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Venekeele tekkivus - sarnased materjalid

gallup, russian, mother, tongue

Putinist referaat..

67. 2007. 68. 2007. 69. 2007. 70. . 71. « », . 10.06.2005. 72. « » -- 8- -- 6 . 73. [7] 74. 2007. 75. . -- // The Wall Street Journal, 22 2008 76. // , 26 2007 77. // , 26 2008 78. - 79. 80. . 81. 82. . . 01 10 2008 . 83. . : , . 04.10.2005, 185 (1466) 84. 1 2 Human Development Reports, 2007/2008 Report, Russian Federation 85. [8] 86. [9] 87. [10] 88. [11] 89. / ( ) (. ) // 90. [12] 91. [13] 92. [14] 93. [15] 94. // daily, 14 2008 95. Marshall I. Goldman. Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia, Oxford University Press, May 2008. 96. Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia Carnegie Council Marshall I. Goldman and Joanne J. Myers, 4 2008. 97. « » «» 4 2008. 98. Crisis Puts Putinomics to the Test (.). St. Petersburg Times (29 2008).

Vene keel
21 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

*Estonians conquered by the crusaders ­ 1208 *Reformation ­ 16th century ­ establishments of new school, Estonians first book appeared in 1525 *Tartu University ­ 1632 ­ founded by King Gustavus II Adolphus, classical university, member of the Coimbra group *Abolition of serfdom ­ 1816 *Song festival ­ 1869 ­ in Tartu, an organiser was J.V.Jannsen, 822 singers, men only *Declaration of independence ­ 24th February 1918 *War of independence ­ 1918-1920 ­ during the Russian Civil War, resulted in a victory for Estonia *Deportation ­ 1949 *Estonia becomes independent ­ 20th August 1991 *Joining EU ­ 1st May 2004 Language: Estonian language, belongs to the Balti-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric languages, closely realted to Finnish and rather remotely to Hungarian; Latin alphabet with 32 letters , 5 of which occur only in foreign words, the phenomes include 9 vowels and 18 consonants; words are borrowed from Latin, Greek, English etc

Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist


people. It means that the population of Estonia is decreasing. As young Estonians often like to go study or live abroad, the population is aging as well – young people move away, while older stay there. Many different nationalities live there: besides Estonians there are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Finnish, Tatars, Latvians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews, Germans and others. Due to this fact, the most popular languages spoken as a mother language are Estonian, Russian and Ukrainian. Nevertheless, there is still just one official language of Estonia, which is Estonian. Most of the people, approximately 900,000 live in the cities, such as Tallinn, Tartu, Narva. The most common sector that people work in is the service sector. People in Estonia are also involved in other sectors of industry, such as wood, construction, electronic and energy. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic. It has a single-chamber parliament

Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

Now, more than at any time in linguistic history, they need to adopt long-term views, and to plan ahead – whether their interests are to promote English or to develop the use of other languages in their community (or, of course, both). If they miss this linguistic boat, there may be no other. [1, p. 26- 28 ] 1.5 The Role of English Today Today English is becoming the first world's universal language. It is the mother tongue of 500 million of people in 12 countries of the world. It is, of course, less than about 900 million of people speaking Mandarin. But English is thought to be second language of 600 million of people. About 200 million of people know the English language to some extent. It has official and semi-official status in 62 countries of the world. No doubts that English is much more geographically spread and more universal than Chinese. And the rate of the development of its use is incredible.

Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

(Estonia TEST english I)

The oldest preserved book written in Estonian, a catechism, dates from 1535. Tartu University was established in 1632, on orders from Sweden's King Gustav II Adolf. Literacy spread. The Bible was translated into Estonian in 1739(pole vaja teada). A period of wars began in the 16th century, bringing parts of Estonia under the control of Russia, Denmark, Poland and Sweden. For most of the 17th century, Sweden ruled Estonia. In the 18th century Russian Tsar Peter the Great joined Estonia to his empire. The first true political parties emerged(Where established) at the turn of the century, demanding autonomy for Estonia. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, Estonia declared independence from Russia on Feb. 24, 1918. Independent Estonia made large strides between wars. World War II ended Estonia's independence. The country was occupied by the Soviet Army in June 1940.Thousands of Estonians were killed or deported to Siberia

Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Informaatika excel kodutöö

Tiitelleht Õppeasutus Aine Töö Teostaja: Matrikli nr Rühm Kuupäev Page 1 Tiitelleht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatika II 14.3.14 Page 2 Leida pühade kuupäevad ja nende nädalapäevad; pühade arv kuude ja nädalapäevade kaupa. Valemid peavad kehtima suvalise aastaarvuga. Pühad aastal 2017 Püha Kuu # Päeva #Kuupäev antud aasNädalapäeva # Kuu # uus aasta 1 1 1.01.2017 7 1 vabariigi aastapäev 2 24 24.02.2017 5 2 kevadpüha  5 1 1.05.2017 1 3 võidupüha  6 23 23.06.2017 5 4 jaanipäev  6 24 24.06.2017 6 5 taasiseseisvumispäev  8

38 allalaadimist

Informaatika I kontrolltöö nr. 1

Arvestatud 92 p. Kontrolltöö Salvestada antud tööraamat nimega EXCEL_КТ_Pere Töö on arvestatud, kui on kog Kasutada nimesid seal, kus on võimalik (enamikus ju Iga ülesande "hind" on teatud punktide arv. Miinimum saamiseks - 61. t nimega EXCEL_КТ_Perekonnanimi atud, kui on kogutud vähemalt 61 punkt on võimalik (enamikus juhtudest). ud punktide arv. Miinimum punktide arv arvestuse a b n h y-funktsiooni väärtuste keskmine -5 5 24 0.416667 y-funktsiooni negatiivsete väärtuste arv y-funktsiooni minimaalne väärtus x y -5 -14.44764 -4.583333 -13.73471 -4.166667 -13.12517 -3.75 -12.69287 -3.333333 -12.60398 Y(x) graafik -2.916667 -13.32678

Informaatika I
14 allalaadimist

Vladimir Võsotski

» - . , (.) Internet Movie Database : 1960-. « », 2007--01--25 . . . «», , 2008-01-25 , 28 1970 - . . : . « . » . . . . . . . youtube - , : . v_s_visotsky -- «. » 1. . -- . . . 2. 44.htm 3. «Alyosha Dimitrievich -- Russian Gypsy chanson performer»(.)(.) 4. 5. « » 28(114), 29 2005 . -- ! 6. /5618/ 7. /autolegend/0016928/ 8. nscript/2007/09/30/200709300127 36330.html .. « » 9. [1] 10. /autolegend/0016928/ 11. 05/02/04/mk-daily/47459/ 12. 13

Vene keel
19 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

Type of business or sector Information And Communication Education and training Dates 02/09/1999 - 18/06/2003 Title of qualification awarded Computer designer Name and type of organisation Cornell (University) providing education and (USA) training Level in national or ISCED 6 international classification Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Estonian Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken interaction production

Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Referaat "Ökoeetika probleemid"

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteaduste instituut Filosoofia õppetool ÖKOEETIKA PROBLEEMID Referaat Õppejõud: Tallinn 2009 I. II. . ( ) 1. 2. 2 . . , , , , - , , -, , (, , ) . . . , .[1] - , , , , , . , , , , . . , . [2] , , , -, : , , - , , , , , . , . « ­ », « ­ ». « - ­ ».[3] , 1 . . / . . . - .: , 1991. 2 . . : . . ­ : , 2003. ­ .229. 3 . ., . . : . / . . . , . . . ­ .: , 2002. ­ . 287. 3 . : . .

28 allalaadimist

Arutiõpetuse test excelis

1. ülesanne Juuli Summapoolaasta kokkuvõte iga kululiigi lõikes. Koosta Kommunaalmaksed 180.93 Kui suured oli poolaasta kulud kokku? KÜ osamaks Koosta poolaasta 70.51 kulude illustreerimiseks diagramm. Elekter Vastus: Poolaasta 153.08 kulud olid kokku 4233,60 Elion, lauatelefon 145.26 EMT, mobiiltelefon 96.15 SAT 22.44 KOKKU 668.37 August Kommunaalmaksed 137.08 KÜ osamaks 70.51 Elekter 135.51 Elion, lauatelefon 137.72 EMT, mobiiltelefon 96.15 SAT 22.44 Kokku 599.42 Poolaasta kulud September Kommunaalmaksed 152.24 KÜ osamaks

9 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

technological factors, economic factors and the trends in Estonian economy compared to Germany and to briefly discuss Estonian business environment. Estonian population The total population of Estonia is 1 313 271 according to Statistics Estonia, of which 69.1% are Estonians, 25.1% Russians, 4.9% of which are of different nationalities for example Ukrainians, Belarusians and Finns. Rest are of unknown nationality. 68.5% of population speaks Estonian as a mother language, 29.6% speaks Russian as a mother language and 0.6% Ukrainian. Estonia has only one official language which is Estonian. According to information by the Institute of the Estonian Language there are about 75% of Estonian people who speak Estonian. The most common foreign languages learned by Estonian students are English, Russian, German and French. Other popular languages include Finnish, Spanish and Swedish. Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. In Estonia there are 47 cities/towns. More

Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 2. kodutöö (loogika- ja otsingufunktsioonid)

Liiklusregistris seisuga 31.05.2018 aasta arvel olevad veoautod [1] NB! Sisaldab peatatud registrikandega sõidukeid. Määramata- mittetöödeldaval kujul või puuduvad andmed Kategooria Mark Mudel N1 ANTONELLI CONDOR 72VA N1 AUDI 90 N1 AUDI A4 AVANT N1 AUDI A4 AVANT N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD QUATTRO N1 AUDI A6 ALLROAD QUATTRO N1 AUDI A6 AVANT N1 AUDI A6 AVANT N1 AUDI Q7 N1 AUDI Q7 N1 AUDI

4 allalaadimist

Финансовый учёт II

II 1. : · ; · ; · ; · ; · . 2. (, , ) . 3. . , , , . 4. - (01.01.2003) , . , , , , . 5. , , , : · () () · () · ( ) , . : · · , · · 6. - , , , . : (a) , , ( ); (b) , ( ). 3. , , . 4. . , . 7. 1. , . « , : () ; - . - - - - ; - . , .. 8. , ? . , , . , , , . . 9. . 1. ­ , (, ) , . 2. : - . ; - ; - : . 3. . , . , .. : ()

13 allalaadimist

Nigeria population

181 383 962 Current population 91 848 775 Current male population (50.6%) 89 535 186 Current female population (49.4%) 4 659 042 Births this year 11 325 Births today 2 107 131 Deaths this year 5 122 Deaths today -9 184 Net migration this year -22 Net migration today 2 542 727 Population growth this year 6 181 Population growth today Population of Nigeria 2014 As of 1 January 2015, the population of Nigeria was estimated to be 178 841 235 people. This is an increase of 1.94 % (3 400 050 people) compared to population of 175 441 185 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 3 412 331. Due to external migration, the population declined by 12 281. The sex ratio of the total population was 1.026 (1 026 males per 1 000 females) which is higher than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2014. See also map of the world by sex ratio o

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Äriplaan, puhkemaja

EESTI ETTEVÕTLUSKÕRGKOOL MAINOR Ettevõtluse õppetool Janely Tilk PUHKEMAJA Äriplaan Juhendaja: A. Nohrin Pärnu 2013 Puhkemaja SISUKORD Puhkemaja 1.1. Äriidee kirjeldus Eesti inimene on õppinud puhkama ja lõõgastuma ka kodumaal. Puhkust ja aja maha võtmist vajame vahel kõik. Looduskaunis kohas, Pärnu külje all, asub Laine Kinnisvarabüroo OÜ kuuluv maja. Plaanis on rentida maja aastaringseks kasutamiseks, mis tooks ka rendile andjale kasu. Olemasolevates ruumides on võimalik majutada 24 inimest, lisaks toitlustada ja luua head võimalused lõõgastumiseks ja puhkuse nautimiseks. Maja esimesel korrusel asuvad WC/dussiruum, esik, garaaz ning abiruum. Olemas on köögiplokk koos elektripliidi, küpsetusahju, mikrolaineahju, veekeetja ning külmkapiga. Lisaks sellele on esimese

88 allalaadimist

Liigendtabel ja summaarne hind

Teravilja Kartuli Min. Piima lehma saak saak väetisi/ha Lehmade kohta aastas Sigade Maakond Majand Aasta (ts/ha) (ts/ha) (kg) arv (kg) arv Harju Aasmae 83 25 141 318 809 3404 1170 Harju Alavere 83 31 187 279 924 3600 3595 Harju Arukyla 83 22 155 196 1707 3637 3692 Harju Habaja 83 21 133 177 1267 2877 4087 Harju Haiba 83 25 141 245 919 3354 2920 Harju Kehra 83 21 126 296 1555 3211 1380 Harju Koidula 83 23 173 204 638 3435 1661 Harju Kungla 83 20 91 231 837 3245 12

11 allalaadimist

Statistika kodune ülesanne Prax2a-diagrammid

Diagrammid Tutvumine diagrammide koostamisega ja nende liigitusega. Mõeldud iseseisvaks tööks koos vastava juhendmaterjaliga. Kirjandus 1. Roomets, S. Arvjoonised. Tln, TPÜ Kirjastus, 1999. 2. Aarma, A. Mis on arvjoonis ja millist valida?// "Arvutimaailm" nr. 10, 1996 lk. 37-39. 3. Mereste, U., Saarepera, M. Arvjoonised. Tln, Valgus, Tln.1981. 4. Microsoft Excel. Tln, Külim, 1998. Leht Seletus Diagramm Diagrammi komponendid Intervall Nominaal- ja intervallskaala võrdlus Jaotised Skaalajaotiste muutmine erinevuste väljatoomiseks Logaritmskaala Logaritmskaala kasutamine 2 skaalat Erinevate mõõtühikutega suurused ühel diagrammil Aktsia Aktsia tehingute maht, maksimaalne, minimaalne ja sulgemishind Legend Legendi vajalikkus Liitdiagramm Liht-ja liitdiagramm Lint Lintdiagramm, rahvastikupüramiid Sektor Sektordiagrammi kasutamine stru

221 allalaadimist

UK test

2. Order the invaders in correct chronological order: Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Romans, Celts, Vikings. Celts > Romans > Anglo-Saxons > Vikings > Normans 3. How did the Celts influence Britain? The Celts were in Britain long before the English language existed. Celtic influence on English is minimal. There are more Amerindian words in English than Celtic ones. 4. How many people approximately speak English? 300million as mother tongue, 470million as 2nd language. 5. Who (which tribes) gave the base of the English language? Anglo-Saxons 6. Describe Wales. Part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, population: 3,064,000, Wales has a distinctive culture including its own language, customs, holidays and music, traditional dance lie in folk dancing and clog dancing. Bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Largely mountainous

3 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your 

Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

Canada's linguistic diversity extends beyond the two official languages. In Canada, about 14% of the population are reported speaking a language other than English or French most often at home and about 5% reported speaking such a language on a regular basis as a second language. Canada is also home to many indigenous languages. Taken together, these are spoken by less than one percent of the population. About .6% Canadians report an Aboriginal language as their mother tongue. New Brunswick, Yukon (and some other provinces) ­ English and French. The Northwest Territories ­ 11 languages: Chipewyan, Cree, English, French, Gwich'in, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, North Slavey, South Slavey, Tlch. Nunavut - Inuit language (Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun), English, French. Quebec ­ French. 17. What is meant by the terms `anglophone', `francophone', `allophone', `heritage language', `distinct society', `language immersion'?

Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Börsifirmade "sotsiaalvõrgustiku" analüüs

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Infotehnoloogia teaduskond Informaatikainstituut IDN0100 Andmekaevandamine BÖRSIFIRMADE "SOTSIAALVÕRGUSTIKU" ANALÜÜS Kodutöö nr. 4 Tudeng: Vassili Ljahhovets Matrikli number: 093068 IABM Juhendaja: Innar Liiv Tallinn 2010 1 Autorideklaratsioon Olen koostanud antud töö iseseisvalt. Kõik töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite tööd, olulised seisukohad, kirjandusallikatest ja mujalt pärinevad andmed on viidatud. Käesolevat tööd ei ole varem esitatud kaitsmisele kusagil mujal. Kuupäev: Autor: Vassili Ljahhovets Allkiri: 2 SISUKORD 1. Andmete kogumine..............................................

Ettevõtte infosüsteemid
29 allalaadimist

Ökonomeetria MS3-1

51- Omanik/FI 10- E või ev Pm.maa, 12-Pm.maa, juht 1 - omandis, 11-Pm.maa, ühiskasutuse Maakasutus v_toojou_a jrk Aasta 5_Maakond ha renditud, ha s, ha kokku astauhik X1 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 1 2000 Jõgeva 0,00 2 177,00 0,00 2 177,00 0,00 2 2000 Jõgeva 0,00 872,00 0,00 872,00 0,00 3 2000 Jõgeva 46,70 38,00 0,00 84,70

75 allalaadimist


Teravilja Kartuli Min. Piima lehma saak saak väetisi/ha Lehmade kohta aastas Sigade Maakond Majand Aasta (ts/ha) (ts/ha) (kg) arv (kg) arv Harju Aasmae 83 25 141 318 809 3404 1170 Harju Alavere 83 31 187 279 924 3600 3595 Harju Arukyla 83 22 155 196 1707 3637 3692 Harju Habaja 83 21 133 177 1267 2877 4087 Harju Haiba 83 25 141 245 919 3354 2920 Harju Kehra 83 21 126 296 1555 3211 1380 Harju Koidula 83 23 173 204 638 3435 1661 Harju Kungla 83 20 91 231 837 3245 1244 Harju

6 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Introduction Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti or Eesti Vabariik) is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by the Russian Federation (338,6 km). The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people closely related to the Finns, with the Estonian language sharing many similarities to Finnish. The modern name of Estonia is thought to originate from the Roman historian Tacitus, who in his book Germania (ca. AD 98) described a people called the Aestii. Similarly, ancient Scandinavian sagas

Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte kirjeldus - Coca-Cola Co

COCA-COLA CO. ETTEVÕTTE KIRJELDUS Tallinn 2010 1. The Coca-Cola Co. ­ , , ( ). - -- -- . 1892 , ­ Fanta, Sprite, Coke, Bonaqua, Nestea ., 400 200 . "The Coca-Cola Company" $100000 () ., .., . . 1892. "-", 1886 31 1893. "-" ( ) 8 1886. , "-". 1894 "-" . 1894 , , . "-" , "-". 1899 .. 20 1000. 1926 , "-" . 1928 "- " . 1977 "-". 2. 200 , -. 80% - -, . 70 (, , , , , , ). - 8 . - - , - , 100+. - 12 , Minute Maid. Nestle - Nestea Nescafe. 1999 - Schweppes, Cadbury. 3. "Coca-Cola" IV 2009 55% $1,54 ., 66 , $995 ., 2008 . 2009 1 $2,93. IV 2009 5% $7,51 . "Coca-Cola" IV 2009 , , ­ . . IV 1% 4% III . 7%, ­ 11%. 1%. 4

Vene keel
9 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Russian philology The meaning of the word "philology" is "love for word". This is love that unites teachers and researchers of modern and Classical languages and literature, interpreters and diplomats, journalists and publishers, writers and poets. Russian philologis are highly demanded in various spheres of scholarly research and education, in the mass media, in civil service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in archives, libraries, museums, in travel agencies, as well as Russian and international companies. Curriculum within in philological faculty includes courses of Russian and European languages and literature, courses of Linguistics and Theory of Literature for students to familiarize themselves with various schools and trends of Russian and foreign philology. The core curriculum also includes a number of Liberal Arts courses (Philosophy, History, Psychology, Pedagogy), as well as courses of basic mathematics and computer studies, and

Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Vooluhulk Mittepide Veetase H Jäätumine Vesi v Kuupäev Nähtused - voolab jää Q jäätumine (cm) I pinnal -↑ (m3/s) -Z 1/1/1997 77 0.14 I 250 1/2/1997 79 0.15 I 250 1/3/1997 80 0.15 I 250 1/4/1997 80 0.14 I 250 1/5/1997 82 0.15 I 250 1/6/1997 84 0.15 I 250 1/7/1997 84 0.15 I 250 1/8/1997 84 0.14 I 250 1

Eesti veed
4 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

Society and culture of english-sspeaking countries Introduction 1. The countries of the world where the English language is spoken. 2. Approximate number of mother tongue speakers of English approximately 350-400 million native speakers. Which place does English occupy in the world by its number of speakers?After which language? English occupies second place by its number of speakers after Mandarin Chinese. 3. What is the difference between English as a Second Language, English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes? Give examples of situations where they are used.

Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

CV põhitüübid

CV põhitüübid Ei ole olemas ühte kindlat CV kirjutamise tüüpi, mis kõlbaks igas olukorras. On olemas siiski üldiselt aksepteeritud reeglid informatsiooni esile toomiseks ja organiseerimiseks kõige paremal võimalikul moel. On olemas kolm CV põhitüüpi. › Kronoloogiline › Funktsionaalne › Segavariant kahest eelmisest Kahel esimesel on mõlemal oma eelised ja vead. Kolmas e. segavariant on viimastel aastatel muutunud kõige kasutatavamaks ja populaarsemaks. Anname Teile iga erineva tüübi jaoks iseloomustuse, et otsustada, missugune CV variant sobiks kõige paremini Teie profiiliga. Kronoloogiline CV Kõige sagedamini kasutatakse just kronoloogilist CV-d. Sobib neile, kelle teenistuskäik on olnud stabiilne ja areng ühtlane. Töölesoovija töökogemus on paigutatud suunal viimane töökoht esimesel kohal kuni esimese töökohani, lugedes üles kuupäevad, töökogemuse, ettevõtted ja ülesanded. Kasutage seda tüüpi CV-d siis, kui Te jätkate samas valdkonnas

37 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 2 4.08.2016. Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents (Sizes shown are approximate estimates, and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups, not providing a definitive number. This list is sociological/statistical in perspective.) 1. Christianity: 2.1 billion 2. Islam: 1.5 billion 3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion 4. Hinduism: 900 million 5. Chinese traditional religion: 394 million 6. Buddhism: 376 million 7. primal-indigenous: 300 million 8. African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million 9. Sikhism: 23 million 10. Juche : 19 million 11. Spiritism: 15 million 1 12. Judaism: 14 million 13. Baha'i: 7 million 14. Jainism: 4.2 million 15. Shinto: 4 million 16. Cao Dai: 4 million 1

1 allalaadimist

English portfolio

This was the time of the crystallization and the culmination of serfdom, when various socio- political and cultural undercurrents were also active, preparing the ground for the industrial society and the national-democratic movement in the second half of the 19th century. The 1710 of the corporations of knights and towns, until Alexander II (1855­1881), established the relationships between Estonia, Livonia and the Russian Empire. The Baltic Landesstaat reached its full development. The freedom of action in the new provinces was naturally granted to one of the most firm ideological pillars of the tsarist empire -- the Russian orthodox church; though as the Landeskirche in the Estonian and Livonian territories, the Lutheran church long maintained a de facto predominance. The most important organ of Baltic German local government was the Diet, consisting of all

Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö AS Tamsalu Kalor

TAMSALU GÜMNAASIUM AS TAMSALU KALOR UURIMISTÖÖ KOOSTAJA: ANDRES KASEKAMP 11. KLASS JUHENDAJA: MAIE NÕMMIK TAMSALU 2014 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS................................................................................................ 4 1. AS TAMSALU KALOR.................................................................................... 6 1.1. AS-i TAMSALU KALOR LOOMINE, RAHASTAMINE JA TEGEVUSÜLESANDED..................................................................................6 1.2. TAMSALU KATLAMAJA............................................................................8 1.3. AS-i TAMSALU KALOR TÖÖKOHAD JA TÖÖTAJATE ARV AASTATE LÕIKES .................................................................................................................. 10 2. TAMSALU KATLAMAJA KATLASÜSTEEM......................................................12

8 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun