsete jookide kallamiseks korgid. Igale pudelile oma! Ei pea olema igal pudelil küljes, piisab kui on enamlevinud pudelitele panekuks. Ööseks seda peale ei jäta, likööride omad vajavad korralikku pesu. 24. Säilitusnõu puuviljale, mahlale. 25. Tilgutuspudel ehk drepper 26. Dash- pudel 0,3- 0,5 cl annuse jaoks. 1 dash = 6-8 tilka. 27. Kandikud, erinevate suurustega, mittelibisevad. 28. Mõõtmensuuride alused (kumm või metall). 29. Shampanjapudeli sulgur ja teised mitmesugused korgid lahtise pudeli sulgemiseks. 30. Rimmer ­ tehakse klaasile suhkru, soola vm ääriseid. 31. Tangid . puuviljade, kõrte tõstmiseks ­ hügieen! Palja käega neid ei tõsta. 32. Uhmer Masinad - erinevad jäämasinad, külmutuskapid, külmutusega riiulid, vitriinkapid,

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
61 allalaadimist


matrini oliiv), siis tangidega. 21.Kõrred ­ tõstetakse tangidega. 22.Elemendid kokteilide kaunistamiseks. 23.Alkohoolsete jookide kallamiseks korgid. Igale pudelile oma! Ei pea olema igal pudelil küljes, piisab kui on enamlevinud pudelitele panekuks. Ööseks seda peale ei jäta, likööride omad vajavad korralikku pesu. 24.Säilitusnõu puuviljale, mahlale. 25.Tilgutuspudel ehk drepper 26.Dash- pudel 0,3- 0,5 cl annuse jaoks. 1 dash = 6-8 tilka. 27.Kandikud, erinevate suurustega, mittelibisevad. 28.Mõõtmensuuride alused (kumm või metall). 29.sampanjapudeli sulgur ja teised mitmesugused korgid lahtise pudeli sulgemiseks. 30.Rimmer ­ tehakse klaasile suhkru, soola vm ääriseid. 31.Tangid . puuviljade, kõrte tõstmiseks ­ hügieen! Palja käega neid ei tõsta. 32.Uhmer Masinad - erinevad jäämasinad, külmutuskapid, külmutusega riiulid, vitriinkapid, klaasipesumasinad,

Toit → Joogiõpetus
26 allalaadimist

Morse code

Morse code The «dot» and «dashes» language «The Victorian Internet» 183 8 Double digit code dot (dit) dash (dah) «What hath God Wrought The Bible: Numbers 23:23 Morse code today is learned by scouts is still used by some enthusiasts SOS signal Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mari Baker „Building an organization, building a team“

Mari Baker ,,Building an organization, building a team" Loengu pidamise ajal oli Mari Baker vähem kui kuu aega tagasi saanud PlayFirsti tegevdirektoriks. Varasemalt on Baker juhtinud näiteks personaalmeditsiiniga tegelevat ettevõtet Navigenics ning rasedatele ja noortele emadele mõeldud portaali BabyCenter. Ta räägib oma kogemustest, mis on erinevate firmadega töötades saadud. Tema esimesene töökoht ülikooli kõrvalt oli börsimaakleri juures. Baker hindab väga, kuidas seal firmas tema arengut toetati. Tema algatusel võttis firma andmebaaside haldamiseks kasutusele arvuti. Tol ajal ei olnud arvutid kontorites veel levinud ja selline lähenemine oli uudne. Selle tulemusena tõusis produktiivsus märgatavalt. Baker rõhutab, et pikaajaline isiklik areng on olulisem kui lühiajaline kasu. Kui talle pärast ülikooli lõppu tuli kaks tööpakkumist: üks suurde firmasse, hea palgaga ja teine väiksesse 30 inimesega firmasse, kus...

Majandus → Majandus
6 allalaadimist

Victoria I

Ilmavalgus Sündis 24. mail 1819, Kensingtoni palees, Londonis Vanemad: Prints Edward (Kenti ja Strathearni hertsog) ja printsess Marie Luise Victoria Teda ristiti Kensingtoni palees ja tema ristinimi oli Alexandrina (ta ristiisa oli Vene tsaar Aleksander I) lapsepõlv Kasvatati üles kensingtoni süsteemi järgi Õppis eraõpetajatega kindla tunniplaani järgi prantsuse, itaalia, saksa ja ladina keelt. Lemmikloom: spanjel Dash Troon Peale onu William IV surma sai temast kuninganna. Ta oli 18. Hannoveri dünastiast Kroonimine: 28. juunil 1838 Abielu Abiellus Prints Albertiga 10. veebruaril 1840. aastal Nad olid sugulased. atentaadikatsed 7 katset 18aastane Edward Oxford üritas kuningannat tulistada aastal 1840. lapsed 9 last (5 tütart, 4 poega) Hilisemad aastad 1

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Costa Coffee presentation

Jordan Syria Kuwait Turkey Lebanon United Arab Emirates United Kingdom COSTA COFFEE in Dubai COSTA COFFEE COFFES. ESPRESSO A short, strong and black coffee, with no milk. ESPRESSO DOPPIO A double espresso shot. For those who like it strong. RISTRETTO An extra short coffee, even shorter than an espresso, with an even stronger flavour. MACCHIATO Espresso topped with just a dash of milk. Y um. AMERICANO Coffee, mixing shots of espresso with hot water. Add milk if you like. FLAT WHITE A rich, full-flavoured coffee with a velvety, smooth texture. Each Flat White is hand-finished with a distinctive pattern. CAPPUCCINO Coffee combining espresso with steamed, frothy milk. Chocolate on top if you have a sweet tooth. CAFFE LATTE Coffee made with steamed milk. Not as strong as a cappuccino, but just as good.

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Baaritöö vahendid

Baaritöö vahendid Shaker- raputi- klassikaline(koosneb kolmest osast, valmistatud roostevabast terasest, keskmisel osal on sisseehitatud sõel. Bostoni shaker(koosneb kahest osast, alumine klaas on roostevabast terasest ja ülemine klaasist). Seguklaas- klaas, milles valmistatakse jooke mida ei shakeita, vaid segatakse Baari sõel- kastutatakse kurnamiseks, jää vältimiseks Baari lusikas Kokteili segaja segamisaeruke Jäänõu- tanggid, Metalis mesuurid, ehk mõõtenõud- 2,4,6 cl Jääsõel- aukudega ja sakid servad Mahlapress- sidrunmahla, apelsiini mahl segujookides Noad- sakilise srvaga, et puuvilju lõigata Riiv- riivitakse shokolaadi, muskaati, sidruki koort Plastmassist lõikelaud Jäävasa- haamer Jääpuustaja- tehakse prapeer jääd(killud) Korgitser-veinupudelite avaja Vahuveini pudelite avaja Tavaline avaja- õllepudeli, karastusjookide avamiseks Konservipurgi avaja Käterätikud Kokteili tikud- võib tüsta näpuga, kui...

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
7 allalaadimist

I am Legend

cancer but it did not. Now the doctor is lookeing for a cure to fix that problem and to survive in the destroyd landescape of New York. His wife and son were killed when the military did the extraction of the city. Now he wonders with his dog. Most of the film about 30 min is all calm. Around 40 min mark they chase a deer wich allmost got them killed. The following days they were chased by the strongest of the monsters. The Alpha male who was played by Dash Mihok. Roberts dog gets bitten and infected with the plague while trying to escape from the alpha male one night. The dog, saddly dies . The following day he will be picked up by a junge woman and her daughter but that will get them found and attacked. The doctor had a lab where they escaped and found a cure from one of the test subjects the doctor had there. The junge woman and her son escape but the doctor gives his life for that. The movie had a good ending somewhat

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelsed fraasid 2

Accommodation-majutus all vendors drive a hard bargain-kõik tänavakaupmehed tingivad kõvasti allowance-toetus, maksusoodustus along the medieval streets-piki keskaegseid tänavaid attractive destination-ahvatlev sihtpunkt backpacker-seljakotiga rändaja, matkaja barren land viljatu, kasutu maa bumpy flight/smooth flight raputav/sujuv lend can't resist the temptation ei saa kiusatusele vastu panna check the exchange rate kontrollima raha vahetuskurssi departure lounge ootesaal embark laevale või lennukisse minema experience the civil war kodusõda läbi elama ferry crossing praamiga ülesõit first-rate-tea esmaklassiline tee foreign currency välisvaluuta has got itchy feet meeldib pidevalt reisida heritage sites kultuuripärandiga seotud paigad in high season kõrghooajal instalment osa, osamakse invaluable hindamatu, väärtuslik jet lag ajavahest tekkinud väsimus let's hit th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


8.Basseinibaar ­ välismaal basseinide juures, ostetud tooted saab hotellitoa arvele, ainuke koht kus lubatud kasutada ühekordseid nõusid, baaris võib olla isegi ainult 1 või 2 jooki aga vib olla ka rohkem. 9.Lounge ­ natukene kokteilibaari sarnane. Baariklaaside puhul on tähtis puhtus, käsitlus erinevate klaasidega on erinev, logod on alati kliendi poole serveeritakse alati seda jooki. Teisendamine 10ml = 1cl, 10cl=1dl, 10dl=1l Drop-tilk, dash -5-6tilka, splash ­ 2 dashi, bl ­ baarilusikas(5ml), tl- teelusikas,spl- supilusikas,ounze britannia 28ml, 29ml ameerika

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
13 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency A

ABILITY Ex3.clear, laudable, long-term, broad, underlying, Ex1. assessing,doubted, affect, lost, showed, sole, common overestimated ANSWER Ex2..test, use, reflection, confidence, best, lack Ex1. Receive, waiting for, demanded, give, need, Ex3.Natural, mixed, considerable, proven, was average, incredible Ex2. Immediate, honest, final, short, detailed, ACCOUNT correct Ex1. Listened to, keep, provide, accept, Ex3. Knew, have, guess, come up with, provide, corroborated, differ arrived at Ex2. Conflicting accounts, blow-by-blow account, Ex4. Simple, long-term, wrong, only, obvious, clear account, fascinating account, graphic definite account, full account ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Spain Culture presentation

The Spanish culture is rich, colorful and mysterious. Its culture and lifestyle differs tremendously from that of the other European countries. Bull Running: Every year in July thousands go to Pamplona to start Spain's most famous bull-running fiesta to honor the saint San Fermin. Runners, mainly young men, gather at the bottom of Santo Domingo. Then, a number of fighting bulls are let out onto the streets. The bulls run along the narrow street to a bull ring. The runners dash along in front of the bulls, trying to avoid getting gored by their sharp horns. When the bulls finally reach the end of the street, they go into enclosure and are kept until that day they are killed in a bullfight. Flamenco: The Spanish culture is also closely related to the famous Flamenco style. This passionate form of dance first originated in Andalusia, is around 200 years old and was originally considered to be a gypsy dance. It is a colorful dance that is accompanied by the soulful

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe õppekava Egne Juudas, Merelle Paart, Kätrin Pärn KÕRGVERERÕHKTÕBE PÕDEVA HAIGE ÕENDUS Iseseisev töö Õppejõud: Marit Kiljako Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Tartu 2018 SISUKORD 1. SITUATSIOONI KIRJELDUS .............................................................................................. 2 2. SEISUNDI HINDAMINE ...................................................................................................... 4 3. ÕENDUSPLAAN ................................................................................................................. 11 3.1 Puudulik perifeerne verevarustus ................................................................................... 11 3.2 Aktiivsuse talumatus.........................

Meditsiin → Õendus
139 allalaadimist

Blandings Castle

Character analysis Lord Emsworth: Quotes: 1) "Beach," said Lord Emsworth. "M'lord?" "I've been swindled. This dashed thing doesn't work." "Your lordship cannot see clearly?" "I can't see at all, dash it. It's all black." The butler was an observant man. "Perhaps if I were to remove the cap at the extremity of the instrument, m'lord, more satisfactory results might be obtained." "Eh? Cap? Is there a cap? So there is. Take it off, Beach." "Very good, m'lord." "Ah!" 2) "It's Aggie. My wife, you know." "Well?" "She's left me." "Left you!" "Absolutely flat." 3) "Why did you let him go? You must have known I would want to see him

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
34 allalaadimist

Hip-Hop Mode (ettekanne)

Die Kleidung spielt mittlerweile eine große Rolle in der Gesamtinszenierung der einzelnen Hip- Hop-Künstler. Bekannte Marken finden häufige Erwähnung in ihren Texten, was wiederum indirekt deren Rezipienten beeinflusst. Nachdem die Mode für Jugendliche fast weltweit einen signifikanten Marktanteil erreicht hat, haben sich mehr Hip-Hopper darauf verlegt, eigene Kleidungslinien zu etablieren und damit ihren Namen zu versilbern. Dazu gehören Russell Simmons (Phat Farm), Damon Dash, Wu- Tang Clan (Wu Wear), Method Man (Johnny Blaze) und Jay-Z (Rocawear) sowie OutKast (OutKast Clothing), 50 Cent (G Unit Clothing) in zusammenarbeit mit Ecko und P. Diddy (Sean John). Wichtige Marken, die nicht direkt von Hip-Hoppern kommen, sind und waren Willie Esco, Ecko, Songs of Freedom, Karl Kani, Sir Benni Miles, Southpole, Nike, New Era, Joker Brand, Timberland, 96 North, Mecca, pellepelle, Coogi, ArtistikWorld, K1X usw. 1. Baggy Pants Mit Baggy Pants (baggy engl

Keeled → Saksa keel
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

NT: His love letters I returned to the detective. The adjective or several adjectives come after the noun they modify (gives a solem and little archaic touch). NT: I saw the first spring flowers, cold and shy and wintry. NT: In some places there are yellow tulips, slender, spicky and Chinese-looking. POOLELI LK 33 DETACHMENT DETACHMENT means a syntactic separation of a word or phrase from the rest of the sentence to emphasise the isolated part. Isolation is signalled by punctuation (comma, dot, dash, semicolon, full stop) that are not actually needed according to rules of punctuation. The effect is strongest when the full stop is used. NT: I saw him. In his car. NT: I have to break you for money ­ daily. NT: They were heard again, immediately. SSD-s that are based on SYNTACTIC STRUCTURES BEYOND ON SENTENCE The term is not too adequate (accurate) because the devices discussed in this group may occur within on sentence as well. PARALLELISM

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Praktikum 3 otsisüsteem

If we don't think the punctuation will give you better results, you'll see suggested results for that search without punctuation. Symbol How to use it Search for Google+ pages or blood types + Examples: +Chrome or AB+ Find social tags @ Example: @agoogler Find prices $ Example: nikon $400 Find popular hashtags for trending topics # Example: #throwbackthursday When you use a dash before a word or site, it excludes sites with that info from your results. This is useful for words with multiple meanings, like Jaguar the car - brand and jaguar the animal. Examples: jaguar speed -car or pandas When you put a word or phrase in quotes, the results will only include pages with the same words in the same order as the ones inside the quotes. Only use this if

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
6 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

compared to that of the other. · Syntactic (that's an evil laugh of yours, that laugh of yours is evil) · Lexical--there is no inversion, the words just switch their places (I know the world and the world knows me) It is an empathic construction. Emphasis is on the 2nd part. Detachment is a syntactic separation of secondary members of the sentence by using punctuation marks, starting with comma, the dash, etc. in order to emphasize the isolated part. The strongest is the full stop. (I saw him. In the garden.) Climax (gradation) is arranging the sentence so that each following part is emotionally stronger than the previous one. · Quantitative--logical (Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years passed.) · Qualitative--fairly individual, it suggests the way the author sees the significance of things. (he wanted to weep, to vomit, to die)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (andmete korrastamine)

Klõpsa nupul Size&Properties ning v hiire paremat klahvi ja vali Font. Avanevas aknas märgista valik Subscript. Vii legend paremale, valides Chart Design menüüst käsud Add Chart Elements-Legend-Right Muuda skaalat, klõpsates vertikaaltelje skaala mõnel numbril Ctrl+touchpad ja valides Format A skaala ühikuks 2. Lisa teisele diagrammile kaks abijoont. Klõpsa diagrammil ja vali Format menüüst Insert Shapes-Line. Vea joon. Joone punktiiriks muut Avaneval parempaanil vali Dash type valikust punktiirjoon. Korda sama teise joone loomiseks. 180 160 140 120

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Inglise valitsejad

· Valitsusaja tähtus ­ lõpetas konflikti parlamendi ja monarhi vahel Victoria I Sündis 24. mail 1819, Kensingtoni palees, Londonis Vanemad: Prints Edward (Kenti ja Strathearni hertsog) ja printsess Marie Luise Victoria Teda ristiti Kensingtoni palees ja tema ristinimi oli Alexandrina (ta ristiisa oli Vene tsaar Aleksander I) Kasvatati üles kensingtoni süsteemi järgi Õppis eraõpetajatega kindla tunniplaani järgi prantsuse, itaalia, saksa ja ladina keelt. Lemmikloom: spanjel Dash Peale onu William IV surma sai temast kuninganna. Ta oli 18. Hannoveri dünastiast Kroonimine: 28. juunil 1838 Abiellus Prints Albertiga 10. veebruaril 1840. aastal Nad olid sugulased 7 katset 18-aastane Edward Oxford üritas kuningannat tulistada aastal 1840. 9last (5 tütart, 4 poega) 1mail 1876 sai temast India keisrinna. Albert suri 14. detsembril 1861 (42-aastaselt) Victoria kandis elu lõpuni ainult musta. Samal aastal suri ka tema ema (enne Albertit) Reuma jalgades, kae silmades Suri 22

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist


· Kuninganna käis pärast prints Alberti surma ülejäänud elu musta riietatuna. · 1865. aastal ilmutas kuninganna raamatu "Lehekülgi minu elust mägismaal". · 1876. aastal ehitas Victoria oma mehe mälestuseks 55 meetri kõrguse Alberti memoriaali. · 1878. aastaks oli Victorial 27 lapselast ja tulemas oli lapselapselaps. · Kuninganna avastas 66-aastasena enda jaoks kolmerattalise jalgratta. · Kuningannal olid koerad: Dash, Laddie, Islay ja poni Rosa. · Prints Albertil oli hurdakoer Eo ja leevike, kes vidistas populaarset viisi ,,Kui rahulik oled sa, maailm." · Praegune kuninganna Elizabeth II on Victoria lapselapselapselaps. 11 Kokkuvõte Sain sellest raamatust selle faktipõhise ülevaate täielikult. Ütleksin, et raamat oli täis isegi

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
24 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

TEMPO: The tempo of speech is normally slow with depression or sadness, but anger, fear, joy and other momentary feelings accelerate it. PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase. The emotional pause corresponds to a dash and strengthen the speaker's disbelief. Such pauses may be marked in a text and may be introduced by a speaker. STRESS: We can speak about logical stress ­ it singles out words that are primary in the context. Stress that is used to single out words that are emotionally important or to point out their hidden or specific meaning is called emphatic. Emphatic stress may be signaled graphically by the Italics, dots, exclamation marks, etc.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Taken at the Flood

to prove the dead man was Robert Underhay, and Poirot produces Major Porter, who knew Underhay in Africa. At the inquest, despite Rosaleen's protests that the dead man was not Robert, Porter confirms that Arden was indeed her first husband. The estate will revert to the Cloades. Rosaleen has a strong alibi for the time of the murder since she was in the London flat that evening. David has only a weak alibi: down from London for the day, he met Lynn on his dash to catch the last train to London leaving at 9:20 pm, and evidently telephoned her from the London flat shortly after 11 pm. Since the murder is believed to have taken place shortly before 9 pm, he had enough opportunity and motive to be arrested. David's alibi improves when it is discovered that a heavily made-up woman in an orange headscarf left Arden's room after 10 p.m. The investigation shifts back to the female Cloades, but Poirot discovers that the immediate

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

g I didn't know him then, / but I do now. // Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase: e.g She is so gentle, so /gently cruel. (No punctuation in the text, but the pause occurs before ,,Gently cruel" to emphasize the controversial nature of the character expressed by two incompatible adjectives. e.g Do you mean to say that she is still a ­virgin ? (Here the emotional pause corresponds to the dash and strenghthens the character's disbelief) Thus, pauses may be marked in the text and may be introduced by the speaker. Orchestration (euphony) Both oral and written speech may be characterized, when approached consciously by the speaker/writer, by orchestration, i.e the the choice of words with respect to acoustic properties of soundsm their sequence and repetition. Due to their acoustic features sounds may evoke

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

PAUSES: Pauses are chief means of making one's speech emotional. Logical pauses divide the sentence into meaningful parts, which correspond to sense groups and are often marked in text by punctuation. Emotional pauses are introduced to draw attention to the word or phrase that follows and thus emphasize this word or phrase (e.g. "Do you mean to say that she is still / (a pause is marked) a virgin?"). Here the emotional pause corresponds to a dash and strengthen the speaker's disbelief (e.g. "She is so gentle so / gently cruel." ­ there is no punctuation in the sentence but the pause occurs before "gently cruel" to emphasize the contradictory nature of the character expressed by two incompatible adjectives (case of oxymoron). Such pauses may be marked in a text and may be introduced by a speaker. STRESS: We can speak about logical stress ­ it singles out words that are primary in the context (e.g

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Funktsioonid

EXCEL – Funktsioonid 1 - 11 Sisukord 1 Matemaatilised ja trigonomeetrilised funktsioonid.....................................................................................................2 2 Kuupäeva ja kellaaja funktsioonid...............................................................................................................................2 3 Statistilised funktsioonid..............................................................................................................................................3 4 Tekstifunktsioonid.........................................................................................................................................................3 5 Loogilised funktsioonid....................

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed materjalid
49 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

They take a large mahogany bed, mattresses, and blankets into their dugout because they rarely have access to such luxuries. They collect eggs and butter, and they have the luck to find two suckling pigs. They collect fresh vegetables and cook a grand dinner in a well-outfitted kitchen near the dugout. Paul makes pancakes while the others roast the pigs. Unfortunately, the enemy sees the smoke rising from the chimney and bombs the house. As the attack begins, the men gather the food and make a dash for the dugout. Paul finishes cooking the pancakes while the bombs fall around him. Once he finishes, he grabs the plate of pancakes and manages to get to the dugout without losing a single one. The meal lasts four hours. Afterward, the men smoke cigars and cigarettes from the supply dump. They drink coffee and begin eating again before they end the night with cognac. They even feed a stray cat. The richness of the meal after such long deprivation causes them to suffer bouts of

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

COLD Computer Output to Laser Disk COLL Collision COM Component Object Model [Microsoft] + Computer Output Microfilm .COM Command (file name extension) + Commercial Business (Domain Name) [Internet] COM1 First serial Port (asynchronous port) COM2 Second serial Port COM3 Third serial Port COM4 Fourth serial Port COMDEX Computer Dealers Exposition COMET Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator COMM Communications COMMAT In Morse Code (.--.-.)(dot dash dash dot dash dot), name of the sign to denote the Commercial At symbol "@". (Adopted by the ITU in December 2003) COMP Compare COMP. Computers [USENET Newsgroup Category] COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation CON Console (includes Keyboard and Screen) COND Condition CONFIG Configuration CONS Connection-Oriented Network Service CONTONE Continuous Tone .COOP Cooperatives-Business (Domain Name) [Internet] COPICS Communications Oriented Production Information

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

stabilizers [like the rotator cu for the shoulder] alone to prevent injury. Even 10% stronger is like pissing in the ocean." Working muscles in isolation will change muscles, but it's not likely to make movement safer. In contrast, working on basic movement patterns will make muscles stronger and it will also In contrast, working on basic movement patterns will make muscles stronger and it will also make movement (whether running a 40-yard dash or carrying luggage) safer. To use an analogy of Paul Chek's, the basic movement patterns are like the 0­9 keys on a calculator. All other numbers, complex movements in this case, are still combinations of the basics. Does the FMS work? The Atlanta Falcons professional football team su ered seven season-ending injuries in 2007. In the 2008 season, there was just one minor surgery late in the season. The di erence: their new director of athletic performance, Je Fish, made the FMS mandatory

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Hog these for yourselves while the k carve the real pumpkin. Pumpkin and autumn spices, topped with cream cheese frosting. Hog these for yourselves while the k carve the real pumpkin. Sweet peppermint with a light buttercream icing. Too good to hang on the tree. Sweet peppermint with a light buttercream icing. Too good to hang on the tree. Sweet peppermint with a light buttercream icing. Too good to hang on the tree. Classic pumpkin pie with graham cracker crust. Our special recipe uses a dash of bourbon for extra fla A southern classic you won't be able to keep your fingers off of. A classic, updated to be a little healthier. Don't worry, there's no lack of flavor in this corn-syrup-free f As American as… never mind. Made from local apples, and coated with our special sugar glaze. Thick sliced peaches in a buttery crust. Tastes like a Georgia summer day. Large, ripe cherries and a delicate crust. Perfect with a dollop of whipped cream.

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
4 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

cooling system as described in Chapter 1. does, the thermal switch is proved faulty and must be renewed. If the fan still does not Removal operate, check the appropriate fuses, wiring 8 Heating and ventilation system - 1 Working inside the vehicle, remove the and connections. If these are satisfactory it is description dash lower trim panel from the right-hand likely that the fan motor itself is faulty. side. The panel is secured by two metal tags The heater is of the type which utilises and two clips. Removal waste heat from the engine coolant. The 2 Detach the air ducts from the right-hand

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

button-down shirt. Red-haired with laughing blue eyes, he was as good-looking as his partner was, just in a very different way. The three of us sat around Mark's desk and dumped kung pao chicken and broccoli beef onto paper plates, added helpings of sticky white rice, and then dug in with chopsticks. I discovered that Steven was a contractor, and that he and Mark had been a couple since college. I watched them interact and felt awe and a dash of envy. Their relationship was so beautifully functional that it was a joy to spend time with them. "Damn, girl," Steven said with a whistle, as I went for a third helping. "You can put it away. Where does it go?" I shrugged. "To the gym with me. Maybe that helps...?" "Don't mind him," Mark said, grinning. "Steven's just jealous. He has to watch his girlish figure." "Hell." Steven shot his partner a wry look. "I might have to take her out to lunch with the crew

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

yards away from me now. I could hear them, staying as far back as they'd been before. A blue car turned onto the street from the south and drove quickly past me. I thought of jumping out in front of it, but I hesitated, inhibited, unsure that I was really being pursued, and then it was too late. I reached the corner, but a swift glance revealed that it was only a blind drive to the back of another building. I was half-turned in anticipation; I had to hurriedly correct and dash across the narrow drive, back to the sidewalk. The street ended at the next corner, where there was a stop sign. I concentrated on the faint footsteps behind me, deciding whether or not to run. They sounded farther back, though, and I knew they could outrun me in any case. I was sure to trip and go sprawling if I tried to go any faster. The footfalls were definitely farther back. I risked a quick glance over my shoulder, and they were maybe forty feet back now, I saw with relief

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


to save it for a last resort. Now he decided that the time had come. The message was on its way by 9 o'clock. It traversed the 7,000 miles to Tokyo in an hour. But it took ten hours to get from the Central Telegraph Office to the American embassy. As the President was addressing a message of peace to the Emperor, the men of the Japanese strike force were listening to a message of war. Shortly before, Admiral Nagumo had topped off the fuel tanks of his combat ships for the final dash. His crews waved farewell to the slow- moving tankers. Now the officers read a stirring message from Yamamoto to all hands: "The moment has arrived. The fate of the empire is at stake. Let every man do his best." Banzais rent the air. Up the mast of Akagi fluttered the very flag that had flown at Japan's great naval victory over Russia in 1905. It was a moment of great emotion. Nagumo altered course to due south and bent on 26 knots. Through a mounting sea, the

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun