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"surfing" - 53 õppematerjali


Surfing (esitlus)

Surfing Mathias Nöps 11c General idea · Surfing is a surface water sport · longboarding and shortboarding · Respect for the land, the ocean and the people who grew up surfing here · Surf with a friend or 2 · Know the water · "A man has to know his limits" · Have Fun · basic principle · speed, control, and power · Most radical maneuvers generating power and speed · 0-10 · ASP World Tour History · Origins of surfing are unknown · oldest practiced sports · in the late 1700s · Western Polynesia · fishermen · sport emerged · Surf culture · fashion, music, literature, films, jargon..... Kelly Slater · February 11, 1972 in Cocoa Beach, Florida · surf together with his two brothers · Kirra (Australia) and Pipe (Hawaii). · airs and barrels · WCT victories: 42 · World titles: 9 · youngest and oldest · movies Stephanie Gilmore

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Surfing (esitluse tekst)

*Surfing is a surface water sport in which a person (the surfer) moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave (the surf). Surfing also takes place on rivers, riding a standing wave. *Two major subdivisions within stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding, reflecting differences in surfboard design -- particularly including surfboard length, and riding style. *It's important to observe the correct etiquette while out surfing, otherwise things will just descend in to total chaos. These are the most importand rules you have to follow. Probaly the most important word and rule in surfing. Respect for the land, the ocean and the people who grew up surfing here. You have to give respect and behave while visiting a spot, keep things friendly, earn some respect yourself *You will never know what may happen out there and its better if you have some friend with you.They can look over you and you over them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Surfing - slaidishow surfamisest (inglise keeles)

Surfing Participants Everyone who has interest. Target To become the best and get more points than everyone else. Who's the winner That person who is determined to go through blood and tears and the one who accomplishes all his/her targets. Prize All the prizes are different. Most known is the gold medal at the Olympics Conditions The ocean with great waves, surfingboard and the ability to swim. Popularity Surfing is popular largely because it requires no formal training, a minimum of equipment and can be enjoyed by almost anyone at any age. Most popular in the USA Drawbacks sea creatures , too big waves and drowning.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Surfing Waves carry you when you are standin on a surfboard. Surfing · Surfing is a surface water sport in which the participant is carried along the face of a breaking wave, most commonly using a surfboard. Surfboard · Surfboards are elongated platforms used in the sport of surfing. They are relatively light, but strong enough to support an individual standing on them while riding a breaking wave Learning to surf · Many popular surfing destinations offer surfing lessons and surfing camps. Surfing camps are multi day lessons that focus on the basic fundamentals of surfing. These camps are designed to take new surfers and help them become proficient riders. Typical surf instruction is performed in a

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19 allalaadimist

Austraalia ja queensland

AUSTRAALIA JA QUEENSLAND Lipp ja vapp Üldandmed  Kirdepoolseim osariik  1 700 000 km²  4 500 000 elanikku  Lähisekvatoriaalne kliima  Pealinn Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane Kultuur Korallimeri  Sügavus kuni 7661m  Nime on andnud maailma suurim korallriff Suur Vallrahu Korallmeri Maailma kultuuripärand  Üle 450 looduskaitseala  Kõrbed  Vanimad vihmametsad  Sood Jungle surfing Koopamaalingud  Tuhandeid aastaid vana  Quinkan  Liivakivil  Kraabitud ja värvitud  Kujutab inimesi ja loomi Loomastik  Väga liigirikas piirkond  Küttimise oht  Mitmete liikide väljasuremisoht Maavarad  Vask  Süsi  Tsink  Kuld  Hõbe  Nafta  Maagaas Puuvill  Queensland Cotton Corporatio n Pty Ltd Kasutatud materjalid

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Top Gear

thing it was. As the wind began to blow harder and harder I felt quite sorry for Hammond and then went to sleep. The night had been rough for the young soldier but it wasn't even close to what I had. My car MAY have fallen on its side while I was sleeping in it. Using all the possible resources to get my car back up, we were again given a challange. We had to drive to the beach, change into wetsuits and go surfing. As you all understand that was really my time to laugh. Imagining Hammond and May changing in to wetsuits in their motorhomes was just quite hilarious. As Hammond was packing all his crap up, James and I decided to get on road. In no time we arrived at the beach and to kill some time we took up surfing lessons.While James was doing unexplainable things on that surfing board I was busy laughing at him. When finally our dear comrade Hammond arrived, it was time to get in to our wetsuits

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Internet - a blessing or a curse?

The Internet is used for many different reasons. We use it every day for nearly everything. It would be impossible to live without it. But why do we need it so much and why do we spend hours of our day surfing the web? The Internet is definitely a very useful place: we can look up everything; from a chocolate cake recipe to a tutorial on how to change a car tire. It can make your schoolwork or other work related things much easier and can save you a lot of valuable time. Also, when you have access to the Internet, you always know what is going on. You can find out about a flood in Bangladesh within minutes of it happening. The purpose of the Internet has drastically changed over the years

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


insurance, and bank statements.[4] Mail Theft Mail theft occurs when someone targets your mailbox and removes mail that has pertinent information on it. As in dumpster diving, a thief can take your credit card bills, bank statements; anything that can be used to steal your identity.[4] Social Engineering Social engineering is the practice of someone either in person, over the telephone, or computer, uses means to deceive someone else into divulging sensitive information.[5] Shoulder surfing Shoulder surfing is using direct observation techniques, such as looking over someone's shoulder, to get information. Shoulder surfing is an effective way to get information in crowded places because it's relatively easy to stand next to someone and watch as they fill out a form, enter a PIN number at an ATM machine, or use a calling card at a public pay phone.[6] Stealing personal items Identity thieves can also obtain your personal information by stealing your wallet or purse.[4] Skimming

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

SPORT (Extrem) mõisted

Kanuuga sõitma - canoeing Kummipaadiga sõitma ­ rafting Rulatamine ­skateboarding Mängiroija ­ mountain climbing Pensi hüpe ­ bungee jumping Õhupalliga lendama ­ ballooning Batuudi hüpped ­ trampolines Teltaplaaniga sõitma ­ hang-gliding Köie otsas alla laskume- zip wiring Skuelduma ­ scuba diving Langevarju hüpet tegema - parachuting (skydiving) Mootorrattaga sõitma - motor racing Posti ostas ronimine ­ pole climbing Lendlaud vees - fly boarding Tuulelohage sõitma ­ kite surfing Langevarjuga kaatri taga sõitma ­ parasailing Lauga kaartitaga sõitma ­ wakeboarding Mäest kiiruse peale alla sõitma ­ speed dashing Mäest alla sõitma küngaste otsas ­ free style skiing Küttimine ­ hunting Vesi rulatamine - skimboarding

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

New Zealand beaches

1. Hot Water Beach, Coromandel Peninsula-This gorgeous beach has hidden depths. In-the-know visitors to this best New Zealand beach candidate pack shovels and arrive around two hours before or after low tide. That's so they can dig a hole at the tide line and relax in a personal, natural hot springs spa -- at least until the tide comes up and the waves end the fun. 2. Piha Beach, West Auckland-The birthplace of Malibu board riding in New Zealand, Piha is the country's most famous surfing beach as well as one of best New Zealand beaches. 3. Karekare, West Auckland-Karekare tends to be less inundated with tourists than nearby Piha. If you prefer a quieter beach, this is the one for you. The water can be extremely rough and swimming only "between the flags" is advised. Karekare is popular for its annual beach race day, in which local ponies and horses race to raise money for local causes. Beach race day is usually held in early April. 4

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
1 allalaadimist


The most interesting hobby snowboarding I haven't tried snowboarding yet, but i have plans in the future to try it out, because its very interesting sport and it seems fun. Snowboarding Snowboarding is a sport where you use a snowboard which is attached to special shoes. Snowboarding was inspired by surfing and skateboarding and has a lot of similarities with skiing. It was started on 1960s in United States and it became a Winter Olympic Sport in 1998. Styles Freeride is the most common style of snowboarding. It involves riding down any terrain available. In freestyle the rider uses terrain features such as boxes, handrails, half pipes etc. Freecarve is similar to skiing, it's

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

The iPod Revolution Presentsioon(PowerPoint)

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 2011 Introduction and history iPod is media player made by Apple iPod was the product that changed Apple and the world It was created by Steve Jobs to provide better music player. It was firstly released on october 2001 iPods Every Autumn Apple gomes out with a new redesigned model or generation There are five iPod model and 23 generetions. iPod have got different model to play music, surfing web, transfering data, playing games. iPod prices start at 49$ up to 399$ Memory between 1GB up to 160GB Popularity iPod has became very popular after it came out in 2001 Simplicity Ease to use buttons and understandable menu White earpieces iTunes music store iTunes music store was created by Steve Jobs on Aprill 2003 after Napster iTunes has sold 16 billionth song so far One song costs 0.99$ Downloads 20000000000

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The advantages and disadvanteges of a social network

For instance, messages over the internet are more than ten times cheaper. On the otherhand, social networks are making people lazier. In fact, it is comfortable to sit behind computer and text instead of meeting eachother. Furthermore, people do not know that their information is totally unprotected and visible for everyone. Last but not least, visiting social networks like facebook, twitter, snapchat and so on, makes people addicted. For example, people often forget themselves surfing hours on these pages. In conclusion, social networks have made social life more convenient and faster. In fact, people save more time and money talking through internet. But on the otherhand, it is addiciton and makes people lose their quality time. 218 words Andres 12D

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

My dream destination

My dream destination is... FRENCH POLYNESIA The French Polynesia islands are located in the Pacific Ocean. It contains of many islands. The most famous are Tahiti, Bora Bora, Moorea. The islands are considered to be one of the most exotic places in the world; also known for its breathtaking beaches. The official language is French. SIGHTS Tahiti's volcano Rangiroa atoll Papetoai temple in Moorea Lagoon of Bora Bora Museums and botanical gardens in Tahiti Aquariums and zoos Tahitian dancing THINGS TO DO Jet skiing in Bora Bora Scuba diving in Tahiti Surfing in Tahiti Sailing in Bora Bora POLYNESIAN FOOD Known for its exotic fruits, fresh fish and vegetables, Strong influence from the French cuisine Seafood Restaurants in French Polynesia are from a wide variety of backgrounds including French, Tahitian, but also Chinese, Vietnamese and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

My life without the Internet

following the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. The humanity of today wouldn't imagine the life without the internet anymore. Internet is now dominating in the communication between republics too. The evidence suggests that the Internet has blended into the rhythms of everyday life: the Internet is used at work, in schools, in universities, and hospitals etc. It is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as surfing for information, working, playing online games, and just chatting. The fact that people are not interacting in visible public spaces does not mean that they are in isolation. It is just sometimes quicker and easier way to find needed information and for some people who simply don't have time to meet and have a chat in a cafe or somewhere it might be the only way to chat. On the other hand the situation where the Internet would permanently disappear would create a

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 19

8 I´m leaving for - Finland on - Monday. 3 Make up sentences. 1 is the Australia kangaroo of symbol the The Kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. 2 of sheep Australian breed lot farmers a Australian farmers breed a lot of sheep. 3 popular a Australia sport surfing in is Surfing is a popular sport in Australia. 4 large of is island Australia a Tasmania south the to Tasmania is a large island to the south of Australia. 5 southeast Zealand the Australia of new to lies New Zealand lies to the southeast of Australia. 6 of eucalyptuses to trees in tallest world group the belong

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


Chinchillas The short-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla brevicaudata) Also called the Bolivian, Peruvian, and Royal chinchilla. Their bodies measure between 28 to 49 cm long and weigh around 1,1 to 1,5 kg. They have short front limbs and long, powerful legs that aid in climbing and jumping. Short-tailed chinchillas have thicker necks and shoulders and have much shorter tails than their long-tailed relatives. The long-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) Also called the Chilean, coastal, or lesser chinchilla. Body length up to 26 cm. Average males weight 369­493 g and females weigh 379­450 g. The Chinchilla lanigera species, though rare, can be found in the wild. Domestic chinchillas are thought to come from the lanigera species. General info General color of upper parts is bluish or silvery gray, underparts are yellowish w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Unit 9 sõnad

Elaborate Rikkalik, üksikasjalik Require Nõudma Elation Vaimustus Restoration Taastamine Element Element, osa Rewarding Rahuldust pakkuv Emerge Välja ilmuma, üles kerkima Ring Sõrmus Estate Maavaldus, mõis Rival Rivaal Shuttlecock Sulgpall Space Ruum Sky surfing Lumelaua sõit Specialise Täpsustama Slope Nõlv, kallak Steady Kindel, stabiilne Salver Kandik Substantial Oluline Sheet Leht, poogen Support Toetama Sheer Õhuke, puhas Surroundings Ümbrus Smash-hit Menulugu Terrace Terrass Solo jump ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Speech about Pärnu

bathing establishments.Many cultural and sports events, some of which have become local traditions, offer entertainment all year round. And now lets start our tour ! First we visit Pärnu Beach. The famous sandy Pärnu Beach is just a 15-minute walk from the centre. Tens of thousands of sub-worshippers and swimmers may visit the beach every day in summer. It's very comfortable for families with kids. Pärnu Beach has fun attractions for kids, swings, surfing equipment rental, mini golf, lots of ice cream and other refreshments. Romantics love the Pärnu Beach Promenade all through the year. Pärnu Beach Promenade completed in 2006, and it makes the Summer Capital's beaches inviting even in bad weather! Thought-out lighting keeps the beach active even when the sun goes down, and the playing colours of the fountains are a sight in themselves in the darkness of the night. Now we are arrive at Breakwaters

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Traveling packages

Traveling packages in French Polynesia Geity Villem Luxorious Four Seasons Resort in Bora Bora 5 · Aerobics ,boating ,ecotours,helicopter/airplane tours ,motor boating, parasailing, personal motorized watercraft, pilates ,playground,running track/path ,sailing ,scuba diving,snorkeling,surfing/boo gie boarding, swimming In ,tennis,volleyball the price: ,water skiing Plane ,windsurfing ,yoga tickets Allclasses/instruction inclusive Click to edit Master text styles 7 nights Second level Water taxi to the resort and to Third level the airport Fourth level Private beach ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Aasia tsunami 2004

See oli võimsaim maavärin. Randu üleujutavate lainete kõrgus oli kuni 30 meetrit. Tsunami tagajärjel hukkus üle 225 000 inimese. Maavärina epitsenter ning selle liikumine India ookeanis. Maavärina epitsenter oli India ookeanis Sumatra põhjaosast lääne pool. Maavärina põhjustas subduktsioon NOAA_2004_Indian_Ocean_Tsunami_Simulation_[].mp4 Dreaming of surfing? Here`s your chance! Kahju Miljonid inimesed 11 nest riigist jäid koduta, mistõttu loetakse seda tsunamit kõige hävitavaimaks tsunamiks ajaloos. Rahaline kogu kahju ulutub miljarditesse dollaritesse. Kõige suurema hoobi tsunamilt sai Sri Lanka riik. Selle riigi rannaäärne linnake jäi ilma kõigest 100m raadiuses olevatest majadest, puudest, ja isegi suurtest struktuurilistest ehituskonstruktsioonidest.

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

If you aren`t on Facebook, then you don`t exist

If you aren't on facebook, you don't exist. What is it the main reason why the human race waste so much of their time just passing on Facebook? And why We spend even more time sitting in front of of screen, chatting with friends, checking email, surfing the web, or worse, playing , pointless and stupid games on Facebook? That is the question which I have asked myself many times. In my opinion the main reason is that facebook has become an important communication site , beacuse it is available for everyone who has Internet connection. Firstly, In fact More than 845 million people have Facebook account, about 483 million people use Facebook every day and I am one of them who uses Facebook every day. I can

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Internet (inglise keeles)

The Internet is the latest in a series of technological breakthroughs in interpersonal communication, following the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. The evidence suggests that the Internet has blended into the rhythms of every day life: the Internet is used at work, in schools, in universities, and hospitals etc. It is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as surfing for information, working, playing online games, and just chatting. The fact that people are not interacting in visible public spaces does not mean that they are in isolation. It is just sometimes quicker and easier way to find needed information and for some people who simply doesn't have time to meet and have a chat in a cafe or somewhere it might be the only way to chat. It is through that fore some people Internet through its entertainment and information

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

The Internet is making literature irrelevant

The Internet is making literature increasingly irrelevant in the modern world Stanislav Stõkov MASB11 When computers were not so spread as they are today, and the Internet had not appeared in the lives of people, we used to spend much more time reading. Literature and books were our best friends, and one of the most important ways on entertainment. Nowadays, if you ask a person, when he or she has read last a book and what the book's title was, the person will not know what to answer. Nobody reads any more, or if they do it is on the internet and only a summary so as not to get tired too much. The Internet entertains superficially, as people do not gain too much by ''surfing'' it. Yes, maybe a new pair of glasses for spending so much time in front of a computer. I do not say there are no educating websites that are worth visiting, that real...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


province from the Burmese in 1785 AD. Attractions Hat Patong is Phuket's most developed beach and is 3 kilometres long. Daytime activities are primarily centered around the beach with many watersport activities. Patong is equally well known for its nightlife. Patong is also a shopping option in Phuket. The northern end of Patong Bay is called Kalim and is a popular place for viewing the sunset and between April and September each year for surfing. Khao Phra Thaeo Wildlife Conservation Development and Extension Centre- It's duty is to promote, distribute and wildlife within Khao Phra Thaeo wildlife park. The park is full of virgin forest and also actively conserves a number of wild animals;they would otherwise be extinct in Phuket. It is a center for study of the environment and the forest vegetation is spectacular. Giant trees supported by huge buttresses are thick with creepers and climbers of every description. Local culture

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

New Zealand

It took 18 months to make them. More than 2,000 people worked on the films, whitch were shot in 150 placec around the country. Now Lord of the Rings tours are orgenized for tourists to introduce the places from the films. Some other famous films made partly in New Zealand is The Last Samurai. New Zealand is a country for thrill seekers, there can do skydiving, whitewater rafting, climbing, kayaking, snowboarding, hiking, swimming, mountain biking, surfing, waterskiing, sailing, hang-gliding, paragliding, scuba-diving,snorkelling, and many other outdoor activities in different areas of the two islands. Thanks to the fantastic beaches, oceans, forests, and mountains all kinds of adventure activities are offered in New Zealand. New zealand is the home of bungee jumping. It comes from the South Pacific islands, where young men jumped off towers to test their courage. Kawarau Bridge became the first commercial bungee jump location in 1988.

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Powerpoint 11 lk san diego

San Diego Population by race/ethnicity · typical multicultural city, inhabitants: · White Non-Hispanic (49.3%) - excludes (11% White Hispanic) · Hispanic/Latino of any race (25.4%) · Asian (13.6%) · Black/African American (7.6%) · Hawaiian and Pacific Islander alone (0.4%) · American Indian/Alaska Native alone (0.4%) · Other (4.3%) Geography · San Diego is just 20 miles north of Mexico, situated in the rolling hills and mesas that rise from the Pacific shore to join with the Laguna Mountains to the east. The city covers a large area of vastly different terrain: miles of ocean and bay shoreline, densely forested hills, fertile valleys, and mountains, canyons, and desert. · The Coronado and Point Loma peninsulas separate San Diego Bay from the ocean San Diego Museum of Art · Opened on February 28, 1926 · Designed by William Templeton Johnson · The funders turned over ownership of the building...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

A Computer in my life

Like games, music, videos, movies, social networks and news. I used to have PC, but in September I bought myself a laptop. It's powerful, beautiful, it doesn't make much noise and it's quite easy to carry around. I use it to play games, study, watch movies, listen to music and the most important ­ to connect with my friends. I rarely have problems with my computer. I'm an advanced user and I don't get viruses while surfing the net. After graduating high school, I'm thinking of buying tablet PC, because it's even more comfortable to use when you're on the move. Sometimes when I wake up early, I open my laptop, visit my webpages and then read news. After school, first thing I do, when I get home, I open my laptop and put some music on play. I always eat behind the computer, study behind the computer, sometimes I even sleep behind the computer. I sit behind the computer everyday until the midnight

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Snowboarding Kati Rannamees RK09 SNOWBOARDING Snowboarding is a sport that involves descending a slope that is covered with snow on a snowboard attached to a rider's feet using a special boot set on to mounted binding. The development of snowboarding was inspired by skateboarding, surfing and skiing. It was developed in the U.S.A Winter Olympic Sport in 1998. HISTORY Modern snowboarding began in 1965 when Sherman Poppen, an engineer in Muskegon, Michigan, invented a toy for his daughter by fastening two skis together and attaching a rope to one end so she would have some control as she stood on the board and glided downhill. GEAR Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase

Turism → Turism
14 allalaadimist

New Zealand ( slaidid )

venomous spider, the katipo, which is rare and restricted to coastal regions. · However, there are many endemic species of insects, including the weta, one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world. Sport, music, culture. · Sport is very popular in NZ. The most populars are rugby, cricket, netball, golf, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, snowboarding, skiing, lawn bowling, softball, field hockey, surfing, sailing. · NZ musicians have adopted the same genres as exist in other Western countries. A number of artists have released songs and albums in Maori, and one of these songs, Poi E, was a no. 1 hit in the 1980s. · Maori culture has undergone considerable change since the arrival of Europeans . However many traditional aspects of Mori culture are alive and well.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

microchips ­ tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits  design ­ to make or draw plans for something  financial ­ relating to money or how money is managed  electronic ­ involving the use of electric current in devices such as TV sets or computers  Internet ­ the large system of connected computers around the world  print ­ to produce text and pictures using a printer  unformatted ­ a disk that is completely blank, so information can't be recorded onto it  Extranet ­ a network that allows communication between a company and the people it deals with  transmission ­ the process of sending data over a communication channel  reboot ­ to restart the computer, without switching it off completely  microbrowser ­ a web browser designed for small screens on hand­held devices  software engineer ­ a person who designs and maintains software applications  IT (computer) consultant ­ a person who gives expert, professional advice ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Topic of Australia

It is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. The mainland covers an area of 7.7 million km² and it is about 3700 km from the most northern point to its most southern point and about 4000 km from east to west. There are also many different seas around Australia, like the Coral and the Tasman Seas in the west or the Timor and the Arafura Seas in the north, where the Indian and the Pacific Oceans meet. Because all seas and oceans near Australia are warm, surfing is a very popular hobby. Political subdivision Australia is divided into six states, which are: · New South Wales · Victoria · Queensland · South Australia · Western Australia · Tasmania New South Wales is the most populous state in Australia. Its capital is Sydney. Victoria is one of the most densely populated states in Australia. Its capital city is Melbourne and it was named after the British Prime Minister Lord Melbourne. Melbourne is said to be

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Zac Efron

taking singing lessons. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s. Efron was referred to an agent in Los Angeles by one of his drama coaches, and scored his first television appearance in 2002 with an appearance on Joss Whedon's sci-fi series Firefly. He was later signed to the Creative Artists Agency. A junior in high school, Efron's favourite sports include golf, skiing, rock climbing, and snowboarding. He recently added surfing after spending days on the beach for "Summerland." He plays the piano at home, and is currently teaching himself to play the guitar. He's also currently fixing up two cars in his spare time, a Delorean and '65 Mustang convertible, both treasured hand-me-downs from his even-more-treasured grandfather. Efron lives at home with his parents and his younger brother Dylan. They have a highly affectionate Australian Shepherd, Puppy, and a very independent Siamese cat named Simon. Education:

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7 allalaadimist

Bretagne - Prantsusmaa piirkond

Mikk, Jakko Bretagne Üldiselt Bretagne on Prantsusmaa piirkond, mis asub riigi loodeosas samanimelisel poolsaarel. Ta on piiratud põhjast Inglise kanaliga, läänest Atlandi ookeaniga ja Biscaya lahega lõunast. Regioon moodustab 5% kogu riigi territooriumist. Bretagne jaguneb neljaks departemanguks. Huvitav on see, et kõigil neljal osal on ligipääs ookeanile. Piirkonna suurimad linnad on Brest, Lorient, Nantes, Quimper, Rennes, Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Malo, Saint-Nazaire ja Vannes. Rannajoones läheduses asub umbes 800 saart ja laidu. Tänu Golfi hoovusele on sealne kliima soe ja niiske. Bretagne piirkonnas elab praegu üle 4,5 miljoni inimese ning see arv kasvab pidevalt. Bretagne't peetakse üheks kuuest Kelti rahvastest. Ajaloost Bretagne poolsaarel asus kunagi ka Bretagne kuningriik ­ aastatel 818-913. Pea...

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist


Skaters were using clay wheels for their boards, which was extremely dangerous and hard to control. But then in 1972, Frankcompany was called Cadillac Wheels, and the invention sparked new interest in skateboarding among surfers and other young people. In the spring of 1975, skateboarding took an evolutionary boost toward the sport that we see today. Styles Downhill skating, which is the technique that allows you to go the fastest Longboarding, which is similar to surfing Freestyling, which is similar to dancing and involves making the board spin and flip Vert skating, which is ramp skating and performing tricks in the air Street skating, which involves using street objects as props for trick Competitions Dew Tour The competition features more than 150 of the best skateboarders and BMX athletes in the world, which will be vying for the Dew Cup. The tour will feature a skate park, vert ramp, interactive skate courses, athlete autograph signings and much more

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English Tenses - theory

Our plane leaves 6:25. The party starts at 5 p.m. COMPARE! I'm having a party. ­ I'm going to have a party. She's getting her hair done. ­ She's going to get her hair done. What are you doing tomorrow? ­ What are you going to do tomorrow? Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 Future Progressive · Tulevikus pooleliolev tegevus: She WILL BE WORKing in the garden at that time of the day so, don't call. Most probably I'LL BE SURFing if the weather is fine. Garfield WILL not BE SLEEPing only as usual. He WILL probably BE DRIVing a lot this summer. · WILL BE + 1pv-ing Aari Juhanson, MA 2008 Future Perfect · Tegevus, mis tulevikus saab olema toimunud: In a few seconds he will have EATEN this sandwich! · Lõpetamata tegevus tulevikus, toimunud mingit aega: Soon he will have WAITed there for 5 hours. · will have + -ed/3 pv Aari Juhanson, MA 2008

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

-au - Australia is the only continent without an active volcano; Australia is the lowest continent in the world, with an average height of just 330m above sea level.; Cate Blanchett, born in Sydney; Hugh Jackman, born in Sydney; Eucalyptus was first used as a medicine by Aborigines, to treat coughs, fevers and asthma.; Tasmania was once part of mainland Australia, before the melting of ice caps 12,000 years ago; The first official world surfing championships were held in Sydney in 1964. -nz - NZ supplies 54% of world exports of sheep meat. NZ was the first western democracy to give women the vote NZer Edmund Hillary was the first person to climb Mt Everest NZ invented bungee jumping. New Zealand has won more Olympic gold medals, per capita, than any other country. New Zealand has 2.5 million cars for a population of 4 million (including children!), making New Zealand's car ownership rate one of the highest in the world.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Australia topic

rushes. Nowadays Australian culture is strongly influenced by western culture. Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world. Australian Aboriginal culture is complicated and very diverse. It is one of the world's longest surviving cultures which goes back at least 50, 000 years Sports Australians are well-known sportsmen. They have achieved much recognition in diving, golf, skiing, surfing, boating and especially in swimming. They've won numerous Olympic medals in that category. Some of Australia's traditional sporting events receive worldwide attention.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Position Prepositions Multiple Choice Exercise Correct! Well done. Your score is 45%. 1. The computer printer is on the table next to the computer. 2. Shawn and Noel stood under the tree waiting for the rain to stop. 3. I didn't see the mailbox even though I was standing right next to it. 4. Everybody was already sitting at the table waiting for dinner to be served. 5. Every evening, the dog sits under the dinner table begging for food. 7. Debra was sitting at the computer surfing the Internet. 8. I asked the woman standing next to me on the bus where I should get out. 9. My car keys were on the desk, but I couldn't see them because they were under a magazine. 10. When I went to buy the concert tickets, there was nobody at the ticket sales window. Ermo Altmäe 011PK Position Prepositions 2 Multiple Choice Exercise Correct! Well done. Your score is 54%. 1. Her wallet wasn't in her purse; it was in her coat pocket. 2. Tony had an ink stain on his coat pocket. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


If you can find the books you need in our library, you can also find them in any other library. But if you are in trouble and really cannot find the book you're looking for you can ask the librarian for help. Our school library is opened for 8 hours, from 8.00-16.00. It has 3 rooms-the exhibition room, the media room and the reading room. There are 6 computers in the media room for everyone to use and you can find learning materials there or spend your break just surfing on the Internet. Pupils' works are shown in the exhibition room and you can spend time in the reading room reading one of the 80 different periodicals that we have in our library. I love to go to the library in breaks, rest on the couches and read "Sporditäht". Famous libraries. The Library of Alexandria was one of the best-known libraries of the ancient world. It was built in 300 B.C. It had the most complete collection of books at that time. In about 650 A

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


local freshwater lobster creature), Crayfish from Tasmania, Barramundi (large white meaty fish) and John Dory (smaller white fish). There are also specialties from other areas such as Queensland Mud Crab, and Coral Trout from the Great Barrier Reef, and Ocean Salmon and Trout. Known for its famed opera house and harbor, Sydney also boasts an incredible bridge, great parks, delicious food, lots of free stuff to do, and amazing surfing. Whether you go to Manly Beach or hang out with everyone else in Bondi, Sydney is a place to relax in the sun and enjoy the water. Darling Harbor has a number of good restaurants, great entrainment venues, and the Chinese Garden is quite relaxing. For a night out on the town with colorful locals, there's nothing like King's Cross too. Sydney [1] is known as the Harbour City. It is the largest, oldest and most

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1 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat inglise keeles

Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Australia Topic Alice Tärk, 8b. Tallinn 2007 Table of contents: Factfile............................................................................................. ................................. Symbols.......................................................................................... ....................................Head of State................................................................................................ ................... Government....................................................................................... ............................... History............................................................................................. .................................. Relief..................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Nash (1996) summarized that culture is a system of activities for a group. It can be argued that, for adventure tourists, the adventurous activities are the culture and lifestyle itself. This can be illustrated on examples of some adventure tourism activities, such as snowboarding, surfing or climbing. People who practice these will dress similar, associate with people who are participating in the same activities, listen to the same music and have similar interests and are likely to spend time together with people who have similar lifestyles– they have their own social groups, culture and lifestyles. Swarbrooke et al,. (2003) and Buckley (2006) define adventure to be different thing to different people, it includes risk and is highly uncertain

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

- Having enormous databases. - Collecting user data and classifying them in groups, where they share similar traits like age, what they like and how they see the world. - Selling and exchanging user information to reap personal benefit. Profit is accomplished by classifying people in groups by their similarities and then relevant ads are displayed for them. Having a Google account has become a norm today, and being logged in with one is not a coincidence. When the user is surfing through social media or any other web page, then everything the user does goes to a big data database. Either Google, owner of the website, or both will know exactly what you are currently doing. “If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold. “[19] And the aforementioned leads us to some obstacles concerning big data. Threats Academic essay (ITI0103) 2019 spring

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist


place to place. As a result of contact with the European settlers, many of the Aborigines died from diseases. In 1900, laws were finally passed in almost every Australian state to protect the rights of the Aborigines. Improved living conditions in modern times have increased, but it is still lower than that of most Australians. The population of aborigines today is about 400 000 people. Sports: Sport is very popular in Australia. The most popular are water sports ­ surfing, swimming, sailing and fishing, but also cricket, golf, Australian Rules football, netball and baseball. One famous Australian sprinter is Cathy Freeman. She has won the Gold medal for 400m at the Sydney Olympics. Music: The Aboriginal singing is called chanting, which is the rhythmic speaking or singing of words or sounds. There are many styles of Aboriginal music, for example Bunggul, Karma and Wangga. Most of the Aboriginal songs speak about the Dreamtime.

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10 allalaadimist

Küberpettused ja väärtarvitused

ka kõik põhilehega domeeninimega sarnanevad domeeninimed, et tähevea puhul külastaja ikka õigele lehele satuks. 12 Scaveing või dumpster diving. Otsitakse prügikastidest erinevaid pabereid, mis on ettevõtete poolt niisama prügikasti visatud. Selle abil saadakse ligi salajasele infole, mida häkkerid enda huvidest lähtuvalt kasutada saavad. Shoulder surfing Kui keegi jälgib või kuulab salaja, kuidas räägitakse või trükitakse konfidentsiaalset infot. Levinuimad on pangaautomaatides olevad kaardilugejad, mis kopeerivad kasutaja andmeid. Chipping on analoogne Shoulder surfinguga. Siin pannakse kaardilugejasse väike lugeja, mis salvestab kaardimaksja info. Eavesdroppinguga kuulatakse pealt teiste kõnesid ja vestlusi. Vanasti kasutati telefoniposti otsas kuulamist. Täna on selleks moodsamad vahendid. 3.3 Pahavara

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
13 allalaadimist

Austraalia kohta inglise keelne referaat

Cattle are raised in all of Australia’s states and territories. About 7 per cent of the total area of Australia is under crop. Oats, barley, rye, oil seeds and tobacco are grown there. Tasmania is famous for its fruits, especially apples. Special varieties of grapes are grown in the Murray Valley for the production of raisins. 8 Sports In Australia outdoor sports are very popular. Many people enjoy surfing, swimming or boating. Many people play golf and tennis. Australians begin to play team sports in primary school and many continue to play them throughout life. The most popular team sports are cricket, Australian football, rugby and soccer. Australia has produced many world – famous athletes, especially in tennis, golf and swimming. Australians have won numerous Olympic medals in swimming, athletics, cycling and yachting. The world famous swimmer Ian James Thorpe was also born in Australia

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

participants. American schools and colleges use sports activities as a way of teaching social values. Among these are teamwork and sportsmanship. The average high school offers its students a great variety of sports, including rowing, wrestling, tennis and golf. Being intelligent and being good at sport are regarded as things that combine well, as an ideal. 12)Recently such typically American sports as skate-boarding, wind-surfing and surfing have gained international popularity. The most unusual sport that first achieved popularity in the USA is the triathlon. It includes swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance running, and is becoming more and more popular in Europe. 13)As for me, I'm interested in different kinds of sports. At school we have physical training lessons twice a week. I like to ski in winter. Sometimes the whole family goes skiing at the weekend. In summer I like to swim. I also do some cycling. I am very fond of

Keeled → Inglise keel
184 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

Topic ­ Australia Tallinn English College 2006 Australia 1 . Introduction The name Australia is derived from the Latin Australis, meaning of the south. In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation, its territory is 7,686,850 sq km and its population reaches today over 20,5 million people. It is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. Australia's capital is Canberra, the only city with its own territory. It was built in the early 1900s just to be the capital. The official language is English and the official name of Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is located on the Southern Hemisphere (because of that Australia is also called "A land down under"). 2 . Geographical position Australia is an island continent and ...

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43 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun