Pianoitall.com Colbie Caillat - Try - Pianoitall q = 140 w w b 4 & b bbb 4 oe oe oe oe oe oe oe ? bb b 44 oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe bb 5 w w w b & b bbb oe oeoeoeoeoeoeoe oeoeoeoeoeoeoe oe oeoeoeoeoeoeoe oe oeoeoeoeoeoe ? bb b bb 9
thought these little boys to kill and commanded them to go to the battle. Someway killing for me is Evil. Children had no choice to learn from killers how to kill enemy. But in some way I understand this teaching. Of course it was for protecting the country but they did not had to teach and put to suffer so young boys. So I have not anything more to say that he, who studies evil, is studied by evil. Talking about wars, people are scared and they try to deal with their own good. People do not want to put their nose where they have nothing important to say or talk along. Even government keeps too low profile. Magazines and newspapers are not also talking much. Only who are missing and how many people had been suffered in war and also how damaged the cities are. Only few people are thinking about laws in this time. Most of all they think how to survive this war-time. I think that this silent is because government does not
Autodki pannakse skeemi järgi kokku, mitte peast (need mis käsitsi kokku pannakse ). Plugina näide: VIII. Errorite püüdmine, nende töötlemine Iga programmeerija puutub kokku veateatega. Juba kasvõi siis saame veateate, kui üritame ühte jagada nulliga. Neid erroreid saab kinni püüda, et mitte takistada programmi tööd. Selleks on olemas nii nimetatud try-catch block. Põhimõtteliselt me algul üritame teha arvutust try ja vea ilmnemisel püüame selle kinni catch. Üldkuju: try{ //kood, nt tehe vms } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } Kui me kood tekitab vea, liigub seesama viga catch bloki, kus antakse põhimõtteliselt sellele nimi, et sellega saaks teha soovitud toiminguid. Antud juhul nimetame Exceptioni ehk erandi
Dear Sir/Madam, I read with great regret that you want to reduce the funding for English college Film Club. I would like propose the ideas to enhance the Film Club to not to lose the funding. I will try to change your mind by bringing out folowing reasons. Firstly, Film Club evenings take plave on Fridays 6-10 pm. Usually films are in English and quiz evenings about films are always very popular. Students like to relax and communicate with each other, it is also popular because watching films is not too physically demanding. Secondly, there are some problems but Film Club team is trying to solve them. The biggest problem is lack of money and because of that we would like to raise
What are the Estonians like? Estonia is a very small country, therefore its population is quite small. We, Estonians, are very friendly and care about each other. When our country is going through rough times , we stick together and try to go through them as one . There aren't many riots in our country, because we aren't violent people. We like to stay quiet, so only a few of us have the courage to say their opinion out loud. Estonians have quite good manners. We say hi to each other and we often say sorry, even if our acts aren't so bad. There are also many gentlemen in Estonia, who open doors for women and make a lot of compliments. I really like that, because one opened door or one little
I can´t afford to buy a new overcoat. Here are some common verbs which are followed by an infinitive with ´to´ Afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, bear, begin, care, choose, consent, decide, determine (pühendumine), expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, offer, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, regret (kahetsema), remember, seem, start, swear, trouble, try, want, wish She pretend to be sleep Ta teeskleb magamist. 7.5 Common verbs followed by object + infinitive with ´to´ He encouraged me to try again. Here are some common verbs which are followed by an object and the infinitive with to: Advise, allow, ask, cause, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, leave, like, mean, need, oblige (kohustama), order, permit,
asthma) and have been linked to acid air pollution. Some things that you can do to make acid rain less of a problem are: Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. Turn off the lights in empty rooms or when you will be away from home. Turn off the hot water tank when you will be gone for a long period of time. Don't use your air conditioner or heater as much. Install fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. Try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as often as you can. Try not to burn a fire often. When you are going to work, you could walk, ride your bike, or take a bus. Car-pool to a place with someone else. Try to use alternate fuels, like: ethanol, propane, or natural gas. Take the train or a bus for long trips. L imit the amount of long trips you take in your car. M ake sure that your vehicle's air conditioning system isn't leaking. Try not to overflow the gas tank.
This lesson is going to challenge your strumming hand. Being able to play particular strums and rhythms is an important and often under practised part of playing the guitar. Many musicians get caught up in learning crazy chords or playing speedy scales. This can often lead to the neglect of rhythm which is the basis for all music. Remember in the last lesson we talked about warming up and using the correct fingering. Before you start this lesson, just try another one of these warm up fingering drills. This following warm up exercise involves the 6th, 5th and 4th strings (three thickest strings). Once again I would like you to use correct fingering when you are playing this. Remember your index finger is number 1, you middle finger is number 2, your ring finger is number 3 and your pinky is number 4. Play in down strokes and take your time. Try and make each note ring clear.
had stolen the money. on to talk about foreign policy. somebody what/how/where to do 4) begin, start, continue, intend, smth. Example: 1. We asked how to bother Example: It has started get to the station. 2. Ask Jack. He'll raining. tell you what to do. 5) Try to and try -ing (also just 5) want, ask, help, would like, try) Example: 1. I was very tired. expect, beg, mean, would prefer. I tried to keep my eyed open, but (verb + to or verb + object + to) I couldn't. 2. Try pressing the Example: 1. We expected to be late. green button. 3. These cakes are 2
I can not help feeling that he is cheating us. That book is not worth reading. The infinitive with to The infinitive with to is used: After some main verbs (afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, bear, begin, care, choose, consent, decide, determine, expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, offer, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, remember, seem, start, swear, try, want, wish) I can not afford to eat in that restaurant. After some main verbs Followed by object + infinitive with to (advise, allow, ask, cause, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, leave, like, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, press, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, tempt, trouble, want, warn, wish) He asked me to help him. Her parents forbade her to see Tom again.
Having a job while studying Students want to work, while they are studying,but is it good or bad, if you study and work at the same time? In some cases it is good, when you have a job. You can earn money and not depend on your parents. Then you can make new friends, if it is a serious job, you can meet people, who are older than you, and they will help. Job makes a person to be more responsible. When you are young, you can try to work in different job areas and when you grow up, it is easy for you to make a choice, where you would like to work. And the last, I think, when you have a job, it is interesting and exciting for you to try something new. But there are some negative aspects of having a job while studying. Some students try to work a lot, to earn a lot of money. So they are always very tired and forget about school. Then they think
versioon ragbi-7 ehk seitsmeragbi (rugby sevens), mille poolaeg kestab vaid seitse minutit. Seitsmeragbi on kavas ka 2016. aasta suveolümpiamängudel Rio de Janeiros. Seitsmeliikmelise võistkonnaga mängitav versioon on olemas ka ragbi liiga mängust. Kirjeldus Nii liidu kui liiga mängus on eesmärgiks saada punkte, kandes palli üle vastase väravajoone ehk try-joone, kusjuures pall tuleb try-alas või try-joonel maha panna (try). Try järel saab meeskond võimaluse punktisummat kasvatada lüües palli vastasmeeskonna väravapostide vahelt läbi ning üle värava põiklati (conversion). Kolmas moodus punkte koguda on drop goal, mille korral mängijal õnnestub lüüa maas põrganud või kiiresti maha asetatud pall vastasmeeskonna väljakupoole väravapostide vahelt läbi ning üle värava põiklati. Lisaks neile annab punkte õnnestunud karistuslöök. Katta võib mõlemas mängus üksnes palliga mängijat
in the 1930s The effects of stress: Alarm is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body's stress response is a state of alarm. During this stage adrenaline will be produced in order to bring about the fight-or-flight response (võitle või põgene) Resistance is the second stage. If the stressor persists (püsib), it becomes necessary to attempt some means of coping (toimetulemisega) with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt (kohanduma) to the strains (pinge) or demands (nõudmistega) of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely (määramatult), so its resources are gradually depleted (otsakorral). Exhaustion (kurnatus) is the third and final. At this point, all of the body's resources are eventually depleted (otsakorral) and the body is unable to maintain (säilitama) normal function. The initial (algne) autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate etc.)
Nowadays a lot of people have stress because of modern, fast- moving world. A lot of people receive an adverse effect from stress, so people should try to avoid stress, because stress can prove to be dangerous. First of all, unhealthy lifestyle has negavite impact to your body. If you eat junk food, frequntly drink coffee, take alcohol and smoke, body receive poisonous substances, which increase the level of stress. Try to eat more fibre, proteins and vitamins to supple the body with vital nutrients or go for balanced diet. Besides, suffi cient exercise help you get rid from stress. You can perform ordinary physical tasks at home or go to gym to do vigorous exercise. After trainings you will feel facilitated. Moreover, nowadays there are a lot of therapies , which decrease the level of stress. Music therapy calm your mind and reduce your anxiety. Aroma therapy have wonderful properties, aroma trerapy
But we don’t know of any similar platform in Denmark. 4. Why is it important to challenge convention? For a long time many companies and organizations have been doing things the same way (work schedules, company structures, taking care of the finances, etc.). But in today’s dynamic and rapidly changing world that doesn’t make sense anymore. The companies and organizations should think outside of the box and try to come up with innovative solutions to change the way they do things, even the smallest changes can make a big difference. 5. Explain which types of innovation would be relevant to include in your MA1 project – and why? Network: the main function of the platform is dependent on the interaction of the customers (customers are the creators and users of the content on the platform) Product system: future opportunities (e.g
The most memorable experiences The most influential ideas, people and events in your life Your likes and dislikes Your academic, career and personal goals Your key strengths Your favorite written work, quotations, intellectual activities The attributes you most respect in others Times when you have shown leadership, creativity and ingenuity Times when you have helped others You don't have to cover all the topics stated above. All you have to do is try going from topic to topic and write around three to five items for each question or topic then move on to the next one. You can skip any topic you want to, there is no compulsion. The whole point of this exercise is to generate a mass of information that will help you in selecting your topic for the essay. Try to make your topic focused and broad at the same time, it sounds paradoxical but it's not.
Doing business in Australia Business Mentality *Australians are very straightforward when it comes to business, so they do not need to build relationships for a long time before doing business. They are receptive to new ideas. * They appreciate modesty, so try not to oversell your company and do not even think of applying aggressive sales techniques. Try to be factual, friendly and to the point, avoiding self-importance. *If you manage to impress them, they will not make it obvious. *The decision making will be slower than usually, as the work environment in Australian business culture is collaborative. Top management will consult subordinates. *Do not try to rush the decision - patience is very much appreciated. * The good news is that Australians do not find it hard to say "no", so the answer will be clear and straightforward.
Est onia Ida-Virumaa Kiviõli Lõuna 7 07.03.2011 Dear Sir/Madam My family does not eat very healthy. I try to eat more vegetables and low fat products. We do not eat much sugar and sweets. In my family people drink alcohol only on birthdays or other celebratings like New Year. In my family all but grandfather smoke . I am the only one who does some kind of sport. In winter i often go swimming with my best friend , two times a week. In autumn and summer i go cycling or jogging. I like to keep me fit. Sad that other people in my family do not play sports at all.
I wake up at 8 o'clock.. After I had push aside about three blankets, I decide to take some coffee and go to window to see what is the temperature. It quite funny to think that me the consequently biggest cryaesthesia in the world, comes here to Antarctica. But my huge affection is penguins. That's why I'm going to see how they are doing, after I have finished my coffee. I'll check how many of them are on the ice and does they have their food. We try to interrupt penguins as less as possible. That's why they look themselves the food and place to stay. Mostly they eat fishes and squids. After those duties with them are done, It's almost afternoon. Then I crab some lunch and chat with some other scientists. We are making quite progress in exploring penguins. After my lunch I go to see them again. I watch their actions and habits and write everything down. In the evening I try to write for my research
number of teams is between 60 and 80 Rules Two teams of up to ten players compete, with six players on each team in play at once (remaining four players are substituted into play from a substitution area) Before the start puck is placed in the middle of the pool,players wait in the water, touching the wall above the goals they are defending. After the signal players are free to swim anywhere in the play area and try to score by maneuvring the puck into the opponents' goal. Players hold their breath as they dive to the bottom of the pool. Play continues until either a goal is scored, and players return to their wall to start a new point two halves, ten to fifteen minutes (15 min at world championship tournaments) , and a short half-time interval.At half time the two teams switch ends. Also there is penalties, that is given to the offending rules team
Good evening! My name is ... Today I am going to share information about Bodybalance workout. I`ve divided my presentation into 3 parts. I`ll start of by introduction. Then I`ll speak about details and bring you some recommendations for these people who would like to try Bodybalance. I will end with benefits of this workout. My talk should take about 4-6 minutes. Please feel free to ask your questions in the end of presentation. At first I would like you to ask have you tried Bodybalance? Do you know WHAT Bodybalance workout? Bodybalance is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. Some people call it new yoga. Frankly speaking it is not yoga. Bodybalance is a motivating BLEND OF YOGA WITH TAI CHI AND PILATES
Others suppose that absence of hunger, deprivation or social justice would be a symptom that world peace is finally happening. it's like viewing the forest while not seeing the trees rather than the opposite means around. The perennial question can invariably be wherever to begin. If we have a tendency to take time to browse the teachings of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Kung futzu or take many minutes to seem at the Bible, the common divisor lies with the "Golden Rule" that teaches "not to try to to unto others what we have a tendency to don't wish others to try to to unto us". This teaching rings true even nowadays after we look into however folks ar treated in some elements of the planet. War, violence, famine and social injustices ar all handmaids of the devil. If we attempt to treat people sort of a brother, living harmoniously with each other, treating one another justly and fairly, there would be no conflict and also the rest follows. For this reason, so as to
Once upon a time there was a blue big and horse who has wings. They lived in Lollipop Magic Land. Every where the looked, they saw lollipops and all other sweets. They had their own Lollipop river, but over the river lived one ugly old and evil man, who wanted that river to be gone. Everbody were eating these lollipops and they were happy. Evil man tried to destroy lollipops by burning them. Big and horse tried to hold him back, but their try failid. Evil man destroyed the river and burned all the lollipops and also got the recept of Lollipops River at the same time the good ones tried to stop the evil man. Everybody were sad but big and horse with wings didn't want to give up. Horse flied over the river and took back the recept . Helpfully everyone helped horse and big and the got their Lollipop river back with 2 weeks. These were hard and tiring weeks but at the end everybody were happy.
getChar() jne. Näide: double d = 0.; do { TextIO.put ("Sisesta positiivne arv "); d = TextIO.getlnDouble(); } while (d <= 0.); . Tuleb olla pisut ettevaatlik, sest need meetodid ei anna reeglina veateateid, vaid lõikavad rea "arusaamatu" lõpuosa lihtsalt ära. Java standardvahendite kasutamine on suhteliselt kohmakas. Näiteks rea teksti lugemine dialoogis käib nii: import java.io.*; .... try { BufferedReader sisse = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); System.out.print ("Anna tekst: "); String s = sisse.readLine(); // rida teksti ka"es System.out.println ("Tippisid: " + s); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("S/V viga: " + e); } ..... Sõned Objektide hulgas on olulisel kohal sõned (stringid), millega seotud töötlusprogramme leiab klassidest java
Motivation Letter I have always known that I want to engage oneself with science. I am interested in how different things react with each other, their influence on human and realised that I can find all these in food science and nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and
giving Bella a hand me down present. Edward gives Bella a "crystal" heart that reminds her of him for being hard and sparkly. Edward places the charm on the bracelet that Jacob gave her. Bella decides to negotiate with Edward. She tells him that she wants him before she is changed and Edward doesn't quite understand her meaning until she tries to take his clothes off. Edward refuses to compromise, afraid he would hurt her. Bella feels dejected. She pleads with Edward that she just wants to try. The pleading breaks Edward's resolve and he offers a new compromise. He is willing to try but only after they are married. Bella realizes that the reason Edward wants to wait is to protect her virtue, which she finds very funny. Edward also realizes that he can use her hormones to speed up the marriage process. Edward shows her the ring and explains that it was his mothers. Bella is not overly enthused at trying it on but does to make Edward happy. Once the ring is on her finger Edward drops
1 SEK = 0,11 EUR Norra kroon Lühend NOK, tähis kr Norra rahaühik aastast 1873 1 NOK = 0,13 EUR Sveitsi frank Lühend CHF, tähis CHF Sveitsi rahaühik 1 CHF = 0,80 EUR Suurbritannia naelsterling Lühend GBP, tähis £ Suurbritannia rahaühik 1 GBP = 1,16 EUR Islandi kroon Lühend ISK, tähis kr Islandi rahaühik 1 ISK = 0,01 EUR Türgi liir Lühend TRY, tähis TL Türgi rahaühik, mis võeti kasutusele 1843. aastal 1 TRY = 0,50 EUR Venemaa rubla Lühend RUB, tähis Venemaa Föderatsiooni rahaühik, kõige esimene kopikasvermiti aastal 1478 1 RUB = 0,02 EUR Läti latt Lühend LVL, tähis Ls Läti rahaühik, mis on kasutusel olnud 1922 - 1940. Uuesti kasutusel aastast 1993. 1 LVL = 1,45 EUR Leedu litt Lühend LTL, tähis Lt
At the drop of a hat - without any hesitation New kid on the block - A newcomer See eye to eye two or more people agree at sth Let one's hair down - Relax, have fun Cry your heart out - Cry very hard My flesh and blood - Relative Have one's head in the clouds - Be unaware about smth By the skin of one's teeth - Just barely Rule of thumb - Basic rule Pull one's leg - Joke or tease someone An old hand - An experienced person Neck of the woods - Nearby location Keep one's chin up - Try to be cheerful Keep an eye on - Take care of Spill the beans - Reveal the truth Bite off more than you can chew - To take on a task that is way to big Burn the midnight oil - To work late into the night Cut the mustard - To succeed Devil's Advocate - To present a counter argument. Big cheese - very important person Last straw - The final problem in a series of problems. Use your noodle - Use your brain A bun in the oven - Be pregnant Bad egg- A person who is often in trouble
-ING · Admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for activities), imagine, involve, keep (=continue), mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, SUGGEST, stop, tolerant, understand · Dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer · Be busy, it's no use, it's good, it's worth, what's the use of, can't help, there's no point (in), can't stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble, have a hard/difficult time · Spend, waste, lose · Hear, listen to, notice, see, watch, feel- ainult mingi osa tegevusest · Need, require, want + ing TO · Afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, beg, care, claim, consent, decide, demand...
wear at home and not putting much effort into blending in. Their trips are usually planned to the T, leaving no room for any spontaneous adventures that might come up along the way. They tend to only see the ‘must see’ tourist attractions, stay in a good hotels overall sticking to all the amenities that are similar to home. A traveller however is different. Generally speaking, a person who considers themselves a traveller, will try to immerse in the local culture as much as possible. They make an effort to learn some of the language and speak to locals to find out about the history, traditions and customs of the country. They do this not because they feel like they have to, but because they care and want to. For them, it’s not just about taking a break from everyday life, but learning and experiencing something they haven’t before. Usually they’ll try to explore the lesser known
really need to work on today with this lesson is getting you to remember the changes and getting into the feel of the song. The first part of `The Midnight Special' is the chord D followed by the chord G. Interestingly the WHOLE song uses the same structure, the guitar plays the same progression in both the verses and the choruses. In tomorrows lesson I will also give you a chance to play along with other instruments, but today we will try and work with a singer and your guitar. You will have noticed by now that I like to break things down and give them to you in small, manageable steps. Nothing is going to change for this lesson. There are going to be four parts to this lesson. Firstly I want you to listen to the song, then I want you to try and play it by yourself, thirdly I would like you to play it with another guitar, and finally we will get you playing it with a singer.
· If you are a smoking person quit. Cigarette smoke is a toxic coctail of around 70 cancer causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons. Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world. In the UK, smoking kills five times more people than road accidents, overdoses, murder, suicide and HIV all put togeather. · Eat two, three or more times but roughly the same times each day. Watch your portions, think twice before having second helpings. · Try to have five portions of vegatables and fruits a day ( 1 portion is about 80g). · Cut fat off meat. Eat salt reasonably, its not really good for youre health. · If youre hungry between meals, eat healthier snacks like fruits, yogurts. · Very important is to look at food labels choose food with less fat, sugar and salt. · Do not eat at the same time you look television, you wount regonize when you are full. · Eating at the table will help you focus on the amount of food you
or you should be careful. Teenagers don't want these advises they only want to share their happiness and their parents don't do that. Because of that they are closer with their friends. They don't listen their parents and don't want to be like them. Moreover teenagers always spend their time with their friends. They are together in school almost every day and after a while they start to act like them. Currently a lot of teenagers start smoking because they try to be like their friends. They don't care what their parents think. They have different expectations about life. They want to be popular, they want to have a lot of friends and they believe that they should be like their friends to achieve that. On the other hand maybe when they grow up and have a baby they understand their parents and they want to be a parent like them. But in these ages parents are not their role models.
Cause every child has to go to school there is nothing to do when I miss classes. There isn´t anything to do alone and so it is much better to attend school because then I can be with my friend and also because then we can have more fun. Especially when we find something that is only for us funny but to others it may be something embarrasing. What can we do? We are boys after all. So what am I doing that showes how I take attending school seriously. First of all I try to study enough to get through the tests. I am trying to do my homework if I know how to do it. Okey my marks doesn´t seem good enough to a bystander but to me they are almost good enough. If I´d really want to I could do it better. I may say that I am giving almost everything I have but I can always do it better. I think that attending school is really important and so I will try to not miss too many classes.
palli vastase väravasse kas käsitsi või lüües palli jalaga üle H-tähte meenutava väravakonstruktsiooni keskmist põiktala. Mäng koosneb kahest 40-minutilisest poolajast, vaheaeg kestab kuni 10 minutit. Loosiga määratud lahtilööja võistkond lööb palli keskjoonelt vastase väljakupoolele. Pall peab jõudma kümne meetri kaugusele vastase väljakupoolel, siis loetakse see mängusolevaks. Kui ründajad on palli vastaste väravaalasse maha pannud, saavad nad kirja try (tõlkes ürituse), mis on väärt 5 punkti. Sellele võib järgneda convert ehk väravaüritus mängija enda otsustatud kauguselt, kuid paigast, mis jääb joonele, kust try sooritati. Kõik vastasvõistkonna mängijad peavad löögi ajal jääma oma väravaalasse. Kui pall ületab värava kesklati, loetakse convert kordaläinuks ja võistkond teenib lisaks veel 2 punkti. Kui löök latti ei ületa, jäävad võistkonnale üksnes varemteenitud 5 punkti.
h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount. i) How much did you pay/spend for your new shoes? j) This is a good shoe shop, but the costs/prices are very high. Task 2. Rewrite each sentence so that it includes the word given in capitals. a) I can't manage to see what the price is. Let's ask MAKE inside. I can't make out what the price is. Let's ask inside. b) Is this coat the right size? Can I check? TRY c) Two masked men robbed the supermarket HELD yesterday. d) You need a new coat. Your old one is too small. GROWN e) I've been shopping all morning. I feel exhausted. WORN f) I'll come and collect the goods on Thursday. PICK g) Sorry, we don't have any bread left. RUN h) Are you going to the chemist's? CALLING i) I don't like supermarkets. I can't bear the queues
started to realise that this is a problem we can solve and they have started solving it. But how do they do it? First of all, they take tests from the swimming live without crocodile leather and mink fur. polluted rivers again, which Also sea turtle shells are being used to make to find out is forbidden sunglasses and jewellery. To fight this, we what causes during the can control what we buy. While being on the pollution. pollution, vacation, try to buy only local food from This leads because local shopkeepers. Also try to avoid buying them to the pollution can things which you see that are made out of factories and be caused by animals and endangered plants, no matter companys chemicals how exclusive they look to you. who have which cause There are also many food products caused the people made out of animals. This may not sound pollution
My future career. I often think about my future plans and career. Now I am studying at the secondary school. But after finishing school I try to enter at the university. It is very difficult for me to make the right choice of my future profession. There are many different professions and you can find exactly that which interests you. For example, waiter, manager, actress, lawyer, doctor and so on. To decide, what kind of work suits me, helps communication with adults, meetings with representatives of universities and large selection of useful literature. Also I need to think about how well I can do what I would like to do.
some day we would have it, but what about our health? Even now so many people are suffering from obesity and imagine the situation when nobody needs to exercise at all. I believe that it is not worth it. I recommend you to think, before you take another invention, which thinks for you. I suggest trying to do something by yourself too because we need to fight against the machines which are smarter than us. Otherwise we are falling to the level of our ancestor. Take one sheet of paper and try to write a letter to your dear relative. I believe that it is better and more preferable than sending an e-mail and of course it is sometimes nice to try writing by hand too.
Time management 14. Family problems 15. Work 16. Feeling like an outcast 17. Physical health b. After having a list (of at least 8 events), please PRIORITIZE the risks. How probable it is that those events will happen? Start your list with the event which seems to be the most probable and end the list with the event which is the least probable! Try to find ways how to prevent those events happening! Name of event How to prevent this event? How to prevent this event? (Student thoughts) (Serious answers) Laziness Don't... Wait what were we Do not procrastinate and try supposed to do..? Ummm... to do things immediately as
Translation Misconception- väärarvamus aware of teadlik millegi suhtes associated with seotud millegagi gateway drug anxiety ärevus Give the reason:why did you choose this article or topic to speak about. I choose this article because I think it's one of the biggest problem in Estonia too. I know a lot of young people who have tried marijuana and over and over again. Most of teenagers think exactly like the article says, it's not harmfull and why not do try. Before using something, people should read about it and thing do they have to do it ?! I pretty sure that almost everybody has tried it because of friends ( haha, you don't try it, you are a p**sy orsth. )
her from leaving. Look forward to I+ing.., Get used to I+ing..) Forming: to+ verb I (to+v) USING: 1) After some adjectives (happy to+v.., wrong to+v..) 2) To express purpose (She went to Spain to meet her friend.) 3) After some nouns ( decision to+v.., time to+v.., wish to+v..) 4) After some main verbs ( appear, agree, ask, begin, choose, decide, expect, happen, help, hope, learn, like, love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, remember, start, try, want..) USING 1) After some main verbs (let,make, hear, see, watch, feel, notice, help...) In passive sentences make, hear, help are followed by an infinitive with to! Let > allowed in passive sentence My parents let me stay out late. I am allowed to stay out late by my parents. 2) After modal verbs (can, could, may, must, shall, should, will, would) 3) After would rather/had better (You'd better come in now.) 1) Can't bear/stand, like, hate, love, prefere
Happiness Happiness is a word and emotion that every human understands differently. All depends on a person's character and personality. Of course there are few people who just "go with the flow" and do not worry about everything. They just enjoy life itself and try to inspire those who are too consistent. If the humanity would take some time and think about the idiotic things they whine about they would realize that they are way too overrating and that life is too short for it. Money is definitely one of the most vital sources of happiness. Also in this subject the lack of it which brings the unhappiness all over the world. We cannot deny the importance of it but we must value what we have and not cry over the things we do not
We have so many different cultures from different places put into a little place all together that you could almost say we are a huge city not a country. And that has influenced us in a very remarcable way. Since the time we can remember we have been under Danes, Swedes, Germans, Russians, Polans and other. We have taken their traditions into our daily lives and forgotten ours. But still despite the fact that we bearly know our own language structure or our old traditions,we try to awake them once again. Estonia is one of the worlds wealthiest countries when it comes to forests. Almost half of the country is covered with the divercity of trees.Also we have many big rivers. Nowadays there are many possibilities to hike in the forests or to go for a ride on the river.Many company`s have started to give out this kind of service and it is very popular not only among the inhabitants of Estonia but also among tourists.
Kristjan Raud Kristjan Raud (18651943) belongs to the older generation of Estonian artistic pathfinders. Together with his twin brother Paul Raud and his contemporary artist, Ants Laikmaa, he managed to break through the obstacles set before the Estonians by the prevailing peasant mentality and the extremely classconscious society of the time. Kristjan Raud was one of the first Estonian artists who is brave enough to try and make his career in his homeland, although his talent and connections in the art world, established already during his studies in Germany and St.Petersburg would have enabled him to easily merge in either place. The long years of study in St.Petersburg, Dusseldorf and Munich ended in 1903 when Kristjan Raud settled at home. A great part of K. Rauds work is based on Estonian folklore. his drawings have been the first to give visible
who travel there feel free. Also it's very easy to get a job. That's why Australia is young people's dreamland Australia is very far away from other developed countries. That's why young people who go there feel free and are happy to run their own lives. The climate in Australia is very warm and that's why enjoying life there feels so great. Most young people go there with a group of friends. They work for some time and then start to spend earned money. They drive around, try new things and party a lot. Some young settle down there and start their own family. Some get new acquaintances and even work themselves up and get rich. Living in Australia isn't very expensive, some young stay even in a hotel. But living style and culture are different. This difference and distance attracts young like honey flies. Australia is many times bigger than Estonia. And that also means more opportunities, in many different fields
Thesis Statement(NEW) ,,The Sorrows of Young Werther" The main character Werther was selfish and with low self-esteem. His selfishness can be seen in two turning-points of the book, when Werther leaves Wahlheim and when he commits suicide. From his point of view these are the only solutions but he is not thinking about Lotte. Although she denies it Werther was much loved by her, he just did not try hard enough to win over her heart. Werther believes that the only way to end his sorrows is to commit suicide but he doesn't have enough positivity to keep on fighting for the love of his life. "Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully, grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!" Example of how deep feelings Werther had for Lotte, but he left all his thoughts only for himself.
Gulliver's first adventure takes place in Lilliput. Gulliver gets shipwrecked and finds himself tied down by a considerable number of little people called Lilliputians. The Lilliputians stood only six inches high. During this time Swift recognized that England was also small in stature but was dominant force and had a great influence in Europe. England, despite its small size, had the potential to defeat any nation that might try to conquer them. Swift relates this situation with the Lilliputians. They only stood six inches tall but had the power to take on the, "ManMountain", Gulliver. The ability of the Lilliputians to capture someone ten times their size can be seen as reinforcing their strength as a small nation, such as England. Thus becoming and remaining a great and powerful country. Swift's personal life surfaced when Queen Anne represented the Lilliputian Empress. She was
ability to visualize as quickly as possible. It depends on the country and area, but usually each year aviation schools enroll only about 10 to 20 air traffic controllers. In Estonia, to get a free spot in college, you must make the top eight. There are also some places for scholarships. Each year hundreds of students want to do as well as possible on their exams, because the competition is very high and fierce to get a place in these schools. It makes people to try harder and be more conscientious with things they try to accomplish. Since I already know what I want to do in the future, I have had time to think about things and prepare for this. I have taken college-level math, done a lot of research and now, I'm attending high school in the states to improve my English, so that I can speak it fluently. Nothing comes easy. The journey to become an air traffic controller will be