When people buy shares then they are invested in that company. 22. disability allowance goverment benefit offered to people who have a disability 23. child benefit Benefit offered to families who have more than three children PAY AND BENEFI TS 1. salary payd to white-collar jobs 2. wages payd to blue-collar jobs 3. time-off benefits Benefits you resive when you need to leave from work, becouse you are sick or you need a pregnacy leav. 4. Insurance - Life insurance- attractive to people with families. Private health insurance or disability insurance. 5. pension money you reasave regulary, at a point of age you cant work any more 6. workers `compensation offered by company when you have a work realated accident 7. fringe benefits Benefits offered by companis that are from theire own will, these benefits are not aquired by law. 8. Remuneration money erned by a peson, an organization or a country, Payment
company. 6. The representative of the founders of the company passes to the tax office all documents for the registration of the company. 8 7. Federal Tax Service carries out the state registration of the legal entity. Carried out simultaneously with the registration of tax registration, obtaining codes of State Statistics Committee, registration with the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Fund of obligatory medical insurance. 8. The representative of the founders of the company receives the documents after registration. 9. The head of the company (CEO) or a representative of the proxy opens a bank account. After committing all of these activities, the company is a registered business entity, and may work legally. Some of the timelines: Registration with the Tax Authorities 5-7 working days
incomes. Proportional- tax that is imposed at a fixed rate. Regressive tax- (direct taxes are usually) people with a lower income pay a proportionally greater part of their income than people with a higher income. Indirect taxes are slightly regressive- people with a lower income pay a proportionally greater part of their income than people with a higher income. Avoid tax on salarys? Instead a taxable money, some employers give staff advantages such as company cars, and free health insurance. Avoid tax on company profits? To register your companies head offices on tax haven. Tax evasion- illegal method to minimize your tax burden. Do not declaring your income, or reporting it inaccurately(ebatäpselt). Money laundering is the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained (hangitud) from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source.[1] It is a crime in many jurisdictions with varying definitions
............................................................. 28 3.1 Literature Review.................................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Security Standards and Frameworks ...................................................................................... 44 3.3 Existing models ....................................................................................................................... 56 3.4 Insurance ................................................................................................................................ 63 3.5 Graded Security Reference Model ......................................................................................... 65 4. CHAPTER – UNIVERSITY ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION ................................................................. 71 4.1 University on-prem standing ..............................................................................
68. on the basis of a will (testate) testamendijärgne 69. pursuant to law (intestate) seadusjärgne pärimine 70. bequeather pärandaja 71. non-contractual obligations lepinguvälised kohustused 72. deception (deceit) act of deceiving someone in order to make money 73. in good faith in an honest way 74. to ratify to approve officially (sth which has already been agreed) 75. incur to make yourself liable to 76. maturity time when an insurance is due to be paid out (sissenõutav) 77. mandate authority given to a person or group of persons authorising and requiring them to act on behalf of the person giving the authority 78. voidable which can be made not legally valid or not having any legal effect 79. building lease = right of superficious hoonestusõigus 80. pre-emptive right ostu-eesõigus (right of first refusal to purchase sth before it is sold to someone else) 81. right of security pandiõigus 82
Once a solution is found we will have fewer worries and possibly a true free market. These are very difficult problems to stop and may never be stopped. It will take a long period of time to begin the process to bring it to an end, but it will be nice to maybe some day have a true free market without the problem of a free rider. 7 Freeriding Problem on Public Transport Freeriding insurance United we stand strong! "P-kassan" the freeriding insurance is a cooperation between people in similar situations. We do not afford the fare or do not want to pay it. You pay a small amount to the fund and if you get caught freeriding your bill is payed. The idea of this insurance is not new. It has been tried before and for quite some time, especially by students in the university cities, and has worked well even though in a small scale. The
TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Ukrainas ja Valgenenes Created by Andres Assor Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 1. UKRAINE ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. General information .......
to solve a dispute (konflikti lahendama) - finding a solution to a conflict to force someone (kedagi sundima) - making someone act in some way against their own will to fulfill a contract (lepingut täitma) - to complete the obligations from the contract that were given to each party to pay damages (kahjutasu maksma) - sum of money needed to be paid for the loss beneficiary (kasusaaja) - person entiteled to recieve fund or other property under trust, will or insurance policy avoid taxes (makse vältima) - legally finding a way to pay less for dues evidence (tõestusmaterjal) - information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in law court inherit (pärima) - gain a possession of someone's death to challenge a decision (otsust vaidlustama) - questioning the truth behind someone's decision
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