Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective liberty liberal grammar grammatical possibility possible dark dark honesty honest fun funny energy energetic magic magical optimist optimistic jealousy jealous royalty royal biology biological
DERIVATION (tuletamine) Verb Noun Adjective Adverb (öeldis) (nimisõna) (omadussõna) (määrsõna) -en -er -en -ly -fy (beauty -or -cal nicely beautify) -ist -able cruelly -ate -ics -less -ize/ ise -ism -al -ion -ed -ation -ent
Adverbs Types of adverbs 1) Adverbs of manner 2) Adverbs of degree 3) Adverbs of 4) Adverbs of time 5) Adverbs of place quickly very frequency now here kindly rather often today nowhere sometimes Adjective Adverb Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy drives carefully. Mandy is very careful. We often play handball. - CORRECT We play often handball. - WRONG We often play handball. - CORRECT We play often handball. - WRONG The three main positions of adverbs in English sentences 1) Adverb at the beginning of a sentence Unfortunately, we could not see Mount Snowdon. 2) Adverb in the middle of a sentence The children often ride their bikes.
Words derivation LÕPUD: Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Prefix & Sufix -ation -ise/-ize -ing -ly dis- -ence -en -ive ir- -ion en- -able im- -ance -ate -y -il -age -fy -ed in- -er -ical un-
Words 110-106 1. Approve (verb) heaks kiitma 2. Accuse (verb) süüdistama 3. Wrongful (adjective) ülekohtune 4. Innocent (adjective) süütu 5. Get involved (verb) kaasa minema 6. Misbehave (verb) halvasti käituma 7. Civil rights (noun) tsiviilõigused 8. Humiliating alandav 9. Infuriating vihale ajav 10. Emphasized rõhutatud 11. Auxiliary (adjective) aitav 12. Swearword (noun)- needus 13. Columnist (noun) publitsist 14. Publisher (noun) kirjastaja 15. Business manager (noun) ärijuht 16. Office manager (noun) büroojuhataja 17. Persuade (verb) keelitama 18. Express (verb) avaldama 19. Group (verb) rühmitama 20. Censorship (noun) tsensuur 21. Periodicals (noun) perioodikaväljaanded 22. Courage (noun) julgus 23. Common (adjective) üldine 24. Prosperity (noun) heaolu 25. Monotonous (adjective) monotoonne 26. Abroad (adverb) võõrsil 27. Broadcast (verb) levitama 28. Allo...
Anglo Frisian » English 2. How to classify words into different word classes? (definition is that enough?, morphology, distribution and function tests); Grammatical categories for nominals, verbs, adjectives. "A set of words like dog, child, cat, man, bird where the individual words are mutually substitutable is known as a word class..." Definitions a) A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. b) A verb expresses an action, process or state. c) An adjective is a describing word which modifies a noun. "Although such definitions will identify many members of a word class, linguists generally agree that they need to be supplemented by formal tests. e.g. sincerity Sincerity can be frightening misery Lee is misery itself. Such miseries are uncommon Distribution: - a distribution test Kim is an engine driver. an adjective or a noun? *Kim seems engine
Mary is shorter than Jane but Judy is the shortest of the three sisters. Ben is the shortest boy in his class. The superlative degree is usually used with the definite article the. Formation of comparatives and superlatives from adjectives and adverbs: Adjectives 1) one-syllable Adjectives • for one-syllable adjectives, add –er to form the comparative and -est to form the superlative: sweet sweeter the sweetest If an adjective ends with a mute –e, it is omitted: late later the latest NOTE! For one-syllable adjectives ending in a vowel + consonant, we double the consonant: big bigger the biggest • with one-syllable adjectives ending in –ed we use more and most pleased more pleased most pleased 2 2) two-syllable Adjectives
Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases ........................................................... 2 Types of Adverbs ..................................................................................... 2 Position of Adverbs.................................................................................. 4 Yet, still, already ....................................................................................... 6 Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence. Adverbs can be divided according to the information that they give. Types of Adverbs 1. Some adverbs tell us how somebody does something or how something happens. These are called Adverbs of Manner. Please speak quietly. Tom drove carefully along the narrow road. 2. Some adverbs tell us where. These are called Adverbs of Place: She put the book on the table. 3. Some adverbs tell us when. These are called Adverbs of Time.
* furthermore lisaks, veel enam, tagatipuks * consequently järelikult * moreover enamgi veel, pealegi, veel enam * as a consequence - tulemusena * what is more * so mistõttu, nii(moodi), sedamoodi, sedasi, nõnda * also * so + adjective OR adverb * not only... but also * such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun * such + adjective + plural/ uncountable noun To join 2 contrasting (vastandlikku) ideas, we can use: CLAUSES OF REASON * however , ikkagi, siiski, kuidas tahes, kuidas ka * because - sellepärast * but - aga
2. How to classify words into different word classes? 1) One of the most common classification ways goes by the definition of words. Most of the linguists believe though, that this is not an absolute classification. Examples of definitions: Noun is the name of a person, place or a thing. (I love this place). A verb expresses an action, process or a state. (I love this place). An adjective describes a noun. (This place is lovely). 2) Distribution test → Takes the context in which the word occurs in, into consideration. Also the whereabouts of the word in a sentence For example: Kim is an engine driver. → Engine could mean either happy or a mechanical object. Kim seems engine 3) A formal test → With nouns we can test if it contains morphemes which makes word a noun. For example:
near nearer the nearest (kõige lähem) the next (järgmine) much more the most many more the most Omadussõnad lõppudega ing ja ed Omadussõna ed Omadussõna ing Adjective ed Adjective ing -Ed omdussõna näitab, kuidas keegi tunneb -Ing omadussõna kirjeldab eset või olendit. ennast. My life is: boring I am bored with my job. interesting I am interested in music. disappointing I am disappointed with my friend.
fy. Prefixes: be- become, for-forget, with-within, ad-admit, ac-accurse, af-affrax, co-co-operate, de-destroy, dis-dismiss, sub-submarine Suffixes: er- maker, or- actor, eer- mountineer, ier/yer- lawyer, ant- assistant, ent-student, ee- detainee, ist-artist, en-vixen, ess-actress, ine-heroine 9) Coversion A type of dervation where no suffix is used to change the word class. Catch as a verb and catch as a noun, brake-down as a verb and break-down as an adjective. 10) compounds Are formed by joining two or more root morphemes. Compounds are often idiomatic in meaning or at least not entirely transparent. Coffe plus pot equals coffeepot 11) Clipping Clipping ise the wordformation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts- shortening. Three types of clipping: Foreclipping- retain gthe fial part of the word- racoon-coon, telephone- phone Back-clipping- retains the beginnig crocodille- crock, doctor- doc, gasoline-gas
speaking, spoken). There are three main grammatical classes of verb: lexical (walk, put, love), auxiliary (do, be, have) and modal (can, must, will). Lexical and auxiliary verbs indicate contrasts of tense, person and number. adjective omadussõna, Describes the qualities, features or states attributed to a a nice room, a happy girl, the blue adjektiiv noun or pronoun. sky 2 Grammatical Terminology
which one we are talking about. She took a glass of water and started to drink. (one of many glasses of water) She took the glass of water nearest to her. (a specific glass) 3. We use no article when we are talking about people or things in general. English people drink a lot of tea. (English people in general) The English people in this hotel are very nice. (specific English people) 4. We use a / an to say what kind of person or thing someone or something is (often with an adjective, or to say it belongs to a particular group. You have a nice house. That's a very expensive car! A cat is an animal a bus is a vehicle. 5. We use the with singular countable nouns to talk about a type of thing. The computer was invented in the 20th Century. (not a particular computer) The computer in my office is broken. (a particular one) The crocodile is very dangerous. (this type of animal) The crocodile in the river is very big. (a particular one) She plays the piano
briefcase. 5. Past Perfect Simple or Continuous? * Andrew died last week . He had been suffering (suffer) from cancer for the last three years. * I had seen (see) the view many times before but it had never impressed me this much. * Before now we had always agreed (always agree) where to go on holiday. * We looked (look) at the painting for about ten minutes before we realised who the artist was. * I had heard (hear) the symphony many times and it had sounded new each time. 6. Use an adjective based on the description to describe those persons. * Lucy is full of energy. energetic * Brenda and Sandra talk a lot. talkative * My elder brother works very hard. hard-working * You can always rely on my sister Kate. reliable * Alan is known for his politeness. polite * Emily´s actions are hard to predict. unpredictable * Sandra often acts on impulse. Hot-headed and impulsive * Ben boasts a lot. boastful * My mother is always ready to help other people. generous
what grammatical function that word is fulfilling in a sentence. Old English nouns are divided into three main groups, strong, weak, and "minor," based on the noun's stem and the endings that each noun takes in different grammatical cases. A useful rule of thumb is that nouns whose stems end with a consonant are strong, while nouns whose stems end with a vowel (except for "u") are weak. STRONG AND WEAK DECLENSIONS OF THE ADJECTIVE What are adjectives? They are words used to describe either nouns or pronouns. Like nouns and pronouns, they are declined according to number, gender, and case; and their number, gender, and case must always agree with the noun or pronoun that they are modifying. In addition, adjective are also declined in either of two ways: strong or weak. This is governed by certain factors. You can tell when to use the strong or weak declension: An adjective would be declined weak if: 1
Back clipping- retains the beginning crocodile- croc, doctor- doc, gasoline-gas Ambiclipping- middle part is retained- influenza- flu Clipping means beginning plus beginning, situation comedy- sitcom Blends blends form if you take beginning plus the end- money plus energy=monergy Clipped compounds compounds formed by clipping. Conversion A type of derivation where no suffix is used to change the word class. Catch as a verb and catch as a noun, break-down as a verb and break-down as an adjective. Compounds Are formed by joining two or more root morphemes. Compounds are often idiomatic in meaning or at least not entirely transparent. Coffe plus pot equals coffeepot Solid, hyphenated, and open compounds An open compound means that the words of the compound are written separately (credit card), a hyphenated compound separates the words by hyphen(s) (brother-in-law), a solid compound is formed when the two words
Liit; Outside, therefore, some kind Ühendmäärsõnad; Like phrases; from time to time, now and then 2. Ajamäärsõnad Koha ja suuna määrsõnad; above, there Viisimäärsõnad; quickly, clearly, well Määra määrsõnad; nearly, almost, enough, very, to, quite Põhjusmäärsõnad; therefore, for this reason Küsivad ja siduvad; how, why, how much, where III 2. in a friendly way/manner 3. he's a fast runner ADJECTIVE He runs fast 4. high vs. Highly, late vs. Lately
, , ? , , , . Accusative animate and Genitive: -/ - , , . 1 1B Grammar Week 5 , , ? , , . Prepositional: -/ - , , . , , ? , , . Homework Points (1 point=2%) Task 1. Insert an adjective and a noun in the brackets into Plural: , , (boring), , . . . . ? /10 Task 2. Answer the question using the Accusative and Prepositional Plural forms of the words in the brackets: / ? "" - / o (). " " - / o (), (). " " - / o (). " " - __________ / (), () . " " (`Crime and Punishment') - _____________ ________________ ___________________ / o
Tüvi Nimisõna NOUN Tegusõna Omadussõna Määrsõna ROOT NOUN (person) VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB Advertise Advertisement Advertiser Advertise Advertised ------------------ (Advertising) Compete Competition Competitor Compete Competitive Competitively Confuse Confusion -------------- Confuse Confused Confusingly (Confusing)
7. Dieses kleine Kind (n) spielt mit 16. Haben sie deutschen Wein (m)? schönen Puppen (pl). 8. Trinken Sie kalte Milch (f)? 17. Helfen Sie diesem alten Mann! (m) 9. Annegret spielt mit dem kleinen Kind (n). 18. Letzten Samstag (m) bin ich zwei Stunden gelaufen. G. Sätze schreiben. Now try to translate these sentences, using correct adjective endings where needed. 1. The happy students speak good German with their (pick an adjective) teacher. Die glücklichen (fröhlichen, frohen) Studenten sprechen gutes Deutsch mit ihrem alten Lehrer (mit ihrer jungen Lehrerin). 2. Old friends are the best (=best) friends. Alte Freunde sind die besten Freunde. 3. Our old dog ate the new shoes of our friendly father.
happiness, evolution, technology, management, imagination, revenge, politics, hope, cookery, sport... Determiners are followed by the noun. Determiners are the, a or an. The determiner the is known as the definite article and a is indefinite article. Verbs have traditionally been defined as „action“ words or „doing“ words. Travels, sings, walked, cooked... Adjectives typically describe an attribute of a noun. Cold, large, violent, beautiful... Adverbs are used to modify a verb, and adjective, or another adverb. Slowly, quickly, softly, suddenly, gradually... Prepositions typically come before a noun. Across, after, at, before, by, during, from, into, in... Conjunctions are used to express a connection between words. And, but, or... Formulaic expressions are used to express greetings, farewells, thanks, or apologies. Bye, excuse me, thanks... Existential there often comes at the start of a sentence. There is a fly in my soup.
While the prefixes do not change anything in the pronunciation of shape of the base words, the suffixes have such an effect. They lead either to the deletion of material at the end of the base or to a different stress pattern Adjectival 7 o Relational - to relate the noun the adjective qualifies to the base word of the derived adjective Algebraic, colonial, theoretical o Qualitative - express more specific concepts Grammatical o Some relational adjectives can adopt qualitative meanings. grammatical, which has a relational meaning ‘having to do with grammar’ in the sentence she is a grammatical genius, but which also has a qualitative sense ‘conforming to the
g hey o oh x ah-kees h ah-chay p pay y ee-gree-ay-gah i ee q koo z say-tah The Spanish language academy no longer considers the ch, ll or rr to be separate letters in dictionaries, but they are still separate letters in the alphabet. In Spain, you can say oo-bay for v, but in Latin America most dialects just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and Peru) or corta (Argentina and Chile). 4 4. Articles & Demonstratives Masc. Singular Fem. Singular Masc. Plural Fem. Plural the el (ail) la (lah) the los (lohs) las (lahs) a, an un (oon) una (oon-ah) some unos (oon-ohs) unas (oon-ahs)
They speak German. 7)Michael comes from Australia. He speaks Australian. 8)Eve lives in Ireland and loves Irish music. 3. Write in reported speech. 1)The teacher asks what the capital of Latvia is. 2)Mary wants to know how many sisters I have got. 3)Ben asks Brian why he was late yesterday. 4)The secretary wants to know where I live. 5)My little sister asks where her teddy bear is. 6)The man wants to know what time does the train for Leeds leave. 4. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective or adverb. 1)Be quiet! Mum is sleeping. 2)Tom fell in his PE class and hurt his knee badly. 3) Mary can speak French quite well. 4)Don't speak so fast. I cant follow you. 5)Pandas are rare animals. 6)Have a nice journey!
1. Nouns: how is the plural formed? The plural form of most nouns is created simply by adding the letter s: · more than one snake / snakes · more than one ski / skis · more than one Barrymore / Barrymores Words that end in -ch, x, s or s-like sounds, however, will require an -es for the plural: · more than one witch / witches · more than one box / boxes · more than one gas / gases · more than one bus / buses · more than one kiss / kisses · more than one Jones / Joneses BUT! Photos, kilos, pianos, zeros, studios, radios. When the word ends in the letter -y: · country / countries · family / families · story / stories Nouns ending in -f: (should be learned by heart) · calf / calves · elf / elves · half / halves · knife / knives · life /...
-ING · Admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for activities), imagine, involve, keep (=continue), mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, SUGGEST, stop, tolerant, understand · Dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer · Be busy, it's no use, it's good, it's worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no point (in), can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble, have a hard/difficult time · Spend, waste, lose · Hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel- ainult mingi osa tegevusest · Need, require, want + ing TO · Afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, beg, care, claim, consent, decide, demand...
· Names of points of the compass: the North etc. * Names of a single island or mountain / hill Great Britain, Ben Nevis etc. · Geographical names, consisting of a countable noun: union, republic, state, sea, ocean, moun- * Names of continents, geographikal areas, tain, stream, channel, gulf, bay, cape and a states, countries, cities, capes, lakes without modifer, either a nõun or an adjective: the Eu- a modifer. Europe, Siberia, Ohio, York, Lon- ropean Union, the Estonian Republic, the Or don, Cape Hom, Erie etc. ange Free, the Bay of Bengal etc. * Universities consisting of a proper name: Ox- * Names of groups of islands, desert, mountain ford University ranges, regions: the Phillippines, the East/West
Ecology and Environment I Word formation Noun Verb Adjective Eruption Protection Pollution - Penetration Contamination Emission - Depletion - Prediction Reduction Consumption Campaign/campaigner Disaster -
Unit 6: vocabulary School and work (v.) verb (n.) noun (adj.) adjective (adv.) adverb 1. to retire (from) (v.) - to stop working due to age 2. toddler (n.) young child at the age of learning to walk, age 1-2 3. aspiration (n.) strong desire to achieve something 4. exasperated (adj.) extremely annoyed 5. to be fed up with (v.) sick and tired of 6. rarely (adv.) seldom; not often; infrequently 7. to queue (v.) to stand in a line 8. to be ashamed of (v.) to be embarrassed of something 9
Estonian language Seliin-Doris Tsinjakov 11. Klass Kehra Gümnaasium · Estonian is the official language of Estonia. · Spoken natively by about 1.1 million people. · It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family. Classification · Belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic languages, along with Finnish, Karelian, and other nearby languages. · Estonian has been influenced by Swedish, German and Russian, though it is not related to them genetically. History · The two different historical Estonian languages, the North and South Estonian languages, are based on the ancestors of modern Estonians migration into the territory of Estonia in at least two different waves, both groups speaking considerably different Finnic vernaculars. · Modern standard Estonian has evolved on the basis of the dialects of Northern Estonia. · The domination of Estonia a...
3 Nende põhilised vaated olid sarnased. Their basic views were similar. 4 Nad austasid kõiki eluvorme. They respected every form of life. 5 Valged asukad liikusid läände. The white settlers moved westward. 6 Tänapäeval elavad paljud põlisameeriklased reservaatides. Today lots of Native Americans live in reservations. 7 kellegisse armuma fall in love with sb 8 kellestki / millestki erinema differ from sb/sth 2 Write the missing forms. Noun Adjective Verb Adverb 1 attraction attractive attract attractively 2 danger dangerous X dangerously 3 difference different differ differently 4 happiness happy X happily 5 movement moving move X 6 natinality national X nationally 7 popularity popular X popularly
Derivation Omadussõna Nimisõna Tegusõna Määrsõna Adjective Noun Verb Adverb Angry- vihane Anger- viha Anger- vihastama Angrily Embarassed- Embarrassment- piinlikus Embarrass- piinlikust Embarrassingly piinlik tundma Amazed- Amazement- hämmastus Amaze- hämmastama üllatunud Disappointed- Disappointment- pettumus Disappoint- pettuma pettunud Sad- kurb sadness- kurbus Sadden- kurvastama Terrified- Terror- hirm Terrify- hirmutama hirmunud Shocked Shock Shock Anxious- Anxiety-ärevus närviline Beautiful- ilus Beauty- iludus Beautifully- ...
•I've got a few dollars. •I haven't got many pens. definite article The definite article the is the most frequent word in English. We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the hearer/reader knows exactly what we are referring to. • because there is only one: The Pope is visiting Russia. The moon is very bright tonight. The Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979. This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective: He is the tallest boy in the class. It is the oldest building in the town. • because there is only one in that place or in those surroundings: We live in a small village next to the church. (the church in our village) = Dad, can I borrow the car? = (the car that belongs to our family) When we stayed at my grandmother’s house we went to the (the beach near my grandmother’s
U 15 SB 2) 2C, 4A, 6D, 8B 3) How about i come ... ? School is off Hei s sure to know Due for tomorrow Tie in with sth Get a flight sorte get back to me 4) *Easter * her grandparents' birthday gift * the weather and the currency * Some doorways and doors * Layers and a camer * The view from the topp of Olaf's church tower, the secret passagesunder Swedish defences, the winding streets of old... the parliament buildinf, some museums, and art galleries. * Pancakes together with Hannah's mates * Tartu 5b) 1. Was ... marked- märgiti; is includes on lisatud 2. 2. was built- ehitati- heisatakse 3. 3. was ... mentioned- mainiti 4. Was built- ehitati 5. was created- rajati; wa named- nimetati Revision Sample answers 3) 1. Isi t Oki f I read your diary? 2. Isi t all right if I try your crash helmet? 3. Can I have some milk in my coffee? 4) Sample answers. 1. You might ge...
government. The candidate promised to lower taxes, protect the environment, reduce crime, and end unemployment. The prosecutor argued that the defendant, who was at the scene of the crime, who had a strong revenge motive, and who had access to the murder weapon, was guilty of homicide. 6. Use commas to separate two or more coordinate adjectives that describe the same noun. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun itself or to use commas with non-coordinate adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are adjectives with equal ("co"-ordinate) status in describing the noun; neither adjective is subordinate to the other. You can decide if two adjectives in a row are coordinate by asking the following questions: · Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written in reverse order? · Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written with and between them?
on. I've been waiting since 10 o'clock. (NOT I'm waiting since 10 o'clock.) We've lived here for nine years. (NOT We live here for nine years.). 22. The majority is normally plural. Some people are interested, but the majority don't care. (NOT ... but the majority doesn't care.) The majority of these people are very poor. (NOT The majority of these people is very poor.) 23. Use too much/many before (adjective +) noun; use too before an adjective with no noun. There's too much noise. I bought too much red paint. Those shoes are too expensive. (NOT Those shoes are too much expensive.) 24. Use that, not what, after all. I've told you all that I know. (NOT I've told you all what I know.) He gave her all that he had. 25. Don't say according to me to give your opinion. I think it's a good film. (NOT According to me, it's a good film.) In my opinion, you're making a serious mistake. (NOT According to me, you're making a serious mistake.)
Common prefixes include anti- (against), co- (with), mis- (wrong, bad), and trans- (across). Prefixation (the process of adding a prefix to a word) is a common way of forming new words in English. Examples: anti-, auto-, circum-, co-, ex-, trans-, inter-, dis-. 20. Suffixes A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word or root (i.e., a base form), serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending. A derivational suffix (such as the addition of -ly to an adjective to form an adverb) indicates what type of word it is. An inflectional suffix (such as the addition of -s to a noun to form a plural) tells something about the word's grammatical behavior. -able, -al, -ness, -ist, -dom 21. Infixes – An infix is an affix that is inserted inside its base. A word element (a type of affix) that can be inserted within the base form of a word (rather than at its beginning or end) to create a new word or intensify meaning
4. If you ask me, _______ 4.0 GIVING YOUR OPINION ABOUT A TOPIC 4.1 Expressing a strong opinion In my opinion, fashion is a complete waste of time, money and resources. In my opinion, there's only one choice - English! In my view, government money shouldn't be used to support the Arts. In my reckoning, if we could lock up juvenile criminals, they'd learn that they couldn't get away with it. I strongly believe in preventing problems before they happen. In much the same way as the Japanese prepare for earthquakes, countries with dry climates could have water catchment systems and reservoirs to defend against water shortage. I definitely think that countries should be self-sufficient in food and basic necessities. Don't you think it's better to stay single? Well, if you ask me, it all depends on your circumstances. Well, I th...
The first word is usually the name of a person (Kennedy) or a place (Cambridge). We do not usually use ,,the" with names like these. Some more examples: Victoria Station Edinburgh Castle London Zoo Westminister Abbey Buckhingham Palace Canterbury Cathedral But we say 'the White House' and 'the Royal Palace' because 'white' and 'royal' are not names like 'Kennedy' and 'Cambridge' Most other names (of laces, buildings etc) have names with the: The + adjective or + noun name etc Hilton Hotel National Theatre The Sahara Desert Atlantic Ocean These places usually have the: Hotels/restaurants/ pubs the Station Hotel, the Bombay Restaurant, the Red Lion(pub) Theatres/cinemas the Palace Theatre, the Odeon Cinema Museums/galleries the British Museum, the Tate Gallery Other buildings the Empire State Building, the Festival Hall, the White House
6 Cooks prepare food. 7 Nurses help doctors and look after people who are ill. 8 Farmers work in the fields. 3 Write the opposites. 1 lazy hardworking 5 possible impossible 2 quiet noisy 6 friendly unfriendly 3 stupid bright 7 worried happy 4 calm noisy 8 shy sociable 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective. 1 Our new hoise is bigger than the one we used to live in. (big) 2 The Ritz is one of the most expensive hotels in the world. (expensive) 3 It was the quickest way from Tallinn to Haapsalu. (quick) 4 Shopping at a supermarket is cheaper than at small shops. (cheap) 5 Children nowadays seem to be much noisier than years ago. (noisy) 6 Jane said she had more important things to do and left the party early. (important) 5 Read what these young people say about a teacher´s job.
the marrow of something (44) - The soft stuff inside of a bone is called marrow. ... From this biological kind of marrow comes a figurative meaning of marrow -- the essence of something. S The convent is on top of the high hill and from its window the Sisters can see the marrow of the town. to be privy to something (46) - If you're privy to something, you've been let in on a secret or know about something that most people don't. ... The adjective privy comes from the Latin privatus, meaning "private," and describes someone who has knowledge of secret or confidential information. S- Marie is privy to both worlds of Evil knowledge. a habit (49) - a long, loose garment worn by a member of a religious order. S Marie asks if she gets a habit when Leopolda tells her that Marie will be sleeping behind the stove. a stigma (59) - (in Christian tradition) marks corresponding to those left on Christ's body
Active Simple Continuous Present Walks Is walking Past Walked Was walking Future Will walk Will be walking Present Perfect Have walked Have been walking Past Perfect Had walked Had been walking Future Perfect Will have walked Will have heen walking Passive Simple Continuous Present is sold Was being sold Past was sold was being sold Future Will be sold Present Perfect Have been made Past Perfect Had been made Future Perfect Will have been sold A house on fire heas suhtes olema He...
They can be grouped in the following way: 1 adverbs like very to add extra emphasis. adverbs like absolutely, completely, entirely, totally, which mean in every way. adverbs that collocate with particular adjectives, e.g.: utterly ridiculous / delightful / enchanting highly successful / improbable hugely successful / expensive adverbs like quite, moderately, rather, fairly that make an adjective less extreme. Exercise 5 Work with your partner to decide which of the following words can be used to talk about films, which to talk about plays, and which to talk about both: an act / the author / a box-office hit / the cast / characters / a classic / extras / a flop / a masterpiece / a performance / the plot / a role / a scene / a script / the stage / a star / a thriller Exercise 6 Use the language below to talk to others in your group about a film you have seen recently.
The gerund form -ing The gerund form -ing is used: After some main verbs. (admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prefer, put off, recommend, resent, risk, suggest, understand) I do not recommend going to that restaurant. After an adjective, verb or noun followed by a preposition. She is really good at swimming. He apologised to arriving late. I quite like the thought of working in a travel agency. In some fixed expressions I can not bear listening to people who complain. I can not help feeling that he is cheating us. That book is not worth reading. The infinitive with to The infinitive with to is used: After some main verbs
9 Adverbs 127 4 Pronouns 44 Personal Pronouns 44 10 Prepositions 132 Reflexive Pronouns 47 Interrogative Pronouns 48 Demonstrative Pronouns 49 11 Conjunctions 135 5 Adjectives 52 12 Interjections 138 Adjective Endings 54 Kinds of Adjectives 58 Comparison of Adjectives 65 13 Sentences 139 What is a Sentence? 139 6 Determiners 71 Kinds of Sentences 140 The Imperative 141 The Articles 71 The Subject and the Object 143
Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia. The Perth metropolitan area has an estimated population of 1,659,000. Adelaide. Adelaide is the capital and most populous city of the Australian state of South Australia, and is the fifthlargest city in Australia. Adelaide has an estimated population of more than 1.28 million. The adjective form of Adelaide used to describe residents or other qualities of the city is "Adelaidean" Abor igines Aborigines are Australia's indigenous people. Recent government statistics counted approximately 400,000 aboriginal people, or about 2% of Australia's total population. Music Aboriginal music is often recognizable for its most famous instrument, the didgeridoo
-er/-or,-ian and ist used to discribe people and work what they do -er -or -ist -ian Dancer Actor Artist Beautician Murderer Director Economist Musician Manager Translator Psychologist liberian Farmer Operator Journalis Derivational suffix adjective -ous DANGER,FAME-dangerous, famous -al MUSIC,POLITICS,INDUSTRY- musical,political,industrial -y CLOUD,FOG,SUN-cloudy,foggy,sunny -ive ATTRACT,CREATE-attractive,creative KERMO MAISTE You need to understand the sentence You have been given. !!!Below phrases need to be learnt!!! · EXCLUDE-exclusive · DANGER-endangered, dangerous · POLLUTE-pollution · SHY- shyness · ACCOMPLISH-accomplishment
3 Ben said to Brian, "You can wait for me here." Ben told Brian he could wait for him there. 4 Dad said, "I´ll finish work early today." Dad said he would finish work early that day. 5 My sister said to me, "This dress looks good on you." My sister told me that dress looked good on me. 6 Simon said, "I was in Springfield last week." Simon said he had been in Springfield the week before. 4 Complete the sentences. Use the word on the right to from a suitable noun or adjective. 1 Are there many immigrants in Finldand? IMMIGRATE 2 There are a lot of cultural events in our town in summer. CULTURE 3 The stadium was crowded because the fans had come to watch the game. CROWDED 4 He is a direct descendant of the last king. DESCENT 5 Tallin is famous for its historical buildings
1. Keel kui märgisüsteem. Märgi mõiste ja kommunikatiivne situatsioon. Inimkeele olemuslikud omadused. Keel on märgisüsteem, mida inimene kasutab suhtlemiseks ja mõtete väljendamiseks. Keel on mõtlemise tööriist. Keel koosneb üksustest ja üksused märkidest. Märk = vorm + tähendus Märgid on: * sümbol – keeleline sümbol koosneb vormist ja tähendusest. Vormi suhe tähendusse on meelevaldne, nende vahel puudub seos (tav sõna, nt „hobune“) * ikoon – märk, mille tähendus järeldub vormist. Nt liiklusmärgid. * indeks – vorm on suhtes oma referendiga. Põhjusliku seosega märk. Nt mitteverbaalsel suhtlemisel kahvatamine = halb tervis. Kitsamas tähenduses selgub alles kontekstis (see, too, ma, ta jne) Kommunikatiivne situatsioon - Keelel on kommunikatiivne ehk suhtlemise situatsioon. On signaali saatja ja selle vastuvõtja. Signaalil on kood(märgisüsteem), mis liigub mööda kanalit. Inimkeele olemuslikud omadused: * Keelemärgi arbitraarsus e motiveeri...