Tests Superstar 1 Luke Prodromou Test 1 Name____________________ Class_______ Use your English 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets. _ 1 She is in a band and she _________________________________ (record) a CD at the moment. _ 2 She is an actress and often _________________________________ (appear) on television. _ 3 At the moment she _________________________________ (have) a rest because she is tired. _ 4 Mike is a doctor and he _________________________________ (live) in Manchester. _ 5 I _________________________________ (start) work at 8.30 every morning. _ 6 He is a good cook but she _________________________________ (prefer) to eat out. _ 7 English tests _________________________________ (get) more and more interesting.
Shops and Shopping Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10. h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount.
Education and learning Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Jack decided to take a course/lesson in hotel management. b) Sheila always got good marks/points in algebra. c) After leaving school, Ann studied/trained as a teacher. d) Peter decided not to go in/enter for the examination. e) My sister learned/taught me how to draw. f) I can't come to the cinema. I have to read/study for a test. g) In history we had to learn a lot of dates by hand/heart. h) I hope your work will improve by the end of course/term. i) Martin failed/missed his maths exam and had to sit it again. j) If you have any questions, raise/rise your hand.
Feelings and Opinions 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) When Dick saw his neighbour kick his dog he became angry/nervous. b) Sue wasn't really interested/interesting in the film. c) We were both afraid/anxious that we would miss the plane. d) I wish you wouldn't snap your fingers. It's very annoying/worrying. e) You're not scared/thrilled of spiders, are you? f) If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross/terrifying. g) Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious/upset. h) Your written work is full of careless/naughty mistakes. 2. Replace the word(s) in italics with a suitable word from the box. Use each word once.
2 pricey 7 profitable 5 None of the shops are open. 3 worthy 8 valuable 3 1 I advised Mike to get an early night. 6 The food was neither cheap nor 4 financial 9 worthless 2 I agreed to give Jenny a lift into good. 5 costly 10 economical town. 7 There are no easy answers. 3 I had no difficulty repairing the 2 1 economical 7 priceless 8 Few of my relatives live nearby. broken vase.
f) When Harry saw his girlfriend dancing with Paul he felt jealous/selfish/sentimental. g) I don't like people who are noisy and aggressive/courageous/sociable. h) Thanks for bringing us a present. It was very adorable/grateful/thoughtful of you. i) Teresa never gets angry with the children. She is very brave/patient/pleasant. j) Tom always pays for everyone when we go out. He's so cheerful/generous/honest. 2. Match the words in the box with the descriptions (a-l). Use each word once only. bad-tempered determined lazy reliable cheerful frank mean selfish considerate honest punctual sympathetic a) You always arrive on time e) You don't think about the needs of others i) You think about the needs of b) You are always happy f) You have a strong wish to get what you others
Media and advertising 1. Complete the collocations in each sentence with an appropriate word from the box. broadcast bulletin coverage forecast media brochure campaign edition manual novel a) Read the instruction ..manual. before using your new word-processor. b) 'David Copperfield' is an autobiographical ……………. c) What did it say on the weather …………….? d) This is a party political……………. on behalf of the Democratic Party.
Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in the eight parts of speech--nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections--as well as the standard patterns of English sentences. All students of English, be they native speakers or those who are studying English as a second language, will profit from the fundamental introduction and review of grammar provided by SADDLEBACK'S BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 and 2. Helpful marginal notes throughout the books have been provided to reinforce existing skills and call attention to common problem areas. We wish you every success in your pursuit of English proficiency. 1 What is Grammar? 5 The Simple Past Tense 98 Regular and Irregular Verbs 99 Was and Were 104 2 The Capital Letter 6 The Past Progressive Tense 106
3 d reminisce 6 e ingrained genetically 4 plausible 5 obsolete 4 1 I've asked you time and time 3 1 There's a strong resemblance again to keep the noise down. between Paul and Joe. 1D Sporting origins page 67 2 She recognised him at once. 2 Phobias can be genetically 3 He's working at his father's shop inherited. 1 1 staunchly / resolutely for the time being. 3 When it comes to politics, 2 By and large 4 They'll be here any moment now. Edward and his dad have a lot in 3 swiftly 5 Everybody makes mistakes once common
Crime and the Law Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Sally didn't realise that she had broken/countered/denied the law. b) The police have banned/cancelled/refused parking in this street. c) I must remember to get a/an agreement/licence/permission for my television. d) The president admitted that there had been a breakdown of law and crime/government/order. e) Jim's parents wouldn't agree/allow/let him go to the demonstration. f) Jake was arrested because he had entered the country falsely/illegally/wrongly. g) Talking to other students is against the law/orders/rules of the examination. h) The two men were arrested before they could commit/make/perform any more crimes. i) I had to take the company to court/justice/law to get the money they owed me.
Yours sincerely, Lee Jones 5. ... I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. I look forward to meeting you to discuss employment opportunities. Yours faithfully, Nicole Porter Paragraph Plan for Letters · salutation · Paragraph 1 reasons for writing · Paragraphs 2, 3 development · Final paragraph closing remarks · Name · Letters are divided into two categories, formal and informal. There are various types of formal and informal letters . · It is important to think about the person who you are writing to before you begin writing a letter. If the wrong style is used, the letter will look impolite, silly or odd. For example, if you used formal language to write to a close friend, the letter would look odd, or if you used informal language to write a letter to a company, the letter would look impolite.
It replaces the traditional forms of Mrs and Miss. Greetings Good morning/afternoon/evening! 'How are you?' Very often people expect you to say something positive. Here's a breakdown of how you can express how you really are without complaining too much. · Fine, thanks. / On top of the world, thanks. · OK, thanks · Not so bad, thanks. / Can't complain, thanks. · So so, thanks. / So and so, thanks. · Not so good, actually 1 The English alphabet Spelling Work with your partner and spell out first your name and then some names of places. Write down each letter as you hear it, and then say the word. The English alphabet on the phone: You might find the following alphabet (used by international airlines) useful when trying to spell a word on the telephone.
Food, Restaurants and Cooking Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Waiter, could you bring me the account/bill/addition, please? b) It's a very popular restaurant - we should apply for/book/keep a table. c) If you're hungry, why not ask for a large dish/plate/portion? d) Please help/serve/wait yourself to salads from the salad bar. e) Waiter, can I see the catalogue/directory/menu, please? f) This fish is not what I called/commanded/ordered. g) This dish/plate/serving is a speciality of our restaurant.
.. (7 win) lots of prizes. She ... even ... (8 be) on TV. Kelly ... (9 break) her arm twice while doing a jump on the ice, but she's OK now. Last year she ... (10 travel) to Canada to practise in a training camp. I'm sure sometime in the future she ... (11 win) an Olympic medal. By that time, I ... (12 be) a famous author and she ... (13 ask) me to write a book about her way to the top. That's why I ... (14 start) taking notes of her and my other classmates' results. 3. Complete the exercise with the verbs in the past simple, the past continuous, or the past perfect tense. Do you remember? I went I was / we were going I had gone I couldn't wait for the first day of school to show off the new bike which I ... (1 get) as a birthday present. As I ... --- 5 (2 want) to look cool riding up to the front steps, I ... (3 put) on my new skirt. When I ... (4 reach) the school, I ... (5 make) a big mistake and ... (6 smile) at my friends instead of watching where I was going
Libraries. We know a lot of things thanks to books, but we do not know exactly when and where they originated, and what should be considered the first book in the world. Ancient document, written on parchment, papyri and vellum can hardly be qualified as books the way we understand the word today. Centuries went before paper replaced parchment and papyri. In the 15 th century Johann Gutenberg invented a mechanical process of duplicating texts, which we today call book printing. The first book was printed between 1444 and 1446, so these years can be considered as the beginning years of book printing. His most important preserved printings are the 40 copies of the Bible. By the end of the 15 th
The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices. In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true. Vocabulary:
FGI 1811 Proseminar (Irina Ladusseva) 2.0 AP Kab. 420 03.09.2002. Writing a term paper (this spring) and graduation paper. To get a pass: one written task (part of introduction, thesis statement) Term paper should be printed (20-25 pages long). Graduation paper should be printed (50-60 pages long). First write term paper, and choose a topic right now (theme of term paper later will be developed into graduation paper). Rights: we have a right to have a supervisor. Supervisor writes on the front page "Lubatud kaitsmisele". You need time to: 1. read the theory 2. collect material 3. regularity (1-2 hours a day deal with your paper)
Problems 1 Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) Many people were injured when the building demolished/collapsed. b) The ship radioed to say that it was in difficulties/dangers. c) The government has announced plans to help the poor/poverty. d) There was a large demonstration/manifestation against nuclear power in Manchester yesterday. e) Everyone agrees that the environment/nature must be protected. f) There has been another increase/rising in the level of crime. g) There are few jobs here and many people are away from work/unemployed. h) The train was in a/an accident/collision with a bus on a level crossing. i) The driver of the bus admitted that he had done/made an error. j) No ships are sailing today because of the high/storm winds. 2 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.
SECTION 1: LISTENING COMPREHENSION This section of the TOEFL test your ability to understand spoken American English. You will hear taped conversations to which you will make responses. Part A and B contain samples of informal American English. Idiomatic expressions and two-word verbs are common in these parts. Single Statement In Part A you will hear a single statement made by a man or a woman. In your test booklet, there are four sentences. You must choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one you heard. YOU WILL HEAR: To get to the post office, cross the street, go three blocks, and you'll see it right on the corner. YOU WILL SEE: (A) The post office is right on the corner. (B) The post office is at the next corner. (C) The post office has a cross near it. (D) The post office is three blocks away. The correct choice is, which most closely gives the same meaning as the sentence you heard
so much noise. I can't hear myself think! f) Darling, I love you so much! I wish we are / had been / would be / could be together always! g) I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come / came / had come / would come. h) I like my new boss but I wish she gave / would give / could give me some more responsibility. i) Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are / were / had been here. j) This car was a complete waste of money. If only I didn't buy /hadn't bought it. 2.- 3.- 4.- Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence. a) A cheque is all right, but I'd rather you pay / paid me cash. b) Imagine you live / lived in New York. How would you feel? c) If only I have / had / would have a screwdriver with me. d) If you want to catch the last train, it's time you leave / left. e) I'd rather you don't / didn't tell anyone about our conversation. f) I've got a terrible headache
Health and the body 1) Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) There were ten people waiting in the doctor's office/surgery/ward. b) After I ate the shellfish, I experienced/fell/happened ill. c) George's cut arm took over a week to cure/heal/look after. d) David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle/heel/toe. e) Everyone admired Lucy because she was tall and skinny/slim/thin. f) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injuries. g) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore.
"koška" instead of "kot", "medvešonok" instead of "medved", "saichik" etc. Did not make much sense and we mostly played some games in Russian (Tare-tareke etc). Learned as much playing outside, since we had Estonian-Russian kids around as well. Not that we played with them. It's sad to say but it was not a nice time to be a Russian kid. We were mean to them, and we did not even know why. I think that's the only time I've ever been part of bullying someone, but there was this kid everybody called Vene-Russ and we spent a lot of time playing mean tricks on him. Well, there's that. And I also learned a lot of Russian from my mother's lover who was a Russian military officer and pretty much my father figure at the time. I tried to teach him Estonian and learned some Russian instead. My Russian studies in school have always been very hectic and making very little sense. Teachers kept changing all the time, teaching methods kept changing as well and learning
Central Europe. you should buy this new edition of Influence: o More neuroscience evidence of how the influence process works is inte- Science and Practice, gra ted throughout. For instance, brain imaging research is presented, showing here are 5 good reasons! how the "Expensive = Good" heuristic o Updated coverage of social influence leads people to perceive more costly effects in popular culture, such as the items as better than (identical) less contagion of obesity among the young costly ones. and the contagion of violence in such tragedies as the Virginia Tech and North- o Enhanced coverage of "how to say
- noncount (denote an undifferentiated mass or continuum): water, gold, sugar, furniture Concrete vs. Abstract: (semantic distinction) concrete: table, milk abstract: love, thought, idea remark--remarks, warmth--*warmths One class or more: Nouns in English can be assigned to a primary or default class. Nevertheless, it is often possible to coerce a noun from one class to another, with a concomitant meaning change. Proper count: There are three Evas in the class. Count noncount (mass): After the accident, there was cat all over the road. Mass count: The waitress brought three waters to the table. - dual class membership: some nouns can be seen from the point of view of count or noncount nouns. I want an evening paper. Wrap the parcel up in brown paper - a different lexical item a garment clothing, a laugh laughter, a `permit permission, a job, a task work, a poem - poetry
"This is a book about the stories we write, and perhaps more importantly, the stories we live. It is the most influential work I have yet encountered on the art, nature, and the very purpose of storytelling. " - Bruce Joel Rubin, Screenwriter, Stuart Little 2, Deep Impact, Ghost, Jacobs Ladder Christopher Vogler is a veteran story consultant for major Hollywood film companies and a respected teacher of filmmakers and writers around the globe. H e has influenced the stories of movies from The Lion King to Fight Club to The Thin Red Line. H e is the executive producer of the feature film, PS. Your Cat Is Dead, and writer of the animated feature, Jester Till. MICHAEL WIESE PRODUCTIONS www.mwp
I think graffiti, by the way, is also a great and invaluable work. Trends are changing. Now, young artists are moving from an endless unthinking tagging to a more conceptual and rich sense, abstract and volumetric work. Street art has become popular among the general public, because it is more accessible to him both in content and in location: for art, now you do not need to go to a museum or gallery, and the meaning of the work is often clear at a glance. In our environment there are not enough professional critics and theorists who could competently evaluate and describe the work of street artists. This is very bad, because the viewer needs a certain benchmark, according to which he could assess the quality of the works presented. 1. THEORETICAL PART Any type of history is a discourse in its own right. What is more, when talking about art history, the discourses seem to flourish immensely from one into another, and so on into many more. In
Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features of Philosophy of Language include: · new chapters on Frege and puzzles, inferentialism, illocutionary theories of meaning, and relevance theory · chapter overviews and summaries · clear supportive examples · study questions · annotated further reading · glossary Praise for the First Edition: "This exceptional text fulfils two essential criteria of a good introduc- tory textbook in the philosophy of language: it covers a broad range of topics well, all of which are the basis of current active research, and does so in an accurate manner accessible to undergraduate students." Mike Harnish, University of Arizona ". . . an excellent textbook for teaching. The examples throughout are delightful and students will love them."
It's time you went home. (NOT It's time you go home.) It's time we invited Bill and Sonia. (NOT It's time we invite Bill and Sonia.) 7. Use was/were born to give dates of birth. I was born in 1975. (NOT I am born in 1975.) Shakespeare was born in 1564. 8. Police is a plural noun. The police are looking for him. (NOT The police is looking for him.) I called the police, but they were too busy to come. 9. Don't use the to talk about things in general. Books are expensive. (NOT The books are expensive.) I love music. (NOT I love the music.) 10. Use had better, not have better. I think you'd better see the doctor. (NOT I think you have better see the doctor.) We'd better ask John to help us. 11. Use the present progressive am playing, is raining etc to talk about things that are continuing at the time of speaking. I'm playing very badly today. (NOT I play very badly today.) Look! It's raining! (NOT Look! It rains!) 12. Use for with a period of time
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A century ago communication across any distance was dependent upon the telegraph or letters. No jets crossed the ocean, no television pictures enabled us instantly to see events in any part of the world, there were no worldwide telephone networks and no computers. It is just a short lifetime since humanity first travelled into space and discovered how fragile our planet looks. FROM FIREWORKS TO THE MOON At first glance you might think that there couldn't possibly be anything common between a 13 th century festival in China and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. However, there is a link and that is that
Maturitní otázka c. 23. Means of communication Introduction A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail. Later on, they also had some newspapers. The first expansion of media was when the radio and television were invented. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit. There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Today's people take this as an ordinary thing and we don't realise that we nearly can't live without it. Media are very important for us. They give us big amount of information, so big that we can't remember all that things. They help us to understand things and if you have
................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ............................................................................................... i) Can Sir Thom be interested only in Anne or is there a slight possibility that he will fall for Mary-Alice instead?* ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................
able to get 15 times as much done in a normal workweek." --Tim Draper, founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, financiers to innovators including Hotmail, Skype, and Overture.com "Tim has done what most people only dream of doing. I can't believe he is going to let his secrets out of the bag. This book is a must read!" --Stephen Key, top inventor and team designer of Teddy Ruxpin and Lazer Tag and a consultant to the television show American Inventor ALSO BY TIMOTHY FERRISS The 4-Hour Workweek Copyright © 2010 by Tim Ferriss All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Crown Archetype, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. www.crownpublishing.com Crown Archetype with colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc. All registered trademarks in this book are property of their respective owners. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
development of human society throuch biological laws · Outlook is deterministic, pessimistic, fatalistic (fate or biology) · Man as an animal-clever than other beasts, still explainable within the framework · Man is not a free agent, is govern by something · Unable to determine his own faith · Hereditary · Naturalists tried to apply in fiction the processes of natural sciences · Writers task is to record facts, systems of behaviour, living conditions, never revealing any natural unbiased (completely natural) · Point of view: amoral-outside the category of morality, neither good or bad · Naturalist find it absurd to blame the wicked. These criminals are doing what nature, environment, their unconscious tells them to do. Naturalists do not judge their characters, they simply report. Try to describe facts like they are. Naturalists depict the