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"rapid" - 227 õppematerjali

rapid on kasutajasõbralik ja paindlik majandustarkvara, mis on loodud väikeste ja keskmiste ettevõtete jaoks.

Rapid, Eeva, Profit, artikklid

Allalaadimine Esmalt kirjutaks lähemalt kahe erineva majandustarkvara installeerimisest ja seadistamisest ning võrdleks vastavate tarkvarade väljaandjate või edasimüüjate veebilehtedest ning nendelt info hankimisest. Rapidi puhul tundus nende koduleht küllalt lihtsasti käsitletav ja suurema vaevata sai vastava raamatupidamise programmi alla laadida. Küll aga arusaamatuks jäi, milleks ma pean MS SQL serveritoe alla laadima, väga lühidalt oli kirjas, et seda on vaja käivitamaks Rapid. Kuid paljudel ehk on see juba vaikimisi arvutisse paigaldatud, ning vastav programm sai ilmasjata alla laaditud. Eeva puhul oli häirivaks liialt palju lahtreid, mis tuli esmasel alla laadimise ankeedil täita. Eeva kodulehe kujundus ja disain on küll lihtne, aga jätab aegunud mulje, kahtlen, et see kasuks tuleb uute kliendisuhete loomisel. Installeerimine Eetasofti majandustarkvara Eeva paigaldamine käis küllaltki lihtsalt ning peale paigaldamist

Informaatika → Arvuti
14 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

best 30-second mind in the world. He goes from A to Z in one move. He sees the essence of everything before you even finish the sentence." Charles Munger likes to quote Charles Darwin: Even people who aren't geniuses can outthink the rest of mankind if they develop certain thinking habits. In the 4HB, the following mental models, pulled from a variety of disciplines, are what will separate your results from the rest of mankind. New Rules for Rapid Redesign NO EXERCISE BURNS MANY CALORIES. Did you eat half an Oreo cookie? No problem. If you're a 220-pound male, you just need to climb 27 flights of stairs to burn it off. (Remember: skip the "GA" boxes if you don't like the dense stuff.) Put another way, moving 100 kilograms (220 pounds) 100 meters (about 27 ights of stairs) requires 100 kilojoules of energy, or 23.9 calories (known to scientists as kilocalories [kcal])

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ettekanne, uni.

Uni Mis on uni? On ajukoorele ja selle alumisele osale levinud üldine pidurdus Funktsioon on töövõime taastamine Kasvuhormoonide eritamine Vajalik puhkuseks Kaks põhifaasi: NREM (non rapid eye movement) ja REM (rapid eye movement) Rahulik ja kiire uni Eristatakse viit astet 1. aste ­ kerge uni (2 min) 2. aste ­ uinumine (20 min) 3. aste ­ üleminek deltaune staadiumisse (3-8 % uneajast) 4. aste ­ sügav uni ehk deltauni (10-15 % uneajast) 5. Aste ehk REM uni REM - Rapid Eye Movement ehk kiire silmaliikumine Unenägude nägemine 70-90 min pärast uinumist esimese unetsükli lõpus Magava inimese aju ei lülita ennast välja Iseloomustus

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

„Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus“

10 lk tabelitega + tiitelleht jne 5 suuremat programmi ja 5 väiksemat programmi + võrdlus. Ja oma ettevõtte jaoks programmi valimine, analüüsimine, mis sobiks kõige paremini minu ettevõttele. ,,Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus" 1. Tresoor Start 2. Taavi Majandustarkvara 3. HansaRaama 4. Merit 5. Joosep5 6. Profit 7. Balanss+ 8. Eeva 9. Raamatupidamisprogramm VERP 6.3 10. Majandustarkvarapakett RAPID finants/palk Tresoor Start on raamatupidamisarvestuse pakett väikekontoritele, FIE-dele ning alustavatele ja kiiresti arenevatele väikeettevõtetele. Pakett sisaldab: · Pearaamat · Valuutaarvestus · Kassa-Pank, sh Pangaliides · Müügireskontro · Ostureskontro · Palgaprogramm (kuni 5 töötajat) · Unikaalsed MFDD (multifunktsionaalne drill-down) aruanded · 1 kasutaja litsents (sisaldab interneti kaugkasutuse võimalust)

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
192 allalaadimist

MAGAMINE - õenduse alused ja tõenduspõhine õendus

Enamusel inimestel on magamise ajal silmad kinni, osa ajast on magajad liikumatud, teatud ajavahemike järel liigutavad nad ennast unes. Vahel lõdvestuvad näo ja kukla lihased nii palju, et lõug vajub alla ja suu avaneb. Hingamine on magamise ajal aeglasem ja sügavam; arvatakse, et norskamist tekitab ülemiste hingamisteede lõtvumine. Unetsükkel kestab 90-100 minutit, tavaliselt on magamise kestel 4-6 tsüklit. Esimest nelja faasi nimetatakse NREM-uneks (ing.k. Non Rapid Eye Movement) ja viies faas on REM-uni (Rapid Eye Movement). NREM-une ja REM-une tsükkel kordub kogu öö jooksul ja mida aeg edasi, seda lühemad on NREM-une perioodid ja pikemad REM-une perioodid. Imiku unes on rohkem REM-und kui NREM-und. Faasid: 1.faas. Ärkvelolekust unne üleminek, magaja on "ära vajunud". 2.faas. Inimene lõdvestub veelgi rohkem, mõtted muutuvad unenägudesarnaseks. 3.faas

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
56 allalaadimist

Water Purification

became purified to meet water quality standards. A water purification plant can thus be thought of as a facility that treats raw water and removes its impurities, making the water safe. In other words a water purification plant is essentially a factory for producing drinking water. Water can be purified in several ways. Water Purification Facility ( Rapid Sand Filtration Method ) Intake Inlet A facility that is located at a riverbank for taking in water from the river. Grit Chamber A basin for settling large impurities and sand contained in water that reaches the intake station. Intake Pump A pump for sending water from intake station to the water purification plant. Receiving Well A basin for stabilizing the level of raw water led in from intake station.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maisi masintehnoloogia

Külmataluvus Tõlvikute osatähtsus kogumassist Kiudaine ja kogu massi seeduvus Tärklise osa kuivaines Kiire algareng Hea seisukindlus Külvamine Enne künd või sügavkobestamine Sobiv külvisügavus on 4-6 cm, sõltuvalt seemne suurusest ja mulla lõimisest, reavahe 70-80 cm Pilt 3. Pöördader Maschio UNICO M Soovituslikult külvatakse kui mulla temperatuur on 8-10°C, varaseim külvamine 6 °C juures Põimkülvik Väderstad Rapid 300-400C/S „… ühe töökorraga valmistab ette külvipinna, tasandab põllu, külvab seemne ja kõige lõpuks tihendab põllupinna. Masin teeb tööd täpselt ja kiiresti ning selle töö tulemusena on seemnete idanemine ja tärkamine korralik.“ Ette saab külvipinna Pilt 4. Rapid külvik loomiseks panna nt libisti ja järele äkke kobestamiseks Väetamine Mais vajab tugevat väetamist, sobivaimaks on vedel orgaaniline väetis

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Kirurgilise haige õenduslugu

............................................................................................................. 15 9. ÜLEVAADE HAIGUSEST..................................................................................... 16 10. KOKKUVÕTE HAIGELE OSUTATUD ÕENDUSABIST............................................17 11. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS.................................................................................. 18 Chamberland, S. (2008) A Closer Look At Stability Of Surgically-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion................................................................................................. 18 2 1. SISSEJUHATUS Õendusloo patsiendi valisin Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Näo- ja lõualuudepiirkonna kirurgia osakonnast. Patsient on 26 aastane naine, kes tuli 26.04.2015 haiglasse plaanilisele SARPE operatsioonile ehk luule toetuva kiire ülalõualuu palatinaalsele laiendamisele. Diagnoositud

Meditsiin → Õendus
223 allalaadimist


Miks on vajalik üks kolmandik oma elust maha magada?. Uni on inimese üks füsioloogilistest vajadustest. Unevajadus on individuaalne. Ilma magamata ei saa elada ükski imetaja. Kui palju und inimene vajab? Suurtest uneuuringutest on tulnud välja, et tervisele kõige kasulikum on 7­8tunnine magamine. Miks on inimesel vaja nii palju aega oma elust kulutada magamisele? Uneuurijad eristavad magajal nelja nn mitte-REM-une staadiumi ja REM- ehk kiiret und (REM - rapid eye movements, kiired silmade liigutused), mis vahelduvad teatud perioodilisusega. Uni koosneb 4-5 unetsüklist, mis algavad mitte-REM- ja lõpevad enamasti REM-unega. Unetsükkel kestab umbes 90-100 minutit ja tavaliselt on igas unetsüklis on 5 faasi... Selgitage, mida need une faasid tähendavad · NREM 1 faas: · NREM 2 faas: · NREM 3 faas: · NREM 4 faas 1 · REM-uni:

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
136 allalaadimist

English essay

Living in the country has acquired certain reputation, that indicates dirtiness, dullness and uncoiseness with a life in the countryside. True, that a life in the city may seem more entertaining, rapid and fastinating, but it's only an illusion which is brought out due to the commotion in the city. But life in the countryside is more healthy due to the unpolluted air, possibility to evolve agriculture and an elbowroom in which one can dabble sports. One negative side effect accompanies living in the country is absense of infrastructures. Many important institutions locate too far and due to that transportation is an important subject while living in the country

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Uni ja unenäod referaat

3 1 Uni Uni on ajukoorele ja selle alumisele osale levinud üldine pidurdus, mille funktsioon on kesknärvisüsteemi, lihaskonna ja meeleelundite töövõime taastamine. Organism kasutab uneaega kasvuhormoonide eritamiseks, sellega on seletatav noorte inimeste suurem unevajadus. Keskmise elueaga inimene veedab magades ligi 200 000 tundi. Uni on vajalik selleks, et organism saaks puhkust. Unel on kaks põhifaasi: NREM (non rapid eye movement) ehk rahulik, aeglane, ilma silmaliigutusteta uni ja REM (rapid eye movement) ehk kiirete silmaliigutustega uni. 1.1 Rahulik ja kiire uni 1.2 Kuna aju elektriline aktiivsus une ajal pidevalt muutub, siis jagatakse une seisundid järgnevatesse astmetesse:  Rahulik ehk aeglane uni: 75–80% kogu uneajast, sel ajal toimub üleüldine lõõgastumine. 1. aste – kerge uni, kestusega kuni 2 minutit. Keha lõdvestub, kaovad ärkveloleku

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
13 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar power Rasmus Definition Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity The most abundant energy source on Earth Explosive growth in recent years History Charles Fritts ­ first solar cell, 1% efficiency (1883) Bell Labs ­ first modern silicon cell, 6% eff. (1954) First solar powered calculators (1978) 40percentefficient solar cell in 2006 Solar panels were installed on the White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterpr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What is a plant

stames to the stigma of the carpel. It germinates on the stigma and grows down the style into the ovary, where fertilization takes place. 11. Name the most important stages in the life cycle of a plant. The most important stages in the life circle of a plant are: 1. Germination 5. The pollination and fertilization 2. The begin of photosynthesis 6. The production of fruit and seed 3. The stage of rapid vegetative 7. Decay of vegetative parts growth 8. The dispersal of seeds 4. Flowering of the plant Plant words 1. An alive seed- idanemisvõimeline seeme 2. An annual plant- üheaastane taim 3. Carbohydrates- süsivesikud 4. Clover- ristikhein 5. Decay of the vegetative parts of the plant- taime vegetatiivsete osade kuivamine 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Aeglane ja kiire uni

Meie unevajadus ööpäevas: Täiskasvanud - ~ 8 tundi Noorukid ­ vähemalt 9 tundi Koolilapsed ­ vähemalt 10 tundi Vastsündinu ­ 16 tundi Vanuse kasvades väheneb Uni algab aeglase unega ­ suureneb aju elektriliste lainete võnkeperiood. Aeglase une neli staadiumi: 1) kerge uni - ~ 2 minutit 2) uinumine - ~20 minutit 3) deltauni e. sügav uni ­ ~30 min 4) üleminekuseisund (sarnaneb teise staadiumiga) Nimetatakse ka: Paradoksaalne uni REM-uni (ingl rapid eye movement ­ kiire silma liikumine) Pimedatel samad staadiumid REM-une ajal puuduvad kiired silmaliigutused Unenäod seotud kuulmisega Aeglane ja kiire uni vahelduvad Koos mood 90-100 minutilise tsükli Öö jooksul 4-5 tsüklit KÕIGE OLULISEMAD: Deltauni Aju talletab deltaune ajal infot, mis enne magamajäämist saadi Puudujäägil inimene tunneb nagu polekski maganud Kiire uni Aitab inimese psüühikal keskkonnaga kohaneda

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Global Warming

Global warming Global Warming effects on the natural balance of environment Climate significant change day by day What causes it? Greenhouse gases Fuel burning Ozone layer Deforestation traffic clogging up the city streets rapid growth of unplanned industries the use of CFCs in packaging and manufacturing products Detergents Overpopulation Killing animals like birds, big cats, lions, tigers What it causes? Temperature raising Melting polar ice sheets Currents change its circulation e.g. The Gulf Stream El nino Pollution sea-water to swell up. Natural system Animals deaths Sea level rise reduce mankind's ability to grow foods, destroy wildlife. Agriculture, forestry and fishery damaged Is it dangerous is very dangerous for our existence and survival. sun's scorching heat comes to earth in a direct way the earth's surface becomes seriously heated. What should we do to prevent the dangerous effects of GW? We should not cut off tree...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Presentation Floods

Presentation „Floods“ Flood ● A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land. ● Flooding usually happens by overflowing rivers and lakes. ● Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural flood plains of rivers. Major causes of floods ● Heavy rainfall ● Huge snow melting ● Tidal waves ● Something blocking the flow of rivers Different types of floods ● Slow-Onset Floods – usually lasts the longest, sometimes up to months. ● Rapid-Onset Floods – does not last so long, up to 2 days only. Usually causes more damage than slow-onset flood. ● Flash Floods – lasts up to few hours. Causes the greatest damages to the society. Deadliest floods ● Huang He yellow river, China 1931 Death toll: 1,000,000-3,700,000 ● Huang He yellow river, China 1887 Death toll: 900,000-2,000...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

activated when a person accelerates during race, during the last 200 m of a mile run, or performs a 400 m run or 100 m swim. Lactic Acid/Lactate Formation · During very high intensity exercise high rate of glycolysis H+ released faster than they can be removed by NADH (ETC) increased lactic acid production. · The above due to both lack of O 2 and the recruitment of fast twitch fibres. · Lactic acid lactate diffuses into blood for buffering and rapid removal. Lactic Acid as an Energy Source · Lactic acid allows high rates of ATP production for short duration (2-3 minutes). · As exercise intensity slows or during recovery sufficient O2 available again NAD scavenges H+ from lactate and takes it to the ETC lactate reconverts to pyruvate to join oxidative system. Cont... · Lactate helps the dissociation of O 2 from haemoglobin · At higher intensities of exercise lactate

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The effect of chocolate on dogs

• Can lead to illness or death • Theobroma cacao • Theobromine • Baker’s chocolate is worse than white chocolate .93265/ Symptoms • Diarrhea • Extreme thirst • Vomiting • Increased urination • Panting • Muscle twitching • Whining • Hyperactive • Seizures behavior • Rapid heart rate Treatment • Vomiting • Activated charcoal • Lots of water might-sick/ References Bates, N., Rawson-Harris, P. & N. Edwards. 2015. ’’Common questions in veterinary toxicology’’. In Journal of small animal practice, 56: 298-306. Available at

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Referaat United Kingdom

There are mountains, heather moors and lochs. People believe that one of the lochs, there are Loch Ness Monster, and theres a Loch Ness Monster Exhibition Center on the edge of the lake. In Scotland, theres a some people, who still speak Gaelic language. The Scotland men wear KILTS. WALES Its capital is Cardiff. There are many open-air-concerts, street theatres and carnivals. The national emblem of the Wales is the leek. Wales is a mountainous country with green valleys and rapid rivers. In north Wales the people mostly spoke Welsh language.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist


Rap What is rap? Rap is a style of popular music, developed by disc jockeys and urban blacks in the late 1970s,in which an insistent, recurring beat pattern provides the background and counterpoint for rapid, slangy, and often boastful ryhming patter glibly intoned by a vocalist or vocalists. Famous rappers in Estonia Lennart Lundve Lennart Lundve (November 10, 1988), also known by his stage name Abraham and we also known him by obscene texts. He is a Estonian rapper and his first album was released in 2007. Rainer Olbri Rainer Olbri, also known by his stage name Metsakutsu, Metsakutsa or Freaky T. He is a Estonian rapper. Metsakutsu first album

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


CHOCTAW Ave Tüür 9.a Native American people, from Southeastren United States Population - 160 000 Descendants of the Hopewellian people and Mississippian culture Nanih Waiya mound Culture Combined European-American influences. And interaction with Spain, France, and England shaped it as well. Known for: rapid incorporation of modernity, developing a written language, transitioning to yeoman farming methods, and accepting European-Americans and African-Americans into their society. The Choctaw also practiced Head Flattening, but the practice eventually fell out of favor. Games Choctaw stickball- ,,little Chunkey- consisted of a brother of war" because of stone-shaped disk(1­2 it's roughness and inches in length). The disk

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


who is in charge of running the country. Britain's four countries have separate traditions and cultures. The nationals currency is the British pound that is divided into 100 pence. As a result of the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century Britain was transformed from a mainly argicultural society into an industrial one. People moved to the rapidly expanding towns. The consumer boom of the 1980s and the increased leisure time led to rapid growth in service industries like banking, tourism, retailing and information processing.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia

The Republic of Estonia Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by the Russian Federation. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic and is divided into fifteen counties. The capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of only 1.4 million, it is one of the least- populous members of the European Union. Estonia was a member of the League of Nations from 22 September 1921, has been a member of the United Nations since 17 September 1991, of the European Union since 1 May 2004 and of NATO since 29 March 2004. Estonia has also signed the Kyoto protocol. Estonia regained its ind...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives

and efficiency. In today's world it is necessary that to cater for such a heavy population things are made at the higher pace with best quality, so it is possible with the help of computer that we are able to cater for the need of quantity and quality of products required in daily life. Computer is also helping us in education of children, it has enabled us to get the information form one part of the world to the other at a very rapid pace. So in summary computer today is in every walk of life, and is helping us a lot in developing at a fast pace. In conclusion, computers have made life better for us in science and medicine, business and education. In each field computers makes common place what seemed impossible years before buy now its more than possible.

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Letter of application

about to graduate in June. The degree programme has equipped me with a solid foundation knowledge in computer science. Courses that should be of particular relevance to the present position include computer engineering, operation systems, network administration and database management. I have learnt about the latest technology in these areas, and I have confidence that I can self-learn continuously to keep up with the rapid development in this field. Other than my studies, I have been earnestly seeking for opportunities to gain understanding of my potential and the world around me. One of these experiences that I treasured was a study tour to Taiwan I made last year, in which I had to compete with 120 candidates to become one of the 40 participants in the tour. We visited the Legislative Council of Taiwan and met the vice president of the Council to understand the issues of their society

Keeled → Inglise keel
124 allalaadimist

Fair Trade Tourism

have been evicted from their lands. The Masais are selling souvenirs, charging for pictures and performing their sacred dances for tourists to get living. These things show that the destruction is not just a superficial consenquence of tourism, but is often an indication of much more deep-rooted cultural changes. But a quiet cultural revolution is happening. Communities are standing up and asking for something different. Over the last decade there has been a rapid growth in local ,,alternative tourism" initiatives. This means that buildings are built by locals with sustainable local materials, food is bought from local farmers and a limit on development has been set so that local communities aren't being overrun and the the destination isn't overly dependent on tourism.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

The airport is one of the fastest growing airports in the world in terms of passengers, new airline operators, and infrastructural development. Public transport The first town bus entered service in about 1969 Abu Dhabi has about 8,000 taxis A massive expansion of public transport is anticipated within the framework of the government's Surface Transport Master Plan 2030. The expansion is expected to see 130 km (81 mi) of metro and 340 km (210 mi) of tramways and/or bus rapid transit (BRT) routes. Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A for-and-against essay

Firstly, in 2006, a website called Spotify was created. In Spotify you could listen to music anywhere you want, very easily and without spending any money. Songwriters started getting a lot of attention and spins for their creation. In addition, by 2021, Spotify had already reached 158 million users. Songs are making history by getting huge amounts of streams, over 1000 million streams. Another advantage is that newcomers who upload their music to the internet may get a huge boost and rapid spins, make some money and get famous more easily. On the other hand, giving Spotify the rights to stream your music isn’t actually profitable. One of the most streamed songs, Avicii’s release Wake Me Up! got over 168 million streams. And yet, that only made $12,359 in Pandora domestic royalties. Many songwriters feel like they’re work is being devalued. Consider the fact that it takes roughly one million spins on Pandora for a songwriter to earn just 90$

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
0 allalaadimist


Joonis 1. Kromosoommutatsioonid. 50px-Kromosoommutatsioonid.png Kääriäinen, H. (2002). Sinu geenid, minu geenid. Tallinn: Sinisukk. Poljanski, J. (1987). Geneetika ja selektsiooni alused. Raamatus: Korsunskaja, V., Braun, A., Suhhanova, K., Zinkin, L., Danilevski, A., Verzilin, N. (toim.). Üldbioloogia X-XI klassile. Tallinn: Valgus. Timmer, J. (2009). High mutation rates don't necessarily spell rapid evolution. mutation.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss (10.01.2010). 10

Bioloogia → Geneetika
57 allalaadimist

Hong Kong

Tian Tan Buddha, also known as the Big Buddha, is a large bronze statue of a Buddha Amoghasiddhi, completed in 1993, and located at Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, in Hong Kong Top three facts 1. With a population of 7 million people but land area of only 1,108 km, Hong Kong is the 4th most densely populated territory in the world 2. Hong Kong is home to a highly developed network of transport ­ buses, ferries, railways, a tramway system and rapid transit system. Over 90% of all daily travels in the city are on public transport ­ the highest in the world The world's most expensive bottles of wine at USD232,692 per bottle were sold at an auction in Hong Kong Thank you for listening

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area of information technology and in the home. In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they do not need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment. More and more people are working from home using personal computers, which can result in a sense of isolation. Home workers also lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people. Another example of the negative effect of technological change can be found on the domestic front, in the home. In my view, technological developments such as the

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

-combined with sodium carbonate, becomes water soluble 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Anesthesia Medically induced coma Euthanasia Lethal injection Truth serum Psychiatry 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Presented as powder, dissolved in water to required concentration Usual IV dose is 3-5 mg/kg Results in loss of consciousness Effect is rapid: 30-60 seconds after administration 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL With no other drugs, anesthetic state persists for 5-10 mins Redistribution away from central circulation towards muscle and fat tissue Concentration is low enough in the brain that consciousness returns Most commonly used in the induction phase of general anesthesia 9 October 2012

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

India 'Demography and Bollywood'

INDIA Demography and Bollywood Demographics With an estimated population of 1.2 billion, India is the world's second most populous country. The last 50 years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity due to the "green revolution". The percentage of Indian population living in urban areas has consistently grown; from 1991 to 2001, India's urban population increased by 31.2%. In 2001, about 285 million Indians lived in urban areas while more than 70% of India's population resided in rural areas. As per the 2001 census, there are twenty seven million-

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Dover Beach

author, too. Now speaking more to himself rather than his lover, he begins to ponder on "the sea of faith" and how it once used to round the earth, with which he probably means that there was once a time when faith and spirituality had a great influence on life. He seems to yearn for a time like that as he describes the slowly distancing sound of his "sea of faith", the way it gradually disappears, leaving behind only a memory. Perhaps the author tries to raise awareness on how the rapid industrialization and progress in science moves man too far away from what he also conciders importaint ­ his roots and his faith. In the final stanza, the lover is addressed again. The author solemnly (a bit desperately even) makes an oath to always be true to her and expects the same from her. He explains this by stating that a world without faith is actually dark and complicated and says that what seems to

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist


average between 80 °F (27 °C) and 90 °F (32 °C) in summer, and up to 109 °F (43 °C) on the Red Sea coast. Temperatures average between 55 °F (13 °C) and 70 °F (21 °C) in winter. (Population)Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its estimated 79 million people live near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers where the only arable agricultural land is found.The last 40 years have seen a rapid increase in population due to medical advances and massive increase in agricultural productivity, made by the Green Revolution. (Religion)Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country with Islam as its state religion. Around 90% are identified as Muslim.Religion plays a central role in most Egyptians' lives.Cairo is famous for its numerous mosque minarets and is justifiably dubbed "the city of 1,000 minarets", [96] with a significant number of church towers.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist


There is also a significant horticultural industry producing a variety of vegetables, orchard and soft fruits, and bulbs and flowers. The high productivity of the arable sector has been achieved by the removal of hedgerows to create larger fields, by mechanization, and by the intensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. As with the issue of animal treatment, these trends in arable agriculture have provoked public concern. Combined, these concerns have helped encourage the rapid growth of vegetarianism in Britain since the early 1980s and the expansion of organic farming, although this is still on a very small scale. However, partly in reaction to these concerns, and partly because of costs, the trend is now towards lower chemical use in farming. Agricultural policy includes schemes to encourage farmers to take land out of agricultural production to adopt more environmentally kind, but less productive methods of farming to

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Kordamine Geograagia kontrolltööks- 8.klass

Tropical rainforest is wetter than tropical deciduous forest. Both of these biomes have a warm climate all year long. Tropical deciduous forest has a well defined dry and a wet season. During the dry season, the trees in tropical deciduous forest lose their leaves. 4. Using the climate diagram describe the climate of the region (tropical rainforest/tropical deciduous forest). 5. Why are tropical rainforest soils not fertile? Because rapid bacterial decay prevents the accumulation of humus. 6. How do the soils in tropical deciduous forest differ from the soils in tropical rainforest? The soil in tdf has more nutrients, because the leaves fall down and trees grow more sparsely. 7. Describe the layers of tropical rainforest. Emergents ­ forest giants, the trees there are 50m or more. Canopy ­ a dence layer, the trees there are 20-30m. There can be found many hardwoods, such as mahagony

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Environmental problems (Keskkonnaprobleemid)

ecological problems. Nature and Animal Conservation · Preserving species and their habitats is important for ecosystems to self sustain themselves. · Yet, the pressures to destroy habitat for logging, illegal hunting, and other challenges are making conservation a struggle. Climate Change Affects Biodiversity · The World Resources Institute reports that there is a link between biodiversity and climate change. Rapid global warming can affect an ecosystems chances to adapt naturally. What have governments around the world been trying to do about it? Climate Change Flexibility Mechanisms · Flexibility mechanisms were defined in the Kyoto Protocol as different ways to achieve emissions reduction as part of the effort to address climate change issues. These fall into the following categories: Emissions Trading, Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism.

Keeled → Inglise keel
67 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia materjal

31.08 W. Wundt rajas esimese eksperimentaalpsühholoogia labori 1879.aastal Leipzigi ülikoolis S. Freud (psühhoanalüüs) Neofreudistid: Adler(individuaalpsühholoogia), Fromm (psüühilise ja sotsiaalse teguri vahekord), Erikson(psühhosotsiaalne areng), Jung(analüütiline psühholoogia) Biheiviorism: Watson (sisend-must kast-väljund), Skinner (radikaalne biheiviorism, operantne tingimine), väikese Alberti eksperiment rotiga Humanistid: Rogers (empaatia ja valikute olulisus), Maslow (theory of human motivatsion, vajaduste hierarhia) Kognitiivne psühholoogia: termin kognitiivne pärineb U. Neisserilt Pavlov kindel tingimine - tingitud ja tingimata stiimul - katse koera ja vilega 07.09 Cage- ajalukku kirjutatud tänu oma äärmiselt ebatõenaolisele surmast pääsemisele raske õnnetuse tagajärjelt. Gall- frenoloogia alusepanija Stroopi efekt Eugen Aserinsky märkas kiirete silmaliigutuste perioode(Rapid Eye Movement-REM) Berger-enne operatsiooni nähti p...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
5 allalaadimist

Test Population

Esimene rühm 1. Name the processes of population that have an economic importance. 2. What is demographic transition and what influences it? 3. Speak about demographic explosion. 4. What is demographic crisis? 5. Speak about the course of demographic transition up to 1950s. 6. Speak about full employment in the NORTH. 7. What is natural increase? 8. Why is the rapid increase of population so acute problem? 9. Name the factors that influence death rate. 10. What are the main reasons for death in the developing world? 11. Analyse a population pyramid (what stage was in 2000?). Vastused 1. 1. Demographic transition, 2. Changes that take place in education and full employment, 3. Migration, 4. Urbanization, 5. Etno-cultural process. 2. This is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Police warn of 'lethal' fake beauty products on sale

Police warn of 'lethal' fake beauty products on sale Police have warned that rats' droppings, human urine and arsenic have all been found in potentially lethal fake beauty products on sale to British consumers. Counterfeit make-up, perfume, hair straighteners and sun creams are all affected, warn the City of London Police. At least £90 million is spent every year on fake items as the rapid growth of online shopping has expanded the market. Counterfeit beauty products have become increasingly common and are readily available on auction sites, online forums and social media. Authenticating products has become more challenging as shoppers are unable to physically inspect items before committing to purchase them. Police warned that criminals are using generic stock images to deceive consumers into believing the items they are browsing are authentic.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Human overpopulation

environmental issues • Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources • Human population has been rising continuously since the end of the Black Death, around the year 1350 • The most significant increase has been since the 1950s, mainly due to medical advancements and increases in agricultural productivity • The recent rapid increase in human population over the past three centuries has raised concerns that the planet may not be able to sustain present or future numbers of inhabitants. Loss of Fresh Water • Most of the freshwater resources are either unreachable or too polluted, leaving less than 1% of the world's freshwater, or about 0.003% of all water on Earth, readily accessible for direct human use. • According to the Global Outlook for Water Resources to the Year 2025,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Stansed Airport

Peter Rice and features a “floating” short-stay car park, move through roof, supported by a space frame of the check-in hall, go through security invented-pyramid roof trusses, and on to the departure gates hall on creating the impression of a the same level.  From 1997 to 2007 Stansted saw stylised swan in flight.  The base of each truss structure is rapid expansion of passenger numbers on the back of the boom in a "utility pillar", which provides low cost air travel, peaking at indirect up lighting illumination 24 million passengers in the 12 and is the location for air- months to October 2007, but conditioning, water, passenger numbers declined for the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Olympics 2012

Sprint. Gong and Shuang of China set world record women's Team Sprint Track Cycling with a time of 32.422 seconds.  Britain's 3000m team comprised of Dani King, Laura Trott and Joanna Rowsell set a new world record time of 3:14. Britain's cycling team comprised of Clancy, Thomas, Burke and Kennaugh set a world record in 4000m team pursuit with a time of 3:51. Shooting Alexei Klimov of Russia set a world record in the men's 25-meter rapid fire pistol with 592 points.  Jessica Rossi of Italy set a world record in the women's trap with a score of 99 out of 100 shots at the London Olympics. Archery South Korean team of Kim Bub-min and Oh Jin- hyek set a new 216-arrow world record in the ranking round. Im Dong Hyun of Korea set a new world record score of 699 during the Archery men's individual ranking round.  4x100m Relay Women U.S. team comprised of Jeter, Knight, Felix and

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

a specific time period, · GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory. Business cycles. · refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production or economic activity over several months or years. These fluctuations occur around a long-term growth trend, and typically involve shifts over time between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansion or boom), and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contraction or recession). · important phenomenon associated with cyclical fluctuations is unemployment, (people seeking work cannot find it, even when the economy is growing rapidly). The unemployment rate is the ratio of the number of unemployed workers to the size of the labour force. The labour force consists of · those who are either working or are actively looking for a job.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist


Soviet Union (USSR) in 1940, and later occupied by Nazi Germany from 1941-44. After Nazi retreat in 1944, it was occupied by the USSR again. After that Tallinn became the capital of the Estonian SSR. Tallinn's population is registered 400,200 (as of May 2007). Since independence, improving air and sea transport links with Western Europe and Estonia's accession to the European Union have made Tallinn easily accessible to tourists. Estonia has made rapid economic progress since independence and this is reflected in local prices. Although not extortionate, neither are prices as cheap as in other former Eastern Bloc countries. The main attractions are in the two old towns (Lower Town and Toompea) which are both easily explored on foot. Eastern districts around Pirita and Kadriorg are also worth visiting and the Estonian Open Air Museum near Rocca al Mare, west of the city, showes aspects of Estonian culture and architecture Toompea.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Topic - London

through London's wooden buildings, destroying large amounts of the city. Rebuilding took over ten years. Following London's growth in the 18th century, it became the worlds largest city from about 1831 to 1925. This growth was aided from 1836 by London's first railways, which put countryside towns within easy reach of the city. Rising traffic problems on roads led to the creation of the world's first subway system ­ the London Underground. Because of this rapid growth, London became one of the first cities in human history to reach a population of one million and was the first ever to surpass five million. In the decades following WWII large- scale immigration from Commonwealth countries and beyond have transformed London into one of the most racially and culturally diverse cities in Europe. 3. Government The administration of London takes place in two tiers ­ a city-wide, strategic tier and a local tier

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Sisejulgeoleku koht Euroopa Liidu julgeolekusüsteemis2

Sisekaitseakadeemia Politsei- ja piirivalvekolledz ,,,,,,, SISEJULGEOLEKU KOHT EUROOPA LIIDU JULGEOLEKUSÜSTEEMIS Referaat Juhendaja: pv- mjr Heiki Suomalainen Muraste 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Euroopa Liit on juba pikkaaega loonud vabadust ja turvalisust. Eesti kuulub Euroopa Liitu ning eurooplastena on meil õigus elada, õppida või töötada kõikjal Euroopa riikides. Euroopa Liidu kodanike jaoks on julgeolek väga oluline teema, võiks öelda, et isegi prioriteet number üks. Sisejulgeoleku koht Euroopa Liidu julgeoleku süsteemis omab väga suurt tähtsust ja vajab olulist tähelepanu. (Euroopa Liidu sisejulgeoleku strateegia 2010:7-9) Meie demokraatia kvaliteet ja üldsuse usaldus liidu suhtes sõltub suurel määral suutlikkusest tagada julgeolek ja stabiilsus. Kuritegevust jätkub igale poole, põhilisemad kuritegevus valdkonnad hetkel ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
8 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

Majanduslik Eesti (Estonia) Argentiina Keenia (Kenya) näitaja (Argentia) Liberaalsuse aste 6 koht 69 koht 86 Koht (Economic freedom) Indeks:3,2 Indeks:2,05 Indeks:1,9 SKP suurus (GDP $22.5 billion (2011) $435.2 billion (2011) $36.1 billion (2011) official exchange rate) SKP per capita $20,200 (2011) $17,400 (2011) $1,700 (2011) (GDP per capita) SKP ostuvõime $26.93 billion (2011) $709.7 billion (2011) $71.5 billion (2011) alusel (GDP purchasing power parity) Gini indeks 31,4 (2009) 45,8 (2009) 42,5 (2008) Eksport inimese $6,988 per capita $1,362.63 per capita $ 113.97 per capita kohta (Export per capita) Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: ...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist


See järel liigutakse kiiresti kolmandast neljandasse astmesse. Deltauni ehk sügav uni ­ kestab umbes 30 minutit. Selles unes ongi võimalik unes käimine ja unes rääkimine. Pärast deltaund tuleb nn üleminekuseisund, sarnaneb aeglase une teise staadiumiga. Edasi tuleb kiire ehk paradoksaalne uni. See on lainesageduselt sarnane ärkvelolekuga, tegelikult oled sügavas unes. Silmamunad liiguvad kiiresti. Sellest tuleb ka teine nimetus REM-uni (ingl rapid eye movement ­ kiire silmaliikumine). Südame löögisagedus ja hingamisrütm on korrapäratud, võib täheldada näolihaste, käte ja jalgade tõmblemist. Selles faasis nähtakse 80% ajast unenägusid. Ka pimedatel on samad unestaadiumid. Nende unenäod on seotud kuulmisega. Aeglane uni ja kiire uni vahelduvad. Koos moodustavad nad 90-100 minutilise tsükli, öö jooksul on umbes 4-5 tsüklit. Kõige olulisemad on delta- ja kiire uni. Deltaune puudumisel võib inimene tunda väsimust

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun