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Venekeele tekkivus #1
Punktid 50 punkti Autor soovib selle materjali allalaadimise eest saada 50 punkti.
Leheküljed ~ 1 leht Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2011-01-30 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 6 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 0 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
Autor A N. Õppematerjali autor
saab uurida vene keele tekkivust

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Putinist referaat..

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Vene keel

EXAM 2022 Estonian in multilingual Baltic

Estonian in multilingual Baltic-Sea Europe: language contacts and linguistic landscapes. Kordamisküsimused Questions for the exam 1. What is meant by SAE? Give a few examples of possible SAE features. SAE – Standard Average European. Martin Haspelmath: 12 typical structural features (concentrated in Europe, rare outside of Europe) and some other possible common features. Examples: Definite and indefinite articles, e.g., a book vs. the book Relative clauses with relative pronouns, e.g., I woke up a student who had nodded off ‘have’-perfect, e.g., has done Nominative experiencers, e.g., I like, I need Participial passive, e.g., you are invited Particles in comparative constructions, e.g. She is older than me 2. Is Estonian a typical SAE language? Why do you think so? SAE in Estonian: Relative clauses with relative pronouns, e.g., raamat, mida ma lugesin ‘the book that I read’ Comparative construction with the particle kui ‘than’, e.g


Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

*Estonians conquered by the crusaders ­ 1208 *Reformation ­ 16th century ­ establishments of new school, Estonians first book appeared in 1525 *Tartu University ­ 1632 ­ founded by King Gustavus II Adolphus, classical university, member of the Coimbra group *Abolition of serfdom ­ 1816 *Song festival ­ 1869 ­ in Tartu, an organiser was J.V.Jannsen, 822 singers, men only *Declaration of independence ­ 24th February 1918 *War of independence ­ 1918-1920 ­ during the Russian Civil War, resulted in a victory for Estonia *Deportation ­ 1949 *Estonia becomes independent ­ 20th August 1991 *Joining EU ­ 1st May 2004 Language: Estonian language, belongs to the Balti-Finnic group of the Finno-Ugric languages, closely realted to Finnish and rather remotely to Hungarian; Latin alphabet with 32 letters , 5 of which occur only in foreign words, the phenomes include 9 vowels and 18 consonants; words are borrowed from Latin, Greek, English etc.; since 1995 the 14th of March is celebrat

Eesti maalugu


ESTONIAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Estonia is a country with the population of just a little over 1.3 million people. It has been estimated though, that by the year of 2040 the number will have decreased by 125,000 people. It means that the population of Estonia is decreasing. As young Estonians often like to go study or live abroad, the population is aging as well – young people move away, while older stay there. Many different nationalities live there: besides Estonians there are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Finnish, Tatars, Latvians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews, Germans and others. Due to this fact, the most popular languages spoken as a mother language are Estonian, Russian and Ukrainian. Nevertheless, there is still just one official language of Estonia, which is Estonian. Most of the people, approximately 900,000 live in the cities, such as Tallinn, Tartu, Narva. The most common sector that people work in is the service sector. People in

Inglise keel

English as a Global Language

Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitargümnaasium Valeria Jefremenkova ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE INGLISE KEEL KUI ÜLEMAAILMNE KEEL Research work Supervisor: Jevgenija Kozlova Tallinn 2016 1 Table of Contents СONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………...2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………………….....5 1.1. A Brief History of the English Language…………………………………………...…..5 1.2. Origins of English as the Global Language……………………………………..……....6 1.3. Necessity of a Global Language...……………………………………………………....8 1.4. Critici

Inglise keel

Jõe vooluhulga aegrea analüüs. Hüdroloogia I exceli praktikum 1

Kuupäev Kuupäev Kuupäev Kuu 32509 01-01-1989 1 1 32510 02-01-1989 2 1 32511 03-01-1989 3 1 32512 04-01-1989 4 1 32513 05-01-1989 5 1 32514 06-01-1989 6 1 32515 07-01-1989 7 1 32516 08-01-1989 8 1 32517 09-01-1989 9 1 32518 10-01-1989 10 1 32519 11-01-1989 11 1 32520 12-01-1989 12 1 32521 13-01-1989 13 1 32522 14-01-1989 14 1 32523 15-01-1989 15 1 32524 16-01-1989 16 1 32525 17-01-1989 17 1 32526 18-01-198


(Estonia TEST english I)

Milestones in Estonian History The Estonians are a Finno-Ugric people who came from the area near the Urals and the Volga and Oka rivers. They migrated westward to the Baltic shores some 5, 000 years ago. In the ninth century A.D. Viking ships invaded Estonia and the country became a vital link in the sea-trade between East and West. By the 12th century, the Arabian geographer al-Idrisi had placed the city on his maps. In the 13th century, Tallinn joined the Hanseatic League, the union of European commercial towns that stretched from London to Novgorod. Pärnu, Viljandi and Tartu were also members. Estonia became a vital link in the sea-trade between East and West. The oldest preserved book written in Estonian, a catechism, dates from 1535. Tartu University was established in 1632, on orders from Sweden's King Gustav II Adolf. Literacy spread. The Bible was translated into Estonian in 1739(pole vaja teada). A period of wars began in the 16th century, bringing parts of Estonia unde

Inglise keel

Informaatika excel kodutöö

Tiitelleht Õppeasutus Aine Töö Teostaja: Matrikli nr Rühm Kuupäev Page 1 Tiitelleht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatika II 14.3.14 Page 2 Leida pühade kuupäevad ja nende nädalapäevad; pühade arv kuude ja nädalapäevade kaupa. Valemid peavad kehtima suvalise aastaarvuga. Pühad aastal 2017 Püha Kuu # Päeva #Kuupäev antud aasNädalapäeva # Kuu # uus aasta 1 1 1.01.2017 7 1 vabariigi aastapäev 2 24 24.02.2017 5 2 kevadpüha  5 1 1.05.2017 1 3 võidupüha  6 23 23.06.2017 5 4 jaanipäev  6 24 24.06.2017 6 5 taasiseseisvumispäev  8


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